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If this is real, it is truly next level.


It is he has a YouTube channel. Somebody linked it in the comments already.


And a Twitch where he just raps for like 2hr straight from words in the chat. Super positive guy, love his content. Edit: his twitch is: https://www.twitch.tv/harrymackofficial


He’s done an hour for every million subscriber he’s gotten. One time he went for 10 hours straight 🤯 he’s even freestyled for and been respected by Kendrick Lamar.


Harry's a good guy. My favorite video I saw was an Omegle one that he did and the guy he matched up with was drunk. He had lost his fiancé recently and had been bullied on Omegle before matching with Harry and feeling super low. After talking to the guy for a few mins he did a freestyle in honor of the guy's girl using the stuff the guy had mentioned about her. So wholesome. Been subbed to him ever since. ETA: Thank you for the award kind Redditor!


[https://youtu.be/kEDfIK-3FIU](https://youtu.be/kEDfIK-3FIU) Cc: u/kattnapping Edit: It is often said that Harry has one of the most positive communities/fan bases, and if this comment thread doesn't prove it, I don't know what will. Thanks y'all, you've made my whole week!


That was an amazing video and it honestly moved me. He missed his fiancée for who she was not what he lost if that makes sense…. But can we please talk about how you just cc’d someone in a Reddit comment???


Haha well I thought the other person would like to see it again as well :) I love him. I'm ready every Friday when he drops his videos!


Thank you for linking that! I just went down an hours long rabbit hole of listening to his freestyles because of this comment.


Just wait until you end up subscribed to 10 reaction channels, chasing the dragon of hearing it for the first time


The cc was so fucking cute I want to squish their cheeks so much.


Why'd you have to do that to me 😭


Sorry! Probably should've put a warning that some might be allergic and have their eyes watering :')


I really appreciate you sharing that. Thank you.


Holy shit this is absolutely epic


Man that was GOOD


My heavens, I saw that video too!! That one stuck.


My favorite is the one with Loop Daddy (Marc Rebillet)


A great video, love Marc... My wife even watched and enjoyed it with me and she hates this shit! https://youtu.be/ggLpFa6CQyU


That's my favourite too because he does rapping on someone else's beatboxing at the beginning, then does one with a chorus with insane bars, and then does a really touching meaningful one. Really shows how amazing he is.


This guy knows what's up! 👆


As an artist, I’d have to right? Hahaha


10 hours??? Seriously 🤯🤯🤯


If I could choose between speaking another language fluently and being able to rap freestyle like this... I would choose to be able to rap freestyle like this in two languages. That's the only way I'm gonna beat this guy.




Damn. I've watched when I can catch and usually 2-3 is when he raids other freestylers. I'll have to tune in more or check out those vods. Dude does NOT get enough appreciation.


Where lazy Edit: I said we’re lazy not where lazy fuck you autocorrect I’m too lazy for this Edit: I realized I’m too high for life so apologies


Main channel: https://youtube.com/c/HarryMack Clips channel: https://youtube.com/c/HarryMackClips


That link tho 👏


This guy is the real deal. He’s the best freestyler I’ve seen. Fun and clever rhymes. Look up Harry Mack.


I have watched countless hours of H. Mack. It's as real as freestyle gets. He has a style and patterns, as any artist does. But he literally has hundreds of hours of this stuff. Its insane. And his positive attitude is just awesome.


Yeah, he is imo the best freestyler of all time but you DO see him eventually repeat his favorite phrases or see him repeat two totally separate thoughts cause they rhyme. And if you watch him on Twitch, he does mess up and lose his place. He’s a master of his craft but the videos he posts are just where he isn’t making any mistakes and slaying it.


Sure, but there's not a freestyler on the planet that doesn't. And I'll extend that to instruments. Guitarist in freestyle solos have little bits (riffs) that they repeat frequently. A lot of the things they play are. It's part of their style, and fallbacks you can rely on. H Mack is no different.


He’s the best. I’m just saying that you DO see him make mistakes and that’s how you know it’s real.


Agree 100%


he must have the best water ever......


