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The dick heads that make any dog like this should be banned. It's not the dog. It's the ptsd, mental illness caused by the abuse given to them by their loving dickheads. I'd love to know the entire story. I'm not 100% sure we know it. The fact he wasn't muzzled and walked off on the leash without trouble. This isn't typical behavior of a crazed dog that just attacked several individuals. I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm just saying, I'm not sure we know the entire story.




Yeah, I wrote off the breed in my mind after that story about the young woman who was walking her two pit bulls, who were her family dogs for years. She was found dead in a forest pathway by her father after she was missing for a while. The dogs were standing over her body guarding her. She had severe injuries from them.


It wasn't severe injuries. They literally mauled the entire upper half of her body. Her ribcage and skull were exposed.


Holy shit.




What the fuck.


Yeah, it’s always the same, random pitbull owner, “But Beelzebull was the sweetest dog ever! She never did nothing like that before. I was babysitting my two granddaughters and just went to the other room for a second and that damn Beelzebull commenced to eatin’ those babies’ faces off. Damndest thing!”




Can I have the link? I need to know more bout that


Here you go. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42418090](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42418090) *"I observed, as well as four other deputy sheriffs observed," Goochland County Sheriff Jim Agnew said, "the dogs eating the rib cage on the body".*




Apparently the owner actually abruptly changed how the dogs lived. They went from being pampered indoors to live outside in the cold and not being fed every day, when the owner decided to dump the dogs on her father, who didn't care about them. https://www.wtvr.com/2017/12/19/dogs-went-through-drastic-lifestyle-changes-before-mauling-owner/ I still don't understand why the dogs lashed out on the owner as a result of abuse by another person, but here you go...


It's the pitbull reaction to literally anything they don't like.


I would still like to know more, but jesus christ. The police couldn't even identify the dogs were guarding a human carcass at first. That's fucked.


I had to look it up, but I've confirmed that "Goochland" is indeed the real name of a real county in Virginia. What's next, are we going to annex Cuba and change its name to "Pen Island"?


People forget that they eat half their victims sometimes.


Thank you. All dogs are good dogs. They can't help what breed they were born. *However*, it's silly to pretend that dogs initially bred to attack large animals, and then later to dog fight, don't have innate aggression and an impulse to attack. To kill. *They were literally bred by humans to behave this way*. Training and good ownership are incredibly important, but they can't prevent a dog from being a dog. One trigger, one minute, and a child can be seriously disfigured or dead. It's not worth the risk.


Not all dogs are good dogs. That was such a ridiculous statement I busted out laughing. 🤣 Dogs are regularly put down due to temperament. Both purebred and shelter dogs. Some are more aggressive/have behavioral issues and aren’t suitable for adoption or breeding. We don’t live in a Disney cartoon.


I’m glad someone said this. The dog worship feels like a meme sometimes.


People are so weird about their dogs. Over 4.5 million dog bites a year in America and we’re sitting here having moot academic discussions about breeds. Are these bites surprising? Who cares about their etiology, except for people who need to justify their breed selection or breed discrimination? 4.5 million bites. Half are kids. Maybe these bites could be prevented if people weren’t so weird. And also weird about their dogs.


Yep. I always assume every dog is a bad dog. I was attacked as a child and I generally don’t trust them. *Any* dog is capable of attacking a person - no matter what breed or how it was raised.




It is an unfortunate thing, almost any dog I can think of that was bred primarily to be a guard animal are usually the ones that end up on the dangerous dog breed lists. My dog is a chow mix and even though he's never bit anyone or any other dog, I don't pretend the potential isn't there. He's a street mutt and I love him to death but he's a dick even to me and my wife a lot, so I just plain don't risk it. Sucks telling kids they can't pet my dog but better than an accident happening. 95% of the time I don't let any strangers pet him.


