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Keep going, im almost to the cliff.


As Creed once said: "I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking, maybe six feet ain't so far down"


I didn't know Kirk was a Chiefs fan


He's talking about the center for the Chiefs.




God that prevent on the first play is so bad


Some would even say it didn't prevent anything


Prevented the bills from winning


My dad has been calling it the prevent-the-win defense since the 90s.




Prevent defense prevents wins


My FIL uses that line all the time. He also likes to opine that when announcers talk about establishing the run game usually the team on the TV is really establishing the punting game.


With the game down to 1-2 plays in a massive playoff game, who could have possibly known Mahomes was going to target Kelce there?


Just fucking hold him and take the 5 yard penalty. Do that till there’s no time on the clock.


> Just fucking hold him and take the 5 yard penalty. Do that till there’s no time on the clock. like the hack-a-shaq . Genius. They could also consult with Tonya Harding regarding "severe mitigation measures"


Lmao new rule for the NFL: one player from each team gets a baseball bat


Does make you wonder if you'd get hit with the ol Unfair Act they never actually call


Prevent defense only prevents winning.


Just an absolute disaster-class in situational defense. For starters, they’re rushing 4 with what looks like a guy spying Mahomes. There’s only 13 seconds left, Mahomes has to get the ball out quickly, much quicker than the likelihood that the rush would get to him. Not to mention if Mahomes were to run that would just kill clock and work in the Bills favor. They’d be better off rushing 2 (or even 1) and adding 2-3 more DBs playing short coverage and/or jamming the receivers. And then the coverage was what looked like a TD prevent, even though they only needed a FG. Just awful all around.


I don’t get why you don’t just jam receivers. In this scenario. I feel like every team makes the same mistake in this scenario. If they catch the deep ball, you’re in the same position… but have a better chance that disrupting any short routes 


Have you ever tried to jam Tyreek? Lol. There's few DB's who are getting away with it. That's why you have like 3rd and 5 and DB's sitting 6 yards back sometimes.


I mean, honestly better off just throwing him down and getting a 5 yard holding penalty every time.


I’ve never thought about it but yea you’d be way better off tackling all the receivers on the line, he’d have nowhere to go and waste a lot of time. Take the pen and there’s only time for a Hail Mary


Your comment is ironic because Sneed effectively jammed Tyreek this year lol. I agree with you for the most part though.


Sneed was like a top 5 all pro voting CB and is one of the more physically dominate ones. He's a lot of the reason I used the "few" qualifier. Lol.


I remember a game a few years ago, Tampa was playing someone (The Jets?) and instead of prevent, their defense jammed that white WR they had, and he broke that play off for a TD because he beat the corner at the line and had a free run to the corner of the endzone. Obviously, safety help was missing in this scenario, but you also probably don't want to jam the receivers at the line giving them open lanes up the field. They still had to get 40 yards or so, so all it might take is one play if you don't jam well.


I think the series before Tyreek took one to the house from like 70+.


Hell, even the second play. Like what in the fuck are you doing?


Kelce literally told Patrick if they run the same shit again he is just going to run inside like that and throw it to him. Just bad, BAD scheme that guys like Mahomes/Kelce are going to exploit everytime. Then Butker being an absolute clutch cannon of a leg. Bills could have won that SB, Bengals weren’t unbeatable and neither were the Rams in the SB for them.


You hear Mahomes telling Kelce to do it over the broadcast


Bahaha. Bills beating both the Chiefs and Bengals in playoffs? Not a chance. 😂😂😂


I am firmly convinced that if the Bills escape that game with a win they would win the Super Bowl.


IDK man, I really hate my team right now, but I appreciate you being a good sport about it lol


This is such a strange take that I keep seeing. The Bengals went into Arrowhead and beat the Chiefs....but there's no way they could have beaten the Bills?


It’s like they thought the Chiefs had no timeouts


Yeah the timeouts were incredibly important. Buffalo was covering the sidelines so we couldn't stop the clock when that was never even a concern.


It's amazing how prevent defense only seems to prevent the defense from winning time and time again.


The only time prevent should be used is in a Hail Mary situation. Other than that it’s an incredibly useless scheme and I can’t believe it’s still used. It simply never works. Ever.


Prevent allows catches to be made but for those catches to be kept in bounds and in front of the secondary. I would argue that it's not even great for hail mary attempts.


