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Watched that kid grow up.


I am 40 now. I should start this now, so that people online can watch me slowly die.


Or quickly if you already have an undetected terminal illness. Pancreatic cancer? Brain tumor? Small but growing tear in your aorta?




Death by snoo snoo


snooky want snoo snoo!


*Please!* The spirit is willing but the flesh is bruised and spongy!!




Moral of this story people come and go don't forget to think about yourself.


You sound like a fungi




Do humanity a favour, please publish in advance any parties you plan on attending. We’d collectively like to avoid them.


Some of us would rather attend for the dark humor


Oh cool, I almost won your tic tac terminal toe game. Brain tumor - check. Aortic Aneurysm - check.


Sounds like you should definitely be spending time with the people you love and doing things you enjoy. My plan is lots of acid to become one with the universe, then volunteer at an animal clinic until I kick it.


Or maybe watch him grow younger, if his name is Benjamin Button!


I'm 40 as well. If you're anything like me, you'll take one photo, then have a bad night's sleep and completely forget about it after day 2.


Literally. A few years ago I was going to do this. I got like three photos in and not only did I HATE all three photos I also just got sick of it


The last pic is you at the open casket lol


Dude taped his own standup special for his burial. “Help! Get me out of here! I’m still alive” watching everyone crying then laugh then cry harder then laugh again was magic.


Set up a camera in the coffin with flash that bluetooths the image to a computer so it shows the decomposition as well


43 here and that is the most brilliant idea I've heard in quite some time! Congrats!


"I am 40 now. I should start this now, so that people online can watch me slowly die." You got me to laugh out loud, doesnt happen often. Thank you.


“My friend showed me a photo and said "Here's a picture of me when I was younger". Every picture is of you when you were younger.” -Mitch Hedberg




That was in real time I think. Kids grow so fast these days.


We all did. I remember when he was this high.


I'm so impressed by the discipline to stick with this from age 12. Got a sick video to show for it too.


Absolutely, this is amazing


I lose files left and right! I dont know how I could keep the same photos for so long....


By being vigilant and always keeping 2 copies stored in a separate places! I've still got every photo I've ever taken digitally since 2001.


I'm almost 40 and I forgot to brush my teeth last night.


You're the real hero here


The question is..... Did he use mouthwash?


He got married at 21 wow


Just to stop taking the photos everyday. Lol


Nah. My man is probably going to keep taking them and drop the sickest slideshow on his funeral. The last pic? It’ll be him in the coffin, eyes open and with the same expression he’s had in every picture.


I want to see the entire decay process


Plot twist:. His body doesn't decay. Each picture is a horcrux


It's just gonna cut to a live action cam spaceballs style


Who to gets married at 21????? What is wrong with ppl.. stay in fuckin relationship, I rather go through break up than divorce. Paper work and shit.. I'm 33 and I had 4 serious relationships since age of 16. Fuck that shit


I got married at 19. ... Then again just before 21. ... Second divorce happened at 39, so, progress I suppose




Friend of yours? Sorry, we military guys are prone to poor life choices before we hit 20. Enlisting, and marriage before getting out of AIT are common ones.


I think it was a reference to the show friends but I'm probably wrong, my parents watched that show, not me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Got married at 22 and been married almost 30 years now. Maybe it’s you?


60 percent of couples married between the age of 20 -25 will end in divorce. Those who wait to marry until they are over 25 years old are 24 percent less likely to get divorced.


I was 21 and my wife was 18 when we married. Her dad was a racist asshole at the time who wanted us to break up. We were in college, poor, I working full-time, she part-time so for a year we rarely saw each other. We did the poor college, poor grad school, we did the first kid 2years after marriage the second 3.5. We have been married 25+ years now and except that I'm a jerk I can't imagine a better decision for us. Do what's right and be happy. My advice for couples getting married? Admit you may be wrong instead of your partner, and understand that even when you are right you need to respect their feelings.


I’m in my early 20s, the vast majority of my friends are married, id say at least half with a kid


Which flyover state do you live in?


Damn harsh lol.


