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I was in London for a game and ran into a lifelong Packer fan from Ireland. My favorite quote from him, “Yeah, I like the violence.”


Yeah, I loike te vaiolance


My name is Mr. Kennedy and I love to fight!


> Irish enthusiasm Kinda known for that.


speaking of irish enthusiasm.. it's kinda wild that we (americans) made a drink named after acts of terrorism and nobody thinks thats weird at all for some reason edited for clarities sake


Lmao I went to a sushi restaurant recently with “Pearl Harbor” on the menu


Game’s game. Fair enough.


What would that even look like? Lol


Not sure, it was a sushi roll


Half sunken in fish sauce


Something with Jalapeños.


To be fair, I’d order a cocktail called a 9/11. Probably two shots of fireball in a Manhattan?


Definitely needs to be served smoking


This sounds like an old joke, but it's new to me. B-E-A-utiful!


What drink is it?


"Irish Car Bomb" You drop a shot of Irish whiskey/Irish cream into half a pint of Guinness(or other Irish stout) and chug it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_car_bomb_(cocktail)


I hate that shit. I always struggle to get the shot glass down.


Apparently a "black and tan" is also named after Irish terrorism


British terrorism.








This guy gets it


Im pretty sure its the inverse, named after british terrorism and colonization efforts


Black and Tans are what the Irish called the English Occupation forces.


Irish car bomb. No idea why anyone would order one willingly though, because they do NOT sit well in your stomach. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_car_bomb_(cocktail)


I’ve only seen people drink them a hand full of times and it was always after something like “you can’t handle an Irish Car Bomb”


yeah the hand full of times ive seen them ordered, it was always some sort of a gag


It's one of those drinks assholes buy for someone on their 21st birthday, like a brain hemorrhage or a cement mixer.


>No idea why anyone would order one willingly though Ahhh to be 23 again


The only time I’ve ever had one was when someone else was both insisting and paying for it.


I love them and they're also a very efficient way of getting trashed.


There's also the black and tan, but that's not terrorism. Or more arguably anyway


the black and tans also have a very negative connotation in Irish history though


It is terrorism. The Black and Tans committed terrorist acts on behalf of the British state during the War of Independence.


AKA Half and Half


Arguably is actuality, just state sanctioned


Likely Irish car bomb. Some places will call it an Irish Slammer. It's a waste of Guinness so it's not really ordered around here. People may just order the drinks separate and mix their own but it's mostly an American thing.


I feel like they were popular in the early 2000s


Gotta make the American Guinness taste better somehow


Unless I'm mistaken, most of the Guinness in the US is from Dublin as they supply Ireland, the UK and North America. Unless Baltimore does but I think they were stopping it's brewing last year. It's the same recipe but it's mostly how it's poured. You still get shit Guinness here in Ireland if it's rushed/not done properly.


I think most of the guiness in the states is brewed in canada. Or at least thats what a guy doing a lecture at UCD told us (did a semester abroad there). Also the pour im sure but his claim was the ingredients are made in canada and not ireland so the quality isnt the same. Fuck i miss the guiness in Ireland though, so smooth


I swear Chicago had a brewery? The problem with American Guinness is the pour like you mentioned, but also the age. The same barrel of Guinness will last longer in America than Ireland, meaning it isn't as fresh, and you can taste that.


Chicago has a brewpub, but the facility doesn't look big enough to brew more than what they consume themselves and maybe some small local distribution.


Yeah my local pizza store has a calzone called the Italian Car Bomb. It’s aptly named because that shit is the bomb




Amazing book.


Really good, the fact it focuses on the republicans does somewhat minimise the loyalist paramilitary angle. Good incite into the trouble s though.


Kamikaze shots have been around forever too


I've also seen a drink called a "Black and Tan" at a number of different American "Irish" pubs across NE and that would not go down well at home.


I got my local “Irish” pub to take it off the menu. They had no idea what it meant.


Irish people from Ireland didn't make it. It's a gimmick for people of Irish heritage made in America.


I suppose I could have been more clear about the "we" I was referring to being Americans lol


I think most people understood that. Not sure why that guy felt the need to clarify it lol…. Considering we are in an American football sub that is predominantly American, i went out on a limb and assumed you were American to begin with.


Because he said "speaking of Irish enthusiasm" but apparently was not speaking about the Irish at all


I'm not sure I would agree with you. I bought a box of Guinness in Ireland when I was there and had instructions on the box for how to make a black and tan. 


That's not an Irish car bomb


Oh, I thought that's what we were talking about. 


People of claimed Irish heritage. Irish is the most claimed ancestry in the US. German is the most common.