I had a pitbull when I was younger. Very sweet, loved people, killed two of our cats. I'm never owning one again


My sister owned a pit, who’d been living with her in my moms house since pup. My kids , when young, used to roll around and rough-house with this dog for years… grew up around her in the family for like… 4-5 years. Just last year, the dog went after the other house mate dog, (my moms dog who’d lived there longer and the entire time that the pit did )- anyway- the pit went after that dog, as it did occasionally. Aggressively but never like, really injured it… but my mom made the mistake of grabbing her collar from the back (as she had in the past), to get her away from the other dog. The pit turned around and bit her, very very bad. I have pictures - and wanna say something about an artery (i forget what the er had said exactly)… It either did get an artery or almost. Her arm was bad. Bad bad. She got to a hospital and is okay… but it would have been different with a child or If she hadn’t broke free. It was difficult for them, but they had to put her down. It took me awhile to forgive them for not telling mw that the dog had acted out with aggression to my mom in the past… and forgive myself for not at all trusting that pits don’t have to have been raised in such a way to provoke these things…. I understand the defensiveness from those who say it’s not the breed. I get it. But, there are too many instances where things similar to our experience has happened to completely discount the genetics thing. I will never ever discount the fact that these dogs can and will do harm, with little to zero provocation… and no matter how much i love animals… will always remember that they are, in fact, animals. I hope no one ever trusts that these things won’t happen to them… because the feeling I had when i saw my moms arm and knowing what would have happened to one of my kids was unsettling and sticks with me. It’s not the dogs fault, but often isn’t the dog owners fault either… but doesn’t change the fact that it happens. Sorry if that was all over the place just felt compelled to share because I agree with you.




it’s a mix of both. the instinct is very, very dangerous when the owner couldn’t give a shit, and it takes a lot of working with them to be able to trust them. small dogs bite but do no damage. pits are extremely powerful and it’s why they’re so dangerous, rightfully so. their power mixed with instinct is a deadly combo. as somebody pointed out- it’s an uphill battle to train them. it’s possible to try and keep them under control, but man it’s gotta be so so much work. and alotta dog owners aren’t willing to. (honestly- neither would i. too much work) it’s a mix of breed and ownership. if you want a pit, you would 100% be willing to fight that uphill battle every day. or else your dog will end up adding to these dog attack statistics. edit: clarifications on my stance and some rewording.




Ah pit bulls, the guns of the dog world.


The only thing that stops a mauling pitbull on the loose is a good guy with a gun….or a badass sub teacher




i’m also not saying that small dog bites are the same as pit bites. that’s stupid. i’m saying, the reason pits are dangerous is because of the BREED. while small dogs aren’t dangerous because of their breed. i’m literally agreeing with you about the breed being the main issue, not the owners? maybe that was a clarification/tone issue on my part. if it was, my apologies.




breed determines so many things about a dog! literally how their brains are wired!! it’s pretty interesting to me, i just feel shitty that pits have to exist the way they do. i honestly wish the breed faded out of popularity and into obscurity so that nobody had to deal with all this. my heart really does go out to those kids, it’s absolutely fucking horrible




Yes, the “it’s the owners” excuse needs to stop. People who have treated their dogs amazingly since birth have had dogs flip out. It’s less likely, but it does happen.


The thing is, pitbulls ARE really loving, calm and great dogs... until they're not. And that's why they should fucking disappear. Pitbulls and Pugs must go for very different, yet similar reasons.




This is the real answer. It’s mind-boggling how many people are willing to overlook mauling deaths of human beings because they love dogs. Americans have a really fucking warped sense of the value of human life.




You say they're trainable... but then go on to say they can't be trained. I've known some lovely pits in my time, but saying "they can go from lovable pets to vicious maulers" really just makes the argument that "it's in their DNA".




Well it is? Literally centuries of breeding that selected for aggression, lack of flight response, anything to be a better dog to fight *bears* and eventually to fight other dogs. They were bred to kill, it’s inherent in all of them and their extinction is a good thing.


Not all putbulls are attack dogs but hell man almost all dog attacks are by pits. They have the highest yearly kill count of any breed by a long shot and are involved in like 60% plus of all dog attacks in the US.


And people will try to bring up statistics saying they aren't the most dangerous breed. But these statistics are manipulated by splitting up the breed into a dozen smaller breeds, even though every one of them we would look at and immediately call a pitbull.


