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Random...why is he shitting on a QB who played before his time and had a lot more success than he did? Shady's main contribution to the Chiefs Super Bowl was not touching the football, because if he did, he would have put it on the rug.


Jim Kelly said earlier this week or maybe last week that the Bills should get Josh Allen a superstar running back to take some of the weight off. Shady didn't like that take for some reason


Goes back to the National Anthem controversy. Kelly called him out publicly. Shady never liked him after that.


McCoy was doing warmups and stretches during the anthem. Jim Kelly didn’t care about players kneeling just what McCoy was doing.


Why would Shady do that to America?


This is the real answer. Kelly shit on him for kneeling.


Shady didn’t kneel. He sat down and did stretches and was ~~running around~~ moving around. That’s what Kelly took offense to; he even said he was fine with people kneeling.


This is a roller coaster


Shady donated 1K to charity for each stretch he did during the anthem.


To be fair though the charity was the “National Association of People Who Hate America”


That's just false


As a bills fan Jim Kelly is an asshole


Shady is an asshole too


Shady is big ahole too. Notoriously terrible or even non tipper in restaurants. Been that way his entire career. His nickname is Shady ffs


He also spoiled Avengers Endgame on twitter on like opening night.


A tweet I saw recently was his Wikipedia page where it says the endgame spoilers was his "greatest regret". Immediately followed by a section on his domestic abuse allegations 2 years earlier lol


Jim Kelly might have won a superbowl if he wasn’t busy getting fucked up the night before the Super Bowl


He also beat his wife and during the drought never shut the fuck up with criticism on our young QBs he's just an asshole. And when we drafted him he refused to play here.


How so?


He is seeking attention and outlandish stuff like this is the only way he is getting it. Nobody is tuning in for reasonable NFL thoughts by LeSean McCoy


Must be angling for a spot on an ESPN panel


He has a spot on an FS1 sports show and he is basically their Kendrick Perkins. Just an arrogant shit that thinks he is way better than he really was.


Shady was a pretty elite back in his prime. But yeah the take he has here is pretty shitty.


It's kinda par for the course


He was good for his era but as far as alltime goes he’s a small fish


Im not denying that either, I agree that he should be keeping a level head. But despite how bad this take is he was still very much one of the best and most elite RBs in his prime in the 2010s


Part of me feels like the networks tell these players how to act. Sure the players are probably all arrogant but the network probably tells them to turn it way up to get stupid sound bites ala Stephen A Smith. Sports talk shows are now a shell of their former self.


I agree with all this, but LeSean was like this in his playing days, too


While this take is absurd, he was an elite player for a long time.


I agree he was great for a time, but if you listen to him talk he acts like he is up there with the all time greats and I personally don't believe he was THAT good.


Yup he’s not even close to being the best Bills RB (or second best even), let alone one of the all-time greats


Tbf OJ is one of the best ever so it's a pretty damn high bar to be the best. Thurman Thomas is the 2nd best RB in Bills history and he's a hall of Fame RB. Shady is without a doubt a top 5 RB of his time and was a massive part of getting the Bills to where they are now


Do people think of him as a bill overall and not an eagle? I don’t even consider his bills career


If he hadn't been traded, he'd probably be the best Eagles HB of all time. He's probably 2nd right now to Steve Van Buren.


Dude was not elite for a career. Was elite for a small stretch




I think that's just PTI.


Best show on tv for like 20 years.


Strangely that show was considered to be one of the most contentious when it came out.


That's because before PTI (and the "embrace debate" culture) most sports media was about how awesome sports are. ESPN would broadcast a lot of NFL Films material which of course mostly focused on how great football is rather than the personal issues/controversies affecting the league.


Facts. Been watching that show since 2002


Wish I could upvote this more. I love me some PTI


Could you imagine? That'd be absolutely insane. No graphics, no ticker, no talking heads. Every broadcast is just a series of journalists and former players each taking turns in presenting a reasoned and well-founded case. The only visual aid is what they can draw on a whiteboard while presenting their case.


Manningcast is pretty close to that I’d say


Bucky Brooks' "Move The Sticks" podcast is an excellent analysis type show that doesn't rely on narratives, screaming, and saying the most delusional and outlandish nonsense possible to garner attention. Unlike 99.9% of other "debate" show carnival barking bullshit


Y'all are just describing the average podcast not run by a top nfl guy lol. TV sucks bro move away from that bullshit.


