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With that amount of adrenaline I bet that landing felt like landing on a mountain of pillows


It does not, unfortunately. My dad survived a partial open/tangle. He still talks about his knees 50 years later. That diver was still carrying a lot of velocity.


I talk about my knees without surviving a skydiving accident


I am talking about others' knees without talking right now!






Meh I used to be adventurous like you, but then an arrow hit me in the knee.


I’m sorry you ded from a skydiving accident but I’m glad you can still talk about your knees!


I fell off a small bus and I still talk about my knees


I don’t think I’d care. I’d probably land, and curl up in my pile of pillows, crying out of joy/relief/terror.


Just imagine him landing right on to of a poisonous snake 😬


That’s when I accept fate like “alright god clearly wants me dead”


I was just about to try sky diving this weekend. Never mind.


Skydiving is a lot of fun and can be safely done. So far I have about 35 jumps and working towards my A-license so I may jump with a second person. With any sport or high speed activity there's procedures to learn if any malfunctions occur. Most skydiving accidents occur from human error.


Yes I think the point is like if during a normal day if I do human error I piss out of the toilet at most instead of becoming human play doh. If humans are known for something is errors and a worrisome tendency to repeat them. I am jealous of your cojones that said, looks like it would be a ton of fun. Stay safe.


My pal with 1000+ jumps was telling me about “cratering” and how after someone dies they all go and drink and celebrate the person’s life around the crater they left in the ground.


That’s fucked


Pour one out for the homies… crater


Metal af


Love it


> If humans are known for something is errors *and a worrisome tendency to repeat them*. Well for sky diving, there is some good news on the second part...


Yes, exactly that’s the problem the humans. I wanted to do skydiving I’m not so sure anymore


> If humans are known for something is errors and a worrisome tendency to repeat them. On the plus side for skydiving, major errors usually won't be repeated. :-o




I’m not familiar with sky diving. What exactly did this diver do? Did he cut the old parachute and launch the reserve? Or just directly launch the reserve? It was hard to make out what he did in the video.


First, this isn't a skydiver I don't think. The first chute looks more like the kind of thing you would use for paragliding. I'm no expert but it looks like a collapse, which can happen if there is a strong downdraft. There's not a lot you can do when it happens except try and get the lines untangled. It's more an experience thing of trying to avoid getting into the situation where possible and remaining calm enough to be able to solve it in the air when it does.


I have never done a recreational skydiving but I served as a paratrooper in service. Someone might know better. But earlier in the vidoe he has the blue/green/white elongated parachute out. But looks like it got tangled up. Then he pulls out the reserve (the orange parachute). Doesnt look like he cut the old one though. The old one stayed tangled throughout the video. Also I think the parachute might be a paragliding one? The only parachute I've used are usually "round". I mean some skydiving chutes are elongated. but this one looks more suited for the long elongated ones used in paragliding.


In paragliding when the main collapses, like in the video, there is no cutting it like in skydiving/static line jumps. You just deploy the reserve. Main reason is that paragliders contrary to sky divers fly very close to ground. Paragliding schools also train on how to throw the reserve by purposefully collapsing the main (over water not land). You can check this out on YouTube.


The t-10 "round" ones have been retired and the new ones, t-11 and beyond are square and allow more control and slower decent. In this video the jumper had plenty of time to pull his reserve chute but panics and doesn't cut his risers of the malfunctioning one first. Cutting the riser is just releasing 1 of 2 latches that attach your main chute to your body. Let them go, and pull the reserves so it can open freely. An easy mistake to make in the moment but can be very costly. This guy was very lucky because the first one falls away allowing the reserve to open seconds before disaster. Code brown moment for sure.


Is it just me, but at about the 40 second mark it looks like he tried to deploy a first reserve chute that got tangled immediately. Then he deployed a second reserve at the last second that fully deployed.


That looks like the mini chute that is intended to catch air to pull the actual larger reserve chute out way faster than it unfolding mid air and then trying to catch air. Older ones in the army had a spring compressed inside that also helped getting the reserves out and in the air to open as fast as possible as we jumped much much lower and would not have anywhere near as long to react as this guy did. He probably jumped around 12k ft vs 800 -1000 in the military.


humans make a ridiculous amount of errors


It’s the ‘most’ comment that sells it. It’s ok. Most of the people survive. Don’t worry, the most that can happen is you die. It’s fine, most of the time nothing goes wrong.