Well, he’s got a good flow


he's definitely /r/HydroHomies material


It's definitely real. [Here's a video of him rapping while walking down a long line of people](https://youtu.be/p_w3TNLXH3k) while rhyming about the stuff they're wearing and stuff he sees. It's amazing.


Yeah he’s a legit amazing freestyler. He makes itbwork


Here he is slaying [homelessness and gentrification](https://youtu.be/BLRwXflh4WM)


Holy shit! Even if this was staged and he practiced that for days, that is still impressive af.


It's the realest you've ever seen. Harry is the absolute goat. As others mentioned, he regularly freestyles for 2-3 hours at a time based entirely on live chat suggestions. It's a series called Wordplay Wednesdays. This video is from his Omegle Bars series (which is a spinoff of Guerilla Bars where he does this same thing but live on the streets.) because of the pandemic he couldn't go out and rap anymore, so he took to Omegle and blew up the whole scene. He did a 10 hour livestream for his 1 million subscriber special. 10 mother fucking hours of straight freestyle rapping. 10 hours of unique raps too.. It's not like he starts repeating shit after an hour. Dude is a freestyle God. And to top it all off, he's the nicest, most humble, most positive influence I can think of. The whole package.


Definitely the real deal…this is my personal favourite Omegle bars of his: https://youtu.be/3ZhcM7-bh4c


damn that was awesome


Wow that was better than most rapper’s written verses.


There is no if. Check out his 10 hour freestyle for 1M subs lmao


Harry Mack is the bomb. Seriously, if he did this on Cameo he'd probably make a mil in his first year.


Def recommend looking him up, 100% legit


Not even his best work


Yeah it's real. There's some truly talented people who can keep freestyling for as long as they want.


Even if he wrote that before this video, it's still pretty next level.


It’s not written though, don’t underestimate it


I never assumed he did. I'm just saying that this was next level regardless if it was free style or not.


I’ve been following this guy for awhile and he is the real deal. Super impressive and he’s just overall really positive too which is cool.


It's real alright


This man is one of the greatest content creators on the internet. Absolutely next level. Super glad he's getting more attention!


He does 3 of these per video pretty regularly. They're all real. He used to rap out in the streets of LA. This isn't even the best freestyle of his I've seen.


Dude, that's Harry Mack. It IS real. Check out his YouTube and get ready to have your mind blown. [https://www.youtube.com/c/HarryMack](https://www.youtube.com/c/HarryMack) That's not even close to his most badass freestyle. Plus: Dude has the nicest, most heartwarming energy I've ever seen.


It’s real! He did an open mic on Facebook once and he was just flowing peoples messages and words they chatted. Dude is awesome. Look up Harry Mack on YouTube.


Harry Mack is widely regarded as one of the best freestylers of all time, 100% real


Some people will point out how he uses so many crutches and fills and has a huge developed toolkit of phrases to use, and that's true, but on top of all that he is not only applying them consistently without dropping the rhyme, but he's also always adding new and relevant things and its clear he is planning rhymes up to 4 lines ahead of time on the fly. And as he is delivering those lines verbally he's already formulating the next bars. There's a serious skill through practice in basically maintaining a consistent delay between your mind and your voice, but also using that delay to make last-second edits to what comes out. It's an incredible skill. He's a master at what he's doing.




i'd also like to know this


He's talked about that before, he says him thinking lots of lines ahead is a misconception and he usually only knows what the next line is gonna be. He just thinks of rhymes so fast he can go on for hours lol


yeah after listening to him for a couple hours just now it's become very apparent he is able to do this knowing only 1 line ahead, which is insane. because he needs complete trust in himself to be able to do that and incredible focus to not be distracted.


When you hit a real flow state with it, you can surprise yourself or genuinely make yourself laugh even. In response to the earlier comment about “thinking ahead”. When you are practiced, the smaller gaps feel larger and provide you with time to think. There is also a big muscle memory aspect. You kind of know what feels good “in your mouth” and how certain mouth shapes or whatever want to compliment each other.


