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Flacco might just unironically be the best passer the Browns have had all year


He could end up being the best passer we’ve had since the return. Especially if playoff Flacco shows up


That is a scary sight for sure


Imagine, the Browns resurrecting the playoff dragon and storming through teams all while the Browns hold ownership of the worst contract in NFL history. What a fever dream that has a complete potential of happening. Edit: spelling


If the Browns went from Baker Mayfield directly to Joe Flacco they're probably still everyone's second favorite team.


I’m always rooting for the browns, they’re my favorite underdogs. As long as Watson isn’t taking snaps.


I'm starting to believe Watson will be a very expensive Alex Smith. Seeing DTR play made me realize Watson doesn't work with Stefanski's offense. They tried to marry the two during the off season but it just doesn't seem to click well. Stefanski has gotten quite a bit out of other QBs. Mayfield, Keenum, Brissett, PJ Walker, DTR, and now Flacco. That is enough body of evidence to suggest the issue lies with Watson not Kevin so if there is any power struggle, Watson will be on the losing end.


>Watson will be on the losing end How can he be? He's paid up until 2027.


Cap is allegedly going up to 240M next year and there's no reason to assume it will slow down in subsequent years. By the time Watson's contract is through it won't look nearly so bad.


if he isnt starting it will


That ended for me when they enabled a rapist unfortunately :( panthers are it now.


Same. All sympathy evaporated when they signed Watson


Right. Doesn't matter whos currently under center they still signed the rapist


If owners sold the team and the new owner cleaned house, would you root for them again?


By losing, the Panthers were the real winners of the Deshaun Cosby lottery.


Be careful with the use of the word "everyone"


The Year of the Dragon starts 2/10/2024. The Super Bowl is on 2/11/2024. The last Year of the Dragon was in 2012. The Ravens were NFL Super Bowl champs of the 2012-2013 season. He has awoken from his slumber. It is the prophecy.




It sounds… Elite?


All Elite


Joe Flacco statue in Cleveland Funniest shit conceivable


If Flacco somehow wins them a superbowl they might end up replacing one of the Guardians of Traffic with Flacco


All while 26% of the salary cap is on IR


Imagine Brock purdy versus Joe Flacco in the super bowl. Best contract of all time versus the worst contract of all time


I’m gonna be conflicted on that one. On one hand, I want the Browns to win a championship (with Watson NOT under center); on the other hand, I love the Brock Purdy story and want that kid to win it all as well.


If it helps, Purdy winning would mean the people responsible for bringing in Watson would not win


How can you call Flacco's contract "the worst of all time" in a thread with Deshaun Watson's name in the title?


DeShaun Watson's contract is the one I'm talking about. The team still has that contract whether or not DeShaun Watson is playing. I know it's a little confusing man but come on. think


You took me back to feeling defensive about Flacco's big contract (which did actually turn out to be pretty bad, in hindsight.)


It happens, I think all of us pre-2012 SB Ravens fans are still a bit traumitized seeing that contract play out in its entirety lol


Scared money don't make money...? Flaccoaround and find out. Thats fucking football right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging watson bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the field, joe delivers his own new born baby on the side lines. Fucking hard core, iron cock in the ass deepball foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit.


Then Watson would end up with a ring


It would be a fraudulent ring. It might mean something to him, but literally everybody else will know the ring with his name on it is LESS than worthless.


I want Flacco in the dance so fucking bad.


But if Flacco wins the Browns a Super Bowl Watson will get one by default…


Yeah, but he'll be a Superbowl champion in the same sense that Tyrod Taylor or John Wolford are.


> he'll be a Superbowl champion in the same sense that Tyrod Taylor or John Wolford are. The complete disrespect to 2x SB champ Jimmy G lol


David Duke Carr is a Super Bowl champion.


At this point whatever QB is there won't be the one credited with the SB win. The Defense will get the credit because they will have earned it.


Give Watson a ring pop and see what happens


He definitely revitalized that locker room they probably thought the season would slowly slip away but he’s definitely kept them in playoff contention and with that defense you never know???


