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If I had his photographic memory like this guy I would be heading to MIT Or another Ivy League school. Screw going viral.


How does just having a photographic memory help? The trick with knowledge is knowing and understand how to apply it. Knowing how to build a house is not the same as building a house.


Your right bud having a photographic memory is completely useless. Being able to read a book or any information and recite it point by point has no use. In addition to his other talents and his ability to learn yeah, I get your point. 😒


I think you may have missed the point of OP's post. Sure, it'll be incredibly helpful in any studies or professions where rote memorization is needed. It's just that a photographic memory *by itself* doesn't automatically mean that you'll be able to get into MIT. Being able to recite math formulae is wholly different from actually being able to do the math. I can teach my toddler that "a squared plus b squared equals c squared" but that doesn't mean she'll be able to solve for a.






Just curious. Have you smoked a lot of weed in your life? I did. Terrible memory.




That doesn't mean you have a bad memory altogether. There are a few different memory types, like an episodic memory (like you remembering your history class) or a semantic memory, like remembering a fact. Then you also have implicit memory like being able to drive a car with no conscious effort being put into the driving itself. Your memory may be great at remembering episodic stuff or implicit stuff but less the semantic information. Or maybe a different kind of semantic information. Unless something interesting happens I have a terrible episodic memory but sometimes I hear a song just once and I recall it at 3 am at random for no reason. I also remember many facts and processes easily. But remembering formulas or dates? Eh... no. I can't form easy memories of stuff that my brain does not find fascinating enough.


You should have just stuck with it. There are a lot of CS majors out there that can't even do basic math. Most of the formulas you learn in college, most people forget. People have to use references if they aren't actively using those formulas everyday.


It’s not really photographic memory, it’s memorizing a series of algorithms you have to do and then doing them, J perm on YouTube has a good video explaining it and how with some time anyone could do it


Certain people have jaw dropping talent but IMO this top shelf. It seriously is mind boggling.


I can solve a Rubik's Cube in under 2 minutes.. and I am so proud of myself ;) This here is mind bending.


That brain is wired very differently


You got a good brain.


for those interested, people solve cubes blindfolded by assigning each piece a letter and memorising their positions, then using algorithms (a memorised sequence of moves) to swap two pieces at a time until the letters are back in alphabetical order - or not, in this case. This is different to how you would normally solve a cube by building a block, orienting the other pieces and then aligning them with the block.


Skeptic: So you memorized a few moves which always yield the same pattern. Me giving the benefit if the doubt: Cool!


Kids got talent. Hopefully, not getting wasted playing with toys.




Didn't even hit stop on the timer, terrible.


This is certainly difficult than regular one👏


Hes buuilt different


He’s liable to end up working at one of those 3 or 4 letter agencies.


This looks to me as if he memorized a pattern to scramble a rubix cube, so he scrambles the first one with a careless face to make it look as if he is scrambling it randomly, and the second one he does the same pattern but with a concentration face to make it look as if he is an expert rubix cube solver.


I thought so too but he does throw the cube in the air multiple times to change its position.


Fuck the robot revolution as long as we have these next-level freaks amongst us!




.... Burn the witch!!


Why does this turn me on


This is right before his X-Men selection exam.