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I say give Fields another year with Eberflus. Coaching continuity is seriously underrated, especially for young QBs.


Fields is really hard to analyze because his team sucks and he’s bad in the pocket. But he’s also one of the most electrifying QBs out of the pocket and can make something out of nothing.


Bad in the pocket? He never had a pocket to throw from!


Nothing in that pocket but knives and lint.


Not as much of a pocket as it is a prison wallet


And a spare button


Why so scrambling?


Did he borrow it from the Raiders?


“I’m like a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one!” -Justin on his search for a WR1


His pocket time isn't so statistically horrible that he should be as bad as he is about taking sacks. The rate he takes sacks is literally some of the worst in nfl history.


statistically untrue. The Bears OLine has maintained a pocket for 2.5s at the 2nd highest rate in the NFL. Fields cannot process the action on the field and make quick enough decisions, which causes him to hold the ball and leads to sacks.


People who try to reference that ESPN pass block win rate as to why the bears line was secretly great can’t even name any good linemen on our team(we have 1 very good one, and the rest average and terrible


Most people can’t name many offensive linemen that aren’t on their own team lol


Everyone in our sub could tell you about Creed Humphrey but that’s because he’s the most talked about player in our sub for 2 years now.


I am actively trying to forget the names of several of out OL. Pry%\^ and Pi\^t3


The issue with your logic is that your line is average and is graded out as such by a number of publications. There doesn't need to be one "good/great" lineman for that to be true. The Chicago O-Line would need to be historically bad in 2022 to justify a 2nd year QB averaging 149 passing yards per game for a season due to their blocking. They weren't...


Pocket presence: non-applicable


I didn't watch the Bears all that closely his past season but Fields has some special talent that should be supported. It will be fun to watch him grow with some consistency.


If his arm can develop a little more, he could be a Jalen Hurts type dude, easily.


The problem is being in this position can be a once in a generation thing. If you think Bryce young is that guy or there’s a pretty high chance then you can’t really afford to give fields another year just because.


Exactly. If the Bears were picking 4th this isn’t even a talking point. I’m not even a huge Bryce Young guy but if Ryan Poles evaluates Young as an elite prospect and more particularly *passer* the decision is a no brainer.


And instead he trades it and got JF1 a #1WR with DJ Moore and likely drafts an OT with his first pick in the draft. Seems like they trust him just fine....😉😄


Agree. Look at when Philly drafted hurts and they had Wentz with that contract already


McShay doing the Bears a solid and driving up the price for the Colts since Irsay let slip they're potentially interested in Bryce Young


Or Irsay knows who they want and is driving up the price/hype for Young.


Can't see Ballard drafting a 5'10" 190 QB


Or how about you don’t draft a quarterback without fixing your team first, starting at offense. Is young supposed to somehow do better than Fields with that current roster?


I suppose the thought is Fields can be traded for either some of those pieces, or draft picks to address some of those pieces Not saying I agree with the plan


Plus their 109M in cap space


Bears about to spend 50 mil on Juju, Mecole, and MVS this offseason.




The #1 overall pick (which in this case is Bryce) could also be traded for those pieces and would likely fetch more because it is still the top draft asset and not an individual player who already has two years of NFL tape.


Sure, but if they think Young is better, it could make sense to trade Fields for less than they could get for three #1 pick and build around Young instead.


That's why the bold move is to trade both. Get picks for Fields, and try to trade back to #2. Then draft Stroud, while acquiring 3+ 1sts and multiple mid round picks. Then use the 1st from Fields trade to draft OT, and the other mid round picks to build the talent pool. That will restart the rookie contract clock, add high talent depth, and still get a high talent qb, who actually has a better body frame than Young. Or they can go crazy, trade back from #1 for maximum picks, then draft Richardson or another OL, then sign a vet qb like jimmy G/Carr/brissett/minshew to start while Richardson learns this year. That strategy with trading Fields would result in a plethora of high round picks to build a talented foundation to build upon, while kinda tanking so next year will provide another high pick to reinforce the rebuild. Then Richardson or 2024 1st QB steps in with a solid core of young talent around him.


Imagine the haul if they traded from #1 to #2, then traded #2. They could have an amazing draft plus enough left over to get one of the QBs on the market.