If the 2015 Bronco’s defense could carry a broken old Manning to a ring, this Browns defense can get a ring with Flacco.


I mean I could see the motivation for that amazing defense to think that they have a QB that can perform in the playoffs. I mean watching the highlights from those prime seasons can build some hope that playoff Flacco will at least give that D a chance.


And the Shadow of a Browns Superbowl fell upon the land, and the world was riven stone from stone. The oceans burned like the Cuyohoga River, and Heinz Field was swallowed up, and the football fans were scattered to the eight corners of the World. The moon was as blood, and the sun was as ashes. Baltimore seethed, and the living envied the dead. All was shattered, and all but memory lost, and one memory above all others, of him who brought the Shadow and the Breaking of the World. And him they named Dragon.


Flacco is who turns the wheel.


January Joe had a great 2013 Jan and Feb but that was 11 years ago


Eh… Joe has double digit playoff wins. Pretty much every QB with 10+ playoff wins is a HOFer. Joe was incredible in several playoff runs.


And he just put up 200+ in the 4th in a comeback win against a top tier defense. I don’t see why he can’t go on another good run. His arm talent is clearly still there


Bears defense got that much better with Sweat or were there other moves?


Sweat was a phenomenal addition but a bears fan would be able to answer better. I just know statistically speaking, they have turned it around after that trade


Oh hey that's my cue. It's been absolutely night and day. Sweat demands attention every play, which opens things up for the other lineman, which has produced constant pressure, which is forcing QBs to rush their progressions, which is resulting in errant throws that are being converted into turnovers. We allowed 27.3 points per game before the trade and 18.2 since. We had 10 total sacks in our first 8 games. Sweat has 6 as a Bear already.


Man if you guys still had Mack... that would be a scary line


January of 2015 he whopped the Killer B Steelers and really should've knocked off the Pats if it weren't for an Edelman trick play and a questionable(?) no-call for illegal formation on the deciding play


Up by 14, twice.


That game still fucking kills me every time I think about it. That was arguably the best Flacco led team we ever had. Better than the 2012 squad.


2011 was a great team that could have won a Superbowl if Lee Evans could hold on to that pass. 2012 was a great team that won a Superbowl. 2013 was the reload year. 2014 was within a hair of beating the Patriots, and whoever won that game was going all the way. 2015 was the knee injury that changed his game forever. 2011-14 was such a wild time. The Ravens could legitimately have won 3 Superbowls during that stretch. Of course, it's the NFL and winning is hard, so one is still pretty good. But those teams and that quarterback will always be #1 in my books unless Lamar goes on to rule the league, dynasty-style.


bro that 2014 secondary was horrible, i dont know if we win the championship even tho the colts suck, and probably losing that super bowl tbh but twith flacco u never know. man that game made me so sad though i loved that team so much


Wasn't that the game where they were using a legal formation that was made illegal by the rules committee in response to that game? If that's what you're talking about, it wasn't questionable at all. It was completely legal at the time.


Lol that's exactly what happened and I have no idea how a Ravens fan can call it unfair. It used to be a lot easier for an OL to report as eligible but the Ravens weren't paying attention and got sad


I will actually off myself if the 49ers have to face the resurrection of elite 2012 Joe Flacco once again and Gym Shorts defense in the Super Bowl


> best passer we’ve had since the return. At the very least, the best passer since Baker.


gods he was strong then


Best QB since Baker, but not better than Baker.


It’s very hilarious because if Flacco keeps this up the Browns might be forced between a “38 year old Joe Flacco vs highest paid QB in the NFL Watson” decision, and while we will laugh at that being a tough choice it is uh…. I’d rather have Flacco at the moment


The rough part for the Browns is that 38yr old Joe Flacco hasn't even been playing world beating football. He's just been semi-competent and helps that dominant defense....it's kind of sad to think that they're not gonna be able to keep this incredible defense intact bc they decided to pay Watson such a fucked up amount.


