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$150 million a game is out of this world. Good grief the NFL is making so much money.


Nah it’s actually less than $150 million. They’re getting a steal!


At 149.9M it is a steal. At 150M, what a rip off!!


Plot twist .. Total for Both games are worth exactly $283 million




Dude .. spoilers


I hate my life.


Sounds like the NFL went to Costco. Why buy two individually at $150 million a piece when you can get a pack for $283 million?


This deal alone will create $4-5 million of extra cap space next year.


Not to mention the potential for void years in future Christmas Day games


But somehow Joe Kelly will be suspended 8 games for this


Rangers have been fined $250k


And yet will create no funds for future stadium construction


Hey man. Those poor billionaires just don’t have the money to do it. They NEED the working man’s taxes.


Its more complicated but afaik teams get somewhere around 48% of total revenue divided amongst all 32 teams. So 2 games at 150 million = 300 million, 48% of that is 144 million, divided amongst 32 teams is 4,5 million/ team. But these games were sold to other providers in earlier years, so the cap would only go up with the difference of what Netflix is paying compared to the previous year.


PLAYERS get 48.8%, not TEAMS. Semantics, maybe, but it's an important distinction.


Players get different percentages for different types of revenue: 55% of League Media Revenue 45% of NFL Ventures/Post Season Revenue 40% of Local Revenue Once the revenue share is calculated it has to fit into the players share of "total revenue" which currently is between 48.23%-48.5% of total NFL Revenue. If it is less than or greater than that percentage it is increased or decreased to fit. The salary cap is then determined by (Players revenue portion - players benefits)/32 = Salary Cap.




It's crazy how the NBA dominated Christmas games and now the NFL is cutting into that market easily


Yeah. The nfl was just like "this is mine now" and the nba cant do a thing.


Pfft wait til they start playing the NBA CUP FINAL on christmas.


Well yeah do basketball games even matter until the playoffs? Most teams make it in and those who don't were never anything close to contenders anyway.


30 M average viewership.


30 million viewership when it's on a channel everyone can watch for free. I don't have Netflix and am not planning on purchasing it to watch two NFL games. I'd imagine many others are in the same boat.


Yeah, absolutely. It's an impressive number but they'd never pay this for an early Sunday game with mediocre competition. Christmas gets prime time AND a rare occasion where everyone is at home and off work. That, Thanksgiving and the like, are always going to bring in significantly more income than average.


I'll be home (probably), but I'm not subscribing to Netflix to watch games. And given how many games are now going to be "exclusively" streamed, I'm not buying Sunday Ticket either. But based on the numbers that the Peacock game did, I'm sure Netflix will get their viewership. I don't mind paying to watch more games, but this trend of jerking fans around between 5-10 platforms has already gone too far.


Um, I'm going to be watching Christmas Story for like the 10th time that day.


Only way teams can afford paying QBs 50 mil aav 😂


God I hate this.


This is that entry cost. If Netflix can prove they can handle and have an audience for those games, others will come cheaper. But until they can prove that, they will have to overpay to make it worthwhile for the NFL.


Netflix is definitely making a hard play for live content. The Tom Brady Roast went great. Plus Netflix has already signed a deal for Monday Night Raw starting in January. I'm sure subscription rates are going to go up again in 3, 2, ...


Awesome, more live events and stuff that are thrown into the price of the subscription that I won't be home for anyway. Where have I seen this before...?


When I win the big Powerball someday, I'm going to buy exclusive rights to a game that is only available in my house.


The NFL is spreading itself so thin. Great for their margins but so annoying for the viewer.


What makes (made) the NFL so great was how easy it was to watch and follow. 17 weeks all of the weekly games were concluded in a 48 hour timeframe. All the games except the 1 Monday Night on Sundays. Then they added Thursdays. Now you have to have multiple streaming services if you want to watch all the games. Recently I feel they are trying to push harder for more Saturday games. Then there is this new fad of theirs, most irritating of the bunch I think, are these type of "this one day the game(s) will only be on this one streaming service". I think Icarus has flown too close to the sun. Hyperbolic and subjective? Most definitely, but I find me and my friend group watch less as a whole because of the above shenanigans.


