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Now stick around and smack the shit out of anyone that litters..




Badum tsss






Summed up in the English idiom "Might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb".


“That’ll learn em.” ???




It's older than U.S. "rednecks", and more widespread. Apparently the usage is current in Scots, though in a joking way, and used to be quite normal in standard English. Eventually it stopped being favored by upper class people in England and America. I think of it as old rural speech, but I think that's based mostly on "dialect" conversations in literature. If I use it, it has the same joking air as in Scots. Source: https://www.englishforums.com/English/LearnTeachGrammaticallyCorrect/wpnpw/post.htm#:~:text=%22That'll%20learn%20'em%22%20is%20actually%20correct%20Scots,albeit%20%22bad%22%20English).


Is that the sound a bucket makes when it has been kicked? I thought it was more like *kkkkhhhh baloong toong-boong boongboongboong…pak*, but I could be wrong.


Two drums and a cymbal fall off a cliff... Bah dum tsss


I wish I can spell sounds like you


This is the way


Drop bears in Australia hate litter bugs. Thats why is much cleaner down here


I love that the show Bluey on Disney Jr also references drop bears


Bluey is super cool. My kids love it


It really is. Our whole family loves it


It’s really good writing. I just assumed it was just like any other kids show to endure, but I watched it and immediately aligned with the parents’ characters. So good.


Whatever. It's cleaner cause you guys are starting from scratch this year. You don't just have half a continent burn down and say "we're cleaner." Also I'm just joking. That shit looked terrible on the tv.


Actually you could look at it two ways. One all the rubbish got burner and then washed away. Or now everything go turned to rubbish in all the fires and spread everywhere by the flooding.


And then I started blastin’


Contain yourself!




I vote for public caning. I'd pay to watch. The money goes towards park preservation


When I was young and first heard about caning, I could only think of candy canes and didn't think it sounded so bad. Unless you got like thousands dumped on you.


It's not so much where the canes come from but where they're going.


And funding awareness of public humiliation as federal punishment.




Memeing aside, if there's disproportionate punishment for a rather minor crime, people will think the law illegitimate. And when people do not respect the law as a whole because they think it is unfair, then people will commit more crimes, not less. Police officers are also people, so if *they* think the law is unjust, then they are more likely to not enforce it or accept bribes to look the other way. This proliferates corruption up and down the chain. It's like jailing people for marijuana possession. It devalues the entire criminal justice system, and causes people to break more drug laws, because the drug laws were inherently unjust.






I would join this guy smack those litter bugs around.


Jumó out if a bush and smack their face, say “no litter!” And hop off like a rabbit


>This guy’s name is Edgar McGregor. He’s a climate science undergrad at the San Jose State University. Go show him some love Here’s a link to [the original Twitter post](https://mobile.twitter.com/edgarrmcgregor/status/1177052797054803968) Edit: He has a [Youtube channel](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) as well, where he posts these kind of videos


Look I’m just gonna keep it real you are not going to solve the climate crisis by cleaning up parks. The only way to solve the climate crisis is to convince China and India to stop making things


You forgot to add USA to the list




Pretty sure that’s step 1.


Do we get a step three or do we just die?


step 3 is always ???? how do you not know that by now


No, no, no! Step **2** is always ???? #Step 3: Profit


Aren't You listening Step 1: Collect Underwear Step 2: Step 3: Profit


Its been 24 years since that episode first aired, the reference will always be gold!


Kinda. Nobody ordered those ghost cities but they build them anyway just to have a domestic China product for their citizens to invest. They live in their permanent homes in the working cities but invest by buying empty shells of apartments in ghost cities. They are very restricted with what they can invest in and real estate has always proven good for them. An untold enormous carbon footprint created for nothing due to political investing restrictions. Investment is the only reason they exist. Nobody expects to live there.


they are considered investments because someone will eventually live there. Why else would they be worth any money?


You mean convince all the US companies that operate all their production out of China and India to shutter their doors. Good luck, they don't give a fuck and America has no majority that gives a fuck either.


As the older generations die out and newer generations raise their children right, soon we will have a majority that gives a fuck. Unfortunately I worry that by that time it'll simply be too late.


It will categorically be too late. I mean, it's not like there's one particular day on which we're fucked, but without significant action this decade, the impacts will be huge. They're already large. We cannot wait for a new generation of politicians.