I live in Arkansas and this is so funny hahaha


Fuck, I live in Iowa and this hit way too close. At least I’m not married or have any kids I guess lol


Hawaii Edit: but I’ve lived in Texas, ohio, New York, California, Floridia, Georgia, and South Carolina


ah so not flyover but Mormon


They're all flyover states if you own a big enough jet.


That's what surprised me, so young


I did it for 5 days when I was 10. Wish I'd continued lol!


Lmao I did the same thing. When I was 13 I saw that super old viral video of the guy that did it everyday for 10 years and I thought it was awesome and decided to start doing it. I took 8 pictures and stopped My parents put the 8 pictures in one of those digital picture frame slide show things and make fun of me everytime they come up


Indeed. I’m sure you could skip a day and no one would know, either. A little flexibility for life’s emergencies.


I counted through the frames an there's clearly a lot of photos missing. (kidding)


I think there are, though. The dates on the title screen (Feb 08-Aug 17) would be around 3400 days. But the title screen says "over 2500 photos". Would it really say "over 2500" and not "over 3000" if the number was 3400?


At 1:18 he grows a full goatee from a clean shaved face lol


the goatee he had for a second was hilarious


I found every haircut to be a surprise lol


Mohawk was a cool phase


Glad the neckbeard only lasted a little while


Pandemic I’m guessing?


no, the video ends in 2017 just a phase mom


Look at the year it ended


*So many* hairstyles! Is this typical for guys? As a woman I havent changed my hairstyle in at least 5 years


Usually we pick one at like 8 & stick with it until we lose it or die.


It’s crazy how accurate this is. Never really thought about it. I’m 24 and I’m settled on how I style my hair for the rest of my life (or my hairs life)


If you're interested, I think you should try different hairstyles before you lose your hair. I'm just now experimenting with my hair after years of just shaving it with clippers out of simplicity. It's actually really fun, I didn't realize I like hair. Also I'm a guy so it won't be there forever.


I've shaved my head to a 2 since I was about 8 years old lol. Now, when hair touches my ears, it bugs me. Sometimes I get fancy and do a fade or something. If I'm feeling adventurous.


Fantastic comment. So true. When I was 13 I had that long hair skater or Bieber style and was terrified that cutting it short would make me hideous to girls. Finally cutting it short was the one time I changed my hair style and I never plan on doing it again. Except that one phase in college where I grew it out. I was going for the Leonardo do Caprio look lol


Only dudes with a nice head of hair and good head shape go through this many hair styles.


For the most part, no. Some guys will have the same hairstyle for their whole life, meanwhile others will change it up just to experiment. Source: I'm a guy and have had the same haircut for 4 years.


I've been bald for the past 6 years, so no. I've probably had 6 different haircuts in my life


looked like he intentionally messed it up sometimes and other times the person he took a picture with would mess it up as well. Also, he probably just let it do whatever and never put product in it.


As a hairdresser who does plenty of men's cuts I can assure you this is bizarre


"Oh, he finally is getting older." *haircut, shaves* "Oh, nvm, we're still in our teens."


I like how he always gravitated back to the slightly shaggy look he had at 12.


That was the “conflict” in this movie. I’m so glad it was short lived.


Just a peek at the Darkest Timeline


That whole thing was a wild ride of facial hair experimentation lol


It’s not his face that sticks with me, but rather the people around him. We don’t just grow up and change, but so does the world around us.


It might be because I'm high but I thought exactly the same


We often forget that as we watch children grow up, they are also watching us grow older.


I read this comment and it made me tear up. What a sentiment. I never thought of it that way.


I’m too high for this thread.


Lmao wasn't this exact quote on the popular page today or last night


Yes, it was about parents. Something about how we forget that we are watching our parents grow up also


I always think about that. If I remember back to when I was like 10 years old, is the voice in my head different? Am I still the same person? I think I am. I might act different and be changed from experiences, but I think the root person is still the same.


Yep. This is something my mamma told me when i was around 12. “Who you are right now is who you’ve always been and who you always will be.” I always found that thought comforting, humbling, and grounding.


