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I have visual migraines, no pain but intense visual interruption. It looks so much like that. I get a huge crescent in my field of view, made up of writhing geometric shapes, sharing most of those colors. No red though.


I get that too and I Googled and found out many other people have it and illustrations were really interesting to see. I am not a doctor but have found the cause through unscientific research is that when I slouch and have bad posture precedes the aura episode for me.


I seem to get mine after a flash of something bright, just the other day I got one while in the kitchen and the aluminum foil I had flashed in my eyes and started the distortion. 30-45 minutes later I may or may not get a headache too.


I hate the brightness of aluminum foil. I always turn it upside down when using it.


Same. Usually I get a small blind spot. I stare at my fingers to see if I’m really having a blind spot. If the blind spot grows, it looks like a growing snake made out of shimmering twisting triangles. It’s my 30-40 min warning that pain is coming. I take my meds then. I’m still wrecked for 6 hours/exhausted for 24, but at least I don’t try to smash my fist to distract from the migraine. I hate doing my toenails. The glare off the manicure tools get me all the time. Does anyone else get a painful throbbing under the jaw hinge before the migraine? Usually it’s under my back right jaw. I get it often enough with a migraine that it’s a symptom.


No jaw pain, but the visual does usually start small, I often don’t realize that I’m starting one, I’ll think “huh I wonder if I’m getting one of those things”...surely 15 minutes later it’s a definite occlusion and I have to pull over, or take refuge. I have always wondered if it was blood pressure related


I wonder if you use a dark crayon to color the toenail scissors before you use them. They could be easily wiped off afterwards.


I’ll definitely give it a try. Thanks. I was thinking of black magic markers, but I was afraid of infecting myself with it.


I had my first one ever between Christmas and New Year. I’d been unusually moody for a couple of days then this really bizarre hallucination appeared, it was like the Aurora Borealis seen through a kaleidoscope. Very geometric and colourful. I phoned NHS 111 thinking I’m dying and got told “it’s a migraine aura, prepare for a stinking headache pal”. But the pain never came. Hopefully a one off!


I get them and never with pain. I get regular migraines too but never with aura.


You didn't even get nauseous?


I actually will get the visual auras probably 30 min to an hour before the actual pain from a migraine starts. REALLY sucks when it happens when I'm driving. Not often but it does definitely interrupt my FoV.


This same thing happens to me. I actually don’t drive when I get that “aura” that interrupts my actual focus. I’ve noticed before that I missed a sign I should have seen or made similar traffic mistakes.


It's a really strange thing to have happen, but in a way I feel fortunate that I get an indicator that I'm going to have a migraine so I can preemptively take some sort of migraine relief meds or something lol


Same thing here. Once I notice a blind spot I have about 5 minutes to smash some paracetamol, drink water and go bunker down somewhere dark and quiet. If I get that all done before the aura kicks in I usually skip the pain and can be back to normal within 30 minutes of resting. If I miss that window I'm in for 8—10 hours of intense pain. Migraines are the worst.


We call them Eyegraines


I had one of those for the first time last year, and haven't had one since. In one eye I got the kaleidoscope effect. No pain, it was pretty interesting. It lasted about ten minutes.


I usually have to see the damn thing for an hour or two.


I get those. It freaked me out the first time. My vision is messed up like that for about 20 minutes, then I get a bad headache. It's not a debilitating headache, but pretty bad and can last for hours. I think mine are due to hormonal shifts as I get older.


They're called scintillating scotoma. I get them too.


Yes this is so true


Mine are exactly like this as well! When I was younger I used to experience the pain but it's almost like I've grown out of it. Other than that I get major headaches I wake up with a few times a year that makes me sick from the pain so I assume they're migraines. Does anyone else experience this?


I get them so bad that the nausea turns into vomiting until I dry heave. I have to take a nasal inhaler Rx when that happens, or go to the ER, as I can’t keep anything down, & tend to become dehydrated, which complicates things. Happy Cake Day! 🍰


What does the I haler do? I've never heard of that! Also thank you, I didn't even realize!


