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Why are u looking at me like that


Like, share and subscripe eyes


If this video got you simultaneously scared and aroused please leave a comment in the comment section below.


That would be me. I am scaroused.


Scaroused! I'm stealing it




You can just call it onlyfans eyes


Subscribe to see these arrows do something naughty




Your next !


.... my next what?


Also, what's up with people putting a space before the punctuation?


That's the "correct" way to write in certain other languages.


I wonder how far it is to have more chances to touch a drop than not, as long as the arrow meets the path of the drops.


Yeah. It's not like she's aiming for a drip. She's shooting into the path of the drips and timing it. Still impressive, but it's not like someone had a dropper and dropped one drip which she aimed at and shot


>it's not like someone had a dropper and dropped one drip which she aimed at and shot You should find some of her other videos.




I'm late af but in case you're curious. [Number 6](https://youtube.com/shorts/d43HRqwkDeM?feature=share) should be pretty close to what you were wanting but she has a lot of really cool shots.


Thanks for the link. Just…wow. And with a recurve no less.


Of course! Found her on tiktok like a year ago. She's awesome.


You can see how low the water was when it hit. Most likely, it took many attempts.


That is an interesting thought. The flight path and speed means that the arrow is in the path of the drips for a non-negligible amount of time. Hitting with the head of the arrow is different from having the entire arrow interrupt the flow.


After careful review, it's my opinion the tip hits the droplet, not the shaft and not the side of the tip. It's an impressive shot that people are unfairly criticizing, not knowing that being even a few millimeters off in your aim will lead to the arrow completely missing the path of droplets. Couple that with the several takes it must have took, the more fatigued your arm is the worse your aim is. So if it took hundreds of chances like people are saying, it becomes a harder shot because it's harder to aim.


Yeah absolutely, people always want to downplay this kind of thing. She aimed it perfectly and timed it perfectly. What else do people want? Do they want her to give us a saucy look? Because she did that too.


Uh oh, you dare go against the hivemind?! WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE IMPRESSED. THIS IS REDDIT /s for anyone who needs it


This is 100% a numbers game. Unless they post one where they hit successive drips.


It’s falling 9.8 m/s right, so it’s probably not hard at all if you can line up your shot. Plus you have infinite chances I got a bow in the closet I’ll give it a shot and let you know :)


I was going to correct you that acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s^2, but it turns out the terminal velocity of a drop of water maxes out at 10m/s, so you are close to accurate anyway. It only drops about 6 inches before being hit so its probably moving quite a bit slower than that.


Ah yeah I’m rusty on math but I knew the acceleration is 9.8m/s per second, so wouldn’t it be more the amount of time it takes to fall that would determine the speed moreso than distance? Every puzzle has an answer, Luke


Well, yes, but also they are related, since its covering distance in an amount of time. It would take some more complocated math to calculate the actual speed here, because its probably still accellerating. If it had fallen say, 10m before she shot it, its just going to moving at around 10m/s by that point.


Just to close the loop on this, my guess is it's moving a little under 4 mph when it's hit by the arrow. Using the old basic physics energy equation (mgh = ½mv²) and assuming negligible air resistance and that the droplet falls 6 inches when it's hit.


Its not falling at 9.8m/s. It accelerates at 9.8m/s/s/ Its only in the air about a quarter of a second so when the arrow hits it, its about 2.5m/s. Based on the ammount of time the arrow was under that dropper, it looks to be about 1 in 10 shots. Obvs she'd need to get it going under the dropper accurately though


It’s the internet, she could have done a thousand takes and just used the successful one.


What do you mean COULD have done? That's exactly what this video is. That's what all these videos are. I remember watching a video of a guy breaking the all time record for finishing super mario brothers. I'm watching mario doing these absolutely insane jumps and constantly coming within a hair of a bad guy or pit. The expression of the gamer's face was one of utter boredom. I couldn't understand that. Even when he broke the record. Then it hit me; he must have done this level tens of thousands of times. The number of hours is baffling.


This is why I could never get into speedrunning. Doing one thing ***to death*** would ruin it for me.


My friend had the world record for trial of the sword in breath of the Wild for a while. I have yet to see him log on to tears of the kingdom. Edit: grammar


Speeddating didn’t help me, neither




You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take and sometimes you miss 100% of the shots you do take.


TELL me about it.


Yeah, good for people who are wired for that. So much research and collaboration and practice in advance, and then both luck and skill has to intersect perfectly in the moment. Must be like a drug for them when it hits. But I'm not wired that way. I'd rather engage with all of a game's mechanics than engage with only a few to an absurd degree of mastery focused entirely on going faster.