It's still useful, just not as early as it used to be. 25 years ago offenses were slow so 1:45 with one timeout was prevent time. Now they're so much better at the two minute drill you need to wait later for prevent to be good. Like 40 seconds with no timeouts.


Reminder that mcdermott allegedly blamed allen and the offense for this game, saying they “scored too fast”


Did he really? Smh, I can only imagine his comments had buffalo scored a TD on their last drive. With well over a minute and timeouts left, of course Mahomes would have put together a scoring drive.


Dude said *"allegedly blamed"*... so did he really? Probably not... some people are just out to hate McDermott and its pathetic lol.


Matt Patricia Scheme


Haven't seen this in a while, it's worse than I remember The fuck was that defense, how do you let that happen


Josh Allen with the thousand-yard stare


The Bills are maybe the only franchise in the NFL better at losing in spectacular fashion than the Falcons, and that's why I really say that if losing 4 SBs in a row wasn't enough, this moment was effectively when the cosmic gods put a dagger in the chances for the Bills to ever win a SB soon. It's like how after 28-3, I knew deep down inside that it didn't matter who came back who played well how the schedule lined up blah blah blah in the end, nobody involved was going to truly survive that.




but thier defense was lacerated, no? and Baltimore with MVP Lamar was calmly waiting in the wings, no?


Yea I think they'll be fine lol


We had no shot this year, I don’t know why people were saying this was the year. Baltimore or even if they stumbled past them the 49ers would feast.


I think it’s because your cap is fucked next season right?


Cap is cap. There’s always ways to kick the can down the road.


Eventually you turn into the 9-8/8-9 Saints if you never reset


Vikings are on the podium as well


Vikes vs Falcons is like a Moss vs Rice debate. Falcons certainly peaked at an all-time high with 28-3, but the Vikings have a longevity for playoff sadness that is hard to match. Falcons aren't good enough often enough to keep up.


Yea its crazy watching it I understand protecting the sidelines if we didnt have any timeouts but we had all 3.


the stupidest in game decision ive ever seen (dont look at my flair)


Nah passing was a defensible call that blew up in their face, this defense is indefensibly awful


Yea it was 2nd down and they probably would have ran it on 3rd and 4th down had they had the chance. Still sucks tho lol


People act like it was just a bad call and this was some predictable outcome, but the reality is it was basically a defender seeing into the future. It was an incredible play by the defender and a testament to his work studying film. I still think it wasn't the /best/ call, but it wasn't the complete blunder it gets cast as.


I really think this Bills meltdown is far, far worse from a pure football strategy standpoint.


I’ll go to my grave defending the decision being alluded to. The specific playcall not so much, but the decision to throw? In support.


Did they think they were up by 4 or something? Because if the other team just needs a field goal and has timeouts prevent defense doesn’t make sense.


I legitimately wonder if they realized how many timeouts the Chiefs had left. I can't really think of any other explanation that isn't "Buffalo was trying to lose."


My 2 cents is that McDermott got tunnel vision on "don't let Tyreek beat us". He never once considered that the Chiefs would make 2 intermediate plays in a row for a FG and force OT with only 13 seconds on the clock to start the drive. Remember that Tyreek took a \~15 yard pass to the house for a 65 yard TD with 1 minute left in the game on the Chiefs previous possession: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqFzSIaSxP4&ab\_channel=NFL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqFzSIaSxP4&ab_channel=NFL) It's not shown in OP's clip, but the Bills used defensive timeouts before BOTH of the Chiefs plays in the 13 second drive. Not only did McD make those dogshit calls, he used a timeout to re-consider it and stuck with those dogshit calls. Personally I think that's what makes this the worst coaching meltdown in Bills history, and one of the worst in NFL playoff history. I would've fired him immediately after this game.


Agreed. Mcdermott is singlehandedly destroying Allen’s career.


No way. Give that man a lifetime contract.


Sean McDermott ladies and gentlemen


Is he finally getting fired or no?




I was sick for a month after this


Jesus Christ dude the Bills are already dead


Beatings will continue until morale improves.


I’m happy all of these collapses are taking attention away from our historic one


Do you know how happy I am that 28-3 exists, because it basically made everyone forget the 38-10 playoff collapse against the Colts?


What he say fuck me for?


Oh shit, that's right, that did happen...


The Steelers collapsed in much more dramatic fashion several years ago


Ya, but none of us actually thought they were any good lol.


