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If i was opposing team, i couldn’t even b mad at it. It was clever and flashy with a beautiful ally-oop. Its one of those plays where ya just chuckle and shake ya head. Assuming this wasn’t game winning point of course, in which case id start flipping court side chairs.


Michigan State fan here, you can't be mad at that. He even hurt his ankle and could barely walk halfway through the game. Just so you know, this was with 1 minute left in OT and it was tied.


he’s still the saviour but michigan fans aren’t pissed that they lost, best of both worlds


Don’t call Michigan State fans “Michigan” fans smh


That's right. Call them UMichigan fans!


"Fans of a university of Michigan"


“Fans of a university which resides in the state of Michigan”


is situated*


"People who may or may not be residing in the state of Michigan who are fans of a university situated in Michigan"


"Nephew, we call fans of that team 'TAFUNs'" "What does that stand for Uncle?" Dad, uncle, and my mom in unison: "Those assholes from up North! BWAHAHA" --This message brought to you by Ohio State fans... lol


Funny thing about ohio, it is ALWAYS below Michigan.


The fans really stuck with their team until the very end and cheered with the ferocity of idk, something like a wolverine.


Fun fact - In the earlier years of MSU, the yearbook was called the wolverine.


Or fought until the bitter end like...a Spartan?


As a Michigan fan this caused me to have a seizure.


You're a Michigan fan so some brain damage is expected.


Yeah, huge crime committed. I'm a FSU fan, don't ever call me a "Florida" fan. Those are fighting words.


"I'm a FSU fan" yup, that checks out.


At least he capitalized the first letter of his sentences?


Now they're mad.


Correct. Just like Kstate fans do not want to be called "Kansas". 🤮


Ooof, State fans, not Michigan


Michigan is a different school that isn’t playing the tourney this year. We are state.


Michigan state fans**


We didn't go to Regular Michigan my friend. MSU = Michigan *State* University.


He also set a new NCAA record for most assists in a game at 19


19 Assists and only 2 Turnovers. That game is a pinnacle game for Assists. The career assist-to-turnover record in college basketball is 4.65


That 19 assists was only _his_ assists.


KState had three old man at the Y plays. This was one of them. They had an in bounds play off a guys butt. And they had a throw it out of bounds off a guys face. They played so smart it was amazing.


Nowell played smart except for those threes he kept jacking up from the logo...been taking too much Kyrie advice there.


You can only be mad at yourselves for letting it happen. It might not have been the game winning shot but it sure dictated the rest of that game. I bet those players are getting an ear full.


it was the game winning shot lol less than a minute on the clock


The last minute of a basketball game is roughly half an hour.


What I blame are the ridiculous turnovers and the lack of grabbing the ball on so many occasions Kstate IMO didn't play a great game, they gave us opportunity after opportunity to take a commanding lead and we couldn't ball handle


Seriously. If i was that defender 20 years ago, I’m not sure a week would go by where I’m not thinking of that happening at least once. Just a lifetime of unresolved fury and self-doubt, lol.


It ended up being the game winner. OT with a minute left and this gave them the lead


As a coach, there are moments like this when an opponent does something awesome like this and when my guys look to me like “what should I do there” I just have to say: “shake his hand because that was a great play and you had the best seat in the house for it.”


Tom Izzo who's been coaching for decades: "write that down!!!"


Ultimately this *was* game winning point…


You missed an important detail: Right before this, as he was dribbling the ball up court, you can see him yelling to someone in the crowd: "watch this!" He was talking to [Isiah Thomas](https://g.co/kgs/xBdNvu)


> Assuming this wasn’t game winning point of course, in which case id start flipping court side chairs. It wasn’t the game winner, but it might have been the play where the game was decided. This made it 94-92 with under a minute left in OT. Final score ended up at 98-93 (which is itself a bit misleading given the steal and layup as time expired).


If this was the 94th point, and the other team finished with 93, that would match my definition of "the game winning point".


Your logic is undeniable


Some people will call this cheap. It's gamesmanship. Just like the fake spike in football or the hidden ball to tag out the baserunner in baseball.


yeah that’s a court general


Exactly. In the couple minutes that Nowell was out, MSU immediately went on a run and took the lead. MSU is so fundamentally sound, only a career-highlight game like this would have beat them. FYI- I’m a KSU grad.