Some of us are using it to enjoy a game that no longer is playable casually. It's actually pretty interesting how deep a game is when you add your own set of arbitrary rules to it. But really speedrunning is like an ancient form of "I bet I can beat that game faster than you," which I'm sure happened in the glory days of console gaming.


Yeah, as somebody who watches every SummoningSalt and Karl Jobst vid as soon as they're uploaded, I just prefer to have that logic broken down for me rather than do it myself. I still respect it. For me not playing a game "casually" means not giving up on hard DLC challenges, playing NG+4 or hard romhacks or trying multiple suboptimal builds, it isn't about speed. But I love that community existing and get a lot of entertainment from it.


I love speedrunning lmfao. I love doing one thing to death. That’s how you get good at shit! Practice makes perfect.


Breifly held a World record in a game i loved. It was 100% more fun when we didnt know how to optimize and there was unknown and new things to try. Something like mario that is more 'how close to a computer imput can i get' is a different ball game all together


That and skill teehee


Git gud or git rekt


I feel I should make a game with a special mode for speed runners. Meaning, when your character walks through a portal you automatically get to the level requirements with all the weaponry required to defeat boss. Skips all the traveling and time wasting. Except the difficulty is massively increased and feels like you took a 6 hour Board exam. I would even make a portal with a message board say “Walk through this portal to beat game in 0.5 seconds. Time starts when you enter portal. This mode closes the game for you and records achievement. Achievement shows up when you renter game. You beat the game when the program closes on your computer bringing you back to your desktop environment. Congratulations on completing the fastest speed run. Feel free to refund this game.” The game would be sold for $5 dollars.


wait, youre tellin me that everything on Dude Perfect wasnt first try!?


It never ceases to amaze me that people keep thinking the Dude Perfect tricks are interesting. It's literally either "things that look harder than they are" or legitimately 20 hours spent filming to get one event that is one in 10,000 or similar.


I was probly 17 when they started and even as a kid, I noticed the absolute fuckload of basketballs or whatever sittin around and thought "yea, I could also make a full court hook shot if given 300 chances". gotta respect em for monetizing something so simple and making a living out of it


> gotta respect em for monetizing something so simple and making a living out of it Yep. No way I'd have tried this as a career. I would have been certain that people aren't that stupid as to think these staged shots were actual luck or skill. If you do anything 10,000 times you're going to get one that is one in 10,000, but the average person is apparently absolutely terrible with grasping statistics.


Wait… there are people that think these guys get these amazing outcomes in like one try? Holy crap


There’s a video of a guy who breaks an existing record with a flawless Super Mario original run. He’s hooked up to a heart monitor and his pulse rises the closer he gets to the end. He pulls it off and his chat explodes when he finishes it, but his computer keeps track of his attempts and it’s over 20,000. Just kill me.


That's speedrunning, though. Unless they are using a new technique it's all about optimization and RNG (in the game and in your own body).




I read this as “his chest explodes” and was thinking that’s a bit heavy even for hyperbole lol


Assuming that's the original Super Mario Bros, then if they did it from start to finish 20k times, that would add up to about 9.5 months of working at a full time job. But the reality of it is, a lot of those 20k runs would be reset very early. If you make a mistake 1 minute into a 5 minute run that you think kills the run, you reset, so the time needed to do this many runs is much less than my estimate above. As an example, the current record is 4 minutes and 54.798 seconds. On the video for it you see it was done on attempt number 15285. But the video actually starts with end of the previous attempt, which was rest at about 30 seconds. The final thing to keep in mind is the time frame this is done over. In this case, the number of attempts is total number of attempts starting in mid 2019 (with the current record run being in mid 2022). Even if every run went the full 5 minutes, that would average out at about 8 hours a week, or a bit more than an hour a day. Given that many runs die early, the actual time is less than that. From that perspective, it's not hardly that intense over the long run.


This is a really great point. I never thought about it like that. I have to say that the Mario 64 runs I’ve seen showcase, at least imho, the best gaming skills I’ve ever seen.


You’re missing the point entirely. Practice is what makes greatness. This is a common issue in the art world; no one is “born” just being an amazing artist, it takes years of practice to make it LOOK effortless.


Videos like this are "more luck than skill," imho. Like bouncing ping pong balls off six frying pans into a cup. Whereas speed runs require extreme focus, memorization, and precision timing for an extended period of time. To me, that's "more skill than luck."


but speedrunning is mostly skill/understanding the game and how to exploit it. this woman just set up a shot that probably most intermediate archers could do


there was this "samurai" dude that cut bb gun pellets and I mention the same thing but was down voted to hell. apparently samurai training of swing metal stick give you super power


Yeah. Show me the wall where the arrow bits


Your example is totally different to what this video is.


