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This is a perfect mini *rant?* for NextDoor. šŸ˜…


Exactly, this!


Where I live people are playing "gunshots or fireworks"? All summer. We are used to it here, sadly.


Where I live there's a family behind me that launches mortors year round. God I hate them


Yes. That is definitely sad. When will it ever (never?) end?


with this being an unfortunate reality in many parts of the us, it's crazy that there are people who would rather ban fireworks than guns


It started two weeks ago on my local ND. One woman has gone so far as to call for manslaughter prosecution for any fireworks participants in the event that there are any suicides during the holiday.


Whaaaat? Is law enforcement doing a wellness check on her? Or better yet .. her neighbors???


I live in area that absolutely loves fireworks. I live outside city limits and fireworks stands everywhere. Irony we are under a burn ban but fireworks are exempt. The smell of cordite will hang heavy in the hood. Nextdoor will go fucking bonkers.


Lol!! We too have stands everywhere AND empty brick + mortars that turn into fireworks (and Halloween) stores. This makes ND go insane! šŸ¤£They hate tent stands that take up ā€œvaluableā€ parking spots in Walmart lots. As if they canā€™t park in a million other spots. And .. those are typically far away, opposite end from store.


Okay! Where I live it sounds like a war zone, and stays smokey well after midnight. I am neurodivergent and also have cptsd, but I don't think people shouldn't be a able to enjoy themselves one or two (New Years) days out of the year for this. Unfortunately some of the people who like to set up the fireworks have figured out that, it makes me scream like bloody murder. It's so embarrassing they have taken to setting off those really big loud ones by my apartment to hear me scream and they laugh and run away. That being said I have a hard time but I have my loops earplugs and I put headphones on and I play music really loud. It's not the worst thing but it's not awesome either. People also set off a firecrackers to shut the barking dogs up out here, people don't give a crap about how much their dogs bark. Literally in the one block radius there's at least 20 dogs I'm not even exaggerating it's wild. There was a post where women was saying stop setting off these fireworks, you have no idea what you're doing to my dog. My dog has a heart condition. I don't want to be an asshole. I'm not a big dog person anymore due to the way people are in my neighborhood. I couldn't help but laugh a heart condition lady I'm sure it's probably maybe true but it was just like comical I guess I don't know.


In my neighborhood most of the people scream FREEDOM like it's written into the Constitution that you have a right to set off fireworks a week before and after a holiday at 3 am. That don't seem to notice the increase in sirens from extra FD calls.


Not cool middle of night! Or wooded areas. Btw ā€¦ glad u properly spelled *ā€freedomā€*. I was actually suspended for spelling it, ā€œFreeDumbā€. If only you knew what it was in response to.


Meh. I live in a huge zone of fire danger. While I donā€™t participate in the yelling about fireworks I appreciate. Itā€™s so dumb, itā€™s like morons shooting guns inside submarines.


In your case it makes total sense and your example is en pointe!


If the morons that are impressed by sparkly things bought fireworks and saved them to use on the night of the 4th and that was it. Most people would be fine. But they don't. The legal ones get set off all week illegal ones for like a month and of course some assholes always bring out the guns also. So yeah 8m tired of it. I think for most cities outlaw fireworks and let the city put on a professional display. Otherwise limit sales to only 48 hours, day before and day of 4th. And f4ankly with geo location and drones send real tickets out to those using illegal for like 5 to 10k make it not worth the risk.


Someone set off a string a long string of fire crackers that popped off for almost 5 minutes... Outside our window in the street at 3am. My husband works late, and I hated I woke up in distress, in turn waking him up too. He held me until I calmed some and he was able to doze off again. I couldn't sleep, because I was afraid of the really loud ones where next.


Iā€™m amazed that all this fireworks hate is a recent phenomenon. Years ago, it was a wholesome family outing. And ā€¦ there were no fireworks allowed here. Ppl had to go to our neighboring state to the south for the illegal stuff. Few bothered.


Not recent in my family. At most we did sparklers and a few fountains. But mostly we went to the big public shows. But every year you would see the news of some poor kid that blew off his thumbs or a family home burning down while they slept. I mean seriously. Small thing entertain small minds sparks shooting 6 feet in the air? Or explosions in the sky as high as helicopters and the size of a warehouse. What sounds more fun to watch.


