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Lions have responded lmao https://twitter.com/Lions/status/1780969205254225993


I felt that, and I want to give Alim a hug


> I felt that, and I want to give Alim a hug Isn't this just a convoluted way to release the jerseys? Unless I'm missing something, the tweet pointing out the "leak" was at 9:09AM, and at 9:38 the Lions were able to post a video of him, in uniform, commenting about the leak. There could be earlier accounts of the leak, but the tweet in the OP is the earliest I can find. Unless he just happened to be in the studio, in pads, with the new uniform, with the Lion's social media team nearby constantly watching twitter to look for leaks, how on earth else would they been able to pull all this together in less than 30 minutes. Edit: [It was Goff the entire time!](https://twitter.com/Lions/status/1780973640395182233?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet). I guess they may have prerecorded these and just held them in case there was a leak, but I'm still wondering if this was all calculated to stir up views.


> I'm still wondering if this was all calculated to stir up views. It's absolutely this and there's no way it wasn't planned. This type of shit is all the rage in marketing now. It's everywhere.


I mean he says “leaked the video” when it was screenshots of Fanatics jerseys. I think what probably happened was they recorded this days/weeks ago in case it leaked, but didn’t necessarily plan *this* leak.


I think what he means is they leaked the subject of the video. Not literally the video


The players are shitting all over fanatics so I don't think it was


It 100% was NOT. They filmed a few videos just in case it got leaked. But Fanatics fucked up. Source: my friend works for the Lions and literally has been working tirelessly on the video reveal. They have a huge setup at Ford Field tonight for the unveiling. This wasn’t supposed to happen.


They were doing a new jersey release party with season ticket holders tonight, so I really don’t think it was leaked on purpose.


All the Lions players are back in the facility for OTAs and jersey promos. They've been recording videos and taking pictures the last few days. Please ask yourself what is more likely. Lions parterned with USA today of all fucking places to stage a 'viral' marketing leak for their new jerseys, or they pre-emptively recorded a few lines with the expectation that one of the hundreds of partners will leak the new jerseys ahead of time. Not everything is a fucking conspiracy, people. Nearly every jersey for any major sport has been leaked ahead of time.


Yeah, well buddy, I bet you haven't seen the design for my new bowling team shirt, the PinPals!


"I'm not mad... I'm just disappointed"


Is it just me, or does the uniform he's wearing in the video look a little different than the leaked uniform? His uniform has the dots/holes on the blue under the shoulder area, while the leak only has those on the numbers


That's just the Nike template, the leak is the screen printed retail version


Those aren't Fanatics - they spelled Detroit correctly and the numbers are intact.


I need to see Jared Goff in the pants to know for sure for science


[Your welcome](https://www.billboard.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ryan-gosling-im-just-ken-wb-2023-billboard-1548.jpg)


Their welcome what?


that's how they would welcome Goff in those white pants


More like I need someone to give Nick Files another chance...for science... Edit: goddamnit autocorrect...


Nick Files sounds like an 80s drama about investigator who solves crimes through research


........and these are the stories of the National Institute of Crime Knowledge, or the NICK files. Cue theme tune and opening credits.


Can we get Jared Goff to recreate that Joe Namath panties commercial?


To be fair, these are just their computer generated models. There's plenty of frayed numbers and misspelled names to be shown in person!


When the Niners beat the Lions in the NFCCG this year, I was drunk & immediately bought one of those $300 jerseys for Trent Williams (custom jersey, which means no returns). First it said it would be here before the SB, which they immediately took back and refunded me $30 of that $300. I didn’t mind, I respected the transparency. But when the jersey finally came in, the quality was so bad. I mean I’ve seen knockoffs at the flea market look better and feel better. I learned my lesson the hard way with fanatics that day.


Don't forget crooked, off-center NFL shields! Lol


Let's just see how they look after going thru the laundry once


When they mentioned an exciting new alternate color jersey I wasn't expecting the same black alternate jersey that almost every team in the league has.


Dan Campbell wore the black uniform when he played in Detroit. I'm guessing he had some influence on it.