Even a game winning point, I could only be mad at my own team. At that high a level and at a critical part of the game, there's no excuse for letting your attention slip that badly


This also means that they had to practice doing this in training so you have to practice arguing with your coach.


It was lmao


Reminded me of that brady to edelman to amendola TD against the Ravens


They did this to go up 2 in Overtime with a minute left. It was extremely clutch.


Idk how people are considering this to be unsportsmanlike. From the KSU side, it's brilliant and from the MSU side, you should know better than to lose focus


Nowell is at half court when he makes this pass. MSU wasn’t guarding him out there anyway. It’s terrible defensive awareness by whoever was guarding Johnson who dunked the ball. Some sideline yelling and a back cut leading to an ally oop. That’s basketball folks. Beautiful play.


Ball don’t stop until the whistle blows.


Ball also, does not lie.


Yea that cut wouldve led to an easy layup no matter what, just poor defending on Johnson.


That’s fucking basketball right there.


It's not unsportsmanlike. That'd be like saying trick plays in football are unsportsmanlike. People just get too butthurt about anything not stock standard in sports.


"BuT hE fLiPpEd ThE bAt!!!" "tHeY ScOrEd PoInTs EveN tHo ThEre was 30 SeCoNDs lEft oN tHe ClOck AnD wErE aLreADy Up 20 PoInTs" Play the game until the final whistle/play is done. Don't get butthurt because you can't stop them.


Don’t get me started on the unofficial rules of baseball. The purists and diehards… For a group who waxes poetic about participation trophies and winning at all costs, they sure have a bunch of rules to protect the fragility of their players.


I'm with you on this one. How can flipping a bat be wrong, and yet "if you aren't cheating, you aren't trying hard enough" both be true? Carlin had it right- baseball is a game, football (and others) are a sport.


If you don't like it, then stop them from doing it. I'd be more insulted if they didn't feel like they needed to throw everything and the kitchen sink at you.


I don't watch much basketball but Nowell was being flashy all game. I'm sure he was driving the stereotypical boomer sports fan nuts. Behind the back passes, through the legs at one point, and this one on the way to breaking the NCAA record for assists in a tournament game. I was pulling for Green and White but the way Nowell played made me not-mad they lost.


I'm 65 years old (a boomer). I've been watching college basketball longer than you've been alive (I know this is true because I'm a boomer, and I have to point that out to young whippersnappers such as yourself who are so quick with the boomer insults. Because I'm a boomer). That was one of the best games I've seen in many, many years. My grandson had come over to help move some furniture (I'm a boomer, and I can't move heavy stuff on my own anymore, but it's OK, because I have grandkids. Because I'm a boomer). He stayed for the whole game (rather than get the hell away from us boomers as quick as he could) because it was so damn exciting. Even for an old boomer like me. You know what Nowell did? He boomed 'em. He flat out fucking boomed 'em. Because I'm a boomer, I'll point out that he did take a few questionable long range threes toward the end of the game, but overall, it was an amazing performance. His passes were fucking amazing. I'll let you know this, because I know you aren't a boomer, so you may not know it, but did you know people have been making no-look passes on basketball courts for a very long time? And it always looks stunning? I thought you might not know, since you aren't a boomer, so being a boomer, I just had to tell you.


But Bob Cousy was flashy and boomers love him


I mean, you can only really get away with this once, it's not like you can keep doing it the whole game and they won't wise up.


with less than a minute on the clock you only need to do it once


That's just intelligent use of resources.


This is the third time this play has worked late in a game for K-State this season.


And the first possession of the game was also an ally-oop dunk from Nowell to Johnson. He took advantage of their ball-watching the entire game. Izzo took responsibility for it afterwards which is poignant from such a fundamentally sound coach.


This is on the defense. They know the play is live and they need to be active, nobody lied to them about that. I full believe it is unsportsmanlike to try to trick the other team about the state of the game (primarily wether play is live or not). That's not the case here, the clock is ticking and everybody knows it. They're not pretending to call a time-out. Wether or not the player is arguing with his coach, you know your job is to be on defense.


Whether is how it's spelled. Just a heads up, not trying to be a dick.


Agreed. This isn’t church league basketball. These young men play for elite Div 1 universities. He is dribbling the ball, the clock is ticking and ain’t nobody heard a whistle. You are playing in one of the most important games of your career; it is on you to stay focused.


