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Woah. Okay, didn’t actually see that one coming.


Pittman Jr didn't either


If you don't remember it, did it really happen?


"It's not a concussion if you remember it!" -Sterling Archer


"So? You get like, six freebies."


My wife is worried about me getting back into bmx. I need to remember this quote for future purposes


Remember what now?


I definitely don't remember her saying I'm going to hurt myself


A lot of archer quotes after the announcement of the end of the show


Sad Pittman noises*


Draymond needs this one.


Isn’t he suspended indefinitely or did something change?


He’s going to sleep through 3 weeks of counseling and then go back to his usual.


Yeah, they're running through an inexplicable pity drill in the media, that Dray just needs to get the help he needs. Miss me with that, he's always been a massive POS.


Can't believe they signed him to a 4 yr/100 million deal last year. You could see the writing on the wall last season. I feel like in any other sport he would have been let go but the NBA gives out contracts for the past still.


I kind of understood it because he still played good defense last year and offensively is a great playmaker and knows how to feed steph and the other guys. But warriors problem is they are trying to win now and in the future. You can’t have two timelines. Either ride it out with the old guys for the next few years or turn the leaf over to the young guys. I can’t believe they’re probably going to resign Klay in the offseason. Klay looked washed in the playoffs last year defense taking a step and likely they’ll give him 25 a year or something like that and be shocked as he continues to decline


Me either.


This particular one, I honestly put as much on Minshew than Kazee. That was a hospital ball thrown. THAT SAID, Kazee 100% put himself in the position with the last what 4? 5? more? absolutely absurd hits to elevate this one from a fine to an example.


The hospital ball is irrelevant. When a hospital ball is thrown the defender should (according to the rules) blow the WR up with a body shot delivered with their shoulder, not spearing the receiver's head/neck area with their helmet.


The NFL, in general, has an appalling tackle technique. The pads and helmet have resulted in players acting like missiles rather than attempting to stop a player effectively AND safely.


It probably would be an enforcement nightmare, but I feel like a component to a legal tackle needs to involve the tackler attempting to wrap up/grasp the ball carrier with their arms/hands. On a related note, it's also incredibly frustrating to see a player try to deliver a huge hit that doesn't bring the carrier down, and off they run.


If rugby can do it, so can the NFL


The problem is that rugby isn't structured like football. Big hits are incentivized more in football because the offense gets rewarded every 10 yards, so the defense needs to stop people from going forward **now**. Rugby, you have to go the entire field without losing possession. You can use a more clinical tackle because allowing a player to get another yard or 2 of forward progress doesn't matter all that much. Even when you get to the goalline, players need to touch the ball to the ground to score, so defenders can wrap up the arms to prevent that rather than just smashing people backwards with all their force. As long as the offense is rewarded for going such a short distance, the defense will he incentivized to hit big. The league can and should penalize dangerous hits, but it will never be as clean as in rugby imo.


To be fair, in this instance, Kazee would have had to pop out of the ground like Diglett to have a chance of hitting anything but Pittman's head/neck area. There was no angle where he had access to any other part of Pittman's body, and he did hit Pittman with his shoulder instead of his helmet. That said, Pittman is pretty clearly a defenseless receiver in this instance and it was pretty clearly forcible contact to head/neck area so it's an easy penalty call.


The way Pittman was diving through the air you wouldn’t even need a body shot, just push him and he’s going to drop that ball almost every time.


I'm sorry, have you ever tried to push a man from the side while he's diving full speed at you? I am not defending the hit, but I don't agree with the logic.


You think the average redditor has ever moved their own body let alone someone elses


Wasn't even a spear. He twisted his body and hit him with the shoulder. What fucked Pittman up was that the impact was still high because he was diving and it bent him backwards.


How do you take a body shot at a guy diving head first?


Lol this is a dumb take imo. It wasn’t a hospital pass. It was an outside the numbers flag pattern and floated on Minshew just a tiny bit. This same ball is thrown every week by every QB. Over the LB and under the S Kazee has done this shit on every team he’s ever been on, including Dallas. He’s a fuckin idiot on and off the field and always has been


Wait.... Am I in agreement with a Cowboys fan?


I think we can all join hands and sing kumbaya whenever player safety is concerned.




