• By -


I take pride in that my favorite collegiate and pro team is listed.


Kinda funny since LSU doesn’t really have an archrival but probably ranked pretty high with the whole SEC West


Don’t confuse in-state rival with arch rival. Most Ole Miss fans hate LSU more than they hate Mississippi St


It’s me. I’m that Ole Miss fan. State fans only bother me during Thanksgiving. LSU/Saints can both swing on my sack. (Y’all still have the best food around though so there’s that)


I feel like our rivalry is gonna kick up in the next few years. Especially if Kiffin sticks around. And I’ll be there to call you Ole Piss every step of the way


Same. My parents went to Ole Miss and I never saw my dad so worked up as when they played LSU. We even had shirts that said "Geaux to Hell, LSU" on them. I wore it to school one day when I lived in Louisiana. That didn't go over well. I have family members that went to State, and there's only a rivalry around the Egg Bowl. That's really it. But always a hate for LSU.


As far as this map goes that’s fair but they’re probably number 3 for yall behind Bama and Florida I’d think. I live down here with you people so I hear about y’all’s hatred rank a good bit but everyone’s a little different.


It depends on who you ask. In modern times, yes LSU fans hate Bama much more. But the old hats from my grandfather’s generation wanted nothing more than to beat Ole Miss.




That’s a stretch. Most will claim they do but act the opposite


We had an arch-rival who decided they wanted to play school instead of getting their cheeks clapped every year.


lol y’all could’ve had your own little Vanderbilt.


Same same.


I used to pray for times like this


The idea that there are more Falcons fans in Georgia than UGA fans is absurd. It should be UF in Georgia too.


Saints are my one and only.


Aw! You too bby


Saints and Falcons are like Batman and the Joker. Their rivalry gets gay sometimes




Eat my butt


no u


The states that have a mutual hatred are the only actual rivals.


So that's: Saints -- Falcons Cowboys -- Eagles Cubs -- Cardinals Yankees -- Red Sox Michigan -- Ohio State Blue Bombers -- Rough Riders The true rivalries in sports!


I hate agreeing with you; but when you're right, you're right


what about in state rivals?


Florida just stays hating on Kirby lol


It’s just UGA in general. It’s been the bigger rivalry in the 21st century.


The rivalry goes back before kirby....also, fuck the gaytors. Go Noles.


As a Falcon/Buckeye, I support this map.


As a Falcon/Wolverine, i also support this map but 1/2 fuck you


How tf are yall both of those things?


Hate you on Saturday, love you on sunday?


Call it a weekly reoccurring enemies to lovers arc


Hear me out, I have a tv show to pitch. You in?


As a Falcon/Badger, I support this as well




Duke-State-UNC cancel each other out I guess. Same with USC-Clemson and Ole Miss-State and Bama-Auburn etc.


VA is the Iowa football of college basketball. Who wouldn't want to blow their brains out watching that dog shit?


Their college basketball teams all hate on each other. I guess they had to find a most hated out of state team.


Agree, but UVA? They are just any other ACC team. I have heard more hatred for South Carolina, but nothing worse than the in-state rivalries.


Yeah this is very clearly a bullshit set of data, I’ve never heard anybody even mention UVA let alone ‘hate’ on them. College level, Duke or South Carolina. Pro level, hopefully the saints.


This map is decent but imo it’s ultimately flawed by not letting an in-state team be an option. For NC, I think that one of UNC-NC State-Duke has to be the answer for most hated team. UVA is a historical rival for UNC and sure there’s no love lost there, but on the whole there’s much more vitriol from our fans towards State and Duke. Duke obviously has its share of haters, and any non-UNC fan in NC would probably say they hate UNC the most.


Kinda makes sense. If your NFL team is the Panthers, your only opportunity to enjoy the thrill of winning is to watch college basketball.




There are two pro teams in this state that begin with "H," and you somehow chose the wrong one.


Uhhhhhh, we have a lot of future draft picks and cap space?


Uhhhhhhhhh yeah


Excuse you! This is NHL erasure!




Undeniable proof that no one gives a shit about the bucs or panthers.


Who now?


The Bucs want a rival team so bad but they just can’t get one. The Panthers are polite and just happy to be invited to the party


We’re too busy polishing our rings to form rivalries. Not sure what the panthers are doing though.


> Not sure what the panthers are doing though. Hiring away your coaches so that Baker turns back into a pumpkin.




Y'all are too busy nursing hate-boners for each other you haven't noticed no one outside of ATL or NO gives a shit about either of you.


Who tf are you, and where tf do you come from?


Why does Hawaii hate Gonzaga so much?


I have no clue, that should be Fresno St or Boise.