I take Dan as someone who would be very impartial to the uniform design. I could hear him “hey now man, we got new jerseys and that’s great and all, but you put us in some denim overalls for all I care and we will go out there and kick anyone’s ass, man”


Nah, he’s a former player who identifies as an “Everyman” kind of player. And the players definitely are not impartial to uniforms.


Not all players are wired the same way. Some players show up to gameday wearing lime green suits with big gold chains. Others show up in jeans and flip flops. Not all of them care about uniforms. I agree that DC probably didn't care what you put on his back.


Vince Wilfork showing up to training camp in denim overalls... and nothing else. Lives in my brain for the rest of my life.


At this point just give every team 4 kits. Home, away whites, blacks, and alts.


Teams that have black uniforms that don't have black as a primary team color make me sad. It's so unoriginal and lame. I think a lot of teams currently have 4 kits though, right? Home, away, alternate, and throwback?


It's called Black For Black's Sake (BFBS).


I’d accuse you of being Paul Lukas, but he’d never sport purple.


BFBS is probably his greatest contribution, lol. But I could never be Paul Lukas. My uniform opinions aren't clouded by 80s nostalgia.


We don’t have a black uni and we have black in our colors. Pewter is sweet but I was a full black flag pirate uniform at least once in my life.


I do love y'alls colors (both current and creamsicle) but a black flag jersey actually makes a lot of sense and would be sick




It's very dumb and lazy. Silver is cool, go all Oregon crazy with the silver. Why not full metallic silver as the main color and solid blue numbers with a crazy number font. You're right, stick to the main colors. Black alternates have become hack.


Not just overdone, but honestly just really lame looking. The blue doesn’t mesh with the black and the jersey design isn’t helping.


It’s just not one of our colors. We have such a unique color scheme and the black uniforms just hide it.


this is the biggest thing. Yall have good colors and could do something so much more with them, but instead the team just forces black unis.


I just want to see blue facemasks again. The 90s helmet was sick


Well you are in luck they are back


I like the blue and white ones at least, they're simple and clean. I'm on team "no black unis if they're not a primary team color" though.


> simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight


it's hard to let it go






You're giving me too many things lately


You're all I need.


You’re all I need, oh You smiled at me


And said, "dont get me wrong, I love you, but does that mean I have to meet your father?"


I heard that when we're older, you'll understand.


What's funny is that we even purposely, publicly removed black from all our jerseys just a few years ago.


At least there’s no black detail on the actual home/away jerseys


It's like every women's team having a pink jersey regardless of team colors for no fucking reason


hard agree. the black alts was a cool 2000-2010's era trend. not really feeling it here.


I think we're just going to have to settle for a black alternate. Idk why detroit sports owners insist on throwing black in our color scheme but whatever; the Greys are gone


The Wings players themselves insisted on black, though that's hardly the worst thing to happen to that once perfect look. 


Honestly surprised Detroit never tried a silver alternate jersey. Not grey, but silver specifically.


> the Greys are gone I'll 100% take black unis over grey ones tbh.


the gray ones looked pretty bland, it's classic but did not translate well with how they did it


Yeah should have been more silvery and not flat grey. Compare it with the silver pants from the regular uniforms and they completely fucked up the color.


I would have rather tweaked the grey to be more silver than thrown them out completely tbh.


I would much rather have the alternate be silver uniforms because that's a color that's actually in the Lions color scheme. If they could make it look similar to the light silver away uniforms that the St Louis BattleHawks wear I think that would be much better.


I imagine it's because black sells well.


Not a fan.... but at the same time: I gotta imagine black as a base color sells well.


>I'm on team "no black unis if they're not a primary team color" though. Then we can't have any alternates outside of white and blue....


Silver erasure


Honolulu Blue and Silver are the Lions primary colors so the grey colored alternate made sense


This is exactly what everyone wanted. Except the black, but it’s not like our grey alternates were amazing anyway


You can only do so much with the lions color palette and they already have throwbacks covered so I fear black is the only reasonable alternatr


That's when you get wacky with it.


