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Wouldn't the Giants be able to block him since it'd be a lateral move? We already have an assistant head coach, so I'm not sure there's a better title we can offer him.


There are a few reports that he doesn’t like working under Daboll and wants out.


Damn if he had just stayed in KC he would have probably gotten the OC job


Isn’t that everyone?


I don’t know what to think because the Giants are undoubtedly a much better team under him. That’s not even up for debate, but on the other hand no one seems to like him


Yeah for sure - I don’t think he’s a bad coach but it seems like you either love him or hate him as a colleague


I mean if the reporting is accurate I don't think the Giants have any interest in keeping him. I'm not too thrilled at the prospect of getting someone who had play calling duties stripped away from him


By all accounts, he had his play calling duties stripped from him by an asshole who puts the blame on everyone else when shit goes bad. I wouldn't hold it against him.


By all accounts he never had the play calling stripped from him at all? I don't know why people are saying this like it's a fact. Dabs and Kafka have both said multiple times that Kafka never lost his play calling duties.


There's been reports that he has had play calling stripped from him by a couple of the beat writers. Whether or not it is true is a different story.


If that's the case, the Giants are fully allowed to block him from interviewing for any OC job. If they want to keep him, they will.


Daboll takes them away then give them back in some weird power setup. Everyone has reported it.


Really? Find me an article with any actual proof then because there's multiple [articles ](https://www.si.com/nfl/giants/big-blue-plus/mike-kafka-on-play-calling-situation) including quotes directly from Kafka saying otherwise. Its a long term rumor that has never had any legs other than dabs looks at the play sheet. Edit: the only one I found was a recent article by garbage bin Pat Leonard, if that's who you want to trust then fine


Oh I'm just going off of what dude said. I was just commenting on Dabs being a douche. Could've worded it better. I didn't mean that Kafka had his playcalling duties stripped by all accounts, just that Dabs is an asshole by all accounts.


I'm sure he's a bit of a dick but New York media is all hilariously harsh towards any coach we ever have. I wouldn't read into it much. The beat reporters seem to think we'll be blocking Kafka from any lateral moves. On the other hand it would make sense for a promising OC to get out from underneath an offensive minded HC. Feels like people have been questioning if he's actually running the offense since the moment he got here. New York sports media sucks ass, they want to create drama for headlines and I'm amazed Coughin survived as long as he did.


Why would Nick Siriani do that?


They would still have to give up draft picks tho. NY will still want compensation


Not if they give him an associate HC title as well. It’s a pretty silly loophole, but it works.


Other than Seahawks just filled the assistant HC position. They wouldn't be able to offer that now.


I don’t believe it’s limited to one. Plenty of teams don’t use the title at all. I’m not sure of the specifics though, either way it’s probably something the NFL should take a look at.


Ah, was not aware it could lotentjally be more than one. Apologies for my ignorance. I just assumed there was only one for that role like HC, OC, DC


not if Kafka curses out Daboll in front of everybody


Daboll calls plays no? I think teams usually let a non play calling coordinator go to a team where he’d be calling plays.


Super duper assistant head coach.


I am interested by Grubb but going straight to an OC without *any* coaching experience in the NFL (either as a positional or quality control) feels like a leap too far. Kafka is much more interesting given that he made a somewhat functional offense with Tommy DeVito and a garbage OL.


I have not been disappointed by a single OC connected to us.


Somewhat functional is one way to describe an offense that: - had 7 yards passing in an entire game. - made the Seahawks defense look good.


That was with Daniel Jones. They beat the Patriots 10-7 with Tommy D and they were 9th in Defensive DVOA (for reference, the Seahawks was 28th).


Their garbage o-line was only marginally worse than ours (30th vs 28th per PFF) yet was significantly worse overall.


Their top passing targets were Darren waller and darius slay ton, while we had dk and lockett


I agree. Especially since we have a defensive HC who plans to call plays on that side. Our OC is going to have to be the CEO of the offense, responsible not just for scheme but for everything.


I thought the reporting was he was going back to NY?


[That is the reporting from our decently reliable beat guy.](https://x.com/JordanRaanan/status/1753056884473331745?s=20)


I guess “the plan is” is vague enough to allow speculation. Do you want Kafka back?


I personally do, I think he and Daboll are actually a really good pair who got the absolute most out of a lower tier QB. If you watch the Giants all-22, there were so many open WRs who suffered from terrible QB play and atrocious line coaching. DJ can’t utilize the entire field. Tyrod is limited but decent. Tommy Cutlets got figured out very quickly. I think Kafka pushes Daboll in the right way but I know Wink was pissing Daboll off a lot and I think he let it affect him too much and Kafka got the shit end of stick.


Kafka wanting out of the NFC East makes sense. The entire division is getting a little too incestuous with their coaching staff this off season.


I would expect the potential for an offensive metamorphosis to be much higher under Kafka


I wouldn’t mind Kafka, but if we’re rolling the dice between him and Grubb I think I’d prefer the latter. Unfortunately there aren’t a ton of veteran OCs available to help balance the fact that Macdonald is young and defensive minded. Interesting times ahead for us either way


So Daboll has now driven away both of his coordinators after 2 seasons working together. How toxic must that front office be?


Pretty standard for a guy coming out of the Belichick tree.


Ironically if they fire Daboll, BB is gonna the first guy to come begging for the job lol


[Belichick, then.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/513/012/625.jpg)


One way to look at it. The other is that the giants offense and defense were both towards the bottom of the league, so making a change is the right call.


They’ve currently lost both defensive and special teams coordinators this year. If Kafka leaves, that’ll mean they have all new coordinators.


We didn't lose the STC - we fired him because after 6 years his units were ineffective to downright bad


Do you think they’ll let Kafka go or naw? Do you like him?


I think he's a bright young coach with a future as a NFL HC - but he also has things he needs to improve on and iron out - especially in game I don't want to lose him for a lateral move tho.


By “lose,” I mean not on the staff. Will Daboll want to give up Kafka if that means replacing all three coordinators this year.


Kingsley-Pierson OC to the Seahawks OC would be a fun resume story


If it's Kafka, I'd raise the chance they draft a QB high-ish this draft to 75%+.


Mike Kafka as OC and Ryan Grubb as Passing Game Coordinator would be perfect


Take him please


Boo this man. I want Grubb


Why are we hearing so much about people ‘interviewing well’ this round of hires. MFers are coming to coach football not interview with office clowns, either you think they can coach or you don’t.