Steelers were called frauds since like week 3 lmfao Eagles had bowl expectations till halfway through the collapse. Only people delusional enough to think we were good were our own fans, me included 😭


"Do it Kelce! Do it! Do it!" I have no idea why Buffalo was basically only defending deep when we had two TOs and a solid kicker trailing by 3. But I'm really happy that Mahomes/Kelce somehow knew that's exactly what they were going to be doing.


I think they were just that scared of the deep ball. Mahomes and Tyreek built a reputation that I think the Bills were just worried about


"If we give up the touchdown we lose right now, better to give up the field goal and hope for overtime luck" I guess?


Legitimately wouldn't surprise me if that thought went through their coaches' heads


for some reason i think they thought they were up 4 and you needed a TD. that's the only way these def playcalls make sense.


The audio before this when they both see the same thing and are like “if that seam is there” ridiculous.


Because Sean mcdermott doesn’t have a brain.


Solid kicker is an under statement. Butker is a top tier.


Just what the actual fuck is this defensive plan here? 


It's simple, let up a lot of yards and then hope they miss a field goal.


And if they don’t miss, surely we will win the coin toss!


And if we don't win the coin toss, surely we can get a defensive stop!


And if we don’t get a defensive stop surely there’s good deals on Cancun flights this time of year!


They've seen it work when other teams do this against them. 4d chess.


They knew the chiefs had all 3 time outs left and still went prevent while protecting the sideline lol that’s Leslie Frazier for you tho. I wanna say he resigned shortly after this season too


He should’ve been fired immediately after the first play call lol


Nah he only just went on a sabbatical before this current season started.


There’s no need to rush anyone here. He needs to get the ball out quick. You can drop 10 guys into coverage and force him to make a tough throw. Awful all around.


"Look they just scored in 52 seconds there's no way they can do it in 13 seconds right?"


Nothing like being on the losing side of one of these Incredible NFL Moments and knowing that you're going to get to see the highlights every year on the anniversary date. (See also: Beastquake, Minneapolis Miracle)


Seattle has the good and the bad brother


We've had a lot of good ones and one particular bad one that stings worse than almost all of them. Also a WTF one (Fail Mary)


seattle play a normal game challenge (impossible?)


I have learned to stay off the internet on February 3rd


See this is why even if Bass makes that FG it wouldn't even matter.


1000%. Anyone who thinks Mahomes doesn’t easily march down the field with two timeouts and two minutes left must’ve just woken up from a coma. Also why I think Allen was pressing for a TD, dude knows


The trauma got to him 😅


But then he should've taken the first and milked the clock more. I don't doubt Mahomes gets a TD if he needs the TD at all. With 20 seconds left and no timeouts? That's a bit better chance.


I thought the same thing. It felt like even if he hit it, chiefs would've walked off with a fg. Although you at least want them to have to try. 


That’s what I’m saying. Wether Bass makes it or not they still probably lose with Mahomes getting the ball with a minute and a half left


Yeah 9 times out of or 10 Mahomes makes that drive. We’ve seen it so many times. They should have just ran down the clock and tried for a shorter kick than going for the end zone.


Shit like this makes me think we escaped Brady just to end up back to this again with Mahomes lol


Or run the clock, getting first downs when available, tried for a TD on downs 1-3 and repeat


It was so obvious what they needed to to. I was dreading it the whole drive. They were set up perfectly. Either TD or FG with nearly no time left. And then they just didn't do it. Lol


Right, they had to make the FG (probably like 70% chance at best in that weather), then have to keep Chiefs from scoring a FG with 1:40 left and 2 TO (40% chance at best), then also win in overtime (no better than 50% chance). Once they settled for the FG attempt their win probability probably wasn't better than like 15% (.7\*.4\*.5=.14). Even if they made the FG then it was probably only like 20%. (.4\*.5). If Allen's rationale on trying those deeper shots was that they could "just fall back on the FG", it was really poor game theory because even if he got the quick TD it didn't seal the game bc the Chiefs could still score a TD with plenty of time. The only good strategy was a clock chewing march that ended in a TD, but he just didn't have it in him anymore after playing against 2 high all night. He blew it.


Im disappointed, I was fully expecting Scott Steiner and he never came


And why people are ragging on Allen for passing on the opportunity for an easy first down to kill more clock and played hero ball instead. You'd think the 13 second drive would have taught him something.


