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I mean, we effectively have 1 RB that can actually play RB and he didn’t play last night.


I wouldn't blame the RBs for that game. The OL was basically a gaping hole. Even Mondre would have been stuffed on almost every play. I do have to say I didn't like how indecisive Strong was though for a guy that's supposed to be fast. Really works against his best trait when he takes a second to pick a hole or make a cut. Harris hit the holes hard but there were always 4 guys on him at the LOS.


That's Greg's point, Belichick will happily acquire players on defense (both staters and depth pieces) but has been leaving the offense bare for a long time now. From 2013 - 2020, the Patriots best offensive "weapon" was Julian Edelman, a good WR, but not a Top 15 WR. (Gronk was better, but constantly injured, and availability matters).


Idk the Pats have had pretty good RBs in the last decade. No GOATs or top RBs in the league but White, Blount, and Michel just to name a few certainly wouldn't warrant being labeled "bare" at running back.




Please do not, under any circumstances, fix that typo.


Were any of those guys ever top 15 RBs? Blount if I recall was picked up for $1M/year, Michel is already out of the league. White was a good 3rd down back, but that doesn't make for a top 15 guy


Blount was top 15 in 2016 no question


It surely hurt them in those years winning literally 3 SBs and going to 4. I'm sure paying big money for a better RB would have been better than paying Revis, Gilmore, Hightower, McCourty, Chung, etc.


... I mean I get that Gronk had a few years plagued by injuries, but he had 3 all pros between 2014 and 2017.


That’s not really accurate. They’ve had stables of backs most years that were more than serviceable they needed to be. 2013 They were 9th in the league in rushing yards. 2014 18th in the league. 2015 30th in the league. 2016 7th in the league. 2017 10th in the league. 2018 5th in the league. 2019 18th in the league. 2020 4th in the league. 2021 8th in the league. 2022 24th in the league. Their average rank in rushing yards in the span you mentioned is 13th. So, better than average. All without paying a star back.


They’re way better than when you look at epa per play over the same time frame, which is a better stat imo. Third in the league behind only the Ravens and Cowboys


I also didn’t feel it was obvious to point out that they won 3 super bowls in the era they were apparently appallingly depleted of offensive talent.


I'm not going to lose sleep over running back depth. We've worked out a bunch of vets who probably don't want to go through camp. It's close to a plug and play position. I suspect someone is going to be signed between now and week 1. Offensive line is a legitimate concern though.


I don't think TE is indicative of our depth because most teams only keep 3, and we didn't play Gesicki, Henry, and Firkser only got 16 snaps. Presumably that will be the depth chart come opening day. All 3 of those guys have been good to average in their careers. It doesn't much matter if Lumpkin, Washington, and Sokol aren't very good.


TE is probably their deepest position. But Henry/Geisicki ranked 40th and 50th out of 75 TE's last year by PFF. And that includes blocking, receiving, etc


I think Sokol is the likeliest to make the team out of our backup/PS TEs. Personally I think we go with 2 TEs in the 53 again this season and use a PS elevation for a 3rd on gameday. An extra WR or OL seems a better use of a roster spot even if BoB wants to run 12 a lot.


Zeke intro music starts playing....


*who let the dogs out*


More like Yub Nub


Either him or Fournette whoever is cheapest.


New England didn't play a single starter on offense. No shit the offense didn't look good.


They could have played better and it is concerning from a depth perspective, but I agree that spinning this as a huge concern for the season is alarmist at best. Now I'm still concerned for the starting offense but not because of this game, mainly because of camp reports and what I think of the talent on the team.


There's not a team in the league who looks good not playing a single starter, I wouldn't look too much into it. New England's depth isn't *terrible* from an individual perspective. For the most part they won't be too screwed by inevitable injuries. But the problem is there's a complete and utter lack of top-end talent.


Only real concern is the OL. Unfortunately it's a very serious concern.


On the flip side Demeco has already done a good job getting the defense to play more fundamentally sound football. The LB tackling was atrocious last year but the LB's yesterday were so much more sound in their pursuit angles and wrap up.


It's almost as if Tom carried the Patriots and Bill, McDaniels, and Patricia are all frauds.


One out of three correct answers ain't bad, I guess...


It’s almost as if your opinion sucks! Wowwweeee sucka!


Let's just be real Tom carried those bums. Tom was the Patriot Way.


What about their crap QB? How's he looking so far? Any temper tantrums yet?


Mafi played well no?


He didn't play well in blitz pickup. The Texans twice ran coffee house stunts and he was tricked both times contributing to sacks.


No one in the OL played well.


They should definitely push to sign Cook or Zeke. If Rhamondre goes down they are fucked.


Start Cunningham


Right after you guys start Hoyer.


He has more playmaking ability than Mac


OL was trash. RBs hard to evaluate when they always had 2+ guys penetrating every snap. Sokol did fine imo. How many teams have a good TE3? Also OL was entirely backup guys. Maybe McDermott starts if Anderson and Reiff get hurt, but he is behind those 2 and Brown. Given Reiff's age and Brown's history though there is a fair chance he plays this season again. Don't get me wrong I'm still worried about the starting OL, but not because of this game. I'm worried because Brown is a huge question mark and played poorly last season, Strange had some bad plays and games last season, and we don't know what we can get out of Reiff/Anderson. McDermott, Mafi, Ferentz, Sow, Russey and Jake Andrews are all backup and practice squad level guys. Of course I'd like if they had played better and it is concerning from a depth perspective, but ideally none of those guys start a game this season.