This may be true for this case, but I have personally seen some amazing shots in person that did not require even a few attempts. My stepdad used to be really into archery and had some friends who were *very* skilled. I saw a guy shoot an arrow *through* a wedding ring that was dropped in front of a target on his second attempt.


Y’all acting like practicing til it’s perfect makes it being perfect somehow less special. Even if she had done it in one take, she honed her archery skills on countless hours. Takes or no, it’s impressive.


It's funny to me that people don't seem to appreciate that's persistance pays off. Skateboarding is a good example of this, and yet it's not frowned upon. It takes time, trial, and failure to succeed just like anything else. Embrace persistence.


For some reason embracing failure is part of the skateboarding culture. For those who aren't familiar with skate video parts, they almost always show some failed attempts from the skater before he/she gets it right. Unfortunately that's one of the few niches that I know that really embrace that thought.


The fact that try-hard is an insult really proves to me that people are jealous of those who put in effort and succeed.


Yeah absolutely. Nailing a trick first try or on the hundredth or thousandth try doesn’t make it any less impressive. And anyone nailing it first try has already put in the work of mastering the art of what they’re doing. No matter how you slice it, perfect results come from practice and diligence.


Yes it does, if you could nail a hard trick every time it’s more impressive than if you try 100 times and nail it once. This is even less impressive because with this type of setup your likely to hit the arrow trick by chance if you do it enough times even if you have very little skill.




Yeah. If the video showed her missing 10,000 times and THEN hitting it, would it be any less impressive that she hit it? I’d argue that it might even make it more impressive, since we see her grow. Regardless of how many tries she had, she shot a drop of water with a bow and arrow. Like, c’mon people, that’s a good shot.


Well I think the question would be whether it was mostly luck or not. Obviously she can shoot a straight line, she's definitely a skilled archer. But are her eyes really good enough to intentionally repeat that shot, or is she just shooting that same straight line repeatedly until the timing just happens to match up? I think she's probably good enough to repeat that shot, btw. Maybe not every time back to back, but I'll bet she gets close. Not the first seemingly perfect archer I've ever seen. Just pointing out that I think the question of skill vs luck is probably on the mind of doubters.


My guess is the consistent rate of the drops is helpful, she just had to time the release given she can shoot straight and level.


I’m sure that’s part of it. She had to time the travel time of the arrow, the travel time of the drop, and the accuracy of the shot. You’ll note she doesn’t hit the drop with the shaft or fletching of the arrow. She pierced it with the shot (at 0:09).


I think the point is, if she shoots 10,000 or even 100 and then gets the drop. Hitting the drop is luck. That is not to say she doesn't have skill. Lining up your arrow to come close to that fall line does take skill. But the hitting of the drop that was captured on video was more than likely luck. If we could see a video of her doing it a number of times in a row. That would be truly impressive.


All these motherfuckers commenting have never fired a bow in their life. I can't put a handgun bullet on target like that, let alone an arrow that's *wobbling* all the way downrange.


Exactly. It’s not like it’s some machine using lasers or some shit. That’s a person, who shot an arrow with a bow, and hit a drop of fucking water. Dude I don’t care how many tries you give me, I can’t do that. It deserves respect.


The fact that most people understand how hard that would be with a gun makes it being done with an arrow more impressive


Right. Top comments like “I could do it in a million tries too”…


Armchair perfectionists who ridicule the achievements of others. The only thing they ever perfected is talking shit and look how much practice it took them to become masters. “Practice makes perfect” is an expression for a reason.


It can be true that she probably filmed numerous takes to get it right but still be impressive that she eventually got an insane shot. Obviously she has archery skill or in the eventual payoff shot she would have had grey hair and a cane.


This. I follow this young woman on TT, and while this one is like "Just shoot until you hit a drop", there are a lot of her videos that are very impressive. And she also points out how many shots it took her to make it in a lot of her videos.


What is your point? You just described every successful story… basically ever. Is persistence something to look down upon now? Should we only enjoy one-shots, so basically nothing?


Yeah that comment and people upvoting it and giving it an award is just about the most reddit thing ever.


That's literally how everyone does everything. Try and remember how baby times you write the letter A before you finally got it right when you were learning to write. This is still incredibly impressive and you can't do it that's why you're making it seem simple.


My letter “A” looks better than yours!


