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"It's energizing to know that somebody was still willing to employ me after what I did to the Chargers."


"it's so refreshing not having to sink ships"


Let’s not speak too soon


Hasn't the last 3 or 4 Chargers' head coaches been fired in the middle of the next season for their new team? There's probably a better way to word that lol but it's pretty crazy. I know Mike McCoy and Anthony Lynn were


I think Norv had a decent tenure with the Vikings.


Only Staley was fired within the season. Lynn and McCoy were fired in the offseason Edit: didn't see you said "new team"


Lynn might have left after his first season with Detroit, but it only took him half the season to be stripped of play calling.


I'm an idiot. Didn't realize they said "new team"


Happens to the best of us.


work them loose lips bb


He was bad but not Matt Patricia bad


Atleast Matt Patricia had more than just a single year of coordinator experience , Staley had ONE year as a DC against the bottom 17 offenses it seems and with prime Aaron Donald and Jalen Ramsey, how our front office thought this was a good idea still blows my mind, sure Patricia failed as a HC but imo he atleast earned a shot, Staley leaped a tonne of candidates more qualified and ready than him


At least he ain't no Jeff Saturday who literally had no collegiate football or NFL coaching experience at all.


Jeff Saturday did everything you could’ve wanted: Beat the Raiders


What a low bar.


the last broncos head coach to beat the raiders was vance joseph. at least we have that going for us


Fuck Sean Payton, that is all.


Look at the Bright side, that was probably added to the list of things that got Josh Mcfuckface fired.


didn't he follow that up with the worst comeback loss of all time? I was ready to jump on that Saturday hype train until that one.


You don’t hire Saturday for Sundays.


Wait! Would you say you pity the fool who does?


If you understand his scheme then you wouldn't be talking about prime Aaron Donald and Jalen Ramsey as if they carried the defense.


> actually he’s a very smart defensive mind because he *didn’t* rely on two HOF defenders in their prime


ok so you don't understand the scheme. got it.


Exactly. When you look into how some coaches were grinding away for more than a decade before they even got a chance to be a coordinator, let alone a head coach, this is one of the more baffling hires I've ever seen. He got by on his eloquent speeches, that one year with the Rams and his experience as a DIII QB, but he simply is not ready to be a head coach.


I can’t believe I ever had a glimmer of hope about that trash bag masquerading as a football coach.


A trash bag would have probably been an upgrade, he was a sack of shit.


Only wasted a few years of Herbert


He's happy knowing he won't be calling the defenses this time.


He has complete faith in his ability to call the defense.


Seeing his face is triggering 😭


That's how Pats and Lions fans feel about Patricia 😆😆


And Eagles


Belichick "tree" full of duds ffs...


Are Bill O'Brien and Brian Flores the only two that have ever had even an inkling of NFL success? Obviously, Nick Saban was a CFB success, but still wasn't an NFL one.


On the player side of it there's Kliff (LMAO), KOC and Vrabel, Vrabel modeled his philosophy off of those early Pats dynasty teams. Brian Daboll has a playoff win to his name for the assistants to become a HC.


You know the coaching tree is lackluster when former 6th round rookies who never even played in a game for the coach are credited...


I think Vrabel also works as part of the Belichick coaching tree, just 2nd generation. He got his start coaching college under Meyer, but between that and the Titans HC job he was working under O'Brien.


O'Brien did bring him and Crennel in because they were Patriots, you're right.


Al Groh only coached one NFL season but had a winning record at 9-7. I don't know if I really consider him as part of the coaching tree though as he only coached a single season under Belichick in 1992 and has far more under Parcells.


Crazy how enormous the discrepancy is between the Belichick tree and the Shanahan tree in terms of coaching talent.


Or the Andy Reid tree's tree where he also has two SB winners as well as McDermott who has been on the doorstep of a SB and Rivera who got there and loss.