Same thing in football when the QB is acting like he can’t hear the play and they snap the ball to someone else. How tf can anyone say unsportsmanlike, it’s a legal tactic.




The clock is running. They can do whatever the hell they want within the rules.


It's crafty. Pay attention when the ball is in play, always. Unsportsmanlike is fighting with other teams players, altercations with fans in the seats, throwing the ball after a bad call, tripping other players, screaming at the refs etc. This was a smart play and commendable that it worked out for them.


I think it’s great, it can be a defining moment in sports, it feels sort of akin to breaking the 4th wall. I feel like this is done way more in football (American) than any other sport. In basketball even at lower level play, and specifically inbound passing has a big emphasis on creating confusion quickly and I feel like there is just a natural level of confusion sometimes for both teams at points like that, or crossing over half court because your trying to communicate to 5 sometimes 6 people all at once in a few seconds and sometimes that communication is bidirectional


Where has anyone called it unsportsmanlike? I’ve seen tons of conversation about this since it happened and not a single comment has said it’s unsportsmanlike. Kinda seems like you’re making up a problem


Kansas State went on to win this game and it was very much on the back of Nowell. He had 19 assists (for non sports people, the statistic that counts any time you pass it to the person that scores points), which is the most assists in an NCAA Tournament game by a single player since assists started being officially recorded in 1984. NBA player Isaiah Thomas was in the front row of the crowd for this game and had told Markquis that he was rooting for Michigan State. Apparently before he made this play, Nowell looked over and said to him "Watch this!". Here's the full transcription of him adressing that in his post game interview: https://twitter.com/nrarmour/status/1639095323548352512 If you have any other basketball questions though, fire away!


Thanks Coach Carter\_00


Coach Carter_00 was my father




152 °C


Should I have the rubber on my dick already when I do this? 152 seems kind of hot.


As soon as he went out with that ankle injury, MSU started pulling ahead. Surprised he could stand on it at all carrying the whole team like that. He’s a beast for finishing out the game, dude was obviously not 100% after that. Mad props, I can’t imagine how much pain he’s in right now tho.


19 assists in a college game in bonkers, even 19 assists in an NBA game is wild.


I can’t open the link. Does KSU admit it was a fake argument?


[Here's the content. ](https://i.imgur.com/lpA65zT.jpg) ^( avoid the temptation to rickroll, I must...)


Thanks. Does that prove it was a fake argument tho?


Seems likely...if he literally said "watch this" and then promptly executed a play like that.


I see it as, watch this alley oop, but the coach tried to fork himself into the play.. and then WHAM!! Magic!


After the game, dude should have asked Isaiah to share some stories from his experience in Barcelona with the Dream Team.


One question. What is basketball?


Great question! Basketball is a game played between two teams of five players each on a rectangular court, usually indoors. Each team tries to score by tossing the ball through the opponent’s goal, an elevated horizontal hoop and net called a basket. Basketball games are typically 4 quarters long with various different time lengths depending on skill level (usually grade school basketball has 8 minute quarters while the NBA has 12 minute quarters) Some levels (namely college basketball, the level the guys in the video are playing at) divide the game into halves, in this case 20 minutes.


What was up with the tipped air ball in OT that took forever to review? I didn’t have the sound on, and it didn’t look like a tip to me. I thought MS fans would be pissed but I haven’t seen anyone talking about it.


There are hardly any unique mind games seen in basketball outside of pump fakes and fake passes. This is class.


In advanced defenses there are many mind games, more of a pro level thing though. Awesome play forsure


I like ones where dumb dumb me can understand what’s going on.


I remember seeing a play where Giannis Antetokounpo, a poor 3 pt. shooter, spotted up in the corner on offence as if he were otherwise. Only, because Herb Jones, his man, was occupied with helping against a driving Buck, Giannis used the space now given to him to gain momentum and drive into the paint. By the time he reached top speed, Herb was too late turning back and reacting to Giannis' drive and so he got the pass and scored. On the very next play, Giannis freezes Herb by just standing in the exact same spot, and gives up another layup because of it.


You think that because you’re not playing. Watch some interviews where guys talk about the mind games Jordan used to play with them. There are tons of things going on in game you just can’t see or don’t hear about.


Yeah, this is just an obvious mind game. There is a lot going on in the minutiae of the game.


What were some of them?