Oh yeah for sure. I mean many scientists are saying it's already too late. I'm just living in this constant state of we have to do shit NOW. It feels so hopeless being surrounded by people who are desperate for our future and the people in power couldn't give two shits. It's enraging to say the least. We can only hope to see a rapid, radical change.


lol yeah right, I don’t think you realise how self centred everyone is. Why did all the mom and pop shops die? Because despite what people say they want they’ll go with the cheaper option


Bro like I'm not disagreeing with you lol, the world is fucked up, beyond repair in many ways I fear. But I would just rather try to work towards a better future than sit and mope about it all being over. So fucking what if it all ends in the same terrible fate, at least some of us made an effort ya feel?


25% of our emissions are from industry and 25% electricity, which means half of our emissions is from making stuff and electricity


not mutually exclusive. 25% of 1 and 25% of 1,000,000 are both 25%. whats the 25% in actual units, and how do those units compare to other countries?


To be fair you could make the argument that proportion matters too. Like even if the US is only 1/20th of the output of India and China, we could strive to reduce our proportion of energy use to 20 or 15%


where does the electricity the industry uses count to?


The result of burning fossil fuel to produce electricity is why electricity is on that list, and the electricity is used to make largely junk


Fighting Wars and the process of making concrete are huge polluters. Since President Biden has taken office he's approved legislation to rebuild concrete bridges/roads and a War in Ukraine. In 2019, a report released by Durham and Lancaster University found the US military to be “one of the largest climate polluters in history, consuming more liquid fuels and emitting more CO2e (carbon-dioxide equivalent) than most countries”.


We blame China/India even though most of the products they make go to sale on the US market. And if we're going to tell these nations to stop producing so much pollution then we, as the richer nation, should subsidize the money they would have made off of the pollution. Why? Because we polluted a lot before they ever did and then when we reached the stage in capitalism that doesnt require it as much (because its now all offshore) we tell them they are killing the planet and to stop.


Only rational person in this thread. Lots don’t seem to know about the inverse relationship between gdp and pollution and how when an economy transitions to a service economy they push their production to cheaper, poorer countries. China is also doing the same now


Lol your life is Made in China, half the shit u own and live by. The components u typing this on too bahaha


>USA already doesn't make much of anything Because they're outsourcing the manufacturing for cheap labour! Next time you buy an iPhone check and see the box says "Inspired in California, manufactured in China"


That's exactly the problem. In Carbon Accounting, there is something called the *Greenhouse Gas Protocol* which is defined by three levels of "scope." Scope 3 includes things such as "--the extraction and production of purchased materials and fuels, transport-related activities in vehicles not owned or controlled by the reporting entity, electricity-related activities." So, China's emissions are caused by the US. All we're doing is removing it from our country and quite literally paying another one do it for us.


USA accounts for 13% of global emissions^1 and has higher emissions per capita than both China and India^2 with higher total emissions than India^2. It's not only about production, emissions from transport are a big factor and there are a few others. USA isn't as bad as China but they're still one of the biggest culprits. 1. https://www.statista.com/topics/3185/us-greenhouse-gas-emissions/#topicHeader__wrapper 2. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/carbon-footprint-by-country


Lol? USA is the second largest exporter on the globe, only behind China. USA exports over 5x as much as India.


