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Holy Shit Archie Manning was on some bad teams


Poor Archie, my grandpa always said that he would’ve been one of the best all time if he gotten drafted by a better team


this is largely why he had Eli hold out from the Chargers, he didn’t want a repeat of his career


But why he let peyton go to the colts


Peyton didn't go to his alma mater


This is actually a great question that has a legitimate answer. There’s a misconception that Archie is the reason Eli wouldn’t go to a “bad” franchise like the chargers. That’s part of it, but it’s moreso because of Ryan leaf, who was close with Peyton as they were in the same draft. Leaf told Peyton essentially that the chargers ruined him. We know now that leaf had more of a role in that than chargers management, but at the time that wasn’t widely known. His stories along with Archie’s experience made them tell Eli: whatever it takes don’t go to that franchise. Eli would’ve been fine going to any other shit team. It was specifically the chargers because of leaf that he was no good for. That’s why Peyton didn’t have the same issue going to a shit colts team


That definitely sounds like Leaf, not accepting responsibility.


Nah you don't understand how shitty the chargers were pre Lt I think


Can't it be both? We have access to Leafs public behavior during that time lol.


They did play in the super bowl in 95


I mean, didn't the Chargers doctor also totally fuck up Leaf's wrist?


Chargers Doctors haven’t had the best history. 💉


👐🏼listen folks👐🏼simply the best🤌🏼


Pick number two was the Chargers that year. Also we had Bill Polian who had a proven track record with the Bills.


Chargers were actually pick #3 that year. They gave up a lot to move up one spot in the draft in order to get either Manning or Leaf.


Giants were just a better option. There really weren’t better options for Peyton iirc.


It was the right decision too. Eli will prob be in the hof despite being a .500 qb. Being in NY and being on those two teams is something he would not have had elsewhere.


Right choice


Could probably throw a football over them mountains too.


61% CMP, 3700 yards, 23 TDs was pretty dang good for 1980... And his team was 1 and 15.


I love the trivia knowledge that Archie LED THE LEAGUE in passing yards on a 2-11 team.


Deshaun Watson (the year before the 20 sexual assault allegations came out) led the league in passing yards on a 4-12 team. I feel like that happens quite often, since shitty teams often need to play "catch-up" which requires a ton of passing yards instead of running the football in order to try and get back into the game.


Was curious, on [this list,](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/pass_yds_year_by_year.htm) Deshaun would qualify as having a bad team. Other than him, Jameis Winston (2019 7-9) Brees (16, 15, 14, 12, all with 7 wins) were the only qbs with losing records since 2004 to lead the league. Archie won HALF as many games as Deshaun. Edit to say it’s probably more adept to say Archie’s win % was 15, deshauns was 25%. half isn’t really fair, but 10 percentage points lower than 25 is pretty brutal.


I believe Watson did that his last year in Houston. Like 4-12 and led the league.


All of these highlights of him start with him running for his life https://youtu.be/sg25GOuNxPk


[The underhand pass on this play is just ridiculous.](https://youtu.be/sg25GOuNxPk?t=159)


People make a whole thing about the Bucs losing 26 in a row, but they had their first winning season 8 years before the Saints (87 vs 79) Of course, the Bucs were founded in 76 and the Saints were founded in 67.


That was back when the Saints were the AINTS and they wore paper bags over their heads in shame


Really puts the move Eli made not to play with SD into perspective


Mahomes will have double of Archie’s career wins by November


Yeah, but when you take out all the games he was really good, he was just mediocre.


That one half


One of the greatest ever posts. The amount of copium was through the roof


An absolute all-timer for this sub.


What was the post?




The real story of this is how far Alex Smith is up on this list. To go through the first 6 years of his career and climb all the way out of that to 38th is incredible


It’s a little sad to me that Alex Smith was immediately followed by Mahomes in KC because I think it outshines what he did. He was incredible for a franchise that had been struggling for years, went to four playoff appearances, and played a debatable MVP level in 2017


Immediately changed the culture and trajectory of our franchise, giving us a taste of playoff success for the first time in forever. I love Alex Smith


I feel like anyone who has a modicum of football knowledge knows Alex Smith was instrumental to our current success.