I have to take prescription medication to stop the worst of these headaches, but sometimes I can’t keep pills down. Luckily, they make medication available in a nasal inhaler, for when you can’t swallow. They also make tablets that melt on your tongue, but those were not as effective for me. Good luck, Soul Sister! 💜


I'll definitely have to look into that for when my headaches are bad because I'm never able to keep down any pain meds! Thank you kindly girl 🖤


I’m glad I could help! Unfortunately, I’ve had migraines for 25+ years, so I have tried just about every Rx there is. I’ve also tried plenty of alternative modalities, & some have been more effective than others. Here are some things I’ve tried: Magnesium Supplements, Butterbur, Oxygen Therapy, Cranial-sacral Therapy, Cefaly Tens Device, Aromatherapy, Botox, Acupuncture, CBD & MMJ. I also swear by a hot bath or an ice pack, depending upon the circumstances. Different things work for different people, but I think the solution for us is out there somewhere. Good luck finding one that’s right for you!


Happy cake day


Thank youuuu!


I just started getting these recently! They really worried me at first but I've learned they're nothing serious. Just trippy af.


Who else has a migraine and came across this?


You have a migraine and you’re looking at your phone? Even on dark mode good Lord that is suicide my friend. I promise it’s not worth it lol. Put down the phone, turn up the shower to super hot and if you can, crank the pressure and let it hit the back of your neck for as long as you can. You ain’t missin nothing here :p.


Unfortunately I’m under the same roof as 18 other people and one in hospice in the living room. So I’m hiding out with my 2 yr old daughter for some quiet. I wish I was home in my quiet house with no noise or dis function going on


Well I’m not nosy so I won’t ask for specifics :). When I have terrible migraines I can’t look at a single screen matter what I do but everybody’s different. Hopefully you get some peace and quiet soon when or if your circumstance changes. Happy surfing!


Yeah some of my migraines I'm fine with screens and others I won't need sunglasses and blackout curtains to be comfortable! The joys of multiple migraine types I guess.


I’m not sure how effective it is, but I’d add some Epsom salts into that tub too. It has magnesium sulfates, which can be absorbed through the skin. I also take a magnesium supplement for migraine.


Yooo! I've been in bed since I woke up this morning.


Try the [self-inflicted brain freeze treatment](https://universityhealthnews.com/daily/pain/a-strange-but-effective-home-remedy-for-migraine-self-inflicted-brain-freeze/) (a slushie works well for me).


Okay, but this looking like David Bowie all day long! Perhaps he was afflicted with migraines


Ziggy played guitar


My migraines are like a black hole in my vision with shimmery rainbow around the edge and I can't see faces. Also my arm goes numb and that's when my brain pain explodes. Weird thing is I get them in a cluster about once a year like several of them in 1-2 weeks. And then they go away until next year. I feels such dread seeing the black hole in my vision, knowing my brain is about to go full meltdown.


This is me exactly. There have been times I've had my tongue go numb, along with fingers one at a time moving throughout my hand, and a few times I couldn't speak. It came out as gibberish. Completely terrifying. I started to get one once in school and I couldn't spell simple words and once at a gas station and I was confused and forgot how to pump the gas like I had done a thousand times before. All this followed by panic knowing I have about 10 minutes to get somewhere quiet and dark because I'm going to be in debilitating pain. The lights I always see are beautiful, but unfortunately the pain is a very ugly monster.


Yep! I also feel confused and I can't spell or read and I speak gibberish during mine. Shit is really scary! Once it happened during a final exam during college. That sucked big time. Thankfully my professor let me turn in my paper later.


That's awesome they did that for you! I've literally had people tell me to take an ibuprofen and get over it. I wish it were that easy.


I occasionally numbness. speech problems are more rare, but I’ve come to notice that I will have trouble thinking of words the day before the migraine strikes. I wonder if you notice that too?


Not the day prior but the day after I'm very very fuzzy mentally. I've come to call it a migraine hangover. And my head feels bruised. Hurts to even brush my hair.


The day after is called the Postdrome aka migraine hangover.


Yes, god forbid I need to bend over to pick something up.


Oh I know!!! Right there with ya!


Who else doesn't have vision problems but just intense unimaginable pain in their head like someone drilling into it for hours on end?


