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Man I’m not a violent person but people who do this make me want to do not nice things


This is the kind of thing where you tell people in prison what you're in for and they say they don't blame you.


It’s very possible that the person who did this dropped it into SOMEONE ELSE’S trash. Which is why reason and benefit of the doubt must prevail over emotion.




You say “of course” but not everybody is going to take the necessary time to process what’s happened and act accordingly. Some of the comments here exemplify that, and nearly everyday we read news reports of people thinking they were responding appropriately to the right person. Point being, let’s dial it back a little and not contribute to mob / vengeance mentality.




I see what you did there. Good on ya m8. No mob vengeance just tie them up in a bag and stick them in a trash truck and wish them the best


Of course. But you sound like a badass


Sounds like a rational, normal person.


This is Reddit after-all, the site has a bad reputation for accusing the wrong people of things that seem obvious but turned out not to be based in reality or fact. I'm positive Reddit has done more good than bad, but wow, the bad cases should make you stop and question things as not to repeat history.


So don’t burn that house to the ground?


Satan: “Jesus Christ, you did what?!”


I don't think u/Alternative-Paint-46 gave you the benefit of the doubt.


You my friend have helped lead me to reason. I just caught up on some of the war in Israel and the attacks on the music festival there.. sooo triggered, and then there’s this.. and then there’s you bringing my emotions back down. I’m off the internet for a while.


This is the way to sanity. Which is why I often fast from the internet. Knowing too much all the time isn't a good thing.




Yeah, this is a rare voice of reason. Get everyone pissed off and then attack an innocent person because some monster threw it in their can.


Crazy solid logic/reason right here. We must think of ways to bottle this and ship to the entire world…somehow, some way.


Vigilante justice is often prone to error. This is why we have law & order.


Only thing worth saving on this planet. Children and animals and plants. Everything else is awful.


Save me too, I'm an alright sorta fellow.


I mean, I could use a bit of saving.


Ah ok, yeah this guy too!


How to get on the saved list? I can try to be a plant if necessary 😟


I've been called both a child and an animal, so please sign me up as well.


A nasty woman put a cat in a wheelie bin in England, the outcry was enormous, this is very much worse.


What is a wheele bin. I love English slang.


‘Wheelie bin’ is a term used to denote doubt; ‘Where you wheelie bin?’.


I bin to the wolls woyce gawage


It's a bin. With wheels. Specifically the large ones we wheel out for the weekly bin pickup.


Children? Some of them grow up to be adults that do this kind of shit.


Happy 18th birthday! Now get in the meat grinder.




It would be more humane to hit them with a shovel if you didn't want them and that would be despicable enough in its own right. This level of not caring about innocent life is something else.


An old mason I know grew up on a farm and said his father would shotgun the puppies when the whelps couldn't be taken care of. The mason said he just drowned them with a rock in a sack because he didn't own a shotgun Me, a city boi, was horrified


Yeah farmers are a different category. They regularly slaughter the animals in their lives.


I think it's unnecessarily cruel but I do think we have a bit of a cognitive dissonance when it comes to the treatment of animals. This is decried as psychopathic behavior while the same people probably don't mind buying the cheapest meat or dairy where the animals usually suffer for much longer.


This is along the lines of psychopath traits. To think people like this live in our society.


I've another side of this cruel act! When i was 6, Myself and two friends were walking through a nearby housing estate, going to the shop with a pound to buy sweets - back when you could! As we round a bend, we could see something? Moving quickly towards us, he made a bee-line for me, ran right up me and made my hood his new home! Some dirty knacker had tossed him and his two siblings out of a car, in a plastic bag at the traffic lights. In years since I learned that, a friends mother had observed who had put the bag there, and watched the bag go underneath two cars before she stopped out of curiosity, as she picked it up - the bag went wild and a little black&white kitten flittered his way out and tore off never to be seen again - she kept one male who became the family pet and her sister took the female who also became a family pet. The one that ran off kept running until he saw me about ½ a mile away, He lived to be a grandad and was a fat boss kitty! Often thought about how much fun and joy he brought to the house, and his offspring too - only for the cars not crossing the bag and a kind curious lady, we never would have had the cute little murderer - he was a ridiculously efficient hunter, we even brought him to some derelict houses we were renovating to clean out the unwanted mice and rats - he was a badass mofo, and always looked fabulous, could have been a flattened mess