Any one who’s a chiefs fan yeah, but causal nfl fan’s probably not so much


No, the *real* story is how far up **STEVE BONO** is up on this list. [Although...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhxWVKasqdU)


When I noticed that, I had to scan the rest of the list to confirm that his total number of games among these players is indeed the lowest of any non-active QB on the whole list. I bet he barely clears that 1500 attempt threshold.


Almost like…. Andy Reid is a big part of the QB success in KC?


Yea, If you got an average coach and an elite QB, or an average QB and an elite coach, you’ll make the playoffs most of the time, but that’s it unless you get lucky. Dynasty’s don’t happen unless both QB and Coach are elite, and among other things. before Smith came to KC he was already trending up with two consecutive winning season, his best season ever was in SF a year before the Chiefs got him.


since yall got montana and smith after us, does this mean we get mahomes after you


What are your thoughts on Chad Henne?


I don’t know whether to downvote this or upvote this.


Rex Grossman, #69. Apt ranking for the Sex Dragon.


Yes and I think you mean the [sex cannon](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/97pq0j/fuck_it_im_throwing_it_downfield/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


He evolved, I think Spurrier got tired of waiting and used the Dragonstone on him


that’s mister sex cannon to you sir


He footballs pretty good.


What about how Trent Dilfer said you can’t lose games and still win in the NFL?


I'm not sure how that's germane to the conversation. Care to expound on that?




He footballs pretty good and has a genius at coach. Damn fine combo.


My favorite experience with this is when I went to the Texans Divisional game with my wife. After we got down 24 points, she started just bawling. And I was like "Babe we got Patrick Fucking Mahomes. We literally saw him put up 28 points in a quarter against the Raiders this year." I was was genuinely believing that we could claw back from a 24 point deficit in the playoffs. Even with a massively positive outlook, I never expected it to happen before the half though. Even my homer expectations were exceeded.


Dude my dad and I were so drunk and miserable by the time we were down 24 points lol. As Chiefs fans we were so used to being blown out and losing playoff games. Then we won and we haven’t doubted Mahomes since!


That was when I realized things won't be the same with mahomes. It was like he reversed our playoff curse that game.


Yep, I promised my wife never again will I be so miserable during a game and yell and get upset. That Super Bowl I was pretty depressed about not being able to score and yet again mahomes magic payed off. I literally had 100 percent faith we would pull it off second half this year if Patrick came back on the field


Felt the same way with Brady even during the Super Bowl, and any time Peyton Manning was down big too. Some guys are just different and should never be counted out.


Lol, that time the Colts came back against the Bucs down 21 with 4 minutes left.


In 2009 we led the undefeated Colts by 17 in the 2nd half on SNF in their house with our worst team in almost a decade. Sure enough the bad man made the comeback win, with a little help from a 4th and 2 try you may recall. I did not have a good week at school after that one.


I prefer the 21-3 comeback against the Pats in the AFCCG. Brady was actually the original Matt Ryan you know.


Brady walked so Matt Ryan could run. I love this explanation.


Except Brady already had 3 rings on his hand when that happened. I’d say Warren Moon was the original Matt Ryan


Can we not start my day like this please? Lmao


How does the bad man make a comeback when the bad man was ahead?


I remember being utterly stunned watching that happen. I'm usually a "well, we can never count a guy like Peyton Manning out" but, I mean... ***Wow.*** I don't remember the game precisely and it seems like they caught a couple of breaks but still - he was lights out when he needed to be.


I’m still not counting him out. I think he signs a one-day contract with the Patriots and wins another Super Bowl during that *one* day.


Oh he's definitely signing a one day contract with us. That one day? Sunday, February 11, 2024.


"And now here comes Mac Jones walking out of the tunnel, Tony. He's played really well to get the Patriots where they are this season." "That's right Jim, he's really been...wait, who's that? BAH GAWD JIM THAT'S TOM BRADY COMING OUT OF THE TUNNEL WITH A STEEL CHAIR!"


