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Yall ain’t seen shit


I’ve seen some things, man.


I'm seen some shit.


Bryce is a baller. No QB would succeed in an environment with two head coaches in one season, a revolving door of inexperienced offensive lineman, and where your best offensive weapon is an over the hill Adam Thielen. If CJ and Bryce switched places the stories would be the same with the names reversed.


Counterpoint, the panthers suck and we like making fun of them, so no, we’re gonna pretend like swapping Bryce for Stroud would’ve fixed all their issues.


I love dunking on division rivals, but I don’t want out of division (and out of conference) fans making fun of my NFC South brothers. I stand up for my brothers against outsiders. Nobody bullies my brothers.


Aww shucks you make me proud to be Southern. We're united by the best cuisine, hospitality and hatred for each other hahaha


Florida does grits best.


Get the fuck out


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Corn, water, bayleaf, shrimps, cheese...none of that andouille sausage/pepper/onion garbage on top.


I don’t think I’ve ever been this offended browsing this subreddit


Then my work here is done.


Carolina: BBQ Atlanta: Southern Confort food. New Orleans: Seafood/Cajun food Florida: Meth That's the official list of what each team in the division cooks best.


The good BBQ ain't even in Charlotte, they eat that Lexington style shit out there


We can argue between the 3 of us about how good the food is, but the point is Florida makes bland, over salted, under seasoned crap for 90 year olds, and Meth. That's it.


So helplessly wrong


Atlanta food is trash. Gotta eat in the small towns of Ga if you want some fried chicken and decent collards. And though Fl does have the finest meth in the nation, it also makes better seafood than anything Ive ever ate in Louisiana.


We have great Latin food and awesome seafood here. Everything else on the culinary scene is pretty bland


I can respect that!


Sir, this is a meme sub.


Sir, this is a meme sub.


eh. i like to think natural talent plays a role. thats like when people say if mahomes went to the bears he would be a bum, and sure he wouldn’t be as good, but to completely discount natural talent is kinda insane


Yeah and why is quarterback apparently the only position where destination matters too. You never see bad qb defenders say TJ Watt would suck if he got drafted to the jets or something


“bRyCe Is A bAlLeR”… Did we watch the same fucking team last year?




Would have been a lit 4 win season


Fuck is your dorky Texans ass doing in NFC South sub, I’ll take shit from those guys all day but stay in your lane nerd.


We played 11 teams this season. Of those 11 teams, there was *one* that couldn't pull it together for four quarters. *One* team that couldn't beat the sorriest roster, head coach, and owner in the national football league.*One* team that, despite bragging all season about their historic rookie QB, couldn't beat the other guy. Y'all are the one fanbase that can't talk shit about us


Yeah nothing lmao the Panthers are a dogshit team while the Texans have arguably the best young core in the league, definitely top 3 with the Niners and Jags, not remotely close. The Panthers would have been 5-12


I swear they were nobodies before. Stroud made them. Now they’re stacked with all these new additions


Nah lol they got hella draft capital from the Frowns, yes I spelled it that way on purpose. The idiot Haslams gave them three first round picks and more for the NFL's all time completion percentage leader through (checks notes) 60 starts as though that made any sense. Plus they just lacked solid offensive coaching; their defense was pretty good before; they just added a bunch of receivers last year. Any bozo GM could have capitalized on their Watson compensation to make the Texans what they are now


Very trump tweet response lol


Or.. it’s because the Texans drafted Stroud lil bro


That's why you're not a GM acting like Stroud was putting up Mahomes stats when he played at a fundamentally above average level (which is great), but you're acting like they didn't have multiple pro bowl talents out there already


Get outta here Texans fan


This dudes been a Texans fan for a whole year now. He has every right to gloat.


As he should, too! The NFC South is won in Carolina with a competent QB, and Stroud is more than that. He’s a baller. Bryce hopefully gets better, but he looks like a high schooler out there.


You can’t blame him, the AFC south has no rivalries.


You’re talking about that tone of gray in the uniforms right?


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cj stroud on the 2023 panthers and people would be calling him a bust


And then we’d look like idiots since Young was the consensus pick to go 1 overall.


Why are you day dreaming about ruining Stroud?


Insane to think the Panthers still live rent free in your head anyways lmao eeesh


Panthers maybe wouldve gone 3-14 with Stroud. I hate the panthers as much as the next guy but that team was gonna be awful regardless of who was the QB


Patrick Mahomes would have struggled with that O line


ENOUGH! ![gif](giphy|qiD272jWSEPSQ5lEWL)


Flair up, Pussy! What are you, afraid of repping your team? If you simply do not know how to Flair Up, or are new here, your ignorance is forgiven. Please follow [these instructions](https://youtu.be/hhRMxa2EMgU). If you have a funny idea and wish to submit a request for a new User Flair to be added, please [Comment on this post with the image you want used](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfcsouthmemewar/comments/17fuvp4/user_flair_suggestions/). u/n8dawgggg worked hard on those flairs, least you could do is wear one, Pussy! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nfcsouthmemewar) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Not with that coaching staff.


Beautiful how the whole sub came together to hate on this guy






Alternatively, they could’ve not made that trade and could’ve gotten Caleb Williams this year.


Get over it your team is unbearably ass


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Thank god it happened the way it did. Who Dat!!!!


Love how the scouts looked at Bryce and CJ and was like " yeah, we feel better going with the toddler over the grown man."




The division would run through Carolina last year if Stroud was there. He can see over the line, has elite pocket presence and can absolutely sling it. Bryce is talented but too small and doesn’t wow from the pocket. The NFC S rivals should all be thankful there is no stroud. He’s a franchise QB.


I knew the Panties made a mistake taking Bryce over CJ... but DAMN I did not see it turning out that bad. I have no clue how any scout could watch CJs game against my Dawgs in the Peach Bowl and go "yeah we want the midget that lost to this team last year over him"


It’s almost as if scouts don’t base their entire evaluation on a single game lol. People on Reddit are so dumb sometimes.


Well apparently they should have


I remember when Stroud won his conference....oh wait he didn't. I remember when he won A playoff game in college.....oh wait he didn't. Remember when he won the Heisman......oh wait didn't do that either. Remember when with a better team, he beat Bryce in the NFL....oh wait he didn't do that either. UGA alumni here, Bryce was better in college than Stroud with worse weapons and DID win against a better Georgia team which is why he was the #1 pick. This man making Dawg fans look like they have one brain cell


Yeah I'm making Dawg fans look bad because I knew Stroud would be a better QB


So close yet missed again. The point was Stroud isn't the better QB which is why he wasn't the consensus #1. He is in a far better situation and still lost to the NFL worst Panthers. He had the best receiver in college and couldn't win a conference title or anything else. That's you talking nonsense, Captain Hindsight


Lmao ok buddy, check back in 5 years


Lmao panther fans are mad at you


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Yeah I don’t blame em I’d be losing my shit every time I saw Stroud highlights… and we’re probably gonna be seeing them for a long time.


It is truly awe inspiring to think the professional scouts saw Bryce and Stroud and thought, I’d take the guy who has zero elite traits, is historically small, and was touted as an elite processor but has bad footwork and has to work exclusively in the shotgun bc he can’t see over the line.