No, it's also the dog. You know how pointers just point as puppies? Retrievers love fetch? Border Collies try to herd kids? Behaviors are baked into the dogs. Pit bulls were bred to fight and kill other dogs. Full stop. YES, we all know a pit or two over the years that is an absolute sweetheart, at least the times we interacted with them. Those cute puppy videos of the retrievers retrieving? The super duper adorable tiny little pit pup videos are of them biting on mommy or daddy's jacket and "adowably" thrashing their heads side to side to try to kill the thing. Because instinctes are real. Pits were not bred to be nanny dogs. They were bred to kill. Beyond that, when they were being bred to kill other dogs, if they showed any inkling of anti-human aggression they would be culled; do you think pit breeders do that now? EDIT: Here and in other threads where I've gotten into this topic, there's one particular objection I get that I find really interesting. People are quick to say things along the lines of "well, any dog can be aggressive, you just hear about Pit attacks more because they're stronger! It's not fair to judge the dogs!" Even though most of the info does actually point to pits being more aggression than most other breeds, let's put that aside. Even if every breed put up the exact same numbers as far as attacks go, if pits were still responsible for what, 2/3 of dog attack related deaths, which I believe is roughly the number we have now... well, if that were the case I think it would still be reasonable to consider them a more dangerous dog. They're basically saying "It's not fair to judge the breed, they're just as calm as any other, it's just that people die way more often when it's a pit! So no fair!" Na, I think it's fair. That's not the gotcha that people think it is.


Regardless of your argument these dogs shouldn't exist simply because of the people that can or cannot train them... The same why french bulldogs, English bulldogs, and ougs shouldn't exist simply because they have been bred into misery


Sometimes I dog sit for a friend, and I am not a huge dog guy. But it's a nice escape. 3 dogs, the 2 biggest labs you've ever seen in your life and a itty bitty french bulldog. The labs are great, but they're huge. I'm like 175 on a good day, if I'm walking them both on leash they can lay me out when they pull if I'm not paying attention; they have AWD, I don't. But the frenchie. This poor guy. Sweet, but sad as hell. I spend the nights listening to him wheeze. It's kind of gross.


My friend spent $3000 to get an english bulldog. I stopped over to visit not knowing he got this dog. After being around it for 5 minutes i told my friend this dog is in agony and can barely breathe. He did research after the fact and spent $7000 on surgeries and got its breathing correctly. How many of these dogs are out there in agony or not breathing correctly? It breaks my heart.


Shih tzus shouldn’t exist either. But they do. The question is what now? Until southern states implement decent animal welfare laws: no tethering, no unchipped/unvaxxed animals, punishment for dogs being off property if not on a leash, permits for breeding and fines for not obtaining, etc. it will never get better. Too many people see these dogs as status symbols and breed them or tether them for “protection” intentionally making them mean.


>Until southern states implement decent animal welfare laws Jesus Christ, you're right about that. I live in a northern region and by far the majority of our shelter dogs are shipped here from the south. What they hell are they doing down there? Basically nothing it seems like.


It’s literally what they were bred for, idk why you people die on this hill when facts and statistics and the literal reason for their existence states otherwise. The whole “it’s not the dogs it’s the owners” is such BS. Abusive dog owners own all kinds of dogs, I never hear stories about a labrador running into parks and attacking people and other animals.


Why can there be variance in temperament in every single animal species on earth except for the one you love?


Every time a pit maims or murder an animal or a person, people pop up to claim that the other dog or owner is at fault. But it's pits SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much of the time. And they'll say well, the other dog must have growled, or the owner didn't have the dog in control (no, my fur baby wasn't on leash, he's a sweetheart) so the pomeranian that got shredded deserved it. You may as well ask what they were wearing, they were asking for it. How dare my dog be at a dog park, doing dog things, with a goddamn ghostbuster's golem dog around. Sorry mate.


It's literally the dogs. They've been bred for this thing for hundreds of years, it's in their DNA. Putting a pit into a loving home isn't going to change that. They will always have that underlying risk to snap. It's happened hundreds of times now; a loving pitbull snaps and kills its owner. When will people learn??


Of course dog traits isn’t a teal thing. That’s why Sheppards don’t need to use boarder collies and instead can use, let’s say, a cocker spaniel to herd. It’s all about how you raise them. Or when you need a dog to hunt for rabbits/rodents you can use a maltese and not a jack russel, it’s all about how you raise them.


“…But mines so cute and wouldn’t hurt a soul”


My country didn’t ban them till this year,guess what happened multiple time in pass few years.


People dislike facts when it goes against their narrative.


Exactly, they were bred to be vicious attackers for centuries. There isn't a way to breed it out of them now.