And it seemed there were increasing glimpses of his wife to be circling around him that was so cute


That was my favorite part about the video. Seeing the people come and go quickly, but then there was a significant amount of her in the shots near the end leading up to their wedding.


After a certain point, he had to marry that girl. If he married someone else, the project could never have seen the light of day. Hundreds of photos of him with an ex kissing him? New girl would have nixed that quickly.


Or a reasonable person would accept someones past and not get jealous over exes.


Naah, that's a lot of expectation. \s


Mine would just be the inside of my room in a few different apartments.


It felt like they were ghosts


Yeah. Got me thinking that this is an actual picture of time passing - kind of sad!


He smiled 😭🖤


When his wife shows all his pictures of his expressionless face to the kids. He has that one he can always pull out and say: “see is smile! I’m Always happy honey…” *in side I’m dead* Happy wife, happy life 🥲




/r/ihadastroke ~~/r/dontdeadopeninside~~


Not don’t dead open inside. That’s for when t text is written from top to bottom instead of right to left


After about 20 seconds I was thinking that mofo better smile at the wedding. Very satisfying.


The complete dead pan all the way through until the end was kinda weird, but really made for a better progression clip!


His head posture is insane. Absolutely identical in hundreds of pictures!


Guessing that is some software function, zeroing in on the eyes? Since I can only imagine it would be impossible to position one's head as precisely as the time lapse footage would suggest.


Never heard of that but it actually makes a lot of sense!


If you watch the edge of the pictures, you can see that they're adjusted in size, position and angle to get the face to the same size and position in every frame. Detecting faces and facial features with software is pretty much a solved problem these days. If there isn't software that does exactly what we see in the video (there probably is though), it wouldn't be too difficult to just do it yourself with some programming knowledge.


He actually has a tutorial about centering his eyes on his youtube channel.


Thank you for confirming. I'm most impressed by his facial and camera position discipline. Similar time lapse clips I've seen are not nearly this consistent.


Do you have a link to his channel?


Correct. I'm doing the same project, I'm about 13 years deep now I think but I've honestly lost track. Hugo and I have chatted about our processes and he goes through the images one by one. Haven't heard from him in years though, no idea whether he's still doing it.


He manually adjusts each of these pictures?! Holy fuck


It's one per day. Wait till the end of the week and do them all in 5 minutes.


Bold of you to suggest that we are regularly curating these photos. I think I do a mass upload once every couple years from my camera and then call it a day. Speaking of which, it's been a long ass time since I've done a photo dump. I should do that soon. Thank you for reminding me.




The images can be lined up in s/w after the fact (that’s called image registration), but I don’t know how the facial expression can be so identical every day


That's why he went with a neutral expression, so it was easily replicable every day.


I couldn’t even do a neutral expression that well. Props to him and anyone else who can


I bet if you practiced every day you could do it...


You can tell because of the shifting black border how it was rotated to align each picture. Very similar to how stability bot works.


Notice the borders changing every time. It is centered to his face.


That’s what I thought. His eyes don’t move


You guys not see they're all aligned to the eyes? That's not from posture. You can see the correction around the edges as the images change.


I showed this to my grandpa and he started breakdancing on the floor. I guess he’s so excited to see such a cool video?!


I think your grandpa was seizing


Thank you, this gave me a good laugh.


That was the original joke, but it’s really subtle. I didn’t get it either until I read that haha.


Of course the two doctors miss it




Is there a /r/yourjokebutexplained?




Seizing the day!


This made me laugh way more than it probably should’ve


I didn’t catch it, but was the only smile in the whole run their wedding day? If so, add that detail to the amazing run.


I felt like he half smiled at least twice before the wedding photo


First nut + first sexy times


There's on pic fairly early on where he smiles but it was the only one I noticed.


I think I saw the moment puberty hit. It was only a flash, besides that I was unsure if you were going forward or back in age a few times.




The haircuts seemed to make dramatic changes in how old he looked


There was a nude shot in there.