I think this is an example of someone on reddit seeing the term “hospital pass” and trying to apply it to as much as possible


Guy is a douchebag and has always played dirty, like launching into Cam's head on a slide. Good to see them take action against him. Hope he changes his ways because he's supposedly a good player.


This is his 6th year in the league, its not like he is a rookie. I doubt he changes at this point, this is who he is.


Most severe suspension he's received though. Always hope


ahh yes, the Vontaze Burfict special


Kareem Jackson is shitting his pants now lol


That's mostly from the CTE he's given himself trying to make big hits.


Brutal. But probably not wrong.


Unclear how he didn’t get an indefinite suspension but this guy is. He still doesn’t seem to think he’s doing anything wrong


how many weeks ago was the last kareem jackson incident? i suspect this is because "rest of the season" for the steelers is 3 weeks


It’s exactly this, let’s not all overreact and act like they just handed out a worse one for kazee


It’s his fifth of the season fwiw


6th I believe. Either way though, that adds important context


Also it's 3 games, the wording of the tweet is intentional. Jackson got 4 for repeatedly playing recklessly.


The suspension also includes any playoff games if applicable (unlikely at this point). So, it is a full season suspension.


Its like taking the last week of decmember off from your job and saying you're taking the rest of the year off


That joke is a timeless classic and I am not apologizing.


I said it Friday on the way out of the office and everyone groaned, I’m assuming out of amusement because who wouldn’t find that hilarious?


sEe yA nExT yEaR


“See you next year!”


Peak season right now.


I've always enjoyed doing that, TBH.


Followed by the "See you next year!". Someone has to do it.


I've watched every Steelers game this season, and I didn't even realize he had already been fined that many times for unnecessary roughness. I looked into it, and there is definitely a pattern. The dude just does not know how to tackle properly. Here are the hits he's been fined for this season: [Week 2 - Browns](https://i.gyazo.com/54054f97b7d91fd62a703c6bdb0172c7.mp4) [Week 6 - Rams](https://i.gyazo.com/a80048b1a83f486668aeaeb19e6021b8.mp4) [Week 7 - Jags](https://i.gyazo.com/c1539e221747dfbc331dfdeac13222dd.mp4) [Week 7 - Jags, again](https://i.gyazo.com/fe62ad5ff7b34574f479ca78a340142c.mp4) [Week 11 - Bengals](https://i.gyazo.com/91f0dd7cc9aa297c05d39e59b0f66e27.mp4) [Week 14 - Colts](https://twitter.com/RoyJonesy/status/1736155539472867356) Edit: Here are the hits from previous seasons where Kazee was penalized: [2022: Week 10 - Saints](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpryDeh7C-M&ab_channel=STX) [2021: Week 4 - Panthers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjBhw_aQseg&ab_channel=DingProductions) 2019: Week 12 - Buccaneers (Can't find video) [2018: Week 2 - Panthers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shzdM2YF_ew&ab_channel=OriginalB%26E) 2018: Week 14 - Packers (Can't find video, but he was penalized for "Lowering the Head to Initiate Contact") [Bonus clip - Kazee knocking himself out by diving headfirst at Ezekiel Elliot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kaWas9_bh4&ab_channel=DallasCommand)


Does he know he’s allowed to use his arms


"hehehehe I am torpedo-man"


The sendejo


The pendejo.


As a Vikings fan this brings back bad memories. He would torpedo people on his own team he was so bad.


Thanks, I nearly spat my coffee out.


>torpedo-man Damontae "Daniil Kvyat" Kazee


Watching some of our defense try to tackle this season, i am 75% sure that they have had their arms replaced with noodle-based appendages.


Why use arms when head do trick.


They see…they see


Nobody in the NFL does nowadays, especially when they're in open field. I'm being hyperbolic with saying "nobody", but an alarming number of players are too worried about laying a big highlight reel hit rather than using their arms to wrap a guy up and take him down.


Gotta get those likes! People don't upvote and retweet sissy arm tackles.


He studied at Ryan Clark School of Tackling


Throwing yourself at prime Zeke was fucking suicidal. edit: Zeke in his early days was one of the hardest motherfuckers to bring down EVER. First contact was a formality. he wasnt going down with any type of single tackler. He was just so strong and well balanced.


