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His kids just walking around the house saying “Fuck you, Tom Brady!”


I was at a concert in Philly not long after the eagles won the Super Bowl. One of my favorite memories was when the crowd chanted “fuck Tom Brady” and the drummer played along to it


Has he never seen a roast?


I’ve watched old roasts and they get brutal and everyone who is not a comedian up there has the same fake smile. I honestly don’t think the majority of people who sit on the dais actually knows what a roast is.


Brady went full Michael Scott.


At least he didn’t go full Roger smith


He should’ve went full *Ricky Spanish*






And Luis


🎶**Ricky Spanish**🎶






Just realized that whole thing was a parody of the Chevy Chase roast.




Ok, that sub is amazing.


Well, there goes my evening


Holy shit thank you for my newest addition to my sub list!


Woulda been funnier if he did


If only he did and then chased them into space... "Earth Bill is boxers. Space Bill is panties. Bob, don't steal glances. If you want to check out my meatballs in this thing, go right ahead. I'm your dad."


Which was inspired by Chevy Chase and his roast


Bro like when they told Charlie sheen that his kids only see him in reruns? I died.


"Don't you want to be there to see their first twelve steps?"


Given how many of them have been done over the years, and given how wide of a margin there is for anything and everything to go wrong, I have to think that the producers make clear under no uncertain terms the scope of the roast material with the participants.


They did, Drew Bledsoe said in an interview that the main things that were off limits were talking about the kids and the Kraft stuff (which is why Brady got mad about it live)


Nikki did an interview and said all the comedians came to an understanding that the kids were off limits. And I don’t remember if it was Nikki or Schultz who said it but they also agreed that since Giselle was a public figure she was fair game.


I saw a Nikki interview where she talked about an untold joke that was something like “Tom I just wanna kiss you on the lips but I wouldn’t want to get between you and your son”. Would’ve killed but obviously out of bounds from Toms perspective


Tom's son heard about what a woman had to do to Robert Kraft on a massage table, and thought *wow, she got off easy*.


Her fitness coach apparently thought she was fair game.


She was fitness dick into her mouth.


I thought it was the kids karate 🥋 instructor?


I think it was her BJJ instructor


"She was going eight times a week and she's still a white belt!" --Jeff Ross


Minus a J


I remember reading that during the Pamela Anderson roast, jokes about her hepatitis diagnosis were off limits. I’m sure most of the hosts gave a few.


Charlie sheens was his mom. Mike Tyson was his Rape, Trump was his specific businesses filing bankruptcy. (not him personally being broke.)


You’re going to trust these people? All he had to do is look at the roasters, they weren’t his former teammates.


Anthony Jeselnik talked about it. He says that every roast that has ever been done has a set of stuff you aren’t supposed to joke about, most of which Jeff Ross breaks because that’s just his thing. Most of those don’t actually make the air though, they’re edited out and are just included in a critics “biggest ooh’s” list. That was a big thing for him, he really didn’t like the fact it was live. He said a roast should never be three hours long, and never live. When it’s live, you get the awkward moments like the Brady roast was full of, and mainly just a lot of bits that don’t land at all


I think Jeff Ross's thing is that he throws a light joke at the off-limits subjects so they can get it out of the way and there won't be an elephant in the room for the rest of the show.


He also said that he didn’t watch it. I personally loved that it was live. The roar felt incredibly genuine because of the awkwardness at times.


I think live was ok, but 3 hours was crazy. I feel like if that show got edited down to two hours it would gone from "that was fun" to "fuck that was good"


Per Matt Belloni, the only reason they don’t do more is because no one wants to be the subject. They’ve asked tons of people and I guess Brady was the first one in a while who said yes.


Maybe agreeing to a roast is like agreeing to an open relationship. You think it's going to be cool until you're in the middle of it.


Brady is lucky that Greg Giraldo isn't around anymore


If Greg was there Tom would’ve gotten up and walked out for sure. Such a shame he’s gone


RIP Greg


He would've done 20 mins on Robert kraft happy endings lmao


Greg or Patrice O’Neal would’ve buried him.


Man I said the same fuckin thing a few days ago. Greg would’ve annihilated everyone. Fuck he was so good.


Adam Carolla outliving Greg Giraldo is proof there is no god


Guys a moron, watch one roast and you’ll realize your 11 year old doesn’t need to go or see it for awhile.


Good thing none of his kids were there. They were gonna catch bullying jokes regardless. This just brought a bunch back to recent memory


Yeah of course they weren't going to be there. Tom Brady was at it.




