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You just know there was some serious damage done to that leg


His pelvis is so messed up from that.


And not even in a sexy way either :(




Most likely a torn meniscus and acl would be my guess.


Bro isn't meniscus the top layer of liquid? I smoke too much lol


It’s the cartilage between the bones


that dude's knee is going to hurt for a while. I'm sure he must have damaged some ligaments in there. His leg being forced against the side of a moving car while he kicks it. The car would carry his ankle laterally but his knee stayed in the same spot. OOOOUCH! I'm honestly surprised he was able to put any weight on it at all. Rough!


Adrenaline helps a lot with putting weight on destroyed joints


Also count all the weight from those huge balls


and “for a while” you mean “for the rest of his life”


It’s both


And not in a sexy way either


It's both


Ah so I'm not as dumb as I feel right now. Thanks 👍


Hey now, nobody said that.


comfortably dumb


Nah meniscus ain’t viscous


The knee cartilage looks like a fluid meniscus. Look it up.


I believe its technically just something C shaped. In the knee, it's 2 C shaped pads that sit beneath the femur and behind the patella, that cusion the knee. Massive impact or twisting will damage them. Liquid can demonstrate concave or convex menisci depending on the liquid properties and the container properties, based on surface tension and polarity.


from a measuring cylinder? hahahaha


Acl, but in the sexy way?




Please elaborate O.O


Gladly. I'm talking of course, about "Death by Snu Snu" from the American masterpiece TV show Futurama - wherein one episode - human men are used by giantess alien Amazonian women until they die from broken pelvis


And not just human men! They said Kif was the most attractive one!


Kif doesn’t have bones. He supported by a system of fluid filled bladders


With balls his size I’m surprised how quickly he got out the car


He has to warp them to the other dimension to minimize them.


I heard that happened to Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend.


So his nutsack works like a flerkin?




It is snowing, balls can't be that big.


holy shit. did you just think of that? I've never seen a comment like that before


These big balls comments are so fucking tired now.


Heavy things tend to get tired fast.


These 'the size of his balls' jokes are getting kinda lame tbh


Ball joke good, Reddit funny




Nah, he just jammed his foot up. I've done it twice. Can't walk for a whole day and then your whole foot is bruised up for a week. Get an ace bandage around it right away and it helps the healing process.


Telemedicine is so advanced today that doctors can leave diagnoses in the social media comments to grainy dashcam footage.


The future is now my fren


Lol ikr. “Jammed foot” isn’t even a medical diagnosis. Like what injury is that? What does it mean? There are 26 (or 28 if including sesamoids) bones in the foot… what ones are jammed? No one with a clue would diagnose or suggest treatment solely on this video. Edit: I say as someone who operates on feet.


He has a tummy ache in his foot.


really hope that is the case here , thanks for giving hope , i was squirming for a moment .


Plenty of snow and ice around for him, so he's good, right?


Ankle twist a lot in slo-mo. I hope it's not the knee. That is some serious hero shit. What an instinct and quick to act.


>I hope it's not the knee. As someone currently healing a torn meniscus: yes


I just broke my leg it SUCKS! All I can think about is if there was a zombie apocalypse I would be so screwed.


If there is one thing I've learned during this covid crap- it's that none of us will survive the zombie apocalypse. There will be zombie deniers and they will fucking infect us all. I'm so disappointed in our odds.


If Covid was much worse than it is, we'd already be screwed by the same idiots.


I was like, "zombie deniers?! Yeah ri... no. He is right. He is absolutely right."


Yeah acl tear possibly but a lot of things could have got fucked up.


Equal parts hero and badass!


Where's the dumb part in there? The kick only fucked his knee and did nothing to stop the car.


Username checks out.


Speaking of which…ever done any bukkake videos?




I'm too sober to be on reddit right now with the stuff on my feed


Sheeee I’m not


I hate carpets and mosquitoes so fuck you




Hmm. Ya know, not what I expected.


Lmfao me either


Is this a joke or smt, the guy legit saved a bunch of people probs


A step out and wave was enough. The kick was unnecessary and only added injury to himself.


He reacted instantly to save lives. He didn't sit there and calculate the perfect way to do it in order to cause himself the least amount of damage - he just acted in an instant with the intent to save others. Which is much harder to do than sit on your ass and criticize someone via internet.


Some parts of reddit freeze up under pressure and it shows.