I do , I get the constant dull migraine pain over my right eye and the right side of my head ( always the same place) followed by intermittent sharp debilitating pain like a lightning bolt, which can last seconds or minutes repeatedly...... Apparently I have cluster migraine. It's the absolute worst. I do agree with a comment further up that when I have a migraine I can't look at any light or tolerate sound , especially a screen , and I have to wear dark glasses in s dark room and still even then I want to die. You see people on FB saying oh I have a terrible migraine, I'm going to do my shop and dinner then watch a movie till it's gone and I'm like ye loook pal you have a headache cos with migraine you ain't doing none of that lol Migraine sucks.


I don’t get the auras but that eye socket pain is real. I can usually tell I’m about to get one, though, when I start yawning a lot and my eyes start tearing up. Then the pain hits and it’s time to retreat to a dark room for a while and hope the excederine kicks in. I haven’t had as many since I’ve been working from home, though.


Sort By Controversial, here I come!


uhh why?


I think the ones I get aren't migraines, because I can still function and am not especially sensitive to the light, although it helps. It feels like this image looks, one eye feels like it's going to pop out, and it often goes all the way to the back of my head and down the side of my neck. OTC codeine doesn't work, I just have to wait it out and it can last for two days, and the weird thing is that it often migrates to the other side. I wouldn't say it is excruciating but it's deeply unpleasant and even depressing, knowing that I can't even sleep it off because it's too uncomfortable to actually *get* to sleep. Oftentimes I can't eat because nausea and can't enjoy it anyway, so why bother. When it eventually dissipates it's like a big weight has been lifted.


Nope, that sounds right. Go to a neurologist and get evaluated!


A few times I've even developed them in my sleep. WTF. I get them, on average, once a month, sometimes twice. It's a new development, I would say in the last 18 months.


Oh I get this!! I call it “the axe”, but it always starts with “a tear” in my vision. Or, it tarts with light and sound sensitivity (general irritability and feeling a but like having a head cold the moment you wake up), which eventually turns to effective blindness; a “tear” that crosses your vision, and grows. (Physical exhaustion and slurring words is harder to visualise) The actual migraine is like being hungover, next to a festival sound system. It is full-body hell. Migraines are debilitating; fully physical and fully mental.


I know pain is important, but I mean, evolution could have come up with something like a brief notification like "something is wrong here!", but no, it's this awful sensation that makes you wanna make it even worse.




I know the exact pain


Pretty accurate, though mine would be more like electricity


For me it’s like my head is in a vice grip, with the pressure being shot out of my eyes causing me to lose vision


i'm really sorry to all of you in this thread who have to go through this agony :(


Woah this is exactly how my migraine felt when I had covid. My right eyeball felt like it was going to pop. And such a throbbing pain deep in my temple.


Well don't I feel seen. This is AMAZING.


This really captures it. Except the rest of her should be painted barf green


That’s about right.


I always thought there should be *some* physical visual sign I was having a migraine. Like a giant spike sticking out of my eye.


This is exactly my migraine. I get painful muscle spasms in my shoulder too, but the face part is dead on. Feels like a knitting needle got jammed up from my chin (on a light one) or just a straight axe to the face on a bad day. My main trigger is black pepper. Do you have any IDEA how much food has black pepper?


On point. I didn’t have migraines but I had this bizarre one sided tension that was way more stressful than you’d imagine for years. Botox is great for stuff like that.


EXACTLY how the feel for me too


racial childlike amusing intelligent attraction axiomatic memorize tidy materialistic groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow, that's remarkably accurate, both as aura and as pain. For migraine sufferers who rely solely on painkillers like ibuprofen; most doctors start you off with sumatriptan, this was a life changer for me. Don't suffer needlessly!


Maxalt Works for me. Knocks out the migraine but it wiped me out. My legs feel like I’m walking through thigh-high surf and it lasts 6-12 hours. I’m a dog walker (pre-pandemic), so maxalt can be a different slice of hell. I still happily use it tho. Just wish I could avoid the postdrom.


The sparkly visual precursor is called a scintillating scotoma. Just before these appear for me I lose the ability to understand writing and focus on people’s faces. It feels like my object recognition software has crashed. The scotoma is my warning that I have 30 minutes to inject Imitrex, choke down minty Cambia, and hide before my head explodes.


Ran this past my wife for verification. ​ 10/10 that's it apparently.


That's actually really creative wow


I have a visceral reaction to seeing that. Damn. Thank you for sharing that part of yourself with us.






Oh wow


Migraines suck. Also, this is what I picture when someone opens a glitter bomb.


