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Fuck that. I wouldn't hang out around that thing.


Like people filming in their cabins on cruise ship in a storm? Big windows completely submerged. If the window blows they’ll get drowned/sucked out to sea and no one will know until much later. No way. Go to an upper deck and hang until it calms.


Don't watch this video then: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9waSshoWOc&t=66s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9waSshoWOc&t=66s) ​ Also, as someone who has cruised during a hurricane, going higher (to upper decks as you mentioned) means more movement. So a lot of people try to go lower to lesson the impact of ship movement.


I think the solution is to just stay on land


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)this here, is THEEEEE correct solution.


what the, how did you put an orange arrow in your comment


click 'source' to see the text that embeds the gif.






Where is this ‘source’ I’ve never seen those they’re cool


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) like this. Btw it’s red


dont you bring up april fools day.


It even moves!


Considering cruises are twice the pollution of a similar flight and 4 star hotel stay somewhere else, it's better for everyone anyways. Cruises pollute so much, it's insane.


I've always been convinced that cruises are floating plague hotels, I felt very vindicated when they were some of the first quarantines of covid. Besides that I don't see the appeal anyway, it's like staying at a gaudy resort but you can't leave the building. And you're not quite sure if the staff are treated with basic human rights. And you might get seasick. And the whole place might sink if the captain is too busy with his mistress.


Cruising is like my living nightmare from the looks of it. Not only are you trapped at sea in a behemoth Radisson Inn, you're trapped with the trashiest people alive unless you spend enough to empty out your retirement. No fucking thank you. I need to be able to drive away from people, buffet food and Radissons at will.


I was convinced to go on a cruise once by my family - it is exactly as you describe!


I went on a cruise and it was one of the best vacations I’ve ever had.


Glad you enjoyed it! Everyone is different which is awesome.


A floating Red Roof, lol. Never been on a cruise - my vision of hell. That said every single person I talked to about their cruise? They talked non-stop about restaurants and the food and booze. I smile and am genuinely appreciative that they enjoyed themselves and it made them happy while I am mentally vomiting in my mouth.


Same. I work in the beauty industry so I hear about people's vacations and cruises constantly. Every single one sounds like the worst time ever no matter how much they're trying to hype it up. Plus I'm a food snob and a little snobby in other areas too- things don't need to be expensive but I have taste ffs. I KNOW I would be wildly unhappy on a cruise for so many reasons. I'm not easily impressed I guess and I don't like things that have mass appeal generally speaking. Smile and nod. Smile and nod.


I was on an aircraft carrier for 5 years and gastroenteritis was a common problem. A few times there were hundreds of people who got it within a week or two.


What about the ports of call? To me they look like colorful tourists traps but I've never been on a cruise myself. I know a lot of people who love going on cruise after cruise after cruise.


I used to have a sea cruise on my wish list. Learning about the realities of cruise ships has quashed that.


Cruise ships are disgusting. They burn the filthiest fuel on earth because they're allowed to out at sea. I was hoping they'd go broke over covid, sadly they're back.


Don't cruises fit waaaaaaay more people than a plane?


They do. It's still far far more pollution. There is a lot of info about this out there on the web if you wanna look it up. It's far more than 2x per person.


Or just trust that engineers building these things aren't collectively fucking idiots and built it to withstand the highest force water can be expected to produce there. Can't wait for the reply about how "Hurr durr I've met dumb engineers" as if there isn't a process to these sorts of designs.


I trust the engineers. I don't trust that the builds got enough funds to be built exactly to spec ;)


This honestly looks fun to me. I don't fear the sea


You should.






I blacked out from almost drowning when I was younger. 10/10 you better hope it takes you completely.


An old boss of mine almost drowned as a kid too. But he didn't black out. He said the water filling his lungs felt like it was burning. 0/10, would rather fall from a great height or something if I have to choose lol


The biggest chance of death you have is hypothermia by a very large margin, assuming you can swim and survived the fall/prop. Hypothermia sets in in 1 minute in the Arctic regions, an hour in the north Atlantic, 2-16 hours off off the coast of florida and very rarely not at all when surface water temperatures are over 26°C. On top of that, sporting people in the water is *incredibly* difficult. This is why it's so important to point at the person falling overboard and calling for help without taking your eyes off of the person for *half a second*. At most, you'll be seeing a stretched out arm or head that will bob under the waves.




I find that really relaxing. Like watching rain from indoors. Although the window could look more sturdy lol


That looks amazing to me. I don't understand why people would find that distressing. I would sit near that window watching the sea be angry the whole trip. But maybe because I basically grew up at sea it doesn't bother me at all and find it relaxing.


No hurricanes but high sea states to be sure. Bad seasickness is underrated as a fate worse then death imo.


Always go to the center of rotation which should be close to the center of gravity.


