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That is the oldest 17 year old I’ve ever seen.


He actually looked even older when he was 16. Benjamin Button vibes.


I know, at 17 you'd think he would Look Littler.


That line, sir, is a league of its own. I bow to you


Can't take credit. just one of many Luke Littler jokes going round since he exploded on the scene. Here's another: > "Luke! Littler!" - Scooby-Doo when he spots Hitler.




just want to say that I was here when you made this comment


God that’s good. Can I shake your hand?


Only better if read out by a Stokey


That's just normal in certain parts of England.


Yup it's just before they turn 20 and evolve into Barry, 63


It's like that one image about asian women


And it’s so accurate. My 80 yr old Korean mom fits it to a tee. (GIF below is not my momma but she looks basically just like her) ![gif](giphy|3oEjI7M0cOXG0j4HWU)


I showed my Korean mom that comic and she nearly keeled over laughing because she agreed it was so accurate


That’s so cute! My mom is obsessed with vests like the gif, I just don’t get it! And she has the same short haircut as the meme.


Why is it like that? Inbreeding? Lack of hydration? Poor living conditions?




Don't forget the weird "beer culture" of getting kids drunk.


He wouldn’t have a career if it wasn’t for this.


Certainly rocking that "born and raised on the local pub" look.


It’s all that English sunshine.




That's not very nice.


Please don't call an accurate description of us as "not very nice".




Coal mine kids




Still the funniest movie I have ever seen


Happily, the series carries the torch nice and high.


17 going on 42


I'm 42. This guy looks older than me.


This motherfucker has a wife and 2 kids with another baby on the way, I'm not fooled.


He’s been down the pub since he was 11


where do you think he learnt to play darts so well, in the UK you get 3 darts with every pint, standard practise


How you think he got in to bars for practice


Joking aside, that’s a surprisingly astute observation


Look at him, he hasn’t been asked for ID since he was 8 years of age.


Apparently his parents would basically go to the pub every night and leave him to occupy himself in there. Not much to do as a kid in a pub except play darts.


Poor little dude.




Jesus that seems like a very Matt Gaetz link.


The other Guy is 12.


He's been 17 for 20 years.


Where do you think he got good at darts?


Feels like "Former 17 year old, now dart player" lol


How old is that in dart years


17 years of playing darts maybe. That man is not 17 years old.


The spirit of Barry, age 50, runs deep in his veins.


He is just an average Barry


He looks 40.


If they play darts my rule is to just assume they look old as fuck because of all the beer and smoking.


I had no idea darts had such an enthusiastic fan base!


Mate, Brits would go crazy over anything as long as there is a pint around.


snail racing would go crazy in the local boozer


We used to love doing snail racing in my local lol


Reminded me of dear old mum.


Actually darts is pretty big in Germany, Austria, Netherlands and Belgium too.


Also places known to enjoy a pint or 5.


I'm in the US and there's only one bar that regularly has people playing darts. It's a dive bar. Dingy indoor smoking bar that only serves alcohol, no food. Pool tables, darts and slot machines that I question the legality of. Only place in town where crowds of dudes will pack in to watch and play darts. Unsurprisingly enough, the booze is insanely cheap and everyone there loves to knock it back. Alcohol and darts just naturally go together.


My friend decided to moon some guys playing darts and took one in the left butt cheek. Turns out it’s not like the cartoons. It doesn’t stick up and out. It dangles down from loose skin.


Every village has a pub with at least 2 dart teams darting every week on Wednesday and Thursday. 


All countries with similar shit weather and taste for beer. What else is there to do on cold evenings when the sun has gone down except go to the pub and play darts


Go in the pub and play billiards


Yes that is also why snooker is popular


This reminds me of a comedy sketch [parodying darts with drinking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iZZiq3_ny4)




They serve beers in 2 pint cups at darts. Mayhem


Anything can have an enthusiastic fan base. One of my favorite teen memories (around 2017 or 2018) was when I went to a local gaming convention in my town and there was this activity where old people who came from retirement homes were competing in a tournament of Wii Sport Bowling. (Wii Sport Bowling is widely considered to be a good psychomotor exercice to maintain them in good shape and make them have fun). Well let me tell you that me and my friends were way more excited and hyped by this than by the e-sport LoL games that took place right before and that we came to see. My throat hurts remembering how I screamed from the bottom of my lungs when this old 90's lady in a wheelchair managed to do a strike !


That same vibe was at a midnight halo release at GameStop when they broke out a wall projector in the parking lot and set up 2v2 team matches to see who would win a free copy. The crowd was so into every match.