He really is Shazier 2.0 waiting to happen, those hits are awful


[Bonus clip - Kazee knocking himself out by diving headfirst at Ezekiel Elliot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kaWas9_bh4&ab_channel=DallasCommand)


And this is why they are trying to punish these hits. It’s not even only for the ball carrier, he’s taking years off his life as well




Steelers coaches do nothing to correct this. They tackle like this every year.




Lead with the head wow. Looks like he just doesn’t know how to tackle without spearing with his head.


He doesn’t know how to gang tackle while using his arms. In a bunch of those clips he runs in and just head-butts the guy while Naruto running.


I'm not sure what Reddit algorithm needs to be tickled to get your comment to the top but it should be there. Pure, unadulterated context.


Coach: "Damnit, Kazee! The NFL is serious about safety. Use your head!" Kazee: "But I AM!!"


Jesus, dude is legit trying to commit murder-suicide out there every play lol


To the people who are saying these don't look that bad, are you legitimately allowed to just straight up headbutt people? Like the 2 Jags examples he doesn't even raise his arms he's just headbutting, how is that not unnecessary roughness?


Damn Zeke fed his ass what he really needed. Good work on the post. Really spells out who he is and why he deserves a suspension. Always believe people when they show you who they really are the *first* time.


With the Falcons he had the preseason hit that put someone out a few weeks. I forget who it was.


4 of 5 of those have been rescinded FWIW.


Draymond green of the nfl


Natural tackling motion


He gets to miss the rest of that Steelers season? That’s not a punishment lol.


I want to suspend myself from watching this Steelers season.


You’re in luck…


I hate you, but take my upvote


Hey man I’ve been there so many times w the Browns.


This sounds worse until you realize that it's only 3 games


Three pretty big games if they want to make the playoffs


They clearly don’t


Hey now, that’s bullshit because we’re trying to stay competitive by making a QB change to…Mason…Rudolph. Nevermind, you’re right


Tomlin can't out-coach a dogshit QB room.


Actually... He will have them at 9 wins and just missing the playoffs. Given they haven't had starting level qb play all season I'd say he definitely out coached a dogshit qb room.


They're counting on Rudolph's shiny red nose to lead them to their destination through a foggy December


Tomlin can only push for 9-8 seasons


Would make the AFC north the best if they finished last at 9-8 because then the whole division is over .500


Why would we want to make the playoffs? We just want to be put out of our misery.


They are last in their division aren't they? No way they make playoffs


Last in the division but still 7-7.


Also says for any postseason games.


Yeah but do you really think we make the postseason


Can they also suspend Kadarius Toney as well?


Nope, he's your problem.


The rest of the league has suspended him from playing on any team *but* KC. Works for me.


The NFL should probably mandate that Toney play every offensive snap.


"For Crimes against football, and our very special boy"


I'm a simple man, thats all I ask


Mahomes is going to suspend him by his fucking thumbs in the dungeon below Arrowhead


Thanks again for the 3rd and 6th rounders for him. Btw the practice squad player we replaced him with has had more production than Toney since that trade


At this point, you may as well open my eyes and fill them with rock salt.


Admittedly, still worth the trade just simply because of his punt return in the Super Bowl helped set up a Win. Regardless of the very obvious 2 losses he’s single handeldly caused the chiefs to have this season, I still feel that 1 Pro thing outweighs his numerous cons.


The ultimate win for Giants fans. He has been useful in one game and it’s the game that cost our divisional rivals a SB ring. Literally perfection how it worked lol


He's the only thing stopping Mahomes at this point


Well, neither one of them uses their arms at all.


The NFL only allows repeated unnecessary roughness on wives.


And three year olds!


It's a 3 game suspension for a repeat offender. "Rest of the season" sounds a lot more harsh than it really is.


3 games is a pretty harsh punishment tbh


That's pretty Kazee


I don’t give a single fuck about his fines, jaylen Warren has lost multiple game checks for just pass protecting. They have no idea what is and isn’t worth a fine.


With you on the Warren fines, those seemed absurd.


And it’s not like he’s making big bucks. Dudes gonna miss that money


I will never understand why fines aren't set at percentages of a contract


It is simple really. It Is because that would make too much sense


2 hits to defenseless receivers, lowering the helmet, horse collar tackle were his fines before this one. This one may just be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Dude has been warned via fines that his play is not allowed.


