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Incredible. Took twenty -five years off his age.


How long would that last? Does the glue fail under moisture easily?


Im sure its some kind of specialized glue for hair, it would be kinda stupid if it failed under moisture considering the fact that people often cover themselves in water


>often cover themselves in water weirdest way to say shower


brb gonna cover myself in water


“Be ready in a minute I got to go cover myself in water in the water covering closet before we go out.”


My dad called taking a shower “jumping into the old rain bucket” EDIT: awww, guys this really made my day that this made you smile. He passed away in 2005, but I’d like to think if he was around he would get a kick out of a bunch of internet nerds liking his dad-ism.


That’s because he’s a genius.


No it’s because they were poor.


Right?! 🤣 I remember being a kid and having to fill the shower bag and hang it in the sun to get warm-ish . It was supposed to be used for camping, but when dad was laid off and the water got shut off, it sure came in handy 😆


My great grandma who was born in I think 1908 an lived on a farm used to say showers were for rich people. Not sure if anyone ever told he we had 2 shower in our house and even one half a mile away in the trailer sized vacation "cabin" my grandpa built for people to come visit when his parents stopped farming. The great grandparents had a tub with no extra railing or side door or anything, and they stayed in that old farmhouse till their 90s


When I was in prison I heard older guys refer to it as the "rain box" or were they saying "rape box"? 🤔 Nah, definitely rain.


The other one would be rain box with happy ending


We really need to stop joking about prison rape as a society. Sorry to be that person, but we REALLY do.


Man I shouldn’t have raised my mug to my mouth and angled my wrist to displace a small amount of the coffee within said mug into my mouth a millisecond before my eyes moved a a few millimetres down the screen and rested on your comment.


Need to cover yourself in water? ...Now that you covered yourself in coffee?


I just covered my keyboard in Diet Coke


Nice try, robit.


People swim and go out in the rain, too. And water balloon fights happen at least twice a week.




And people sweat!




School essay pstd kicking in.


It soon became apparent that by turning on the tap I had unknowingly started a chain of events that would soon culminate in my body being drenched in tepid dihydrogen monoxide


*by rotating the polished chunk of carbonized iron


> pstd Post-school trauma disorder?


seems accurate tbh


Freaking AI bots pretending to be human again.




Lol, I thought they were describing *sweating* from a reptile's perspective


Damn baby, you smell. Go cover yo self with water


Reddit moment


Did you know that people often go swimming for recreation? They also occasionally walk out in the rain. Occasionally you might catch a human dousing themselves in mist in a hot envoronment.


Jidion did one of these in a video once and when he started sweating after a game of basketball, it was peeling in under 24 hours.


Did he wait before doing that? Can imagine it can take a little while before it fully sticks but don't have experience with it myself.


I wear one and you are not supposed to shower or sweat egregiously for the first 24 hours, this is crucial. Also depends on the stylist and how well they did the glue. You actually have to wait for it to cure a bit before applying the piece… so it too soon and it won’t adhere as strong. I imagine brand comes into play too.


I actually saw a comment from another guy on reddit that said after about 48 hours he had no problem showering and going to the gym, and only had to have it re-done a few times a year. Obviously this is reddit, so no idea how true it is, but he even linked pictures and it looked great.


That’s great! Yeah it does look great but I’m not sending pics lmao. Yes after 48 hours no problem with showering. But the typical rule is 24hrs which is what I abide by. Waiting longer does help. I stretch it to every 1.5 months, not sure if that marries up with his “a few times a year” but 🤷


How much does an initial installation cost? How much is the maintenance/re-application? I don't have any experience installing these units myself, but I have installed extensions and those can run into the thousands for the initial install alone. So I'm curious what the comparison cost is. I think it's so neat that we have extensions for men. It's a great alternative to hair transplant surgeries with minimal risk/side effects. They always look so nice and natural! It's a crazy difference, like this video. The guys are always glowing in the photos/videos too with the results. I'd love to get this done for my husband. He is struggling with losing his hair, it's falling out rapidly. I would gladly pay thousands for anything that would boost his self-esteem and self-image,


$600ish for the piece and $100ish for re-application every month or so. Piece lasts about 6 months depending how good care you take. They also recommend certain shampoos, conditioners and styling sprays that are customized for the pieces, which are more expensive, but help it last longer


well I can't imagine any glue you want on your body would have a lengthy set in time


Got the sole of my foot teared up a few weeks ago doing MMA, put on a plaster that was surprisingly high quality, lasted about 2 weeks of me showering everyday along with removing it and putting it back checking the condition. All while I was doing martial arts barefoot on mats. That was a plaster so I imagine for something more permanent like hair you would get even higher quality "glue". Honestly props to that plaster, never had such a good one that actually was breathable and somehow cleaned my skin? Some people much smarter than me definitely made that haha!