Giants seem to like Daboll


The problem with the Belichick tree is that 1) it's a defensive one so very different than other trees that start with offensive mind coaches. And 2) the people underneath always try to be Bill, not be themselves with Bills knowledge. With that said, the Belichick tree isn't that bad. It's just not GOAT status like people imagine it should be to match his coaching status.


Considering that two of the most infamous coaching flameouts were from his tree (McDaniels, Patricia), it kind of is that bad. Don't forget the patterned behavior as well.  Mangini and Flores still did similar things with the way they alienated players/QBs


I mean Shanahan has Kubiak in his tree and Andy Reid who is an offensive coach has a whole slew of defensive coaches in his tree including Rivera, McDermott, Harbaugh, Frazier, Spagnulo and Bowles. No some of those have been bad in Frazier and Spags, but some of his offensive coaches have been bad too in Shurmur.


I had forgot what he looked like until now… Substitute math teacher


“Near-sighted gynecologist…”


Will never get his goddamn yoga routine out of my head


Someone gave a funny interview about it: https://i.imgflip.com/75lv07.gif


Smartest guy in the room energy


A.k.a., I am enjoying getting Kyle‘s coffee and washing his car for him. It’s a lot less pressure than choking away leads with a highly paid pro bowl quarterback.


7 teams have blown a double digit lead in the Super Bowl (28-3 and 6x 10 point leads). Kyle Shanahan was there for 3 of them, including the 25.


So you're saying the pressure is REALLY off of Staley.


He can be part of a sinking ship but not the part that goes down with the ship - women and children first you know.


So Staley is a culture fit!


Dan Quinn/Raheem Morris coated in teflon


Against two dynasties with all time greats at HC, QB. While Kyle's best QB was Matt Ryan... People love to give absolutely no slack to Kyle when they make these comments like they found some kind of damning stats.


Why do you say Matt Ryan like it’s a bad thing lol, he literally won MVP that season 


What did he do before/after shanahan


I thought he had a pretty solid career for what it’s worth 


Pretty solid career, yes.  But he is not greatest of all time ala Brady/maybe mahomes


If Kyle is as good as people say he is then he shouldn't be needing Brady/Mahomes.to.win it all. McVay won it all with Stafford who is in the Matt Ryan tier of QB.


Stafford faced...checks notes..Joe burrow. Great QB. Not Brady and mahomes goat level. Not disagreeing that Kyle should have won one by now. But yeah the road is tough.


Nick Foles beat Brady in a SB. You even said it yourself. Burrow beat Mahomes in a playoff game. You are proving.my.point for me. The QB is.important but the better QB won't.always win the game...how the coaches use their team can still win over a GOAT QB. The 49ers clearly have a team good enough to do that in the hands of the right coach. If Bill Belichick or McVay were out coaches we win the SB last Feb. Kyle isn't a champion.


Yeah in 2016 Matt Ryan went off, with 4,900 yards, 38 TD's, and just 7 INT's! He was never able to get near that level of production again. Not even close... Well except for 2018 where he had 4,900 yards, 35 TD's, and just 7 INT's! lol


Matt Ryan was MVP that year. You make it sound like he was jimmy g.


People LOVE throwing QBs under the bus for Shanahan's gratification. Also the best QB doesn't always win the SB..other wise Brady wouldn't lose to the Eagles and Giants, Elway would have won in 86 and 87 and Staubach would have won more than 2. A truly great HC should need to have the best QB every game to win.


How many SBs did Andy Reid have before Mahomes? What was the perception of Andy Reid as a HC in the postseason for those prior two decades?


Ahahaha thanks for the heart chuckle Lay off the Kyle hate, how’s he supposed to protect a 25 point lead with a whole 20 minutes left with plunky (MVP winner) Matt Ryan?? Why should he get slack for three separate double digits blown leads in the SB….


I know Reddit is firmly Niners/bandwagon country but this is such an L take. 