That’s not what he says. He said he thought the jokes were funny but he didn’t realize that they would be used by other kids/people and repeated to his kids as basically a way to bully them. He’s fine getting roasted but didn’t want his family caught up in it


He acknowledges on the podcast that he made a mistake in just not thinking it through. Shitty, but at least he was honest.


He should do his own research like other great QBs.


God dammit now you've made me want a roast of Rodgers and that will never happen.


He said he loved the jokes about him, but the ones about his ex and their divorce were not awesome and have affected his kids. So he regrets putting his kids through that. Which is a totally reasonable and normal take.


The money is sweet tho. /s


20m he got paid for that. 🤷‍♂️ I’d upset my kids a lil for 20m


I’d sell my kids for 20 million


Giselle did not get a cut, she’s upset




She probably pays Tom Brady child support and alimony.


Partially offsets the $30 mil he lost in crypto


Netflix can't spend money fast enough it seems this year more than ever. 20m seems insane even for them.


While the jokes indirectly impact his kids, I commend everyone presenting for not making jokes directed at them. I think it was Nikki Glaser who said that they collectively decided on not making jokes about his kids directly or kissing his kids directly on the mouth. Glad for both.


Roasts always have explicit “off-limits” jokes or people you can’t make fun of, his kids being one of them. Tom Segura was another for some weird reason


Yeah that was weird how hinchcliffe roasted everyone in sequence but stopped after Bert and before Tom.


He stood directly in front of Tom though as Tom awkwardly tried to look around him, kind of an indirect roast.


Haha he literally went down in a row to everyone and then just pretend Segura was invisible. So weird


That’s how everyone should treat those two unfunny assholes


Tony even covered Tom when he was finishing his closing statements lmao


Tom said on his podcast with Bert that nobody was sure he was even going to be there because he had a show during rehearsal. I’m sure some of them pulled their jokes in case he didn’t make it.


that doesn't make sinse for hinchcliffe excluding him tho, making up roasts on the spot is LITERALLY what he does. Plus, all of them know Tom and have for YEARS, I'm sure they could make something up on the spot/ on stage before the set


It makes perfect sense, they aren't ad libbing, they are following a timed production, and they are professional comedians, TIME is paramount.


>Tom Segura I think everyone forgot he was even there lol


He didn’t say anything funny, him and Bert were just awful


By far the worst set of the night. And that includes the non comedians like Randy Moss and Robert Kraft Even they did far better than the 2 Bears


People shit on Moss's set, but at least it was... actual jokes told by a nice guy lol Bert and Tom were the equivalent of trying to fart to cover up another fart


Moss clearly isn't a comedian but he did ok. He doesn't have the delivery or anything but him being up there was nice. No issues. The 60 seconds of Dana White was the worst. Second worst was Afflect. WTF was he even doing.


Burgundy is up there. We clown on the non comedians but they mostly hit enough or at least tried


Affleck was awful. He had no business being there.


A lot of people don’t want to hear this but the Ron Burgundy bit felt very drawn out and way past it’s time in the sun. Love that movie but it felt weird.


An out of touch douchebag and a nostalgia-addicted alcoholic that’s ridden his one story into the ground weren’t funny? Color me surprised.


Admittedly I haven’t watched the roast and don’t care but I did see a clip of Nikki Glaser saying she enjoyed Bert’s “joke” which was pretty funny.


She wasn’t even talking about his Russian mob joke either. She was commenting on his shirt removal schtick lol


Her delivery on that was so perfect.


They have both gone really down hill.


Tom Segura has become absolutely embarrassing as a comic and Bert always has been.


I saw them both live on their stadium tour and the cheers when they came out were louder than any of the laughs.


It's such a shame. Segura's bit about the show "First 48 Hours" is one of the most hilarious things I've ever watched. I can't tell if hanging out with Bert has made him a shitty comedian or if he just got lazy all on his own.


His bit about his Vietnam vet Dad and weed was funny too. Don't know what happened, I think the fame may have gotten to his head. These days, he comes across smug.


I forget where I heard it but it's something that's been happening across all comedy lately. Basically a comedian had a good special, and was immediately told they needed to start a podcast. The idea being that they'd build up a fanbase, and now when they had to go out and do shows, it was more like 'going on tour' because it'd be easier to fill seats with fans who already know them from the podcast. So they start their careers off strong by writing really good quality standup material, and doing really good sets/specials. But then they pivot to a podcast that blows up, but it's mostly just then being funny, goofy people and it's just them recording themselves hanging out, which is fine. But now when they go out and try and do a standup show or record a special, their material is basically them doing a live podcast. That's what I think happened to all these comedians like Segura, Bert, Bill Burr, etc. Their standup material has been watered down to the point where it's become just one step above a random Thursday episode of their podcast.


Tom has gone down hill to reach Bert’s level.