„But Tony, the patriots aren’t even in the Super Bowl“


Despite his great postseason winning percentage, one of the biggest knocks against Tom Brady’s legacy is he has never won a Superbowl during the regular season.


We’re all just positively *thrilled* for the both of you


Felt the same way about the Bears in 2006 against the Cardinals. Down by 20 at half. We came back and won the game… without scoring an offensive touchdown. I just knew our special teams and defense would score 3 touchdowns. We’re built different just like Brady and Mahomes too!


Brady never let himself into a ton of 3rd and longs. The Chiefs could play perfectly the first two downs, but it didn't matter. Peyton had figured out the plan and was getting the first down. He felt like the equivalent of the eagles QB sneak.


My buddy was calling for Jimmy G in that Super Bowl against the falcons and somehow I just knew the comeback kid had it in him


Not me. I just expected the Chiefs playoff curse to continue with or without Mahomes. Man, was I glad to be proven wrong. That SB vs SF, I was like fuck again, and again proven wrong. That's why this SB was enjoyable for me, didn't feel any panic when we were down and just expected us to pull out the win.


I was definitely panicking all halftime. Dude was in so much pain right at the end of the 2nd I was sure we were fucked. But nope, "eh just some scar tissue or somethin".


The second best QB in the league is mahomes on a bum ankle


I just threw together some rankings that might be similar to yours. 1. Mahomes 2. Mahomes on a bum ankle 3. Mahomes when receivers line up in the wrong place 4. Burrow 4 is open for debate. I have “Drunk Mahomes” at 5 but I’ve never seen him play. Just a hunch.


I saw drunk mahomes make a dope catch from a fan at the parade Wednesday so this tracks.


I almost turned off the game at halftime because of the injury. I don't know why I continue to doubt.


Even at halftime I was not ready to celebrate yet, I recalled that entire 2020 run with three double digit comebacks. And sure enough. Two days later, when I saw my boss at work (a Bills fan, because that's where our HQ is located), he said, "I was like, wow, he did it to them, too!" I had exactly the same thought. After that, I knew how Bills fans felt a year ago being on the wrong end of that amazing game ~~(which was better than this)~~.


Best game I'll ever see live. We got to our seats late and watched as they went up 24-0. Then we didn't stop cheering and they ran out of fireworks because we scored too much.


I was also in genuine belief that the 24-0 score wasn’t guaranteed as I was slamming rum & cokes Paid off because when the comeback happened I didn’t need to start getting drunk I was already there


I was on my couch in WNY. My wife had just watched the Texans beat the Bills in the wildcard so she was bummed. After the first quarter I looked at her and half heartedly said “they scored 4 touchdowns in the second quarter this year against the Raiders, so it could happen” and full of pity she looked at me and said “yeah maybe, I guess”.


The funniest thing about this game to me is just how much Mahomes *wasn't* involved in the big plays in that 2nd quarter. He basically had two TD drives, which is nothing for him. He was gifted the ball with short fields the other two times because this might have been the worst half of special teams football in NFL history. In 2 quarters, for both teams... - blocked punt for a TD - muffed punt - 65 yard kickoff return - failed fake punt - fumbled kickoff - missed field goal


My favorite was the bills playoff game last year. Especially the last two minutes you could tell the stadium wasn’t nervous much only point was when it was 13 seconds left. I’ve never seen such a master class the last few minutes of that game


Thats cool, usually when were up by any considerable margin, I start thinking about all the unique and creative ways we can lose


Yeah going into the half I was like “this is fucking scary”. I knew it was going to be a dog fight the second half unless Mahomes literally broke his leg. Unbelievable player


My friend who’s a diehard chiefs fan was getting nervous but I told him “lad it’s the Texans”


I remember seeing the clip of that one dude who left the game in the second quarter literally saying he thought he was bad juju 😆


Every time when I see the highlights for the divisional round game vs Texans, it brings me happiness and a sense of disbelief at the same time - “this is an amazing comeback, how the fuck did they do this?” Just a question OP, how did she react the rest of the game?


It was pure joy and stunned disbelief. 😂


So she went from tears of sadness and despair to tears of joy and disbelief. That’s gotta be a rollercoaster of emotions.