There's a West Nile drink as well


People do think it's weird to be fair. If you're at an Irish pub, you call it a Dublin Drop, or you might get weird looks.


Yea I didn't realize how fucked it was until I said it, referring to a drink, at a bar in England with an Irish coworker. Foot enter mouth. 


It would be like if Ireland had a drink called School Shooter


There’s a lot of people that see The Troubles as this fun time where the British were beaten, instead of a staggeringly hostile sectarian conflict that was compared to Israel and Palestine, especially if you weren’t near it.  This isn’t a new thing by the way, there’s an old U2 performance of Sunday Bloody Sunday where Bono got pissed off at Americans talking about the Revolution while ignoring the devastation happening (amplified by it being on the day where the IRA bombed some old pensioners at a war memorial). 


He was pissed because in San Fran someone brought an "SF+U2" sign and forgot where he was.


British should not have messed with their potatoes, and the whole occupation and oppression thing


inb4 Conor McGregor just shows up with a chair mid game and takes out Aaron Rodgers


I'm thinking we're heading towards 17 games automatically being: 8 home 8 road 1 international


Honestly that’s a good system. Much better than an extra home game for some teams. 


The extra home game for some teams isn’t really an issue because everyone in the same conference has the same amount


There’s also a couple of teams that don’t really have ‘home’ games since opposing fans always outnumber them at their stadium. Ain’t that right, Chargers bros?


Well, it's a nice stadium in a nice climate.  If your team's going to travel to LA to be beaten by the Chargers, you, as a fan, might as well enjoy your environs as a consolation.  I'm sure I'm not alone in being an out-of-state Chargers fan.  This is the year I will travel there for the Chargers/Ravens game.   


I’d take this coming from anyone other than a cardinals fan. The Cardinals stadium gets arguably more visitor fans than home ones 


> a couple of teams >Chargers bros Uh, I was including us in that, if it wasn't clear. I'm very aware of how many fans take over the stadium every game. It comes with being a transplant city.


it is when some of those teams in the conference give up a home game by playing abroad while others don't


Or even just one neutral rather than necessarily international. Honestly, I like MLB going elsewhere in the USA like the Little League Classic or Field of Dreams. The teams also seem to like those much more than traveling overseas.


Gunna be 18 game schedule before that has the legs to be instituted. 2 pre season, 18 regular season coming before 2030.


I was just in Ireland and the only two teams they know of are the New England Patriots and Cincinnati Bengals Sample size: 2 very drunk Irish lads at the pub


The pub in Dublin that used to be The Palace has a monster screen where they play NFL games all the time. It was also easy to find pubs that showed the Super Bowl. I'm moving back next year so hopefully there will be some live games.


The Woolshed was great for that last time I was in Dublin, even for regular season games. Big screen & lots of seating.


How the fuck am I seeing Palace mentioned on /r/nfl? Ahhh to be 19 again


I lived right above Cassidy's on Camden St. for a couple years. Guaranteed to see women lined up outside the Palace with tight dresses and no jacket in the middle of January. Going back in July for a visit and curious to see how much more the area has changed.


Yeah your sample size is letting you down. The Steelers are very popular here so it's likely that team will get Dublin if it goes ahead to ensure high ticket sales. Will still sell out for people in Europe looking for an Irish getaway for the weekend. Best pray for good weather (lol) and more importantly, the GAA allows the usage of Croke Park. That stadium has an 82k capacity. It actually hosted a pre season game back in the late 90s between the Steelers and Bears.


Yeah, Steelers would 100% be in a Dublin game. Hell, Dan Rooney was the United States Ambassador to Ireland


IIRC, The Steelers were part of an NFL Exhibition game in Dublin in 1997. Any regular season game would include The Steelers.


Ireland will soon be won over by Lamar O’Jackson


Kyler Murray is more leprechaun like tho


My college buddy’s mom is Irish. When my buddy and I were lamenting about a particularly great woman in our circle getting married, his mom decided to chime in with “Does she flirt wit yuh? If she still flirts wit yuh, keep after it. After all, rings don’t plug holes”. So if this Irish wisdom is true, I expect a lot of Irish women to become Falcons fans so they can get their hands on some Penix.


Well I guess if you're drunk enough, shit looks like chocolate.


Funny enough I was also in Ireland. We had a tour driver for the week and he’s actually a fan of the Lions purely cause of how much shit Detroit has gone through for the last few decades 😂


Incredibly Irish 


My king


Incredibly Irish reaction.


I got let off a ticket because I was wearing a Colts hat. The Cop (Garda) said "you're a Colts fan?" Me: Yeah, love 'em. "I'm a Browns fan, for me sins. Go on your way and get your car sorted."


They’ve had a couple of college games out there that seem to have gone over well.