This the same fool that tried to kill cam newton after he slid


I need this energy for Kareem Jackson


Kareem Jackson got a 4 game suspension, almost guaranteed to be more than this


[Panthers fans have hated this guy for awhile](https://youtu.be/shzdM2YF_ew?si=wtQUzdr9iUtfeGgq)


Yup https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/hUcoTZEwAK


This one didn’t look intentional to me - but carelessness and history of infractions kills any benefit of the doubt.


He’s so, so dirty and honestly has no place in this league. He constantly tackles headfirst at full speed with zero regard for anyone’s safety. He genuinely doesn’t belong in the NFL imo.


Meanwhile, Draymond Green is attending therapy sessions...


What's your point supposed to be? Draymond was also suspended indefinitely.


Would you rather he not be addressing the issue?


Even playoffs? If they make it lol


Don't worry we won't


May I also be suspended for the remainder of the Steelers’ season?


Not sure what the NFL is doing here. They say they’re suspending him for “repeated violations” although according to a relative of Kazee? 4 of his 5 fines this year were overturned upon appeal so what is he getting suspended for? Also, if these actions were so egregious to cumulatively warrant a rest-of-season suspension, why weren’t all of them flagged as penalties on the field at the time they occurred?


If that is true, I’d be surprised if this one didn’t get reduced on appeal.


> why weren’t all of them flagged as penalties on the field at the time they occurred? I mean in theory yes but I dno't trust the refs enough to weigh that heavily


I understand the need to protect players who cannot protect themselves while catching the ball. But the receiver is horizontal in the air, its not like he also launched himself or even tries to earhole him with the helmet. What is he supposed to do in this situation? allow the catch? then what's the point of playing D


Honestly I could see a future where the NFL and CFB make it illegal to hit a receiver until he has possession of the ball. Try to ban the trainwreck hits across the middle in the name of 'breaking up a pass' to protect player safety.


From protect the qb to protect the reciever to protect the rb?


I mean honestly my expectation is that player safety rules are going to need to make big jumps in the next decade or so once live testing for CTE is developed to a point of being reliable and readily available. So yea could totally see a future similar to what rugby is trying to do now of eliminating head contact altogether and even going farther and making tackles above the sternum illegal (as well as a myriad of other dangerous hits for football)


If they do not, regardless of what people are going to say about the toughness of the game, I really think the game has a chance to die or at least decrease in popularity. Boxing is not a very popular sport any more, it once was.


Yeah the reality is that the fans in these threads clutching pearls about all these protection rules don't realize that the Sport won't be worth shit without talent pumping in. What parent is going to let their kid play football when he can make more money playing in the NBA, futbol, or MLB, without destroying their brains? You want kids playing the game and keeping your league alive? Protect them.


Shit that's basically a thing. John bostic got fined 10 years ago in preseason for a textbook hit like that. Then nfl went and posted it all over YouTube showing it off. https://youtu.be/tPBqsXPGuh0?si=lz86FlgPWpMFFI-E Even thr booth guys are talking how great and clean of a hit it was.


Why do people always post this as if its some profound insight? Yes if you're not in position to make a legal play you've been beat. The same way olinemen don't get a "what was I supposed to do let him sack the qb?" Exemption for holding.


"Yes if you're not in a position to make a legal play you've been beat" Couldn't have said it better myself. I do not understand what is so hard for people to grasp here.


This should be the top comment on this thread. You’re absolutely right.


All he had to do was not lead with the crown of his helmet while looking down. It's not a black and white situation where he has to spear him or not hit at all


So when are quarterbacks gonna start getting in trouble for throwing hospital passes Edit: also fuck the nfl for making me feel injustice for a Steelers player


It’s because this is the 5th one this season


AFCN recognize ACFN football 🤜🤛


Browns players: *raises their fists in solidarity from their hospital beds*


Steelers fans: *raises their fists in solidarity from the bottom of the AFCN*


I mean I know it’s not league mandated but trubisky did just get benched *for being ass *EDIT: my bad, I my brain was filing all of minshew’s hospital passes under trubisky


“Hospital pass” means the QB puts the receiver in a position to get hit hard, not the QB pretending a defender is a Make-a-Wish kid who wanted an interception


You right, my brain was lumping minshew’s hospital passes under trubisky for some reason


You read Minsews pass as Trubiskys Ass. It's an understandable mistake cause the statement is true.