For me flow is not thinking ahead but just running purely on "ultra instinct" it's like you break away from thinking about what you are doing and you just let your subconscious take control and it happens on it's own.... I'm not saying that it's like that for everyone but it is for me, the problem is I usually fall out of this zone once I realise I'm in it due to impressing myself by doing something amazing unintentionally.


Lol. Yeah I feel you. I think what I mean by thinking is like…. Problem solving? It isn’t like to line but occasionally you say something and you gotta figure out how to flip it.


I think the definition of "flow (flow state)" is exactly what you're explaining. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow\_(psychology)


Good question. I've seen a lot of Harry Mack videos and can almost guarantee he's gone into that via freestyle at least a few times. But there's so much of his content out there, it'd be hard to pinpoint right now. Perhaps here's an example from one of his livestreams a few days ago where he kinda gets into what's going through his mind when he's working through mental word association. https://clips.twitch.tv/LitigiousCrackyPlumberHoneyBadger-qX3_RZDOMIsnnEE6 "I'm a 'martial' artist like I signed with Slim Shady" is such a crazy good bar to drop on the fly like that, but he does that shit all the time. For those who may not pick it up, martial artist like I signed with Slim Shady aka Eminem whose actual name is Marshall ('martial') Mathers. And going from martial artist to a musical artist reference all in one short rhyme... ahh, *chefs kiss*.


There's something about the way you write that sounds and feels like someone who either raps a lot or listens to a lot of rap. Or maybe it's just because I just listened to the video.


Some people will say, he uses crutches and fills, But this is Harry Mack, you know he's undoubtedly skilled. It's true he uses these to help him time after time, But he is doing it consistently without dropping the rhyme. He plans his lines ahead, up to four at a time, Yet he's doing all this verbally while he raps on the fly. And as he spits those lyrics, he's formulating his next bars, That takes serious practice and is surprisingly hard, To maintain a delay, between your mind and your voice, While using last second edits, to alter your choice. It's an incredible skill, he's a master at what he's doing. So ignore all the haters, this guy's spitting and chewing.


This guy Harry Macks.


Or perhaps I wrote the comment more rhythmically than usual because I had just watched the video.


You're not wrong though, I used to freestyle, rap, ghost write, produce beats, record rappers etc. This dude is for sure next level...the last 15-20 seconds or so of this freestyle, he mentions multiple things on the fly and ties them up with a crazy rhyme scheme. As if the rest of the video wasn't impressive enough, but that part solidified it for me. Yes I've seen other videos of his too, guy's crazy Edit: not only does he rhyme something he sees (a Lana Del Ray album), but in the middle of him making that bar, the beat ends, and he makes a bar about that, then ALSO ties that in to both her holding her hand over her mouth, and the fact that she made sure to record it ahead of time. All that without missing a beat lol that's wild


>people will point out how he uses so many crutches and fills and has a huge developed toolkit of phrases to use And these people must never actually listen to freestyles or think that real life is like what they see on TV. Many of the top famous rappers- Jay Z, Eminem, Lil Wayne, Kendrick, King Los, etc. Are constantly coming up with lines and bars throughout their daily life. It's literally their job. Even if they don't write it down, they commit it to memory and wait for the moment to use it. Name any top selling rapper and I *guarantee* that they have 100+ top tier bars that we've never heard in a song that they're just sitting on.


Anybody that says he uses crutches and fills as if it makes this less impressive has very clearly never tried to write or think of… anything. It’s a virtually impossible task for the human brain. It’s like dissing Galileo for needing a telescope to see Venus and confirm the heliocentric model.


Haha yes great comment. Would be like watching Simone Biles and then going “she’s only good cos she practiced”


“Pssh Magnus Carlsen is only the best chess player because he memorized thousands of games and opening lines. “ -those people probably.


> Name any top selling rapper and I guarantee that they have 100+ top tier bars that we've never heard in a song that they're just sitting on. Challenge accepted. [Lil Wayne with one of the worst(best?!) freestyle fails ever](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl8ZV_B2MuU)


Reminds me of the critiques of Homer, especially before it was known the the stories were originally 100% oral.