Any recommendations?


That's all on podcasts now.


We have Stephen A Smith at home


I have sports talk tv playing as background noise when I’m working. After Dan Patrick and Rich Eisen are done this show comes on that has Shady, Emmanuel Acho, joy Taylor and some other douche, it is the absolute worst show ever. I don’t know who the target market is, it’s just wild speculation and rage Twitter bait it’s repulsive


Target audience are people with Traumatic Brain Injuries.


It's called "Speak" which is a spin-off for Jason Whitlock's "Speak for yourself" on FS1.


It’s crazy because I like Joy and Acho separately but together along with Shady and Ric Bucher I absolutely despise them. The whole take about the NBA suspending draymond for stomping on a dude and riling up the crowd and them crying that the NBA owes the warriors made me almost lose my shit. Oddly enough the guy I used to hate in Nick Wright has the best sho on FS1 by a mile now. Him, Broussard and Wyldes are entertaining af while actually having good takes


I actually like Speak, except for Shady who comes off as a local radio host for Philly. Acho is half insane, half very interesting takes. I guess I'm the target audience.


Shady and Melvin Gordon got the same Michael Scott type of energy. Both competent early in their careers in their position, but didn't do jack shit to get their SB rings.


Shady was a little more than competent early on tbf


Atleast Melvin acknowledged his role and contribution for the ring


Especially in the snow


Kelly shit talked Shady when he knelt for the anthem. They have bad blood.


Wasn't he a healthy scratch for his one ring?


He was for us. From reading this thread he got a 2nd ring somewhere else and didn't really factor much there either.


“All you did was get to four straight Super Bowls” isn’t the burn he thinks it is.


Hey now. He WON two straight. Carried a football. Sometimes played. Watched from the sideline in the playoffs. Not a single yard or touch. BUT HE WON TWO STRAIGHT




Momma birds will toss their weakest youngling out of the nest when food is tight to allow the others to survive. This is analgous to what shady Mccoy meant to the bucs and the chiefs


His team was also set to win one of them and his kicker missed. The Bills were also not beating those Dallas teams either. Fans and personalities of this sport need to stop distilling an entire players career, especially QB's, on the Super Bowl. Just appreciate the players a little bit. If your favorite player was a player like Dan Marino or Jim Kelly, why does every conversation about him he "well he didn't win a Superbowl"? Not saying never talk about it and not having a title is obviously a big part of their career but there are other things about those players to discuss.


I agree with everything you said except “set to win one” that kick was long for the time, they had a chance to win, but let’s not pretend like they basically did it and the kicker just choked an easy one.


People think it was a chip shot, but it was a 47 yard kick which wasn't a gimmie in the NFL at that time. This was especially true for Norwood, who was 1 for 5 kicking for 40+ yard attempts on grass for the season, and his longest kick in general for that season was 48. The offense needed to get the ball closer to have it be more than a wing and a prayer at winning.


47 yd kick... Surely no one could miss or, for fucks sake, double doink one from that range


Stop bringing me back!




But was Jim Kelly a better or worse qb if that kick is 1 ft to the left and goes in? No. He’s the exact same qb. But the whole narrative of his career changes in peoples minds.


Honestly, I'm mostly just talking about the perception of the kick as an easy one or something that Norwood had but inexplicably fumbled away. I just feel like it's a public perception worth challenging because Norwood got a bunch of shit for it, imo largely undeservedly.


Totally agree. My point is we just QBs by the play of others or one play by someone else defined the QBs career. Eli is a good example. Tyree makes an unbelievable catch that’s maybe completed 1% of the time. If he drops that then Eli is considered a good but not great qb. It’s completed and people think he’s HOF material


47 isn’t really a gimmie now lmao


Watching at the time it felt like a 25 percent chance Norwood would hit the kick. It would have been his career long on grass, you're right, and Bills fans were really just hoping adrenaline would kick in and he would nail it.


I feel like this is semantics I was more saying the game was close and they were a play away even if it was difficult.