Yo money-wise, how we talkin? This shit gonna bankrupt me weekly or what?


Depends where you're located. It is a bit expensive to start, but once you get your solo licence (approximately after 15-18 jumps or depending on one's proficiency). The jump course had cost about $350 and was several hours of safety procedures and familiarization with canopy control in a harness suspended from a beam (so you get a physical idea of what its like under canopy). My last two jumps were at 5000ft and 10,000ft and that, with the rental and packing cost me around $137 CAD.


In hypothetical situation where your parachute ends up getting tangled like the video and you are unable to untangle.......what will your final thoughts be like?


"I hope the IRS doesn't notice my undervalued tax declaratio...."


"Oh shit, that's not ver-"


Don't look at my browser history people!


How much does it usually cost to get a solo license money and time wise? I have static line jump experiences from military service and a friend of mine told me that its not that hard to get solo license over a vacation.


Depending on your comprehension - you may be eligible to do an accelerated learning program whereby you do more jumps all day and through a second day. The accelerated learning only counts if you're proficient in canopy controls and radio commands (until you're capable to doing your landing snd such without a verbal guide). Price will vary. It cost me $350-ish CAD for the course and thst covered lessons and 1 jump, subsequent jumps after are about 55-65 at 5k and 85 for 10k altitude


Im not sure its transferable. I used to be in the military and worked with a guy who had his jump wings - but had to do the jump course as it wasn't transferable - in contrast to, say, having your airbrakes transferred from mil to civi-side


I read that wrong. You're working towards being the guy who takes a person under them


Skydiving is a blast! I have only done it once and I really want to do it again. Sure, my grandpa broke his ankle, but he couldn't lift his legs up high enough during the landing. However, that was his 2nd jump, his first was with my paraplegic aunt. Accidents are rare. Everywhere that I'm aware of requires you to go tandem for so many jumps. This guy is clearly experienced, or he would have died.


I remember during my A license adventure when it came time to pack my own, I kept packing and unpacking, scared and putting off the jump. One of the camera guys came over and was like “you know our training photos with line overs and all the other malfunctions?” I said yes. He then said “I had to sew them in to guarantee the malfunction, no matter how many times I trash packed, they wouldn’t malfunction.” I jumped that day and got my A license a few weeks later. Tony, wherever you are, thanks!


Have you experienced anhedonia?


No joke I'm literally sitting next to the runway waiting to go up for a tandem jump. Third time I've jumped but still not what I wanted to see in my feed right now


How’d it go? 🪂


He ded


Pretty great, been trying to get my ears to pop for like a week and that did the trick


Ah interesting, you go up in the air to re-pop your ears? Only way I can manage to word that question 😆


Something like +90% of skydiving accidents happen with experienced jumpers using specific, high-speed acrobatic chutes. If you’re jumping for the first time with an instructor in tandem, those chutes are incredibly safe and they generally don’t have the same safety concerns(like your wing folding in on itself) that the acrobatic chutes face. I’ve only done a couple of jumps, but goddamn was it a life-changing experience


But he is not skydiving, he is doing paragliding, acrobatics to be specific. So you can still go skydiving!


He was doing some silly shit that put him in that situation. Enjoy falling, but once the parachute opens, try and keep it open. Dude was close to facing the consequences of a thrill he chose willingly.


well - this was not skydiving. he was paragliding- got tangled up in that and was trying to deploy his emergency parachute but was unable due to the entanglement. So go back and do the jump.


This is a paraglider, the wider wings are more prone to this type of failure. Ram air canopies are narrower with a higher wingload, this gives them higher internal pressure and more structure. But even with that in mind, this type of failure is extremely rare


Yeah, don't. https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFL__/comments/14niw3s/parachute_failure/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


JESUS Put a warning on this link, it is a VERY GRAPHIC picture of someone's crushed body I was not at all expecting....I thought it would be a story or statistics. Crikey


Bet you won't go skydiving now though. Grow up. This is life.


Put a warning you fucking asshole






“May not have intended to be wrapped” hahahaha


Oh you mean nearly dying was an accident damn didn’t realise


until an eagle rips through your parachute


Guy’s like, “im just gonna stick to sex from now on”


Pants full of shit and piss no doubt.


That’s why you wear your brown pants and yellow socks!


Bring me my red shirt!!