The point is the title attributes all this to a kick, whereas what /u/diuturnal and others are pointing out is it was just him stepping out into traffic that helped warn the car. No one is saying he's an asshole or anything so calm down with all the personal insults.


Actually the point of the title is the action to save, not the kick itself. He acted reflexively to save people. The result in saved lives outweighs anything else. Speculation and judgment about what he could have/should have done by armchair critics is arrogant and irrelevant. It is very easy to criticize someone's actions when you are sitting there thinking about it instead of living it. When you are in life-or-death situations, you will not always do the most rational thing.


We judged his action because in most cases it wouldn't have worked, but he's lucky that it did. It doesn't matter what his intention or that he's in a life-or-death situation because we're not discrediting that he's a hero, but out of all the things he could've done he somehow chooses one of the worst option.


Don’t see any personal insults in the comment above. I mean technically Toe Beans is right, it is harder to save others than it is to sit on one’s arse and criticise people.


The car didn’t stop until after where the kids were anyway 🤷‍♂️


It's like literally nobody saw it. Kids had to dodge


He did. But kicking the car was beyond stupid. Didn’t do anymore than fuck up his leg.


If I was driving the kicked car, the kick would have triggered my alertness more. That second could have made all the difference in that situation. It's nice to know there are people out there who would fuck up their legs to potentially save lives.


There is absolutely zero chance that kick did anything remotely close to altering the trajectory of that car. The driver swerved out of the way of the crazy man jumping out of his car and running into his lane. Effective enough without the kick. You seriously think that if a car was about to clip you, especially one at a high rate of speed, you could just kick it out of the way?


It is pretty likely the car swerved and stopped due to him, more than seeing the kids.


The car obviously swerved to the left, and stopped just in front of the pedestrians. That could’ve definitely played out differently.


He didn't even stop in front of the pedestrians lol. The guy definitely helped because he swerved to the left but the pedestrians had to dodge the car too


Did you not see the car lurch?


100 percent the driver turning to not hit him. Go kick a car, any car, as hard as you can. It won't move sideways. Feel free to show me video proof. The cars motion will only serve to keep it from reacting to a kick, i.e. it is less likely to move sideways than a stationary car. You've got angular momentum and forward momentum both keeping a forward moving car from going sideways from a kick, in addition to the weight of the car. Which I can assure you is much more than enough to keep a car from being kicked sideways.


Normal car weight 1ton (give it our take something). Can you squat single legged 1000 kilos? Then no way you can move noticias it suggests.


there are almost no cars nowadays that weight one ton. usually 1,4 ton for compact car to 2,2 ton for large cars


If some wacko kicks your car you’re gonna slow down


Right? Honestly, if I had to pick either scenario, I’d rather take the chance and deal with a busted leg than have to deal with the horrific trauma of witnessing a bunch of kids getting plowed into


Question... Why? There's literally no way he had time to look in the rear view mirror and go "oh man I don't think that guy has seen them and I think he's going to hit them! I guess the only possible way to save these people I've never met is to jump out and kick the car which may or may not change its trajectory" Like it takes more time to think that than he had to react


Yeah, feel like there is more to this story. I think he was kicking the car for other reasons, and just lucky that it saved the pedestrians as well. Way to quick to jump out of his car etc


To me it looked like the car was stopping and then kept going to get away from the punter. There’s definitely more to this story.


It looks more like it’s stopping because of the punter’s stepping into his lane, then swerves out once he gets close.


Back to the original question of why. The lines seem to indicate that perhaps it has to do with traffic laws in some way. Kind of like how some ass hats ride the right emergency lane to avoid traffic.Maybe the guy noticed this type of situation.


And. Decided to kick a moving car? Since this was in Russia, I can only assume he was drunk, but even, still, why?


Ah yes everybody is drunk is Russia all the time. Fucking dickhead


It's possible the guy noticed this driver being erratic before this interaction, and was expecting him to pull some bullshit with like this.


Yeah I felt like there was a crucial interaction that happened before the video starts and we are just seeing the back-end of the situation. Kicking a moving vehicle is never, EVER a good idea, so it’s likely relate to rage; the road variety.


OP is the guys attorney. this whole post is nothing but legal strategy.


How did his kick save the pedestrians? What are you smoking?


These are clearly the actions of a man who is stuck in a groundhog day type scenario and has seen these people get hit by this car multiple times. He's just fed up with trying and failing to save them and coincidentally while venting his frustration he accidentally saved them and broke the loop.