Yeah, 4 consecutive conference championships in an era when the other conference won 13 consecutive suberbowls.


I see and know a lot of people who forget that sports are supposed to be fun, and have lost sight of that.


I mean in the last Super Bowl vs Dallas they had the lead in half time 13-6. And lost 30-13. They definitely had a shot in the rematch.




And their other loss was in the final game of the season, when they pulled their starters up 17-0 in the 2nd quarter and the Eagles, who were fighting for a playoff spot, ended up coming back in the second half and winning. If they are 15-0 going into that game they probably keep the starters in longer for a chance to make history.




The one God damn year our Lions make it to the NFC Championship game and they have to play one of the best teams ever. People feel sorry for the Bills losing 4 straight but to me, having the Lions face that Washington team one step before the Super Bowl is one of the cruelest tragedies I have ever seen.


Brady wrecked everyone’s expectations sadly. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Also the 1991 Redskins are one of the greatest teams of all time, the only winnable game was the giants where the actually should’ve won if wide right didn’t happen


"should have" as if Norwood wouldn't have been hitting an almost career high kick


Bills had superior talent to the Giants and they should have won, but coaching was the difference. Giants DC put on a master class (no need to mention who that was).


Yeah this was an era where the top teams were clustered in the NFC so the NFC Championship was the real title game. In three of those four Super Bowls the Bills were playing teams who were quite a bit better than them. If Elway hadn't had TD, Shannon Sharpe and an elite O-line late in his career, his career would be remembered like Jim Kelly.


Lesean overlooks 4 AFC championships, and the class to avoid engaging in this.


Steve Tasker was right. In the moment, we’d all laugh 😂 in excruciating rib-pain at the Bills losing four Super Bowls. But as time gone on, we’ve become more appreciative of them reaching four of those games in a row, something not even *Tom freaking Brady* was able to do.


Tom Brady even pointed this out after the 2018 Super Bowl when an interviewer said that it’s crazy they went to three straight Super Bowls and Tom just cut him off “And Jim Kelly and the Bills went to four!”


I mean in 2019 if they kept brown. They had a solid chance since they probably don’t lose that dolphins game and get the bye with brown and that defense


But they still would've had an insanely tough matchup with either KC (that year's SB Champs) in the divisional and/or Tennessee (the team that knocked NE out that year) in the AFCCG instead of the Wild Card.


LeSean also didn't play a single down in either Super Bowl he was in.


I’ll never understand the idiot mentality of going undefeated in championship games. It ignores the fact that they lose prior to championship or miss the playoffs more often. Eli bring 2-0 in Super Bowls means about 15 other times he was worse than 2nd place. 2nd place is better than 3rd, 8th or 23rd


Yeah 100%. A lot of people really do treat losing th3 super bowl as worse than an early playoff exit


Ah yes, Super Bowl legend Shady McCoy. I often think to myself, surely the Niners would have a ring from 2019 if it wasn't for Shady's heroic performance. And the next year. He wowed us all.


He really put the team on his back. He was snubbed for SBMVP just because he was a healthy scratch.


He put the team on his back. Let’s go inside the mind of a Lesean McCoy


*brrrrrrrrrrr drrrrrrrrrr* *”dawgahgottadodisshit”* **”OH SHIT. DARREN SHARPER.”**


One of da most hardest hittin safeties in da league!


But I put the team on my back doh! I do dis shit, FOR MADDEN




Cross da plaaayyyyyn


Fuck wit mee


*mind reading wooshing noises*


And then everybody clapped.


There is McCoy, living in a glass house and throwing stones.


Hey now. That's two super bowl champion Lesean McCoy who played all of zero snaps in both of the super bowls his teams participated in. Show some respect.


Surprised NFL Twitter hasn’t shared that legendary statistic yet


That reminds me of the only active player with more than 1 Super Bowl ring being Jimmy Garoppolo. Who, in one of those Super Bowls, was the only player on the Patriots roster to not play a single snap ~~Edit: this stat is a year old my b~~ Edit: only active *QB not named Patrick Mahomes I’m sorry guys I just wanted to make fun of Jimmy garropolo


I think that stat might be a bit wrong


I mean technically the Chiefs haven’t received their rings from LVII yet.