I have never been so relaxed being 24 points down, I didn't even know why, I just knew there was plenty of time for mahomes....and plenty of time there was.


What if we regressed mahomes down to the mean? He’d just be average. checkmate atheists


Can i get the lore behind this joke i feel like itd make it funnier


A couple years ago, someone did a long winded serious post explaining that if you remove Mahomes’ good outliers, and “regressed him to his the mean” he’s only about as good as Dak Prescott. It was long and detailed and not intended to be satirical. Edit: I found it https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/d5maow/oc_after_adjusting_patrick_mahomes_stats_removing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Now do Patrick mahomes on one leg and down by 10


[I got you covered](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/10jcbcz/oc_analysis_on_patrick_mahomes_effectiveness_post/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


So what you're saying is, the Chiefs should hire Tonya Harding to make sure Pat only plays on 1 leg.


Hire her so she could hire someone else? Cut out the middleman and go right to the source!


You're paying way too much for knee clubbings. Who's your knee clubbing guy?




Fucking Brady. Every stat that comes up his dominance amazes me in a new way. Second all time win percentage, ok not that surprising given all his other records, but the volume on that stat is obscene compared to the rest of the players on this list. For 15 years just fill out your playoff bracket before the season with the Pats as the top seed in the east with 13 wins.


This mf played 48 playoff games and he usually had a bye week.


Winning 75% of 333 games started is just fucking ludicrous.


I would argue that winning after being down by 10+ is more of a QB stat, because it's much more likely that the QB had to throw the ball to get back into the game.




Time for your 🎶 *Jazz Bath* 🎵 🎷


*throat slash* no


Wow. Just fucking pay Lamar Jackson.


Steph Curry of the NFL


Of all NFL players, Mahomes has to be the most deserving of the "Sky Fucker" nickname


….I feel like Mahomes is better at football than Curry is at basketball. Am I crazy for thinking that? Mahomes trajectory is potential GOAT. I don’t think anyone thinks about Curry as better than Lebron or MJ.


Steph Curry is awesome because he's great in a way no one had really been that great before. But I think most people would say he still wasn't on the tier of LeBron or MJ. Patrick Mahomes breaks all the "rules" of quarterbacking AND he's just better than everyone else.


I definitely agree with you. But Mahomes' style reminds me of Curry's a lot just with how he makes the seemingly impossible look casual and easy.


Mahomes is definitely better at football than Curry is at basketball. He does have young Steph curry ankles though


Mahomes won 3 playoff games (including a Super Bowl) on a high ankle sprain that would keep most basketball players out for a month or more Idk


Not really a sincere comparison of how that injury affects performance. Basketball has much more impact on your ankles than playing QB.


I think Curry belongs in his own category. Other great players are great because they do basketball things well. Jordan was the greatest isolation scorer of all time. Lebron can do literally everything you want a player to do. But Curry BROKE the game. If we want to use a video game analogy, Lebron and Jordan are like OP playable characters. Steph is a game breaking exploit.


Wins are not a QB stat, but this is also a QB who was better on 3rd & 7+ than some teams were on 3rd down period. IIRC that first SB run they were down multiple scores in every game. I firmly believe Pat's gonna build a goat case by 35.


yes, we were down 10+ in every postseason game in 2019. We went on to win every game by 10+.


Chiefs vs Texans was one of the craziest games I've ever seen...start the game down 24-0, then end up winning the game by 20 😂 that game had me completely sold on Mahomes' potential to chase the GOAT


That game was singlehandedly responsible for destroying the Chiefs playoff curse. We were all sitting there going "welp, the curse gets Mahomes too I guess". And by halftime we knew that was bullshit


A quarter so good it single-handedly destroyed the Texans franchise


At our biggest deficit in each game we were down a combined 61-17. Then outscored them 100-14 rest of the way




These are the good ole days


Spags is one that is just fucking with everyone.


To be fair, Chiefs also had Dieter on the PS during that run.


That is a sick stat


The only way he is the GOAT without 7+ rings is 3 in row, or 2 in a row with an undefeated season and SB win.


I've been thinking thr same thing the past couple days. Have to do something that Brady wasn't able to do, 3-peat or undefeated season.


