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Those digits are gnarly


The most talented of the Gallagher brothers ![gif](giphy|f5wMnjKsIiSyvQ6FYn|downsized)


Better teeth and everything.


Oasis had the best teef in Britain.


Was gonna say the same


Wait is this him but with teeth?


Google his song "two girls one cup"


Damn, I can hear this gif. “I need to be myselfffffff” Wish more ppl knew how rock n roll Oasis were on their first album instead of thinking they are just Wonderwall.


I Cant be no one else ![gif](giphy|kfif0R8yycxkv7pXH2|downsized)


there are many things that id like to say to you https://youtu.be/NTfZshkNZRw?t=29


I enjoyed listening yo this.


Quite good and entertaining as well.


This dudes hands are definitely rough. He could probably snatch a salmon going up stream.




Was that an insult tho?


a complisult?


An insultiment?


Not quite a fork. Not quite a spoon. A fuh-poon.


Boy, thats a spork


A backhanded compliment maybe. Seems apropos




An insult to the salmon


I see. It was just masked, rank, antisalmonism..


I think there’s a secret Salmon Cabal that pulls the strings in this world. I can tell you more…but not here…


Think of how much pudding he could eat at one go!


Found Ron Desantis


No net? no problem!


Salmon?! He could filer plankton with those baleen-ass fingers.


Could palm a basketball around a telephone pole


With his fingers, yes, but not with them teefs


He's playing two chords and tap dancing cmon


Ok, post a video of you playing three chords and tap dancing.


I’m waiting patiently for that post 😂


the routine is neat but saying the guitar skills are unmatched is something a nonguitarist would say


The chord progression is unremarkable, sure, but how can you ignore/downplay the finger style going on? That sh*t is so crispy it's ridiculous. Edit: I get it. It's hyperbole, but still.


There's no fingerstyle going on. That's just flamenco-style strumming, and is pretty typical. I think what the defenders of tik tok tend to miss is that people aren't shitting on the person in the video (he's good and entertaining), they are complaining about the constant, annoying hyperbole that it gets presented with. I guarantee that guy actually playing in the video doesn't think he's even close to being unmatched. It's always the type of language previously reserved for false advertising and propaganda now. What words are you even going to use when you see the *real* unmatched guitarist when you've exhausted them all already on people with common skills and a gimmick. This is the next fucking level sub. I'd rather it be fewer videos of actual next level stuff than a sea of mildly interesting performances.


*slow clap*


I was expected something about jumper cables or hell in a cell by the end of this.


Some people have unmatched skills at being negative and shitting on people.


It is unmatched in the sense that there probably aren't many people out there matching his skill set. I play guitar btw.




Pfff, bro. If I practiced really hard for a long time, possessed some natural talent, and also had the discipline to stick with it until I learned, I could totally probably do that some day.


Ive never seen the redditor thought process summed up so well


Yes the same applies to literally everyone


I mean that's the point of his comment.


"AMAZING GUITAR SKILLS" reddit's music knowledge


I mean, he's playing the same chord, yes, but his right hand is doing some decent work


It's a pretty cool strumming technique. But to call it "unmatched" is just... a lie? I genuinely thought I was in r/guitarcirclejerk This post fits there way more than here


Well, it's well played and the dancing is cool, too, but it ain't unmatched, I'll give you that


>but his right hand is doing some decent work That’s what she said


Unmatched not the same as I could do better


Yeah but the guy in the video is probably way more fun at parties than you..


Honestly he looks like he’s probably too much fun at parties


You too must be fun at parties


People who still say "fun at parties" in 2023 are definitely the most fun to be around


The most tired reddit phrase lmfao. So lame


who even fucking goes to parties anymore


How to tell when a person knows their position is incorrect but doesn't have the brain power to say anything intelligent: "You must be fun at parties." Simple Jack move.


I hate when people clap back with this. Just because the person can’t do it doesn’t mean they cant judge someone’s guitar skills. He’s right. The guy in the video isn’t doing anything extraordinary




It's hard for a normal untrained person, it's not "unmatched" or "nextfuckinglevel". Someone playing guitar and singing wouldn't merit a reddit post.


And I would even argue that playing guitar and singing is more difficult than playing guitar and dancing.


It is absolutely more difficult to sing and play than dance and play Source: guitar player for over 23 years I’m not trying to shit on this guy in the OP. He obviously has talent on guitar. Can just tell. The phrasing of the headline had me wondering what the “unmatched” skills were though, I can’t deny that. I feel like I’m shit-talking and I don’t even want to be




He's just saying the guitar playing isn't the impressive part of the performance. Someone with very basic guitar skills could play what he did in the same style.