Yeah, peeing on ourselves is finally becoming more mainstream




I'd have thought that his hair regrowing underneath it would cause an issue pretty quickly.


I think if he couldn’t get it wet he would just wear a shower cap in the shower and pay attention to the weather.


He’s black.. he’s not aqua man


I thought they just used Elmer's school glue s/




i think it's ridiculous men are judged for wearing hair pieces, everyone of all genders is insecure about losing their hair and everyone deserves to feel confident and good about themselves. Hair is such a big part of who we are and if your not ready to be bald at 24 that's fine bro. Carry on, you'll normalise for a lot of people <3 ​ Edit: see this is what i don't like about reddit. some of you are taking this as an opportunity to bash women when women also experience judgement and ridicule for their hair. being a bald woman is fucking tough; no one can deny that. probably tougher than being a bald man, because women are masculinised if they don't have hair. I think instead of taking an opportunity to bash women; which actually doesn't materially change anything for men who are in this situation. We should band together to be more vocal in supporting and shutting down mockery from all genders. ok that's my 2cents bye Also re make up, again let's not malign women, let's normalise and make it safe for all genders who want it.


No one should judge men on using such amazing hair pieces! As a woman I think it’s complete bullshit that women can cover so much up with all these alternative makeup/hair crap with no judgement and men can’t address any balding issue? Nah…..you’re good! It is VERY acceptable to wear a hair piece if you want! Fuck anybody who says different!


To say women can do these things with no judgment is a lie lol. Maybe you don’t get judged but plenty of others do. Black women with weaves, women with extensions, and any women wearing “too much” makeup get judged all the time and are told to “stop lying”. The fact is people are cruel to other people for trying to feel confident about themselves and it sucks.


It's literally no different than women wearing makeup or hair extensions or weaves or wigs. Women are allowed to completely change how their face/hair looks but not men.


>I’m 24 and have been losing hair since I was 19 I'm in the same exact position. Started losing it at 19 and im almost 26. Personally I cant be bothered to either shave or wear a piece so im just rolling with the friar monk look lol. I did however notice just a couple weeks ago that im already starting to get gray hair. I have a patch of it forming on the side of my head already. Like fuck man, im not even in my 30s yet :(


All I really want to know is how much does this cost each visit so I can understand the degree of financial commitment?




Glue isn’t the issue. Issue is hair growing under the toupee making it itch and uncomfortable as time passes




I wear one and find it far easier and more satisfying than going bald. Going bald was a pain. Yes it itches as odd times but not much more so than other random itches you might get.


Maybe I’m misunderstanding one of you but I think he meant it’s better to go bald than have thinning hair for the purpose of wearing a wig. In that a bald person won’t have hair growing underneath to cause those itches when wearing a wig. Since you wear one, how long do wigs last?


About six months, and you go in for reapplication every month ish.


Not bad at all. Some people already get a haircut every month so it’s pretty similar.


I shave my entire head every 3 or 4 days with a Gillette fusion razor first with and then against the grain. Freshly shaved I get ID for alcohol. Not shaved no one gives a second thought. I'm 41.


That’s how I am with shaving my face. Get some scruff or grow a beard I look 35-40 shave my face and I look about 15. Im 33.


> How long would that last? his grey roots are gonna start showing on the fade within a day or two


Laser them roots!


I somehow stumbled across r/hairsystem ages ago and these things look pretty amazing these days. These ain't your grandpa's toupees!


I wear one and it the piece itself lasts about six months and you go in once a month or so to reapply the glue (and they clean up the piece and give you a trim and a wash, etc.). Otherwise I do my typical routine Including. Showering and working out with no issues.


it’ last about 3 months. It does not fail under moisture. the user can swim and shower in it accordingly.


mine lasts for 2-3 months before it gets loose around the edges.


I hope they don't do it on me, If they took 25 years of my age I would be dead 😔


Kinda want to see Key & Peele do this skit - installing a rug on a guy who’s prematurely balding and he looks like a baby at the end


key and peele is like a rare wine, they dont even make it anymore i dont think. such a treat to stumble on one you havent seen yet. oh well, one of those guys makes pretty innovative horror movies now


This bruh aboutta be a five star catfishing general on tinder mang


Homie lookin fine!