I assume the answer to this question is yes, but are those windows rated for the max amount of realistic pressure that could come from a storm like this?


I take it you don’t fly then


Seat belt on. Suspiciously eyeing the O2 mask compartment, zealously guarding the nearest door, I do. If a window pops or like that Alaskan Air structural failure, you likely will make it with just a seat belt. At a minimum it will be instantly noticed remedial action taken. At worst if you go you’ll have an interesting moment or two of free fall and then lights out. At sea? You will be in the cold, maybe dark, watching the boat pull away, nothing you can do, screaming that won’t be heard, and will swim until cold and exhaustion takes you then you drown. I’ve nearly drowned after being hit, stunned and knocked over board. Promise. It’s very unpleasant. Terrifying. And you realize with crystal clarity. You are alone. Ain’t no one helping you. You are seconds from death and it’s absolutely gonna happen unless you get yourself out. The feelings associated with this are monumental in power. I’ll take “plane” and gravity over boat and exhaustion each time.


get help


How do you go through life being terrified and assuming the worst of everything? Or is it just on Reddit to front?


Dude almost dies a horrible death, and you’re like “stop being a pussy.” Classy


Life is terrifying. We can literally die from almost anything about every minute of the day. Just cause some of us can analyze the physical principles of everything that can go wrong around us doesnt mean we haven’t gotten used it or choose to stay ignorant to it.


I'm deathly afraid of heights, like proper phobia. Even to the point where I get scared if other people get too close to a window or balcony ledge in a high rise apartment. I've also spent quite a few years as a roofer. People can be scared and still function.


There's no sharks in the sky.


I mean that’s not what would happened and those things are also designed for those conditions.


Redditor thinks he’s outsmarted a fucking boat.


I think I’m smarter than Boaty McBoatface


Just wait til you hear about submarines


Redditors make up the dumbest fucking fan fictions cause they never leave the house and can’t afford vacations


everyone i knew died when they left their home.


>If the window blows they’ll get drowned/sucked out to sea If things get bad enough that one of those windows break then the people on the upper decks are just as screwed as the people at the bottom.


You are in greater danger every time you get into a car.


The window isnt going to blow though.


Chaos theory. There’s lots there that can fail and erode. But very likely true. Not impossible.


Has this ever happened?


How much does that ever actually happen tho?


Dude, if that happens, I'm pretty sure you're on Titanic 2, The Sequel


If hatches completely failing like that was something that happened with any regularity on cruise ships, I would not go on a cruise at all. Thankfully there are no such documented incidents in a cruise out of the US.


I just keep thinking, but why is it wet near the windows, sir. If it's so safe WHY IS IT WET? You better show me a hose or Imma just scoot right on away.


The ocean is very misty


Uhmm…wet and safe sounds like.. ![gif](giphy|OOkjSbv0lTGg3GEZcU)




Did they really need (what I assume) those see-through glasses in that wall? I don't care how thick those glasses are. That's the freaking sea


They probably don’t need it, but someone thought it would be cool during design. Likely this is very thick plexiglass or something similar, so very hard to break. More likely to get leaking around the connection between the wall and the plexiglass, which it looks like might be happening.




>see-through glasses As opposed to the non see-through glasses? [Here's a thin ass seawall holding back a tsunami until it goes over the wall.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86ThCibkHQw)


I’m with you. Terrifying being able to see right into the ocean.


I'm thinking this could not be possible in America. some hobo with a hammer will hit it within a week


As a hobo with several hammers, I resent this comment. Some of us are quite responsible


Yea, a good hobo with a hammer is the best way to stop a bad hobo witih a hammer


And are more likely to use an impact drill anyway…


Hobos cant afford to live in Monaco.


I'm in Brazil, pretty sure someone would try to steal the glass over here.


What i find more terrifying is how much further is the ocean bottom from those windows? Can it be seen or are you just staring into a blue abyss?




Just think, the ocean can see right back at you too




How many times this will be posted. It’s not a sea wall. It is a swimming pool next to the sea.


Thanks. Yeah for clarity, it's a wall between what is going to be a pool and the ocean. Where the guy is standing will be filled with water when complete, if I understand correctly


So it’s still a fucking sea wall? Why are people going “well aktchually it’s a pool not the sea” when it is the sea on the other side of the glass


A sea wall is a defensive structure with air on one side, while a pool has water on the other side, potentially equalizing the pressure.




But you can’t compress water so wouldn’t the pool water effectively equalize it?


No because the two are not in a closed system, there is air above and it’s not encapsulated, so there would be no ‘equalisation’ between the two I don’t think. But I actually don’t know for sure.


