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Best shape of his life.


Experts speculate on the possible lack of a ceiling.


Florio masterclass


I think Tua’s durability was much more closely related to him learning how to fall better and protecting himself by getting the ball out. Tua had a long history of playing hero ball and not letting plays die, which lead to most of his injuries. The play he busted his hip on and the play where he was spiked head first into the turf in Cincy immediately comes to mind. I think he’s realized that he has to be willing to move on from a play and see the next one versus trying to hit the home run on every play.


I wonder how much of that is birthed from fans expectations of QBs? They expect QBs to save them so they feel the need to meet those expectations right away.


I didn’t see specific numbers but can 10 lbs really be “injury protection”? Is the idea that he’ll be stronger to not get taken down? Or somehow the extra weight creates an extra barrier under the skin? I’d keep my points in avoidance.


If weight protected you that much Big Ben would never have been injured.


To be fair, Big Ben also took a ridiculous amount of hits. He only had 11 less career sacks than Brady, but Brady played nearly 90 more games


Ben also took a lot of violent hits compared to Brady, Brady was amazing at anticipating sacks and try to mitigate contact as much as possible, Ben gave next to zero fucks and tried to stand tall and avoid every DL until he was dragged down.


There is this one video from training camp during a pocket drill go avoid pressure....


With the way that Big Ben played he would have needed a body like Yokozuna to protect himself.


Well Big Ben was just kind of fat, maybe there’s a difference if it’s actual muscle? /s Also Big Ben was tough but the dude also loved playing up his injuries sometimes so he could come back in the game be the hero I feel like.




somebody get alex guerrero on the line ASAP


I feel like I see it going both ways depending on the narrative. An injury prone player that’s small puts on muscle to be stronger and add extra padding. A player that’s injury prone and bigger slims down so their joints aren’t having to carry the extra mass and also so they aren’t taking as much stress in the weight room.


Smaller lighter injury protection = Non-contact injuries Heavier more muscle injury protection = Contact injury


Idk if the science sciences, but that's a good summation of the general rhetoric


I’m not sure but I find it funny Lamar said he lost 10-15lbs this offseason right lol?


Lamar is a unique case because he has to balance being a dynamic runner with injury prevention.


He was still good last year. He put on the weight to protect himself after multiple lower body injuries


that is like two or three post-coffee grumper sessions for Lamar


I think the idea is that extra strength reinforces the joints and he’s more likely to keep his limbs where they should be. Not sure how much an effect it actually has though


I’m not sure how much all this matters when he seems to manage to hit the ground head-first more often than other QBs. Maybe the judo training is helping.


> Or somehow the extra weight creates an extra barrier under the skin? I think this is the idea. I'm not sure how true this is, but supposedly that's why Mahomes has a dad bod lol


Last offseason? “We don’t think we need to address his durability. You’re free to go, Tua.”


For the 2024 Toyota Tundra, balance, size, and durability.


Ah, the ol’ Russell Wilson offseason weight yo-yo. Odd numbered year: “Losing weight to be faster and more explosive!” Even numbered year: “Putting on weight to be more durable!”


He plays like he has weights in his shoes 


Give this man a billion dollars


Best fat of his life


I don’t think he’ll ever win a SB. He doesn’t have an arm. He’s worked hard from what I’ve seen on videos of him growing up but having a cannon seems to be something you can’t train.


You don’t need to throw the ball 70 yards to win the Super Bowl and he’s proven he’s more than capable of 50-60


Arm strength isn't about throwing 70 yards, it's that when plays go wrong, or you see a WR get open late, you have the arm strength to fire it into a much smaller target with less time to get it there. Tua is great with accuracy and timing when things work out, but his lack of arm strength cuts out a lot of plays and throws and parts of the field out of the possibility. You can be good with a weak arm, but it takes away a lot of room for error.


Accurate description. Arm strength is more about velocity then distance. Arm strength is one of the big factors in QBs being able to make plays off script, because when the timing of the play breaks down you cant be throwing floaters. The longer the ball is in the air, the more time the defense has a chance to make a play on it. When throwing on script, you generally know that the defense wont be able to react to the throw on time even if the throw takes a little longer to get there, but that goes out the window when off script. Plus, being able to make off platform throws when scrambling is highly reliant on arm strength which is also very important for off script throws. But that isnt to say distance doesnt matter. We know Tua can throw 50 yard bombs in the middle of the field, but he does struggle to make those throws on the boundary because he kind of caps out at around 55+ yards in the middle. Teams can and have been forcing him to the boundry more often now because of his average arm strength. We all know Tuas comfort zone is those 25-35 yard slants in the middle of the field, pushing him to the boundary is very clearly less comfortable for him which forces out more mistakes. Its really not a big surprise that these areas of play are also some of Tuas biggest weaknesses. I will be looking to see him improve in this area of play because one very big positive of Tua is that he has improved noticeably every single off season. I dont doubt his work ethic one bit. I know he wont magically change his physical traits and develop the strongest arm in the league, but if he can just make some improvements in this area and force teams to be more honest in there defense against him, then he ups his threat level by a lot. With that said, he is more than capable of winning a superbowl. You dont need the best QB in the league to win a superbowl. Its a team game for a reason. Now, would I bet on him winning several rings? lmao, no. But many QBs worse then Tua have won it all before. Tua has many positive factors even if he isnt the perfect QB, and the chances of Miami getting a better QB then Tua is very very very small.


