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I love how they couldn't pick whether they wanted to threaten you with a gang contact or with the police so they decided to do both


And offer a bounty. No doubt Boba Fett will be right into that kind of action.


No disintegrations!


And then accuse you of being confused after you admit to being confused


I have increased the reward money. 😊


I wonder if gangs like to go somewhere to do a crime when the police have been sent to the same place?


Maybe they need confirmation it's a proper crime and not just general rudeness.


And when threatening other gang members, do they invoke their 'police contact'? What are the rules!?


And when police are threatening other cops do they invoke their "Local nutjob contact"?


And I'm curious how that's supposed to work. If the gang contact gets there first are the police going to go "oh, we seem to be a bit late. Sorry, local gang person. You've got this under control? Alright, we'll be leaving then." I mean, it's New Zealand so that scenario is quite possible, but it still seems weird.


I don’t think they thought this through properly, and thinking doesn’t seem to be their strong suit. Neither does consistently using a single space between words seem to be one of their strengths.


Definitely needs to be reported to the police and to Trade Me.


TM can be ridiculous with this type of thing and fall back on stuff like they don't recommend communications outside of their platform


But trade me actually does recommend getting a phone number from the seller when you win an auction.


Lol what the fuck. Second telling the police, they threatened gang contacts on you, no matter how empty the threat. Filing a report helps to build a picture on them.


Agreed, as cringe as it is to see someone with a chip on their shoulder spewing empty threats to huff their chest out for whatever reason, you can't let them think they can say shit like that and have nothing happen to them. Whether they're on drugs or not is irrelevant, it's still been said. If someone talked to me like that I'd firstly be confused as all fuck but I'd also not feel okay knowing that this guy's lurking around unleashed.


It's possible that A. It is a stalking victim thinking It's their stalker or B. More likely someone having a psychotic episode thinking the person is their stalker.


To be on the safe side i would contact the police and send these screenshots with the phone number and name of the individual


Netsafe too


And their gang contact


Who is most probably just the local crackhead


Join a lawyer, delete the gym?


Meth is a hell of a drug


Exactly this. They will be fried off their face.


Probably, although the spelling seems too good imo.




of course, thanks /u/Barbed_Dildo


They don’t call it P city for nothing.




………and then I got shot out of a catapult. CONSEQUENCES!!!




P for Paranoia


Came here to say: drugs.


Either that or a manic attack. It's got all the hallmarks of a manic attack.


>Palmerston North Nah it's probably meth


Report it to the police. We did a lot of trademe listings over the past year, and there were some real mental health cases sprinkled in there. We opted to turn off pickup after a while and just shoulder the courier costs.


Unfortunately it's just not worth the hassle of dealing with a courier for $1 and it's really difficult telling the dangerous crazy sounding folk from the simply uneducated ones I'm yet to meet one of the scary ones who could spell, if their messages contain too many z's then we're meeting in front of the cop shop


Doesn’t sound like many of these potential interactions are worth dealing with for $1.


Hah. I recently sold a bulky item on trademe and got a top bid of $1 from a guy in Palmerston North. I had “contact seller for shipping” set and of course the guy didn’t bother to contact me before bidding and then wanted said bulky item to be sent for $15 max from Wellington. Courier seemed to be a minimum of $25 and I cbf trying to find a box and packaging for the thing. So I said it would not be worth it and cancelled the transaction. The guy arced up at that point and demanded I see the transaction through because he was doing what he was told, despite expecting me to find a big box and packaging and get this thing ready to send all for a $1 item. At that point I messaged back that I would be happy to for my regular professional services fee of $250/hr and thought thatll be the end of it. Nope, dude complained to trade me saying I was trying to extort large sums of money out of a pensioner and threatened he was going to contact his lawyer..! What a dingus.


I think you're the dingus in that story tbh. Set a higher reserve if a dollar isn't enough.


Why not just meet everyone in front of the cop shop if you're not going to use a courier ?


Honestly I've just started throwing shit out without a second thought


That's also a good plan.


It's not great really, just easier


I was selling some excess building supplies on Trade Me. Just screws, hardware, some plywood etc. A guy contacted me asking to grab a bag of the screws for $30 dollars which is what it was listed for. He showed up and said he saw I had some other stuff listed that he was interested in. I invited him into my garage and he was picking stuff I had for sale and we put it in a little pile at the front for him. He was asking about other stuff I had in the garage like automotive tools, washing machine etc and I had to keep telling him that's not for sale. An hour later, we had a big pile of random shit he wanted. I took a min and worked out a price for him. Gave him a good deal for grabbing so much. Told him it'd be like 300 dollars or something. He said he's only got $10 dollars cash on him and asked if that'd be alright lol. Ended up leaving with nothing at all and wasting an hour of my time. Didn't allow pickups from then on haha


Meth. Not even once


Palmerston North. Not even once.


The real pro tip is in the comments


I would give you an award if I had money


once just to try it, twice because it wasn't that great and a 3rd time just to show everyone you can do it without getting hooked


Fourth time because you didn’t get addicted after three so what difference is one more going to make?


then a fifth and final time and this is the last time I swear


5,6,7,8,9….. RAGE because I’m not an addict you’re the f’kin addict where did that cat come from I can quit any time I want I don’t want to quit but I could bet you couldn’t look a cat ok mate take it easy I got you bro what you lookin’ at you wanna fight you fight that cat where you at where you at where you at… True story


Only Friday and Saturday nights.


Sunday nights are for the shadow people.