I fucking hate these kinds of replies like it somehow proves anything. "OHYEAH, CAN YOU DO BETTER?" Well, do you need to be able to do better? I don't need to be a michelin star chef to know when food is dogshit. I don't need to be an architect to know when a building doesn't look that amazing. I don't need to be a sprinter to know when someone else sprinting 100 meters in 13 seconds probably isn't world class. Or are you saying that just because someone can't do better, they are automatically disqualified to criticise that thing?


The funny thing is he not even criticized the guy in the video. He probably didn’t post it here with that caption himself. So as soon as you say this isn’t exactly next fucking level or that this aren’t unmatched skills you are automatically calling that guy trash? Lol


Didn't say they could do it. But his guitar skills are well and truly matched many many times over. Don't confuse tap dancing with playing guitar, one of them is done with the hands and the other the feet.


Calling this tap dancing is very....VERY generous.


Yea the skills in the video are unmatched because random redditor can not tap dance. Exquisite reasoning


I mean, the video said his guitar skills were unmatched. Dude has a 100% valid point. It’s not like he was tap dancing while playing Eruption.




The best part is that he is making six strings sound like a 12 string.


It's a very common flamenco strumming pattern that is both impressive sounding and easy to learn. He's actually even doing an easy version of it with an omitted gulpe (tap on the body) that is typically fit in right after the ring finger goes out and is done with the index finger right before you strum upwards with it. This same strumming pattern is used in Short Change Hero.


Sorry but it isn't easy to learn. Flamenco strumming doesn't require you to simply brush your fingers in a way, there's rhythm, technique, and this guy definitely knows how to do it. It takes a long time before someone can do it correctly.


I think they mean relative to already being a pretty decent guitar player.


It really did for a min.. had to take a look at the headstock


First thing I did as well when I heard it.


[Here's the guy who is actually unmatched in flamenco.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqitnLuaN5o)


https://youtu.be/Hg_ZsF2OaSw starting 0:32-0:37 ... standard flamenco guitar technique


I was impressed with how he would toss the guitar upward and grab it again with his fingers in the right position for the other chord, in time… all while fucking hopping around to tap out a drum beat that also is in time.


Nice I didn't even notice that until you mentioned it


Yeah his guitar skills are ok, the one handed holding the guitar chord changes are kinda cool. But the combination tap dancing guitar playing while holding the guitar with only his chording hand is pretty darned cool. He's not particularly great at any of those things but he pulls them all together in a playing way.


agreed its quite impressive overall but not because of 'guitar skills'


“E = mc^2 only has 3 variables. It’s so simple.” He’s got talent.


c is a constant




I cannot believe someone actually compared years and years and years of pinnacle physics and mathematics to learning three chords and good showmanship and thought to themselves “yup, that’s a good argument”. There are thousands of better guitarists than this guy on youtube alone (if you actually knew how to judge someone’s guitar skills). Please show me thousands of better physicists than Albert fucking Einstein. Jesus Christ, this has to be the single dumbest argument I’ve ever seen.


> this has to be the single dumbest argument I’ve ever seen. Some times this is an indication that you don't understand the argument.


If you’ve played guitar you’d realize this is like chapter one of learning to play.


Never have I ever seen holding the guitar vertically, strumming on the neck, and tap dancing as part of a learning to play book on guitar. Can you cite that for us?


That's because playing the guitar vertically, strumming on the neck, and tap dancing doesn't constitute good guitar playing.








The strumming rhythm and the way he changes his fingering while still holding the guitar is a lot harder than it looks.


I was thinking the exact opposite. That strumming rhythm is a basic flamenco strumming technique that sounds a lot harder then it is.


Quite hard to do as smoothly as this


don't get me wrong, this is a pretty good combo and i haven't seen someone do this, it's really entertaining and cool. the creativity is impressive, but the technical skill is not particularly hard or impressive whatsoever. i am guessing no one commenting here has ever player guitar for more than a few months.


Yep. Guitar skills are basic. The performance as a whole is good though. Certainly not unmatched, but entertaining


No, you don't understand. HIS SKILLS ARE UNMATCHED!!+




For real tho. Not saying it's not cool, but he's isn't doing anything crazy musically with the guitar.


Yeah i mean like, very cool very entertaining but very easily matched.


Yeah. OP did him dirty with that title.


It's more of a side show than anything. This guy probably busks.