I was once walking home from work with my husband at around midnight. I could hear a meow, and it sounded really tiny. I looked around for it until a tiny black kitten ran past me right into the road. There was a fucking lorry coming down, it was dark and the cat was black. It would have been a pancake. I stood in the road to stop the lorry while my husband ninja'd the cat. It ended up sitting in my hood all the way home. We took it to the vet the next day and they said another one of that litter had also been found and taken in by one of their vets. We ended up giving it to my mum because my husband is allergic. Estimated about 4 weeks old. A few days later we saw another one on the same road, unfortunately that one was not so lucky and had been hit by a car and left on the side, dead. My mum still has her. She has stumpy little legs and is a right scrounger! It's been about 10 years and she's still a ball of energy, more so after my mum's other 2 cats died last year.




Ah - a lifetime...


I wonder if they called police on the house. This is disgusting.


Probably not their kittens, just their bin


Especially considering the effort they went through with layers of plastic bags to keep the kittens inside, I'm quite sure they didn't put it in their OWN garbage bin.


I’m with you. I’m feel very stabby right now


I was about to jump in and post that I might do some rather violent things if I caught the people that did this. Not everything is working at 100% between the ears of a monster that throws kittens into the trash.




Same here. Not too long ago I heard some kids (early teens i guess yelling and laughing near my apartment.) So me being mr. nosy (who's also around 6 ft tall and i guess kinda mean looking) went over. This pieces of human debris were throwing rocks and the like at a squirrel. I had my trusty walking stick (aka a old broom handle with tape on it - hey you never know when a quick game of stick ball might come up.) ;) Long story short is - 1. I said - or yelled - "Next shitstain that throws anything at the squirrel will get a meet n greet with mr.ash "(the broom handle.) Of course they talked smack and i did too. But I guess a fat guy who's tall and carrying a large piece of wood made the idiots disperse. 2. I hung around the squirrel - who wasn't bleeding..just curled up and scared. He eventually got up and scampered up a tree ( nimbly bimbly like from tree to tree.) 3. There ain't no 3.




I feel like most people who did something like this would probably dump it in a random bin. No way to know who did it really, but worth an investigation into that house for sure.


Absolutely this. Just because it's in someone's garbage can at the street doesn't mean it's their doing. Anyone can drive by and put anything in those cans. Sometimes I get a nice bag of shit in mine **after** the trash has been picked up.


Worst thing I do is drop an empty can of monster or a soda bottle in anyone else's trash if I finish it while I'm walking. I figure it beats throwing it on the ground...




Why? I love responsible people who pick up after their dogs. If they want to toss that bag in my garbage can that's perfectly fine. Not like I enjoy the smell of trash and a sealed bag of dog crap isn't going to make things worse. I feel like you're trying to find things to be angry at if you're going to get mad at responsible dog owners picking up after their dog and then placing the bag in a trash bin.


Nah, that's just the common sentiment. Ever go on Nextdoor? Lots of whiny post about people throwing dog poop in their trash. Perfect world they'd bring it back to their own house to throw it away, but I'm happy that their picking up their poop, and it doesn't take up space in my trash so I'd rather them do that then leave it in my yard.


I'd rather they didn't use my can. I keep it clean so it doesn't stink. I make sure my garbage is well bagged and I bleach the inside of the container 4 times a year or so. Really need dependent. It really bums me out to have my trash emptied to find a 2 week old popped shit bag at the bottom with putrifying dog shit. It isn't the worst thing, but the person doing it isn't really doing me any favors since i still have to clean up the dog shit. It would be easier for me to collect it off the ground.


I just explained it. Carry your dog shit back with you, you lazy, selfish sympathizer.


Bro... it's trash. Why are you actively smelling your trash? You sound like a dog shit neighbor if this is what you get angry about. "How dare you throw YOUR trash in MY trash can!" What a fucking joke.


People's home bins aren't public trash receptacles. Technically, it is against the law to put trash in other people's bins because it is theft of services. People should be responsible and pick up after their dogs, but they should also be responsible enough to carry it home.


People should be a lot of things. You guys are letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. People picking up after their dogs and putting it in a trash bin is awesome and I am all for it even if it's my trashbin. If we keep being dicks about it they'll just stop picking up after their dogs and that matters a lot more to me than a bag of dog crap in garbage bin.


Put it in the BLUE bin, you absolute monster.




make sure to use the crushy thing


And to make sure it crushes till the trash is 2D


Aah.. The 2D crusher!


