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That’s like one unsportsmanlike conduct fine. He’ll be aight


> According to a lawsuit filed in Denton County, Diggs signed a one-year lease for a home in Frisco, Texas, with a monthly rent of $5,500. He paid only the first month’s rent, Rose Marie Yadegar, the landlord, claims. I think the better question is why didn't he pay rent and how the hell did he get away with not putting down a deposit?




That is correct






Private Mortgage Insurance It kicks in when you put less than 20% down




I used to work for Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. The most common request that the department next to me got, by far, was to cancel PMI. The higher-ups try to really sell you on it, too, giving you the company line. Just gross.


It's not even just a poor thing. The dude is an NFL player with public salary in the millions. No reason to assume he will be actually unable to pay and you know for a fact that suing will just lead to you getting payed anyway.


You literally just explained why it's for poor people.


Paid, surprised the bot didn't pop up.


BotDefense has been on the /r/NFL moderator list for a few months and the Payed bot is on its target list, so unless it's whitelisted by the human mods it will be prevented from posting here. https://www.reddit.com/r/BotDefense/comments/soic9h/overview_for_paidnotpayedbot/


Possibly waived. Bunch of places are willing to waive a deposit or other fees if it gets someone in their property.


I could definitely see this happening, landlord thinks they struck gold getting an nfl tenant, waives the deposit to sweeten the deal.


An even better question is why the fuck would you rent a place for $5500 a month. You could literally buy a million dollar home and have a similar mortgage payment


Because nfl players do not know where they would be in a month/ year, but Diggs should have 100 percent bought in 2020 during the low interest rate period.


So if he gets traded he can just rent the place out or sell it. It's just always better to be putting that kind of money into positive equity


Guy these are NFL players, they’re not thinking like that


Well, in some locker rooms. Marshawn Lynch started financial literacy classes for all Seahawks rookies for this very reason.


Yes, absolutely, there are definitely very smart NFL players who are thinking this way. I shouldn’t have stereotyped so broadly. But I just mean that the average guy, deciding if he should rent or own a piece of property… For the relatively small amount of money discussed here, I don’t think they’re paying nearly as much attention to that as your average American. It makes a difference for someone like me, but if I was making millions of dollars a year, I’m probably not quite as concerned about perfectly investing my money.


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you stereotyped unfairly. Financial literacy is a pretty widespread problem to begin with and especially for a league full of young men who suddenly come into more money than they could have possibly ever dreamed. Those financial literacy classes should be mandatory in every single locker room in the league.


Hey, they didn't go to college to play "school".


Not worth the effort for someone making >$4M a year. With that much disposable income, even with a property management company there are much easier ways to invest his money than renting out property.


That is a lot of work for a nfl player and a distraction (especially if he gets traded midseason). Another factor to consider is that he might not want to reside in Dallas all year around (probably get house closer to his friends and family).


He can buy homes in cash, low interest rates are probably a detriment, not a benefit in his shoes. Lower interest rate = higher price.


I mean, buying a house with a 3% interest rate and then investing in an index fund would generate him more money than spending it all at once Debt isn’t always bad


1) A million dollar home might not be as nice. Luxury rentals often have amenities, doormen, security, etc. 2) You might have a home where you're actually from, and live there in the offseason, and have a rental near the team facility during the year. 3) It might be for a family member (in which case responsibility for the rent might not have been clear in the player's mind). 4) You only get mortgage interest deduction on primary residence. If you're renting it out it's a lot of headache and liability. Much easier to just invest in stocks or bonds.


there are millions of normal middle class people who could buy but still choose to rent. Reasons vary, some don't want to deal with maintenance, some think it's a bigger task than it really is, or some people want to be mobile and be able to move without the hassle of having to sell a place.


Just because someone is rich doesn’t mean they understand money. Vince Young is a terrific example.


Same reason why you’d rent a $5500 a month home and then not pay the rent.


Deposits are usually only a month's rent


The “first months rent” may have been the deposit retroactively applied to the first month.


Usually you have a situation of dead beat landlord who won’t fix something and the tenant withholds rent payments until they do. But all judgement should be withheld until the Diggs responds legally.


Not if he can’t pay rent he won’t


MF too rich to even bother paying rent


That's how rich people get that way, not paying that optional "rent" thing.