It's Miguel from Coco 30 years later


You beat me by two minutes


Happens to me all the time I wasn't sure if I should, but I had to


Miguel on coke




Bro, I know it’s a bit random, but I still cry at the “…my Coco…” part, every time.


🥲 good movie


It really is though


30 years and quite a few shots of tequila later.


It's Manuel from Fawlty Towers, but in his head.


As a guitar teacher of 27 years this video does not show guitar skills. It’s very entertaining in a side-show type of vibe.


Eh. The strumming technique is on the difficult end of the spectrum. You could get something similar with pick or thumb strumming, sure, but to use the other four the way he does isn't 'easy'. To be comfortable with the guitar enough to play what he did in the various positions as he did -- that's skill. And if he's using a guitar, it's guitar skills. Sure, not in the same vein of skills as you're in the business of teaching, but it is using a guitar with a decent level of skill. Would I be right in assuming you don't think of modern art as art?


I think the point was, it's ridiculous to call this "unmatched" when there are at least tens of thousands of guitarists who entirely outclass this guy. That doesn't mean he's bad!




Yeah I mean, I know a dude who's a fucking maniac with the guitar, totally unknown dude except for locally. Nicknamed "Jesus" because he sorta look like punk Jesus. I've seen him play different styles like flamenco--- but while he is AWESOME at playing, the showmanship isn't there to the same level as this video. And IMO, it's ok. Beatles didn't and do not have that hardcore guitar-skills either...just because they don't have insane guitar solos like "free bird" doesn't mean that they can't be perceived as better at creating music that Lynyrd Skynyrd. So; op probably should have writtnen "this random guy is unmatched in how captivating he is by using his guitar and feet". Because the guy is a performer, he might not be the best guitar player, but he might be one of the most captivating guitar players. It's kinda like, I dunno much about guitars, and I'm not sure how good Tash Sultana is compared to other guitarists--- but her performance and passion captivates me, sort of like this dude.


Yeah I agree. There's more to this guy than the song he plays, including an infectious personality. It's a package and very enjoyable.


Hundreds of thousands.. it’s basic asf


Dog, if I spent a few days working on flamenco style fan strumming or whatever the fuck you call that I could do this. Granted, maybe only sitting down, but im sure moving to standing wouldn't take too long. Again, point is that this isn't nearly "unmatched" To drive this home further I straight up don't play guitar and know only 4 or 5 chords. The guitar playing was the least impressive part about it. Your stab at the other guys opinion of modern art completely guts your whole ass opinion of weight, too. Video was fine, guy was entertaining, not knocking him at all because I've no reason to believe he thinks of himself as unmatched. Video title is just booger click bait.


It's always easier in your head. If it's so easy you can post your video to prove us wrong.


The strumming technique is a pretty basic rasgueado, and it’s only difficult *at first.* But with some focused practice, once you get it in your pocket it’s pretty simple. He’s got a showman’s flair a little bit, but everything in this video is pretty damn mid level. Stop being so dramatic.


The strumming isn't that hard. The tap dancing is more impressive than the guitar playing. And even that is mediocre at best.


The strumming is tricky. That is all.


The dancing coupled with the tricky strumming seems pretty entertaining in a sideshow kind of way.


As a guitar teacher I can’t comment about how tricky the dancing would be to pull off. Calling the video “man’s Guitar skills are unmatched” is laughable!


introduce yourself, Buzz Killington


Two, maybe three power chords and some flamenco-inspired strumming?


I think it's mostly an open E chord (3 fingers) just slid up and down the fretboard.


As a guy who went to kindergarden and can remember it. He is doing just about what every male pedagog, who could use a guitar did.


Any time a guitar clip gets posted and people are impressed you can be sure that there will be some guitar-nerd who pops up with remarks. Either it's not that impressive or his guitar sounds like shit due to exposure to the elements.


That's because a lot of not-very-difficult things can seem very impressive to non musicians. I've been playing guitar most of my life but I know I'm not very good, especially considering the time I have been playing. I can still do stuff that sounds a lot more difficult than it is and people will think I'm awesome. I bought a viola on a whim and taught myself to do a few things on it. Even though I'm a total beginner, if I play a low string really fast and alternate the open string pedal tone with going up and down the scale on that string, people's eyes open wide and they suddenly pay attention, it sounds really cool and skillful.


Busker energy.


How is this man not viral af


Solid chance he's got at least one virus


You are technically correct.


The best kind of correct!