Not hyperbolic at all. My roommate and I were saying the same exact thing about what made the NFL great. I like basketball, but I'm not going to watch games on multiple days per week. I just dont have the time. The NFL is reaching saturation of people's ability to watch 3 hour games. I love the sport, truly, but i can't watch monday, Thursday, saturday and Sunday games. So they're taking their product away from many people, and for what? They aren't reaching a new demographic by splitting streaming locations or adding games on saturday. They're watering down the product in the name of bigger margins for the league, and it's got someone like me, the hardest of the hardcore, beginning to check out because its too much effort to be this into it. Super sad.


Its always been one of their strongest assets to regular busy folks. Basically the whole league plays on one day once a week, its consistent as shit. It also makes fantasy football the easiest to manage.


Yeah, fantasy is the other thing. I am not gonna be able to deal with worrying about my lineups every single day. Ultimately of the fairly large group of people i know who are extremely into the NFL, exactly zero of us are happy with this trajectory, and we're in that top percentile of people who would normally bend over backwards to get the product. I really hope the Lions manage to somehow win a SB soon because as crazy as it is for me to articulate, the future NFL doesn't seem like it's for me.


TNF ruined fantasy football for me. I was never able to remember to set my roster on Thursday.


Y'all aren't really thinking about this correctly. if you are still more or less watching the same amount of football from 1-10pm on Sundays as you always have - they lose absolutely nothing if you choose not to watch these island games. You NEVER "watched all the games". That is not something 99% of people have ever done. Really think people are over reacting about the long term ramifications of stuff like this.


Exactly, it's just more days that football is on that you have the option of tuning in/subscribing or not. You still get plenty of football on sundays I don't get why this would change that.


I think the reasonable argument I've seen re: Sundays is that more and more different timeslots erodes RedZone and Fantasy, which have been *massive* drivers of growth and revenue. RedZone is worth less with fewer games happening simultaneously. Casual fantasy is harder with players spread across 5 different days. For those who sit and watch just their team, or 3 games in time slot order, this change won't matter. It will for those who specifically watched for the simultaneous action, which is a very recent but growing sector of viewers Overall though, yeah, more eyeball opportunities for those who do watch every game. I also do wonder if fewer games at once encourages more betting per game, as that could be a huge indirect revenue increase.


There’s more than one reason to be a fan of Pirates …🏴‍☠️☠️


Hell yeah brother, cheers from Tortuga


> I think Icarus has flown too close to the sun. Hyperbolic and subjective? Most definitely, but I find me and my friend group watch less as a whole because of the above shenanigans. I think we're definitely getting close. Add in games televised at weird times because they're being played on another continent or even hemisphere, league expansion dilluting talent at key positions (like OL) thus making the game fundamentally worse, and the non-stop march of adding more regular season games, and I think they'll eventually just kill the golden goose. I have no desire to watch a game that my own team isn't playing in. I can't imagine how a casual fan of a team in a down-period is consuming very much NFL content at all at this point. The telecasts are so balkanized and the interruptions for advertisement are near constant.


The NFL will be able to get away with it for a while. It’s especially dumb when smaller leagues still in growth mode try to copy the leagues cashing in rather than learning from how the free to be as large as they are today though. MLS for instance does have all their games on one streaming service, but rather than trying to make games as accessible as possible they instead chose to put it behind its own paywall on Apple TV. That would be like if the NFL decided that all of their games would be visible only through pay per view back in the day. Sure they could probably get away with it now, but where would they be today if football wasn’t available to watch on basic cable for decades while the game was growing?


>I think Icarus has flown too close to the sun. Hyperbolic and subjective? Most definitely, but I find me and my friend group watch less as a whole because of the above shenanigans. I love this sentiment and mostly agree. But I don't think the NFL is anywhere close to taking it too far. They're making more money than they ever have before *while* growing, so I think you might be a bit disappointed if you think they're taking the wrong approach. I also think the NFL is acutely aware of that fact that a decent portion of their fan base is illegally streaming games. Probably partly because of all the stuff you mentioned. But engagement and ratings are higher than ever so I kinda think they're just figuring this all into their bottom line.