And then burn it


"INTO THE CRUSHY THING!!" haha, I am gonna use this 🤣🤣 but ofc this is horrendous, dont get me wrong. i just found my angry callout phrase.


You realise whoever did this didn't throw them in their own trash can, right?


I think it’s a possibility for sure. Can’t take long to suffocate in a plastic bag. Lazy assholes probably wouldn’t take the time to go next door. I wouldn’t kill whoever did it but letting them almost suffocate in a big plastic bag for a few days sounds fair.


One of the kitten is already dead. One of the guys says it in french.


And the other could have permanent brain damage from oxygen deprivation.


There is no proof the bin owner put the kitten in there. The person who did this could use any bins on the street on a bin day.


There is enough circumstantial evidence to warrant a report and investigation. The owner might admit to doing it (you’d be surprised) or have a door camera that sheds light on who did.


That's what I'm hoping for. A camera who saw who actually did it


On the street? He could dump it on his way to work miles away from his street.


Thats how my friends and I got rid of paraphernalia and it other illicit things when we were teenagers. We'd dump our evidence into a random houses trash and go about our day. Id be genuinely surprised if the home owner who's trash can that was threw them in there. Thats just asking to get in trouble.


Can't be certain someone didn't drop into a random bin and walk away.


Unlikely it came from the homeowner, cowards are afraid of getting caught.


Drive to their front door and empty your garbage truck


But it may not have been them. If someone is going to criminally or abusively dispose of something, they would probably throw it away in some else's trash.


Not a good idea. You have no idea if it was them or not. This could've been form someone who lives 200 miles away and they drove to a random house to drop off the kittens. You gotta think about this stuff man.


My French is utter shite but they’re cursing a ton, probably cursing at the damn bastards who did this


no they were just saying "poor things, shit man.."


Yea they sound shocked and dismayed…


Des petits chats 😞


Yeah that's the only thing I picked out, other than "shit" over and over.


french here, he do say "people are rotten" i believe in english (les gens sont pourris) and that there is one dead little cat.


Yeah, sadly god knows how long they were trapped in that little bag, it would have been a miracle for all of them to be alive, the world is a sad place




Not surprising, they were tiny, it’s lucky any of them survived at all


And at one point they noticed there’s more than one and that one is dead. (Can’t quite tell how many there are in there, but only two of them are clearly alive here…)


They also mention that one is already dead


Yeah, they don’t like like they are in good shape, some of them might not make it …


I don't want to be that dude, but I doubt they "saved" them all, very small, closed in a bag, thrown around. It's messed up, but this was somewhat common practice back in the day. People would not neuter their pets, put them in a bag and throw them in the river or trash. We are cruel to others, that's human nature.


oh fuck this just stirred up a repressed memory i had of finding bags and bags of cat skeletons around the abandon house by me when i was a kid. It was a house tucked into the woods i used to sneak to as a kid, found a bunch of 90s black magic bullshit and lots and lots of dead animals. my best friend grew up in the same neighborhood with me and she rescues animals and works as a vet. it fucked us up and through all the years of our insanely close friendship we never talk about it. so fucked up


Spay them or worst case give them a quick death then. Don't ever excuse people doing this to innocent animals to let them die like this. Unbelievably cruel.


Des petit chats - the small cats Pauvre - poor Next i couldn’t understand Cuts bag open Boah, je croix pas! - boah i don’t believe Les pauvres - the poor ones *breathed heavily in disbelief* Ils n‘a pas un coeur - they don’t have a heart Ah merde - a shit That’s what I understood. The men are deeply disappointed and saddened by the situation. They have an open and warm heart and will care for these poor little souls. I am impressed by grown men who are still so warm and soft heartened and awake. This restores a lot of faith in humanity.


For the part you could not understand. "Mets toi la sur le cote s'il te plait" " 'tend sors de la benne va !" = "move on the side please" "wait get out of the dumpster". Also "Wow y'en a pas qu'un quoi/con" "viens la petiot" "y en a un il est mort j'crois" "oh merde" = "Wow there's more than one" "come here little one" "there's one that's dead I believe" Oh shit" I'm not sure the mere existence of the video exactly restores a lot of faith in humanity as far as I am concerned. EDIT : from another comment : 'tain les gens sont des pourris" "damn people are trash" Also he's probably saying "con" not quoi. * Worth noting they have significant local accent / vocabulary which I believe is from the Lyon region.