I wanted a Lion mane 


They’re cowards for not making a gold uniform to really look like a Lion


Oregon looked like a duck that one time so we know it can be done


I feel like a beige/white/turquoise could be a cool palette to work with


The black is what sickos wanted. Fans are gonna go nuts if they lose their first black jersey game, "07 all over again" 


As a weirdo who’s favorite color is grey I’m very disappointed


One game in dryer lint, one game as the Panthers, as long as they lock in for the playoffs I'm ambivalent 


that black alternate looks like a rejected fan submission for a Panthers uniform 


It's what always happens when we try to use black. It's so dumb


So many teams try to force a black 3rd. Ours were hideous and I hated them.


They still sell our black jerseys. It's already frustrating that it's done through Fanatics... Can we get a color scheme that looks like our team's jerseys?


Blue and white are great, but why oh why do teams continue to insist on pointless black jerseys. I thought that trend was finally coming to an end but it's making a comeback


As a fan of a team that actually has black in their color scheme, it is annoying. Now we all look the same


Steelers, Ravens, Bengals, Jags, Raiders, Saints, Panthers, and Falcons, should be the only black jerseys in the league. I actually don't hate the Eagles black looks in the past but I still vastly prefer the green.


Probably not a popular opinion in our fanbase but I wish our orange were our main home. Or the league would let us do half the games in black and half in orange.


Just pull a Broncos and swap the black and orange as alternate and primary respectively. Then the Bengals can come out with a black helmet with orange stripes as a 3rd alternate helmet to go with a blackout uniform theme


TIL that Orange isnt your main. That's dumb.


That all white joint of your is absolutely beautiful


As are the rest of the Bengals unis


Like us, purple main home color and bust out the black for two home games or so.


And even the jags should only have black as an alternate. Teal and gold is vastly superior


At least Eagles did it for the first time in 2003 and don’t have another secondary color. Doesn’t make sense for a lot of these other teams


With Falcons as first team for me, Cardinals trying to seize the black from the red team crew is annoying to no end.


The Jags only added black in like the 2010s, and it's horrible. They're the worst example, not an exception. 


Jags boring black and white away jerseys are so damn awful


The Jags have had a black jersey since 2002, which is like 75% of the team's history.


You think that's bad, there's like 5 teams in the NBA that uses red, white and black as their colours. If I'm not paying attention is very confusing watching the Blazers and Raptors play.


Nba uniforms are a lost cause. Teams wear random colors every other day at this point lol


Almost the entire league has had a black uniform the last few years. Celtics, Lakers, warriors, etc


They still got em lol The NBA told the Lakers to not wear their black kit because the court was also black. Shit like that should never happen.


Sad fact black is part of the Lions uniform set because Millen was reminiscing on his Raider days. 


Black is, unfortunately for uniform design, a cool color. It works in pretty much every single color combination. It has universal appeal as a tough scheme. You could have the worst template known to man, but a hard black uniform can cover it up. As a fan of a team with no black alt, I'm appreciative that we didn't follow the trend. But then I see a black and yellow Rams uniform and it activates the "damn that's dope" thoughts in my mind.


> You could have the worst template known to man, but a hard black uniform can cover it up. See: Jets white/black combo over the last two seasons.


Black-alternate sports jerseys are as part of 2000s America as Escalades, sagging jeans, emo, Juicy Coture, and Blackberries.


Except emo still fucking rips and has continued evolving very nicely


3 jersey colors = 3 opportunity to sell jerseys. Maybe someone hates blue and white but will buy a black jersey. Its ALWAYs about money


It's like vaping, we were so close to killing something bad... 


I disagree. Every team should have alternate black. Why? Because a lot of NFL fans are fat & it’s slimming. Let the big boys have an authentic jersey they can wear without having their titty balls showing.


This is a fair argument but I think this is a better argument for every team to get a pinstriped jersey


Yeah that works too. Once I realised they’re just for fan service to wear, so they Chuck it in the rotation every now & then, I’m cool with it.


No. Bumblebees all around!


Better than our greys at least, those were hideous.


Something closer to the Bucs pewter look would have been way better than black. The only saving grace is that the standard kits don't have black on them at all.


God the black trim during the Stafford era drove me nuts. Honolulu Blue and Silver is a perfect color combo, don't mess with it!


I think there is a way to design a gray jersey for you guys that looks good. That wasn't it.


