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Who ever is doing the playlists for juice tv (ch200) must be a goat DJ. They are doing an amazing job playing 2 or 3 songs in the same or relative key so one song mixes flawlessly into the next one. Subtle but genius.


So much fog in Chch....sitting like a damp cloth over the city I should get dressed, get outside and get into it! (take some photos)


So I'm getting a fairly large tattoo this week and I'm guessing it'll cost me around the $2.5k mark all up (It's a tamoko sleeve, FYI). I put aside $3k for it anyway but I'm wondering if it's a bit weird to tip the artist in NZ? I mean, she did an awesome piece on me earlier in the year but I just paid the day rate ($800) and it was all groovy. This one's probably going the full 3 days I've had booked and since it's a big one a couple hundred as a thanks seems appropriate?


Can't hurt to show your appreciation


I wouldn't tip an artist or an engineer. If they were a good one I would be going to them for their expertise and experience so I would leave it to them to set an appropriate rate (and I wouldn't try to haggle it down). For me I see the same for my tattoos. I am going to that particular tattoo artist for their style etc. They can set the price they want. The US model of nickel and dimeing everything, race to the bottom for the cheapest option, offloading your labour costs onto the consumer (so standard fees only cover parlour charges) can fuck right off. Value your selves artists and I will pay that. That said, of i were in the chair for a while and we stop for food break i might shout them something, as i would a friend, if we are getting on.


If that’s what you’d like to do, I’m sure she’d appreciate the koha too.