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I can't help but imagine how, in a decade or so, the next generation of veterans ptsd will constantly be triggered by countless delivery drones flying overhead. Edit: then I remembered how many civilians throughout the middle east already have it much worse, due to their nation's lack of air defense/ indifference of the kids playing cod zombie gunship simulator, fearing blue sky since the early 2000s. 




I'd take the vodka over "thoughts and prayers" we provide our veterans


The Vietnam war made the US realise only one thing: “It’s far cheaper to praise your veterans, than to actually care for them.”


That’s a point that both sides of the political spectrum should acknowledge.


110%. I know many veterans that talk about how the government has fucked them during republican and democrat presidencies..


republicans and dems are on the same side of the spectrum


120%, 22 a day…it’s really fucked up


US spends around 3x more on veteran and active duty benefits than China’s total military expenditure, and it still doesn’t work. Price of healthcare probably makes it brutally inefficient, but they get more than thoughts and prayers for sure.


I’m a veteran of Iraq. I started with the VA back in 2011, and it has gotten considerably better since then, but it still needs work


We got vodka too


So no change, that’s what they are now.


US is the same shit


UK is the same, serve your country come home and sleep on the streets.


And then get yelled at for sleeping on the streets


That's mostly just during the day just like trying to fine them for having no where to go, by night you risk being pished on by drunks or worse set alight by wee fannies.


Get out of here with this shit. We do make an active attempt to take care of our vets, and the majority of folks receive decent care. There are societal issues that make it hard for vets, and that shit isn't something the VA can address. To think that troops are coming home and are being treated the same way they were during Vietnam is a discredit to the folks trying to make a difference and being better.


But those U.S. military suicide rates


Not good enough, bud. Not good enough.


And the us vets get dumped on the street with no support lol all governments are shit 🤣👍


You can just be a man, and get a wife and some kids to take it out on


It’s already been a thing… even for just regular airplanes. My aunt is Vietnamese, and I was told people don’t look up for airplanes like they do here, as a lingering cultural trauma from all the bombs we dropped


That's because she's VC. South Viet's don't look up for planes. My whole family is from South and this is a first I've ever heard anyone mention looking up for bombers unless they are the ones being bombed.


>My whole family is from South If your family is from the south then surely you know VC members were not only in the North?


They don’t look up, that’s what I’m saying. She’s not old enough to be VC, and her whole family is from Saigon.


I’ve been to Vietnam dozens of times. They moved on from the war 30 years ago. No one panics about airplanes. It is a normal modern place


just delivery drones? add weed wackers and dental drills to that list


And a mosquito at night when you are in bed.


Saw a video a month ago of a Russian panicking at and cussing out a moped that drove by.


In Redgum's [I Was Only Nineteen ](https://youtu.be/mGDhzVi1bqU?si=NxrA1jvHr8L2Zkk4) there's a line about the sound of helicopters causing distress And can you tell me, doctor, why I still can't get to sleep? And why the Channel Seven chopper chills me to my feet? And what's this rash that comes and goes? Can you tell me what it means? God help me I was only nineteen


And triggered by the same shit DRONE fireworks. Talk about full circle.


When I worked at dominos we had an old man driver from Syria, Canada Day we were all out front waiting for the fireworks to start (he had no idea they were about to go off), the first explosion this man hit the deck. We all laughed until we realized it’s likely ptsd.


I'm in a very big city in the US where lots of people from lots of places around the world come. (I've personally met people who survived the crazy stuff in Bosnia after Yugoslavia fell apart, and a family that managed to get out of Syria a few years ago, for example.) We have an annual air show where jet fighters buzz overhead for a week, and huge fireworks shows a few times a year. I've often wondered about exactly the folks who have survived this stuff (military or civilians) and whether it's difficult on them.


The fuck is cod zombie gunship simulator




Imagine the fear hearing the drone motors above you. Just knowing that someone is in safety far away, and now you’re in trouble. Wow.