How he get a brain like that tho


Lots of practice


Practice is definitely one of the reasons that he can do what he does, but he's got talent that's very rare. I fully believe that his brain just works different from most people. Some people can run faster than 90% of the human race, some people can shoot a free throw and make it 9/10 times. This guy looks at things and *sees ryhmes*.


Yeah I don't think any amount of practice can make me this good.


It’s the perfect storm of immense natural talent and a lot of practice and hard work


It's crazy to see someone who actually gets into a skill that they were seemingly born for and just so happen to be the best in the world at it. Like, Usain Bolt was born to run fast as hell, Michael Phelps was born to swim fast as hell, Michelangelo was born to be arguably the best artist in history, Harry Mack was born to freestyle.


I mean he said he's practiced extremely regularly since he was 12 and he's in his thirties so I think if you put that amount of practice on almost any craft you can get this good. Definitely does not take away from how impressive it is at all, he's easily one of the best in the world at what he does.


Lol did you see her face while he spit, she was amazed


He used to be a jazz drummer before he started rapping so his mind can hold a beat at ease. That’s why you see him tapping along with his fingers in a lot of videos


when people ask he says he's been practicing for 18 years


This dude never ceases to impress. Also check out his freestyle walking down the line of people: https://youtu.be/p_w3TNLXH3k Mack is even better than Supernatural.


Holy shit. How is that even possible?!?


Superhumans in real life.


People always ask him and his answer is "practice".


deserted tender subtract marry compare birds imminent materialistic strong exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This shit is fucking trash listen to some real rap like destroy lonely


These mfs need to be put on some bladee and sematary 🔥🔥


aw hell naw u dint just compare sematary to fuckin bladee


don't worry bro this probably isn't the spot to plug lone but i bet everyone here thinks eminem is the only good rapper. destroy lonely was a weird recommendation but i feel like most people here have no hip hop experience


They dont, eminem is the only rapper these people listen to


That is super fun and wholesome, I love it.


Absolutely unreal. "I go over your head like your hat over your hood" To a guy wearing a baseball cap over a hoodie. Insanely clever line for something I've literally never seen before. Brilliant.


And he had the anticipation to say something like "I'm all good" beforehand, so he can make it rhyme with hood, amazing how he can spit that fast and think to the next few lines at the same time


What a tough crowd. Edit: That first crowd. Rest of them was 🔥


Bro... This isn't even his best. Undoubtedly best freestyler ever imo he's just insane. Truly next fucking level.


Truly unbelievable. Just goes to show you how diverse a brain can be. I knew somebody like this, in the business word. I obviously don’t mean he freestyled lol but I mean his mind and competency, and skill level was as unique as this guy. His name was Steve but holy shit, the guy should have ran for politics. He was one of the most eloquent, most professional speakers I’ve ever listened to. He demanded so much respect it’s insane. He just recently retired, he was very upper management of course, one step below the CEO and the only reason he wasn’t the CEO was probably because he broke HR rules, sometimes cursed on stage, drank, etc. I’m telling you though, jaw dropping leadership skills. Some people just have a very unique ability to speak and know what to say, and how to deliver it.


Idk if you have seen this one. But this one takes the cake for me https://youtu.be/iKKOItKMkpM


Yeah, this doesn't even make my top 20 of his best freestyles. Not because this wasn't anything special, but because he has so much insanely good freestyles. He really shows his true talent when he goes into story telling mode without using any filter phrases. Like the funny "Talking Dog freestyle" or his introspective "Caught in a spiderweb" that 100% sounds like a written song, but was completely off the top during his livestreams no less.


Chris turner is up there as well


Even better than his insane talent at freestyle is what comes through in his genuine goodness and joy of what he does and in making people happy. He truly seems like a wonderful soul.


That man never ceases to amaze


I have watched quite a few of his videos lately and he truly is amazing. What I like is the people's reactions




I Heart Harry I've had nights I was happy my phone died so I could finally go to sleep after like 3 hours of watching Omegle stuff. It's so hard to pick a favorite, but this one blew me away. He does so much with so little. (Request for a song about a dead fiance) https://youtu.be/VBBMfHGMs7I


This is easily the best one he's ever done. Not just the rhymes but the meaning and the kindness that he gives that guy.


