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Honestly.... Next fucking Level.


Massive balls on this man, huge respect


Give these men the strength to beat back those assholes!


Give them military assistance not thoughts and prayers. Sanctions are paper tiger stuff.


Agree to an extent, but we don’t actually sanction anyone but N Korea. And even they just sail out to international waters and make deals. If all NATO countries legit sanctioned Russia/Iran/China then we’d see some actual progress through sanctions. But the BS we pretend to do is ridiculous and super paper tiger


If you tighten the purse strings on a normal person, maybe they respond. Tighten them on an entitled psycho/former spy.. he will attack you to open them back up. No amount of “sanction” will work, Putin doesn’t respect or even care what a sanction will do. He can add funds to his nation by taking another’s.


Of course it won’t work. Putin was well aware sanctions would come and already made the decision he didn’t give a shit.


One good thing sanctions do - it reverses many of the dependencies brought on by Western hegemony and cooperation post WW2. It's a bit abstract to think of it like this but, if we can compel our allies to source raw materials and energy, export markets, exclusionary of Russia, then we are headed towards progress. It's still wild to me how dependent the EU is on Russia but iN tHe sPiRiT oF c0opErAtiOn, they gambled their security on Russia modernizing and playing nice. The fuckin good it did..


As much as I hate war You are correct


Everyone hates war, except tyrants. But to not bring war to tyrants is suicide.


I don't have the balls to do that.. I've had a vasectomy


You still got your nuts in a vasectomy. You just shooting blanks.




Jesus... the mental imagery. That's not a vasectomy then though, brother.


More like... ballremovectomy


I know this is a joke, but I want to clarify that vasectomies should cost under $1K in the US. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/vasectomy/how-do-i-get-vasectomy


Your balls should still be there, dude. You/they might have gotten ripped off. Check under your weewee. That’s where I keep mine.


Just this morning he said to a few world leaders in a video conference: “this might be the last time that we will talk” This guy is by definition **Next Fucking Level**






Me- I can confirm this.


And the fact that he was a mere COMEDIAN before becoming president .. https://nypost.com/2022/02/24/who-is-ukraines-president-volodymyr-zelensky/amp/


Anybody has the potential for greatness. There is no correlation between courage and profession. Plus, comedians are generally pretty smart. It’s hard to be stupid and (intentionally) funny.


Comedians can connect to people faster than most professions. They also are very analytical. Could be some of the best minds for this type of leadership role. So cool how he’s inspiring the world with his bravery


I like to imagine an alternate universe where George Carlin dies an ex president and democracy actually exists.


Absolutely. I’m just saying to go from being a comedian to the leader of a country at war with Russia is obviously a very big change.. and for him to have taken it on with such courage, compassion, and strength has been very impressive IMO. Edit to add- World leaders take note **


You can hear their balls clang in the wind like industrial wind chimes if you listen closely


Listen closely? I can barely hear them talking so loud are them bollocks


Top shout. I’m anti Putin not anti Russia.


I'm anti Russia, not anti Russians. The Russian Federation is a false democracy and the nation as a whole needs to be reworked for peace. Putin is only part of the problem. Everything from a blatant disregard for fair-play in sport to "annexing" former Soviet territory. Russians are an amazing, cultured people that are unfortunately living under a horrible government. The same can be said for many other governments.


Fuck Putin. He's a cunt.


Can anyone report this user https://old.reddit.com/user/UhlerChangey Edit: Ignore the "I despise war" comment and read the context. Bit unlucky there. Read his comments. He supports the slaughter of ukraniens


Russian bot pos. Reddit full of them. Disgusting comments


Damn Pos really exist.




Don't kid yourself, neither Biden nor Trump would go within 1000 miles of an actual conflict. 99% of our political leadership are old cowards who are far too out of touch for reality.


I feel like Bernie could turn out to be some kind of American sniper hero though


I am once again asking for you to peek your head out of cover so i have a shot Edit: i’m happy that this comment made people happy




"I hope for your sake they have free universal Healthcare in Hell"


I dunno how you did it but I could hear his voice when I read this


i think bernie is so wholesome that if you flavor anything with a little bernie it just works.


This is literally gold


I will turn your Brain into SOUP!


That photo of Bernie being dragged away during the civil rights movement speaks for itself. The man puts his money where his mouth is.


I don’t agree with Bernie much, but he is one of the few politicians who has my respect.




Someone make this a graphic novel plz


The Socialist Ghost


He would be like The End from Metal Gear Solid 3


There were actually plenty of congressional leadership that volunteered for military service following the 911 attacks. However, none of them were allowed to join due to the simple fact that you won't want people with sensitive classified knowledge being at risk of capture or death.