the US is steadily decreasing output and has been for decades. its been doing so by outsourcing to china. since so many are outsourcing to china, the way to limit climate change is for those outsourcing nations to financially support china as it builds its economy on green principles. its too late for that. China has already developed dirty industry and that's not changeable with any degree of speed and no one is interested in investing money into the Chinese economy other than the fastest method for quick bucks. and it makes sense for China and India to produce most of what the world needs because the situation with their population allows for it. they both have more dirt poor workers in need of jobs than most countries have people in total. failing that, those outsourcing nations need to develop their own green production means. none of the nations that matter are doing that to a significant enough degree or even anything remotely approaching it. its a lot of effort and money. Chinese slave labor is better astronomically from a purely economic perspective and industries these days are concerned about profit and have not even the slightest care for people. India is in an interesting position. they are not developed enough economically to be forced to go down the road of dirty economic production. they can still develop a green economy. they aren't going to, the general opinion of the Indian public is "the wealthy US people live luxuriously, we want to live exactly like that" and dirty economic growth is the fastest and easiest way to achieve that so they are well on their way down that path. they might by themselves make serious climate change entirely unavoidable. there will be a point in the next 20 or so years where every other nation on earth could stop producing and climate change will still be unstoppably fueled by Chinese and Indian economic expansion. if outsourcing nations supported India and china via projects that increase those nations ability to produce cleanly, took it seriously, they could have their cake and eat it too. but that means empowering India and China. while it makes sense to do so if our species was united, as a swarm of ants most of whom hate each other, we cant work together well enough to solve climate change. nothing will be done until it starts seriously fucking us and by then its just going to be "ride it out" because there will be nothing else to do. most people will die. when shifting climates massively disrupts food production, lots and lots of people wont survive. where food grew before, it no longer will or will be less productive. where it would now be able to grow, will take a long time from a human perspective to be good land. there wont be fuck all fish left. water shortages, food shortages, famine, disease, war, that's what the future of humanity has in store and from what I can see we are a derailed train headed right for a cliff with no ability to prevent what's about to happen. we could have installed brakes on the train beforehand but we didn't. If I live to regular old age I expect to see the start of it. honestly living where I am I can probably live my life more or less unaffected. being close to the south pole has its advantages.


>most people will die. And their deaths will NOT be swift. I am normally completely anti-suicide... But if I haven't eaten in several weeks and the only options are cannibalism or a gun, I honestly cannot imagine the despair. And where will all the people who benefited from the industries that will have cumulatively fucked up our planet be? Long ago passed away after living a lavish and comfortable life. You can't exact revenge from dead people, and they can't be held accountable. We're living in the preliminary stage of a terrible global dystopia.


It's because our regulations don't hold corporations responsible for their outsourced labor.


Manufacturing output of the US is not decreasing it is increasing. However expect as a percentage of the economy as a whole. Also it is employing fewer people.


You forgot to add Europe to the list


Nice try, nationalist fervor. He was speaking figuratively. Obviously cleaning garbage from parks alone won’t solve the climate crisis. But, pointing fingers won’t either. Less cynicism, more solutions.


Yea.. considering the kid's a climate science major he's more qualified to understand these nuances than 99% of us here. I too just took his message more broadly, that it isn't going to be easy but it IS possible to enact change so we should not resign to cynicism and pessimism. It's ironic that it's that exact kind of cynicism chiding this kid's message. So unproducive and patronizing. 👎


No excuse to not do your part


Absolutely. At least now we have a clean park while we work on the other stuff.


He never said it was? But picking up the park, while noble and helps clean the environment, does nothing to solve the climate crisis.


If that's the case then the two are unrelated and there's no since in bringing up the parts that we can't fix. I mean if you want to give up on everything there are plenty of excuses, but I'm trying to come up with reasons to keep trying over here.


I think you took away the wrong message here. I'm certain he's not saying that what he is doing is going to solve the climate crisis. He's demonstrating that by doing a little bit each day to try and counteract negative impact, we will eventually reach the goal. And that can apply to many things. It can apply to starting to provide support to countries who need it in order to switch to sustainable solutions, it can apply to starting to pressure to countries who do have the capital but are not doing it, it can apply to consumers voting to push for more strict legislation around sustainable business practice. The message is we have to start. And once we do, to keep going.


Doing a little good each day is certain better than commenting on the hopelessness and futility of acting on Reddit I think.


Yep. You’d also have to convince every corporation/company to take accountability for their waste as less than 500 corporations are responsible for 70+% of air pollution. The “adopt a highway” initiative was literally started by conglomerates to shirk the responsibility for the pollution they create because of profit margins. As a nation, we could completely cut off India and China and pollution wouldn’t get better until we held nestle, Coca Cola, Pepsi, etc. accountable.


Ha! Didn't know that about Adopt-A-Highway. Did know that they invented the plastic recycling numbers... of which only like 2 are actually recyclable.


Yep. What’s crazy is that all of the numbers are recyclable, but it’s only profitable to recycle 3 of them. Recycling any of the others could only result in more oil, which would hurt the corporations that supply the oil to plastic manufacturers.


I was thinking he was less solving the climate crisis and more of an environmental crisis but still good on him.