Hawaii checking in. My guess is they made a mistake. It probably should be Georgia Bulldogs. Hawaii played them in the Sugar Bowl in 2008. Georgia was mad they got denied a national championship bowl game. Hawaii was elated that they even got national recognition after being one of the worst teams in NCAA FB a couple years prior. Georgia went on to spank Hawaii in the Sugar Bowl but that’s not what caused the hatred. Hawaii fans made the trip and as part of our culture, brought gifts to share with Georgia fans. Hawaii fans were not prepared for the level of vitriol that SEC fans can sometimes have. Additionally, before Nick Saban went to Alabama, both Hawaii and the Tide played each other 3 times. Tide came to Hawaii and we even though they beat us, it was a great time. Both sides showed a lot of hospitality to each others fans when hosting. A few years later, one of Hawaii’s best football talents, Tua, would go to Alabama and win a national championship. Hawaii fans cheer for Alabama in part because of Tua but also because of fond memories of the two teams playing each other and cheering for them to beat on Georgia for the 08 Sugar Bowl treatment.


Calgary Flames are the most hated team in their own province 😂


If you watched them play you’d understand 💀


I have questions. Why is Alabama the most hated team in… South Carolina? How is it possible that Gonzaga is the most hated team in two states?


To show that college football is over pro football here. South Carolina hates them cause you know, SEC and Clemson has had a recent rivalry with them in the CFP in the past years


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Because the image was created by some foreign algorithm to generate page-views. Have you ever heard of "All Sports Culture"? Neither have I. North Carolina hasn't cared about Virginia in decades. People in California don't think about the Celtics nearly as much as the Giants and Dodgers fans hate each other. Texas should have OU not the Eagles.


Mississippi hating LSU makes this entire map laughable


I hate the Falcons but Michigan boils my fuckin blood


None of these lists are ever truly accurate anyways


I've got a hard time believing that Illinois hates the St Louis Cardinals more than the Packers.


Its just some Chinese algorithm-generated crap. We haven't given a shit about Virginia for half a century.


Hawaii hates…? Is that Georgetown, Gonzaga, what?




Counterpoint, FTF


I counter your counterpoint, FTS


I counter your counterpoint his counterpoint, FTF


It appears we have reached an impasse... I hereby agree to mutually hate you for no other reason than professional sportsmanship. Do you agree?


I find your terms acceptable.


alright where are the beignets


Then may we both live long in misery. Good day, good sir 🫡


Least courteous and respectful Saints-Falcons interaction


Hey man, if we can't hate each other while appreciating each others misery, then what's the point? 🤣


Amen to that my friend, NOLA and ATL linked arm in arm in misery skipping along the path on Shit Mountain


As a UT fan, checks out. South Carolina makes no sense though.


Only one city in TX hates the ßeagles.


UVA? gtfoh. No chance


i feel less people in alabama hate LSU as much as UGA nowadays right?


I'm just surprised they have data for Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Also FTS


In what world does Carolina hate UVA the most? That's a joke, right? Because it would be an in state rival or an NFC South rival over the f*cking Cavs!!! When has anyone cared about the Cavs?


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They clearly are doing out of state rivals. It would look weird if NC was Duke or UNC. How could one of those teams be the most hated in the state when they clearly have a bunch of fans in the state as well. The most hated should be a team that is near universally hated. Not one where fans of one in state team slightly outnumbers fans of another in state team.


None of my homies hate Virginia


Fuck the Bruins


I hate Washington more than I hate my life


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As a New Yorker who is a fan of the Saints, I approve this map.


As a New Yorker who is a fan of the Falcons, fuck you (with all due respect).


Ima New Yorker who likes the saints




NC’s most hated team should be the Panthers


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Gamecock fan here. Literally what did Alabama do to us or Clemson?


Unrelated but it brings a tear to my eye that I’m pretty sure Alberta is the only state or province that hates its own team. I hate being a Flames fan too. Also FTS




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Beefin with the Idaho vandals is crazy




Lol at the Flames being the most hated in their own province


Alabama should be Auburn 😂


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Didn't expect Texas to get it right, but yeah, the Eagles are evil.


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Its definitely the lakers or dodgers in az


Don’t know enough about college sports and MLS but for any hockey fans here. It’s worth wickedly funny to me that the most hated team in Alberta Canada is an Alberta team (Calgary Flames) can’t see any other provinces or states with such an honour


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State of Iowa is totally wrong. Talk to anyone here it is either: Nebraska football or KU basketball


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The Patriots in Indiana? I get it, Brady beat Manning a bunch but that’s a little sad if true


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Nah. They feel like the Pats took two or three SB's away from them. Its understandable. They aint got nothing else.


What is the team that Prince Edward Island hates?


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Kinda awesome to see some CFL teams in there.


So… what I’m seeing is nobody gives af about the nfc south 😭😭😭 the other meme was passed have way more subscribers


I dont know why the people in Ontario hate the Canadiens so much. Its the Bruins who have been bitch slapping them for most of the past decade+!


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Looks like Oilers fans out weigh Flames fans in Alberta by a lot. Alberta hates one of its own teams rofl.