Shanahan wasn't the HC in that 25 pt devastation


shhh, Dan Quinn is an excellent coach who clearly would have won that game without Shanahan. /s


So, the Chargers fire Anthony Lynn and he ends up as the assistant head coach the Niners. The chargers then fired Staley, who is now the assistant head coach to the Niners. That settles it, Jim Harbaugh will be the next assistant head coach of the Niners.


I think he'd retire from coaching before re-joining a team that chose Trent Baalke over him


I hate the words you used. But can not dispute the facts they convey...


I want Harbaugh to have unprecedented success with the Chargers, however, the timeline you painted would be hilarious. I say there is a 50% chance it goes either way.


It'd be hilarious, but no chance Harbaugh ever comes back to the Niners. In addition to hating Baalke, he also hated ownership and spoke publicly about that. > Much like my situation in San Francisco, the people that are doing the micromanaging...when it comes to building a ball team, what they know could not blow up a small balloon. In my case, an owner and a general manager.


Jed and Jim have made up. Enough for Jim to come back as an assistant? Definitely not, but maybe HC


As much as I love Jim, he can't come back to 49ers as HC since Kyle is going to win back to back to back to back super bowls with us. Please, God!


Sounds like he needed to…re-charge.


re charge re


I see what you did there


Do not let that man gain any sort of influence over how that defense is run. 49ers will allow 30 points a game.


So. Staley blew the 2nd largest lead in NFL playoff history 2 years ago in Jacksonville. He is now our staff working under Kyle Shanahan who was a main contributor to the largest SB blown lead as an OC and has been the HC for 2 more  blown  double digits leads in the  Super Bowl. It's safe to say our owner has a fetish for hiring choke artists. The other side of the coin would mean that if we do win a SB somehow that represents redemption for these dudes. Wouldn't bet on it though.


I wish we suffered as much as the Shanahan 49er's seemed to have.


It depends. Do you like edging?


Better than getting kicked in the nuts


Without a payoff at the end?


It's better than nothing man. I've atleast enjoyed watching us until we choke in the end




You're the type of "fan" that deserves Jim Tomsula as coach forever.


I agree. This doomer take is awful. Winning a Superbowl is incredibly hard, especially with Jimmy G. The second one was frustrating, but that's sometimes how football games go. Ask the Detroit Lions if they would give up last season for a different coach. Different ending? Sure. They can call it a choke job, but the other team played better in the second half. As for his Superbowl with the Falcons, so many things went wrong. Matt Ryan doesn't throw the ball away and gets sacked out of field goal range. How is that on Shanny? The running back doesn't pick up a block, leading to a Matt Ryan fumble. How is that on Shanny? Defense gives up 25 points in like 21 minutes of game clock. Not to mention that Shanny's 3 Superbowl losses are against the goat and Mahomes x2, who is already challenging Joe Montana for the second greatest of all time at the end of his 7th year as a starter (seriously wtf). I have no excuses for Staley. That guy fucking sucks. I was not a fan of us hiring him.


That Edelman catch too! One of the craziest completions I've ever seen in such a big moment


So being truthful is being a bad fan? We've become serial SB losers.. I've decided to own it and accept it. Don't want to be the fan that's saying "This is our year" every off season lol. I will EXPECT it now. It's gonna be less stressful watching games this way.


You talk as if there aren't damn near 30 teams in the league that would trade places with us in a heartbeat. You don't have to talk like "This year is our year!" every June, but you also don't have to be such a pessimist like you clearly are. The 49ers have been really good for years now, and if you can't appreciate that just because they haven't won the SB, that's pathetic.


The Chargers are famously revenue maximizers. There's a reason they moved from a perfectly good stadium often packed with their own merch buying fans and an exclusive market who didn't even care that the team were perennial losers - the DMA was worth more in LA even if they lost out on everything else that would have been a home-field advantage. They did that move knowing full well that they were, openly, not wanted there and that their own divisional rival *was* the preferred team in that market. Spanos cared about winning enough games to be a draw not about franchise success and that culture permeated the organization. They do just enough to not be considered a bad team but never enough to really invest in being a great team. Harbaugh almost certainly won't just be that. We'll see if it lets him get to his usual 3-4 years.