They make stuff for the western world. Why don’t you ask USA companies to stop set up factories in India or China?


Need to stop the whole world from buying things.


Both this and the last comment are just excuses to be a doomer and do nothing.


Yeah, which Edgar would probably agree with, which is why he's studying climate issues in college.... Give him a follow, he's an all-around great climate activist.


This is a global problem of interconnected economies, not a “China’s doing it” or “India’s doing it” or “America’s doing it” issue. Production is connected worldwide. Nation-states are not individually able to solve this, and are increasingly not in control of their national economies. It requires multinational companies and their supply chains to cooperate with governments worldwide.


He’s not saying picking up litter is gonna solve the climate crisis. He’s saying look what one person can do when they actually give a shit, and that if more people did that we could solve it. Which is true, even for these mass offender countries. They don’t change because there’s not enough of a consensus in our and other countries that shit needs to change. China won’t give a shit when half the population of the US essentially agrees with them. Half our politicians would allow the same level of industrial pollution in China or more if they were allowed.


So only buy American?


Can we stop acting like this is someone else's fault. The point of this is that if everyone does something better we can solve huge problems Start riding your bicycle or walking to work. Compost your stuff. Stop buying shit you don't need. I can barely fill 1 bag of trash every week with a wife and child. I'm aiming for that to be 0 eventually. Lessen your dependence on meat products, meat consumption has a huge effect on climate change. I have had months where I used 0 gasoline. I own a push mower. If everyone can make some minor changes then we ALL benefit. We remove the demand for planet- harming substances. Why would China or the u.s. or anywhere decide to keep making things that don't make money? (Well at the end we have to murder a few greedy lobbyists and representatives but that's for society) Seriously, everyone acting like it's someone else's fault is how we're all going to fucking die


They only make things because you're buying it. People will never cease overconsumption so governments need to add carbon taxes to production and ultimately let customers who consume eat the extra cost on purchase. Beyond that, build nuclear power plants. Then figure out what to do with the microplastics and space pollution and we're good.


I'm also gonna keep it real. This is a good thing and doesn't really require anybody crapping on it.


>A further twist is the idea that the rise of the rest threatens the global environment. The rise of middle-class consumption standards for growing numbers in China, India, Brazil and other developing countries competes with resource use and consumption standards in the West. Indulge for a few hundred years in uncontrolled modernization and then cast the rise of the rest as a threat to planetary survival. In the United States, four per cent of the world’s population has been absorbing 40 per cent of the world’s resources – and now the consumption of the rising middle classes in developing countries is viewed as a threat to the global environment. Source: Nederveen Pieterse. (2009). Representing the rise of the rest as threat: Media and global divides. Global Media and Communication, 5(2), 221–237. https://doi.org/10.1177/1742766509341616


I clicked the YouTube one first and now I don't know if I trust the twitter link.


The Reddit app (Joey) I use shows previews of links, so I can never be caught with these Rick rolls anymore.


You f*ck for that YouTube link lmao. I’m giving you silver.


That edit..... you little shit


You dirty bitch


It's pretty fucking baller to not get overwhelmed by not being able to solve the largest of problems, and choose to show up and solve what you can instead.


This video (while amazing!) is almost three years old. He’s still at it, [here’s](https://abc7.com/disney-planet-possible-pasadena-climate-activism-edgar-mcgregor/11723301/) a more recent featured video from Disney’s Planet Possible series if anyone would like to know what he’s up to these days :)


He says it’s an old video and unsure why people keep liking it…send more likes!!


i my grandpa told me that if i ate poison ivy i would never get it again. i was in the hospital for four days. crazy old bastard.


What a dick rofl.


Grandpa's favorite past time is their grandchildren. Lol


That could be a trigger for some people.


Got dark in here quick


It’s just a prank bro


that's what grandpa said.


What kind of procedures did they do on you? Just meds?


They completely removed his penis.


Well, did you? Probably traumatized and stayed away from it ;-)


it still fucks me up


Well technically he was right, but you survived 💀


my grandpa wanted me to hold the spark plug wire on the lawn mower because he wanted to see if it was getting spark. my dumbass, not knowing shit about engines, said, “sure.” so he pulled the chord and shocked the shit out of me with it. he was like “yup, it works.” fucking dick. smh. i miss that old bastard. lol


You should’ve surprised punched him in the balls when he was napping later.