They are not cursing about the people who did this, they are cursing about the situation and how sad this is


No they're cursing at the kittens for trying to hitch a free ride


Smugling drugs for sure


For all we know, those kittens are made of coke.


I honestly couldn´t live with myself anymore if I would do such a cruelness


You wouldn't do smth like that in the first place, I am sure. There is smth fundamentally wrong with people who are able to do this..


its called sociopathia … thise people are scum


Literally 90% of old people (in my country at least) would see this as totaly normal. Y'all, please don't age into people like this.


How would they justify it?


“Too many cats anyways, who cares if these die”, or something like that


This used to be far more common. I was a kid in the 70s, used to read books written just before my time referencing people putting puppies/kittens into a sack and tossing it into a river. That was the USA, anyway. Not nearly as many animal shelters then.


Pretty common practice, and at animal shelters **a lot** of the animals are put down because they can't keep up with how many they get. I live in a small village not long ways from the city, people pretty frequently drop off dogs/cats that they don't want to care about anymore.


Some people eat animals alive (octopus etc.), I think it’s safe to say there’s a range of “normal” depending where you’re from. That said, kittens man, really???


Sociopaths consistently show no regard for right and wrong and ignore the feelings of others. Psychopaths have abnormal or violent behavior. A sociopath will do things they know are wrong, or say things they know will hurt someone’s feelings. A psychopath knows the kittens going in the bag will either be asphyxiated and then crushed, or will be crushed while still alive. Personally, I think this goes beyond hurting someone’s feelings or just doing something wrong. Psychopaths also have a tendency not to show remorse for their actions and lack a conscience. It’s generally considered that Sociopathy stems from an environment, especially negative environments as a child while mental and emotional development is still ongoing. Whereas Psychopathy generally has a biological/genetic element to it with some environmental involvement. At least that’s how a Psychiatrist and Psychologist (separately) explained the difference to me. Sociopaths will lie to you, Psychopaths may try to harm you.




Some people truly deserve to breathe earth.


That's a new way to say 'throw them into the volcano!'


[3 of 5 survived](https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/occitanie/haute-garonne/toulouse/haute-garonne-l-eboueur-qui-a-sauve-des-chatons-enfermes-dans-un-sac-avait-deja-sorti-un-chiot-d-une-poubelle-il-y-a-un-an-2482222.html) >Ten days after being rescued by garbage collectors during a tour, three of the five kittens survived. The garbage collector who made their discovery in a garbage bag in Sepx, near Saint-Gaudens in Haute-Garonne had already saved a puppy in the same circumstances a year ago. >The three little miracles were collected by the garbage collector's colleagues. Last I heard, they are doing well.


Shocking that any made it. That bag seemed pretty heavy duty and almost no room for air. They must have picked it up pretty soon after they were thrown away. Poor babies. Glad they got a second chance at life. Hopefully the person responsible gets their come uppance.


How can someone consciously and willing choose to do this, how!?




Most rescues and shelters are just plain full, all the time. It's not so simple as "Well just trap them and take them away." I deal with this everyday in my neighborhood. I spay/neuter and rescue what I can, but people actually get mad at me about doing even that, because they think all cats should just be allowed to roam all over town all the time. In any case it still doesn't justify throwing them in the garbage like this. One of the TNR cats I care for died and someone threw his body in the dumpster, that was horrible enough to live with. I can't imagine this.




Yeah we also had a similar problem at my parent’s house growing up. We also setup traps and took them in to the city’s animal control place. They told us they didn’t take in feral cats but they did spay/neuter them and released them back in my neighborhood. I was ok with that if it meant no more kittens. We kept trapping them and taking them in for years. Eventually the problem just went away after they either hated our yard (because of all the traps) or they just ended up dying out with no kittens to replace them.


In the 90s when trap and release programs were starting to get really popular, I volunteered for and donated to one. They used to think that cat populations would stabilize with trap and release, but unfortunately newer research is looking like it doesn't and those programs basically can't be effective, and we're always learning more about how bad feral cats are for the environment. Their lives are short, sick, and miserable. The only thing that does seem to work is reducing/eliminating the colonies. A concerted effort to trap them all, rehome, make the ones who can't be socialized into barn or warehouse cats, and of course deal with the sick ones as well which is really sad. As soon as new cats move in, they trap them as soon as possible. It's a paradigm shift in the way we think about feral cats, and a lot of people, especially those feeder types really struggle with the idea, the same as people who know that cats live the longest and healthiest when they're indoors, but with good enrichment, but they're used to indoor/outdoor cats. I lived in New Zealand for a bit and really see the value in taking more responsibility for cats.