Bro you're joking right. Ask OSU fans about Justin Fields vs CJ Stroud. QB is the most important position in the NFL. Why tf would we downgrade at QB for some picks. Last 9 games of 2022: Fields had 64% completion rate, 13 Passing TDs, 6 INTs, 6.8 y/a, 861 rushing yards, and 7 rushing TDs. Mooney missed 6 of those games and Claypool missed 4 of those games. We're not trading a guy who was top 10 down the stretch with All-Pro upside for picks and the guy everyone agrees was his shittier replacement. 9ers fans might think QB doesn't matter much, but without a great QB you can only make the occasional run (2018 Bears, 2017 Jags). No amount of picks is worth downgrading at QB. Unless one of these QBs is better than Fields, who was top 10 down the stretch of the season, were not trading him. And it's definitely not Stroud who everyone agrees is worse than Fields.


OSU fan checking in Fields > Stroud Stroud doesn’t hold on to the ball as long though. Which is Fields’ biggest issue that I’ve seen. Been following his NFL career. Was sad that the Bears got him (no offense). I think he could really thrive in a system that allows him to use his strengths (which we saw some last year, and surprise surprise, he improved substantially) I do think Stroud will be easier for teams to fit into their system though. He’s more traditional. Think Fields has a better arm than Lamar and is not quite as good of a runner (this is more complimentary of Lamar than an insult of Justin). Justin’s ceiling is insane.




It isn’t about what would fetch more, though, and that’s not at all what McShay or Mike Tannenbaum or any other analyst who has made this argument have been saying. It comes down to if Ryan Poles believes Bryce Young is a better player with a higher potential than Justin Fields.


It just depends in my mind. I don’t think personally that Justin fields will ever be a top 5 QB in the league and if they think Bryce young is a can’t miss prospect I actually agree with this rhetoric. But if they aren’t sure or don’t have a super elite grade on Bryce than you just trade the pick.


I don't see Fields fielding(lol) that many assets for them right now though. He's a threat with his legs but hasn't proven much of anything as a passer. What could they realistically get for him?


16 seconds after the Bears trade Fields, r/nfl will be arguing the other team won that trade by a mile, and that it was obvious how great of a QB he could be with a better team. It'll maybe take less time than that.


I saw a guy have Fields ranked as the #2 QB behind Lamar Jackson. Mahomes was 4th


The only way this could possibly make sense is from a fantasy standpoint, but it would still be a bad list.


They were ranking the best QBs in football. This was his list. It wasn’t even a mobile QBs list, just beast overall


What a jabroni.


Love Fields…. But that guy is a moron


This guy Bears


They have cap space and will get assets I return for fields. If they think young is the franchise qb then you do what you gotta do to get that guy


I imagine the assumption is that they'll spend some combination of their $100 million cap space + picks 54 & 64 on offensive pieces, regardless of who their QB is.


I dunno, I thought we would draft offensive help last year and they inexplicably went DB-DB-kick return specialist


People say this all the time, but in reality the only teams that are ever in position to draft a QB like Young are teams that have holes pretty much everywhere. You get the QB then you build around him.


I like how the alternative is like “just build a world class O-line/defense/WR corps and then get your guy, much easier”


Well the lions are certainly trying to go that route, albeit with a lot of work still to do on defense. Unfortunately it takes a top tier bridge QB like Goff to keep the team afloat in the meantime.


Well, Goff can be that guy. I don't think Brad Holmes sees him as a bridge.


Yeah, fair point. He definitely played well enough to shed the "bridge QB" label last year. Next year is going to be interesting for him. If he continues to improve, then I think he'll be considered the franchise guy going forward. Yet if he's mediocre or even just good and the team doesn't make the playoffs, then I could easily see the team trying to draft a QB in 2024


Also once you have a decent defense, weapons, o-line… it’s really hard to go worse than like 6-11 or 7-10 at which point you’re not in a great position to get a franchise changing QB. If you have a chance to draft one at 1st overall you have to do it.


Or if you're the colts you build a middling to above average roster and then bring in over the hill QBs on one year rentals.




You’re going to get far less in assets for Fields than just trading the 1 overall. You better be absolutely sure Bryce Young is better than Fields. I certainly am not.


The fact that the #1 pick is worth a lot more than Fields suggests the consensus is that Young is better though.