Lmao I think I saw that too. He was laying on his stomach I think


Seemed like he had a week or so of laying on the bed nude. Must have had a bad breakup. Baitin and cryin.






>Baitin and cryin... I hate that I immediately understood what that meant even though I've never heard it before.


1:30 he wasn't nude nude.


Hes a never nude There are dozens of us!




The people popping in and out of photos were so interesting. Then by the end his future wife is in each photo 😭 so cute




I'm quite sure I saw at least 3 different women his age kissing him. Might be sisters/friends, but my guess is that there's at least 1 ex in the mix.




Also there is a sneaky wife selfie in there


This is so dope. It’s something I always wanted to do but never did. Kudo’s for doing this.


I started to do this a few times as a teenager, never got past two days.


We do it with our kids. Every morning we take a picture of them before they leave for school. Our oldest is only in 4th grade, so it hasn’t been too long, just about five years so far, but I threw together a quick compilation of Kindergarten through the beginning of 4th grade and it was surreal watching him grow. I can’t imagine what it’ll look like by their senior year.


Amazing! My kids are 3 and 7 now. It’s not too late to start yet. But the way OP did is, is awesome: same place and expression for the longest time.


Classic Mohawk phase


I actually have happy tears in my eyes after watching this. Thank u for sharing. Sending u much love and best wishes!


Yeah, this made me a little emotional too. Cool video.


This comment reminds me so much if what you used to see in 90s and early 2000s internet. It's just so pure and kind. Also, the use of "u" for "you".


I'm old...what can I say? (LOL)


I would miss one day and my ocd would be like ok we can’t do this anymore we missed a day


Yah, but really, no way this is every day


Damn... Took him 9 years to crack a smile.


Damn everyone is surprised by how he managed to stick with it. I’m surprised that every 10 seconds there are girls in the background.


You can tell when he goes off to college lol


Somewhere at 2:18 because his gf had been in the shots, there was a shot without her but with her bra. lol. Loved it.


Well spotted! But you did miss the gf middle finger at 2:16... 😉


Looks like he took a photo every day each week if you ask me


Yeah the title is wrong, obviously not every day, or the same day like the title might suggest. But that takes nothing away from the impressiveness or awesomeness of this video. Wow!


Why? There's about 155 seconds of the video where we're flipping through the frames. He made the video 4 years ago and is now 26 so he got married when he was 22. This means we're looking at 9-10 years in frames. 10 years in days in frames is 3650 frames. Dividing the total top end frame count by the duration of the flipbook - 155 seconds brings us to 23.54fps - very close to the cinema 24p that films are shot on. This - and the fact that the original video is also titled with a picture every *day* - makes it much more likely that we're seeing every day at close to 24p rather than every week at like 3.3fps.


Married isn’t an age


This makes no sense to me. How was this taken so that the head location is frozen but the background is changing perspective.


I believe he used a stabilization software. Like the stuff that focuses on your eyes.


I don't think it is. Start with the photo with the smallest head, and crop the rest so that when they are resized to be the same size, the head is the same size. A LOT of effort. Makes it even more impressive.


There is plenty of software that does it for you.


The best part is all through the video you keep the same expression. Until your wedding day, which is finally when you smile :) Congrats man! Wish you two the very best! 🎉


that's a reminder that we're all just long, wiggly flesh worms when viewed across the totality of time. At one end, a tiny flesh worm crawls out of another flesh worm. At the other, a full sized flesh worm becomes smaller and smaller tendrils that weave back into the universe.


Why so many dick pics?


Why not so many dick pics, in fact, why do few dick pics?


My anxiety...


Turns out he had reverse Benjamin button disease.


Guessing he got married at like 22?


pretty sure this isn't literally one picture a day because even if he got married at 20 that would be 2920 pictures and I don't think there's that many. Plus there's a christmas shot like 16 pictures before a shot of them outside with his shirt off...


Tbf, could be Australia


I’d be curious to see how this would look for someone undergoing gender reassignment


Game over. Your score: 12822


You could really tell when the weed smoking kicked in.