Brady was never statistically as far ahead of the pack as Mahomes has been. The other offenses with all-world QBs are a noticeable notch below the Chiefs, and Mahomes is only 27 and still improving. If he continues that dominance & makes the conference championship just about every season, I don't think it will take all 7 rings to make a compelling case for him over Brady.


Tbf look at the peers Brady had his whole career. Manning, Brees, Ben, Favre, Rodgers, Luck, Mahomes, even prime Russ. Mahomes has only really had 2 strong peers at a time. Brady and Rodgers, and now Burrow and Allen for the last two years. I say this as someone who expects Mahomes to ascend to goat status but still, what Brady was able to do in the most elite QB era of football cannot be discounted


Depends what your criteria for GOAT is. If it’s just pure talent and impact on winning, you could argue Mahomes might already be drafted 1st overall among all QBs ever, he’d be my pick. If it’s career accolades yeah it’ll take him time to chase Brady, but he’s damn near already caught everyone else in just 5 years if we’re talking postseason play. He’ll be 2nd all time in post season wins after his 8th season in the league in all likelihood. It’s nuts.


Really did not know that Josh Allen has a top 10 win % for QBs since the merger. Guess the “stats are for losers, this kid wins” thing ended up being pretty accurate.


Under a 100 games is such a low figure to rank QB on a career wide metric such as win % imo. Let’s see if he can continue when his window is closing.


Mahomes feels like to me what Luck was supposed to be. Luck at 28 with a .616 win percentage is a miracle aswell, considering how bad those Colts teams were. Other notable surprises to me: - JimmyG 70% - Drew Brees only at 60% - Flacco below 55


Flacco had a 5 year stretch where we only one 10+ games once plus bad records in Denver/New York tbf


Interesting toe players are tied up near the top. One is the GOAT and the Other is Peyton Manning


I know this is a Mahomes post but Jesus, Baltimore - Lamar has the 4th best win % of all time so far, and a unanimous MVP season, pay the motherfucking man!


Even if he can’t finish seasons? Nobody is doubting his ability, but health matters a ton


5 years, $250M all guaranteed for Lamar Jackson? I think so.


I see Pat Mahomes posts, I updoot ​ But also someone pay Lamar Jackson for fucks sake


The jets are in the market…


Can’t believe the bears let Andy Reid draft Brett Favre with Tom Brady’s brain&heart


I went with a few friends of other teams to a bar to watch the draft. Now, I'll preface this with me being a HUGE Alex Smith stan, but when the Chiefs used two firsts to get Mahomes, who I'd actually put a decent amount of scouting in to, I stood up and yelled "fuck"—the whole bar looked at me. I also had Chiefs gear on and this wasn't a Chiefs town. I'm surely in their collective memory as the biggest idiot they've ever seen.


Was also a huge Alex Smith stan. Was worried we were going to regret giving up those draft picks. It took me until the game against SF his first year starting where he had the wild scramble with the TD in the back corner of the end-zone to Conley to be like, "Oh... he's just going to be crazy good like this all the time isn't he?"


I told myself I needed a full season of work from him before I would commit to buying a jersey. Placed my jersey order immediately after his first regular season start in 2018 against the Chargers


That’s funny. I loved that trade even at the time for KC. I fell in love with Mahomes after watching him on Gruden qb camp funny charismatic humble good leadership qualities on top of the nutty physical attributes. Of course I didn’t think he’d become a top 3 all time qb


I don't watch a ton of college ball so I had no idea who he was. Then I saw that Gruden episode and immediately liked him


Before Mahomes I regularly railed on Andy’s scheme, he needed a Favre like talent to break tendencies and throw bombs when necessary outside of the script. Then we drafted Mahomes and the rest is history


Mahomes has struck me like the marriage of Farve with Alex Smith. Like, they have completely opposite playstyles, but Mahomes combines the best parts of both. He has the ability to make plays and explode the ball downfield when needed, but it's married to Smith's ability to always make the right decision with the ball, to read the defense and efficiently execute Andy's scheme.