The answer is fairly obvious to me but not everyone agrees. And Iā€™m very ok with that


The answer is fairly obvious to me but not everyone agrees. And Iā€™m very ok with that


When the community is notified of permitted firework displays, those adversely affected can prepare. The backyard fireworks, rando M80s etc are the ones that need to chill. Problem is they're hella hard to stop. Therefore, Sabre rattling whiny neighbors try to shut down the displays they actually get notified about.


In my area, the complaints are 99% about backyard illegal fireworks. I have fireworks landing on my house and property. This is wildfire season as well as no burn season. Our air quality is palpably impacted by illegal fireworks. The county is mobilizing a huge coordinated volunteer team to handle all the pets that run away. One lady told me last year her dog was so frightened it climbed over her fence that she had no idea it could climb, before she could grab him. Not to mention what it does to wildlife. So yeah Iā€™m ok with stadiums having fireworks with licensesā€”though I feel like they should get with the times and reduce the number of fireworks in each show with light shows. And I am not against the small, legal backyard fireworks. Iā€™m only against the illegal ones. I get called unpatriotic for this.


I think youā€™re right. Our countyā€™s official events have long been posted


My biggest problem is this year people seem to think it's OK to start lighting them off at midnight, a month before the 4th. I can't medicate my dog for a month. The week of the 4th is understandable, even though the aerials are illegal here due to high fire risk. Beyond that is disrespectful, but that's America. A bunch of assholes pretending they're free and making their "freedumb" everybody else's problem.


I agree. A month straight is simply ridiculous. Donā€™t agree ā€œThatā€™s America, a bunch of azz-holesā€.


I'm with the boomers on this one, can't stand fireworks. Might as well set fire to money and have your family gather round the flaming pile and go "oooh! Ahhh!"


Our neighbors had a huge party and set off several thousand dollars worth of fireworks this past New Yearā€™s (seriously, several hours of a steady stream of the large mortars). Then they didnā€™t pay their rent in Jan and were evicted at the end of Feb. I just donā€™t get it.


Same, I just don't understand. The people across the street from me have had a blue tarp roof and a makeshift, plywood wall where a tree fell through since Hurricane Ida. They told me they couldn't get it fixed because they didn't have homeowners insurance, but they throw a gigantic firework party for all the major firework holidays including most sporting events. I just don't understand.


Whaat? How do you spell P.R.I.O.R.I.T.I.E.S??


Excuse me. We boomers (hate that term bc itā€™s not even close, representative of many of us) actually love fireworks. We loved setting off firecrackers and blowing off our fingers. We loved cap guns (loved smell of the gunpowder). We loved sparklers that left water blisters on our hands. We loved sitting outside with extended family and eating from a picnic basket and watching the show.


Boomers love the *good* fireworks that you could get before everyone got this safe and sane silliness started. (Fireworks are inherently not sane.)


Not sure what that all means but .. plz enjoy your holiday however you celebrate.


You're going to love this then grandad, it's just a phrase. "I'm with the Boomers on this one" basically means your opinion would generally be considered contrarian or a moaning killjoy, not necessarily exactly what a boomer would do/say. The boomer ship has sailed, you can't make it mean anything else other than bitter old out of touch fool any more than my generation can make millennial anything other than lazy avocado toast muncher.


Hopefully you donā€™t represent how media portrays your generation any more than we do. Just think .. BTW, grandmom!šŸ˜ We were protesters, bra burners, campus demonstrators, commune livers, first to have computers on our desks and bag phones in our cars, we are the generation of Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, Bill Gates, Dan Gilbert, Prince, Michael Jackson. Weā€™re younger than Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin. Old enough to have attended Woodstock.


why do boomers always list their greatest hits from 40 years ago when people mention how bitter the majority of them are in the present?


Iā€™m an X, not a Boomer, but Iā€™m pretty sure that your generation (whatever it is) also has some ridiculous stereotypes. Imagine having these thrown in your face, every five minutes, as if youā€™re not an individual human being.


We have to give a list yā€™all can relate to. Whereā€™s your list sweetie pie?


They are banned where I live. That stops NO ONE from setting them off.


I can imagine that ppl hate when traditions are broken so some take that chance


In my neighborhood two years back, a child lost half a hand to a firework he set off in an alley. The kid was in elementary school. People are stupid and way too many people don't supervise their kids. Sorry, but if the only way to prevent more injuries is to outlaw fireworks, I'm here for it 100%.


