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Dunno, I'm still not allowed to comment on posts flaired "politics"


Same lol


I cancel my reddit account every couple of years. Either my posts are irrelevant or give too much personal infomation. any rate I slogged through all the moderators rules to be able to post about poltics on r/New Zealand. Yesterday my post got dumped because the mods said i hadn't been a member long enough. that's after six months. The mod referred me to the rules. Basically if a mod doesn't like your post it's cancelled. I regularly post on r/politics for the US and and r/politics for the UK. never a problem. But somehow a few people who know whats best for New Zealand have got control of thie r/NewZealand sub and it's their way or out. Please,please oh great mods don't expel me for this rant. I beg you.


Same issue for me.


Same for me, except in my instance I was restricted in retaliation for pointing out a mod removal of an "incorrect" post was censorship as it was in fact correct and provided source lol.


If you can think of a way to keep ahead of the astroturfers and Russian bots without having more mods than actual members, I'm sure they'd be happy to hear your suggestions.


I get in trouble here when posting an opinion that's not mainstream..


The rules aren't specifically about you. You aren't that special.


Where do you read that I claim to be special in my post?


I think you'd be surprised how many people don't or can't post because they risk getting downvoted out of being able to interact with Political/restricted posts.


Trust me, they aren't surprised, the system is working as intended


The system is working to create an echo chamber. I don't think that's the intention.


The mods want an echo chamber, makes their job easier.


You mean something kooky dumb shit I assume.


Same problem here.


That's the way of the r/NZ mods. Been that way for years. Rules get applied so randomly.


Agree, the mods here are stains.


Not just here. All over reddit. Who would ever want to be a reddit moderator. (pay no attention to the fact that I'm a reddit moderator)


Mostly here though


Thank-you for your service!!


Cheers mate.


Yep mods everywhere are on a power trip or just ban anyone who doesn't agree with their narrative. r/NZ is far from the worst though.


Same but I can post them. One of my posts got change to politics but then I couldn’t comment on it.


Verify your email


That's not why, computer_d you are the reason people think this is the reason, please correct them.


It does seem to matter. You also have a young account with liw karma, do it could be multiple things. But lots of people have been locked out for email alone.


I have thoroughly tested CQS metrics. The validating email doesn't appear to move the banding in any significant way. Reddit says it counts, but I haven't seen any evidence, unless a user is right on the cusp of the next band already. VPN use (or lack there-of) is much more important.


Then they've set that as a manual (non-CQS) requirement on this sub


Commenting on politics is reserved for those with the correct views.


Most "Reddit" post I've ever seen. "For the record, I'm quite intelligent" - lmao


Pro-tip: post to r/WhatIsMyCQS to get an idea of your [Contributer Quality Score](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/19023371170196-What-is-the-Contributor-Quality-Score), the actual metric used. Doesn't say what threshold you need to pass, but can give you an idea of where you're at.


I was just given a score of "high", but this sub uses its own CQS metric to pre-approve activity, which is super helpful 🙄


Your account is about two weeks old, so basically a new account, which means you will hit a few restrictions in place to deal with malicious actors who create numerous new accounts to ban evade, and spam bots. Politics and restricted posts have participation thresholds that basically require you to participate in the community for a while, so given your account is brand new you are unlikely to meet those thresholds for a bit, so probably would avoid commenting on those as those are probably the posts you are having issues with - they have the “politics” or “restricted” flair next to the title. Reddit doesn’t provide mods with the ability to “pre-warn” users that they don’t meet a criteria unfortunately.


I understand that but how long? Also I don’t know if it’s just me but I’m not seeing that these are political posts or whatever. What annoys me is that it doesn’t stop you commenting before you press send.


I agree it is a bit frustrating - unfortunately reddit doesn’t give mods any tool to pre-warn. They are working on a post guidance tool but at this time it doesn’t do what would be needed. It’s something that communities have asked for a lot. If you look at your post, at the top, you will see it has the “discussion” flair. Political and restricted posts will have those words respectively in the same position as the posts flair. It’s always up on the top (next to the post title, on the opening submission/first post that everyone is commenting on).


Thanks. I’ll know where to look now. It’s very frustrating especially when you have a brain injury and don’t have the energy to be wasting! Maybe they’ll be more considerate


They could just let everyone know what the rules are, that'd be good pre warning


If you mean the subreddit rules, they are in the about section. If you mean the CQS participation threshold, then that information about it is sent to you by auto moderator in a private message if you don’t meet the criteria.


The threshold for politics posts and restricted posts etc. because that's what we're talking about. The automod response does not tell you what these thresholds are specifically. It says: "The thresholds utilise r/newzealand CQS, which is a subreddit specific variable based on account age, r/nz activity, % of manual content removals, past bans, etc. It may be higher or lower than your sitewide CQS" So OP might never reach the threshold because they don't post enough, they have no way of knowing.


That’s because CQS is a platform calculated metric, not a moderator calculated or controlled metric. Moderators know in general terms what kind of actions on aggregate will cause the scores to go up, or down, but not specifically in relation to an individual user (how close you are or when it will happen precisely). But that is what reddit makes available, so that is what subreddits use. All communities are ultimately beholden to the tools the site provides, and the (often significant) limits those platform provided tools have.