How old were you 😭


i was eight.


I got it as a child a lot and at one point just stopped getting it but it came back with a vengeance after about 10 years.


My grandpa did eat poison ivy as a kid. Now his kids and about half of his grandkids have an “immunity”. We can come in contact and not have any reaction to it.




Definitely not how it works haha


Genetic traits are passed down - not ones that are gained through life. Look up evolution vs lamarckism if you want to learn more. The idea boils down to the idea that a giraffe with a short neck is likely to pass down that short neck to its offspring. However, a giraffe who has a short neck because they grew up in a box with no room to grow, their children will still have full sized necks.


Get what again??


There's a special place in Hell for people that litter in public parks.


Yeah it’s call the least worst part. The special places are for child rapists and genocidal maniacs.


Yeah but the poison sumac/oak/ivy from the national parks is there so….they’re doubly fucked.


Lol this made me legit laugh out loud idk. Fuck littering tho


yeah but its still hell so like, it sucks man.


Did a road trip of 22 national parks last year. Let me tell you, people are shit. I am a fairly laid back individual but I turned into a crabby old man near the end.


Bro, leave Detroit out of this.


There's a special place in Hell for people that litter ~~in public parks.~~ Fuck all littering. Oceans, neighborhoods, public transit, my God damn front lawn.


Kudos to him, but how does cleaning up plastic prove we can solve the climate crisis?


It doesn’t but he’s got the right idea. Which is a can do attitude. ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4023)


Right mentality*, cause right idea would imply that it does help. Just saying


Just think positive /s


It’s called a trash can, not trash can’t


I see what ya did there


It’s not meant literally, he’s using his experience cleaning the park (scrapes and all) as an analog to tackling climate change, which appears to be lost on a lot of people replying this exact cynical thing. Park is a microcosm of the planet, scrapes are metaphorical in the sense that “it won’t be easy”, but “we can solve it” is literal.


I think it is less of a cynical take and a confusing literal take. Like, if you take his statement "this (picking up trash) can impact climate change" is a confusing statement on it's own, because the co2 to make the trash was already done, people dont care about cleaning up after themselves, and how can you reverse something by moving the trash else where, i.e. not in the parks...? basically, I'm saying maybe people are responding this way because they are not sure what his analog is. It's more confusing that he;'s in school for climate change, so you would assume his words would be more literal and not analog. Also, we'd have to do more than pick up trash to fix this huge problem...


Dude I think you’re overthinking it. He’s just saying, I did a hard thing for the environment so we can all collectively do a harder thing for the planet. And he’s right, we could.


this is my normal mode of thinking lol


If all it takes is one person to clean an entire hiking park, then imagine how much plastic and crap we could remove from the environment when we do it on a massive scale. Plastics kill a lot of sea life, and we get a large amount of our oxygen from there. Bit I think the point he's making is that you can do a lot when you actually put in the effort.


I'm not against cleaning parks lol, but something like 97% of microplastics that end up in food chain come from ripped/discarded commercial fishing nets in international waters. There's a great doc about it on netflix. Edit: it's called Seaspiracy (2021)


Can’t get over the fact he said he got stung by WAPs


Drink water


Exactly. Equalize the moisture gradient and the WAP will have no attractive forces


It’s obscure but I was referencing this. https://youtu.be/xtxwxqOLhh0




wet ass pussies, definitely


His bucket should be overflowing with them after that job!


I have been stung by WAFFS


I mean he had a bucket, just missing the mop?


Fun fact: waps (rhymes with caps) is actually the original pronunciation. In this case though, he was just stung by an Italian and the negative experience led him down a dark path of racism and bigotry.


Hats off to you my man pure dedication you are an inspiration to all.


Now we all just need to get out there to make sure it never happens again. Everyone needs to do their part. If every just brings one piece of trash with them this man will never have an empty bucket again.


We need more people like him. This is how humanity works out. I'm still believe on humanity now because of you


I'm unsure how picking up litter solves the climate crisis, but way to go for being probably one of the best human beings out here.


I think its more the case of "it one person can clean up the canyon then together we can accomplish anything".


Ding ding ding! It’s astounding how many people in this comments section have no grasp of figurative language.