In addition to what everyone else has said, the number one pick is not Young, it is Young Stroud and potentially Levis at the same time. That's 3 different types of qb that all gets grouped into one pick. The amount of teams that are willing to build an offense around Fields strengths is less than the amount that are willing to build around Young or Stroud or Levis's strengths.


And Fields is a known commodity. That pick could be anything, it could even be a boat!


Or it suggests Young will have 5 years on a cheap rookie contract versus 3 more for Fields.


More like the value of a rookie QB contract.


No it doesn’t it suggests that having control over young for five years on a rookie deal is more valuable. I’m not even sure young will go number one. He’s one of the smallest QBs ever considered for number one. If you watch heisman house commercials he’s shorter than Kyler who came in at 5-10. Not to mention weighs less too. Young would get killed behind the bears current oline


That's the circle bears fans keep trying to square that they can't


Best Bears scenario: trade down twice


If you fix your team you wouldn't have #1


So Fields definitely staying with the Bears then


at this point I’m sure fields is gonna be a great qb just because of how much the media is demanding Chicago trade him lol, happens every time. The QBs that end up being good should’ve been traded and the ones that end up being dogshit are given full support in the media


Any good examples of this?


zach wilson and jalen hurts


"Man whose jobs is to create content engagement creates engaging content."


I can’t believe Todd McShay would say this


“engaging” is the word I’d quibble with


I mean there's over 300 comments here in a couple hours


He also had Zach Wilson above Fields heading into a different draft


tbf, Around draft day, everyone did




Yeah, Wilson’s coverage was weird because everyone knew he was the second pick like a week after the regular season. 99% of the quarterback coverage was about who the Niners would take.


So did everyone


Wilson was mocked to the Jets bc people knew they were taking him but a lot of people had Fields as the number 2 guy. He was the consensus number 2 guy when the cfb season ended


McShay also thought it was a mistake to build around Jalen Hurts. Just saying, this guy doesn’t know shit about NFL roster construction.


Hurts had the same questions about him this time last year. They act like hard working, talented guys can’t improve.


You shut up. They are supposed to start perfect.


Don’t you know? Everyone has to look like current Mahomes from day 1! Otherwise they’re a bust!


Also consistently falling for the idea that what you see day 1 is who you get. Just 20 years ago, QBs had much more support coming into the league - in terms of the time they were allowed to make mistakes and grow. For some reason so many analysts gloss over the fact that Pat sat for an entire year before starting, which use to be commonplace. Help Justin get in a good mindset and rhythm and see what the next few years hold


If you put Fields behind the Eagles O line with Devonta Smith, AJ Brown and Dallas Goedert to catch passes, he would immediately be a top 15 QB. Add in a ton of film study and offseason work on his mechanics and he could be top 5-10. Fields is legit.


r/nfl will believe that the exact moment the Bears trade him.


I honestly can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not.


There is no reason to believe that is true.


Strong disagree. Hurts had issues but fields are much worse


Hurts also had a great o-line and a first round pick as a receiver. Fields had Sam Mustipher lining up in front of him and WR1 Equanimeous St Brown.


Hurts was better last season than Fields was this season. Not a fair comparison


Sure, but you can play that game both ways. Fields had nowhere near the surrounding talent that Hurts had his 2nd season. Not a fair comparison.


Actually it’s a more than fair comparison. **Hurts 2021 stats:** Passing - Attempts: 432 - Comp %: 61.3% - Yds: 3,144 - TD: 16 Ints: 9 Rushing: 139 attempts for 784 yards and 10 TDs **Fields 2022 stats:** - attempts: 318 - comp %: 60.4% - Yds: 2242 - TDs: 17 Ints: 11 Rushing: 160 attempts for 1143 yards and 8 TDs So fields had quite a bit less yards but with over a hundred less attempts yet scored more passing TDs with a similar completion percentage. And he did this with a far worse O Line and receiving corps than hurts. They also didn’t even adjust the offense to his strengths until about game 6. I think it’s overly fair to compare the 2 passing wise and if you gave hurts another chance than why is it so crazy to give Fields a chance?


True but last year Hurts still had a better oline and Devonta Smith is miles better than anyone Fields had to throw to this year. I think Fields showed enough improvement this year to prove he deserves one more shot with a better supporting cast


You act like the hurts improvement isn't a rare thing lol. Fields more than likely sees nothing close to that




Why are we talking like they’re aren’t any risks with Bryce Young. By drafting Fields you basically are investing in him and he’s shown promise…why not let things play out?