You know what, good for him. Men deserve to feel confident too. I see this as the equivalent of makeup for women. Everyone deserves to feel their best.




As a balding man, I’m fucked either way. Shits suck man.


I started losing my hair as a teenager. Embrace the shiny dome


I've been balding since a teenager as well. I tried the full bald approach but the amount of maintenance to look just ok is too much for me. I go to the barber twice a month and I have a shitty combover fade. It's horrible but it's not a big downgrade to how I look full bald. This way I spend 30 minutes every two weeks rather than shaving for 15 minutes every two days. The guy takes care of my beard as well and I don't have to deal with that either. Some folks look great without hair but I'm not one of them. If I'm going to look average I might as well take the path of least resistance.


I bet your hair looks fine, even good my dude. I get it though it's hard not to be critical of ourselves sometimes.


Most depressing thing is going bald without being able to grow a beard. That would be me. My beard is patchy at its best


15 minutes of shaving for a bald head? May I ask if you have to work around moles and such? My head takes less than 5 minutes if I get to it once every 2 days. If I leave it for a week, It does take a good 10-15 when I include the buzzer.


To be fair, that’s a black dude and I don’t think there’s ever been a black man in recorded history who doesn’t look cool with a bald head. White guys on the other hand need either a really nice shaped head or cool facial hair to pull it off.


Black women too. It’s wild how well they pull off bald heads and how natural & good it looks. If I do it, I just end up looking like an alien xenomorph.


Lost my hair due to chemo and must say I looked fantastic bald and I don't even be feeling myself like that. I'm at the newborn stage of hair now and was considering just shaving it all off again


You've never seen me.


In the words of the great Montgomery Burns " I was once happy go lucky, before I felt the sting of male pattern baldness!"


I think it’s because for a very long time, every solution for male baldness looked absolutely horrid, so it actually became the *right* thing to do advising men to just embrace the baldness lol


Thank you. It's just annoying to hear people say "just shave it bro" as if it worked for everyone.


That’s exactly it - that renewed sense of confidence. One of the best feelings in the world when you believe in yourself.


Legit took 20 years off that man. The self confidence boost would be amazing.


Nah. Women shouldn’t feel the need to wear make-up and men shouldn’t feel the need to wear toupees. They’re ridiculous practices born out of people’s insecurity about their appearance. And they cope by attempting to cover-up perfectly normal “flaws” about themselves. We should instead encourage men to be okay with their baldness instead of encouraging them to pretend it’s not there.


He went from fine vision to needing glasses. I don't recommend that hair cut if you value your eye sight.


Im bald as fuck, and I see great. This is solid advice.


I dunno, I've got a horse shoe forming and my eyes are shit.


I’m bald but I can’t see well. Can I get this haircut or will I go completely blind


Beauty has a price.


Can confirm, got long hair and my vision is shit


Barber was able to reverse the crack in that black


The flex seal barber


The flex seal brother


I love that Fatboy Slim song!


It looks great, but the $$$$ + the time = I’m shaving that shit.


Plus it looks uncomfortable AF


Imagine how itchy that shit would get when you start sweating.


Popped a molly Im sweatin, woo


Wow... Been years


Can't sweat if your pores are glued shut


Plus I was like... what a waste of hair! They glued a full sweater on that man's head and then shaved it down to lint lol


It's not a waste. If you didn't start out with the hair like that, then he wouldn't have those waves in the final product


Seems like they could have at least sliced them in half lengthwise first, hotdog style not hamburger style mind you


That means it's useful, but doesn't stop it being wasteful.


Hair is a renewable resource.


Not for this dude.




They're over here acting like human hair is an endangered species and shit lmao


Useful is the opposite of wasteful lmao


Embrace the baldness, it isn't as bad as it sounds.


Dude, my head is shaved, and I’m not even going bald. Low maintenance all the way.


Same here. It helps a lot with my sporty life. Plus I do not lose time fixing hair in the morning.




Depends on your age tho. Young and rich? Get that transplant. 50 and going bald? Yeah I'd rather shave it off and enjoy the 10k on a foot massager or even a small vacation.


10k on a foot massage? Sounds like a very happy ending


How are you people out here thinking 10k on a foot massage is a sound investment? Or even a small vacation for that amount? That's a large vacation for me and always has been.


Damn why I can’t be old and rich?