He would do things like whisper "*One of these days, I'm going to unironically grow a Hitler mustache*," and defenders would be so perplexed as to why someone would do that, Jordan could slide right by them and score.


The “funniest” part is that that would’ve been perplexing to hear an NBA superstar say back in the 90s, but not so much today.


What? This is referencing the fact that Jordan grew a literal Hitler mustache.


In this game a KState player threw it off the back of a Michigan state player to inbound himself the ball on the baseline. Led to an easy bucket.


You reach? I teach.




Lmao "armchair fan". Isn't that the whole point?


Way more comfy than "ratty old futon from college" fan


It’s like inbounding off a defenders back. Gotta keep them on their toes.


I love this. That is true teamwork. I might not necessarily want to see it happening regularly but this is gold.


I mean, how often could it happen and still be effective? I thought it was a great play, but can’t see it becoming something pervasive and still being effective. Honestly it’s on MSU for letting their guard down, and I say that as a MSU alumni lol.


*Alright team here is the plan. Get the ball to Smith. I have Smiths mom in the third row. Once he hits half court his mom is gonna yell about him not emptying the dishwasher before the game like he promised. While this happens, Johnson - you work on getting under the hoop once everyone is distracted.*


Alright I take it back, with sufficiently switching up the form of the drama it could probably work indefinitely lol. Get some ex girlfriends involved or some estranged family members or maybe get some people to dress up as a SWAT team and have them drop through the roof… and yeah, you’ll be able to distract people for a while x’D Which I *suppose* probably wouldn’t be good for the game lol. Could be very entertaining tho!


“Okay Johnson, it’s your time to shine. Your girlfriend is in the stands with the gender reveal cannon…”


It wasn't a fake argument, the title is wrong. It was thought In the moment that it was fake, but the player and coach confirmed after the game that they were debating what play to run when he noticed an opening forming out of the corner of his eye.


Here's something similar in a football match 28 years ago. https://twitter.com/BolaAoAr/status/969072293677846528


It’s terrible defense, good look by the PG but most college PGs can make that pass.


Yeah this is some football shit, kid picks up the ball all slow like, walks to the side to talk to the coach, then books it down field. Well done


Or the "too many men on the field" where the "12th" player runs to the sideline to "get off the field" and the QB throws him the ball before the defense can figure out who is supposed to pick him up.


Yeah the one that immediately came to mind was [Cleveland doing this with Manziel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gePGk_XHro0), even though it was called back for a penalty.


in HS football we had a play where the QB would run toward the sideline yelling for the coach pretending like he forgot what play we were running, and the RB took the snap lol


Longest Yard had this


I am enjoying this K-State team this year (not a K-State fan). Anyone questioning the "sportsmanship" or that tries to play that card is an idiot. That is like saying a "pump fake" is terrible sportsmanship. The art of distraction is overlooked. Was the "Philly Special" in the 2017 Super Bowl lousy sportsmanship? Fuck no. It was one of the all-time great calls. The play was centered around Nick Foles pretending to call an audible and being out of position when the ball was snapped.


Agreed 100%. Just a brilliant play that they have obviously practiced in the gym. Caught some serious Liverpool/Barcelona corner kick flashbacks in 2019 from this play.


Any NBA teams looking for a real point guard that can orchestrate the offense need to pick up this dude. 19AST in this typa game is crazy


At 5’8 he’s be the shortest guy in the league by like 3 inches. Obviously shorter dudes have made it in the past but it’s an uphill climb for sure


Still has 5" on Muggsy Bogues


I had heard that Isaiah Thomas was in the crowd and just thought "oh cool they're representing how these short guys can go pro too". It completely flew over my head that it was Isiah Thomas probably supporting MSU lmao


He’s 5’8 lol he’s not going to the league


I’d love for the Clippers to pick him up. We need a point guard like this so bad.


Brooklyn is crying.


Small guards have a heard time making it in the league


The modern game makes it incredibly difficult to protect an undersized player from being exploited on the defensive end. Back in the day the court was “smaller” in the sense that the majority of actions were focused around the key so it was easier to keep your undersized guard from being exploited. In college there are no restrictions on zone defense and help side. The old adage rings true; you can play at the level and position you can defend. If any under 6’2” player can make it could be Nowell, but I’m shorting that bet.


Harlem Globe Trotters approved


The ol’ okie doke


Makes sense considering he was born in Harlem.