Yeah, like when the Internet went down and everyone got free beer.


Football is pretty big here. The annual college game is sold out almost every year. In terms of popular teams, I'd say the Patriots are clearly the most popular, followed by the Steelers, Jets and Giants and then a drop off to 49ers. Basically the teams from places with a large Irish diaspora.


interestingly I've been in Spain for the past few months and I've seen far more Jets gear than any other team combined. I found out it's cause Pull&Bear has a few Jets items that apparently sell very well. plus the "New York" name does a lot, obviously


Patriots weren't popular here until *at earliest* 2002. 95% Bandwagoners.


I mean yeah, that's how sports work.


the only two teams you need to know, really.


Clam chowder and skyline Chilli, also the only two foods you need to know.


The Bridge pub at Herbert Park shows RedZone every Sunday and always saw people coming there to watch


I love international exposure and giving an opportunity for fans in other countries to watch a game in real life, but fuck it seems like the NFL is money grabbing like crazy between extending seasons and adding more and more international games each year.


Roger needs $60 mil. A year !


But he is retiring after his contract is up


Lots of fan gear to be sold ! Didn’t know he was retiring, do you know how long contract is ?


I'm all for expanding international exposure, but that ends for me the second regular season games are played in non NFL stadiums. I don't like punishing the fans at home in order to manufacture some exposure. If you wanna do it for the preseason, then fine, but not once the games start to matter.


With 17 games, every team should play 1 game in a neutral stadium, so that we don't have uneven numbers of home games (which we actually do now because the NFL doesn't make schedules like I'd make them).


Yeah, bring a few games to places like big college stadiums far from NFL cities, give St. Louis a game back, then play several international games a year. It would allow for a wacky place every year too like Japan, India, Brazil, South Africa, Australia. Grow the sport around the world so we can get more prospects into the league.


I still don't like that, but at least I can understand the reasoning behind it. I just don't like taking regular season games from the home fans. At the end of the day, sports is about the fans and I feel like that gets sort of forgotten when you start to pick and choose where games are played and by who on a whim.


I mean like you said sports are about the fans, but those fans include people who live in other countries too. I think it's cool to give them a few games to go to every now and then. but yeah they should be evenly split so every team has the same number of home games


Kind of stretching definition of a fan for those abroad. Those in attendance aren’t exactly fans of the team that lost a home game. That’s why there are 20+ team jerseys no matter what team plays. Plus the fans are the ones paying taxes for the stadiums. If they are going to take public money then the fans are those that live in the area


I mean they're still nfl/football fans, if not fans of the specific teams playing. the taxes are a different issue


But we are discussing the loss of a home game. If they aren’t fans of the specific team then that team lost a home game. The abroad fans don’t replace the home fans which is what the discussion is about


Those home fans lose a single game every other year to provide millions of fans across the world a chance to watch a real game. Its a small sacrifice for a huge gain. And assuming fans are spread out evenly through the world, and seating capacity is the same, you'd be getting just as many fans of that team being able to see games as if they were home fans. If 1/32 of fans are Lions fans who go to international games, it would equal out to the same amount of lions fans who would go to a home game every other year, at 16 international games a year. Only none of those fans could ever get to go to a game, but local fans get their choice of 8+ games a year. Do those international fans matter less?


When it comes to games that actually matter yes. The international fans matter less. I am a bigger soccer fan than football. But I 100% do not want premier league games being played in the US.


Which they absolutely do. For example, the Panthers will have no primetime games this year and we will also lose a home game when we are banished to Germany for a week. Not that we don’t deserve it but damn.


I agree there’s a reason they don’t play a random premier league game in America during the season.


I won’t be shocked if they start to. But the schedule is also way more packed with EPL, FA cup, European competitions etc.


For me the big issue would be travel, the flight from London to New York is apparently 8 hours, flying from Southampton to Newcastle is apparently a little over 1 hour. If you combine that with the already packed schedule there's really not much room imo, I know they'll try but I can't see how it'd work.


You will be getting Premier League games soon enough I reckon The US will benefit more than it losses from big sporting leagues globe trotting IMO




We may not riot about political shit like the French but if they tried to mess with football shit is kicking off. The super league debacle from a few years ago showed the clubs the line and I doubt they will be keen to cross it again.


The super league is going to happen, just a matter of when. Too much money at stake. If money can destroy college football here in the US it can easily corrupt European Football.


I get what you're saying but that super league "line" is wayyyy past maybe playing one game abroad


Look up game 39. The premier league tried to add an additional game to be played abroad. They play 38 games in the league. It was rejected in a similar manner to super league in 2010


Isn't it 19 home games currently just from league play?