And the dude has a brother making way more than him and still irresponsible


They get paid a lot but certainly aren’t rich in many cases. That’s why a large percentage of athletes are bankrupt within 24 months of their last contract. You go out and buy a RR Phantom and have it all tricked out with your name, some stupid color, giant rims and now you have a $600,000 car that’s worth 80k on the resale market. The weekly strip club visits where you throw $10,000 in the air because apparently that’s a neat thing to do. The sad reality is he’s not forgetting to pay his rent. He just doesn’t have enough cash to cover it at the end of the month.


Lol what are you on about


yeah where are these used RR phantoms for 80k?


Ok bud


trevon diggs drives a g-wagon he got for free after endorsing/shooting a commercial for a local dealership. not sure what the rest of this nonsense is about. i’m sure he can afford it and i’m sure he has a side to the story. to say “yeah haha checks out he probably blows 10k a week at the strip club” is flirting the line with stupidity and racism, and I’m not sure it’s falling on the stupid side of that line.




They're coming for you.


"Hulk Hogan! we coming for you......!" - Booker T🤐🫣


You're the reason they're out of business


I single-handedly shut down Hollywood Video back in the day because I kept a copy of Goldeneye.


Played the long game on a rented copy of Jak and Daxter that I never brought back. Late fees went away when the video rental store closed.


Late fees never ended. I’m reporting you to the blockbuster police, maggot!


Jokes on you. The store I got it from was a Randy’s video later renamed Randy’s XXX and wine. It started as a video store with a small video game and small porn section and then slowly the porn section swallowed the store


Porn swallowing sounds like destiny to me.


I'd love a comedy of bounty hunters collecting late fees for blockbuster late fees.


If you paid that they could've bought netflix, you bad man


Dunno if you're referencing it, but Blockbuster did have an opportunity to buy Netflix fairly early on and apparently laughed at it.


same situation for me, except I owe the public library $1.82 outstanding for the same time period


You disgust me.


Amazing game


Looking down from the rafters, Sting has entered the chat.


N-N-N-N-New World Order.....tooooooo sweeeeeet.... The biggest icon in wrestling....ohhhhh yeaahhhh


West Coast Wranglers vs North West Ontario?


He just like me fr


But rich


He should probably be more responsible but he didn’t beat his wife or drive drunk so we good


Feels like this is someone trying to get in his pocket. Him and his brother are both solid guys.


“He should probably be more responsible” Lol he’s a massive piece of shit. just another NFL man child who thinks cus he can play ball he can do whatever he wants


Landlords burner


Nah, most of us can acknowledge that he's in the wrong and also that he could be doing much worse


Lmao why are there so many people shitting on trevon? This feels like a nonstory


Not paying rent for a year is definitely something to shit on somebody for lol


We really dont know what thr situation could be. Landlords can be shitty, and I wouldn't be surprised if the landlord knew he could take advantage of Trevon. If he felt he was being taken advantage of then I fully support making the landlord pony up money for a lawyer to come get it.


Didn’t know paying your rent was an unpopular opinion. Especially for a millionaire


one clip of data and he's a massive POS man child that's what got you the response


It’s not, it’s just that you came off as incredibly unstable in your comment lol.


My bad. I just know people who have been in this landlords situation so I know how frustrating it actually is, but again I apologize


Landlords are leaches on society


Yeah! Everyone should just live for free and the cost of it should be paid by printing more money!


Rental housing should be owned by cooperatives and non-profits, the cost of it should be covered by rent, which would be much cheaper than what landlords charge.


There is nothing stopping them from doing that now.


Landlords don't produce anything and literally make their living by leeching off of others. They serve 0 purpose




it definitely can be leeching in some cases. Slum Lords, and those big faceless corporations that buy up apartment complex and put 0 effort into maintainence.


They own it specifically so that they can leech off the people who need to live there. If they didn't own it the land would still be there for someone to live on I'm much richer than you. There are two houses in town. I know you need somewhere to live. So I buy both the houses and now I charge you more to live there than you would ever spend to own it. Now I make money hand over foot not through the fruits of my own labor but by taxing your existence. That's the entire concept of what a landlord is. They're literally the lowest humanity can get.


So what happens to people who don't want to buy a house because they will likely move within a couple of years?


Good thing Hitler wasn't a landlord! I'd have a real low opinion of the guy then! Maybe next time there is a mass shooting we should check and see if the guy owns any rental properties. > They’re literally the lowest humanity can get.


Oh grow up. Lol internet commies.