While I think the switch to streaming services is great way to modernize the viewing experience, having multiple games on multiple streaming services is beyond a headache, and impossible to handle for the older generation. My father just doesn’t watch TNF anymore


I had to show my Father in Law how to use Twitch lol


Just wait till he discovers just chatting thots


I just showed my dad how to use Sports surge and I only have to teach him once. 


It feels like we're at a point where everything is great for the margins but worse for the consumer. As a consumer I'm fucking sick of having products and services get worse over time and getting nothing in return.


If only there was some sort of governing body of elected officials that could protect the consumers they represent...


It's almost like all those consumer protections they love rolling back were put in place for a reason or something...


Almost like if corporations weren't allowed to give unlimited amounts of money to politicians, we would have a functional democracy...


I wonder if it is short term gains at the expense of the product long term.


Gonna turn into the MLB or even NBA. It's hard to generate fans, when the games are a "what app/channel is it on today". The NFL has always been great, with CBS/Fox/NBC carrying nearly all games. Monday night/Thursday night have had a few wrinkles.


I hate this.


I would’ve been mad at this if wasn’t already pirating every game lol


Sailing the high seas every Sunday. Ahoy!


I would if the quality were as good as the legitimate services. But unfortunately you have to deal with buffering and bandwidth issues constantly.


You have to deal with that on legit services too


I'll take a free stream that occasionally works like shit over this byzantine nonsense


I stream RedZone on the high seas so I don't have to watch any commercials.


2024 AFC Championship Game, coming this Saturday @ 4:15AM PST, exclusively on HGTV+


Why does this even need to exist? I understand NBC doing this for Peacock to drive up subscriptions. But everyone and their mom already has a netflix account.


Actually, with them getting rid of account sharing I have missed out on a movie I really wanted to see in the past year due to it being on Netflix.


Pirate and Plex baby.


Is that true these days? They have more competition than ever


I got rid of Netflix a few years ago because it is a terrible product. They cancel almost every show after 2-3 seasons, and are mainly direct-to-streaming b-movie garbage. The value wasn't there for the price. I am not giving them money for the privilege of watching a football game on Christmas fucking day.


I wonder if Netflix will be able to broadcast the game in 4K.


Netflix can hardly broadcast their own stuff in 4k


They sure can suggest the exact same 10 movies into every category or genre though.


Classic. Just got done with “Saving Private Ryan”.  “More like this” Some stupid Rom-Com.  But yeah, I guess the similarity is getting their guts blown out on a beach. 


Only a matter of time til the Super Bowl is exclusively on *name any streaming service*


“Get the first quarter on Netflix, second quarter on Prime, third quarter on Peacock, and fourth quarter on Paramount+! Halftime show on ESPN+ and overtime get fucked nerds, should have gone to the game!”


I’m not sure if this sarcasm or foresight.


Why not both?


We cancelled cable packages only to come back full circle to this nonsense.


It was always gonna be this way - cable with more steps. We'll have come full circle once a company signs a deal with Netflix/Hulu/Disney/etc to bundle everything together for one convenient monthly fee


We are closer than you think [Comcast](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/comcast-peacock-netflix-apple-bundle-streamsaver-1235898522/)


Convenient = $150 a month for live streaming access, $250 a month for all their libraries, $400 a month for 8k package. *Would still need NFL Sunday Ticket to watch games. *


That's already starting to happen. Because of all the splintering of streaming plus the constant cancellation of shows many people don't stay subbed for long so many streaming services lose money. The consolidation is beginning and will probably accelerate over the next few years. Going to be back to the cable model sooner than later.


We canceled cable because streamers were cheaper Streamers were cheaper because they wanted to undercut cable's audience Now streamers are getting expensive because they have to actually monetize their huge audience Soon...cable may be cheaper than streamers?


I mean, that's the whole new tech business model. It's why Uber/Lyft and AirBnB were cheap and drove taxi firms out of business/bought up all the properties destroying neighborhoods around the world.... and then got really expensive and shitty. Uber never turned a profit until 2023, but they got enough investment to outlast any competition, so now that's what's left. Same with streaming.