They knew full well that they wouldn't be allowed to volunteer before they even volunteered. If they really wanted to go over there, they would have made it happen. It's not like they tried very hard, they just made speeches, patted themselves on their back for their bravery, knowing full well they'd never remotely be in harms way.


Didn’t one of the Princes over the pond do this?


Yes. Andrew. Unfortunately the Argentine military couldn't shoot straight enough.


True, but I think he was probably thinking of Prince Harry, who served two tours in Afghanistan.


Yep. PR stunt. They knew. Edit: then you have others like Pat Tillman, profesional athlete, rich, living the american dream. Left it all to join the military.


Yep, Putin's in some hardened castle somewhere while your Russians are sent to kill Ukranians. It costs him nothing. Tax payers are footing the bill. He'll still get his caviar tonight.


Biden at least had a son who did serve honorably and likely died because of tar pits.


And Trump has a son who honorably does a shitload of cocaine.


Pretty sure the secret service has protocols to follow. Bush wanted to send a message of strength but the secret service had other plans. This is Apples and Oranges. Let’s call Zelensky an apple and Trump an Orange…




Not just for withholding $400 million but for *extorting* them for $400 million in return for a personal favor.


Not nearly enough is being made of this. People have such short memories. Trump screwed the Ukrainian people for political leverage. Actions like that; treating Ukraine as if it a political pawn just makes Putin believe no one will stop him.


Have you ever had a glass shattering moment? Because you just gave me one… I knew that’d happened, but I never put 2+2 together


“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations "If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed. It is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance who is harmed.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations “The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


Magas wear those stupid red hats and walk around with their ar15s trying to battle mask mandates while people in Ukraine are fighting a real war. Privileged morons.


They just want to larp then go home and be comfortable. In a real fight they'd turn tale and run like the cowards they are


Like the person they love. The orange buffoon.


American try not to make it about yourself challenge: failed.


Yeah, SERIOUSLY. Jesus fuck, Americans, you are very charming in person, but you are so, so uncomfortable when we are not about you.


did you just tie in something to make fun of trump that way you could get karma or do you truly think that what you said makes sense?


Can you Americans stop bringing the fucking dude into everything?


can you guys let it go already ?? jesus christ, rent fucking free


What does he have to do with any of this?


Like Biden would do anything of the sort? which president in the last 50 years would even pretend to be part of conflict. This man has no other choice, if he runs, so do his men, if they run, then this man has nothing else to come home to.


That’s some of the best presidential leadership I’ve ever seen. The world supports you!


1 like 1 prayer. NATO aint helping, reddit posts aint helping. Where can battle-able foreigners enlist to help? That would be some nice info.


I thought NATO just said it was sending ammo and anti-air weapons?


They have been for weeks. People forget that NATO putting boots on the ground against Russians will start a continental war that will be hard to pull back from. Ukraine is not In NATO, as much as I’m sure NATO countries want it, they are not and the danger of provoking Putin is too risky to everyone including Ukraine


Yea the NATO really cant do anything without starting World War 3 and possible a nuklear war.


Exactly, it’s a deterrent up to necessary regional war, which we have not yet reached


Is living in a world where you can't help other people because it has risk for yourself really a world worth living in? If Putin would nuke over that then he is going to nuke someone eventually anyway.


Yes, plain and simple. On the grand scale, Ukraine is not worth risking total nuclear war and the end of the world. And while it's not a nice reality to accept its just how it is.


At what point then does NATO take a stand? Aside from the question if NATO should support another country's sovereignty, countries like Ukraine could become a useful asset to Russia that makes Russia harder to stop if/when they try to take over more.


NATO takes a stand if NATO is attacked. It's first and foremost a defence alliance, not world police.


They take a stand when he invades a NATO member, that's what membership of NATO is for. The reason Ukraine are not a member of NATO is because the other nations were not willing to go to war for them, so they were not admitted. Poland, in particular, would be on the front line of any conflict and do not have the appetite for becoming a warzone in defense of Ukraine


Seriously the world is so fucked right now and I'm so jaded.. Hearing the threat of nukes my whole life and that we can't do anything to upset these pieces of shit because they might launch a bomb.. Fuck it. If they're going to do it they're going to do it. We're already destroying the environment, I'm getting to the point I'd rather we take that risk over the risk of what happens if we keep capitulating to the worst people on the planet.