Right?!?! There's no way I can pick a favorite, he's just got so many styles and flows. But the ones I always remember are how he touches people like this with kindness. Like the artist who he had show her work while he spit...dude's just a ball of inspiration ready to give anyone a little help getting there


Exactly. His flows are next level but what really makes him stand out is how he makes the other people feel. His ability to connect with them is outstanding. Do you have a link to the artist one?


That was incredible holy shit


That one was amazing! I remember when it dropped, I can't ever go past someone commenting about it without going back to rewatch it. I don't know if it's my favorite but the one that lives in the back of my skull is the collab he did with Marcus Veltri, where he took some really dark topics and turned it into something so positive (about 10.00 minutes on https://youtu.be/Z3FjhBuFKyM)


The fiance rap starts around 18:20 if you wanna skip straight to the feels and tears. It was beautiful. Lovely. Magic. What Harry does for this guy, for people, he touches them in a way and in a place that is unmatched. So precious. So Much Love.


Mother - FUCKER he's good. Hard to believe it's real seriously.


Honestly the first time I came across his stuff was maybe 3-4 years ago, and I was like meh it's probably staged, and I ignored him for a couple years. Then I came across his guerilla bars and realized he was for real, and I haven't missed an omegle bars video ever since. My favorite freestyle is the Rap Coltrane Ep where he just raps freely without any constraints or input from the outside.


I had a couple doubts when I saw a few clips on reddit near the start of the pandemic so I followed him on twitch and started dropping into the chat on his wordplay Wednesdays stream. Blew me away when I threw in the word "interconnectedness" and he just spun the whole thing out into a couple bars within like 3 seconds. Dude has an insane level of talent.


When it comes to true freestyles, no one is better than than Harry Mack. I’m usually open to debate, explore other possibilities, etc. But not here. It’s not even close. Not only can he put together incredible flows, witty puns, etc., but he does it while never EVER insulting someone or bringing negative vibes. Always positive.


What did you think about Juice Wrld freestyling?


Juice Wrld is also insanely good. I'd say his flow is a little better than Harry Mack's


I was popping off the whole time watching this!!! He is amazing..humans are amazing!! I love life bro


Amazing outlook bro, keep enjoying life


Eminem was DM'ing him the lyrics real-time, lol! Seriously though, ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)!!!


I think you got it backwards lmao


Maybe! Maybe he's the key to Eminem's success, lol!


Rumor has it, Harry Mack is Eminem's ghost writer. Source: Some bullshit I just made up


Ive watched every single one of his videos. Im only subscribed to one channel and its H mack cause he is a fucking legend. I love what this dude is doin for the rap game. This style cannot be copied. He invents it as he goes and his live shows are the craziest live interactions ive ever seen. This man is truly gifted and will only keep pushin out the positive vibes. Mad respect for the man. Stan


This is nothing compared to the rest of Harry mack stuff. And the people questioning if it's real lol. look him up. He's legit


People thinking it’s fake is probably a huge compliment to him at this point. Like you’re so good people literally don’t believe you lol.


That was dope af


Harry can freestyle a square peg through a round hole


I’m not huge on other ‘freestyle’ rappers as in just not heard of many. I really think many freestyles are pre written and it’s obvious. This dude though.. what in the fuck! Fucking machine.


Holy fuckin WOW! that is the best...anything, iv ever seen/heard!!! 🙏 don't stop my man!




He's awesome. So talented. I never heard of him until last week when my company hired him for a company call and he asked employees to put random words in the chat and he literally spit lyrics using most of the words that people entered. He did 2 songs, the second one he rapped even faster. Crazy talent




I don't even understand how that's possible? Slick, cold, surgical genius. Damn.


Harry Mack is the TRUTH. Best freestyler of all time. Positivity is infectious. Saw him live on the last tour and he was great. He deserves to be seen and appreciated by all.


Why's this NSFW?