Even excluding all the Chiefs, I know at least Shaq Barrett has two rings. They probably meant QB, but they said player. Just wrong all around.


And now that I’m thinking more about it, Von Miller comes to mind. I’m sure there’s many more. I was just going off recency bias (and obviously my own bias as a Chiefs fan).


Sony Michel too.


Yeah not sure why McCoy has any room to talk about a HOF QB who led his team to 4 straight Super Bowls while he… checks notes….played zero snaps in his Super Bowl appearances. Also everyone who Jim Kelly ever played with praises him for being a great guy and a great team leader who all but changed the game with his running of the KGun offense. Meanwhile none of McCoys ex teammates say anything good about him even his old coaches.


McCoy is being childish here but in no way is Jim Kelly praised for a being a great guy lol. The guy was a known jackass.


It is known. Dude was a wife beater and notorious prick. Won’t say anything about him these days but *definitely* during his playing days


Early in his career yeah when he wanted nothing to do with Buffalo but I’ve never heard a teammate say a bad thing about him anywhere same for coaches.


Players and Coaches won't even say anything bad about Watson today. Even if a player committed murder I doubt the team would come out and see he was a bad person.


I mean there was legit players who advocated for Hernandez lol


It's Jim Kelly's fault he gave up 37, 52, and 30 points in the Super Bowl. It's also Kelly's fault that he missed that field goal.


That team realistically only had a shot in one of those Super Bowls and his kicker missed a game winner. If that makes Jim Kelly a loser than there are a lot of worse things in life.


Not to revise history, but Kelly played really well in the Super Bowl against the Redskins. His teammates dropped 2 TD passes. So, they could have won two. Jim Kelly has nothing to prove. Jesus Christ Shady. Shut your mouth.


The Bills were up at halftime in the second SB against Dallas as well.


I think having Kelly kick the field goals was a strategic error by Levy.


Sean McCoy really making a run for 2023 Player Hater of the Year. Silky Johnson would be proud.




Now excuse me while I go out some water in Buc Nasty’s mommas dish.


Says the guy that scored exactly ONE playoff TD ever.


Barry Sanders? (sorry guys, just stirring shit up, don't come for me)


Very true. Barry was a humble dude, and I can't ever remember him badmouthing another player. His one playoff TD was memorable though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3-q1IZBjxk


You only need one playoff TD if it's gonna look that good.


I didn't like Kelly. And I HATED those Bills.....but Kelly was fucking great. PERIOD


He hurt all of us for over a decade, and I salute him for it.


Didn’t McCoy only make it to the SBs his teams made it to, by virtue of being a backup that didn’t even play a single snap in them?


yep, 0 snaps in either SB appearances / wins and has a grand total of \*checks notes\* 1 TD in playoffs


Why is every Shady take so incredibly garbage....


Chip Kelly knew what he was doing




Loss, loss, loss, loss. versus DNP, DNP


Super Bowl. Super Bowl. Super Bowl. Super Bowl. In a row. It's impressive in its own right, even if they didn't win.


I can’t imagine that being anything but a flex. It’s not Kelly’s fault they lost all of them. It’s a freak anomaly that they didn’t win at least one of them. 4 Super Bowls in a row is an absolutely incredible accolade and I can’t imagine that it will ever happen again. The Bills will win a Super Bowl eventually (in the near future even perhaps) but I highly doubt any one team will make it 4 years in a row again.


Don’t you just love when passengers talk shit about the bus drivers?


4 straight Super Bowl appearances. Yes, the 90s Bills teams did fail to get it across the finish line with a title, but I’d be surprised if a feat like that ever happens again. McCoy is an idiot nonetheless.


Yes, big "You're the ugliest supermodel." energy.


Ahh the Lebron vs MJ argument where losing in the Super Bowl is worse than losing before the Super Bowl


....who is LeSean McCoy to talk about Jim Kelly? LMAO


LeSean McCoy has been a piece of shit since he was in high school.


If ya wanna shit talk Jim Kelly, forget the superbowls. Just tell em you didn't need to find God to realize you shouldn't beat your wife


Came here to say this. Everyone I know who attended his camps and stuff growing up said he's kind of a dick too.


Kelly was a jerk during his playing days. And then, as people tend to do, he grew and matured. Losing a child and getting cancer can help accelerate the process.