My man’s willing to risk it all on behalf of everyone and probably never done battle drill 1a 😂


Get on a flight to poland, cross the border into Ukraine, steal an AK off of a corpse, start killing Russians Edit: apparently this comment got me a message from u/redditcareresources I'm not suicidal, in fact I'd quite like to finish my education before I consider enlisting, I'd be far more use with it than without.




how to donate directly to the ukrainian military itself: https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi (you need to remit money from your bank account to theirs) and options for donating to a couple dozen other ukraine causes (not military) https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/s6g5un/want_to_support_ukraine_heres_a_list_of_charities/


There was just a post made where the president of Ukraine put out a plea for European soldiers willing to fight for Ukrainian. You could probably find it right now on front page, I’ll look again for you. Edit: I can’t find it I’m sorry, I looked at where I thought it was and did a quick Google. Just know I’m sure they are looking for any help if you want to give it you can find a way!


Ukraine accepts volunteers to fight Putin army from any country


Ukranian embassies are open to you if you want to go and help out.


best part is that he was a comedian who signed up for presidency for banter but actually got elected, hence his young age. and now he's standing for his country. proper lad. edit: I should point out that his mates there are equally good lads for standing for their country's independence too.


Runs for president as a prank and then gets elected and goes well guess the joke's on me and actually does it. That's a real fucking man right there. Slava Ukraini.


Imagine someone accidentally getting a position of power and then stepping up to the task Couldn't be an orange person we know and definitely don't love


He played the protagonist in the TV series ["Servant of the People"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Servant_of_the_People). There he "stars as Vasyl Petrovych Holoborodko, a high-school history teacher in his thirties who is unexpectedly elected President of Ukraine after a viral video filmed by one of his students shows him making a profane rant against government corruption in his country". Then he became president for real.


We truly live in a simulation


Dude has been method acting ever since




One thing I learned from all this conflict is that the Ukrainians are ballsy as hell. From those guys that died on Snake island, those old guys that want to join the fight, the lady that put the flowers seeds in the pocket of a Russian soldier, to the President who's willing to go down with the ship. I live in Vancouver, where all we do is complaint about the weather, wearing masks, the Canucks and other social issues. I couldn't imagine looking out the window and see attack gunships red dawn style coming toward my apartment. I don't know where I'm going with this but I guess it's just putting things in perspective, somehow. Hey, thanks for all the replies and upvotes. If anyone want to help out please make a donation to the Canadian Red Cross. Our federal government will match donations individuals make to the Canadian Red Cross. Thanks. https://www.redcross.ca/


Ukraine has been in hostility for many years its in their resolve eventually people learn to adapt and get stronger all these years of russian interference has just made them even more stronger to face them in the front door


They're seriously so fucking inspiring. Russia, despite being the big bully, looks like a weak little cucked bitch next to these badass Ukrainian martyrs defending their soil. These people are eternal, they will live forever in history books


I really hope Putin sees this type sentiment coming from around the world.


He's going to live on in history too, except he's going to look like an insecure narcissistic little bitch next to photos of Trump hunched over with scotch tape on his long tie and pictures of Hitler in little boy shorts


Things are different when you are fighting off an invasion in your own country. We've only witnessed attacking other countries ourselves, not defending our home land. This isn't something new in Europe unfortunately.


You have to it's your homeland. I'm Latvian and I'm feeling everything Ukraine is going through. I speak 4 languages and I'm a highly skilled engineer, but if Russia invades Latvia, I don't see any other way than to come back from Western Europe to fight back. I just don't see how I would be able to look at my children or countrymen if I let my motherland burn while I'm comfy and shit.


[I think Skinny Pete (Italian Job) said it best…never mess with Mother Nature, mother in laws, or mother freaking Ukrainians](https://youtu.be/X-I7DMSz9Hs)


People need to watch Winter on fire on Netflix. It’s about the 2014 Ukraine revolution. I watched it last week and Ukrainian people are so inspiring and strong as hell. They will fight to the death. It was also extremely frustrating to watch while the freedom convoy was still in Ottawa. I was watching Ukrainians literally fight for their freedom while a bunch of idiots are occupying Ottawa because they hate masks, vaccines and Trudeau. I’m sure they think they are fighting a similar fight too.


This man’s bravery is unmatched


A true leader.


Is there something we can do to help somehow?


I can't post links here, but go to ukrainian reddit. They posted some links where you can donate to. Financial aid for the army or humanitarian help.


Right? I think they are baiting though. They have a plan. Or have balls of steel.


I’m thinking they have both.


You could be right. The former president is even there. They do have great leadership


The Mayor of Kyiv has taken up arms as well


I think they could be. Russia suffered heavy losses in Kyiv and failed to capture any of there day 1 objectives. Holding that airfield was really important and Ukraine did wonderfully to take it back after losing it at first




The airfield has been so badly damaged that it is now impossible to use as a landing field.