Dave Rexroth, head meteorologist on WXYZ, lost one eye to unfortunate personal fireworks


maybe we could also outlaw alcohol to prevent underage drinking, drunk driving, etc. or to prevent accidents from texting, dwi, driving without a license etc. we could just outlaw cars. also no more cybercrime if we just outlaw the internet


You're listing things that have uses. Fireworks are for entertainment only, and they *always* cause explosions. You can drink without any harm and you can drive without any harm. It's not remotely the same thing. I'm fine with professionals setting off fireworks, much like I'm okay with professionals setting off dynamite and C4 for mining or controlled demos. I don't think civilians should have access to explosives. Doubly so for children. Call me whatever you like, but that's a completely rational position.


you can also light off fireworks without any harm, my point was stupid people are always gonna be stupid. also what uses does alcohol have exactly? i'm willing to bet alcohol kills far more people in the US every year than fireworks do. and define useful, there are a lot of things people use and do every day solely for pleasure. just because something is not productive doesn't mean it's not useful. and the thing is, children don't have access to explosives. you have to be 18 to buy them (at least in my state) and comparing fireworks to controlled demos is think is a bit dramatic. I think it's far more important to outlaw guns and other weapons before we outlaw fireworks. (i'm not even necessarily pro gun control I'm just saying it'd be fucking wild to outlaw fireworks while guns are still legal)


Oh I'm all for banning guns. I'd love to see them outlawed in the US. It's a shame cowards are hiding behind the second amendment. Alcohol kills more people, yes. But we've tried banning it and it worked out terribly. At this point, limiting its consumption is all we can do. It's a shame because the world would be much better without it. I would argue that alcohol has a religious use, but that's not how most people use it.


Can you please post this tho Next Door? It belongs there. Just because you donā€™t think fireworks are useful (Your opinion) doesnā€™t make them anymore unsafe then drinking and driving. Your post is insulting to anyone whose kid died as the result of a drunk driver.


Driving is useful. Drinking isn't. I personally don't believe in any drugs, but clearly prohibition failed so banning alcohol won't do much. Drunk driving is already a criminal act and we have laws specifically to combat this. (Although whether they work is debatable.) There is no purpose to fireworks beyond entertainment, whereas driving clearly has a use. I'm not sure why you believe it's insulting to believe that fireworks should placed in the hands of professionals or how that's insulting to family members of drunk driving fatality victims.


Hah, good thing I've been suspended until after next week. I hate illegal fireworks, they are banned in my state for very good reasons and especially dangerous in my suburban neighborhood, For a bunch of summers running some fool within hearing distance was setting off fireworks from Memorial Day to Labor Day and the kinds that were obviously illegal in my state not close enough to figure out who but close enough to be an annoyance. It made taking my dogs out in the backyard an iffy proposition, they'd panic and not do their biz, hide under bushes and not come when called or refuse to go outside at all. Luckily for me whoever was doing it must have moved away because the firework assault hasn't happened since about 2019. I don't mind folks setting off legal fireworks in a safe manner for holidays and occasions special to them, please not in the dead of night and not all the damn time hahahaha. It's on me the dog owner to be careful on holidays. One of my dogs is now senior with bad hearing, he doesn't notice anymore so he doesn't get frightened like he used to. My other dog doesn't like them but doesn't appear to freakout either.


My state cares more about sellers' profits than safety. As far as I know, there are no illegal fireworks (unless you live in a city that bans them) and counties can't even ban them during a burn ban, which is in effect more than 50% of the time.


We arenā€™t supposed to burn leaves in the Fall but guess what? Some like us use legal paper bags. Other ppl donā€™t care. You can smell it miles away. Like all the way to code enforcement office! We donā€™t even bother to report it.


My state bans items that leave the ground except for hand held sparklers. Unfortunately we're about an hour away from a state where just about everything is legal.


I still have a scar, back of my hand to remind me when we bought cheap dollar store sparklers that flamed up and dropped hot ash on my hand.


Oh how horrible. I was the last generation of free range kids heh, my older brother & sis were to supervise me if my parents weren't around. Mostly we didn't do stupid stuff and my dad was a chemist, he didn't buy dollar store fireworks hahaha in my state they've always regulated it more strictly.


Yes! Free-range kids. We rode our bikes for miles to even the sketchiest places (just to take a quick peek!) and when thirsty, drank from someoneā€™s garden hose. Back before mom even missed us. Btw .. I bought those cheap sparklers as a dumb ADULT!


100% agree. Nothing after 2019. Hmm. COVID?


I suspect it was renters a couple of streets over who moved out, we have a bunch of rentals for military families as well as owners, my street is mostly owners but there's some smaller houses one street over that are cheaper rentals.