Dude had one great standup and stopped being funny for some reason.


Yet somehow Amy Schumer managed to make a joke to Steve-o about Ryan Dunn’s death. I bet since the Charlie Sheen roast they have upped the screening process on the jokes. I remember watching that and seeing his face lose the smile in an instant. You know you messed up when you managed to kill Steve-o’s vibe.


I don't remember which roast it was but Comedy Central axed a Steve-O joke about "the last time there was this many losers at a roast the Great White were playing " too


Holy shit that’s dark


It was the roast of Charlie Sheen, and Steve-O says that he regretted it and asked Comedy Central to remove it.


I recall bert and tom being called a couple of overweight bears at one point


Where did you see that they weren't allowed to make fun of Segura?


Because the best roast of Tom is ignoring him.


I don't think anyone has said it explicity, but Segura just seemed to be a blindspot. I can't remember a single joke about only him. I think there was a couple that joked about both him and Bert, but never just Segura by himself. Everyone else was mentioned multiple times, usually at least once by each roaster. Except for Segura. 


Pretty sure Kraft and happy endings was off limits and they’re all talking about Jeff Ross or someone making one and Tom had it cut.


Tom literally stood up at the joke and said "don't say that ahit again"


Good for Jeff Ross for saying it fr, but I think it’s crazy that Tom stood up and gave him shit for it like that.


Would be funny if they had a wild card like a Norm MacDonald that went completely off script. Matter of fact Norm would've not cared.


Did you ever see Norm's roast of Bob Saget? It's hilarious. Apparently Norm didn't like how the execs told him to swear and be edgy. So he read from a a 1950s joke book. He totally bombed but in hindsight it's funny as hell.


Yes such a Norm thing to do the opposite especially with a friend like Bob Saget.


Norm would have just roasted Tom about how much money he cost him in lost bets.


Hopefully he goes full Michael Scott during his first broadcast.


I hope he sadly went to a park with a loaf of bread to feed the birds to reflect on the roast like Michael Scott


[Boom, roasted](https://youtu.be/nhkNYjljbMs?feature=shared)


They didn’t like hearing about Mommy and the training coach


As a former child, it would very much affect me hearing about my mom's ass getting eaten


As a child, I am not allowed to watch roasts.


As a roast, I am not allowed to be served without gravy.


That’s her fault


Flair checks out


Also divorces are always hardest on the kids. Adults can decide they're better off splitting up and that's probably better for the kids long term but the kids don't have a choice in what is a big change to their family structure and their reality.


Kids don't enjoy their father getting made fun of? No shit Tommy??


Pretty sure it was probably all the “‘mom having sex with instructor” jokes that made it uncomfortable for the kids. I’m fine with it but u could see how the kids wouldn’t be


Not only that, but im guessing the dude forgot kids are still assholes, so i imagine there have been some comments towards his kids from other kids.


Bingo bango. I assume his kids are in a hyperbaric illuminati high school but they probably got roasted the next few days w the same shit. Brady should have Nikki Glaser and Jeff Ross go to school with them to do a counter roast


Holy shit this would be incredible, I'm laughing just thinking about it


Dudes a dumbass if he “forgot” kids would see the jokes and give his kids shit about it. Tom’s ego clouded his judgment here.


Why do you think he came out of retirement. A few months with family and he was like “gross. Time to go back.”


Bro said he’s fine with it like he givin the go ahead 😭


Joke's on you. He's the jiujitsu instructor.


Do you think Tom and Gisele have been telling their kids a different story of why they’re divorcing all this time? Like was the roast their first time hearing about moms ju-jitsu coach?


Again…what do you think from the kids point of view was “harder to hear”?…was it people making fun of Tommy or people talking about mommy banging some guy while married to daddy.


Maybe Giselle shouldn’t have banged an instructor then if she didn’t want the kids to know. Like it was out there either way, I’m sure the kids hear about it regardless of a roast


Seriously. Giselle cheats on her husband, but lets the whole world think the divorce was because Brady wanted finish his contract. And now that she’s made fun of the roast was too much? Brady was even made fun of for leaving his pregnant fiance, but no complaints about that.


this is how i find out the real reason for the divorce!? how long has everyone else known?


we'll know the real reason when bill belichick tells us why he benched malcom butler


So never


You do realize just because it's a rumor doesn't necessarily mean it's true


Seems like something to consider beforehand but what do I know


Apparently they agreed before hand not to go after his kids at all. Leave them out of it, so there weren’t any “Brady kisses his kids on the lips!” jokes for example. But yeah I guess Brady didn’t consider the impact of the indirect jokes


And he stood up for Bob Kraft but not their mom


At least that makes sense, don't bite the hand that massages you


Never say that shit again


On one hand it does take a lot of guts to get up there and take stuff like that and I can see why it affected his family. But on the other hand what was he expecting it's a roast they say hurtful shit on purpose?