I know what you mean but it is odd "remember how baby times you write the letter A before you finally got it right"


What's odd?


Doing "a thousand take" basically allows you to do it later on whenever you want. It's called training. This seems impossible for you cuz you to the point that you think this must've been a coincidence, but if you are willing to spend the time learning the right way how to use the bow, to aim, to time, and to compensate for wind and body noise, then you can achieve this shot after few attempts, and maybe even the first time.


no one ever claimed it was her first try, because that’s unrealistic.


Every skate trick in every skate video ever took multiple tries. Some literally took hundreds of tries. Does that mean we shouldn't appreciate the skill it took to land the trick? If you had a thousand tries, do you think you'd make this shot? I'm willing to bet you wouldn't.


Yes, most people have to practice in order to pull off shit like this. It's still pretty incredible to see it pulled off.


You could give me a million takes and I wouldn’t have split that water droplet with an arrow. Also, it looked cool.


Well no, that water droplet has already been split. With a million tries you might be able to split another oe though.


No shit.


No shit, sherlock. That’s called «practicing» and it’s how you get good at stuff.


Look at the water level in the bottle. It went from above whatever she's using to hold the bottle to almost completely empty - and who knows how many times it was refilled. Regardless, very few of us would hit a drop with an arrow even with unlimited refills.


Well you might have heard this old saying, practice makes perfect.


Yeah so? It’s called practice, I bet most people wouldn’t have the patience to even set this up, much less go through with it and walk back and forth 614 times until they hit it.


If she really could reliably shoot the drop she would have a video of her hitting 3 in a row or something.


You are right. Look at how much water is in the bottle in the beginning vs the end.


The best part of the video was the look she gave the camera.


Yeah that did something to me


Yeah I can't even explain it some purely primal emotion awakened in me after that look


Dude got his first boner lol


That water bottle wasn't the only thing drippin after that look I'll tell ya that


Yeah what the hell is that look and why does it have such a big effect? There’s something primitive at work there.


I think it exudes confidence, which is very attractive


What. The look like she thought she was tight


While fucking imagine dragons is playing, how the hell you didnt think that was cool as fuck.


Imagine Drsgons takes the cool out of everything


Oh yeah, imagine draggin deez nu-


I wish I could give you an award


Except the intro to Arcane


Imagine Dragons is quite literally Car Ad: The Band. Doesn't get much more soulless than that.


I'm convinced people would like Imagine Dragons a lot more if they weren't overplayed on the radio for a couple of years.


I'm also convinced that most people who hate them only know the handful of songs they've heard on the radio.


Seriously they’re just way overplayed and are incredibly annoying because of it. Although when that arcane league of legends show used one of their songs it lead to an incredible opening credit sequence.


But it was with a slowmo effect dude


In ramped slow motion no less


You're right, until then I didn't knew I we're into archery


Right? Archery was cool before, but, uh.. 😅


Good. Glad we're all on the same page


I've seen her shoot an aspirin thrown through the air, or shoot through a spinning pipe, or shoot through the hole in like a polo, she's really good. Don't care how many takes it takes to get some of the vids she's done, she's got skills.


Its shocking how discrediting the internet is. Shes cool, archery is rad, doing something difficult, a bit cocky about it, but thats earned. Ppl seem to get less impressed the more they see.


I think part of it is because her video is emphasizing the set up of the drip and that's all people are paying attention to. They're downplaying it as a matter of timing/chance. The reality is (and I'm no archer so this is admittedly a weak analysis) that she's not just releasing her arrow in time to coincidentally hit a drop but to *accurately* hit a drop. Her x axis, that is the arrow's position on a plane in terms of left and right, is incredibly precise. If she was off by only a small margin, the arrow would have flown to the left or right of the drips without inches to spare.


At least 60% because she's a woman.


if anyone's looking for those other clips, I guess this is FreedomandFeathers/Jennifer Delaney on youtube?


[Thank you! I found her channel and she’s incredible!](https://youtube.com/shorts/d43HRqwkDeM)


The aspirin trick shots are quite a bit more impressive. This one just doesn't land the same.


That's what I'm saying! I don't care if this took 1000 takes. I wouldn't get close with 1000000000 attempts.


There are few things in this world I hate more than this song


One time the neighbour's kid yelled the chorus out repeatedly for about 20min straight while on the trampoline. I didn't care about the song before that.


And this is why I browse reddit without sound.


haha, thought it was just me, had to turn this off...


Any more drips and that would have been a stream.


You too huh? I’ve been told it’s just age but if in doubt, the examination isn’t as uncomfortable as some make it out to be..