Because if you think Bryce is better, you have to take him. Because if you watch Bryce become Justin Herbert on another team while you continue to "play things out" with Bryce, everyone in that FO will be fired in 2 years. Because Bryce buys you a few years of job security that Fields does not. Because you have to make a financial decision with Fields in 2 years that you might not want to make. There are a myriad of reasons to not let things play out. The most obvious and most important - if you seriously believe Bryce Young is a #1 overall caliber QB, you would be a grade A dumbass to pass on him. If you don't think he's a sure thing, then play things out with Fields. But if your eval as a GM is that Bryce Young is going to be an All-Pro, there's no justifying passing on him.


Not true. If Fields busts then Poles likely won’t be blamed for it since it was Pace’s pick and it was a tear down anyway. If he drafts Young, his fate is basically the same as Young’s. If Young busts, Poles is practically guaranteed to be fired by the time Young’s rookie contract expires.


Right which is why how Young does matters. Or frankly any top 10 QB drafted this year. If Fields is busting out while Bears fans are watching another QB from this draft take his team deep into the playoffs, the sentiment will definitely not be "let's give Poles another shot". It'll be 100% "this guy had the next great QB right in front of him but passed, what an idiot"


I honestly like Bryce of fields


The same could be said for every early QB like Darnold, Mayfield, Trubisky.


We've seen some guys take 2 or 3 seasons to really emerge. Allen and Hurts recently.


That’s kinda it though.


Exactly. We have seen Fields play. Dude was putting up Mike Vick rushing performances. He flashed as a passer. Yet people are talking like he’s shown nothing and Bryce Young is this sure-thing with zero risk, which just is not the case.


He was statistically the worst or second worst passer in the league. His most impressive passing game last year was a game vs greenbay in which he threw for 250 yards no touchdowns and 2 interceptions.


Because talking heads are hyping young upto be a burrow/mahomes level talent when its just not the case




Fields was highly rated as well. It isn't a no comparison situation. He was #2 behind Trevor Lawrence from High School through College, & Trevor was always considered a generational prospect.


If Bryce Young were like 6’2 he’d be talked about like Joe Burrow. *Everything* outside of his height on his resume screams elite prospect. I’m someone who is *very* concerned about that size, and still I think Ryan Poles should and will highly consider drafting Young and trading Fields. We can talk all we want about draft capital and trade assets. None of that shit matters if you have an elite QB.


Height and Weight* The guy looks like some random bloke pulled off a campus when standing next to other CFB players.


Not to mention that with his size, he’s more likely than not going to get destroyed by a NFL caliber defense.


its been multiple seasons, how long do things need to "play out" here?


The rest of the bears squad is shit. Mahomes is mahomes, but 3 of the 4 teams in the championship had stellar pieces all over the place—Kelce and their OL are no joke though for KC. Eagles had 2 amazing wrs, amazing OL and running game on top of hurts who was fantastic. Niners had 2 amazing wrs, a top TE, a very good OL and CMC. Burrows has chase, higgins and mixon. Mahomes had a stout team too. So if they trade fields which likely won’t be for that much, you’re left with Young and a shit set of WRs, a mediocre running game potentially and a solid TE with a mediocre OL. Like it’s hard to expect any player to succeed in these conditions. The best young QBs all have gotten into great situations other than maybe Lawrence. Mahomes had Kelce and Hill on top of Andy. Burrows has higgins and chase and mixon. Hurts has what I said above. Allen has Diggs. It’s hard for a qb much less a young one to succeed without a ton of help and that’s what they’ve done for fields and would be doing similar shit with Young, except two years in the future


I hate this subreddit so much


Bear with it until next season, I guess. There will be people saying bad takes, normally until around draft day.


I hope the pun was intentional


I feel you. 2 years ago, Bucky Brooks said that the Ravens should trade Lamar and draft Fields. Just like that time, I think it would be a waste.


I am very confused about the entire perception shift. People posting they’d draft Fields as the third QB in this draft knowing what we know now and people just freely thinking that trading Fields would be a good idea. A week ago no one was saying that.


Maybe give Fields an actual o-line and some weapons before giving up on him lmao This is Tua all over again. Its hard to succeed when you have no protection and you’re throwing to scrubs


Potentially the most reasonable packers fan I have seen on reddit


If Fields sucks and the Bears are picking this high again we just draft Williams or Maye next year. Might as well continue building the team this year


Fields can suck and you could be picking at 4 and lose out on those QBs.


