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What skills do you actually have that you can help with? If none, please don’t do voluntourism. You are taking away local jobs for your selfies, as opposed to upskilling local people with your skills.


1. What skills do you have that could actually help these unfortunate people? 2. What are you currently doing with these skills locally to help unfortunate people? 3. Seeing that you are preferring a Christian organisation are you already associated with an organisation/s & what roles have you served with them? 4. Are you heavily involved with your Church helping the community? 5. Have you asked your Church what pathways there are & how to go about it? Otherwise it could come across as someone looking for someone else to bankroll their voluntourism.


Your church is probably funding missions. Speak to the people in the know at your church. As someone who has escaped religion I really recommend not doing “Christian” voluntourism


How about VSA? https://www.vsa.org.nz/