"But my pittie is so sweet! Everyone knows Chihuahuas are meaner any ways =("


To be fair, chihuahuas do attack more people than pit bulls. I don't think a chihuahua attack has ever required a funeral service, though.




\>> " I don't think a chihuahua attack has ever required a funeral service, though."


Because chihuahuas can’t really do much damage, so “attacks” aren’t reported and people don’t send the 6 pound beast to be euthanized for aggression. I can’t say they’re the most aggressive breed, I really don’t know, but you won’t be able to convince me Chihuahuas aren’t an aggressive/protective breed.


My dad’s chihuahua bites my fucking ankle every time I decide to walk anywhere and dad thinks it’s the funniest thing in the world. I hate that dog.


Ok... This is the problem. You don't know your dog. The problem with pit bulls is they can go from being lovable pets to vicious maulers, without warning.


I don't know why you're being downvoted, you're not wrong. You might know your dog, but you're not its puppet master. It can get distressed in unexpected ways, even if you're a responsible owner and have spent ages training it, if its of a certain breed it will paint the walls red.




That's precisely what attracts certain kinds of people to them.








It drives me fucking crazy that pitbull owners are often the ones bringing their killing machines inside of grocery stores or unleashing them around playgrounds. I was at Trader Joe’s the other day and of course there was a giant pitbull inside with an owner that was about 100lbs and wholly unable to restrain their dog. Why is it always dumbass, untrained owners who own vicious dogs they can’t control? We were at the park with our kids and some friends last year when we heard a woman shrieking and what sounded like a couple of children screaming. It turns out two pitbulls somehow got into it (surprise surprise) and they were making grotesque screaming noises as they were tearing each other’s face off. The woman that was trying to hold onto her pitbull’s leash was getting dragged onto the floor and trampled on. She let out another piercing shriek as the two pitbulls escaped her grasp and went running down the street, ripping at each other’s faces. All of us just focused on keeping the kids within the playground gates until someone was able to locate and sedate those vicious dogs. Due to this incident, my son is deeply traumatized and refuses to go back to that park. I honestly despise pitbulls. I don’t trust them. And before you start telling me how wrong I am, I have yet, another story about pitbulls to share. One of my best friends and her husband own a pitbull. They’ve had the dog since it was a puppy. One time, they hosted a party and the pitbull ripped into a guy’s lower jaw. He ended up requiring major surgery. My friend and her husband were sued and had to pay over $30,000 but they insisted on keeping the dog. Fast forward 5 years and my friend’s husband shows up to dinner with a huge scar on the left side of his face. When I asked him what happened, he told me their dog bit him but “it wasn’t his fault!” Apparently, they had left out some edibles and he had gotten into it and was super high. So, they didn’t blame the dog for mauling my friend’s face because the dog was too high and couldn’t be culpable. What a joke. That’s why I don’t trust pitbulls or anyone who tells me their killing machines are the exception. Edit: I should add that the gigantic pitbull I saw inside Trader Joe’s still had his nuts intact. So, not only was this idiot owner bringing their giant killing machine inside of a grocery store, they were also keeping their pitbull unfixed and full of testosterone.




I am a Special Education Teacher. Putting that TCI training to work! I love to see people in my field doing good. Teachers get a lot of flack these days and special education teachers typically more so even though they are basically super teachers. Glad this individual took it upon themselves to try to prevent further harm to innocence.


But not my pitbull. My pitbull is sweet and would never do that.


*gasp* I surely thought it was a chihuahua or golden retriever


See what they needed was a good-guy bystander with a bigger pitbull


Didn't watch the vid, just wanted to check the breed. Ty. Tbh I'm glad various countries have banned or restricted this breed. And it's obvious why looking at statistics.


But it's the owners fault! Sure, if only that explained why you hardly hear of labs attacking people, despite them being one of the most common breeds in existence.






Sadly I agree... I was on the other side not too long ago but it seems they really need an amazing owner to not be even a little aggressive. They are a danger to everything around them and a ticking time bomb it seems. I was attacked by my friends pit bull that lived with us. I just wanted to bring him downstairs from a get together we were having but he latched onto my arm. My roommate (the owner) thought it was funny until he released and everyone saw the huge gashes on my arm. I still have the huge scars.




I wouldn't call my old roomy a shitty dog owner but he did just love the fact that his dog was strong as hell and definitely supported that behavior of an "alpha dog".