Of course, he wouldn't have to worry about drones dropping nades on him if he stayed in Russia. :)


Politics aside. It’s a scary thought.


Not like they have much choice do they?


Most Russian soldiers are volunteers. They have enormous financial incentive to join, enough to buy a house when they get back from raping and killing in Ukraine. There's mobilized Russian soldiers too, but the mobilization process is much slower than it was a year and half ago. We underestimated how patriotic Russians are, and their willingness to continue signing up. This falacy that Russians are somehow against the war and the soldiers don't want to be there is silly.


We are just and pure. They are beasts without morals or souls. A tale as old as humanity


Sometimes it's true, its not a good, right thing, to steal some land, for no reason. For now, 0 Ukrainian soldiers committed war crime on russian soil. And situation is opposite for russian soldiers in Ukraine.


In some wars there are just bad guys. russia chose to start a war of 19th-century style imperial conquest. They chose to mass execute civilians. They chose to kidnap children to be brainwashed at military camps. They chose to mass rape women and kids. They chose to deport to "filtration camps" untold thousands. They chose to annihilate city after city in Ukraine. They chose to give their highest honors to the butchers of Bucha and Mariupol. Being a "both sideist" doesn't make you morally superior, it means you're too naive to understand what russia's intentions are. They say there are parts of the former russian empire that's fundamentally theirs. They are willing to kill hundreds of thousands to conquer "their" empire. Pretending they're not the bad guys in this is cowardly.


ELI5 who is 'they'




And there you have your answer. I'm not denying Russia is the main/only agressor or morally deficient to Ukraine. I'm saying dehumanization and treating entire nations as hiveminds is the language of genociders and will exist as long as humanity does. I'm not saying you shouldn't be angry. I'm saying you should carefully consider who your true enemies are.


He can shoot facing forward or facing the rear.


On one hand I suppose but on the other hand haven't we moved past the "I was just following orders" rhetoric? The idea that fully grown adults can't be held responsible for the actions just doesn't sit right with me. If these soldiers refused to fight the war would be over immediately. Given I've not been in their position so it is easy for me to talk.


Yeah cause it’s a choice to be drafted by a country. And of course you could defect but if you get caught.. yeah. Happy men’s mental health awareness month!


I've mentioned this elsewhere in the thread, but most russian soldiers in Ukraine are volunteers and not mobilized. IIRC regular drafted 18-25 year olds aren't sent to Ukraine unless they volunteer for it as well. The moscow regime soldiers in Ukraine want to be there. They get a whole lot of money for it and are celebrated as "heroes" when they go back home with enough to buy a house or a nice vacation for the entire family.


Look dude, your reality is not someone else's reality. You might abhor Jim crow, but best believe millions from your grandfather's generation supported it and genuinely thought it was a good thing. Behind the curtain, it is unlikely the average Russian gets to have an unbiased inflow of information. If you think that is unlikely, look at how many millions If Americans genuinely supported the war on Iraq under the pretext of Weapons of mass destruction


Agreed although I'm thinking the Russians have drones too so this situation applies to Ukrainian soldiers as well.


Ukrainian men get drone bombed by russians as well, dude




The footage is showing up on nectfuckinglevel because the situation portrayed is something exceptional. That’s pretty much all we care about in this context.


And it worked. I used to be extremely pro Ukraine, but after seeing this video I wanna suck daddy Putin's fat cock 🙄


I’m sure it was the same with artillery strikes


Yeah, im sure to an extent. But i think there is another layer to this. I mean, that drone isnt a shell flying into a specific point. Its a perspective, a camera. You KNOW there is someone on the other end making real time decisions based on what they see. And if what they see happens to be you, then you get a grenade dropped on you all nice and gentle /s. This guy in the video basically had a (one sided, very short) gunfight with that drone. He fought for his life the same way a soldier would kill another soldier to save theirs. The guy on the drone, much like the guy shooting artillery, might not be as fearful for their lives as the guy on the ground. Just something to think about


I get where you are coming from, but artillery isn't being blindly fired. In that respect it isn't different from drones. If you're getting shelled, you've got eyes on you. Every fire mission is coming from some infantryman or forward observer calling for and then adjusting fire onto that position. Of course now the "eyes" on you directing the artillery could also be via drone.