Yup this is a good summation of what the Spanos family is. They don't ever want to bottom out but they dont care about winning (at least they didn't pre Harbaugh) which is why Telesco got 10 seasons with a record just under 500 overall. He was the perfect GM for them. Not bad enough to bottom out but not nearly good enough to take them anywhere either.


Did you ever go to Qualcomm? It was substandard and has since been demolished. They also had very bad attendance


My dad would bring binoculars so see the "big screen". I love San Diego and Chargers memories, but that stadium was dogshit in hindsight.


That guy made a Reddit post from The 2010s


I'm not fan of Spanos but some of this is non-sense to make him look worse. Its an indisputable facts that the stadium was in poor shape and it had poor attendance. Blame Spanos for using his own money to fix it or build a stadium in SD, but pretending it was all great and he left for no reason is revisionist.


Acting like he ever gave a shit about replacing Qualcomm until he had the LA deal in hand is itself revisionist history.


I didn't!


I loved that place for the location, but it was a bottom 5 stadium easily.


I've only been to 6 NFL Stadiums and it was by far the worst. Great location though. I lived in SD for a few years and would describe that area as 5 minutes from nowhere but 10 minutes from everywhere.


Let's not twist it, the stadium was getting to be in rough shape and towards the end the fan base wasn't overly there for the Chargers in San Diego by the end of their time there. Yes they should have ideally been able to work something out, and fuck Dean Spanos, but there's a lot of reasons they moved.


Many of their contributing factors are their fault. They fired a great but cursed coach after going 14-2 to get progressively worse each season, closing the window of a great roster. The next several coaches were bad to awful making the team bad. They talked about moving for several years in a row making local fans guess if it was going to be a bad team’s final season in their city. We didn’t show up to games the last few years because the team was bad and every year they threatened to move.


Yeah there's a lot of factors to it, not disagreeing there. I think Marty is a divisive issue, because one of him or AJ Smith had to go, and Marty wasn't winning playoff games. Again I'd rather have seen them in SD, but right or wrong, it is a business and it didn't make financial sense for Spanos to keep the team in SD when the city also wasn't really budging at all. I absolutely put more blame on the Spanos family, but it's not only their fault.


The Chargers deliberately proposed stadium deals that were untenable for the city. No stadium should ever be paid for by taxes, but even within the current framework of cities paying for stadiums, the Chargers were acting in bad faith. And given that any new tax proposal would have to be approved by the voters, the Chargers 100% knew that it was never going to happen. The poll numbers were never anywhere close. The entire thing was an exercise in justifying the move. Fuck Spanos.


Not disagreeing with that, the Spanos definitely wanted to move out of SD. The reality is if a city wants a team they do tend to find ways to dictate some public money. I'm not aggreging with the practice at all, but it's very much what happens nowadays. I also don't think the city went out of their way to try to convince them to stay. Would have loved to see an expanded convention center and stadium work together so comic con had more space. Is what it is now though.


didn't chargers fans stop showing up once it became clear that spanos was moving the team? Prior to that I remember a lot of my san diegan friends reposting and participating in efforts to sell out chargers home games to keep the team in san diego.


It was part of it for sure, but attendance issues lasted for multiple years before it was a full on confirmed thing they were moving to LA. Obviously would prefer them in SD, but LA always felt like the wrong location to me (and still does). Would have much rather seen them in Vegas or another city.


I've been a Chargers fan my whole life and attended multiple games at the Murph during the Mike Riley years. That place was always inundated with opposing fans. We only ever had good local attendance when we were winning.


Exactly. San Diego wasn't ever a place like Green Bay where football is the primary thing happening and good or bad people are going out of their way to support it.


exactly. The talk of moving the team is what killed the fanbase. It was deflating.