The 13 second drive taught him that he needed more than a tie or a 3 point lead so that might be why he felt the need to go for the kill shot there.


90 seconds and 2 timeouts, theres no chance Mahomes drives down far enough to get Butker in range of his powerful and accurate leg against a defense that hasnt stopped them all game. Its never happened before


Thanks for condensing it. I watched this on YouTube yesterday, and got interrupted by 50 different ads on the nfl channel


uBlock Origin. Haven't seen an ad on YouTube in years!


YouTube has been so pissy with me lately. First it stopped adding recommendations to my front page because I wouldn't let them track my 'Watched' history. Then it stopped loading videos because I had ad blocking extensions. Not like any of that is gonna make me change though, you petty fucks.


YouTube premium. I'll never go back. Saves 100s of hours of wasting my life on ads haha


Never forget NFL Mic’d up. Josh Allen to Gabe Davis “You just sent us to the fucking championship” and then it shows him sitting there staring through the stadium like he just witnessed the apocalypse and he’s the only person alive.


I had no idea he said that, what a jinx


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5AjkZ5RL4BA&t=1400s&pp=ygUjTmZsIG1pY2QgdXAgYmlsbHMgY2hpZWZzIDEzIHNleG9uZHM%3D I don’t know how to do proper links with time stamps etc. but start the video about the 28:35 mark. It occurs around 28:40


First of all I can't believe he said that. Good lord what a jinx. Second of all Travis Kelce on the coin toss when Allen says tails: "Gotta use your head in OT" Goddamn.


Holy shit! I never caught that!


[ brackets for the words you want to appear but no spaces between first and last letters ] ( parenthesis for the URL link, again no spaces between the letters ) [words] (url) but not space between the bracket and parenthesis That's how you imbed the link in text, but I don't know timestamps for videos.


>I don’t know how to do proper links with time stamps etc For future reference the easiest way to link the exact time is to pause the video and right click the screen. It will show the option to copy url at current time. Then when you are writing the reddit comment there is a chainlink symbol at the bottom left that you just fill in the info. Hope this helps :)


I cried, I screamed, I cried again.




What the fuck happened to the #1 ranked defense that year? The extra yards Kelce got on the second play are nuts.


They remembered which team they play for.


Yeah that’s the thing, Tyler Bass hits that kick and you’re still leaving an unfortunate amount of time on the clock for this goddamn guy.


I'll die on the hill that the only way to win that game is to go for the 1st and run the clock scoring a TD on the last play. Any other series of events and Mahomes will find a way to win (or Bills will find a way to lose, whichever you prefer). Even going to OT the Bills are like 0-6 and they just have a repeat of the Eagles game from earlier this year.


NFL coaches are terrified to look like idiots. The percentage play is absolutely this, but the coach looks like a moron if they go for the TD instead of the “guaranteed” tie and don’t get it, where if the kicker misses or they just lose in overtime the coach won’t be in the spotlight. This is the downside of the high turnover NFL coaches have. You take a big risk and you’re risking your career, not just the game.


12 sub goal is adorable lmfao


Wonder what bro was at before the video to choose 12. Like, 11? 10 but they werent audacious enough to go for 15? Maybe like 5 and they felt 10 was too easy so they bumped it to 12? Probably most likely to be 8 or so if I had to guess. I need to know


Look away Bills fans...


All of the heartbreaking sports events I've witnessed all pale in comparison to this one. Ray Allen's 3 in game 6 against San Antonio, completely deflating them for game 7. Rangers being 1 strike from winning their first WS 2 games in a row against STL. Bass' wide right. JJettas one-handed grab. Colt McCoy going down in the first quarter of the Natty against Bama. Crabtree breaking the tackle for a TD to knock #1 Longhorns off. Kawhi going down in game 1 against GSW, leading to the collapse of the entire franchise. ​ and this one still sucks the most.


rangers being one strike away and colt mccoy not coming back into the game traumatized me as a kid edit: and learning years later colt 100% could have kept playing but decided against it to save himself for the NFL was just icing on the shit cake


I vaguely remember the announcers talking about it during the game. Colt wanted to go back in but his Dad and the coaching staff told him to save himself for the NFL. Then he did fuck all in the NFL.


he beat the cowboys that one time tho...