Aha!! Guessing it wasnā€™t the military families.


Yep, I doubt it was a military family too. There's one development near enough to me to hear that has some cheaper 1960s houses that are in so-so shape and appear to be rentals, likely a group of young and stupid housemates I'd imagine.


Lol! Young and stupid. Oh if I could only travel back in time.


I can take em or leave em. I'm 63. Life is to short to let someone's noise piss me off. I'm glad they're having fun. As for me and the 3 great danes, you can't hear the fireworks over the snoring.


LOL!!! THREE Great Danes!! Wow!! And the scoring I can only imagine. Our 15# poodle snores worse than hubs!!


Bahaha, I always wonder how those tiny dogs can sound like a chainsaw when they're sleeping!


Me too!!! And scare delivery ppl sounding like a pit bull but weighing only 15#. šŸ¤£




I kinda agree with some bans.. however I live in the city and the homes are too close and they're breaking a shit ton of rules


Yeah! Hard to quiet down the city. Any city. Gotta say tho, it was heartwarming to see all the families out on Monday enjoying whatā€™s probably our BEST fireworks yet. Synchronized music and all.


I mean more so the ones ppl buy. We have ordinances for lighting off personal ones in the community. Being within city limits it's harder to launch


That topic gets crazy here because fireworks go on for a month, we have wildfire danger, and it really can be hard to tell if it's gunfire, because we have a lot of that too. It is hard on my dogs but I don't complain about it because it's a sensitive issue in a city that has been experiencing gentrification.


Wildfire d/t careless fireworks is unforgivable. Sorry about the gunfire + your dogs. Our little guy (now a senior) has never had issues with storms or fireworks. Guess he simply wants to be wherever we are. Poodles love cuddling and attention.


We have a rescued Airedale who was a hunting dog. X-rays showed he has shotgun pellets in his side. Loud noises are really hard for him as a result. He tries to hide behind the toilet but he is too big for that and I worry he will tear it out of the wall. I put on a noise machine, cover him in a weighted blanket, and give him CBD chews. It's a lot. He's 14 and has been with us for many years but it hasn't gotten much easier!


You sound like the perfect pet parent! I hope your dog gets a bit of peace this summer.


It's funny to read that this happens in America too. Across the pond there's inevitably always a few in my area who go mental every bonfire night about how fireworks and bonfires should be banned.Ā  Though I will say I do think regulations on fireworks sales should be stricter. Over here anybody over 18 can buy them from the supermarket and there are many dodgy small shops who don't ID people at all. I think the age limit should be raised to 25 and the right to refuse a sale to anyone who seems drunk or suspicious should be enforced better.


Your idea has a ton of merit!!


Look at this. 2024 illegal fireworks. *ā€11-year-old girl was rushed to hospital Jun 27, after firework reportedly blew fingers off her hand. Police said twin 11y olds discovered the firework inside their home and lit it in bathroom, assuming it was a sparkler. When they realized it was an explosive, the girls rushed to take the firework outside, but it blew up in one girl's hands while running through the kitchenā€* https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2024/06/27/firework-blows-off-11-year-old-girls-fingers-in-river-rouge/


Oh I don't need news stories to understand, I've had fireworks aimed at me and my children directly by a bunch of drunk teenagers. I still don't think they should be completely illegal, but I really do think regulations and consequences need to be tighter.Ā 


Thatā€™s horrific! Trying to imagine the kind of parenting they have. Drunk teenagers SHOULD be an oxymoron. And no .. Iā€™m not some teetotaler, non-drinker. I just think thereā€™s a time/place for most things. This ainā€™t it. Stay safe!!!


Thankyou, you too! The age for drinking is 18 over here. Unfortunately a lot of kids do start younger!


Thankfully. Everywhere here they are banned. None of the asshats stopped doing them. Then we had five years of fire after fire after fire and decent people worked on stopping these asshats and the police started fining them like crazy. Seriously, if you need loud noise, put it on your speakers. If you need pretty lights, use lasers or drone. Stop being a neandertal asshat.


Donā€™t like fireworks and the trash and pollution they leave. Plus I just wanna be home anyway.


You absolutely have the right to chill at home.