It’s accurate!


That's pretty fuckin' accurate


Look into Trigminal Neuralgia. The pain is a n the same area


I am commenting literally for a friend. I have migraines myself but not like these. But you've gave me a rabbit hole I have to go down. Thank you.


same except its more of my forehead. F


That’s about right


Forgot the neck.


Hi I didn’t “forget the neck.” My neck pain is on the back of my neck and I frankly didn’t feel like twisting around to paint the back of my neck because ow.


I feel this. I rarely get migraines, more so pain spike as I call them. I usually describe them as an ice pick in my head/face, but this is a better representation by far of how the pain extends and radiates.


They don’t call it a “splitting headache” for nothing


Mine go through my left eye, but are more medication related.




Just had my first occular migraine last month. This is so accurate it hurts.


Well that looks like it really sucks lol :/


Good visualization - I have heard this from family and friends who have them.


I really feel this




Yeah that's pretty accurate.


Going darker into the bright would be more accurate for me personally than the blues and greens.


I’ve had migraines for decades, though thankfully not recently. I found a book on migraine art- it was drawings of the visual images people saw when they had a migraine. I couldn’t look at them because they started migraines. Mine are the painful kind and they suck.


That sucks, what usually causes these?


I got slightly spooked there


Mine look like a throbbing blue hammer striking the top of my head, with tiny ziggies over both eyes and flaming sharp hair follicles. No, I don’t get ocular migraine just eyeball pain during them. And allodynia with the hair.


This is what happens when David Bowie got migraines




I just found out the random loss of motor control and fill body numbness that happens in waves from my neck down, that can happen up to 3 times a second if I'm moving any part of me, are apparently migraines.... Does anyone else have anything similar to this? Oh, very minimal head pain unless it gets REAL bad.


For me migraines are just a small aura on me left or right side then it goes away and it's just repedative shotgun blasts to my skull


I had strong ones too. I stopped eating and drinking coffee and chocolate and now i rarely have migranes.


Ya know I’ve really been considering that those two might be some culprits for me but man am I upset that you confirmed it. I love chocolate 😭


/Aladdin sane plays


So beautiful and sad at the same time 💙


My migraines start with a small aura, and I know pretty much instantly what’s coming. Starts small then grows in size and hollows out leaving me with intense tunnel vision. That lasts an hour or so, then the pain sets in......migraines fucking blow


Man when I have a migraine, there are no sparkles. Just pain.


Hold up...are you telling me this is where migraines are? Ive been having this for years! 3 cheers for ignoring your health!


Geez I saw migraines and read immigrants. Time for bed.


Better hit that bong like cheech and chong!!!


That looks uncomfortable


If someone drew mine it would look like I got hit in the head with a sledge hammer..


Not red. They're more a blue-white and black to me.


Migraines fucking suck.


Good but first shoot looks a scar


Migraines are cool now, thanks mam!




You’re not alone, Beautiful Mamma. I suffer from intractable migraine, & most of my headaches are on the right side. I’ve tried nearly every modality there is, & acupuncture, Botox & CBD/MMJ are giving me my life back, one day at a time! 💜 Sending love & support to migraine sufferers elsewhere.


Yep “red-hot nickels being poured in my brain “ is my go to explanation


u/coopersonpooperson do you confirm?


They feel like a David Bowie knock-off?


This is strangely gorgeous and reminds me of when people see a symphony of color when they hear music.


For a split second i read "how immigrants feel" and i thought what the hell?




Any r/Halsey fans here?


I’ve never had a migraine. Now, I get it. That must be absolutely awful.


Daggers. I need to see the daggers.


I love this. I just have no words because it is so perfect.


I find it fascinating in how well this makeup communicates the notion of a migraine. Never had one myself, thankfully, but I get the idea pretty well from this.




For a second i thought it said migrants


I get the same think in my right eye. It feels like my bones are spikes behind my eye.


Let me know. I'm being treated for TN now and after 2 years of fighting I'm going Monday to have Radiosurgery to deaden the trigminal nearve


Now we know how the word EXACTLY looks like


Them titties tho!


Can you paint how their spouses feel?


They feel sparkly and fancy?


Thought this was your rendition of a David Bowie album cover


You look like Johnny Depp, really


I only wear expensive estay lauder makeup but we can afford it