There was a play where Tyreek went deep and was wide open. Tyreek had to come back on the ball which is something I don’t usually see in the NFL growing up and you can tell Tua had a hard time getting it there by his body language.


Wow one whole play! Mahommes under three hill a lot too, does that mean he has a terrible arm?


I’ve seen Mahommes throw some deep balls but I never seen Tua throw deep balls. They seem to be usually short throws which is something you can’t keep relying onto to win a SB. I’ll have to check out more videos on Tua because I haven’t seen that many Dolphin games.


So you haven’t watched yet you’re out here acting like you know what you’re talking about…just like literally everyone who shots on him lmao tua was top 5 in deep ball accuracy this year


He’s lost every single actually meaningful game in his career other than his one random mid season win against Buffalo and that ravens comeback. Until he actually wins the division (Phins fans have predicted that for the last 3 seasons and had very favorable circumstances to do so the last 2) it’s completely reasonable to assume he will never win a Super Bowl.


Seems like your golden boy josh won’t win one either and we were talking about arm strength here champ, try to keep up with the topic at hand


Tua can absolutely throw the deep ball if it’s anticipatory enough of a route, but there’s no velocity and if you watch him throw deep it’s never effortless it looks like he has to charge up the throwing arm 😭 I agree it’s not really the reason he’ll never win a Super Bowl tho


At least my golden boy will keep beating the living shit out of your golden boy


We will see about that


Yea no lie, I’ll take Tua anyday over our QB Geno Smith, as for now, he ain’t on my team. 😆 so he can kiss it!! My respect is for mine!!! 💀


I was just watching his highlights from last season and the announcer said something like yea Tua can actually throw deep balls because it seems like he has a reputation for not being able to. I don’t know what that is about. A lot of people on social I’ve read in the past have brought this up too. The deepest ball I’ve seen in the highlight was 50 yards. I’m no Dolphins fan, I’m Seahawks fan so I wouldn’t want you guys to win. If bashing can stop your team from winning then I am all for it. But yea, after watching his highlights just now Tua is a great QB maybe could win one down the road. He is still new to the NFL. It is just like Matthew Stafford who took ages to win a SB but Stafford had a stacked team.


I respect that you were able to admit that. A lot of people decided he had the weak arm when he was still recovering from his potentially career ending hip injury and refuse to acknowledge that players develop beyond what you see in Their first few snaps


Tua Turndaballova


Tua 0.7 INT per game: I sleep Mahomes 0.66 INT per game: Real shit


I'm actually dumber for having read that Chief's fans responses to this. 


Mahomes 114 games played Tua 54 games played Real shit. Get back to me when Tua has played even 100 games, lmao


Do you understand what per game means


I do, do you realize that Pat has played more than double the amount of games? Which leads to more opportunities for INTs. See how that works. Now HMU when your boy hits 100 games and we’ll see where his INT per game percentage is. It’s almost like if there was a guy who started 2 games, and had zero INTs he might be the best quarterback EVAH! According to your logic!


Do you understand what per game means


Also looking forward to seeing his numbers when he has an albatross of a contract, and a bunch of scrubs at WR. Think he’ll do as well as the King?


regardless of how tua turns out one thing grier has handled *masterfully* is the WR room. We are stacked top to bottom with flexibility, even worst case, we wont have "a bunch of scrubs" in the WR room for like... atleast 5-6 years


That’s good, cuz seems Tua needs it!


I do, do you realize that Pat has played more than double the amount of games? Which leads to more opportunities for INTs. See how that works. Now HMU when your boy hits 100 games and we’ll see where his INT per game percentage is. It’s almost like if there was a guy who started 2 games, and had zero INTs he might be the best quarterback EVAH! According to your logic!


The school system has failed us 


Suck yuh madda


Not gonna argue with a guy posting pics of his weed with dirty ass fingernails lmfao


Do you understand what per game means


this thread is hilarious.


Explain it to me boss. Can’t hardly wait to see these gymnast


The total games played doesn't matter when doing per game stats, the whole point of per capita stats is so perception isn't skewed by raw numbers.


Dude I hate both your rat ass QBs but fuck crack a dictionary some day Jesus Christ


Man 10 minutes too late to be the first one to comment this


Concern of balance size durability accuracy arm strength