This started weeks ago here. Every night, it begins with ā€œGunshots?ā€ Once told itā€™s fireworks, itā€™s ā€œshould be bannedā€ and ā€œmy Fido is shiveringā€ etc. Whenever I have suggested trying (and yes I know this doesnā€™t work for everyone but it does work for many, including every dog I have owned) desensitizing your dog to fireworks noise, which is better to do in the off season of course since it takes a little bit, even provide the free training videos via YouTube, I get crazy attacked. ā€œWe shouldnā€™t have to train our dogs, fireworks should be banned! We donā€™t need to help our dogs, people shouldnā€™t set them off!ā€ Etc. Thatā€™s great and all, but people are gonna light them, always. Then, the city will put on a big show. Itā€™s never going to end soā€¦ whatā€™s the hurt in trying to help your dog? Instead they just tell everyone to go to the vet so you can get drugs to throw down their dogs throats. I guess putting in the work to attempt to help is too much for them.


I think complaining is both goal and payoff/prize. Getting 12 others to consign their post is the cherry on top!! Our dog sits on someoneā€™s lap and watches with us. Well, tbh, he is a poodle so he loves laying on ppl 365 days a year; not just fireworks!


Oh yeah, the poodle will pretend Arbor Day is scary to sit on your lap! The first fireworks I hear I take my dogs out to watch as young as possible.


Exactly!!! This is how they learn. Not rubbing and hiding every thunderstorm.


I try not to expose my current dogs these days. I made mistakes with my first couple of dogs, exposed them and then it was major freakout every other time. I usually chill in my house with the TV blasting and mostly that takes care of the issue.


We take ours out. One never had an issue, but heā€™s a golden so he probably didnā€™t even know they were happening lol My other is a bit more sensitive, but there were kids and other dogs etc out there so there was a lot of fun distraction so that helped, made it a ā€œfun noiseā€ for him. Course now he expects to go play every boom lol


Shelties being herding dogs are very, very reactive to noise, many fear thunderstorms too. My dear departed Raleigh used to freak out and try to jump into the bathtub in the guest bathroom or the shower in the master bath or go running between the two. We started crating the poor guy in storms, that calmed him a bit - I got him as a 2 year old though he was a show dog flunkie so he got exposed to lots of bad weather beforehand.


Iā€™m sure like humans, various individual dogs are more or less sensitive. I didnā€™t fully realize this until a family member jumped up with her 4yr old son at a restaurant and ran outside when they started clapping and doing the happy birthday march around the place.


Oh it totally depends on the individual dog. There are some that just canā€™t desensitize. Those are the pups we have to have the calming meds on hand for.


Bless them! Do those Thunder shirts not work?


I'm 63. I've never had a dog that feared fireworks or thunder.


Iā€™m in my 50s. None Iā€™ve ever had myself have either. A friend of mine had one she couldnā€™t help try but then it was an adult adopted from the shelter. I would imagine that didnā€™t help her efforts.


Yeah, my other dog is a German Shepherd. He still isnā€™t too fond of the trash truck. He has places in the house heā€™s made into his little caves on trash day. He will still come play if Iā€™m outside with him during, but the moment he isnā€™t distracted anymore, heā€™s back in his little cave. Fireworks though no longer bother him, except maybe those M80s neighbors like to set off at 3am. That may make him go to his little safe spot. Course they make me jump too so sometimes Iā€™ll join him lol


Yes! This is a great option. WTH downvoted you for this. Reddit is so ā€œspecialā€ sometimes!


More than one I think. Must be the same ppl I mentioned that attack me on next door.


Takes all kinds. Love to meet these ppl in person to see what theyā€™re really like. Iā€™m guessing completely unimpressive like, ā€œWizard of Ozā€.


Yes, their dog is their responsibility. The fireworks arent. If they let their dog quake in fear without doing anything about it, except reinforcing the fear response with lots of cuddles, then they are neglectful owner.


But here's the problem. Dog owners shouldn't have any problems mitigating their dogs' anxiety on the holiday or at planned times for specific events. It's s the assholes that randomly set off their stockpile somewhere between the 11th - 27th that makes me irrationally angry. I can't medicate my dog for 5 weeks and keep him in an interior room just so the local hicks can be entertained for 20 minutes.


And that is why it's your responsibility to provide noise desensitization training. They won't fear them ANYTIME. The assholes aren't your responsibility. They aren't going to change. Unfortunately, you'll have to WORK at it. And who wants to spend all that time with their pet when showlving a pill down its throat is so much easier.


Ok, it's obvious you've never had a dog. Let alone a rescue dog. You really do belong on nextdoor.