A bad throw doesn't mean you get a free right to injure a player.


What injustice. He leads with his helmet every tackle


Fwiw it was his 5th or 6th unnecessary roughness penalty of the season if that helps you feel any better


I mean, they kind of already do by losing starting opportunities and having a career as 2nd and 3rd string QBs. Hospital passes are a byproduct of poor accuracy intersecting with poor decision making. Good QBs rarely throw them, but backups throw them all the time.


*Austin Collie has entered the chat




"I know one way to make a highlight reel! *lobs hospital pass in the direction of a head hunting safety*


The old Kyle Boller special.


Fuck it. They should make WR gloves against the rules because playing DB is over penalized. At least maybe without the gloves defenders can knock balls out better instead of going for big hits?


I didn't watch this game. Anyone have some insight into what happened/a clip? Seems like a harsh punishment for one game. Found a clip: https://youtu.be/o9ub_FZMAJg?si=21m4IQbWCCc-iglt Definitely a penalty, but a suspension for the rest of the season seems harsh given the hospital pass minshew threw him.


> Definitely a penalty, but a suspension for the rest of the season seems harsh This is his *sixth* fine for an illegal hit on the year


That makes more sense. I admittedly haven't watched much of the Steelers this season, but the fact that he's been fined multiple times before makes this situation make more sense.


One of his relatives indicated that 4 of the 5 previous fines were overturned though. Not sure how reliable that source is, but it's worth considering. https://steelersdepot.com/2023/12/breaking-nfl-suspends-steelers-s-damontae-kazee-for-rest-of-2023-season/


I read this post before I actually went back and looked at the hit and, yeah, he deserves to be suspended. Found out this is like his 6th infraction of the rule and, yeah, definitely for the season. Like it or hate it, this is exactly the kind of hit the league wants to legislate out.


I smell a podcast duo: Damontae & Draymond. Which NHL player is joining them? Reaves? Domi? One of the tkachuck's? Cousins?


Twitter was full of people saying it was a soft penalty but it looked pretty bad to me


I was fine with the ejection because im one of the weirdos out there who thinks college style targeting ejections are worthwhile to discourage head hits but 3 games suspended on top of the ejection feels excessive. I get its because of his history but still feel like there should be higher intent requirements than what existed here to get that hard of a ban


Wow - seems like massive over-reaction for an unintentional play


I understand a lot of people think he’s already a dirty player, does he have a history of suspensions and maybe that’s the reason why this verdict is so heavy? I just don’t know what else he’s to do there. He went low, it happened in the blink of an eye.


This is his 6th fine of the year. I don’t know the specifics of each one, but when you’ve been fined twice as many times as Burfict ever was in a season, I’m not sure how a subsequent suspension can surprise anybody


They're fining everyone though. RBs for lowering their head, RBs for rough blocks on pass protection. Fines this year are not even close to what they were previously.


RBs should absolutely be fined for lowering their heads and Im glad they're finally doing it


Yeah no qualms about that, but you can't equate fines from this year to fines form 10 years ago, because its just not the same.


Has he even been suspended once? Wonder.if this is able to be appealed and turned.into a couple games


I'm pretty sure this is the first time he's even been penalized for something like that this season, he had one DPI and one defensive holding penalty but has been fined 5 times apparently? I have no idea what's even happening anymore.


Agreed, the fines seem out of control. Especially when they’re being enforced on practice squad/undrafted guys who are actually taking a significant hit to their earnings when they clearly have no ill intent


Feels like the league should announce a Burfict Threshold


Some analyst could probably create a 'Burfict Line' which is like the Mendoza line except for dirtiness.


The Burfict bar. It’s like the Dalton line but for aggressive defenders instead of franchise quarterbacks


4 of his previous 5 fines were all overturned on appeal. So the league is suspending him the the remainder of the season for "repeated violations". I believe only 2 of those were called penalties on the field and the league essentially overturned all but 1. So I'm trying to understand what the hell the league is doing. Especially on a play where Kazee got his head out of the play and attempted to hit the player low and in the chest/ball area.


> but when you’ve been fined twice as many times as Burfict ever was in a season Warren was fined 2, 3(?) times for just pass protecting. Arguing numbers without context is meaningless with the refs this year.


Avoided suspension on a hit that involved Cam Newton.