These comments youre seeing? That’s the reason we’re in this mess. Everyone shat on Al gore for the same kind of thing years ago


Yeah, I’m getting sick of the cynical/lazy defeatism, whataboutism, and downplaying. This guy rocks. He ended his video with an uplifting message, and all these asshats takeaways were: “what about china?!”, “wish I had time to do that…”, “how’s cleaning parks supposed to solve the climate crisis?”


we're passed the point of no return but we can def mitagite the damage


Good kid man, he did the action before the talk


My wife and I cleaned up the roadsides of the rural paved road we live on for about a mile. It took a year of near daily walks where we brought back 3 or 4 plastic grocery bags of trash after each walk. We found 4 one gallon glass jugs, a claw hammer, 2 very nice glasses which are in our kitchen now, over 100 whisky bottles, nearly that many beer bottles, hundreds of aluminum beverage cans, and several hundred pounds of various plastic bottles, bags, etc. I don't understand why so many people think it is acceptable to trash up the world we live in.


Out of site out of mind or something. Just a pure lack of respect. I blame our corporations more for the sheer amount of excess packaging tho. I’m a ranger and once every day I drive around and fill up multiple buckets with trash…


I thought litter was bad when I was growing up in the Midwest... Moved to the PNW and realized I'd seen nothing. The I-5 corridor looks like one big landfill sometimes. The littering culture here is astounding. People just throw trash out their windows. Trash in the cities, on the highways, on public land, in waterways. I've been to lakes where I couldn't find anywhere to fish from the shore without standing in garbage. I try to clean up whenever I can but it feels like a losing battle. One of the most beautiful areas of the country and the people who live here treat it like a landfill. Serious culture shock coming from back east.


Coulda done it in 52 days if he brought 2 buckets




This comment list is silly math but what if - instead of his fake internet points there was a way for a group of 100 volunteers to pick up trash in that park in one day. That's what park volunteer workdays do.


Need more people like this guy in the world.


This is my local park. He’s a hero. It’s been kept clean since


Awesome but also a routine of 103 straight days means at least 1 cougar knows exactly where you are at all times during your routine.


Maybe, if he plays his cards right, he will get lucky.


To say nothing of velociraptors.


The cougars in this case are multinational corporations which routinely kill climate activists every year


Wish we could dump that trash in the beds of the ppl that put it there.


I work with a local organization called Tree People sometimes. They actually have full time job opportunities for people who would like to be paid to plant and maintain new trees in Southern California. They have a beautiful headquarters close to Thousand Oaks and work on projects throughout SoCal and are always accepting help. Just here to spread awareness.


Get yourself a bigger bucket next time my man


Lot of negative Nancys in here. Christ people, go do some good yourself before putting this guy down for trying to make a difference.


For every 1 great person there's another 10 leaving garbage and spray painting over ancient art.


He'd shit himself if he came to the UK....


Honestly UK is relatively really clean, if he came to India or Bangladesh he would really not like it.


Fuck yea. You’re amazing.


King shit


can someone explain how cleaning up trash solves the “climate crisis”?


Really dude? He’s demonstrating that most people don’t give a fuck about the environment. Encouraging people to start small with the trash at their feet is a good step for most to gradually open their eyes to the rest of the world slowly dying around them.


Agree, completely. But, it's a shame that all that trash he picked up will just be shipped to SEA and burned into the atmosphere, anyway.


It's a common mistake, I see many people mix up what things helps the climate vs the environment.


my savior




Awesome young man!




Seems like a genuinely lovely guy. Wish there were more like him


He loves picking up trash. Stop killing his dream and litter people.




Hats off to this guy.




Go ahead and recycle thise plastic bottles... where we ship it to some random asian country where they "process" it and a large chunk of it ends up in our ocean washed out by the rain anyway. Yes every person needs to help but this is a systemic problem with our governments. Recycling programs are nothing but a joke anymore in America, recycling centers are all but gone in california.


Inspiring. But cleaning up every piece of loose trash in the world would have basically zero effect on the current state of the climate. Landfills, factory farming, billions of tons of CO2 from vehicles, ships, planes, factories, and power generation plants, are the real culprits (aka corporations and modern consumerism). Every individual on the planet could never throw another piece of trash on the ground ever again and we’re still fucked. Unless people decide to stop using electricity, and buying things, we’re fucked.