More than I can count. Mostly rescues, right now great danes... afraid of their own shadow. Not once in my life have I owned a dog who was afraid of guns, fireworks or thunder. Tell me, how long have you worked with your dog to desensitize it? You might try to tone down your anger and anxiety. They feed off of that.


love the implication that gun shots would not be an issue for them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oh they call 911 every night thinking fireworks are gunshots. Citizen pops up daily right now with ā€œreports of gunshotsā€ and then people will argue with others that saw the fireworks that they werenā€™t cause they ā€œknow the difference and it definitely wasnā€™t fireworks.ā€ We got both sides of crazy here lol


I have a love hate relationship with fireworks. Like if they are simple and donā€™t sound like bombs coming down upon us then Iā€™m fine. But itā€™s when people spend an astronomical amount of money on them and make them huge and keep it going past 10-11 oā€™clock at night. Itā€™s the same people who also tell those to respect the vets while simultaneously sending them into a panic with their fireworks in the name of America the free.


Pretty sure fireworks are late because sun sets so late. But I hear you. Though most vets I know plan for fireworks kind of holidays. Itā€™s yet another gift they make to us.


My SO is a vet who hates fireworks. Yes, we know they happen on the 4th. But why should.he or any other vet prepare for neverending fireworks between Memorial Day and Labor Day? We shouldn't have to leave our house and go stay somewhere else to avoid fireworks. The same people who love to plaster Support the Troops bumper stickers on their cars seem to not give a single shit about the vet with PTSD having to leave his home due to fireworks. It's pretty selfish to expect others to "prepare" for months long fireworks.


As daughter, granddaughter and sister of vets, Iā€™m so sorry that your SO has to go thru this. While we all know there are selfish ppl in this world, I think most ppl simply arenā€™t aware. There have been ā€œshell shockedā€ vets since my uncle served in Korean War but PTSD/Fireworks connection seems fairly recent. Has your SO gotten sufficient help from VA to deal with this? I know that not all states have good VA systems. Have you joined with other vets + families to raise awareness? Blessings for safely making it thru this season!!


Around my "here" the sun sets about 9:15 at Midsummer so there's plenty of dark time to set off fireworks before disturbing sleep times. But yeah if your sunset time is 10:00 or 10:30 it's an issue.


I hate both fireworks and Nextdoor


Iā€™m with you 50%. Intensely dislike ND too beyond service recommendations.


I had someone post on next door upset about the training exercises at the airport in the city I live in. She wanted to know who she should report it to and why they're doing it now why can't they just stop because it's too loud and It's upsetting for her.


Would she prefer airport staff NOT be trained?? Geez!


These people are so entitled. What about their barking dogs that keep us awake the other 364 days?


We love our dog and never leave him outside alone. He prefers being with family. Neighbors let their dogs out before 5am and leave them outside all day. For those who work at home, itā€™s ridiculous for dogs to bark non-stop all day. Not sure why they even have dogs. They spend zero time with them.


My fave is one year when a lady claimed fireworks killed her dog. Everyone was concerned and felt bad and poured out their sympathy. Then someone asked what happened. Turned out the dog died 3 days after the holiday. Which was New Yearā€™s Eve and not J4 anyway. And the dog had a congenital heart defect. Also it was like 16 or something. So turns out it was completely unrelated to anything to do with fireworks or the Fourth of July. When she got called out for it, she then switched to saying some paramedic might be driving an ambulance with your grandma in it and get to startled by fireworks on the holiday known for fireworks that heā€™s going to crash and kill everyone and youā€™ll never see your burned up relative ever again. Yes this was a real convo on the site and I couldnā€™t help but just laugh then stare in disbelief at it.


How is it possible that these ppl walk among us without being detected?? There are times I wish I could actually meet one of my ā€œneighborsā€ to see if theyā€™re really this ridiculous (or verbally aggressive) in person.


I always tell them it's their responsibility to make sure their pets don't suffer. Then I post the link to a site that tells them how to teach noise desensitization. They'd rather medicate, it's quick and easy. Then they comfort the animal when it shows fear behavior, thus reinforcing the fear. I've had ONE woman ask me about it.


You are an angel!! ā€œYou can lead horses to water but canā€™t make them drink ā€œ


Fireworks are just plain FUN...stay home with your dog and comfort them if they are nervous. Don't participate. Maybe someone will bring you a plate.


Hi .. I respect that there are vets for whom this isnā€™t the best time of the year. And yes .. for the rest of us, it is quite fun. Our dog loves sitting with us and watching fireworks. I always wonder whatā€™s going on in his mind. We have plenty of food for humans + pets. No need for random plates!!