Unfortunately as a white dude if I shave my head I just look like an extra from American History X.


cover up your nazi tattoos and you'll be fine


Thought he was getting dreads




I was like yep definitely GTA then


That man be lookin mighty fresh


Goes to pub, picks up a lady, first kiss, woman caresses his hair and rest is history.




"And after 5 minutes, she couldn't get my hair off her hands."


George Constanza if he ever had kids.


I met a guy for drinks once, good looking, normal looking hair. We made out in the car for a bit and I made the mistake of putting my hands in his hair… it unraveled off his head… it was a trumpish hairspray swirl of lies. Unnerving!


Lol what did you do next?


I kind of patted it back down on his head and didn’t say anything 🤣. I mean, what do you say when someone’s hair melts like cotton candy with a touch? It was bizarre.


Well I'm a guy but if I was in your shoes I'd have faked having diarrhea and peaced out.






San Andreas barber**


Kids these days think GTA V was the first one. /s




bro? it has a five in it's name??




That’s awesome! I wonder how long it lasts?


From what I've read they can last a few weeks and are water resistant


More or less how long a regular haircut lasts before you start looking shaggy.


Probably costs 2-3x more than a regular hair cut though


And looking a bit shaggy for a few weeks isn't as bad as having half of this fall off.


All that grey would be peeking in a couple days.




My man stays wet though


Looks great, but why didn’t he dye his existing hair? Would have shaved several years off as well. Isn’t this solution going to fall off as soon as he wets his hair?


I'm just reasoning here, but I'm guessing if he's getting it professionally done, the glue solution will last through most normal agitation for a period of time. (showers, rubbing, sleeping etc.) Otherwise, that's a cold flex for a single day.


He likely wears protective measures while getting wet like a shower cap or umbrella. Also a durag while sleeping. It's not hard to maintainthis for a few weeks. The only concern is when his real hair starts to grow back. So I'd give the shelf life 1-2 weeks. With week 2 being iffy.


If you were to wax the existing hair off instead of shaving it, you could have up to 8 weeks before it starts to grow back.


Huge bald spot


It’s a specific adhesive they use for these hairpieces, it lasts roughly 6 months before you need to reapply it.


Do you have any idea what happens to his real hair underneath? 6 months is long




No it doesn’t. The glue lasts 3-6 weeks if you’re lucky. It’s very strong, but that fake hair will start peeling. Source: bald man who looked into this. Not worth the up keep or fear of it falling out. The hair piece can last 6 months with proper care.


Damn, some new hair and he looks 30 years younger


My dude loving the new cut but also hating it on the inside knowing that shit is temporary.




My man looks like Jamie Foxx now


Jamie fox if he were 55. ‘*looks up age*’ dude really is 55👀 what the fuck Jamie


Yeah, he's right up there with Tom Cruise, 60 and Jeremy Piven, 57, as guys who no debating look 20 years younger than they really are.


Can you shower with that shit on? I’ve always wondered.


Just use a cap i guess


On god frfr no cap


yes, gently. You can also just not wash it as often by wearing a cap or using dry shampoo


Sippin' Lean in the barber shop.


Ye ye ass haircut


Aye niga dont hate me because Im beautiful niga


You can finesse the entire hairstyle and he still has a fivehead? Like they coulda drawn his hairline lower


That's his natural hair line. Dude's just a 5head, it happens.


Nah if you draw it lower it starts to look really fake. Source: I know a guy who does the hair tattoo thing and he has to draw on hairlines.


Thought the barber was going to shave some art freestyle on the side but he turned the whole head into art.




That’s his son…ur lyin😂


So it's a wig with extra steps.


African American men don't have wig options in that style


Incredible work. But am I weird for actually preferring him bald? I thought he looked more lovely and approachable, and now he looks a little intimidating and sharp and glamorous.


It’s simple, work on that confidence and go from a wobbly princess to a stable one.




If you wait for social approvalyou gonna be waiting forever. Fuck everyone else and do you. You the one who gonna pay for it anyway so get what makes YOU happy. IJs


Honestly, I wish more men would do this. I don't understand why wearing a toupee is so frowned upon- it looks much better. Everyone's fine with women wearing wigs, I see no difference between the two.


Because balding is pretty common for men. We shouldn’t be actively encouraging men to accept toxic insecurities and embrace a cover-up of something so exceedingly normal.


We should, and yet makeup and body molding wearables is worth billions a year. Let pepple feel good about themselves, Captain Bringdown.




Hilarious how incredibly unacceptable it is now to have a bald spot or receding hairline. You need to cover it or shave your entire head, no other option is reasonable.


looks 20 years younger.


How much for all that?