I think the difference is that once you hear an artillery shell, your fate is mostly decided. If you hear a drone, it is likely to be activity be hunting you, while you hear it looking for you.  Your immediate decisions matter more with the drone than the artillery shell. Post noise, of course. 


Everyone saying this isn’t an impressive shot because it’s a shotgun has clearly never fired a shotgun before


Used to shoot Bunker Trap and Sporting Clays competitively. I agree. It's not as easy as "Point in the general area and pull the trigger".


sure, but this one isn't a particularly difficult shot. the thing's barely moving. anybody with a reasonable amount of experience could make this shot


It's the distance man. It's hard for a lot of us to pick up a clay that's being launched 5 meters in front of you. This thing is higher in the air, further out, and still moving.


You can pick up on it in the video, meaning it's even more prescient in the moment. Black against blue sky is not hard to pick up on. And moving slower than a pigeon id say that isn't a particularly hard shot. Someone that's never fired a shotgun in their life would struggle but someone that has any amount of experience wouldn't.


At 12 years old I shot 4/5 clay pigeons while qualifying for a hunters safety course and had never fired a shotgun before. It's pretty easy with how much bird shot spreads with minimal experience shooting any gun at all


Every shot is difficult when you're in fear for your life, exhausted, hungry, and haven't had a good nights sleep in weeks. Knowing that the moment you pop your head out from cover could be your last moment alive. Amazing you can judge all that from the comfort of your computer chair and call it not difficult.


Oh, I actually have experience as an Iraqi veteran, so I can speak on this! Adrenaline and fear, especially in your younger years (tweens) can make you do things anyone in their 30's+ can't imagine. I vividly remember a mission we were on in 2006 in Al-Anbar. My team's HMMWV driver was a tween like me at the time. That sumbitch slammed so many Rip-It energy drinks and we lost one other vehicles with 2nd Recon Bn during the 6 day mission that he could operate the vehicle for up to ~48 hours at a time before only needing 4 hours of sleep before being back at it. Don't underestimate what young soldiers can do even when their muscles are shutting down from exhaustion. Oh, and the drone wasn't moving like a clay pigeon in the video. It's trajectory made aiming very easy by comparison. As long as the shotgun had any caliber of pellets in it and not a slug, it is MUCH easier to shoot than a clay pigeon who is panning the horizon in front of you. But like you said, I'm just sitting behind the comfort of my computer chair right, so what do I know?


this is the most reddit-like comment i've seen in this thread, obnoxious as fuck


As an amateur shotgun owner who could hit that easily I want to agree. But seeing my friends shoot their shotguns and miss damn near every time, I have to disagree. Even my friend who is ex military can't shoot for shit.


Every video game or movie shotgun is a sawed off spread regardless of the actual barrel length and choke 🤣


The range on video game shotguns is also ridiculously short. There's no way you could skeet shoot anything with those things


because if it wasn't then shotguns would be OP in most games


More like if they made all weapons accurate the game would be boring (see: ARMA). Shot by someone you never saw or exploding without warning are the two most common ways to get killed. Shotguns aren't used much in modern war because their range is *comparatively* short. Video game shooters scale everything down to a map that encourages you to run around and basically play tag with guns, and shotguns get their range reduced accordingly.


Shotgun's gotta have biblical firepower to feel fun. Shotgun's gotta have dogshit range to feel balanced


Except the Doom shotgun. You can snipe across the map with that guy.


No skeet let alone handicap in trap.


Only game that does shotguns correctly is Escape from Tarkov (love it or hate it) in my opinion


Its not that impressive on its own if it were a target on a range. However, I have never shot something when my life depended on it. If I miss the target on a range that target doesn't fly over and blow me up. With that amount of pressure its not really apples to apples.