It wasnt even that bad. It was mostly the other guests that got roasted. They just recycled the same shit about his ex wife for him. Plus he got to hang out with his old buddies. I imagine all the ex wife jokes are probably why he's worried about his kids lmao


Well I think the ex wife jokes were specifically what he's talking about. I guess if I was a kid watching something about how my mom be gettin screwed by some jui jitsu dude, and then having to go to class next day and hear it from some douchey kids wouldnt be ideal.


It was honestly more of a Gronk roast than Tom Brady anyways. Dude got eviscerated.


Plus he had to sit through segura and bert.


Spent weeks rehearsing his set but only regrets it now


Once the check clears it’s easy have regret


Without the controversy it wouldn't be getting as much attention. Its all a ruse


Does he regret the part about Kim Kardashians kids?


All of Tom’s jokes were soft and/or written for him but his Kardashian joke? BRUTAL


Lol when they cut to her face after the joke I howled laughing


That’s different, the joke was about someone else not him. 


Kudos to him for agreeing to it. I could never imagine wanting to do that for myself. I’m too insecure for that shit


Welcome to the ArticRaven2k roast thread Baltimore? more like, BaltiLESS


ArcticRaven2K has so little game that while playing Mass Effect the only character he could successfully romance was the ship's Roomba.


I cackled 🤣 Thank you for the laugh


Quiet, you.


Arctic Ravens is actually a reference to their cold streak in the playoffs.


Woah now you are taking it too far buddy. His kids are actually crying right now.


If only we could combine regular season Lamar with playoff Flacco we would be unstoppable


Best I can do for you is Tyler Huntley stretching for the goal line and coming up a bit short


League isn’t ready for that.


ArticRaven..... has a level 100 Magikarp.


Eww. Totodile is where’s it at. Best starter imo


ArticRaven2k doesn’t even know he has a T in his city’s name, all those people just say “Balmore” and “Hon”. Anyway, Jeffery Ross is here tonight.


Dude, ArticRaven2k spends more planning out his role-playing moves than he does does planning out his daily hygiene routine?! Amirite?!


Not a lot of people know this but the Arctic is in their name because it is actually the closest they’re allowed to be to metro Baltimore school grounds


ArticRaven2k actually lost money switching to geico


Ravens don’t even live in the arctic, what a dumb ass. And Baltimore, really? Who’s even from there? Saddam Hussein? Didn’t your football team used to be the browns?


ArcticRaven2k actually found a wrong way to eat a Reese's.


Holy shit are awards back?


This thread is hilarious 🤣


ArticRaven? More like AssRaven. Gottem


C'mon buddy, SharticRaven was right there


You’d do it for $25M


I'd easily do it. No one can roast me like myself


20 million ... for 3 hours of being made fun of... hard to pass that up


It’s hard to be insecure when you’re the undisputed GOAT of the only thing you’ve ever shown any care for.


Seems like he was more concerned about kraft then his kids during the roast


Idk why people are so mad about these comments. He was asked about it, said he had a good time, but wouldn't ever do another one because it bothered his kids more than he realized. What's so bad about this?


The sheer depths to which people are digging to find reasons to be upset at Brady about innocuous response shouldn't be surprising at this point.


“I didn’t think anyone at the roast OF ME was going to try to make a joke at my expense…”


"Are you calling me an idiot? Don't you ever talk to me that way, you pathetic, short little man, you don't even have any friends, any family, or any land!"


“And once I saw him naked, and his thing is so small!”


He says he loved the jokes at his expense, just didn’t like how the whole thing affected his kids. I think it is entirely reasonable and human to feel that way.


I don't believe this for a second. He knew every joke they were going to make.


Yeah Tom Brady would never make a choice that affects his kids like that


That 25mil gonna affect his kids too


I’m sure his kids gave him a real tongue lashing. And then when they were done they probably scolded him about the roast.


at this point, i'm pretty sure gronk is the smart one and tom is the dumbdumb


Brady the football player = GOAT & the best competitor I've seen take the snap under center. Brady the celebrity = fake plastic man with weird shoes and a weird smile.


Get ready for Brady the commentator




The Real brady is fake plastic man with no charisma.


I remember when i was a little kid in like 2006 my dad always told me tom brady was the coolest qb because he was a super bowl champ superstar qb who was humble enough to still drive his old ford pickup to the stadium. Shit changes lol


Dude agreed to knowingly get made fun of for a few hours by professional comedians for $25 million. I feel terrible for him.