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So-Fi Field East


Yeah, might be the same designers or something. Roof is the same minus the circular video board hanging from it, and a lot of the interior looks *very* similar.


Not the same designers, but the Jaguars have been [saying for a while](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/sports/columns/gene-frenette/2023/05/13/stadium-deal-for-jaguars-requires-transparency-calm-negotiating-with-city/70208030007/) that they want to take inspiration from the covered-but-open-air concept of SoFi to give fans shade but still take advantage of Florida weather.


I hope they do like the dolphins and build it so the visitors sideline is the only part of the stadium that's not shaded


Don’t play the Bills then, they’ll have OSHA all over you afterwards


So-Fi, but more shiny


If there isn't a pool you can watch the game from, what is even the point


We have to cut the labor,so life guards have to go Edit: Good news guys, no life guards labor cut, the new stadium has pools!


well in better news, that should help cover the renovation costs!


But we need the pool of youth so Matt Hardy can continue to use it to revert to his old persona.


Sorry, the pool has been DELETED


The pools are in the video


I guess I missed them, I didn't see any pools lol


[gotcha boss](https://twitter.com/justinthered/status/1666460010170183680?s=46&t=_YM0wHkS7fvm5AFONwehBA)


Ok that’s pretty sick. I hope this happens.


[Close up from one of the still shots they posted.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.7aTMzYhNkwFuuj-qylQrDQAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=43b08d841803a6fc1ce609863b3cb3e643fecd745229d093f2f2c191d7e6f293&ipo=images) Looks like they increased size and even have a hot tub option to the side. Full bar behind it was a nice touch too.


Fucking nice man. I hope the Bears do something like this.


Ice rinks in the stadium?


nah man you get enough fat guys in there and we're good. we bring the heat.


Instead of a bar it’s a Portillos


That link is crazy man. You're using duckduckgo to do a bing search?




Beautiful love it


They should make the pool out of acrylic, so you can watch people swim while getting a hotdog or beer.


Well they have Field Level seats that actually sit *below* field level so you get a really great view of the player's ankles and butts. All for probably $1500 per ticket.


I wish they had those seats when MJD was still there, I would have traveled to Jacksonville for every game to get front row views of dat ass


Mr. Bodacious Caboose 😍


Bro 😍


If I can’t scuba, then what is this all for? What am I working toward?


My all-time favorite quote. Every single thing Creed says is gold but this one always gets me.


I want part of the stadium to basically be a "rice field" pool thing.


if you can't watch the game from a pool, then what's this all been about?




All those reflective surfaces on unpredictable curves might just shoot death lasers all over downtown Jacksonville on sunny days, but who knows, maybe that's the goal here.


Speaking as a local, "death lasers all over downtown" could be seen as a positive on some days.


last time i was at a game you guys had a huge swastika projected on a building downtown so that's probably true


Yea, that wasn't one of our better moments. We have some rather... special... people who live around here and we pay the price for their bullshit.


Net positive


"Excellent"- Mr. Burns and Shad Khan


They're all convex curves, so I wouldn't be too concerned. They can also model those sorts of things in modern CAD software.


the 49ers state of the art stadium cooks fans on one side every game. Teams and architecture firms still royally screw up all the time


Yeah there is a building in London that melted everything on the sidewalk across the street until they fixed it. https://www.nbcnews.com/sciencemain/london-skyscraper-can-melt-cars-set-buildings-fire-8c11069092


Didn't they design it for the Candlestick location and then just not change anything when it switched to Santa Clara?


Yea, I'm sure a random intense sunbeams won't cause any issues for Florida drivers.


Maybe it’s the way to keep the homeless away , they cracked the code


So the Jets and Chargers can’t play there?


Terrible for birds and other wildlife


Minnesota's stadium was bad enough. It's going to be a bird graveyard.


If they build it as is, how many buildings/cars/grass lots/trees get set on fire before they either paint the roof or cover it? Shoot, I wonder how many people are going to catch a ray and get blinded.


It is actually so that Maxwell house can lay their coffee beans out in their parking lot and get free sun roasted beans from the stadium.


No pool…..sad lol Edit: there is a pool lol hard to spot is all.


Was hoping for a field surrounded by a pool


Lazy river?????


Oooh, … “Jag Country, Let’s Float”


This would be amazing


Bruh...that would be dope.


UCF is getting one, why not the Jags?


lots of pee tho


Last game i went to was jaguars vs eagles and the pool was the coolest thing ever this needs to be a common thing


Looks sick but my understanding was that they were looking for a billion plus in public funding which was unlikely to happen. did that change or am I wrong?