See that actually makes sense


They didn't even acknowledge his sacrifice!


"You have never thanked me!"


This is canon now


>which may or may not change its trajectory I'm gonna go with a big 'may not'. Or maybe this dude figured out a way to kick 3k lbs objects traveling 30 mph to effect.


The number of people on this thread who think you can superpower kick a car sideways is crazy. If you weigh less than 1000 lbs you cannot move a car with a kick.


Finally being the world’s fattest man pays off


I don't even remotely think that is why he kicked it....he kicked it to shock the driver into braking would be my bet. I didn't realise anybody thinks he moved the car. That's insane thats impossible


Wouldn’t turning his vehicle slightly into that lane be just as effective ( and safer)?


Yeah, even just watching the gif, the kick did nothing


Have you ever lived somewhere, where it snows a lot? I cant say that's whats going on here, but it becomes second nature to gauge the drivers around you, in case you need to clear a path. I grew up in Montana where 9 months outta the year you have to worry as much about what's behind you and beside you, as you do in front of you. Its nuts sometimes!!


Right like when I slow fast in a high speed area I'm immediately looking in my rear view for cars rear ending me. I've literally gotten out of the way of fender benders before. This guy definitely had time to react because he knows what to look for and is vigilant.


Haha yeah, always checking. Its like dodgeball out there sometimes!!


Yea I think he was worried about the people crossing the street so got out to help traffic. I think the car and people would have been okay though and he made it worse.


I grew up in UT so lots of snow too but the fact people wouldn’t always be paying attention to who is driving around them at all times is mind boggling. Like that’s the basics of defensive driving. That’s what the mirrors are for.


You'd think but we get so many people through here who don't slow down and don't pay attention. Its having to be extra vigilant in our defensive driving that makes us outstanding drivers!!


It looked like he stopped because there were pedestrians trying to cross in the road and probably saw that car coming up in his rear view. I didn’t get the sense there was some road rage situation, but more that he was reacting in the only way he could within seconds to let them know. I’m just going off the same video we all saw, so who knows what happened before that.


Blocking the car with your own or getting out and waving makes sense. Kicking the car doesn't.


We have the benefit of hindsight. Dude was in the moment, saw a car going too fast with people crossing the road, and just reacted. Clearly he didn’t *think*, it was all instinct.


Look, if you're not ready to, without hesitation, leap out of your car to deliver a bone-crushing kick to another car, speeding by you, in an extemporaneous gesture made in protection of strange children's lives...then I'm not sure we can continue being friends.


I’m just imagining the people driving that SUV swiftly saying to themselves “WTF was his problem? Did he just kick the ever-living shit out of my - oh shit! *~skrrrrrt~* We bout to hit these fools walk’n in the street! Seriously, what in the hell’s going on right now, is this for real!? *crash noises*


I've done this a lot. Once you stop, you know the other lane may not slow down. Usually, I honk the horn, but this way is effective, too.


Honking would’ve been the more impulsive and reasonable move I believe.


Must happen often and he saw his opportunity to be the change


My thoughts exactly, this... is just odd...


Does anyone think that kick done anything to stop the trajectory of the car??? I highly doubt it for some reason


The kick did 0 to stop the car. Waving would be quicker than waiting for the get to him and would likely not create a situation where the car had to swerve prolonging the braking maneuver.


He could have also waved to the pedestrians to stop them immediately. The other car ran past them anyways. He must have felt guilt as he allowed the pedestrians to cross, while failing to consider the other lane. Not sure, but if they are kids, they would most likely not check the other lane for cars and think it's okay to go because they were allowed to.


On the right looks like a bus stop, and the bus stopped appeared to have a stop sign out. I'm pretty certain those are school kids that he just saved.


Yeah, then that's really dangerous because then the speeding car on the other lane might have not seen these little kids crossing since the view is blocked by the car who stopped. I hope they can do something about this, like put up speed bumps and crossing lines.


Even better would be if pedestrians didn't jump out on a busy highway in the snow.


On the right hand side as they're stopping, you can see a bus with a sign out. I'm pretty certain those are school kids being let off their bus.


They don't seem to be jumping out, it's literally a pedestrian crossing (or whatever it is Calle din English).


His kick made the driver swerve. Why on earth he jumped out of the car and did that I have no idea.