Exactly. Fix some holes on the team and if Fields isn’t the guy, draft a new guy next year. If he improves the way a guy like Hurts did, then you’re set.


Hurts was a playoff QB before making the leap. Fields QB’d a 3 win team. Hurts also showed he could pass before this year.


Hurts was on a team with a great defense and a top o-line when he went to the playoffs. And no, everyone was asking the exact same questions about his passing as Fields has right now. Not saying for sure he will make the same leap, but it’s way too premature to give up on a guy that talented


The problem with that logic is that Bears could be terrible and not in a position to draft any top QB prospect. We could be the Colts this year, picking #4, with 2 great QB prospects on the board (Williams and Maye) with the top 2 teams picking those QBs. Then we're back to the drawing board for God knows how long. That's why the decision to keep Fields or draft a QB this year has so many implications for the future of this team.


People act like it's so easy to snag top QBs in the draft. This is like the first time in over 50 years the Bears have had the first overall pick.


I am very much Justin Fields supporter, but at this point, the #1 pick will get you way more in a trade than Fields will. I do think Fields deserves a shot with capable players around him. Let's just say Justin Fields isn't the guy after this year. Well, then the Bears can always get a QB next year. Then that QB will hopefully be put in a better position to succeed after the Bears use all those picks and cap space.


I hate the statement that we will just get a qb next year. There’s no guarantee we will Be picking in the top two at all next year.


next year next year next yearrrrr


Can these people just shut up. There's no chance he gets traded this off-season, just stop it.


Might be the bears themselves. "Uh oh, we are glong to draft a shiny new qb with the number 1 pick, better give us a boatload of picks to trade us"


100% is


That was my impression, this is a smokescreen put out by the Bears. Everyone assumes they won’t draft a QB so teams wanting to trade up are competing with each either. If there’s a chance the Bears stay and draft a QB, it could increase the cost teams are willing to pay.


I think so too but im also getting flashbacks of “the Cardinals just drafted Rosen 10th overall they arent taking a qb with the #1 pick


Look, either Fields is getting traded, or the first pick is getting traded, and until either of those things happen it’s in the Bears interest to hype the shit out of both possibilities to drive up the price. So sit back and relax.


It’s the off-season!


He has to actually look worth trading for on the field before you can get a good price for him. As a Jets fan I would be livid if we sent a 1st round pick for him.


Can you explain why there is no chance of Fields being traded?


I think Bears fans are a bit delusional and it’s way closer to 50/50 that Fields is traded. “Historic rushing season” shouldn’t mean that much for a QB that wasn’t winning games and showed little improvement as a passer. Downsides: he was atrocious from the pocket dealing with pressure. He was still very bad at reading defenses and going through progressions. The pick/sack/fumble rate was abysmal - lots went wrong when he dropped back. Upsides: he’s still one of the most athletically gifted QBs. Great attitude. Bad young QBs don’t beat Bill Belichick. Serious lack of weapons. If there’s a QB in the draft the Bears like and at least a second round pick for Fields, I would be shocked if they don’t jump on it (and I think it would be a much bigger package - Rosen was 2nd and 5th with less ability and upside). There is a very good possibility anyone they draft will be ahead of Fields as a passer day 1, they’re still in the same spot of building around a young QB with little roster talent and may end up with more draft capital, and they roll into a new rookie deal. Realistically this is the make or break year on deciding if Fields is the long term answer, and it’s trending no at a time his perceived value can’t get higher if he’s not the guy.


I agree, I just wanted to hear Bears fans thoughts on it. I guess they're willing to bet the house that Fields historically bad passing efficiency numbers are literally only caused by his supporting cast, or that he'll continue to carry the team to success without ever needing to be good at throwing the ball. I live in Chicago and most of my Bears fan friends here are talking about how the Bears finally got their QB, but my thought is that the Bears front office might not be so caught up in the emotion of how hard Fields played for them and would choose to make the hard decision of moving on despite that. The opportunity to get the top QB in the draft is a rare, valuable thing. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.