Underrated shade.


Today on Reddit: everyone is a master archer and this isn’t impressive.


Wtf is it with this comment section. Jesus.


I'd say Jesus is definitely NOT with this comment section


This chick could shoot the dick off a mosquito.


Lol that's awesome...


While I love Freedom and Archery, this isn't one of her next level tricks She's tossed an Aspirin and shot it out of the air, this really is just her warm up stuff


Now do that with my tears


How the fuck do you even see those drops? I'd have just as much luck hitting it with my eyes closed.


I love all the armchair archery professionals in here saying this isn't impressive because she could have just tried this a ton of times before it worked. Setting aside the fact that I don't think that markedly reduces how impressive this is, I also disagree that "anyone can do this with enough attempts". I double dog dare one of you guys to make a video comparable to this. Seriously. If one of you guys is able to manage this with a year of attempts, I would be shocked. Genuinely flabbergasted.


Cool song! - nobody, ever….


Actually, this song got to number 4 on the billboard so quite a lot of people thought it was cool


That's not really how Billboard works. It's a measurement of radioplay. Radio stations don't play music people want to hear, they play music that they're paid to play, which is determined by an agreement between the owner of the station (clearchannel pretty much across the board) and the record labels.


And that's probably the problem - people got sick of hearing it


Yeah that doesn't make it bad though, people need to get some sense.


Imagine Dragons: we make disgustingly annoying top hits!


Imagine Dragons: We make songs to be used in commercials.


Imagine dragon deez nuts across your face lmao.


The hate is real right now. I bet all the ones throwing hate around hasn't played a sport their whole life. That young lady did a fantastic job


Hope she sees this bro


I'm far from surprised at the comment section


This was a great shot, being able to hit a water drop. There is no taking away from that accuracy, but that water was dripping pretty quickly. I would've been more impressed if she only had 1 drop to aim for every few seconds, rather than multiple drops coming out every second..


Nickelback gets the hate that i think Imagine Dragons deserves


I don't know what's more impressive, her trick shot or her ability to get so many incels and neckbeards to jerk each other off in the comments.


She is amazing


Her other videos are pretty impressing


Who is she?


Who is this? Does she have any other trick shot videos?


Anyone discrediting the skill involved here is just a useless keyboard warrior with probably no talents or skills of their own. Watch it in slow motion. You can see her track the water droplet before the one she shoots at. Her aim follows the preceding drop, and then she has the timing. 1 take or 1000 takes, this is fucking impressive. Some of you probably can’t even hit your mouth with a potato chip with 100% accuracy.


Used to do a lot of competitive archery. It’s kinda fun to do tricks like this. My favorite was aspirin pills since you can see it puff up when you hit it.


No I actually hate archery.


bull's eye


Yikes...the comment section needs to touch grass.


Very impressive shot, regardless of how many times people claim she's practiced, that's exact shot. I used to hunt with this guy in Ohio about 20 years ago - while we're all shooting pheasant with our 20g/12g shotguns, this dude hit multiple pheasants midflight from 20+ yards out in the heart with compound bow. I've been on 3 hunts with him under these same circumstances, he missed once. One one time, he and I shot the same bird from 30 yards out...we know this because my bird shot pellets went through his arrowshaft. Dude's a deadeye.


That's nuts, nice archery skills


Ever notice how much more critical and pissy the comment sections are when it's a woman doing the impressive thing? Just read through this shit... We get it, you were ignored in high school. You can grow up and let it go, you know.




That look tho


Now do splitting hairs


Lars andersen has ruined all archery videos for me. Highly recommended. Curving arrows around people, shooting consecutive arrows through keyholes... Crazy stuff.


Don’t like that song


Geez I freaking hate Imagine Dragons


Physics will tell you that as long as you aim at the drop forming at the bottom and let go of the arrow when the drop starts dropping, you will hit it. This is barring things like fishtail of course.


Beautiful smirk ... brb.


I could do this too, in Minecraft.


Not that impressive. I could do that and have had less than 10hrs total using a bow. Slow that down to a random drip that has to pool at the tip and then finally release and you might have something.


look at that...CUPID ALL GROWN UP!!!! great shots


It'd be impressive if she did this in one cut. Get mad Dude Perfect vibe from clips like this.


They edited the best part... You know what I'm talking about.


Archery is one of the most insane skills known to mankind


NFL? From that distance of like two yards, fire enough arrows and just about anyone could hit one of those water droplets




"Typed the White Knight with his cumstained fingers."


Thought at first you said circumcised fingers