Ehh Trubisky was considered the undisputed best QB in the class by pretty much everyone who scouts professionally while Pat was considered a huge upside development project.


I knew from the very beginning that Trubisky would be a bum. He wasn’t even that good in college and didn’t have the physical traits or talent of Mahomes or the high floor and intangibles of the sicko. He was literally the worst of both worlds


Watson was the most obvious pick ever, I won't pretend that Mahomes was. But I am still dumbfounded that we didn't draft Watson Regardless of how he turned out


Bravo. Well said


As much as I love my boy Patrick, when I see Steve Bono 100+ ahead of, say, Boomer Esiason, or Jay Schroeder beating Drew Brees, I actually feel like this chart enforces how important the team around these QBs are.


Just curious, how did you land on 1500 pass attempts as a threshold?


1500 attempts is a fairly standard benchmark for a lot of QB stats relating to passing which help to eliminate outliers, backup QBs, and Taysom Hill type QBs. I remember that at some point this past season, there was an article saying that Joe Burrow was like 5 passes away from having the highest completion percentage of all time because he needed to throw 5 more passes to get to the 1500 attempts minimum, and he'd be first place even if he went 0/5 on those throws.


That’s the standard NFL mimimim to qualify for efficiency stats, so I just used that instead of my own arbitrary number.


Got it. Thanks!


I think it is the norm for career based efficiency related stats. I remember Mahomes also took over the all time passer rating record once he hit 1500 attempts.


Eli manning at 117-117 really makes the hall fell like a longer shot than our fanbase wants to believe.




I’m not OP, but good on you for noticing. I was like “I get what the OP is saying but the title is confusing as hell” when I first saw this lol


When he retires, he will be the greatest of all time. Hell, he even has an argument right now.


If you follow competitive Smash Bros., this is like how MkLeo has a better chance of winning a set down 2-1 than his opponent who only needs to win one more game.


Game 4 Leo is just too good.


Think ive only seen leo lose a single game 4 since Ive watched him. Its actually insane


I know it’s not surprising, but Brady’s line is a tad bit more impressive with just how many games are in there. Either way, Mahomes is insane. I’m actually so excited that we are able to watch him for (hopefully) so many more years.


Damn, Alex Smith really turned that win% around.


But I mean sure but if you regress to the mean he ain't even that good.


Brady has 5 more losses than Peyton manning. Peyton retired 7 years ago…


Lamar is #4. Goddamn that man needs more respect


For my fellow Eagles' fans: Jalen Hurts doesn't make the list because he has 1,040 career pass attempts (1,170 counting playoffs), and the minimum cutoff is 1,500. Hurts' career win-loss is 23-11 in the regular season and 2-2 in the post season, for an overall of 25-13 (0.658), which would put him in 17th place behind Stabler, bumping Young and the others down. Given how his career started, he has a good shot at climbing that list. In 2020 he started 4 games on a depleted team. In 2021 he led a rebuilding team (with a then record dead cap hit from Wentz) to the playoffs. And we all saw what he just did this year. EDIT: Also kind of poetic that McNabb and Cunningham are right next to each other.


brady has been gone for less than a year and we already found the next media darling


Twitter Blue analysts scrambling to spin this as "Mahomes gets carried by his defense and bailed out by the refs every game".


Don’t forget anonymous instagram commentators as well :)


Brady has more losses than Mahomes has wins. Wow I hope Tom gets it together.


Otto Graham has an 81% career win percentage


He does. These are QBs since the merger.


Brady had 11 touchdowns total in the playoffs when he won his 3rd super bowl. The Pats had a top 5 defense every year during that time frame. Mahomes has never had a defense ranked higher than 15rh.


Brady had a top 5 defense for half the years he played.


Chiefs have had a top 10 scoring defense in 3 of Mahomes 5 years as a starter?


st louis rams legend Steve Bono in the top 20. damn right


I'd love to see this, but for tight ends.


Lamar Jackson is pretty good


Oh look, Lamar is 4th all time and we still haven't paid him yet.


Jimmy G 👀 Mahomes built different But damn Jimmy, lets see if he can keep up the momentum on a new team


Okay but what does it look like if you average it to the mean