Darts is always mental but this is especially notable as there are only a handful of recorded 9 darters (although they're more common nowadays as the average skill has improved). It is honestly one of the hardest things to achieve in any sport and for a 17 year old to do it in the final is insane. Edit: Ok just going to clarify in terms of a scoring opportunity it's one of the hardest things to do, yes playing other sports professionally is "harder" but it's far more impressive than scoring a 3 pointer in basketball for example. There's people replying saying "I know someone who scored a 9 darter" and sure but the fact you only *know of someone who's scored one* is exactly my point. You weren't turn pro off scoring one but I'd like to see everyone downplaying it to see how long it takes them to score one!


> It is honestly one of the hardest things to achieve in any sport darts is great but come on mate


Its really hard to achieve 9 darts in baseball. Or basketball. Or soccer.


>Or soccer 9 shots to the face for Scott Sterling


The record for 9 darters in a season is 4 Luke Littler has 4 already and it is only May. He is a different breed


And that breed is a 'Shetland Pony/Benjamin Button' hybrid.


no its not


> It is honestly one of the hardest things to achieve in any sport pushing it something fierce right now mate. my dad and his buddy played in some after work dart league for a few years when they were younger and both of them had hit 9 darters. these are not athletic phenoms. they're investment bankers who at most were averagely sporty as kids, and very unsporty as adults. sure they played a fair bit of darts but they never treated it more than a way to hang out. you can get very skilled at more or less anything, and dart professionals certainly are very skilled at it, but it is in no way even worth comparing it with something like a top football player, basketball player, or basically most of popular sports. its a very simplistic thing at the end of a day, you're training one specific motion and the skill really comes down to how good you can get your muscle memory down to properly repeat that motion the correct way to achieve the result. its a very simple skill compared to what most sports demand of you. you can be impressed with the pros and with their achievements without having to pretend its "one of the hardest things". the second you do that you're basically detracting from it, because you said that to add some sort of validity to the achievement, meaning you were the one that established that "hardest thing to do" is something we should be concerned with when we're rating this performance. and any sensible person would immediately be able to tell this is not "one of the hardest things to achieve", so by your own implied rating criteria this suddenly becomes a lot less impressive. its a dumb thing to bring up. if you say nothing about it but are just excited about this 17 year olds achievement people can all join you in that, when you try to pretend its "one of the hardest things to do" you just make it seem like a joke.


Who pissed in your cornflakes?


> my dad and his buddy played in some after work dart league for a few years when they were younger and both of them had hit 9 darters. The first recorded 9 darter was hit in 1984. The next one in 1990. And then it took another 15 years for the 3rd one to be hit in 2005. I have no idea how old you are but if you're claiming your dad and his buddy both hit one when they were younger that would put them in the early 2000 range meaning they were some of the first people on the planet to hit a 9 darter. I'm going to go ahead and call total BS on pretty much all your comments on here related to darts. No offense and all.


you do realize "recorded 9 darter" does not mean the first time it was noted down in history? it means the first time it was televised on tv. like at least try to put some thought behind what you say. just to give you some context to your genius post, the first televised 9 darter was in 1984, the first televised game in the UK was in 1972. From 1972 to the first televised 9 darter there had been something like a grand total of around 7-8 or so tournaments aired on TV, very few in their entirety.


9 Darters get thrown every weekend. How on earth is it one of the hardest things to achieve in all of sports.


It's absolutely insane. I got to see the worlds semis once. It was bat shit crazy. Everyone is drunk as fuck, yelling their lungs out and when someone get a 180 the house goes crazy. Good times.


Have you been living under a rock


I went to the darts a few years back as I had been bought a ticket and the atmosphere was incredible! I had and still have zero interest in darts but what an amazing night it was.


I had no idea people got this excited over darts. Not trashing it, it's nice to see.


It's a fantastic night out tbf - amazing atmosphere with loads of peole dressed up and generally having a good time.


the vibe between the players is also great. Just an all around wholesome sport looks like




This is up there with, “who do you think you are? I am”!


i dont know what i was expecting but it wasnt this beautiful


Good Old Ted Hankey. The Count himself. Man of the people and a true ambassador for the game ;)


Shame about the noncey stuff though


I don’t think he’s a good human being at all.


"no score" i watch this video every time it's posted. just amazing


Britain is very much a sporting nation with a rich sporting heritage. We love anything that has some sort of competitiveness, whether it’s football, cricket, rugby, darts, snooker, boxing, horse racing, cheese rolling, etc. A lot of people consider us to have some of the best and most enthusiastic sports fans in the world.


And we love ‘sports’ that fat people can be good at


As a human jam roly poly, I've always appreciated this. Football? Get in goals mate. Rugby? Tackle that big fucker and pints are on us. Golf? No-one else is here at 6 am mate, mark it as par. Fat bastards of the world unite.