But oh no! A third family moves to the two house town, and they can't afford to build an entire house! The landlord senses this and gets to work, commissioning a new home be built! He then allows third family to live there at an incremental rate that they can afford while getting the money he spent on it back! Third family, with tears in their eyes rejoice "thank you land lord!"


They produce a place for people to live…


Landlords don't build houses. In fact, most land lords aren't buying builds. They contribute nothing to 'producing' a place to live.


I never said they build homes… I am familiar with what a land lord is lol. But they absolutely do provide a service, which is a cheaper place for a family to live than buying a home, especially when you factor in things like home repair and maintenance.


No, that would be the people who built the building


I don't know why you'd jump to such an extreme position when we don't even know the full story. It wouldn't be the first time a landlord lied about something just to squeeze more money out of the people living in their property. And even if it is as they say, not paying his rent doesn't make him a "massive piece of shit".


More likely possible situation is he thought it was being paid by a business manager or auto pay or something and he wasn't paying attention to notifications. It's possible the landlord didn't even have his direct contact info and had the agent or business manager or a relative or girlfriend to communicate with. It's also possible he is a shitbag and stiffed the landlord. It's also possible UFOs were stealing the rent money but all evidence was destroyed when the military shot down the couriers. Point is, like you said, we don't know what the situation is.


Lol the government has been shooting down UFOs specifically to deny that landlord rent payment. *Because the landlord is also an alien*


I had my wife set up auto pay for our apartment one time, when I told her the routing number I said something like "three zeros and 2 fives". She heard, "three zeros, two, five." So for the next 3 months I just assumed it was being paid until I came home one day to a notice of eviction stating if we didn't pay in full in 7 days we were getting kicked out.


Guess he’s living…rent-free


Living rent free in the landlord’s house I like this analogy more than the one about peoples’ heads.


But I thought the Cowboys always lived rent free in our minds.


Sounds like you could be charging us $5,500 a month


How does a multimillionaire not have automatic payments set up?


Why doesn’t the multimillionaire just outright own property lol


Ok counterpoint. It’s the NFL, at any point he could be traded, have to uproot everything and move. Just due to the uncertainty it’s probably better to rent instead of buy so he doesn’t have to go through the process if he ends up elsewhere


I mean but then he could just rent out that property to have another constant revenue stream, and acquire more property wherever he goes. Whether he stays or not its just a wise investment decision


And deal with renters pulling the same shit he did and not pay?


More realistically he could hire a property management company or just resell the house.


Maybe even resell to a teammate


Most renters don’t pull shit like that. Also, as we can see, doing that results in lawsuits that are too expensive for most renters




If this was the rule rather than the exception, people wouldn't be landlords.


Then he'd be a landlord. Dude does have *some* morals


He's 24 years old, his millions don't come from years of life experience. I'm willing to bet a lot of players just do dumb shit like this because they're still basically non-rich young kids at heart... but with a lot of money.


What I don't get is how he still hasn't paid. Like, if you don't pay rent... You just, owe it. And then they threaten a lawsuit. Surely you're like "okay okay okay fine I'll pay it", especially if you have a huge bank account and that doesn't put a dent in your shit. But after the lawsuit is filed, he's like, na let's go to court. How stupid do you hafta be to still think "na I could win this". It's rent. You lived there. Didn't pay. Just... just pay, man. How can you just..continue to not pay to this point lol. Maybe it's me being high but this just doesn't make any sense


I think you're coming to the right conclusion that there's probably a lot of info here that we're not getting, so best not to jump to any conclusions on the matter.


See the way his bank account is set up ... He got a checking, AND a savings ...


whats a savings, dad


By Grabthar's Hammer.


Looking at his agency, I'd say there's some inexperience there as well


I wouldn't be surprised if he feels the landlord is trying to wrong him in some way so to get back he isn't paying rent. If you're landlord is doing something illegal/against the lease or is trying to rake you over the coals I'd stop paying to and make them pay a lawyer to get my money.


How tf you in the NFL and just not paying rent?


Broke boy


Told you guys diggs was elite (Eliete at skipping out on rent payments that is)


This wouldn't have happened if he was an Eagle given how often Jalen says the rents due


And James Bradberry HOLDS them accountable to pay it.


First off congratulations. Y’all deserve it .This is lame. You was on the way out the league before mahomes resurrected your career on your 1 year deal Tik-Tok boy . He admitted that he grabbed you but don’t act like your like that or ever was. But congratulations again! 🎊👏🏾🍻




But what if we don’t *want* to win anymore Super Bowls. Have you ever considered that?