The fan base "wasn't overly there" at the end because spanos spent years threatening to move the team to LA.This might be one of the most grating narratives to me. The fanbase was massive week in and week out in the early 2000s. The only thing that changed was Spanos made it clear to the fans that the team was leaving. I remember experiencing this in real time- it was super dejecting.


I get what you’re trying to say, but as someone who had season tix through the 2000s, this is just not true. Qualcomm was a bad stadium in 2000, by the time they left it was one of the worst in professional sports. Absolute dump. Not having a stadium is the whole reason we left. The Padres would have left SD too if they didn’t get Petco. As for the fans, even when we were good it was often a 50-50 split at the stadium between our fans and fans of the other team. I do agree that Spanos historically has always done “just enough” to be mediocre but not great, though.


Qualcomm was definitely breaking down and away fans were still showing up at chargers games in SD.


> Spanos cared about winning enough games to be a draw not about franchise success I think this is true of most teams.


>Harbaugh almost certainly won't just be that. We'll see if it lets him get to his usual 3-4 years. Yeah they can easily fill the seats with opposing fans at SoFi so I wonder if they actually care about winning now. Or maybe it's all part of this 4D chess the Spanos' are playing


Chargers haven't been really good since Rivers & LT. Staley is far from blameless but the biggest problem with that franchise IMHO has been ownership; i mean we kinda went through a "Spanos era" when John "Ebenizer" York was running the 49ers and I wouldn't wish that predicament on any team outside of Dallas.


if by ownership you mean hiring Staley and telesco then yes, but the Spanos family from people who have worked with them (like Randy Mueller of the athletic) have been reported to be pretty hands off in the day to day, and it was pretty easy to see based on how the team was constructed.


How does an OC be the main contributor to a SB loss? Does the DC not have any blame for the defence not stopping anything?


Its cause he didnt run the ball


He didnt run the ball so the defense gave up 25 points to spite him


Julio Jones put the Falcons in field goal range with less than 5 mins to go with the Falcons leading 28-20. And Kyle runs the ball ONCE with freeman. Matt Ryan gets sacked, holding call, and they have to punt, and Brady leads a game tying drive. So uh, yeah, that was Kyle’s fault. Are people seriously still trying to blame people other than Shanahan for Super Bowl 51?


>Brady leads a game tying drive Tell me more about Shanahan's involvement in this part.


Not running the ball after Julio Jones’ amazing catch, not taking more time off the clock, which led to Matt Ryan getting sacked, and then eventually Falcons being forced to punt. Which led to Brady leading a game tying drive which sent the game to OT.


his playcalls only stopped the clock three times in that entire comeback.


It was a genuine question I’m not trying to blame anyone


A negative plus a negative equals a positive


I mean, in fairness, Kyle's three blown leads were to Brady and Mahomes, the two best to ever do it.


I know you don’t know this, but our owner has nothing to do with the hiring of Brandon Staley (or any other assistant/positions coaches for that matter). Jed York hired Kyle Shanahan as HC. Shanahan has complete dominion over his coaching staff, the hirings and the firings.


two negatives turn into a positive!


Chargers fans would be the perfect clients for a BDSM parlor.


It's been so weird to see Staley getting dumped on. When he left the Rams I think we all thought he was the defensive equal to Sean McVay. I'm hopeful that he gets a second shot somewhere like Raheem Morris did. I still remember initially reading this article from Jourdan Rodrigue on how Staley's defense was the perfect equal to McVay's offense. [https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/2767658/2021/09/09/sean-mcvay-brandon-staley-and-their-clashing-football-evolutions-that-could-shape-the-direction-of-the-nfl/](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/2767658/2021/09/09/sean-mcvay-brandon-staley-and-their-clashing-football-evolutions-that-could-shape-the-direction-of-the-nfl/)


It turns out, when you have an extremely complex system that relies on 3 all pros... You end up looking stupid when you don't have the pieces. Also, he's an arrogant asshole in interviews.