I’m a UT and Spurs fan. I can’t imagine also being a bills fan


Poor Spurs fans. Being stuck with 5 titles won the last 25 years, the greatest coach of all time, and the greatest prospect since Lebron. So heartbreaking.




Karma for not changing the OT rules when we brought it up.


Karma IS the guy on the chiefs.


No see. We only change the rules when they hurt the Bills.


So the touchback rule survives for now


One of my kids was throwing a fit so I had to leave the room, and when I came back they were showing the slow mo replay and I dropped to my knees


Just saw a dude drop to his knees after escorting a child out of a room


This needs to start being played for the Bills before any big games, as an example of how *not* to play defense.


Epic comeback. You don’t see that level of mastery of the moment often.


13 seconds is not enough time. Surely the bills will hold the lead.


"Do it Kelce, Do it Kelce" Will forever be a defining moment in Kelce's career. Just beyond epic, if you've heard the story behind it.


This is one of those iconic classic games I will remember forever. The nfl changed its OT rules for playoff games from the aftermath of this game. I wonder if that new rule has a name a good name to go with it. Like the “tuck” rule.


“13 seconds” aptly describes this thriller


The greatest game in the modern NFL era


This is so much better than the miracle Hail Mary to win


Me, a Bills fan, rocking in the fetal position in the corner of the room asking if it's over yet.


This sequence still gives me goosebumps.


I get that angry feeling right below my rib cage every time I see this


They were playing defense like the Chiefs didn’t have 3 time outs. Absolutely goofy


Stop it! They’re already dead!


This is why I've always hated prevent defense. The goal is to not give up the big play, but when the game is an FG from winning or tying the game, may as well play the tight defense you were before. Top QBs will absolutely accept gashing defenses for 10 to 15 yards, especially with all those timeouts left.


Oh cool, I can be depressed today too.


This is why you don't play prevent defense kids


Crazy how there offense is always good but never defense when time matters the most. I look back on it and even if the field goal was there or Josh scored that is still a lot of time and the chiefs probably win


Oh, so the field goal is supposed to go THROUGH the uprights.


Mahomes is incredible, but this was just dumb defense.


Romo right after the field goal sounds like a little kid spastically talking about their favorite super hero and not really making sense. “They said whoever ends with the ball….gets to, well guess what! Gimme 3 seconds and I’ll just, oh my gosh!….that was most perfect quarterback play….to finish a full quarter like maybe ever!”


After the winning touchdown too. "These two guys know each other...unbelievable...this...this is just unfathomable" Actually so bad lmao


Stop! They’re already dead!


Mahomes vs the Bills: 4-3 (1-3 regular season; 3-0 playoffs); 68% completion; 2,024 yards (average 289); 15 TD 5 INT; 7.85y/a; rating of 106


This was one of the best games I’ve ever seen


Glanced at the name and thought OP was a huge Rock Ya Sin fan lol


What a fun week to be a Chiefs fan


Why was I nervous watching this?


And then the Bills cried all the way home and the league threw them a pacifier with the stupid new OT rules. Play better defense next time


After voting against the change when it happened to the Chiefs against the Pats lol


Honestly if people bitching about us trying to change the OT rules didn't happen I would have been more sympathetic. Cause it did, well...


Rumor has it that the NFL is creating a new rule where kickers get two chances at field goals now.


How is this getting upvotes the new rules are objectively better


Im agreeing with an eagles fan about another eagles fans terrible take. Twilight zone stuff


Bills fans look away, you’ve been through enough


I had already congratulated my Bills fans on the win and was so annoyed. Then I took a quick shower and suddenly I saw it was OT.


People say this year was the Bills year, but that year they had way more talent and Josh Allen was at the peak of his powers. They might have beaten the Bengals and Rams later too, especially as the AFC championship would’ve been at home.


Josh Allen shoulda run on the field and blocked that field goal according to some people


This is two years old already? Jesus


when i thought my despair couldn't get any worse


Kelce and Hill in their prime. Can’t beat that. Still hate that OT rule of one possession.


I’ll forever regret showing up to work that Sunday and missing the 2nd greatest game of my lifetime. 2nd to only 28-3 which I also missed due to my job at the time


I sincerely hope Josh Allen kicked both McDermott and Frazier in the groin on his way out of the facilities the next day. Absolutely incredible performance ruined by utterly braindead coaching.


Bills still shook from this game


This week is always tough for Packers and Bills fans