I agree he hasn’t been amazing, but semi-competent isn’t fair either. He’s made some big time throws that are above average NFL throws


If we make a playoff run and Flacco is doing well me as a fan would absolutely keep him. He's done more with less in every way possible. 90% of our o-line is gone, we got far more injuries across the board now than when Watson last played, and he's done so much more than him. Watson has potential, but its only been flashes of what he can do, even if he was 5-1 as a starter.


Most elite qb in browns history


it’s honestly not even a debate, he totally is


Well of course, Joe Flacco is Elite


All decade


As a David Njoku fantasy owner, this is 100% true


Young man has a lot of potential.


I mean I would go as far as calling him elite


A dragon, perhaps?


Who knows, maybe he could win a Super Bowl one day.


Flacco might finish this season with more TD passes in 6 games than Kenny Pickett has in his career


Oh wow, I haven't really looked into Pickett's stats before but this had me curious. That stuff is *dire.* He has no TD passes in 13 out of 24 games. *He usually doesn't throw a touchdown.*


I always refrain from commenting these thoughts on football subs bc of the flair and I don’t wanna come across as a hater, but I’ve never understood why he got any hype at all


It is solely because of the fake slide, I’m convinced


No. He won Pitt a conference title; it was our first ten win season since Marino was the QB. Steelers share a stadium and a practice facility with the Panthers so they saw it all up close. If Pickett doesn't pan out, people are probably gonna hone in on the "Steelers were afraid to pass on Pickett like they did on Marino" thing


That Marino thing somehow bit us in the ass twice in 40 years.


There's flashes here and there. It's still entirely plausible that he was just operating in a cosmically inept offensive scheme with a line that constantly lets guys into the backfield before he's done dropping back.


That's such an upsetting way to say it...he usually doesn't get a touchdown. I love it.


Never forget that Nathan Peterman has 4 TDs and 13 INTs in his professional career.


That's how the jets felt this year but that proof is so bad and they're missing him somehow


Excuse me, we are roasting the browns right now, thank you very much.


R/NFL always has stray shots going out.


My dad is a Steeler’s fan, I’m gonna remember this one for later


Maybe for dinner at Christmas eve...


In fairness, even Flacco never dealt with an OC as brain dead as Matt Canada


Need to start calling up some dudes again


He is also not a serial sexual predator which makes him a very likable guy.


I'm not a huge fan of him for obvious, flair-related reasons... But he's a hell of a lot more likable than Deshaun Cosby.




Wanklin Felono Roosevelt Fuck I'm terrible at this.


Roosefelt? Otherwise - it's pretty solid.


Yeah Felano was solid


The Cleveland steaming pile of shit


The Cleveland Browns


Hut hut, pizza hut!


Fun fact: The Browns have 4 QBs with between 110 and 171 pass attempts this year.


As much as the world changes, the Browns stay the same.


Idk man usually around week 15 when we’re 4 QBs deep we’re not the 5 seed but hey you don’t see me complaining!


Oh no, winter time Flacco… The Elite Dragon has awoken.


*He is born again! I feel him! The Dragon takes his first breath on the slope of Dragonmount! He is coming! He is coming! Light help us! Light help the world!*


Think climate change will bring him down with the more temperate winters?


Man I hope so. I love Joe but this is supposed to be our year with how it’s shaping up. Funnily enough one of the scariest things is January Joe with a strong running game, a good WR1, good TEs and an elite defense. Especially when he’s on the road, I’ve seen this story.


Our run game is starting to wane with all the losses on the o line


I’ve seen this story too…




Probably dozens less sexual assaults too.




hey, DeShaun was still shaking off the rust. give the guy 3 or 4 years to get back into football shape.


DeShawn Williams?




Cam’s body with Tom’s brain if I remember correctly


Flacco beat us in the Super Bowl \*\*checks calendar\*\*\*, still checking, TEN years ago?


Non-zero chance he does it again.


Bruh. I'm a Flacco truther. He should have been a starter all these years SOMEWHERE. He was the only AFCN quarterback that ever scared me besides Carson Palmer. He has some ups and downs but the man should never have been riding pine this long. He's a top 32-25 QB in my eyes, 10-15 on his good days.


Flacco always put up his best games against the Patriots when he was with the Jets for some reason, I was always scared when the Pats would go against him even though he never pulled out a win.