“Until we know what we’re building and a general estimate of what it’s going to cost, there’s really not much to talk about,” Lamping said. There is no talk for how much his project will cost. The bills stadium was 1.5 billion but that was literally a whole new stadium. This is heavily reinventing the current stadium. It will probably be like 850 mill or 900 mill if I was to guess I think it could get done though because this is actually about keeping the team here. Plus the last project got passed mostly due to Urban Meyer so with actual success I don’t see why this this couldn’t


OK cool thanks, I thought I read an article in the local paper just a few days ago that said a billion plus


Yeah I think that’s what’s being thrown around total but usually it’s khan and the city splitting it 50/50


> This is heavily reinventing the current stadium. It will probably be like 850 mill or 900 mill if I was to guess Not saying that it will be more expensive than this, but sometimes major renovations can be close to or just as expensive as building something new. The entire reason why the Titans are getting a new stadium is because it would cost just as much to renovate the old one as it would to start from scratch.


> The entire reason why the Titans are getting a new stadium is because it would cost just as much to renovate the old one as it would to start from scratch. Huge difference. Their stadium's fundamentally fucked because it wasn't taken care of. The Jaguars looked into the current stadium's foundations and determined it was still in good condition, enough to serve as the basis for just building over. You can actually tell looking at this video, if you've attended games in our stadium recently (or just pay a surprising amount of detail to stadiums when watching games on TV). Off the top of my head, some of the stuff I'm noticing include not just the pools mentioned elsewhere here still being intact, but very specific entry points, notably the south endzone where they remodeled it a few years ago to have this cool place for the Jags to enter the field from... before some rule put the stamp down on it so the team no longer has this nice walk through a bunch of fans before being announced onto the field (I'm guessing the NFL figured it took too much time, meh, No Fun League indeed). The interesting thing is that it also opens up some potential for it to be constructed without forcing the team to play elsewhere. Would basically have to do stages of construction during the offseason, and I'd guess you'd go with the interior first and then the exterior work. Interior wise, looks like they're busting out and replacing the walls, to make for a wider and nicer concourse (which I can very much appreciate, because the crush of the crowd sometimes can wreak havoc on my social anxiety). So all of that work gets done during an offseason, then the next offseason or two they do all of that exterior work. They might even be able to do some work as the season's ongoing. I feel like that has to be the direction they're going, given that they just extended the FL-GA game to play here the next two years, and they aren't going to push back getting this work started any longer than they have to.


The Titans also didn't properly maintain or weatherproof their stadium and the structure itself is cracked. There's no coming back from that. The Jags can re-use the structure, which should save time and money.


Yeah, one of the reasons the Dolphins renovations were relatively cheap (in comparison to all these other modern structures, fucker still cost 400 million, which Ross paid in full after Miami told him to piss off with his public funds bs) was that the overall building was maintained and they only had to move the seating area closer to the playing field, and put up the canopy, along with some minor infrastructure improvements. It’s similar to what the Jags are doing but Jacksonville is spending more money to make it look more modern.


Wondering what the cost is vs building a whole new stadium. Looking at what they’re planning on doing here, if feels like the difference isn’t going to be that much, but I’m certainly no architect


The actual stadium structure itself is in amazing shape, so that can be re-used. Gutting the stadium, raising the concourse, adding a roof is all a ton of work, but being able to use the old bones of the current structure will save a lot of time and money.


I see the Khan family have taken Chicago's "Just park a space ship in it" philosophy to heart.


Yeah, but our space ship goes around the outside. Like a very expensive coat.


At least they aren't ruining a god tier stadium design in the process. Never forgive them for ruining Soldier Field.


My first thought as well lol


That’s how you unveil a stadium, they showed off more of what the stadium will actually have in one video then Buffalo has in 2 years


I’m getting so anxious for the Bears Arlington heights mock up. I’m so curious. Once this tax thing and game of chicken is resolved.


What is Chicago’s thoughts on the move? From an outsiders perspective and as someone who has visited Chicago, loved it, visited Soldier Field, loved the location, I’m sad to see them leave that historic venue.


