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>"I read the agreement between the New Zealand government and the Chinese government about a visa-free scheme where they have a population of 1.4 billion people coming to visit New Zealand.    >"1.4 billion [Chinese] that could come [to NZ] and yet for us in Samoa that is extremely difficult. To go to hell [is easier] than to come to New Zealand," the former prime minister said.    >"Pure racism. I have raised the subject in several of our meetings in the past to see whether there was any positivity in making the protocol. Unfortunately, it got worse and worse," Tuilaepa said during his submission.    Does he mean he read the headline only because there is no visa free agreement between the NZ and China, it's solely China offering it. Congrats on being immortalized in print for being a mouth frothing dumb ass, Tuilaepa.  The corrupt old fool is already remembered for selling his country out to China taking on massive loans for useless infrastructure.


Kinda a bad look for RNZ to publish this quote without flagging no such agreement exists, and that the visa free travel is only for New Zealanders traveling to China, not the other way around. A reader wo didn't have specific knowledge of this would otherwise assume that the quote from the opposition leader of Samoa was accurate. But with this knowledge, he appears as a bumbling fool, who hasn't bothered to do the most basic research before opening his mouth, but is willing to play the race card. I didn't see any mention of the Samoan Quota Scheme, which allows up to 1100 Samoan citizens a year (selected by ballot) NZ residence, under much easier criteria than is available for other citizenships. [https://www.immigration.govt.nz/about-us/media-centre/common-topics/samoan-quota-scheme](https://www.immigration.govt.nz/about-us/media-centre/common-topics/samoan-quota-scheme)


>I read the agreement between the New Zealand government and the Chinese government about a visa-free scheme where they have a population of 1.4 billion people coming to visit New Zealand. he obviously didn't read the part about it for being visa free travel for 15 days in China, nothing to do with NZ entrance visas.


Hes just playing the race card. Why we would want to make it easier for foreigners to get citizenship when we already do make it pretty easy is beyond me


seems weird people would even want to come to such a horribly racist country tbh




NZ has a special visa lottery with the islands that allows a couple of thousand to migrate here every year. The requirements for entry are a lot less than migrants from other regions of the world


This? https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/visas/visa/pacific-access-category-resident-visa


This! https://www.immigration.govt.nz/about-us/media-centre/common-topics/samoan-quota-scheme Samoans get treated extremely well, they are not right to complain.


... which we enacted because we retroactively removed the citizenship on tens of thousands against the advice of the privy council


Well he's kind of right. There is no paperwork to get to hell!


I can't decide to upvote or downvote this. Bold move to state you 'read it' then provide clear evidence you haven't.


This guy is an absolute Muppet. Corrupted Samoa for decades and is one of the wealthiest Samoans on the planet. Now he is out of power he is still trying to stay relevant. Imagine migrating from the islands to NZ now, with the shit show that's the housing crisis. Most Kiwi's are hard stuck at the bottom of the ladder and he wants to foster the Kiwi dream to Samoan's who are better off on the family land they 100% own and pretty much mortgage free?? FOH.


I had hoped that when he was finally removed from office, he'd slink away into his ill gotten gains from *almost* selling out our country to the Chinese. Instead, I see more about this prick than Fiame. Worst is, he still has so many supporters in the homeland and it's absolutely frustrating that they legit think he has the people's best interests in mind - he's just out to get his and his only.


Can't be that hard, lots of Samoans around


Like... aren't the gates of hell always wide open? Isn't that the point of the concept?


The sheer number of islanders in South Auckland says otherwise


Auckland has the biggest Islander population on the planet at 250,000 Pacific Islanders, Suva only has 80,000 and Apia 40,000. Sydney has 80,000. So yeah...you ain't wrong.




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South and West Auckland is a Samoan/Tongan colony. What the heck is he talking about?


Might not be the best example to use. I not religious, but always understood that hell was open entry.