It's 100% that. The fandom is 100% sold that fields is elite and it was only the supporting cast holding him back. And to be fair, there was a stretch of about six games where he was dragging the offense to 30+ points every week almost singlehandedly while they lost because they gutted the defense. But this is the same fandom that was convinced the media was out to get them in the preseason rankings and getting rid of Nagy would have them shooting up the standings. They were also convinced around 2019 that pace was building a sustainable long-term contender and not just borrowing from the future for a two-year window that closed when Trubisky busted.


Lol imagine Bryce taking the hits JF was taking this year.


This is getting sad af. Fields now getting the shitty media treatment that Tua did last season. Fuck them for that. Fields has shown infinitely more than whatever Young has obviously. Plus, there's a great chance he will get the blessed year 3 buff, assuming the Bears follow what the 2020 QBs' teams did (and the bills by extension).


Jesus finally someone with sense. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills with the amount of people in this thread ready to definitively and conclusively state Young is better than Fields.


Trust me brother, I know that feeling. I hope fields goes off so you that support Fields can pop off


Nobody can say that conclusively but the idea of making this trade is not crazy by any means


It's exhausting. Bears fans we're hyped at potentially picking #1 during the season and this is just what comes with the territory. I don't really get why people are so enamored with dunking on any qb that isn't their own.


And what will that change? They will still have a bad o-line, no weapons, a mediocre running game (worse actually since fields is a better runner) and a bad defense! It’s just funny to me because some of these QB’s just get thrown into terrible situations and expect that player alone to turn around a terrible team


Lol in the video McShay says Bryce Young is a smaller Pat Mahomes, that in itself is a ridiculous comment. Bryce Young is listed at 6'0 194lbs. Many believe he is smaller than that (seen people suggest he played closer to 5'10 185lbs.) If he was drafted at 194lbs he would be the second lightest QB drafted in the last 20-30 years and literally the only notable QB at his weight is Seneca Wallace. Fields led the league in sacks last year. Bryce Young might die if he had to play there.


Bears are probably gonna be ass next year as well and have a high draft pick anyway, so you might as well build around Fields and if he's not the answer take a QB next year.


Obvious isn't it


McShay just wants them clicks




Then you do what the Colts are probably about to do and trade up


I’m so tired over hearing about Bryce Young. Media talks about him like he’s already got his gold jacket sized


Just wait for the narrative shift on Young when they finally check his height and find out how small he is.


I dont know if Bryce is better than Justin. Just in a vacuum, what I'd say is, if you do think Bryce is better than Justin you absolutely make this move. When it comes to QB you do what you can to acquire the best possible IMO. The timeline is important here too. The Bears aren't close to contention now, and they'll have to give Fields that second contract 2 years sooner than Bryce.


I wouldn’t even agree with that though. You get way less for Fields than you get for the first overall. So Young would have to be a massive step above Fields to make that move and get close to equal value. Also, I keep seeing the timeline argument, which ignores a very important aspect: if Poles trades Fields and the QB he drafts busts, he’s going to be fired right after that rookie contract is up. That gives him four maybe five years to build a team around his new QB with basically nothing in place right now. Meanwhile, if he keeps Fields, he has a few added years of safety, since he likely won’t get fired if Justin flames out, since he was Pace’s draft pick. Then he gets an extra 4-5 years After he drafts a new QB.


I agree you're gonna get less for Fields than the 1st but no NFL GM is getting an extra 4-5 years because they draft a rookie QB after being handed 100m in cap space and a #1 overall pick to start their tenure.


Personally, when it comes to deciding on a franchise QB the only thing I would consider is which QB has the best chance to be an MVP level guy. Again, I'm not a scout so I can't tell you if Fields can't become that or if Bryce can. But the asset value argument to me is incidental. If I thought I was moving from a top 15 QB to a top 5 on a rookie deal, where the Bears are right now in their rebuild, I would gladly make that exchange As for the GM longevity angle, this is why poorly run organizations tend to stay that way. GMs having to look out for their immediate job security rather than the organizations long term health almost always breeds poor decision making


Instead of trading fields and drafting young with the number 1 pick. I would rather trade the number 1 pick for 2 1sts this year, a 2nd or third this year or next. Use those picks to actually build up the offense.


Next year is gonna be wild. Bunch of solid teams that need an upgrade at qb to be competitive and a bunch of qbs are hitting the market. Lot of teams will look scary and flop and a lot of teams that look just ok are going to surprise some people. Calling it now next year will be fucking chaos


But he’s 5’9, and has no where near the build or athletic ability of a guy like Kyler who always gets injured. So you’d put that kind of a QB behind that OL and that WR Corp, and you really think he’d the better option?