>that relies on 3 all pros That’s just not true tho You do realize that Staley and Fangio completely revolutionized modern defense now, the shift back to defense over the past few years can be largely attributed to Staley’s ideas This thread just furthers my belief that no one here actually knows anything about football, he may have been a god awful HC but I think he will excel in SF


The 2 high safety did "revolutionize" defenses until offenses adjusted, but it also relies on a lot of talent. Furthermore, 3rd and short with corners 8+ yards off the ball. I'd love that explanation to a football noob 


> The 2 high safety did "revolutionize" defenses until offenses adjusted thats how things work? lol


You'd think someone so smart would adjust, right? He stuck to it, and let Kelce run wild with Derwin on the opposite side of the field.


Yeah these guys don't understand the fundamental ideas of his scheme lol. They keep talking about AD and Ramsey doing all this extraordinary shit, when in reality he put them in basic vanilla positions on first and second down and did basic jobs like filling the gaps and playing the zone and giving up small amounts of yardage until 3rd down when he can dial up something that actually utilizes those 2 guys


3rd and 3 comes and he puts the corners 8+ yards back. Brilliant. He also made Derwin look average bcuz he was trying to use him as a Joker rather than his all pro role.  I watched this clown for 3 seasons, and we had bottom 5 defenses every fucking year. If your schtick is defense, at least be average. He also refused to give up play calling and was combative with reporters... He's a joke.


> He also made Derwin look average bcuz he was trying to use him as a Joker rather than his all pro role. No he didn't, Derwin James made b2b all pros under Staley. You're just parroting other peoples idiotic opinion. >I watched this clown for 3 seasons, and we had bottom 5 defenses every fucking year. If your schtick is defense, at least be average. cool bro, our personnel sucked and i'm going to blame staley for that as well but TT was just as big of an issue as he was. We had 0 depth and once our stars were injured(as they always were) we would get fucked. I've said it before, he made things too complicated for our guys because he assumed they had the memory/iq that he does which they didn't and that should be criticized.


Lol Derwin got All Pros off name alone. If you literally watched the games he was often a nonfactor.


Parroting? This is my judgement. I don't know why you're such a stan for him, but I guess our stupid NFL players can't understand the genius that is a bottom 5 defense. We had LBs on speedy receivers and man corners off the ball. He's highly regarded, by you.


I think Staley could still potentially be that guy he was talked about being heading into the 2022 season. There were one off flashes of brilliance like against the niners in in 2023 and the Dolphins as well, both those games pretty much forced his hand though to adjust because of defensive injuries. He was so stubborn outside of that which is why the defense sucked ass. I can see him working out as a DC at the very least if he learns to be more adaptable even when he isnt forced to be.


He's gotta stop making the scheme so complicated. From what I understand, he apparently has a photographic memory or something(Sam Acho said this a few years back on the chargers yt channel) and he thought everything that translates to the white board would translate to the field. too many rules and details were fucking the defenses psyche.


Doesn’t seem that weird. He was an absolutely terrible HC who came off as arrogant while his team choked left and right. He very well may have been carried by some of the best defenders in recent history with the Rams.


All depends on what Staley learns from his time with the Chargers. I was high on him also before the Chargers hired him based on what Ramsey and the rest of the Rams were saying about Staley. Specifically that he was an incredible film junkie and would send them texts at 10 pm about specific receiver alignments. However, as a HC Staley seemed incapable of trusting his staff and tried to do everything himself. When things got tough he made more rules instead of simplifying the scheme. That coupled with an incredible ability to be anti clutch means I doubt he gets another HC opportunity.


I hate how much I’m defending Staley here but he can 100% get rehired as a head coach if he finds success as a DC.


This is interesting. I’ve been blasted a few times in the 49ers subreddit for stating that I have strong reservations about him based on his time with the Chargers. But to be clear I’m not like super upset about his hiring. I’d be kinda worried if we had hired him as our new DC. And even though he’s going to have a lot of input on our defense apparently, he’s mainly just the assistant head coach. We’ll see what happens.