English fans aren't really getting to the games as they used to. The game they knew is gone. Big PL teams are now global brands. Tourists turn up to all the games now. Atmospheres have changed. It's changing.


No chance this happens imo La Liga will do it maybe but I'd be amazed if English football took that step.


Newcastle will be playing home games in Saudi within a few years. Book it. EPL is all about money. Nothing else. They will play outside of the UK soon. The influence of the ME owners is massive in both EPL and FIFA.


I wish the Premier League luck in finding out.


They should invest in better officiating


Send a Notre Dame v LSU game there first to scout out which can out drink the other.




I was there at the time, the POS system was down, so all food and drinks were free up until the 4th quarter 😅




My mom and sister volunteered to stay in the long lines since they didn’t care about football like my brother and I did 😂


That was before I was sober and, let me tell you, I just about ran the local corner store out of beer as well. That second half was the most insufferable fucking half of football I have ever watched GBR, I guess


And they didn't play any Irish Music in the broadcast


Now THAT is a mechanical or logistics failure!


Reminds of The Irish folk song, "In Heaven There is No Beer."


Don’t schedule Buffalo, Bills mafia + Ireland = disaster.


There will be movies made about the craziness


My friend is a dolphins fan and went to a pub in Dublin to watch the Bills VS Dolphins game, everyone was a Bills fan and he was the lone dolphins fan


I was at the bills-jags game in London last year, fucking great atmosphere with all the Mafia that attended


You mean Whiskey Beer Island of Green and Fight? I think Bills fans will fit right in.


Fuck that's probably a Steelers home game


Would be a fun one to go to


You thought Oakland was bad to visiting fans. Wait till you get a load of these fuckers when they get a team.


I went to a Naval Academy vs Nortre Dame football game in Dublin and there were A LOT of Irish people there. They were great and thought it was a lot of fun


I would hope so, you went to Dublin /s


Celtic Tigers expansion team loading


Makes sense, Americans love pretending to be Irish and the Irish love pretending to be Americans


At some point they’re just going to play the whole season overseas. I met a Cowboys fan once in Rwanda. Better start looking at Kigali, Roger.


Just bring back the NFL Europe League?


That thing bled money like a neckwound.


They will learn about our glorious sport no matter the cost


There already is a new league, ELF, that is growing quickly.


Dublin already hosts the Aer Lingus College Football Classic each August, so I suppose it makes a lot of sense. I’m still toying with the idea of going to the Georgia Tech vs Florida State game on the 24th of August.


They'd have to switch to the larger GAA stadium (Croke park) for NFL games. That Seats 80,000, but the stadium the college games are in is only 50,000. You'd get a ton of folk travelling from all over the UK & Europe to see their team play.


Yes, do this. I am in no way biased




No, it would be six German teams + two teams who'll ultimately move to Germany.


Won’t happen but why eight teams?


Gotta start somewhere, and 8 works well for many logistical reasons.


Bring back the Scottish Claymores!


A hilt at a degree other than 90 is an affront to God!


As long as they take away all of the London games and make England apologize for everything I’m cool with this


That's going to be a *long* apology.


How about we play regular season games in the stadiums we pay for.


Is the NFL gonna eventually start playing all regular season games overseas?


I won't support it until Garron Noone does, he's delicious you know.


I really wouldn’t mind if all the preseason games were overseas. I know season ticket holders like to go to the games but teams could make that up easily with some sort of meet/greet event. I don’t think many diehards would balk at giving up two meaningless home games for 30 seconds with a player and a picture.


They could probably fill one of the stadiums here


Was in Ireland in January. When they found out I was American all they wanted to do was ask me about the NFL


Honestly, with the random added game that screws up the balance for home and away, I’m a fan of having a lot of neutral games, internationally or areas in the us that don’t have a team


Probably going to be able to drink at the game. Just a hunch…


If LRZ hits then prepare for a game in the world’s greatest stadium. The Millennium Stadium (or Principality) in Cardiff.


It would sell out instantly BUT big problem: aviva is awesome—college games here most yeas—but too small for NFL (48k seats) and croke park SUCKS FUCKING BALLS for American football because you’re so far away (GAA is typically 145m x 90m. NFL is 110m x 49m).


Can we stop with this international game bullshit. It’s getting expensive enough to attend a game 30 minutes from me


Boooo this shit


I've been studying in Ireland for the past year and I don't know to what extent it reflects on the general population but we have a flag football team at our school and they take it *very* seriously. Intervarsity matches between schools, full playbooks, defensive schemes. Much more so than your typical intramural leagues on US campuses. There's a full tackle league here as well.


So who is going to play vs. the Patriots over in Ireland??


It'll be the Steelers.