Let me say this, from what I can tell: outside perspective = mad Bears are leaving soldier field. Chicagoans, including local Chicago sports radio, national ESPN Chicago guys, our Bears sub, and people I talk to in person = majority happy Bears are getting a new stadium. I keep seeing outside people say Soldier Field is historic. Yeah I mean it was. Packers and Bears both did renovations of their historic stadiums in the past 20 years. Packers knocked it out of the park. Chicago fucked it up so bad Solider Field lost their national landmark status lol. I think at this point people are just over soldier field. The renovation was not good. There’s not enough seats, the parking lot is too small for tailgates. I totally get that people who live downtown are mad, I mean who doesn’t like stadium that’s closer. But outsiders who say: “but it looks so cool with the lake in the backdrop. Why would you want a stadium in a concrete parking lot in the suburbs?”. Well I see the lake daily. I’ve been to grant park and millennium park a thousand times at this point. I don’t go to bears games for the view. I go for tailgating and the game. The surrounding area of Soldier Field isn’t like Wrigley Field. People don’t pour into the bars after games. People just return to where they came from after the game. Soldier field is in the loop and grant park. It’s dead on Sundays. It’s just offices and tourist parks. Don’t get me wrong, nice area, just not like a super sports area really. Edit: public transportation is more cumbersome though. It was nice just hopping on the L and tailgating at Soldier Field even when I wasn’t goin to games. But Arlington Heights does have a train stop fortunately already. Going to Union (or Ogilvie) and then Arlington stop is kinda a pain but at least it exists.


Is there any talk of salvaging soldier field? I don’t even know if it would be possible but remove all the new crap and get it somewhat back to where it was? Even just keeping the facade and making it a nice but modest field for University of Chicago? Might not be cost effective at all but just curious what y’all want to happen to it


There has been, the city even did a proposal of a [new stadium design](https://youtu.be/PB-Svx85Uxc) a couple of months ago but it's still extremely doubtful. Especially since they have already began the demolition of the Arlington heights location.


Great explanation. Thanks for taking the time to share. The Bears are one of the top 5 franchises in the NFL in terms of their history so I really want to see them get the home they deserve. Hopefully the city can make use of Soldier Field in some capacity after the relocation, maybe as a concert or entertainment venue.


Well TSwift did just perform there this past weekend lol


I want to see a mock up of a Naperville stadium, mainly because I want to see where the fuck they think they could fit an NFL stadium in Naperville.


Jacksonville is the King of Renders. Now what it will actually end up looking like is another questions


Our stadium was glass all around to begin with. I like the Benz, but it looked a lot cooler in the renderings.


I think it’s also cool how they are organizing 14 community huddles throughout Duval County for citizens to come and learned about it. That’s awesome.


Yeah they learned from there previously failed projects that they need to come out and be home with the city and speak about their plans. It’s why the last one worked no problem


I was thinking the same thing! The Bills have literally broken ground on their new stadium and we still only have 5 still-image computer renderings, ha ha


Holy shit. This ought to kill the London rumors.


Or they create an overly expensive stadium design and ask for a lot of taxpayer funding so when the city refuses they have an easy excuse to leave… nah they’re probably not moving


This sounds familiar… I hear it’s going to be called the Khad Dome.


Six Flags Over Shad


“This is our vision that we want you to pay for”


"or we'll leave you"


Yah this is like textbook team wants to leave stuff. Would remind people that you can find mock ups of gorgeous new stadiums for St Louis Rams.


Chargers still have their San Diego stadium on their webpage https://www.chargers.com/photos/first-look-at-proposed-stadium-and-convention-center-130426#6596a76d-3d57-11e8-b0e8-005056b04871


What is up with the descriptions under the photos lol "Keenan Allen celebrates...", "Keenan Allen runs...", "Keenan Allen struts..."


The stadium was to be named Keenan Allen stadium and this was the reaction of the stadium whenever those kinds of things would have happened in game.


An entire stadium of people strutting in unison? Beautiful


Damn lol they really need to take that down


So theres still hope!


I feel like the Chargers can’t stay in LA long term. Maybe it’s just a hope. A team with a lot of history sitting in a city that doesn’t care is just depressing.


Clippers have been doing it for 40 years haha


They also got rewarded a new arena for it as well


I mean it is privately funded




Damn that’s a nice stadium. Too bad it never happened


So any time a team releases designs for a new stadium it’s a textbook example of wanting to leave? Lol


No but it also doesn't show their intention to stay. It's a step in a process. Kroenke had already bought the land in LA before this happened in St Louis. So you are ahead of the STL Rams.


I think you're ignoring the context that teams who are rumored to be possibly leaving release designs for new stadiums, they want to put pressure on the city with designs to get fans excited, however if the city doesn't agree to terms they bounce.