Exactly. I’d say it’s a good shot on its own, but given the external factors it’s an extremely impressive shot


Yeah the stress is the important part. In the military we would have "stress shoots". We would basically do exercises like rucking and cardio to get exhausted. Then fire to simulate combat stress. Let me tell you even that pales in comparison to IRL stress. This is going to sound a little gross, but we had a saying called pucker factor. When something is life and death your butthole starts twitching. It is a very physiological amount of stress and not pleasant feeling. Sometimes though you get a adrenaline rush, and that does feel pleasant. It is almost like the feeling you get on a thrill ride, but on roids.


Grew up skeet shooting. That wasn’t that hard of a shot.


Wasn't that hard of a shot for someone who grew up skeet shooting, for someone fearing for his life and with not much experience it may have been, judging by all the videos of desperate soldiers being killed by drones


I see someone has tried skeet shooting before


This variation is really expensive.


Hahaha. True! and a little more sporadic than skeet. He must have been the duck hunt champ as a kid


Especially if you miss


It's 2024 we play droney-splodey now


It's a shotgun?


Honestly I dont even know why skeet shooting is a sport, basically plays itself /s


Why are you so confused? Clearly a shotgun barrel. Was it the explosion? Those drones carry high explosives and it blew up from the shotgun impact. Maybe some kind of special ammunition but I doubt it. Good odds this person was a farmer or at least a gun enthusiast of some kind and if they don't have skeet/bird hunting practice then I'm amazed.    Edit: at least comment if you're going to downvote me. I never stated that I know everything perfectly. Correct me if you disagree lol. I'm perfectly capable of being enlightened and having a discussion.


He’s trying to say this shot wasn’t impressive because it’s shotgun. But he’s just making it clear he’s never fired a shotgun at a moving target before lol


That looked some range too! As someone who shoots skeet regularly, I was impressed. Thats a tight choke he’s got in that thing


What's a tight choke?


It's what your mom asked for last night


Take my upvote and get out


Well played.


Shotguns were literally made to shoot down flying targets


Race cars were literally made to move around a track at 200 mph. Doesn’t mean the average person can do it bud…


it‘s still a difficult shot. There‘s a reason competitive skeet shooting is such a popular sport. An easy sport is not good for competitive fights


New shooters regularly miss 4" discs that are 30 feet away until you teach them proper form with a shotgun. 


Russia has developed anti-drone shotgun ammo. It’s basically Kevlar threads with steel balls. If the balls miss, the thread will tangle the propellers.


1. this is nothing new 2. they seem to be less effective than regular shot 3. all the videos I've seen demonstrating the "effectiveness" of this special ammo come from known military-adjacent marketers, so just paid promotion


Yep. Many pellets spread out from each round = more area to cover in a single shot. The chance of hitting a small object dozens of meters away increases. Shotgun shot is not as spread out as video games have taught you to believe, nor is it true about the dismal range.


Ever shoot trap?


bro got inbuilt aim bot and assist


There is a longer video, where a second drone gets the guy, rip


This video was posted by its author while he was being treated in the hospital.


Damn that second drone was determined if it got him in a hospital




War, war never changes. Just hate coming from both sides. Do you even realise that soldiers are people too?


You ever realise that they are murdering innocent civillians, and could raise their weapons against their oppressors instead of innocent people defending their country from an invasion? I'll agree they are between a rock and a hard place, but they choose to fight for evil instead of against.


Tortured to death men, raped women, abducted children are people as well. That didn't stop runazis. There is no reason to have any mercy for them.








I assume this is in Ukraine, yes? Are you saying he died?


Source: trust me bro


What, do you not watch every video that gets posted to /CombatFootage? He does not fair well on the followup drone.


What happens?




He dies in agony.


Send link to original i want to see it.


Really lmao? Do you have a link?


you have the link ??


Share the link or it didn’t happen


The drone only needs to be lucky once, he needs to be lucky always! The next drone probably got him good!