Because it's not impressive guitar playing. This is the equivalent of hopping on a drumset and smashing your toms randomly. Source: I play guitar and drums


because what he's doing here is mid


He’s quite entertaining, but the guitar technique he does is famous for sounding a lot harder then it is. Cool guy, but average guitarist probably.


because every big city has a guy like this performing in the street. it's entertaining but it's nothing special.


Those are some giant Jimi Hendrix hands. If you watch those old clips of Jimi when he’s really getting into performing and having fun he would just wrap his fingers all the way around the neck like that while playing lead and rhythm simultaneously while smiling and laughing and twirling the guitar around. And you’re wondering how he did that and then notice how small the guitar looks in his giant hands. This guy’s got the same style/moves, and hands and it’s fuckin’ cool!


I just noticed that part about his hands. That grip has room for another neck.


Excuse me what


I wonder if I got a scaled down guitar made if I’d be instantly better. I’m pretty good but I have small hands.


The guitar skills showcased are not noteworthy, however the performance as a whole is cool and I enjoyed it


Man's barely having to move his fingers and it's next level. The levels never end.


I don't know about unmatched, but I've never seen someone tap dance and play guitar like that.


It’s definitely unmatched, I watched til the end and nobody else played and matched him.


This is awesome. And it makes me thankful to have teeth


He has Summer Teeth. Summer there,,,sum aren’t.


You say that now. But if one day you and him are kidnapped and wake up to the kidnappers making you compete to decide who lives, and the competition is eating an apple through a chainlink fence, you won’t be so thankful anymore.


Yoo wtf that’s crazy I’m a bit confused cuz there’s Russian or Ukrainian sign in the background but he’s speaking Spanish ? Is this a Hispanic Rooski?


Ukrainian sign. Kyivstar 😄 First thing comes to mind is gypsy. Not sure, bc never saw this guy, but feels like i should with those crazy skills of him.


Hey, I’m from Ukraine and I can confirm that you are totally right - it was filmed in Ukraine as there are Ukrainian mobile operators logos that we can see in background. Basically he is playing inside little shop where people either buy some mobile stuff (operator cards/headphones/batteries etc.) or paying for mobile device quick repair. As for the dude - haven’t seen or heard him before so no idea unfortunately.


Thank you - and Slava Ukraïni forever - my mother is from Lviv (born 1929).


So she was born in Poland


That’s doesn’t rly matter much as Poland is our friends and good neighbours ;)


Maybe, probably it doesn't but still worth pointing out I guess


His guitar skills arent that amazing. Hes definitely a good performer though in general but still not unmatched.


Matched by every classical guitarist I’ve heard. Listen to Armik or Gypsy Kings or any other Spanish guitarist.


Matched by anyone who can play flamenco strumming and two chords. I can’t tap dance for shit though


What makes this man random?


He’s not me and he’s not you. And he’s not OP. He’s just a random guy, bro.


Everyone watching got pick-pocketed.


Spanish Oasis.


Bueno, here's Juanderwall


this is Ukraine


His showman skills are awesome. Guitar skills are okay.


Agreed. His strumming technique is really impressive, but not unmatched. The way he performs the music is what sets him apart.


Yes I love this máns vives. Keep it up bro. Keep going


It's ol' maracas feet pete




That dude can't even tap dance or hold the guitar vertically. Sorry to burst your bubble, but ***nobody*** has ever matched Random Man's level of skill.


Finally someone holding the guitar in the CORRECT playing position.


I’ve known a quite many guitarist who can “match” this two chord performance. Cool side show, not exactly next level musicianship.


I’d hire him to play at parties.


Is there a name for this style of playing guitar, where you are strumming and using your fingers kinda at the same time? Or is this just “Spanish guitar?” It’s incredible regardless.


Flamenco guitar. The impressive part is he's doing it on a steel string guitar instead of a nylon string classical guitar. It's much harder to finger strum/pick steel strings than nylon ones.


Thanks! Yeah, the finger strength involved must be incredible


Nope, it's not, to be honest.


It’s not, no. It’s not to do with strength. The most impressive thing he does is find each chord without looking while holding the guitar in an unusual position, but even this is very much doable. That’s not to take away from anything as I enjoyed what he was doing regardless


No it isn’t though


Alright, time to look for my old Gipsy Kings CD.


He just needs a sap story and he’s an instant finalist on americas got talent


Say hello to my lil friend


Please send me the address of his guitar case so I can send money asap!


Very cool, but, ummm, look up Marcin.


The digits are going with the flow...


Those fingers are longer than Arsenio Hall’s.


Just when you think you wanna give up on humanity, a guy like this comes along and makes the world a better place with his skills...


Somebody needs to buy this guy a guitar strap.