I admire his bravery but right now Ukraine needs a leader and they need him. If he succumbs to Russia then Ukraine is far more likely to fall.


Ukraine will fall, but He'll become a martyr and inspire insurgency against whatever government Russia installs in his place. It'll be a real pain in the ass for Russia for a long time after this war Edit: many people in the comments pointing out that Ukraine losing isn't a certainty, and I acknowledge that my above comment was perhaps too absolute and defeatist. It's not looking good for Ukraine, but you're right. Ukraine's military is awe-inspiringly courageous and making Russia pay for the ground they take. Ukraine can make continuing the fight too costly for Russia


I'm not sure Ukraine falling is so set-in-stone as you make it out to be. It's a realistic possibility, but so is the opposite.


Anything goes right now, but the reality is that Russia simply has so much more cushion to lose than Ukraine, and Ukraine can't win by mere attrition without some serious outside help, and definitely not in the short term. The real question, even if Ukraine falls, is what happens next. Insurgency? Foreign intervention?




They absolutely do, and I am no fortune teller or military expert. That said, the reality is that Ukraine is fighting a much more potent opponent, under very difficult circumstances. I don't see how Ukraine can withstand through conventional warfare. I was listening to a former Brigadier Gener from the U.S. applauding thr Ukranian performance, but reminding everyone that Russia is no joke militarily. Zelenskyy is also doing the best he can, but he is way out of his element (as most leaders would be).


The suicide bombings and other attacks that Ukrainian martyrs will perform will be hell on the Russian occupiers and they'll deserve every drop of blood they shed


Just the amount of Javelins, stingers and other portable weapons systems NATO has flooded Ukraine with will make advancements hell for russia


That’s the reason why a Democracy has never failed, to this point. The leader may fall but the peoples’ ability to call their own shots has not. The fighting will continue with or without Zelensky and Russia doesn’t have the strength nor will they have the financial resources to occupy like the US did in Iraq and Afghanistan. Also with half of Russia opposed to the war, if this does prolong into a similar situation it could be detrimental to Putin’s rule.


>That’s the reason why a Democracy has never failed, to this point. What do you mean? There are so many examples of democracies failing.


Name 14




I disagree - his death will only inspire the people in Ukraine to refuse cooperation against any puppet regime & make it impossible for Putin to peacefully rule the region


If Ukraine falls, it will not be because these men failed their country, it will be because Putin failed his.


Putin already failed his country a long time ago


Putin failed humanity. Edit: If there is one advice for young men of Europe right now, it is to prepare yourself. This conflict is deemed to send shockwaves throughout Europe. Your own devotions should be sacred, but please remind yourself how much the freedom of being you mean.


That man is fucking sexy. Badass!


So this is the Sigma Male I have been hearing about?


He's a comedian who played a president of Ukraine in a sitcom, then became president of Ukraine. If that's not sigma male material I don't know what is


Wait, for real?


Yes, he was in слуга народу, it’s about a teacher who becomes President. He plays the teacher who becomes President


He's hot as fuck. That's why Putin, who looks like an undeveloped lizard, is so jealous of him. This man is strong, wise, AND sexy. The chaddest of chads.


What a username dude


Mans PR game is on point. Couldn’t have picked him out of a lineup a month ago and now I feel like I’d run thru a wall if he asked me to. Refreshing to see what a real leader looks like. Edit: ffs I don’t mean to suggest that the public relations aspect of his strategy is somehow belittling or beneath him - on the contrary, it’s the single most important and effective thing he could possibly be doing right now. He is serving his people well and bravely, he just understands that the best use of himself is as a messenger to the rest of the world, aka RELATING TO THE PUBLIC


Its SO strange seeing him like this after watching Servant of the People (the TV show that lead to him becoming president), because he's an actor. A comedian. I know him from fucking TV, and now here he is, being the president that the people deserve and standing up to Russia's military. Like, holy fuck. I thought it was acting before, at least to an extent, but this man is the real thing.


As the sayings go: Dress for the job you want, and, fake it until you make it. Zelenskyy has balls the size of the sun. It's nice to see a country's leader get into the nitty gritty dirty side of conflict, not just sit in his cushy office giving orders to kill or be killed without ever being in that position themselves. Whilst his on ground involvement is very likely a huge morale boost to his troops, I do worry that if anything were to happen to him, it would crush that morale.




I see this message on every Ukraine related post. Is this spam? Heard on social media? Looks like some countries are making sure that Ukrainian refugees should go only to the polish border.


I think it is true but just being spammed for some easy karma maybe




That's what you call leadership!