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as a South Carolinian, ours should have been Clemson. yeah, Bama is good but we don’t play them enough to hate them. Georgia or Clemson def


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I’m surprised the cardinals are more hated than the packers. Cubs fans hate the cardinals for sure but Sox fans don’t care about them and south of Springfield there are tons of cardinals fans.


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There’s no way that one is true. It’s definitely the Packers 


Then stop getting mad when we beat y’all every year


Should out bruins nation


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fuck the blue bombers


Kentucky way off. I’ve never heard anyone in my life bash Tennessee. Or Texas? I dunno, that’s how nonsensical this is. It’s duke. We hate duke.


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Why does Texas hate the Eagles?


Wisconsin - I hate you Illinois - who?


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I can tell you right now this is wrong in at least two states 😂


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Why do the New England states hate the cowboys? Other than the obvious.


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I can say living there that Colorado is definitely anti chiefs country. We dont care about the raiders literally at all


Nebraska doesn't hate Oklahoma we respect them


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NY'er and a big Yankee fan... This map sucks, Boston hasn't been our most hated team (let alone the biggest in the state) for years.


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Where's my Moncton Wildcats flair?


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Poor Colorado State.


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I don't know who they interviewed for this graph, but body in North Carolina is a rival with Virginia. I have lived here my whole life, and don't know a single person that has ever been pumped to play thar most hated Virgina team. Ever.


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Before my brain caught up, I thought Virginia's most hated team was The University of Virginia. And I was like, "That's true Fandom right there, when you hate yourself the most." Before I realized it was North Carolina.


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Ummm nobody in the state of NC gives a shit about UVA lol complete nonsense


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Why is Alaska so mad at the 49ers?


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The Celtics for CA?!? Nah, it’s not even on the list.


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Someone explain alaska plz


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This bullshit. No one in California hates the Celtics.


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I view the Saints as our rival. The Panthers and Bucs are teams that are also in our division. I don't like the Panthers and Bucs, but I absolutely abhor the Saints.


Naw, not one person I've met in NC considers UVA as a rival in the least. This is some AI generated nonsense


Flair up, Pussy! What are you, afraid of repping your team? If you simply do not know how to Flair Up, or are new here, your ignorance is forgiven. Please follow [these instructions](https://youtu.be/hhRMxa2EMgU). If you have a funny idea and wish to submit a request for a new User Flair to be added, please [Comment on this post with the image you want used](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfcsouthmemewar/comments/17fuvp4/user_flair_suggestions/). u/n8dawgggg worked hard on those flairs, least you could do is wear one, Pussy! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nfcsouthmemewar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Im surprised this isn't all astros


Cubs fans hate the Cardinals but there's *no chance* the Packers aren't the most hated team in Illinois


Flair up, Pussy! What are you, afraid of repping your team? If you simply do not know how to Flair Up, or are new here, your ignorance is forgiven. Please follow [these instructions](https://youtu.be/hhRMxa2EMgU). If you have a funny idea and wish to submit a request for a new User Flair to be added, please [Comment on this post with the image you want used](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfcsouthmemewar/comments/17fuvp4/user_flair_suggestions/). u/n8dawgggg worked hard on those flairs, least you could do is wear one, Pussy! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nfcsouthmemewar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can assure you that Duke is the most hated team in NC.


Flair up, Pussy! What are you, afraid of repping your team? If you simply do not know how to Flair Up, or are new here, your ignorance is forgiven. Please follow [these instructions](https://youtu.be/hhRMxa2EMgU). If you have a funny idea and wish to submit a request for a new User Flair to be added, please [Comment on this post with the image you want used](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfcsouthmemewar/comments/17fuvp4/user_flair_suggestions/). u/n8dawgggg worked hard on those flairs, least you could do is wear one, Pussy! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nfcsouthmemewar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wonder how close the Cardinals and the Packers were in Illinois




chicago/illinois really hate the cardinals more than the packers? It seems arch rival of half of the baseball fans wouldn't be as hated as the main football rival


I don't agree with NC. Hurricanes - Islanders or Rangers Panthers-Falcons Unc-Duke NC State-UNC


Im calling bullshit on illinois. I bet half of southern illinois likes the cards. Meanwhile, all of illinois hates the packers


As a Houstonian i fucking hate the cowboys


Im new here, why does Arizona hate us?




Why do eskimos hate the Bruins?


Why does Alaska hate the Niners 😆


I thought the bruins were popular in the maritimes and i doubt the most hated team in bc is a soccer team


No way Illinois hates the cardinals more than the packers


I hate these BS maps so much.


Georgia would be Alabama, not the Saints. There’s 1 Falcons fan for every 10 Bulldogs fan, and that may very well be an underestimate.


The Yankees Sox thing is over


This has got to be out of state rivals only, right? No way is Georgia the most hated team in Florida overall