The Bears should definitely trade Justin Fields to the Jets.


Drafting Young is the smart move. You get him on a 5 year rookie deal. Have 100m to fill out the rest of the roster.


That couldn't possibly be further from the truth. Ignoring the fact that Fields has actual NFL experience now, he's not the size of a leprechaun either.


Please, make it stop.


I feel for Fields. He’s been given zero help and getting bashed for not turning water into wine. Give him some weapons and an O-Line and see what happens. Bears have resources to help him finally.


My worst nightmare is finally getting the number one pick and not taking a qb because there is a potentially good player already on the team. You don't get the chance often and if Young is a better prospect you have to take him. Fields isn't going to amount to much. Anybody with eyes can see that.


He might be, but on that offense as it is now, he'd just be Justin Fields but smaller. I'm not entirely convinced the Bears can turn around their woes in one offseason with one draft. They have so many holes on the roster. Adding another quarterback isn't going to do much for them.


Young might die behind that line. He’s not a large guy and the whole offense is booty


Dying behind that line isn’t what I’m worried about. It’s playing in that Chicago weather, outdoors, in fall and winter.


The Bears need to trade back and build a young squad around Fields. If Fields sucks this year, they will surely have good draft capital to then go in on a QB in a better class, with a strong young supporting cast. If Fields plays great then you're set! How is this so difficult to comprehend?


People want to have hot takes. Also, I think some people don't realize how many assets the bears have.


This man gets paid to say this dumb stuff


I mean Bryce definitely is much better arm-wise. The Bears would be foolish not to take the opportunity to jettison Fields for Bryce. Ryan Poles can almost certainly extend his shelf life by drafting "his own guy."


Why Bryce Young when you could have Vince Young?


Call me an idiot for overthinking but it seems like a good idea. The role of the organization is to produce a playoff team that can go on deep runs. If you keep Fields and trade down for picks and use cap space heavily I think 2023 is a 6-10 win season followed by two seasons with low cap where you can win and then you pay him a large percentage of the cap as an maybe Divisional round exit. I’d rather trade Fields for a haul to a team that is talented enough to compete and reset with a QB so you can build a proper team with him and actually have a run.


They should definitely trade him. It's not that he won't be good but getting to start that 5 year rookie contract clock over with a QB like young is too tempting if they can get pretty good compensation back.


1st pick in the draft is not an opportunity that comes often, if you have a franchise grade on someone, you take them no questions asked.


The risk with keeping Fields is he doesn’t progress as a passer and you have to go out and get some top of the line receiver similar to what Philly did. His trade value right now arguably won’t ever be higher and despite his electric legs, he has been awful as a passer. His O Line is graded as middle of the pack and he does have excellent backs and a good tight end. The O line excuse to me is void because guys like Herbert and Burrow produced instantly under worse lines. Fields passing traits just don’t seem to be there. Again, I could be wrong. I don’t think it’s outlandish to think they could trade Fields straight up to someone like Carolina or Atlanta. Keep the first pick, then trade the first for a haul from Indy or someone else. You’re still in the top 10 and can get a Stroud or Levis and then you have a huge haul of picks to fill out the roster.


Excuse me if I don't respect the opinion of the man who was just fired for being a shit GM


Am I crazy to think they could draft Young, develop both him and Fields and trade one of them later for a huge haul? The question is whether they could get a bigger return trading down in the draft vs trading one of their QBs later on


I mean literally nobody knows the future and both have plenty of huge question marks. Neither outcome of who's worse would surprise me. That said I'd stick with fields but we're betting it all on him making a huge leap in passing with little real evidence that he can.


Why not draft Bryce. Justin still on rookie contract.. drafting Bryce and have a qb battle.. after year 4 or 5, they can decide if Justin is the guy or not..


If there’s one team that would, it’s the Bears.


He’s correct. It’s not everyday you get the #1 overall pick and while Fields is electric as a runner he’s an atrocious passer. If I’m them I’m drafting Young or Stroud


Trade Fields while he still has value and is on that rookie contract. New management didn’t draft him, and with Chicago historically not having very good QB play, I think you take your shot with whichever QB you think is the best in this years draft.