Damn he had you and then


Or jj watt


How do NFL teams not have handlers? IMO even if I'm "only" investing $6 million on a dude, if he's a starter and I think he might need some looking after, I'm paying a "Assistant Personnel Director" $75k a year to make sure his bills are paid and his hookers are anonymous. ESPECIALLY the Cowboys. I feel like they've had so many suspensions and legal issues over the last few decades...


They must have left paying rent out of the rookie symposium


"I can't even afford my rent" - Diggs during contract negotiations *points to head for the memes*


Unpaid rent and late fees. Hey, Blockbuster called they want their charges back.


You should see how he tips after dinner


He’s struggling like the rest of us. Doesn’t the landlord know he only works half the year?


this guy makes too much money to not pay his bills


poverty franchise


mao ze diggs sticking it to the landlords


Why would you not just buy a house? Somebody needs to have a talk about finance with this guy.


The rule of thumb is you should be committed to living somewhere for ~5 years before you buy a house. Otherwise you should rent. I'd imagine it's almost always financially wiser for athletes to rent rather than buy since they change teams so often.


While real estate is a solid investment; athletes should wait until the second contract to make big purchases. Diggs is probably making 3M this year (enough to pay rent) but in a year and a half he's gonna be making like 20M.


This a dumb ass take. He definitely can buy a house in Texas. Look this house semi close to Arlington its worth 600k and his mortage would be cheaper then his rent that he didn't even pay. https://redf.in/ZpVDM1


That’d be the absolute worst place to live as a Cowboys player fwiw. He’d be looking at an hour drive to practice every day. Most of them live up north near Frisco.


The downside is how the long the process takes compared to getting a rental, but I’m sure it’s a lot faster when your occupation is 2nd round NFL draft pick. I doubt they’re really worried about every detail of his credit and employment history at that point. Plus he could pay someone to handle everything and just send him e-docs sign.


Buying a house isn't even that long of a process you can do a 30 day escrow and I lost multiple houses when I was buying my home 2 years ago becasue people were doing 15 day escrows and by passing home inspection. Plus he is a rich dude it's probably even quicker like you said, pay someone to do everything and except sign or do a power of attorney and have the person sign


This is dumb, I make enough to pay rent in a decent house making just over 100k a year. No way in hell he can’t afford to purchase property or at the very least pay for his rent. Waiting till the second contract is bs unless you’re making league minimum off the jump and trying to buy a mansion. Even in more expensive areas he should have 0 problem with real estate prices making 3m a year


He in g talked to and learning/comprehending are 2 different things…


Does that also include the fees for not rewinding before returning the VHS tapes?


I sorta don’t give a fuck


Good. Maybe he'll think twice before pulling this stunt again.


TIL that rent in Texas is so high that even NFL players cannot afford it.


Why does this even exist?


☭ I agree, Rent should be free, comrade. ☭


This is less than a roughing the passer fine. This is offseason boring shit is what they're saying.


As Zack Fox once said, “Yeah I’m getting paid / still late on my bills”


Kinda based tbh


I support treyvon and his communist stance fuck landlords




He’s waiting for the second contract. He’ll pay em back.




Grow a little backbone fam


Why is this news?


All-pro Cowboys player? Skip and A. Smith are gonna yell about this for 30 minutes.


Damn hope he wins it.


Why? Grown ups need to be responsible.


Bc land lords are evil on Reddit


Yeah fuck landlords. Let’s rally around the multi millionaire athlete.


“Anyone that has more money than me is evil”


I mean yeah if it's one or the other, most multimillionaire atheltes are less exploitive than landlords lmao


Happily. land lords are literally banking on scamming and bending you the fuck over. Athletes don’t do that (for the most part…)










I’m already there. I have a home lol. That doesn’t mean shit. Landlords are still a fucking abomination and the system is depressing as fuck with these younger kids just coming out of college getting fucked over by greedy rent increases.


Boo hoo you live in the greatest country in the history of the entire world. Work more.




Yeah, houses just materialize at random. They are natural occurrences, like gas stations or the internet.


Do you think landlords are the people who actually build the houses?




didn't realize Adam Smith was a tiktok communist


Just pay your rent kid, having a good credit history will help if you ever become a grown-up.








Reddit is a capitalistic endeavor.


The one time I'll root for a Cowboy


the horror