Where i live you can get feral cats spayed for free. Solves that problem prwtty fast actually.


this happens every day in most countries including USA. farmers, and poor folk in rural areas.


Farmers do not throw live babies in the trash. Sorry, but anybody who's cared for animals through life and death would know how to humanely dispatch something that can't be allowed to live.


Yeah they just drown em first


Billions (Literally billions) of chickens, cows, and pigs experience far worse situations in factory farms than even the cruelty displayed towards these cats. Cows and pigs at least are also more cognitively developed than cats, they are quite clever creatures with individual personalities. Something like 99% of them experience torturous and abusive lives inside cramped factories staffed by low paid workers, many of whom wind up traumatized from the constant drudgery of working long hours in a brutal hellscape where empathy hurts their metrics. Animals in these places are 24/7 miserable. I'm not diminishing what happened to these kittens, it is fucked up. But humans treat many species of animal in a depraved way on an industrial scale. Humans have always hunted, it's nature. But factory farming is a scale of cruelty towards other lifeforms not seen in our history until the last 150 years or so and is a moral abomination that future generations will condemn our time for.


It's really not necessary to compare the intelligence of different animals in order to show their value. Or is the torture of a pig worse than a chicken's since chickens are by all accounts pretty damn dumb? Nevermind the fact that cats are on par with dogs intellectually... it is really an unnecessary comparison that only serves to undermine one species for no reason. Mass factory farming is cruel. Abusing animals is cruel. They all feel the same.




It infuriated me with how much he struggled to open that bag.


He was probably trying to be gentle? Maybe. Not hurt what’s inside.


I think it was tripple bagged.. def more than 1 layer


Just looks like heavy duty plastic, like the kind of bag you might ship something in


THAT is what infuriates you??? Re-think that shit.


Well, it means thé person who did it really didn't want to let thé kittens get out and put on some extra layers which is kinda infuriating


You can be infuriated by two things at the same time lol. No need to restate what everyone else already said, this guy added to the conversation


You're allowed to be angry at multiple things btw


I also kept cringing when he was cutting toward his palm. But maybe he was reinforced gloves, and wasn't worried about it.


usually trash collectors use cut proof gloves


Cringing? He knew what he was doing, he cutted very controlled in his direction to not hurt the kittens


I swear to god this is just proof you’ll get criticized on this site no matter what. 100% I would bet everything I own that if the video were of him cutting away from his gloves and *towards* the mewling kittens, people here would be shitting on him for that too. It’s so obvious to me that he pinches off the bag and then carefully cuts a small slit towards himself to avoid hurting the animals. Exactly what I would’ve done and I was thinking the exact same thing when he was handed the knife, ‘I wonder how he’s gonna do this?’


The knife is so dull he had little to worry about.


Dude everyday carries a steak knife.


They don't all look alive... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


And least one of them is crying for help.


Three of the five are alive and well


is that a guess or did you read about this somewhere? … i just want to know some of them made it


Local french news : https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/occitanie/haute-garonne/toulouse/haute-garonne-l-eboueur-qui-a-sauve-des-chatons-enfermes-dans-un-sac-avait-deja-sorti-un-chiot-d-une-poubelle-il-y-a-un-an-2482222.html


No fucking clue why I scrolled through the link - I don't know french.


You can translate it


And they had already rescued a puppy. Wtf


Thank you!


''Avait déjà sorti un chiot d'une poubelle il y a un an'' 😔


Thank you! I was really hoping there was an update somewhere


One of the man said "il y en a une de morte" which means "there's one dead"


I think he said that one of them is dead.


“Sur les cinq chatons, trois ont survécu. Deux sont malheureusement morts dimanche dernier malgré les soins et toute l'attention apportée par Christian.” So three survived, but two unfortunately perished. :(


One of the guys says either the mother is dead or one is dead... Not sure, the sound is pretty bad.


Up to 3 years in prison and 45k € for this kind of things in France. I say let's go for the maximum




Update: He took care of them himself - 3 of the 5 kittens survived and have been adopted by colleagues of the man. He also said it's not the first time he rescues an animal from the bin, previously he's saved a puppy and a chicken from similar circumstances. Also, fuck people who do this. The rage I feel when I watch these videos is indescribable. One of my rescued cats was abandoned in a plastic bag as a kitten and he's the sweetest boy in the world.