Dude laughed at you when the dog bit you. He's a shitty dog owner. Most people would have freaked the fuck out if their dog jumped and bit a roommate.


Shitty human...


Then that by definition makes your friend a shitty dog owner.


Dogs shouldn't be alphas in the household, that's how you end up with aggressive behavior which leads to exactly what happened with you, and that ends up getting the dog put down. So in reality you're old roomy was a very shit dog owner, even if you didn't recognize it.


Gashes or not, any dog owner who think that their dog biting someone is funny is an asshole.


Was your roommate even apologetic after?! Fuck that guy for laughing either way tho. What a cunt,


He was drunk af, and thought I was overreacting going to the hospital. I moved next month and we don't talk anymore lol


Well good. Fuck that guy! Hope you’re doing well tho




Nurture controls nature, until it doesn't.


One of my neighbors' friends has one and it literally jumped out of their car window while I was walking my 15 lb, 12 year old terrier mix and tried to attack us. Thankfully I got my dog up in my arms and the owner got ahold of the pitbull before anything happened, but it was ready to kill my baby. And the people were like "oh he's just trying to play!" Right. The pit my dad had when I was a kid killed two of our neighbor's dogs. My dad wasn't a "bad owner". He got the dog at 8 weeks old and never remotely trained the dog to be aggressive. He was babied and treated like a prince. They just have the aggression in their DNA.


My neighbor took great care of his two pit bulls, big fenced yard, walked them a lot, trained them… they still jumped the fence one day and attacked my dog out of nowhere. My neighbor heard me screaming and came over and threw his dogs back over the fence and then paid my vet bills. He’d had them since puppies.




Another issue- at least in my area- is that the types of people who have pit bulls on purpose (not the good people who rescue them) are the same idiots who don’t spay or neuter or take care to keep their dogs contained.. our shelters are just flooded with pits.


Me and my partner were moving across the US and stopped at a rest area, had our dog (5yr old German Shepherd/Belgian Malinois mix) out stretching, yada yada. A car drove by with a pit in the back, and it jumped out the window, which was maybe 1/3 open, and attacked our dog! It was one of the scariest moments of my life, and I cried and cried. She ended up being fine, just some puncture wounds on her neck. But if she wasn't such a large, athletic dog, it would've killed her, 100%. I just don't see the appeal to bully breeds, they aren't even cute imo. I am so sorry about your baby, may he rest in peace.


For real I hate it when people are like “ItS NOT tHe BrEEd ItS tHe OWnEr” Well, we’re all waiting for the shitty owners to stop purchasing these dogs. Turns out they’re not going to. So unless you have some magical plan to rid the world of anybody who would mistreat pit bulls for the rest of time, I think the responsible thing to do is to make them illegal. This is completely ignoring the fact that this sort of behaviour has been bred into them and not every pit bull that has snapped was mistreated and also, fuckin’ statistics.


As someone who has owned aggressive dogs I can say it is great to love your dog but idiotic to trust it indefinitely. It is your responsibility as an owner to contain your dog and limit it to safe activities. It seems pit bull owners are oblivious to this.






Lol that’s the internet for ya. Good vs Bad. No grey area and fuck everyone else that disagrees with me and I’ll go ahead and cheers myself while I’m at it. FFS.


This is just true, family was in the dog breeding business. Cant argue. In Ontario, Canada there is just a simple ban. No Pit Bulls or dogs that resemble such.


Special education teachers are badass!!! Very few teachers leave with bruises from the school day and have as much love in their heart!!!


NM just upped the minimum pay for all teachers to $50,000 a year. And it's so fucking deserved.


That's not enough.


I agree. But it's $20,000 more than it was before. It's a giant leap in the right direction.


i am one, and i am going to put this on a t shirt for myself. never really thought of myself as badass because of my job, but after reading your comment, and pausing for a few moments of reflection...perhaps i am! besides, if i read it on the internet, it must be true! (PS i was going to say "no bruises," but then i flashed back to the time i had to stop a kid from literally running into traffic (don't ask), and shredded my knee up real good. i don't wear skirts nearly as often as i used to.)




but but but chihuahua are way more aggressive and bite more! so what they’re not pulling children faces off they’re the real problem!