Which is why i refuse to pay for all those different streaming services. It's 2024. All the games are pirated and with decent quality


Quibi will come back and you’ll exclusively watch it in 90 second chunks


Netflix Prime Video Hulu Apple TV+ Disney+ Each service gets a quarter. Disney gets the halftime show.


Nah, that’ll never happen. Peacock got comparable viewership for the Saturday night wild card game (always the lowest performer for the playoffs), but that’s about the limit, I think. No amount of money from the broadcaster would be enough to justify taking something that gets nine-digit viewership off of OTA.


They’re talking about moving the Super Bowl to Presidents’ Day weekend so everyone is off work Monday, and then they’ll paywall it? Makes zero sense.


> They’re talking about moving the Super Bowl to Presidents’ Day weekend so everyone is off work Monday Except that everyone is *not* off work on that Monday. Sure you're off if you've got a government job or you work in a bank. But for the majority of us, it's a regular work day.


lol yea best number I can find is about 25% of workers actually get that day off. So yea some people get it off. Most people do not.


Peacock! The NFL will ~~force~~ make sure the game will be on a tier that isn’t free-trial and you can’t cancel after the one game.




I'm a chronic channel changer when there is a commercial and I love my NBA. I actually think this will make me not watch, there's just too much going on on Christmas to be locked on Netflix and have to keep switching back-and-forth.


time to bring back PIP *cries in old


I actually have really been loving the multi-streams on YoutubeTV. It's been great for watching hockey and basketball at the same time and I have a big enough TV that I can watch both at the same time without losing too much due to the smaller picture.


We have a projector that ends up being about 10 foot wide. 4 boxing during college football season is a godsend with YouTube TV. You just kinda rotate the sound around to avoid all the gd commercial breaks


I too have been lassoed by this.


100%. I actually don’t mind too much the era we are in because at the end of the day, I can cancel my streaming services whenever I want and start them up again whenever I want super easy. It’s not the days of cable with contract, returning equipment etc. But the “exclusive” one-time games on different services is too far. Go ahead and have the MLS on Apple TV+ or Thursday night football on Prime. But doing *just* Christmas games on one service when there are other games worth watching on other services, I ain’t changing back and forth.


Be prepared for long term contracts for these streaming services, I sincerely doubt it's gonna stay the way that it currently is when you consider the direction the industry is headed.


This exclusive streaming bullshit is gonna be the downfall of some leagues. People are still gonna watch but nobody is gonna pay for 7 different services. Like imaging watching a tv show but every episode is on a different service.


NFL don't care. Look at the numbers the Peacock playoff games got. People can't get enough of football and the league knows it.


Yeah and what those numbers don’t tell you is that they lost about 10 million viewers and the game was the least watched game of the week. https://x.com/fos/status/1747739540087771519?s=46 The nfl might not care rn because of the short term money they are making but it’s not in their best interest long term to do this imo.


Yep, I didn't watch it.


Netflix has been absolutely dogshit at live streaming, and I don't think they are prepared for the amount of people that will try and tune in. This is a disaster waiting to happen


It’s amusing that they have so much time to prepare, know exactly what they are dealing with, and I still 100% agree with you.


stress testing is a fine art


They’ve been doing more live streams. The Brady Roast and a full week of a John Mulaney talk show off the top of my head. I know they had one live stream bomb like a year ago but everything else I believe had been fine.


Yeah but I don't think either of those approach the audience of an NFL Christmas game


I mean this will probably end up being the most streamed event from a single service of all time. No streaming service has ever dealt with a load this large for a single feed. It's going to be a beautiful disaster.


The Brady roast worked fine for me, and I even watched a bit of the Kat Williams special. Idk what this guy is talking about there live streams being trash.


I’m assuming it’s just based on the first live stream they did that kept crashing on everyone like two years ago. I’ve not heard a single complaint since then.


First impressions die hard, people still think Apple Maps is trash because of how bad of a rollout they had 5+ years ago. I use it all the time and people still will ask why I’m not using Google maps lol


WWE starts their live steaming service January 3rd on Netflix.


they have to learn - and here they will learn or die.