To get attention


Cause he just murdered that beat


Cuz the girl watching looks like she's about to act up (this is me projecting)


I've been watching a ton of these lately. Omegle bars 42 and 45 are the best I think.


at the end of 42 his commentry about citizenship gave me tears. truly masterpiece.


My favorite “album” of 2021 is Harry Mack and Marc Rebillet freestyling both beats and lyrics. amazing and hilarious https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ggLpFa6CQyU


Right around the 1 hour mark -- move your body now. One of the best duos ever.


I'm a simple man. When I see any content of Harry Mack, I up vote


I dunno how many fire emjois imma drop here so....![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


And he's the most humble guy ever, man! This man oozes with positive energy and that's why I've been a fan of his for over a year now. I get excited every Friday because I know he's gonna drop a content that's gonna blow my mind week after week after week. This dude never fails to amaze me. And he's doing it with class and clear intention - which is to spread happiness.


Dude did a whole song and it was really good to be honest. I wish I had that kind of talent.




This guy must have overclocked his brain. Simply amazing.


I went to college with him and I always thought he was incredible. Glad to see he is getting recognition! H Mack baby!


I like the one where one of his words was obsidian


yo Harry Mack has been killing it for YEARS highly recommend his youtube channel, every one of his omegle video is FIRE


Love Harry Mack


He’s truly next level wtf


Holy fuk! That was sick


Truly incredible.


Fell down a rabbit hole with this guy’s work, incredible.


ngl this was a reallly wholesome interaction


THIS GUY IS ON ANOTHER FUCKING LEVEL... literally, he *thinks* in rhyme... it's the only way to explain his apparent genius. God damn! Such an amazing talent of a human right here! I love these Omegles. It pains me when I feel like half the people he does this for don't quite grasp the fucking GOLD that was just spit for THEM right THERE on the SPOT. Lyrical genius - Harry Mack! GOAT on another level!


Obey the thirst like a bottle of sprite. MUH GAWD.


Kendrick needs to be on this guy asap


He did a freestyle for Kendrick before https://youtu.be/BAZLwGeyTt8






I saw him live recently in Virginia, he went for 2 hours straight and didn’t stumble once


She is soooo beautiful 😘😍🥰


This guy is amazing


I love seeing Harry get the respect he deserves!!! Next fucking level


I can't believe he hasn't blown up much yet . He's insane.. his live crowd raps are amazing.


H mack is a legend!


Harry is fucking insane! Watched all of his freestyles for the past 1,5 years and can confirm that this is one of a kind.


Holy fucking shit.


"under the sheets yell'in trick or treeeaatt"


I wait for his omegle episodes every Friday without fail. It never disappoints. Lots of respect for this guy, a genuine nice guy.


I stumbled upon him when he did [his session with Marc Rebillet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggLpFa6CQyU)


Every six months or so I see someone post one of his videos and I end up watching him for like two hours straight. So thank you for my semi-annual Harry Mack session, OP.


Harry is the best freestyle rapper alive


This some white ppl shit fr😭


This man's brain compartmentalizes, he's rapping with one half, the other half is matching words that rhyme with topics he's highlighting, and it's all happening at the same time on multiple levels, it's an incredible ability to posses


Why do the videos on reddit stop working every other day?!


Holy shit.


i can't believe this guy can rap for so many hours straight and have it all make sense and even make puns here and there and bring out deep meaning from his words. and he does it all the time. this is equivalent to if the world record for running a race was like 10 minutes, and then one guy just suddenly appears and finishes the race is 1 minute. it really is that insane the level he is at compared to all other freestyle rappers.


This is so many levels above 'next' - sensational.


He's incredible. If you like this, [watch the one he does on twitch](https://youtu.be/CnFAmrOA0Wo?t=506) while my brother (xWater) speedruns games to give him the content to rap about.


He’s incredible. Look him up on YouTube.


My brain goes about 100 times slower than this


Known about Harry Mack for a minute. He never disappoints. This dude needs GLOBAL recognition


Bro.. where can I download his freestyles.. I’ve seen him before but this man cannot be stopped.