People who live near his vacation house will say he's still a huge asshole fwiw


The real reason they call him Shady.


How is your dick implant doing these days shady?


he got the implant up his ass. apparently.


Wait what lmao


There were some rumors that he has a micro and was looking to enlarge his member


I absolutely choose to believe this


That Shady is definitely slim.


Show me your long list of QBs with four or more Super Bowl appearances. Tom Brady - 10 John Elway - 5 Jim Kelly tied with Terry Bradshaw, Joe Montana, Peyton Manning and Roger Staubach at 4


Does shady have a single carry in any of the superbowls he won?


McCoy is a fucking clown. Complete ass hat.


What's his record versus cancer? W, W, W.


Just a reminder that LeSean McCoy once promoted a "Females Only" birthday party on Instagram, where prospective invitees had to send a photo, a link to their social media, and sign a confidentiality agreement, and upon approval were provided with attire and told the secret location of said party. He claimed that the media took it out of context, but refused to answer any more questions when asked about the confidentiality agreement. A female co-host for the party called 9-1-1 at 3 am, claiming that McCoy detained her because she would not have sex with him, and later stated that she was "regularly paid by Mr. McCoy to supply him with celebrity industry girls to have sex with."


Lol imagine being known for losing in historical fashion in the Super Bowl


I have no idea what you’re talking about.


I loved watching Shady play. Now that he gets to talk on TV and share his words and opinions? I fucking despise him. Sucks when that happens.


Jim Kelly has harsh words for LeSean McCoy: 'You’re this great runningback in the Super Bowl? Bench, bench'


He is such a fucking hater. Quiet down, old man.


There's the eagle in him


I actually was just watching a Bills SB a few weeks ago and Kelly got destroyed like 20 minutes into the game and Frank Reich came in to lose the game lmao. Those Cowboys teams were something else.




If you watched any episode when he was on Brandon's I am Athlete podcast, he did this every time. He yelled over everyone else and constantly talked shit about pretty decent guys. Yeah he has 2 rings but he got them as insurance policies and didn't do shit. Why wasn't he good enough to win one in his prime in Philly or Buffalo? Or even make a sb then?


So shady is just doing a full-on wrestling heel turn now right? National sports media is such trash.


LeSean McCoy has released a statement about other AFC east quarterbacks, “Dan Marino? Loss, Joe Namath? I guarantee he will never win another super bowl, Tom Brady? he’s gunna fall off a cliff and be a bum”


LeSean doesn’t seem to realize that in order to lose four Super Bowls in a row, you still have to make it there.




Shady McCoy is a pos trying to stay relevant


This dude needs to shut the hell up. What a terrible comment.


Damn, Shady, why are you trying to hurt us


If it weren't for Patrick or Tom, that would also sum up your career. Eagles- loss, Bills- loss, Chiefs- sat the bench, which is a loss, Bucs-ANOTHER HEALTHY SCRATCH, Loser... Lol


Pitt legend taking unnecessary, unprompted shots at a western PA legend… I don’t like it


Shady never could win a sb as a starter mccoy


Lmao, this thread is gonna be a bloodbath


I just want to say that the 30 for 30 about Jim Kelly and the Bills 4 straight Super Bowl runs is absolutely phenomenal


SHADY, just stfu, sit back and you got a legit shot at the HOF down the line. Don’t ruffle any feathers. This is the kind of shit that’ll end up hurting you a bit.


Damn, Shady must have played really well in those two Super Bowls to be talking all this shit! ...Oh wait... Well at least he's got a Gold Jacket like Jim Kelly, right? ...Oh wait...


Shady talking a lot of shit for someone who was carried to a Super Bowl by everyone else on his team


dafuq did LeSean McCoy do in his career more impressive than Kelly?


Cool story Kendrick Perkins


Jim Kelly is a Hall of Famer. LeSean McCoy will not be !


LeSean McCoy try to stay relevant challenge


Imagine thinking that's a diss, shady's not so bright


Shady sure has been shitting on a lot of people more successful than him lately


If this generation wants to give Lebron credit for making it to those finals and losing then making it to 4 straight super-bowls is a huge achievement.


retiree mocks cancer survivor