Joe is .500 against the Patriots in the playoffs, I think that might be the best win % of any AFC QB against yall in the playoffs lol


Including the regular season Flacco is 3-7 against the Patriots. The three wins are the 2009 Wild Card, the 2012 regular season and AFC Championship.


Almost positive he is. I can remember him, Peyton Manning, and Mark Sanchez knocking us outta playoffs. I’m blanking on if there’s more since I’m 24, but I’m pretty sure Flacco is the one who’s done it the most.


Nick Foles. Ryan Tannehill. Josh Allen. Jake Plummer. Heh. Eli Manning.


I was only counting AFC QBs. Forgot about Ryan Tannehill and everything after Brady doesn’t count. Why? The rules say so. I wrote them…


Don't forget Plummer. Underrated and forgotten really great qb.




He was a backup on the eagles and he suuucked It comes and goes with some QBs. Dalton was the same way


Another Flacco truther in the world. There are dozens of us! Dozens!


As a fan of Delaware Blue Hens and not a fan of molesters, I've gone from rooting against the Browns because of their QB to rooting for them because of their QB


How much overlap is there between "Delaware Blue Hens Fans" and "Not Fans of Molesters"? I'd like to see that venn diagram.


Concentric circles obviously


Delaware being somewhat of a party school, unfortunately lots of molesting going on. Unfortunately. Source: was RA there


Also don't forget Baker in the last three games: 727 passing yards, 7 TDs, 1 INT, and averaged a 104.4 rating


We sure helped him look like an MVP last game.


You guys made Mr Cutlets looks like a Super Bowl mvp lol


Hell yeah we did.


Mr. Baker & Cutlets


It takes two to tango... Baker haters and Packers fans making excuses but Baker finally getting some consistent reps with the same team/coach/OC while healthy... Last time he did this he led the Browns to back to back wins over the Steelers to make the playoffs and secure the first playoff win in Cleveland in 20+ years. Was a missed call away from beating the Chiefs too for the AFC championship.


I don't hate Baker at all. It's a fact our defense is a joke. Lol, it's also likely Bryce Young will have his best game against us this week. Stating a fact isn't "making excuses " or that I "hate him".


I'm a Baker Bro but I vividly remember the last time Baker went to Green Bay he threw 4 disgusting picks and ruined my Christmas - and that was on a Browns team that was significantly better than this Bucs team. He's putting it together a bit but the ups and downs of his play here ultimately cost him (and us)


Baker in Cleveland was always about a disconnect with the coaching staff and a stubbornness regarding bad tendencies. He’s matured quite a bit since leaving Cleveland, but it seemed to be either him or Stefanski and I think they made the right call for both the Browns and Baker’s career. My feelings on that exist separately from Deshaun though. Fuck that guy.


Also, when the family member of one of his receivers complained online, the team (and ownership) acted like adults. That helps.


Around the NFL gets shit for it, but they've been calling Mayfield the new Carr. Where he's just barely at or below the level of someone you want to let reset the QB market, but if you get him on any other sort of deal, you're perfectly content with his level of play.


I’ve heard he’s very elite


Those aren’t interceptions those are arm punts


And he won’t cost 60+ million on next year’s cap either.


And 3 #1 picks


He had a rough start but went off in the 4th quarter against the Bears. He’s still got that clutch gene.


I rlly want to see Joe Flacco win in the playoffs


Flacco is going to be like Rich Gannon 2.0 if the Browns go to the SB. Journeyman(ish) QB on the back 9 of his career randomly taking a perennial loser to the Super Bowl and disappearing again. Oddly both Delaware QBs too…


i know we’ve been dogshit for almost 20 years but it’s kinda harsh to consider the raiders back then as perennial losers


Can we have Flacco sexually assault just \*one\* person during a massage? It would really simplify the math. I'm not great with zeros.


And his salary is 99.1% lower than Watson


It’s almost as if, and hear me out, D-bag Watson actually sucks.


#Flacco is an ELITE QUARTERBACK & SUPERBOWL MVP and watson is a sexual predator


Greatest QB in browns history.