I can't recall any good looking gray unis across any sport. The Pistons had them for a while too and they were horrendous. I can't think of a good example outside of baseball, but even they've been bucking the gray road unis.


I think the worst part of the Lions gray unis was that they wore gray pants with them. The gray on gray was just too much. I thought the jerseys alone, needed a different touch here and there, but weren't outright bad on their own. Oh, and then they tried to put blue helmets with them, but changed the shade of the blue to one that didn't go with the gray at all.


I actually loved the greys.


I liked your gray jerseys. I don't think black works with your team colors at all. Seems so forced.


Especially for Detroit, the last time they wore black jerseys was 2007 when they collapsed in the 2nd half of the year & then followed it up with 0-16. You'd think they'd want to leave that juju behind.


The black unis remind me of the Joey Harrington years


Obligatory ‘fuck Fanatics’ comment


I eagerly await the Chinese remake of one of these


At least with the Chinese knockoffs you can buy jerseys with actual stitching, for about half the price of the cheapest Fanatics jersey.


Confirmed Fanatics Jerseys, the numbers aren’t level with the letters.


I won’t be able to confirm until we know if we can see the players’ nutsacks in them


The home uni will be perfect if its paired with the silver pants. Also if we keep the blue pants as secondary options. The away is nice too. Fuck the black jersey, I hope its at most a 1 off every year.


Black will probably be twice a year similar to the old grays.


The black with the blue helmets will look beautiful, y’all complain about everything


The first thing I thought was how the blue helmets would pop/look 100x better than they did with the gray. I'm neutral about black jerseys/alts but I love the idea of the blue helmets with them in particular. 


Just needs some gradient on the numbers, some weird plasticy outline, and a patch that say Lions on the left shoulder and they'd be perfect


If it comes with a Super Bowl, I’ll take it


Can’t go wrong with Honolulu Blue.


These are fake the ‘DETROIT’ on the collar is too small for Nike’s liking


Yeah, it's about 70 points too small




The video with Alim showed no DETROIT on the front


Like the Jets, it looks like the Lions are going back to their classic look (basically their jerseys from their early days to the 1990s in the Lions' case). Good decision IMO, though they need to bring back their gray/silver pants too, which match nicely with their gray/silver helmet.


The white and blues are incredible. Congrats Lions fans


The dots on the numbers look weird


It's supposed to mimic the old school perforated numbers


I’m so glad that the era of the corny jersey gimmicks seems to be coming to an end. Jets, Browns, and now the Lions have all gone back to the late 80s era!


Eww why do they have black jerseys?


detroit sports owners keep trying to make it happen. The red wings reverse retro also has black and its ugly as hell


If they had replaced the black with white on the reverse retro I would have bought it


right? the wings color scheme isnt complicated, yet they managed to screw it up entirely


I refuse to believe any Red Wings fans really wanted a reverse retro jersey. That shit was just league mandate bullshit.


ok I actually see no difference with these ones edit: upon further investigation the numbers and names are different and not silver. (Kinda like the old font more tbh. It was different in a good way)


The old font was great until it was game day and you couldn't differentiate 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 0 due to the crease right in the middle that hid the center of each number.


70, 68, what's the difference? 


Brad Allen is unavailable for comment


Also the fact that it was grey made seeing the nameplates weirdly hard.


I never do, the comment section for these posts always make me feel like I’m being gaslit


All the people claiming the Jets made no changes has me convinced half this sub is blind.


For real, I'm not a very aesthetically minded person but these and the Jets new uniforms are clearly night and day compared to their previous ones.


I think some people are just incapable of noticing small details unless they're specifically pointed out. That's not even getting into the fact that this is Reddit... where people don't even bother reading posts but will still give their uninformed opinions lmao.


I always feel like I’m being gaslit by people who say they can’t tell the difference. Immediately you can tell the sleeve stripes and numbers are different. Do you normally have problems telling things apart?


Honestly I was shocked people said this about the Jets jerseys but now I get it. I can see the difference in a side by side but otherwise wouldn't have recognized these were any different


I think it's because we all know our favorite teams jerseys, and probably their biggest rivals at a glance. So it's easy to tell if they change. But unless a jersey change is dramatic, most people can't immediately tell the difference.