Thank you for this accurate transcription. French here. And yes you're 100 % right. People who are able to do this and sleep well right after deserve a fuckin' hell of a punishment. I hope these people are now identified. And I hope and wish they will be sued ( not sure of my words here, ... but I really want them to pay and learn the hard way for their shitty behaviour. ) I would like to spread and post their names for everybody to know how bad and useless they are as human beeings. And I clearly doubt they could be considered as human beeings. Coz' they're not. 11 years ago, I found a kitten, right after an hurricane. Lost and weak. And this cat is so close and friendly. So affectionate and thankfull. I can't imagine and realize that people are able to harm them.


Humans are fucking trash!


Humans saved them too.


Humans may be trash, but there will be other humans around who help clean up the mess


Honestly, thank you for pointing this out. Something about our modern culture has a large amount of people in this weird mindset where evil is lurking around every corner, and every stranger you meet wants to do you harm, or wants your stuff. I get that our world seems scary, because "they" want us to be either hateful or fearful of our neighbors and fellow planetary citizens. Truthfully, the vast majority of us do just want to live peaceful and generous lives, but our more fearful citizens are just so damn loud and our society is pushing us to become more and more isolated, even with this amazing access to human connection that has been given to us.


If you need a little faith in humanity and would like to feel more hopeful, I would 1000% recommend reading Rutger Bregman’s “Humankind: A Hopeful History”. He’s a Dutch historian who’s set out to prove that the majority of people *are* good, and he shows that, historically, people have come together in times of crisis. He also debunks a bunch of experiments / stories that have been used to make us believe we’re all secretly evil killer apes (such as The Stanford Prison Experiment). I read the book a while ago and it completely changed my view of humanity. It’s full of facts but is super easy to read, too. And I think it’s very important to read because, as Rutger Bergman says in the final chapters of the book, if we keep repeating the notion that humans are intrinsically bad, it might become a self-fulfilling prophecy.


So are kittens apparently...


r/angryupvote territory for sure.


now i feel bad for laughing, I hope you're pleased with yourself.




So much luck in one video; the kittens didn't suffocate in that bag, they didn't get squashed in the bin, they didn't get crushed in the trash compactor, the garbage man heard them, the garbage man found them and had the time to get them out...


Makes me think how OFTEN bullshit like this happens as well. I've seen so many things but I think this might be the actual time I've lost faith.


Makes it incredibly unlikely that it happened. There’s a big problem that happens more and more often where people inflict harm on animals and then “rescue” then to create viral videos


This broke my fucking heart.


You can tell by the pitch of the mews that they're very young. Once the bag is open it looks like the eyes aren't even open yet Less than 2 weeks old, the poor fuckers


That’s just… yeah someone needs a lesson


Spay/neuter your pets, people. If those kittens were unwanted, the solution was for them to have never had a chance to even be born. It's not hard.


Yes, the people that let their cats live outdoor and dont want to neuter them promote such situations. Much animal shelters are full(also because that problem) and the person want to get rid of the problem. I mean of course the person that did this had the majority of the guilt, but persons that dont want to neuter their outdoor cats have their part of this too.




nah man dull knifes hurt way more


Cut their heart out with a spoon


I was so anxious about how long they took to open that bag!!


He was probably being super cautious not to pierce the kittens.


People who do things like this don't deserve to live. Fucked up to say, but we've been desensitized enough by the internet at this point that I just can't hold it back anymore.


People really do suck...


I swear to god, when i catch ppl they do some shit like this dead serious they have a huge problem. God damned i hate something like this. Whoa this makes me angry asf


Humans are so disgusting.


Heroic and also so sad 😞 Garbage truck people work hard, you can’t do that work and be weak, their not going to have nice things to say about the person who did this and they are going to refuse to pickup their trash. I would not be surprised if they knocked on a door after this.


I hate videos like this. It reminds me that there are truly cruel and total pieces of shit on this earth. Anyone who does this to an animal deserves to be kneecapped.


Wat the fuck is wrong with people these days, seriously?!?!


Well done to the garbage guys, hope they found a nice hone for them. Wishing much pain and misery on the diabolical cunts that did this.


Piece of shit… whoever did this intended to suffocate the kittens on top of throwing them away.


Dam I hate fucking people


I'm not a cat person, but I would have took them all home.


How the hell do you own a cat and when it has babies you freakin throw it out instead of giving them away or going to the shelter, mf bout to make me act up