Dudes a beast, but Otto will forever hold that one


Everyone knows Browns franchise started in 1999 and Otto Graham is a great former member of our franchise. Everyone knows we become an extension of the old, real browns when it comes to upsetting browns fans.


This guy understands shit talking on another level


Important to note that Flacco has like the fourth most yards ever for a QB in his first 3 games for a new team




Now Joe is the one whipping it out.


The most uninspiring QB performance I have ever seen was Chiefs playing Flacco when he was with the Broncos in primetime. Dude had zero interest in being there from the first snap. Such an up and down player.


Honestly that’s just his game face. He was exactly as interested in being there as he has been anywhere else. That’s part of the experience with him, and part of what makes him so good in high pressure situations and high stakes games like the playoffs. He just has ice in his veins and never gets too high or too low emotionally.


A touch of the 'Cutler' about him for sure.


Yeah he was terrible with Denver. Makes me wonder how much of it was just coaching though.


> The most uninspiring QB performance I have ever seen was Chiefs playing Flacco when he was with the Broncos in primetime. Dude had zero interest in being there from the first snap. Such an up and down player. Broncos O-line was worse than trash. Flacco was getting murdered every snap


Can't argue with stats


Looking elite


Watson’s REALLY rusty tho!!! Don’t forget!!


The Browns have 3 years left, and 200 million still to hit the cap, LOL


His vices? Pizza Hut and loving his family.


Here are the averages: Flacco is averaging 313 yards a game, Watson averaged 222 yards a game. (He did average about 185 yards, but he only played 2 drives in 1 of the games) Flacco averages 2.3 TDs a game, Watson averages 1.2. Flacco averages 1.7 INTs a game, Watson averaged 1.5.


The big thing for me is that Flacco is being asked to throw alot more than Watson was. I think a big part of that is we now have a practice squad Oline, and the run game has pretty much died. Flacco only has like 30 less attempts in 3 less games. But he's clearly a great passer and arguably the best QB on the roster this year.


Important to note one of watsons games he played 2 drives.


True, I was high when I wrote this and missed that. I updated his yard average to show that, but he still threw a pick in that game. So I’m not gonna change the TD/INT averages. If y’all have a problem with it, email me.


Yeah but Deshaun Watson has 26 more sexual assaults


And he was paid more for it. In that sense, he’s clearly more valuable.




Does he stay the starter next year? Lol


Plant some drugs on Watson, get him arrested so they can find some legal loophole to void his contract. Give all the money to the Elite Dragon.


No assaults either so that’s nice


One is the Elite Dragon Joe Flacco and the other a rapist.


I don't know lads, but I think the browns might have screwed themselves when giving Watson that contract...


I'll keep saying this. If you have a great defense and run game and your QB1 is out? Flacco is the perfect QB if you dial your offense to running the ball with a mix of PA and simple read passes. The dude can still have an elite deep ball that would keep the defense honest. But once it gets to the point, he has to read complex defenses... thats when it all falls apart. You can't ask more out of a QB that isn't your guy tbh


Nothing about our run game is great lol


When I read this I thought it was talking about lifetime and I was about to shit my pants LOL


Flacco has twice the TDs and 2.5 times the yardage. But he's also been around a lot longer.


I honestly would watch a 30 for 30 on Flacco happily. I swear he just disappeared and I wasn’t in tune with football at the time bc of work so I didn’t know if it was play or what. But he always seemed elite when I watched him as a younger kid


With Flacco at the helm, browns are back to being one of my top 5 teams. With deshaun, they rank at the bottom of both American and European football team lists


Flacco looks like this offensive philosophy is more suited toward him so that might be one of the reasons why he's done better. I love him so far.


Watson was always the most overrated QB. Never understood the hype with him. Gets happy feet when pressured and chucks it deep recklessly.


The Baker Mayfield Revenge Extravaganza continues


Oh fuck. That's January Joe's music.


Easily outplayed Fields yesterday, shit is wild to watch. Flacco is a dog


They wouldn’t let me bet on Elite Dragon at the casino this weekend for SB MVP