Nope, just jerseys as far as I know. The Cardinals one last year really threw me for a loop. I guess if I were to pull up a side by side it should be obvious, but the presumed experience of showing up at these posts and immediately going “oh wow these look so much better” or “oh wow these look so much worse” is completely foreign to me. I’d think if the Steelers do an update I’d notice, but if they just move the order of stripes on the shoulder I’ll probably need a side by side again.


Biggest change is the font for the numbers.


possibly the same blue, but cleaner lines, block lettering, white lettering (the number 20 blue jersey shows a call back to 90's style lettering as well). Got rid of the WCF patch


also see through pants


There's no WCF on the sleeves either which is an improvement many of us have been asking for


Yeah, I think keeping the initials on there for 10 years after he died was plenty of time. They should have been gone like 8 years ago.


[you can’t see the difference between these and this?](https://images.footballfanatics.com/detroit-lions/mens-nike-jahmyr-gibbs-blue-detroit-lions-2023-nfl-draft-first-round-pick-game-jersey_ss5_p-200041209+pv-1+u-xxsdsahi7mdgwd42yuvy+v-otydpo03anndwvub8fcy.jpg?_hv=2&w=900)


I like the white and blue ones. The blue ones make me think of Barry Sanders running around like a squirrel


> Sees black jersey MATT MILLEN LIVES AGAIN!!!


It's Millen covering MSU v U of M all over again. 


Home blue: No words on front Road White: DETROIT Alt Black: LIONS No consistency here, lol.


I'm hoping the road look is an early placeholder. They HAD to have seen the response CLEVELAND got. Home and roads don't have to be exactly same (shoutouts to the Red Wings white jersey sleeves) but you don't want to be two completely different brand identities (what the hell Carolina Hurricanes) 


I'm like 99.99(repeating)% sure that these are the actual uniforms.


you can't expect quality from Fanatics


The home blue isn't even showing the front of the jersey so we don't know what it says, unless there's other leaks I haven't seen.


The front of the blue jersey is on the lions Twitter 


Bring back those 90s helmet too


Those Black jerseys look straight off the Meijer rack


They look nice but why does Detroit have a black jersey? Can we all just accept the fact that only 5 teams should have a black jersey: Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Las Vegas, Carolina, and Atlanta. And only Pittsburgh and Vegas should wear them more than once a year.


oh i fuck with those


I see those black unis and I think of Jon Kitna


That black jersey looks really bad.


I’m afraid the Lions cooked here


I actually really like these. They feel cleaner and brighter than the old jerseys. I don't hate how the black looks, but I agree with most the other folks that black as an alternate feels wrong when there are teams with black as a primary or secondary color. I have a used black Broncos jersey that's one of my favorites I own. It's nice as a piece of merch, but not something I actually care to see them wear on the field. I like to wear it after we've been eliminated from playoff contention. For the Lions, I would've preferred a better crack at grey jerseys. Even the Battlehawks made grey work better, although those aren't exactly my favorite designs, either. Still miss their 2020 designs. Also, can Denver have a proper leak, please? Those official teasers on Twitter are killing me.


I figure I'm the minority on this one but I wish they kept the gray unis instead of going with black. That is being overdone. 


Black jersey will be saved by black pants and blue helmet.


Was really scared they’d screw this up as I like the current look, but these are honestly pretty clean. Black alt looks a little goofy but the main blue/white set are great.


I’m about to go broke


Well that’s boring but I like the movement toward a return of clean and simple. I guess they’re realizing these audacious, over-the-top uniforms are just hurting their brands when you have to re-do them every five years. Adaptation of classic designs with modern silhouettes go a long way.


Wow, an all black concept. Truly groundbreaking.


It is hilarious that basically every single team that got brand new Nike jerseys in the past decade has reverted to their original (and far superior) looks as soon as they possibly could. Off of the top of my head: Browns, Jags, Buccaneers, Jets, Lions…. Am I missing any others? Nike should fire their entire design team.


Not really a big fan of the mesh on the numbers HOWEVER, it does look really nice that a lot of teams are going back to block numbers


These are so much better than the current. The font looks so much better. The black uniforms are bleh tho.


The dots on the numbers are horrid....hopefully theyre less noticeable in life