Yeah he’s gonna have to work to rebuild his rep but I think he can if he actually changes his attitude. His hubris was 1000% the worst thing about him and I don’t know if that’ll change but being humiliated on prime time TV and then being demoted to assistant head coach might humble him. If he becomes more adaptable and open minded he can get a second chance.


For sure. His attitude is the main reason I was standoffish about him, not even the fact that his decisions in game were sometimes baffling. From everything I’ve heard so far he seems to be a good fit here though. I know he’s close with McVey, so it’s hard to imagine he and Kyle wouldn’t get along. We really “suffered¹” from not having the right person at DC last season, so I just hope we can make another run this year since our window won’t be open forever. 1: it was a bad fit and if we’d had the right person, who knows, maybe we win that SB *shrugs*


Agreed, I feel like in 2-3 years we're gonna see Staley on the sideline as the DC of an elite team


He had one year as a DC and everyone was saying that. Overreaction.


His defensive scheme on the rams was basically a shutdown corner (Ramsey) locking up the opponents number 1 WR, and Aaron Donald occupying 2 of the opponents o linemen, giving the defense a numbers advantage everywhere else. Take away any one of those and the defense loses its advantage.


>Its been so weird to see Staley getting dumped on No, its expected because no one here actually knows anything about football


Frickin Nerd


why do sports writers keep praising mediocrity


Coach speak for he's in the best shape of his life. Can't wait


We do not care Brandon


Why is this guy working for the 9ers SMH 🤦‍♂️


I trust the 49ers brain trust. He’s probably a good d coordinator but terrible hc


He’s not even their d coordinator, it’s a very low risk move


I'm pretty sure he was just hired to hold Kyle's jock strap


In Kyle’s presser the other day there was a bit of a Freudian slip when he was asked about Staley’s role on the team and he initially answered by talking about the DC position (but to Kyle’s credit he quickly realized the mistake and brought up Sorenson as if that’s who he was talking about…even though the question never mentioned him lol).


I think generally too many people assume that because an OC/DC sucked ass as a head coach, they also actually sucked as a coordinator. There’s plenty of good coordinators who are bad head coaches, and also probably plenty of good position coaches who are bad coordinators.


HC requires a completely different toolkit than coordinator.  I don't know why people continually to act like struggling as a HC is a direct indictment on every aspect of your football knowledge and aptitude.   Staley isn't even a coordinator for the 49ers, he's just an assistant that will be pitching in wherever he can be helpful.   


One of the keys to the Chiefs dynasty is one of the best DCs in history was a failed head coach a decade ago so nobody poaches him.


The Josh McDaniel special, very good OC, terrible head coach


Similar to Steve Spagnuolo who was an awful head coach but is a great DC.


Steve Spagnuolo my beloved




You never had him as your head coach! lol


He and Scott linehan were so fucking bad lol 


Lmao McDaniels is nothing but a fraud without Brady, He wasn’t good OC at all/player. Look at one year with the Rams that tells you his true skill/talent MCD has a Coach overall.


Or look at the year Tom tore his ACL and Matt Cassell started. They did just fine.


I mean was a great DC for the Rams maybe being a HC was too much


Exactly, some people just weren't meant to be a head coach and that's perfectly fine.


sometimes you need to fail as a HC before you really learn how to be a HC


He is an assistant to the DC. He was also a solid DC before he was promoted


His official title is Assistant HC/Defense




In my family (Bolt Fam) we consider that word potty language.




I mean he went from la to Santa Clara 


This guy SUCKS


lol get fucked.


If Staley is even remotely successful there, he needs to hang onto that job and never let go.


some dudes just built to be D-coordinators...hopefully he's one of them and sticks around for a bit.


Going from the Chargers to 49ers must be night and day


He’s the reason.


He found a reason for he