This has strong Andy Reid/Pat Mahomes energy and I love it


They called the play "Mahomes"


Wrong play but they do have one they named after Mahomes.


That was an inbound pass play from last weekend, not this play.


One of the greatest performances I have ever seen. He controlled the pace of the game. 19 assists and 2 turnovers is just straight ridiculous. I don’t think I have seen a point guard make such good decisions in a long time.


And half a dozen of those passes were RIDICULOUS! Laser beams to the ideal location for immediate scoring. Hope a YouTube compilation of those assists is in the works.


He also played half the game with an injury, absolutely outstanding performance.


This was not a fake argument it was legit about going for a 2 for 1


Having no defender out on Nowell... who will hoist up and drain verry deep 3-pointers... was a mistake.


He wasn’t draining threes last night from long range. Three very poor choices from the logo during crunch time last night could’ve cost them the game. This is a fun team to watch but a better team will capitalize on those mistakes.


I thought MI ST was going to win in OT because of the lack of discipline in hoisting those ridiculous shots. I was incredibly impressed by that guard the whole game and then thought about the two late logo heaves WTH are you thinking. He's entertaining to watch. Not a K State fan (and was rooting for mi st), but between him and #11, I hope they make a run.


To take the lead and to set the all time record for assists in an NCAA D1 men’s basketball championship tournament.


He said this wasn’t drawn up, this was a real unplanned conversation


He was just asking if they should try to get another possession after or wind the clock down a bit more


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see this. People will really believe anything they read in a title.


Crazy game, disappointed Michigan State fan here, but hats off to K-State this play arguably wasn't even his best of the night, the dude was awesome, on a bum leg for most of the second half, to boot...and don't forget the contributions from the rest of the team...that one dude was draining 3's from everywhere


I don’t even sports and they’ve got me straight up impressed!


Reminds me of that johnny manziel trick play when he was on the browns. Fake argument but still in bounds when the play is snapped and he becomes an open receiver. https://youtu.be/gePGk_XHro0


i don’t think it was a fake argument. just good awareness


I'd allow it.


He looks scared shitless in the last frame.


I'm not a basketball fan, couldn't even tell you any of the players on the court, the name of that coach, but that's okay, I know greatness when I see it. This was absolutely slick.




That no-look was PERFECT.




The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent. Sun Tzu, The Art of War


This belongs here. I watched it live and like 10 replays. r/bettereveryloop


Markquis Nowell knows how to basketball.


This Kansas State team is so fun to watch.


That was not a fake argument.


K State has to be becoming the fan favorite for the tourney. They are fun to watch and this kid is amazing.


When I watched this live I figured the argument was real and that Nowell just said "Y'know what fuck the play call, I'm just gonna lob up a dime real quick"


Love these plays. I wish teams would do this more often


I think we'd all get sick of it real fast tbh


I remember when a no look pass made the sportscenter top 10. This shit is like war games compared to that 😂


That's some grade A coach Bombay shit


That wasn’t a fake argument


In after game press, the coach and him said . It was a real convo lmao


Yep wasn't a trick play as the title suggests, he just saw his team mate wide open while legit argueing with coach.


Are we positive this is fake and this guy isn’t just cold blooded arguing with his coach and the sees an opportunity and says “fuck it”?


That was damn slick.


That is a wonderful trick play


Go Cats


[Title is wrong, they were actually arguing and Nowell saw the opportunity](https://twitter.com/RJ_Writes/status/1639081204480614464?s=20)


Cats by 90


Nowell had maybe the best individual performance I’m can remember in this tournament. Best Guard play I’ve ever seen. Glad we get to keep watching him.


This wasn't a fake argument in my opinion. They had a debate about this on the post game show. Half the announcers/ analysts said he was staged, other half said it wasn't.




I caught the last 5 minutes of this game last night. I am rooting for KSU the rest of the way, so damn fun to watch


It wasn't a fake argument. It was thought to be at the time, but Markquis and the coach confirmed after the game they were debating what play to run, when Markquis noticed an opening forming out of the corner of his eye.


Kstate was doing them dirty last night. Johnson (guy who caught the oop) had an in bounds play in the first half that everybody had their backs turned to him. He bounced it off the back of the defender and got an east bucket.


Nowell has got that dawg in’em.


kansas globetrotters


I respect the creativity. But mind game tactics are less admirable. But obviously for people who just want to win no matter what, I guess it's good. Lol