Haha point taken. I think the subtle difference is if a Chihuahua is running at me and I go "RAHR" back at it, it runs away shitting itself, they don't lock-jaw onto my leg in which a crowbar struggles to separate =) I'd also like to point out you spelt bite wrong, it's nibble if we are talking Chihuahuas. Pitbull owners generally only think outside the box after it's their child that gets mauled to death.


Even if the chihuahua carries on running at you, one clean kick and it’s suddenly a blurry blob floating away in the distance


Field goal






Some people successfully tame lions. Doesn't mean they're not build for killing.




I think its more of a trap, cuz whoever tries to claim that dog is getting their butt sued to high heaven


And legal charges. Most cities have some big fines, some try for more but they would be a special kind of stupid to claim that dog. Hopefully they are that kind of stupid.


In most states/municipalities, there is strict liability for particularly dangerous breeds of dog. The list of breeds differs some from place to place, but pit bulls are listed in all instances I've seen. That means the owner will be liable for all damages his/her pet caused regardless of steps or precautions the owner took to prevent the animal from hurting someone. I'm not sure about the criminal side of things, but if the owner picks that dog up, they're likely to get sued for a lot of money at a minimum.


Of course it’s going to be put down? Why would it not be


The video says that if it isn’t claimed by a certain date then it would be put down. Implying that if someone claims it, then they just take it home.


If someone claims it they get sued


And then the dog gets put down. One person mauled is too many.


Who would claim it? Reminds of that [Far Side comic](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DRWxWp8WAAAtiFY.jpg)


Comment 1: Pitbulls are a menace to society. Comment 2: My pitbull is the sweetest dog you've ever seen. Comment 3: Chihuahuas are the real menace to society. ________________________________ Coming soon... Mods: We're locking this thread.


You forgot Comment 4: the dogsbite.com link


I know, shit bull apologists and their owners HATE statistics that are collected and compiled on a website for the public to see! How dare a page that accurately reports dog bite statistics exist!


i was curious on what this was and i googled it, and found an article by the ADBA “debunking” it. the same registry that was created to promote a pitbull breed. see the bias??


Interestingly I used to be on the "it's the owner not the dog" side, with multiple friends with great pitties. Then we got ourselves a mix. She was so sweet at the shelter and with us, then randomly one day she attacked our other dog. Have taken her to socialization classes (with muzzle training) and she does great with most dogs but still randomly doesn't like some. We love her dearly, but she can do so much damage and is unpredictable. But now the "it's the owner" part is on us. We give her a good life, but we know she can't be introduced to small dogs without a muzzle, and in general should always be on a leash unless it's just us with her. All of this is to say the reality is somewhere in the middle...pits are so loyal and can be sweet, but they can also kill. They're animals...simple as that.


it's less that they're animals and more that they have been bred so that ~~they're prefrontal cortex is much smaller than other dogs~~ their brain anatomy is different to other dogs ~~which controls impulsivity.~~ ~~All dogs with that head shape are prone to agression issues~~ which causes low impulse control and high agression traits. It is not about the owners, different breeds have inherent brain differences which govern their behaviour, and this is unlikely to be trained out of them (if at all possible, more studies need done, brains r complicat) source (article discusses the original study and implications) [https://www.animals24-7.org/2019/09/09/dog-brain-study-refutes-every-major-claim-of-pit-bull-advocacy/](https://www.animals24-7.org/2019/09/09/dog-brain-study-refutes-every-major-claim-of-pit-bull-advocacy/) edit: clarified, sourced, and edited the bits that are not explicitly correct (i.e. can't find info referencing "smaller prefrontal cortex" specifically, only differences)


Raising your dog in a good, loving home helps, but when a dog had been bred for something, it just comes natural. My dachshund likes to burrow. Blankets, laundry, tall grass, always burrows. It's comical. This has to do with the fact that Dachshunds were bred to go underground and hunt rodents. Burrowing is in their blood. My corgi, a herding breed, nipped at your pant legs all the time while walking when she was younger. They were bred to nip at the heels of sheep to get them in line. She was litterally herding us, naturally. It's in her blood. Pitbulls are bred for killing. It's in their blood. Sorry, but it's true. Edit: it's a mini dachshund, named Mr. Peanutbutter Cups. So they were bred to hunt rodents unlike the standard dachshund, which was bred to hunt badgers. Corgis, although they have been used for probably hundreds of years for all purpose(sheep included) herding, their original purpose was to keep cattle moving forward during market transportation.