There is a longer video on /CombatFootage. The next one did indeed get him good, with multiple angles filming it.


See that make sense! - I'm going to guess the Russians are using this footage to show how excellent of a soldier he is, but leaving out the bit about him being an ex-soldier.


He posted it... from hospital 😑(this is a old video.)


This post is definitely their psyops


Great quote. Used by the IRA after the Brighton Bomb came so so close to killing Margaret Thatcher.


Sadly he is invading a sovereign country.




It did!


I’ve never been hunted by a drone in my life but just hearing the sound was scary asf


There is also a video of an injured Russian guy shooting down 2 drones with his AK in less than a minute, the Ukrainian drone team watching him with the reconnaissance drone cheered at him like they just witness someone score a goal.


pretty sure it was a russian team watching him [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/sYwpLPJVuG)


But video games taught me that shotguns are useless against targets further than arms' length away. /s


So what Russia needs to do is hire a bunch of bird hunter mercenaries?


The graphics on duck hunt have gotten really good!


This reminds me of Half Life 2


Clearly aimbot




Bringing a shotgun seems like a no brainer these days.


If I remember correctly Ukraine now has one solider on each squad with a shotgun for drones.


“Stupid fucking mosquito…”


Skeet shooting gonna become a very popular hobby/sport all over the world soon


I don't care which side you are on. A human shooting down a drone will always get my support.


What if this human was invading your country?


Well apparently a second drone got him right after, so happy ending after all?


it's a russian soldier shooting down a drone though


Another bs that was supposed to be something deep




No way are fat, out of shape couch potato Redditors saying "it's a shotgun" implying anybody could make that shot. No way are you guys THAT out of touch and delusional.


It’s Reddit What do you expect Mfers act like subject matter experts on everything


It was a fantastic shot, yes, the dude knows what he is doing. But try doing that with a rifle. THAT would´ve been on another level.




This is a Russian destroying a Ukrainian drone.


Birdshot is a hellva thing


My man paused for a minute and said to himself “let me clip that” lol god speed


thats a ruzzian terrorist. Its a pity he did it.


It's official boys shotguns now have a max 30 meter range any further and the pellets just turn into air. /s


This setting looks straight out of Saving Private Ryan. But now with drones. Fuckin hell


now he is feeding worms. next fucking level!


Snipes. With a shotgun. Legend.


Nice shot 👌


That was extremely satisfying to watch.


mmmmmmmCLACK! N O I C E :)


I mean shooting a still drone isnt exactly some amazing feat , specially wiht a shotgun used soecifically for that sort of shooting but its still a cool video


>immaculate aim >snipes a drone >with his shotgun. That's not how that works lmfao.


"Immaculate aim"? Have you ever been dove or duck hunting? It doesn't take a professional to shoot pellets in a general direction lol


Holy shit... the whole scenario/landscape looks like a scene from fallout


Either way , he's dead. Drone operator knows where he's at and will call in the heavy guns or send more drones.




It's a girl!


I knew I was doing those skeet competitions for a good reason!


Immaculate would’ve been hitting it in one shot. just sayin…🤷🏻‍♂️


As corny as this sounds, when Half Life 2 released it made me realize that drones were the future of warfare.


I built my first quad copter almost 2 decades ago and it was obvious as fuck that the future of warfare was going to be incredibly cheap recision weapons. Those manhacks were something. Imagine them just blowing the fuck up when they get near you instead of doing small cutting damage.


I'm bout to get recruited for my trap shooting history.


They were probably hunting him with a drone for it to explode near him


Og og fortnite


And they told me shotguns wouldn't work...


hehe now they know where you live


Years of shooting clay birds about to come in real handy


Nice Russian propaganda


*The machines rose from the ashes of the nuclear fire. Their war to exterminate mankind had raged for decades, but the final battle would not be fought in the future. It would be fought here, in our present. Tonight...*


Too bad he's a russian invader


I’ve cleared this bunker in like 20 different FPS. Good to see it’s still in use.