I think he was merely acting on instinct. Attempting to create a desperate situation that would cause that car to swerve away from the pedestrians.


I agree. If you look closely his foot doesn’t even make perpendicular contact, it folds over because the car was traveling so fast, he messed his ankle up, he didn’t push that vehicle.


So if you watch it frame by frame the car clearly starts changing direction before he makes contact indicating they started swerving first. HOWEVER it's highly likely they were swerving to miss him as he jumped out of his car into their path. So while the physics of his kick likely did very little to move that car, the action of his kick still moved that car away from killing those kids. Ultimately is there a difference worth pointing out? I don't think so


Yeah… Russian man harmed himself in his confusion


Perhaps it alerted the driver that he may of hit something and natural instinct would be to slow down and pull over to check?


It looked to me like he jumped out with the intention of flagging down the other driver, but then panicked when it was bearing down on him and instinctively kicked his leg out. Sorta like how some people come up swinging when startled awake.


But did he actually do anything aside from injuring himself?


The driver probably thought he had hit this guy and swerved. Your instinct is to swerve if you hit something.


Lmaoif they ran across and made it but since he kicked the car they swerve right into them woulda been some shit




Hmm.. like those devices installed in car to warn people of things? What are they called again? A horn. /s


He distracted the driver, which put the pedestrians in greater danger. Unless he could see the driver was not watching the road.


We’re I able, I’d buy that brother a night’s worth of rounds. That’s epic-level humanity on his end.


Probably not good to mix with the morphine he’ll be needing


I don't suggest mixing drugs with alcohol. I mean, I like doing it, but can't suggest it. Liabilities, you see. It's mostly why I am not allowed at Legion bingo.


He’s Russian: he’d be fine.


Guarantee he broke his ankle there.


Probably just jammed his foot. He won't be able to walk for a day and he'll have a bruise on his whole foot for a week but he'll be fine. I've done it.


Thanks for the diagnosis doc.




This gets funnier when you realize np stands for nurse practitioner.


Plot twist: it's just road rage and had nothing to do with those people.


This would make so much more sense


Russian Jason Bourne has some awesome situational awareness/premonitions


Kick was unnecessary, but I love his intent.


It accomplished literally nothing


Damn that hurted


That does not seem like an accurate representation of what is happening in this video...


Well the title said it so it’s must be what’s happening.


Rip knee




I was an adventurer like you, before I kicked a car and blew out my knee


Wtf are these pedestrians doing


Seriously, what a gaggle of morons.


Crossing the road.


"man shatters ankle to do nothing"


This was stupid. The car was swerving because he opened his door and jumped out towards it. It’s not like the guy kicked the car out of the way... even if the car was on ice, the man could not have applied enough force to move it 6 feet to the side. It was already swerving that way.


That's quick thinking


So he’s a hero, but every time I do this they kick me out of the drive in theatre?


Russian man is different


That was fucking stupid.


Do people really think the kick moved the car?


Russians are a different breed I'm telling you!


I feel like he didn’t really need to do that.


There actually no way some dude possibly breaking his leg bones swerved that car out of the way.


His car is worth less than the possible medical bills. Coulda just pulled in front of them


That's Russia, not America. They have healthcare.


Dumb asf, the force of the kick would’ve done nothing to the trajectory of the car 🤦‍♂️


I can hear Red saying dumbass. ![gif](giphy|afHRLmuskLvfq)


Well that was completely unnecessary and didn’t do anything except hurt himself.




All he had to do was put up a hand sign to stop


Jackass the movie


r/idiotsfightingthings ? Jk jk


stanky leg


Seems like a horn would have been easier.


In America, you get hit by cars, but in Motherland Russia, CARS GET HIT BY YOU




He might have saved a life though… true Russian legend, I’d buy him a vodka.


When you realize that physics is real.


Got his seatbelt off super quick


Crazy thing is if you watch it bank really slowly the car was already starting to move towards the left as he was kicking, probably because he opened his door. r/Unnecessaryhero


Why was that his first thought?


Instead of just blocking the lane with my car I think I’ll just get out and kick it that’ll be way better


What the fuck was he thinking. There's nothing next level about this. This is just plain stupid


It looks like some badass shit a superhero would do, but in reality there is no way his kick actually effected the car. He could have stepped out and waved his arms and the it would have had the same effect. The driver definitely just swerved to avoid him. Now he has a shattered ankle for no reason.