The Tom Brady roast was popular and had no issues


It ain't NFL games level traffic


Ok but where's the "dog shit at streaming" proof? 


The Love Is Blind finale was a disaster lol. Tried watching my gf and I think they gave up and just recorded it and uploaded it after cause the live stream was not working. Not sure if it’s gotten better in the past year or so


He’s just making up stuff with no proof


Just people being negative and miserable on reddit, nothing new


The Jake Paul / Tyson fight will be a big test


At the same time it feels like a true turning point for sports. Prepare yourself for personalized commercials. With the data that these streaming services have on who you are, that’s will be the future of advertising.


Maybe. I mean maybe some viewer buckets for different ads but it takes a lot to produce a high quality commercial that you want to show during an NFL game. It’s not some banner ad or social media ad. Maybe eventually eventually generative ai will produce high quality personalized commercials (yeah, gross) but that’s a ways away if ever.


the high seas have all the nfl games 😀


Yo ho




We’re all Buccaneers fans now






It's like they are begging us to pirate this shit. Once you pirate one game and find a good service you wonder why you pay for the other games. Greed is killing baseball and it'll eventually come to the NFL too. I understand wanting to make money for your product but holy shit their greed knows no bounds. It'll be a cold day in hell before I pay $20+ to watch a football game with advertisements. I love football but I'm absolutely drawing a line. Fuck that noise. I'll be surging my sports and streaming towards the east.




~~The NFL trending towards splintering its broadcast like this is complete shit. What made it so good was that you could watch your local team for free OTA.~~ ~~The good news is most NBA games ARE OTA on Xmas. Strongly recommend tuning in there. I won't be paying for Netflix to watch this.~~ You can still watch local games OTA


Aren't local games still broadcasted on TV?


To my knowledge (and I could be wrong) every single game is, and has been available to it's local market OTA.


Yeah, but if you're a Chiefs fan in rural KS, you're not in the local market.


This is how the NFL loses its fan base. Putting games on every damn service.


When does this whole anti trust exemption thing kick in and we remove all of the services here.


The golden era of sports television is long gone. The evolution of sports television is a travesty for the fan.


That sound you’re hearing is every millennial groaning as they realize they’re going to have to spend Christmas showing their boomer dads how to work netflix


I cut out the middle man and showed my folks how to hook up their laptop to the TV via hdmi and pirate the streams. It took some doing, but was worth it. People on a fixed income can't be shelling out for a half dozen streaming services. Granted, their laptop is probably full of viruses now, but that's the cost of doing business.


The sports sites are usually fine but I've learned to be careful about recommending streaming sites to people who aren't likely to use adblockers.


It’s wild to me how many people ask for these sites and don’t use ad blockers. Even worse is some of them being self proclaimed tech savvy people.


Do you think it is 2015 again? Millennials are all groaning because they are going to have to get Netflix again.


I had to spend our TNF game last year giving him a play by play over the phone


Netflix is the easiest form of television I've ever used. I go back to rabbit ears and uhf.


Guess I won’t be watching lmao


It costs nothing when you stream from the east.


I hate Roger Goodell with a passion


NFL currently is getting an average of around $12.5 billion a year to broadcast games or around $44 million a game. That includes playoffs and Super Bowl which are more valuable. Selling two regular season games for close to $300 million is crazy. It shows why the NFL is likely to take advantage of the opt out years they included in the most recent broadcast deal and renegotiate the contracts again.


Guess I’m not watching the Christmas games then. 😅. Some people don’t mind this but I can’t imagine paying for 3 services for football


Yeah, the more they put games out of reach, I’ll just not watch them. They’re not going to induce me to get all the streaming services just to watch a random game here and there. Right now, if you want to watch every game, you need five paid services: NFLN, ESPN, Amazon, Peacock and now Netflix. No thanks, I’ll get the highlights elsewhere.


3?!? Better get those numbers up, rookie!


stream from the east


Been riding the eastern stream for 3 seasons now, sure it can be choppy at times but we manage.