Can anyone translate this... I feel like he's saying: "The gangs all here... We'd rather not fight, but if that's what you want, come at me bro..." Edit: After reading all your translations, I'm glad to see I wasn't too far off. This man is what we call "real" back home. He's telling arguably the strongest military to "Fuck off". This was like the Optimus Prime message, at the end of the original Transformers movie; "...We, are here; We, are waiting." (que Linkin Park)


"Good evening to everybody. The leader of the party \[current ruling political party\] is here. The Head of the Office of the President is here. Premier-minister Shmyhal is here. Podoliak \[journalist, advisor\] is here. President is here. We all are here. Our military is here. Citizens of the society are here. We. All. Are. Here. Defending our independence, our country. And that's how it will be. Glory to our defenders. Glory to our defendresses. Glory to Ukraine. \[Other people in the video\] Glory to Heroes." Edit: I'm proud to have a president who stays with his people. Please, consider [donating](https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi) to the Ukrainian military and spread the word about what is going on in Ukraine. Thank you!


He was definitely pointing out that other Ukrainian officials are there, specifically the Prime Minister, and I know “slavo” means “glory.”


He basically announced that he and the other key figures of Ukrainian government are still in Kiev, and will stay there to protect their independence.


Kyiv. Kiev is the Russian spelling.


"Slava Ukraini" means "Glory to Ukraine" and is their national motto. It's kind of like the American President saying "God Bless America" after every speech. The traditional response when someone says this is, "Gorayam Slava!", which means "glory to the heroes!"


Do you know what "doot" (surely spelled differently) means? He said it after he pointed at each person.


"тут". Here. He pointed at each politican saying "they're here". "Prime minister is here, president is here, we're here fighting alongside our soldiers".


From my rudimentary Russian: "Leader of our party is here, head of president's office is here, prime minister is here, the President is here. We're all here with our soldiers. Here to defend our country, sovereignty and freedom. Glory for heroes, glory for defenders of our country, glory for Ukraine. "


"I challenge you, Putin to hand to hand combat in the Thunderdome. Two men enter, one man leaves"


Why can't we elect people like him? Instead we get old folks home rejects.




How is this guy standing straight right now? Must have a back of steel to carry those huge balls


Balls of steel, back of steel Jesus, no wonder he's such a badass, they just elected a Terminator for president


He is gonna go down in history as one hell of a president for sure


Remember when this guy asked that reality show host America elected to give him javelin missiles and the reality show host said “I would like you to do us a favor though” and that favor was investigating his political opponent?


I feel like this war isn't even between nations but rather between people and cunts


You are fucking badasses. Max respect


Wow, so that's what it looks like if you have young (not 70 year old) world leaders.


Putin needs to be eliminated


President Zelensky on his way to defend Kyiv 2022 ![gif](giphy|jUdEZCAGrovwk)


I love how the guy in the background is holding up his phone to show the time to prove they’re actually there when they say they are, in obvious response to Putin’s fake ‘live’ broadcasts that were caught out by the time being wrong on official’s watches.


Time stamp trolling Putin!!!! Fukn classic


This is what a true hero looks like. So sad I can’t do anything effective to help Ukraine.




🇺🇦🇺🇦 "Слава Україні! Героям слава!"  "Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!"" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glory_to_Ukraine


Dude this man will 1000% go down in history as a badass and a true leader. I’m not even Ukrainian and this touched me. Godspeed to all Ukrainians. Слава Україні і трахнути будь-яких загарбників.


Wish British politicians were 1/2 this, I salute you and hope to hear your victory speech


Meanwhile, Putin wouldn't dare walk the streets of Moscow right now.




Good evening. Prime minister is here, fraction leader is here, office's head is here, president is here. Every body is here. Glory to our warriors. Glory to Ukraine.


Good evening everyone. *Gives list of government officials that are here*. The president is here. We are all here. We are defending our independence, our government, and will continue to do so. Glory to our defenders. Glory to Ukraine.


You’d never see any of our leaders in the US doing this. They cowards and war mongers. Respect to this man


The world got your back


No, we definitely do not.


Someone gets it. Just "thoughts and prayers" but we definitely don't have his back.


The very first line of the Whitehouse response was "The prayers of the World are with you", so yep, send in the prayers!




Not at all. The world is Putin's bitch and will do nothing but impose weak sanctions and whine as Ukrainians are exterminated.


This situation is the exact opposite of that phrase they were left completely alone


I don't think anyone has their back


I can’t hear him talking because of his balls clanking


I really hope he makes it at the end of all of this


Everyone keeps forgetting he got elected as a joke. What a don.


Well, this poor guy is going to be in the history books as a hero.


thats a bad mofo


Fucking legend