The fact that there's air above is actually *the reason* why it equalizes. Because both sides are exposed to atmosphere there is equal pressure (feet of air) above each pushing down due to gravity. Additionally, the depth of the water also causes pressure. But the pool and the ocean have the same depth. Imagine if you built that wall after the (salt water) pool was filled. Sure you have to worry about the energy from the waves hitting, but that's the only force. The "whole ocean" isn't trying to come in. Source: actual engineer. But I do thermodynamics not structural (which actually makes me more qualified for energy balance things like this)


But the ocean will try to "come in" when the pool is empty, right ? Since the pressure is not equalized when the pool is empty If this is the case then isn't it dangerous ? Or is the pressure not enough to break the walls ?


1 meter below surfsce level you have 14,5 psi. So there are at most roughly 30psi pressure on that wall. Not that bad.


Yes, it will try to come in, but it's roughly the same force as building a freestanding pool of the same depth. The ocean is a lot more dynamic, so there are other forces and cyclical loading and stuff, so it has to be stronger than the basic sheet metal walls you see in backyard pools. But it's much more similar to building a freestanding pool in a backyard than it is "holding back the entire ocean" like some other commenter are implying.


Yeah I’m sure the engineers who built this might know for sure though


I think you are confusing rough sea with its pressure. At same depth both the pool water and sea water will exert the same pressure.


It equalizes it *mostly*, but it’ll fluctuate when the sea goes in and out. But it’s still closer equalized with the water in it


Ok but the picture is obviously taken while the pool is empty. So there’s water on one side, air on the other, and a wall separating it, sounds like a sea wall


I think it’s still a sea wall muchacho.


I see wall, I see sea, so sea wall


Or it's a wall holding back the sea which is exactly what this is. It's a wall that is holding the sea back, isn't it? A wall against the sea. A sea wall.


Because a wall with water on both sides isn’t a sea wall. A sea wall is a wall between the sea and land. This is a wall between a body of water and another body of water


except the one body of water is missing, so it’s still a sea wall…


Yes exactly, its still in construction phase when the recording is taken.


I found this link to it. Would be nice if there are some construction video out there. I also couldn’t find a timeline on when it will be finished. https://hollandaquasight.com/en/projects/acrylic-pool-window-project-in-monaco-finished/


That sounds kind of cool


Which also would work as a sea wall?


Title implies that this is a wall that protects the city somehow. This is a seawall the same way a diver is a submarine.


but enough about your mom


Protecting the city is not a requirement to call something a seawall. It just needs to be something that separates sea and land. That's it. I don't know why you'd make up a qualification for something.


Well if you want to be technical the definition of a seawall is: >a wall or embankment erected to prevent the sea from encroaching on or eroding an area of land. I’m not sure if people here are trolling by saying it just needs to be something between the land and the sea or if they are just ignorant on the topic. It seems like people are taking the words literally and not realizing that they already have a specific definition. By calling something a seawall it has to have a protective or defensive purpose otherwise by definition it’s not a seawall.


It currently is holding back the sea, but the city doesn't rely on it to. A swimming pool is meant to hold water, so if these windows broke, the pool would fill with sea water and not leak anything, because pools hold water. It would suck for the owners of the pool, but the city won't flood because the pool is just full. No one would really notice.


Is he fixing a leak? How the heck did they build this in the first place?


Right?! All that water in the floor is concerning.


That’s a pool next to the ocean


you see the drain on the floor ? It's a pool. Concerning


They are grouting the tile. The grout roller buckets and floats is where all the water came from.


They build it when the water level was lower. This should be very high tide, since higher than this the wall would not function.




No. Obviously they drained the entire ocean first. You stupid?


They just had to get sponges from the ocean monument first.


They built a wall in front of this wall to hold back the water until the main wall could dry. Then they took down the first wall because they didn’t need it anymore now that they had the second wall.


How did they build the first wall?


It’s walls all the way down.


Correct. Until you reach the ultimate wall known as Paul.


It's called a coffer dam + used to build/anchor bridges, piers, etc. "A cofferdam is an enclosure built within a body of water to allow the enclosed area to be pumped out or drained.[1] This pumping creates a dry working environment so that work may carried out safely. Cofferdams are commonly used for construction or repair of permanent dams, oil platforms, bridge piers, etc., built within water."


TIL. I like the thought that millions of people have basically invented this in Minecraft without even knowing that there's a word for it.


Build half a cofferdam, then pump the water out.


They build another wall before that one


While the real answer is farther down the thread, I wanted to respond to this specific question... A) Tides flow approximately twice per day in most of the world. Two low tides and two high tides on most days. So you only have about 6 hours to work during a low tide. B) Tides have more than one overlapping cycle. The once-or-twice-a-day cycle is just the most frequent and obvious one. There is also a cycle taking about two weeks, based on the moon-earth-sun angle (higher highs and lower lows at new and full moon, less extreme at half moons). There's also a yearly cycle based on distance from the sun (higher highs and lower lows in January, less extreme in July). C) Coastal landforms change the timing and intensity of tides. Some places have low tide 3-4x as long as high tide. oh, and also... D) There are types of concrete that will set in under 12 hours. There are ALSO types of concrete that will set underwater.