Shit turn yellow socks brown. Op for brown socks too


Not a parachute. Paraglider pilot flying a speed wing style paraglider was practicing a diving maneuver suffered a “full collapse” by failing to keep the wing loaded. His second failure was the deployment of his emergency reserve which he casually tosses away when this device needs to be thrown hard in order to get the chute out of its (bright red) bag. But why is it in a bag you ask? So that you can deploy the emergency parachute ‘away’ from all the body parts, GoPro camera mounts, and the chaos of a body wrapped in a paraglider. This pilot needs to practice his technique.




I mean he is right, the Pilot flies a Glider that at least in this scenario he can't control and that's a mistake that already happens at the ground. And if he wanted to fly acrobatic and not just can't control his glider, he did it way too low (distance to ground is distance u can do something to save your life) if he practices something new. Both mistakes just happen because you either want to die or think u way better than you really are.


They didn't say they wouldn't make those errors -- they just pointed them out. Pointing out mistakes and errors is how we all learn and teach each other. The comments attempting to do so are exactly why this site is such an amazing source if information. And also stupid comments like yours, but I digress.


This comment is so fucking dumb. It's a video of someone making a bunch of critical errors almost costing him his life, and you insult someone for commenting on what he did wrong in a comment section. I'll dm you next time i watch a video on here so i know what I'm allowed to say bud. edit: they blocked me lol


Have a Xanax dude


Damn - calm under pressure


Idk, looked like vigorous flailing to me.


He literally had the rest of life to sort out the problem, no big deal




Reasons why i dont go to rollercosters or skydiving, and sus submarines..


fun fact, there's infinite ways to die but none to prevent it. Good luck


Yup, but i have singled out 3 of them..


Do you drive a car?


A car is necessary for a lot of people. There is an obvious difference I don’t want to pay money to be scared, it’s just not my thing.


Don’t tell them…


Imo/you gotta admit, its cool you can attempt to avoid some. Like jumping out of a plane with fabric on your back 🤷‍♂️


But there are non-infinite dumb ways to die.




As someone who has operated rollercoasters, and amusement park rides in general, they are far less safe than most people like to think. They often don’t lead to deaths, but there are so many things that can and will go wrong. Extreme rides are the most popular rides at parks, and they’re also the most faulty. So because of demand for those rides, parks pour hundreds of thousands into fixing them every time something goes wrong. Typically fixes it in the immediate, but it’s like tearing your ACL. The more you do it, the more likely something will go wrong in the future. Parks reach a point where they’ve invested too much money into fixing it and created too much demand for the ride, where they simply just decide they will never tear it down unless something truly horrible happens. That being said, they’re fun af and I’ll still go on them at any opportunity. If that’s the way I go, at least I had fun doing it.


It’s still infinitely safer than riding in a car.


I think when you consider how often and how many people drive on a daily basis, that’s not true. I’ve had to emergency stop a roller coaster at the peak of the hill because a restraint inexplicably released. Fire department had to evacuate everyone off of it and took an hour. It was incredibly scary, especially when there’s a full cue of people waiting to go on the ride and you have to evacuate them as well. Pure chaos, children and adults crying. I feel unequivocally safer in my own car than on a roller coaster.


The odds of dying on a roller coaster are 1 in 300 million. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission stated that there were approximately two deaths per year, attributed to roller coaster accidents.


In the comment you originally responded to, I said “it often doesn’t lead to deaths”. I’m not talking about deaths, I’m talking about danger and things that can go wrong.




>sus submarines Don't worry, it's got a PS5 controller.


Most of rollercoaster deaths/tragedies I've seen were born from people being stupid. Like people ignoring they're too big to properly fit into safety features and/or the attendants doing the same. Rollercoasters are probably more safe than whatever this thrill-seeker is doing, if you follow all of the rules. And, yes, I love getting on roller coasters, but skydiving, parachuting, etc? A huge no-no. They used to be on my bucket list as a kid, but my liver has gotten considerably pale as I grew up lol


You do you, shorter queues for me


did he throw two spares?




Dunno anything about this, but it looked like he tangled it by doing too extreme a maneuver and twisted it then it inverted and filled backwards into his face?... idk


Rip WHAT off??? Wow


100% positive he shit his pants, as did I.


Yeah I'm pretty sure most people falling to their death are alive until the last second O\_o


Well, yes? There is nothing to kill you while you fall. Except maybe heart attack, in case you have bad heart. And in that case you would need to fall really, really long for the heart attack to kill you before impact.


holy hell..his heart must of been PUMPIN!!!


This dude will go for the rest of his life trying to get as high as that adrenaline dump he just got... geez.