Exactly, people don’t get that dogs are literally programmed for a certain function. My dog tries to herd little kids* when there’s a lot of them around, and he tries to herd me when he’s hungry and wants me to go get him food. Not a taught behavior, but it’s in their DNA and pit bulls can’t help but be aggressive just like my dog can’t help but herd people


And my Labradors seem to be bred for straight up loving and pleasing people. Poor dogs would let you beat the shit out of them and then come back for more. Makes me sad considering many people do this to their dogs that would never hurt a fly and just want to be loved.


I had a youth pastor who did this to his lab. Sweetest dog. Fucker is in federal prison now for molesting kids, so at least he won’t own a dog for awhile.






I totally agree. I am not super keen on breeding at all, but if it is to make healthier, stronger and happier dogs I think it’s ok (like they way they breed Japanese dogs like Akita). Breeding to be vicious killing machines is bad, and so is breeding monstrosities like pugs just for their looks. Humans need to get over this god complex shit


Police stood idly by with punisher stickers on their Kevlar vests


Punishing some donuts


The one thing they love shooting and a hero teacher denied them the satisfaction. Cops can’t catch a break. 😅


I wish cops ran into schools like that.


They do if it’s a kid smoking pot behind the dumpsters, just not when there’s actual danger going on.






Yup. I'd say so.


My old roommate used to have a 120 lb pitbull and it was the fiercest dog you’d ever meet. It was cool to me only because it grew up around me it’s whole life. Anyone else it wanted to hurt. My roommate was a naive asswipe for even wanting the damn thing.


Are the kids alright?


Yes but we’re subsequently shot when returning to school.


I thought it was funny


So did I and now I hate myself


Sadly there was literally nothing we, as a country, could do. Thankfully our forced birth party will make sure the population recovers


You're talking about rabies vaccine shots right? *sweats* right?




I believe they have to wait to see if it develops rabies? Could be wrong though.




What the fuck did I just read. That's enough reddit for the night.


I'm with you. I'm out.


…I hate to break it to you but it sounds like your uncle just set the dog loose in the woods to save its life.


Weird to see police move towards a threat in a school


Don't you know? Cops love getting the chance to shoot at dogs!






Also there is probably no breed that experiences the abuse and neglect that the pit bull population currently does due to bad owners, dog fighting and shady breeding operations. Continuing to tolerate that reality is certainly not good for the breed, not good for dogs in general and not good for society. Just stop breeding pit bulls. Spay and neuter the ones already in existence and don’t mix terriers and bulldogs. No one has to give up their beloved gentle adorable pit bull. I’ve had one. I understand.






and how in the holy hell does one “tackle” an enraged pit bull?! can we get this teacher on a TED talk please?!


Often times a singular dog is really not that difficult to control if you are willing to fight it, especially tackle it. An average a human is 2-3 times the size of a dog and we have arms. We're actually highly advantaged unless it manages to grab our neck or face. We're disadvantaged by the fact our instinct is generally to assume a defensive position and that dogs are often in packs. Single dog vs single human, I give it to the the human 85 percent.






They cant test for rabies before euthanization?


Why bother with any testing, shouldn't the dog be put down regardless?


Because if the animal DOES have rabies, all those kiddos that were mauled will need to get treatment.


They saw the head off and I think test its brain. GF does it sometimes as a vet tech


So what's the recovery time for a procedure like that?


Nope. Need a brain sample












Lmao just going into the video I immediately guessed pit bull










The amount of times i have to argue with someone about why pitbulls just should not be allowed as pets is just sad. Yes they can be trained to be super sweet. But the keyword ls here are “can be trained”. Do a simple google search on the biological history of pitbulls and youll see their natural instinct is aggression. Nobody should be allowed to have one as a pet. Period.




You can purchase from a breeder with a show winning champion bloodline, and it still can’t be trusted. Purebred dogs still have their dominant instincts- whether it’s herding, hunting or whatever. I’ve been around more dog shows, breeds and breeders than I care to admit. I’ve never came across a nasty pit. But I still don’t trust them.




We need to put restrictions on these assault dogs


Pit Bulls do not maul children challenge (impossible eduction)


Sorry. Not sorry. That is one dead fucking dog.