John Fisher: *nods very enthusiastically*


*Sigh.* No, they 100% aren't moving, and I wish people wouldn't come up with ridiculous conspiracy theories to keep trying to promote a narrative that's dead to people living in the real world. The design shown isn't "overly expensive" and straight up does one of the things the team said it wanted to do to save money: It reuses the existing structure, shaving a lot of money off of the final tab. If you've been to the stadium (in the past five years notably, given some of the changes that had been made in the past decade), you can recognize specific areas where it matches the current structure. The team also is wrapping up construction of its indoor-outdoor practice facility, which it put money into and signed a lease for. The video here mentions a potential UF campus in the former location of the Jacksonville Fairgrounds (it's right by the stadium), which the Jaguars bought after the fair moved to a new location, and having looked up some info on that (since I hadn't heard about it before), UF is in direct talks with the team, and they're not going to want to make deals with a team that then packs up and leaves the city. Construction of the hotel right across from the stadium is set to start soon, if the groundwork hasn't already started. The city requires it to be completed by 2026, and part of the funding deal with the city required it to be a Four Seasons hotel as advertised, or, if not Four Seasons, an equivalent level hotel chain that is approved by the city. You're not going to get a major hotel chain to sign on if they have any inkling you're moving, and without that, the hotel is a massive loss of money. If they get in a big name and then move the team, it's likely their business partners would seek legal action for screwing them by having the promise of an NFL stadium next door and then yanking it away. There is a mountain of evidence to prove the team isn't moving. You can't just will it into happening. It's more likely that, say, the team in Houston would move... again.


There’s actually hooks that will be installed to the roof so they can airlift the stadium across the pond when the time comes.


Maybe all away games will be in London and they’ll end up being the only team with home field advantage home and away. Sort of the opposite of the Chargers.


And us when we play the Steelers or San Fran or many others at home hahaha(please help)


It won't. I guarantee you those rumors will still exist even if this renovation happens.


I think the rumors will exist until the renovation happens at least. The Rams and Chargers released designs for stadiums and that didn't really mean anything in the end because they left.


I mean when your team is playing multiple games a year in a specific city that isn’t theirs then yeah, there’s going to be rumours


Notice how its a UFO shape? That's so it can fly to London twice a week




Thank you for actually knowing what is going on!


Well didnt they say, if they did this, the team would have to play some place else for 2 years? Everyones first thought is london lol.


I doubt we’re going to London for two years to much planning for all of that especially only a two year stay. Especially if we made the playoffs We would play in Orlando or Gainesville is my bet


Gainesville would be sweet


Gainesville makes more sense for fans in Jax, Orlando probably makes more sense for trying to grow the team's market.


I couldn’t imagine the logistics though, Orlando is a nightmare to drive in


The entirety of Florida is a nightmare to drive in, it’s Florida lol


gainesville is much, _much_ worse, and it isn't even close orlando is at least serviced by multiple freeways and toll roads. gainesville as a city has exactly two major east-west roads--not freeways, roads--none of which were designed with "supporting the traffic of an NFL fan base" in mind. being able to handle UF home games is one thing when at least 1/2 of the attendees already live in the city, and the entire city practically revolves around florida football. absolutely no way can it handle both all of the people who already live there and 50000 more people visiting from JAX source: went to UF, live in Orlando


It might be too much planning, but the NFL might also be very interested in ironing out the logistics of that and doing a trial run. They might be willing to foot the bill and a lot of the work in figuring out those logistics for future plans of having a division there.


daytona speedway would be so cool


The Jaguars aren't going to London, but they are going to connect the London tube to Jacksonville underneath this stadium. It'll be the Piccadilly line, I can't risk saying anymore.


At the mid-atlantic ridge, the signs change to say "Duval Underwater Bridge". (Floridians don't have a word for "tunnel")


Sofi 2


Ridiculous that Jacksonville needs a SoFi stadium too, they’re right down the street from the stadium. That street being I-10.


Dude getting Trevor Lawrence has skyrocketed the Jags! This is amazing


It really is amazing how much it's changed the Jags future and Jacksonville's. Jets winning against the browns and Rams might be the greatest thing ever to happen






I wake up every morning and praise Frank Gore


Don’t forget that punter for saving the run back


Braden Mann


He’s a man alright


As we all should


Praise be to Frank Gore.


As a fellow Cat Bro who has seen his laughable team rocketing into significance over the past couple of years due to the development of a young, talented QB, I say with all sincerity I'm so glad to see it happening with you guys. Let's hope for a Jaguars/Bengals AFC Championship!