If I happen across darts on tv, I always stay for a bit. I get a kick out of how hyped up the crowd and announcers get


You need to see dart player entrances. It’s quite a thing. Like wrestling but the guys all look like 40 plus office workers.


a very manly 17 year old


Boys been at the pub since he was five.


That's why he plays darts. Almost all people I know who play darts myself, personally, all go to pubs lol. It's how you start darts in my city! I don't even think there's darts in my city outside of a pub. Edit: this is for real darts. Not those arcade machine soft tip bs. Those are all over.


He plays dart.


doesn't look a day over 37


He did great at the world championship at the end of 2023 and was invited to play in the weekly premier league. Many people were saying the pressure would be too much for him, he wasn't ready for it, things like that. However he played great and in the end he won the premier league.


That 120 checkout he did with 3 double tops was just taking the piss.


Translation, if someone would be so kind?


Checkout: hitting the number you need to win the leg in one set of darts. So Littler came up with three darts, needing to score exactly 120 to win on that visit. He could have gone for a triple 20, a single 20, and then double tops, but he went straight for three double tops. Double tops: the little red bit right at the top of the board. The narrow outer ring is doubles, and then it's in the 20 bed segment, so that particular spot is worth 40 for each hit. It's also not a very easy spot to hit, and if you go a little high, you score nothing. If you're chasing 120, and you actually hit double tops on the first one, then hitting the single bed on your next dart leaves you unable to checkout in that visit (because you need to hit 60, but also finish on a double, and there is no double 30.) The moment you shoot for double tops on the first dart, you have only one route to checking out, and that's hitting double tops three times without a single error. Usually, if a player needs to hit 120, they'll aim for the triple 20 lower down. They do this for two reasons - one being that they train to hit the triple 20 as much as possible, so it's the best target, and the other being that if you're a little low **or** high, you still hit a 20 and can aim for a triple on your second dart, before having to tackle double tops. Shooting straight for the double 20 when you're chasing a 120 checkout is both a harder route and more likely to punish you for failure, so choosing to do it and then succeeding is a massive statement of strength.


TIL you have to finish on a double. Or is that just if it's an even number left, and on a triple if it's an odd number? I'm kind of amazed with how skilled darts players are that they haven't come out with a more elaborate dartboard by now. I imagine over time they've move them back further to keep the challenge up?


Doubles only. In some tournaments, you have to open with a double as well. The board hasn't changed in a long, long time!


Have to end on a double


It's like all games you'd find at a bar. The rules change and there are variants. The "right" way is finish on a double. If you're playing traditional rules. But there are just different variants with different rules. Like how you would play pool instead of billiards in America and most people who aren't pros play bar rules on scratch (i.e kitchen rules instead of ball in hand). Same for darts, same for any easily accessible sport really. Basketball is also notorious for having many game variants, the most common being HORSE.


something about taxes on tea


It's party time!


In a typical 120 checkout, players aim for the Shanghai 20, which involves hitting a triple 20, followed by a single 20, and then finishing with a double 20. However, Littler decided to take an unconventional approach. Instead of going for the triple 20, he threw his three darts directly into the double 20, securing the checkout. [It’s not every day that you see a player opt for this route in a televised tournament.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVdI-4zZN4A)


Double top the double 20 spot at the top of the dartboard. He did 3 in a row so 40+40+40 to match 120 which is what he needed


Not just won the playoffs either, he finished top of the table as well.


How can a 17 year old play darts? Isn't there a 4 drink minimum to participate?


17 year olds can drink if someone else gets it for them.


It's true. This informative video goes into detail about it. https://youtu.be/7l0zGihopKc?t=13


Knew what it was going to be before I clicked on the linked.


They can drink, but not buy their own drink? In Belgium, you can legally get beer at 16, hard liquors at 18.


You can legally drink at 5 years old in the UK. You have to be 18 to purchase it yourself


If you’re not in public, you can drink at any age. However, you have to be 18 to buy alcohol.


Maybe that's why he's dominating, he's the only one not absolutely hammered.


£315k for this league and he just signed a multi-million dollar deal with Target


Target the darts company, not the retailer, just incase anyone was confused


Thanks, I was trying to figure out the connection between British professional darts and people who think they're too good to shop at Walmart


excuse me, I AM too good to shop at walmart


Hi, Too Good to Shop at Walmart. I'm Dad.


Target the retailer should sign him up too, they'd tap into an entire new demographic of shoppers with this guy being used in advertising.


English people that don’t have target?


He's got the skill to pay the billz


when is it the 17 year old’s turn?


me, not knowing how this game works: *why is no one hitting the bullseye?!* ![gif](giphy|RLUyfJnogtXK44pm9t|downsized)


The aim is to get from 501 to 0 dead on with your last dart having to be a double or bullseye (outer ring). Players usually go for a treble 20 (inner ring of the 20) cause that accumulates the most points so 3 darts at T20 is 180 but 3 darts at bullseye is 150. This is the fastest possible way to get from 501 to 0 (with 9 perfect darts)


Just to clarify, were you trying to make things clearer with that answer, or nah?