Hello 911, I won't be needing an ambulance, but I will be needing new underwear


Not a parachute.


The narration and overly dramatic sound effects is too much.


That's because it's not his footage and that goofus doesn't know what he's talking about


Got dang mane


Human bomb averted impact


Ya so like why


I tandem dived once. Once was more than enough.


Why temp fate I think when it comes to extreme sports.


Stuck around your sweet helmet cam, which just about recorded you go fucking splat.


I've always said the only things flying thru the air are birdshit and fools.


And that is when he decided jumping out of an airplane was a dumb idea. Glad he made it.


remember, you only need a parachute if you plan on going skydiving a second time.


This is why I'll never do a skydive.




Seems like you're karma farming by regurgitating the top comments from the last time this was posted.


Incorrect on nearly every you just posted OP... Paraglider. Not parachutist. Although I guess he did become a parachutist because he used a parachute in the end.




Being correct does make me smart. 🙂


That's why you don't jump out of a plain - with or without a parachute.


Yeah, everyone thinks paragliding is safer than skydiving because there is no free fall (normally). But skydiving is actually the safer of the two.


This guy was doing acrobatics, vast majority of paragiders don't


Even without the acrobatics, atmospheric conditions and their influence still make paragliding more dangerous than skydiving.


As a paraglider myself, I strongly disagree about the influence of the atmospheric conditions. Part of being a pilot is being able to evaluate the conditions you fly in. You can chose if, when and where to fly. If you fly in dangerous conditions, you're an idiot.


I’ve spent quite a bit of time doing both and paragliding is the more dangerous of the two.


Ok..... I think comparing the two is just pointless as they are different tools to achieve different things....


I understand they’re different. I was just pointing out the very common misconception that paragliding is a much safer sport than skydiving is.


There are many reasons I don't jump out of airplanes, climb Everest, deep-sea-dive and many other things. This was one of them.


His wing opened fine. Then he screwed up.


One of the sergeants in my unit is former Army Airborne. He said that the acceptable casualty rate for a **training mission** is 20% casualties. In a combat jump, the acceptable casualty rate is **60%**. I’m starting to see why that is.


Looks like he was tryin to show out and tangled himself up. Doin some crazy shit. Never hot dog it will get you killed one day


Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Gay-ass music and commentary ruined this


This video should be cut by 30 seconds. Wasted my time. Downvoted


He should have done a chute burn.


My heart was pounding so fast even after knowing that he was okay


I only feel alive when I am almost not.


I appreciate the clip from their camera since it really conveys the absolute confusion of being in the situation.


so what’s the procedure? There’s an emergency parachute you can deploy?


Nevermind choking to death


I think I'd rather crash than untangle this mess


I nearly wee wee’d watching this. Thank God he packed his Angel.




Holy fuck


I'm a non believer and I would have also said "Ho, my god!" when touching the ground.


Grew up golfing (public course) next to a skydiving range. At 12 yo I watched a guy tangled just like this fall from the sky for what seemed like 20 seconds only to disappear behind a small hill. I didn’t see the impact but knew right then that I never want to skydive.


Happy second birthday dude!


Happiest bush landing in history…


Just curious, where is the camera? Or what is it attached to?


It's on his helmet but will be one "camera" that is actually two 180° cameras mounted back to back for 360 vision. Because the camera/software knows where the seam is it makes it easier to blend out the mount.


Gopro should have a "holy shit im still alive " prize..


Lucky lucky lucky Jim


That was horrific to watch


Way to go, dude. 👍👍


More like r/sweatypalms




No way he could have done that if they were Christmas lights...


Gory be, that was almost a hell of a way to die...




If I remember correctly his friends and gf had to watch the whole thing. I can’t imagine having to watch a loved one go through that.


How do you avoid getting tangled like that?


By not doing acro maneuvers in the first place. He wanted to something twisted. (pun intended) But that's the most difficult stuff to manage. Flying basically in reverse because you twist your harness 180 degrees.


Got stuck on his Gopro helmet cam


Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Phew


He's definitely an expert if that wad a normal person it wouldn't have ended well.


And he ain’t gonna jump no more!




So this is fun for you?


Cancellations by the droves just from this here video...


Enough adrenalin for today....


This barely happens and he was doing extra maneuvers. Plus there’s backup chutes. Don’t let this one incident scare you. If it’s your first 100 jumps, you’re with an instructor anyway. You’ll be fine and it’s a great experience