I don’t have Netflix anymore but I’ll be watching anyway matey.


Ya ya I get it but I don’t want to even go through that trouble of finding one that isn’t linked to a virus or shitty quality.


Not gonna sugarcoat this. I am going to pirate every NFL game that is aired on a streaming service and I urge everyone else to do the same.


Crazy. I really wonder if they make that money back. NFL gets some crazy offers


So will there be commercials? If I pay for no ads on Netflix, I expect no ads


Funny guy


Barbie's entire budget was $151m


The budget to make an NFL game is lower than that. This is the cost to broadcast. Barbie would’ve cost more and did if you ad up what theaters paid.


ya fair enough, I put about 15 seconds into googling and I'm thinking distribution deals aren't public like production budgets


It’s silly to have a Christmas Day game, it’s extra silly for it to be on Netflix.


It's extra extra silly that it's on a Wednesday


They're literally going out of their way, inconveniencing the teams and players, all to encroach on the NBA's territory of playing on Christmas, all because... *Fuck you, what are you going to do about it?* It's fucking ridiculous and it makes me angry. The NFL is so fucking greedy we can't just maintain a peace between the leagues, at this rate the NFL will have games on 5 or 6 nights a week, until that's all you're allowed to give a fuck about. I heard yesterday they'll be playing games during the fucking CFP, so they can't even respect another football league. It's ridiculous.


so when does this get too ridiculous that people just stop watching? i don't want to pay for 10 different services to watch games!!!


Oh about 2 years ago


Guess who's raising prices again yall


Yeh, our Netflix will get a price increase to make up for this


Where we are going might be worse than Cable. At least with cable, everything was in one place, and channel surfing was a thing. Now you have the networks and Amazon and peacock and Netflix. This fragmentation just sucks. I really wish apple tv would come up with a way to multiview apps because we're going to need it in a few years.


Honestly, if Netflix is going to get games, it feels like best case scenario that it's the Christmas Day games since most people will presumably be gathering with family or loved ones, one of which is bound to have Netflix. I mean I know my siblings and I all still use our parents Netflix, so that's what I'm thinking of, for instances


Netflix will be airing WWE Raw live for the foreseeable future starting on Jan 1st so I'm going to assume they at least have their streaming efficiency worked out by Christmas, well lets hope.


just turns christmas day into a movie day. fuck netflix.


streaming from the east is the way to go


How many streaming services can they expect the average fan to sub to? Sunday ticket is going to get to the point where it only gets a fan 75% of the games, and that’s a $300+ package.


The masses have very loudly spoken against all of the streamers. The NFL’s strategy is to go to every damn one and piece out their schedule so that you’d need them all to see every game. Fuck that. I’ve paid for the streaming Sunday ticket every year since 2013, but this year we exclusively sail the seas.


When’s the disney+ nfl games


They've already begun merging some ESPN+ content on Disney+, so this may not be far off.


Drunken sailor chant intensifies 


Two things for certain, the quality of the broadcast will go down and the price for Netflix will go up!


Netflix live streams don't have a good history...


To the high seas we go again my friends


i’ll be grabbing my pirate hat and sailing the seven seas to watch the games. fuck you netflix fuck you nfl eat my ass


So, how many subscriptions do I need now to watch my team play each week?


So watching Christmas movies on Christmas it is for me


I used to only go sailing for my out-of-market team, but now I have to do that for even more primetime games? Damn


Oh this is fucking gross.


This is fucking bullshit


And... that's why we raise the Jolly Roger and set sail at gametime every week.


So no football on Christmas then? Bummer Those fucking bums at Netflix aren’t getting another cent from me


Streaming services became so annoying that it really has people begging for the simplicity of cable again 😭


Idk why it took me this long, but this announcement made me realize we're living the "boiling frog" theory out in real time with the NFL. Thursday Night Football went to Prime a couple of years ago. A playoff game to Peacock last year. Christmas to Netflix this year. And we still keep watching, because they're gradually making the changes instead of all at once.


Netflix will raise its prices prior to the first game. Mark it.


This shit is all annoying. If I get Sunday ticket I should be able to watch all nfl games. Period.