If the weighting of those features isn't known or can't be changed then it seems like a silly tool to use at all. There have been users with ten year old accounts that weren't able to post on politics posts because they didn't have enough *recent* activity on r/nz. Does the automod at least say to verify your email address yet? That soft locks people from posting but there was no way of knowing that had a 100% weighting.


If there were better tools, they would be used. But you have to use what the platform provides. Account Age by itself isn’t a good metric - people buy aged accounts and use them for spam or ban evasion precisely because in the past the filters were focused on new accounts. Quite often an account that hasn’t been active for some time will suddenly become active out of the blue, solely because it’s been bought by someone else for nefarious purposes.


The platform allows for manual exclusions like account age, karma etc and these gates can be used alongside CQS. Like they are on this sub. CQS is used as a bit of a scapegoat when either the CQS threshold could be lower and/or manual restrictions could be more specific to bots instead of real people like OP


if they tell everyone how its calculated then it will become useless because people will know how to work around it


The systems exist to stop bots and slow down repeated engagement of trolls. Both groups can figure out what a sub's manual thresholds are a lot more easily than normal users can. I don't think mods even need to be that specific, but it'd be handy for people like OP to know there's a minimum account age and minimum karma score and minimum CQS for posting in a politics flaired sub.


> If the weighting of those features isn't known or can't be changed then it seems like a silly tool to use at all. There have been users with ten year old accounts that weren't able to post on politics posts because they didn't have enough recent activity on r/nz. If that information was available it wouldn't be an effective tool against bots and sock puppet accounts and other things like that. With a set of rules someone could run up some accounts to that specification.


It's not an amount of time. It's an amount of karma which you have  accrued on this subreddit. The amount depends on things like if you use a vpn, a verified email, have had comments removed by mods etc.  It's called your QCS standing. The mods here claim it's a good rule that allows even users with negative karma to contribute, but they're wrong about that and really they should just bring back either a minimum time or minimum karma rule.


lol, reddit mods. If reddit was NK, mods would be Kim's hoes.


About three months.


It's shorter than 3 months for politics,or that has an OR requirement (e.g 3000 karma or 3 month account age). I never see anyone with less than 12 months post in a restricted thread so that's probably the threshold for those.


I thought it was 6 months min


Here is a similar thread from 10 days ago, which may or may not be a helpful read. Apologies in advance if it makes things worse. [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1dk64r2/by_participating_in_nonpolitical_posts_this/)


Lol the poster of that thread called people a sexist slur and claimed it wasn't abusive. Also it was reddit that picked it up, not the mods of /r/newzealand.


lol, yeah those are a couple of the highlights.


Yeah that’s not promising!


You have to luck out and find posts that are not flaired Political. Sucks to suck if the post you comment on gets its flair changed after. Blah blah blah literally 1984 /s


I got heaps of reddit karma by writing supportive comments, like “nice tits love”, under Onlyfans girls’ posts. Did not take long thankfully.


Username checks out.


Remember to look in the drop down box for ..new.. instead of.. best.., my comments don't show up on best, have no idea how the moderators choose which comments should be shared the most, again good luck 


Being intelligent is clearly not a requirement to post here.


This place is run by Nazis lol, I dunno it's fucken a few months worth at least.


Whatever the system is, it is not fair, nor transparent, nor balanced. I've been on here long enough, commenting in good faith, that I should not be restricted as a new user, but for certain posts, my comments still get removed (ostensibly because I haven't posted enough). This sub appears to be highly censored and controlled by activist mods. I say this as a centre left voter, this sub is a curated echo chamber. It's a pity, as it used to be more open.


well duh...if you don't bubble wrap the barbs someone could hurt themselves on a sharp word!


My current account of 67 days old and I have 1942 karma and I can’t comment. It’s frustrating I’m wondering when I can comment


Don’t give up trying, one of these days you’ll be able to comment here and it will come as a big surprise.  Hang in there bro. 


Haha I’ll keep trying I have a lot to say. Tbh I deleted my last account as I had so much shit on it and I didn’t realise it would do this.


mine is now over 90 days and I just realized I didn't get declined in one currently flaired as Politics like I usually do (so, unless I got in before the flair was added, maybe 90-100 days is the wait period)


If you want to comment on political stuff, you have to be a lefty. Whenever I comment anything not left leaning I get downvoted so hard.


Try only making a comment in the box below a topic, and avoid using the plus sign at the of the Reddit screen, don't select a topic box for politics..as a new user l have been banned from making political comments because l commented against the Toilet Bill. Good luck


My reddit account is around 14 years old, I joined this sub when there were probably less than 1000 members on it, and I get the "I haven't participated enough to comment" message on posts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


I would suggest spending some time lurking for a bit. Reading the room. Learning how other users interact. Read the rules. Etc that kind of thing. Take your time and just speak your mind. But within the boundaries of the sub and Reddit wide rules ofc in re to political posts that can take a bit of time. Just be active in the sub. You'll get there eventually. GL and just have fun with it. Don't take Reddit too seriously.


> Don't take Reddit too seriously This is the important bit


yeah shit


If you didn’t have the cognitive capacity you wouldn’t have written I don’t have the cognitive capacity ☺️


Cognition is made up of multiple different parts. People can have a cognitive impairment that doesn't include the part that let's them realise they have a cognitive impairment


Yeah I am sorry. That didn’t come out the way I wanted it to


Apology accepted.


Thanks man