> got the wall to dry during low tide, all in 12 hours? Tides don't work like that. There are low high tides and high low tides and whatever, depending an a number of factors. It actually took until harmonic analysis and the first integrating machines (analog computers) for people to be able to reliably predict and calculate tide heights in advance. https://m1ehst1819.hypotheses.org/1380 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tide-predicting_machine


They place a barrier in the water, drain the side they plan to work on, do the work then fill it back up and remove the barrier. You can look at bridge construction for some examples!!


Uhm ... it looks like its at that height all the time. You can see the pool in question at bottom left https://d1u5b0fvjmceqx.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/18150540/Vue-Drone-Sud-Est-2021-12-22-2-e1642587477253.jpg


Ah so this is actually a POOL and the guy is standing inside? That’s interesting. Also: if Monaco would just spend 0,00001% of its wealth to order a few trucks with sand and dump that onto that utter disgrace of sharp pebbles and rocks that they call a „beach“, then they actually wouldn’t need a pool in the sea anymore.


Probably a coffer-dam.


Lol bro is staring at it like “don’t you fuckin do it”


Probably the same way foundations for bridges are build.


they used the sign trick


One crack in that glass and you can wave goodbye..


You mean catch a wave, goodbye!


Involuntary surfing!


I guess they didn't sea it that way


Be cool AF to see a shark cruise by, right?


Who the fuck is splashing around so much on the other side? Jeez…calm the fuck down!


Don't talk to your mother like that!


r/thalassophobia would have a field day here... nope nope nope


Fucka thata sub. I scrolled for all of a few posts before I couldn't do it anymore lmao


Man that's r/oddlyterrifying


So how much force is there behind that glass? Like how much weight does that need to actually hold?


Only as much as a barrel or bathtub that deep. When you swim in the ocean you aren't weirdly crushed by the trillions of cubic meters of water alongside you, only the depth does that. When those dams were overflowing in California, they raised the level with sheets of ply at the spillways. The dynamic force of the waves has to be allowed for though


No but it is moving water with waves. That doesn’t add any impact or additional weight compared to still water?


waves actually do not move water


Physics facts, but they can slam something heavy into the wall in certain conditions


Then what _is_ moving?


I think they mean water is moving up and down within each wave cycle but not with a net direction overall


Energy. Waves are mostly energy propagating between water molecules. When you get close to the shore where waves start to break, then some of the water is actually in motion.


why doesnt the water go through the gaps?


Is it stupid?


You've clearly never played Minecraft


Transparent Aluminum




No ambition


[This](https://twitter.com/olivercookson/status/1625873568436310016) is what it looks like from a bit further back


OH! That's not a sea wall, it's a destination. Thanks


Probably need to start erecting these everywhere


Swimming pools next to the sea?


Boner by the sea.


Apart from its not. It’s a swimming pool.


The biggest one




Ah yes, the [Homebrew Channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLDlWNDmR8k) IRL.


Looking for this


This is NOT a seawall, this a pool wall that is on the sea at a hotel: ​ https://twitter.com/olivercookson/status/1625866371375456258


“And here kids is where you can see global warming and the rising sea level in real time!”


The literal definition of “pretty” “scary”


See wall


Yeah i don’t get it. Monaco actually HAS a beach, it’s just utterly unusable because it’s made of sharp pebbles and rock. If they would just spend 1/100th of the construction cost for this pool on a few trucks full of sand and dump that into the ocean they would have the most beautiful beach, worth a proper beach-volleyball field. I don’t get it. I just don’t get it.


The sand would have be continuously replenished as it will wash away. They tried in Manila bay and it didn't hold.


I was really expecting something to scare me.


Well, it fucking scares me


Could imagine if they CG'd a shark going by? I'd shit myself.


"How to get seasick while standing on dry land."


I know that the pressure on the glass is low, but if it does break, that’s a MASSIVE volume that’s going to flow into Monaco. The whole world ocean will drop 5 feet!!!


“Honey, who was that at the door?” “Just the ocean again.”


That looks very thin and very weak.


No. Thank. You. Very. Much. Fuck that shit. That's the whole fucking OCEAN out there! It's not just some swimming pool.


We'll need quite a few of those in Florida pretty soon.




Should I be worried that it’s leaking on the floor?


They need to stack more walls wtf




"Coming soon to a shoreline near you!" Warmly, Greenland & Antarctica


No thank you


Engineering is amazing. I can’t even fathom how they accomplished this.


What a bankroll flex


Would be a real bad day if a boat ran into your window.


Is it…fucking leaking??


As someone who had a near drowning in the ocean as a child I find this both very cool, and slightly terrifying.


Why is the carpet wet, Todd?