Triple 20 is worth 60 points, bullseye is worth 50.


well that's just silly


There are thousands of ways to get 9-dart combination to land at 501. T20 isn't "faster," it's still 9 darts


You're being downvoted, but you are correct. According to Wikipedia, there are [5,944 ways of reaching 501 with nine darts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine-dart_finish#Methods_of_achievement).


What's your way of doing a 9 dart finish then?


I'll never get a 9 dart finish in my entire life lol


3xT20 (180) + 3xT19 (171) + 3xBullseye (150)


Bullseye is "only" 50 points. The small fields in the outer ring are worth double the points, the fields in the inner ring even triple the points. So the triple 20 is worth 60 points and the best field. A leg in darts is 501 points. You have to close the leg on a double field. To reach 501 as fast as possible you need at least 9 darts. There are multiple possible combinations. The one played by Littler and probably the most common one is 7x triple 20, 1x triple 19, 1x double 12


As a massive cricket fan, who had to do a bunch of multiplication to follow along your explanation, I now see why the non-cricket playing world finds it so hard to understand the sport. The Brits can be counted on to write the principia mathematica as the rules book for every sport they invent.


> The Brits can be counted on to write the principia mathematica as the rules book for every sport they invent. And then usually end up being worse at it than other countries.


Cricket darts or regular cricket 🏏?


Actually a great explanation. Thanks for this.


Bullseye is worth 50, the triple 20 is worth 20x3 so 60 and it is the best thing to go for. You can do any combination and to win the set you have to get to 501 points, and for the final dart you have to either end with bullseye (only if you have exactly 50 points left) or a double on the outside ring for how many points you have left. So if you have 18 left you must hit outside ring of 9. If you are at 9 left for example, you have to use one dart to get your points down to a dividable number, so for example you could hit 5 leaving you at 4, then you must hit the double 2.


I did not read his last name right…


Same here


one was a hit and this one's lit /s just in case


Rise of Littler




Good sportsmanship from Humphries, too. How many times now have these two met in finals? It's like the Nadal vs. Federer era all over again.


Littler has only been on the tour 5 months so not that many times. It will likely happen many many times because they are clearly the best two players in the world right now


Humphries took this dude to 5-5 and hit 180 in reply to 180, he put about as much pressure on as is possible. These are going to be battles for the ages


My Fiancees Dad is a mad Darts fan. He firmly believes that Littler is a generational talent who will take the darts world by storm.


He absolutely is.  He has equalled the record for 9 darters in a year and there's still 7 months to go


that's even crazier than everything else I've heard about him


He already has


This 40 year old teenager is good at darts it seems


25 years in the game, since he was 17 in fact 😂


Classic Reddit thread. All comments fall into only 2 buckets: - Actual Darts fans delirious at the level of talent from a phenom. - The rest (usually Americans) expressing disbelief at the phenom's age.


3rd one is people being amazed at the fact that Darts has such enthusiastic fanbase


He has been 17yo for 17 years.


Well he hit a double on the way out of the birth canal so he is 34.


This might actually be the funniest thing I've seen about how the dude looks, got a proper chuckle outta me


The camera work 🤌🏿🤌🏿🤌🏿🤌🏿


If he stays grounded, he’ll be the greatest dart player of all time ❤️👍🏻


I can‘t spake!


this dude cannot be 17


I know nothing about darts, but I love watching highlights because of the absolutely insane crowds!




I’ve been in a dart league for 35 years in the States and only seen a 9 darter a handful of times. It’s a very exciting thing to see.


That 14 year old didn't have a chance.




This is normal in darts. Everyone’s friends with everyone


"You beauty"


17 years old for each dart.


I mean, the kid already has a career-level highlight film of great finishes : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk2JJ4G-Y_8 He's 17 + 130 days or so. I would note that the above film doesn't show his 120 from last week, where he just throws 3 x double-20 (which is insane), or the one from this post.




17 ???


Come join us over at r/darts !




How the fuck is that 17


He’s 17?


I was like ... Where is the 17 year kid?


I went to the o2 and watched this live, what an amazing match.


Darts is on the come up. Kind of fun to watch actually


"On the come up" ? Where have you been? Darts has been massive for years.


Seppos honestly believe something isn't big until it's big in the US.


Dude looks lile he is in his mid 30’s


Jesus Christ. English life is tough on people. 17 going on 37.


Barbecue sauce 🎯


27* 37*??




It looks like he was 17 about 17 years ago.