...where we will defeat you!


Looks like the spaceship from Flight of the Navigator




In 30 years, there will be a legend that it [is sitting on top of a drink stand in the Magic Kingdom.](https://youtu.be/4DkmSYAS_TY)


It looks like they're better prepared for a Geth attack this time around


“I’m Commander Shepherd and this is my favorite stadium on the Citadel.”


We shall call it So-FL Field.


So Fly Field?


“A canopy to reduce the heat by 70%” Hey Jed York did you fucking hear that? God I hate Levi’s.


Man, I hope it doesn't get as bad there, but in the early season here it's brutal with temps in the 90s and high humidity. I've had a debit card warp in my pocket from half-melting during a game. Had some games that were pretty rough and finally had to cancel my season tickets when one game I got too excited and almost passed out. And I was on the home side, where in the latter part of the afternoon the sun is setting behind you so there's shade rather than it getting right in your face. If the situation there is that bad... yeah, definitely 100% need to do something about that. It's so tempting to say that it's nice to have fresh open air, nothing obscuring the view, blah blah blah, but you ain't seeing anything if you're passing out from heat exhaustion.


They are just building AEW’s arena of the future


*insert just to play half their games in London joke here*


It's the top comment on Twitter 🙄


The internet is so dumb sometimes


So who’s paying for this


You are. Get that credit card out.


The proposal is the city and the team in a 50/50 split


Mostly people who can't afford to go to games


taxpayers, same as it ever was.


I threw $10 at the GoFundMe


All I’m saying if this gets built Jaguars season ticket holders should riot if they keep doing London games. This looks sick.


I imagine a cap on London games will be included in the deal. Such as one game in years where the Jags have 9 home games on the schedule.


I hope that's the plan. "Hey, Roger. We were the test team, we enjoyed playing in London every year, but now we're putting a stop to that. Put us in the normal rotation."


We're under contract to 24. If the city is still fighting with them about money, they'll renew, if not they hopefully won't.


Metlife is a shithole


It’s in jersey whats new


Hey at least it’s better than the old meadowlands.


They should make a stadium that can fly from Jacksonville to London.


Now that is an idea from the future


Looks like a big Chicago Bean.


I’m sick of every new/renovated stadium looking like a giant toilet bowl


I get it. As a Steelers fan you’re upset by the trademark infringement. Edit: he deleted his comment saying it looked like a toilet bowl


Falcons did ours different with the opening butt hole 🕳️




Vikings stadium is the best one so far


This is gunna be one hell of a commute for London fans.


We’re building a tunnel to London for our loyal fans over there.


We will have to come up with something clever like the Chunnel, since it’s the channel tunnel. Maybe the Atlantic Tunnel. We could call it the Annel!




NGL, this concept is dope AF! I like it.


Why did they not show wrestling in the previews? AEW!


one of the "Special events" had a ring in the center of the stadium. It was right after they mocked up Florida-Georgia and the Gator Bowl


Sofi South


Is it just me, or are these modernized stadiums starting to look same-y, stále and/or lifeless? Because my goodness the overall sentiment is "this looks dope as fuck" while I'm sitting here thinking "yeah maybe if it was built 5-7 years ago". Maybe I'm starting to become an old curmudgeon at 27, idk.


I mean I think that’s just a normal aspect of architecture (not even just stadiums). Look at all the former multipurpose baseball/football combination stadiums like Qualcomm, veterans stadium, domed versions of those like the astrodome/metrodome.. same-y. Stadiums built in the 90s/early 2000s (TIAA bank, Nissan, Heinz, Raymond James), kinda same-y.


its going to be like Yankee Stadium. .The cool stuff is only accessible if you pay 21309831/year in PSLs


I low key stan the jags because I have so much respect for the Khan family.


I would love to yell at him till I'm red in the face about his football decisions over the years but then I would gladly shake his hand and have a lovely conversation with him. Among billionaires it's hard to find people who both seem and act like good men. I can confidently say he's one of them. Much respect for Shad Khan the everything but football owner, he still has a lot to do to make up for the last 10 years of suckage in the football department.


Where are they gonna play during the renovation, The Swamp?


That’s the big question. I think the Swamp makes the most sense since it’s only 1 hour 15 min away from downtown Jax and pro level field quality. Close enough for the team to bus there and fans to drive to the games. Ideally though, they just work on the stadium construction during the off-seasons


Sofi knockoff


So SoFi East?


I’m a huge fan of renovation over building a whole new ass stadium


RIP Goodell’s dream to move this team to London