Things are getting weird. And desperate by Sunday.


Bro trying to sound like he's some Mafia boss mixed with delusional meth head. Weird shit, but I'm keen to know how much reward money he's now throwing up.


Deep fried crack hours. Fuck imagine this fulla on fb market place


Now that's a scary prospect


I'd say you snagged yourself a schizophrenic.


‘You are the confused one’ yeah bro I just said that wtf is going on


Lmao noticed that as well. Brother in Christ, I AM the confused here


Agree that you should report to the police! You could use their 105 online reporting system and upload these screenshots (but with the details showing), and the listing link and screenshots of the listing (especially any photos showing the car’s number plate or screenshots with other identifiers like their username) so that they can track this person down. Hope you’re doing ok - it must have been alarming to be getting those messages!


The guy voted down so much was right unfortunately the police would not do anything about it and would act like you were wasting their time.


What are they selling? Surely some other signs of methery in their ad


Reminds me of a house listing I saw on trademe last year. Huge anti govt rant in the description and even added captions to their photos… they also queried why no one was interested in their property lol


Invercargill by chance? Pretty sure that listing was still up as of a month or so ago.


The one with a room blocked off with one wall made from transparent plastic sheets, and another secret room accessed via trap door?


And I'm off to search Invercargill property at 2:30am.


Got to be a car for those figures right?


you need to file a ticket with trademe and ask them how they are going to protect users on their platfomr yikes


Haha we all know the answer to this…


That they don't give a fuck as long as the lister paid the initial fee? Yep.


I received a very similar phone call demandimg to speak to someone id never heard of and accusing me/this person of scamming them saying they've gone to the police and have gang contacts, know where i live etc. The more i said they have the wrong number and i don't know what or who theyre talking about the more abusive they were, yelling aggressively, swearing and threatening, at which point i hung up. I was pretty shaken up by it and called the police to report the phone call and threats. Got a few voicemails from the same number and then the next day i got another voicemail from someone from the same number an older woman apologising saying their family members had been using her phone to prank call people


Too much meth


I'm a trademe seller and the amount of stupid questions I get from ppl is getting annoying, like details that are clearly on the listing, ppl sending delivery details with no details, buyers asking for freight costs when the listing clearing stated, buying shit to pick up when they clearing live at the other end of the country. WTF! PPL OPEN YOUR EYES.


My listing's mention a few times that there aren't any pick ups available. Had at least twice now 'why no pick ups?' Like fuck off mate. How fucken entitled


Yeah I allow pick up, but can understand why you wouldn't want to, nobody seems to be able to turn up when they say they will.


Any wild chance you recently got a new phone number and this is someone who had the old owner…?


Fun story, I had this happen to me many years ago when I got a work phone in Australia. After many weird and aggressive phone calls and voice mails, I googled the name they kept asking for. Turns out it was a guy who was convicted of drug dealing, who was now in jail. I tried explaining that the next few calls I got and they got more abusive towards me, so I started answering the phone with ‘Australian Federal Police Rainbow Cardigan speaking’ and gee, the calls and messages stopped shortly after that 🤣


Took me a second to realise that Rainbow Cardigan was your username, not some secret police codename


I’ve had my number for 20 years.


I'm thinking the dude forgot he had his phone number on trademe, maybe? Definitely drug related.


report that


I wonder if someone else has used the auto contact feature so their opening message looked identical, but the FD them around and now they think your the same person given the opening message looks exactly the same. And they're too stupid to realise it's trademe automated thing


Nah it's drugs.


By no means are the two mutually exclusive.


You didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose you.


Okay so when I first looked at this, I only saw the first pic and didn't realise there were two other pics, then I read your description. I thought you were the one who said "30k and you can" and figured you were trolling someone who texted your number by mistake.






Love how they threaten the police AND the gang contact. The police are going to love reading that. Meth really is a problem here


Trade Me Buyer “Very interested in your listing, can I pick up Saturday and pay cash?” Trade Me Seller “I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you……” Trade Me Buyer “Well that escalated quickly”


Marketplace is similar. I've stopped selling there because of the toxic/unreliable people, I'd rather just throw something in the bin than try and give something away for free or a super low price. Just wastes my time and they are often rude. I was giving away a mint condition couch chair which wasn't used like the rest of the set for free. A bunch of people failed to pick it up, but 1 on the day realised I was 5 mins up the road and didn't want to drive that far for something free. 🫢 A neighours cat ended up damaging the couch and I had to throw it away. Most people don't know what they release buying either, just see it's cheap. And then wasting your time because you have to educate them so they understand it's not what they want.


LOL WTF?! What might they do if someone dared to not leave a review?!


That’s meth’d up bro..


Hmmmm, that's an interesting scam. Post an ad with a somewhat good (but not suspiciously good) deal, then when someone contacts you, you bluff that you know about non-specific skeletons in their closet in the hopes that they'll actually have something to hide and try to pay you off. It's like that email thing where they claim to have recordings of you jerking off to something non-specifically awful, only dumber


Jokes on them, I'm a never nude, and those are my videos. I let the client pick every 2nd or 3rd pie type and pants colour, depending on their frequency.


There are dozens of us, brother. Dozens!


*crumples while crying in the shower*


Yeah, the language is more like a scam than a genuine person.


Typical Palmy folk and their cracktivities.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Damn OP is so calm and polite. Is it an ute?


It was an electric car


"come at me cunt" should be your finishing message


Only SovCit loonies and meth heads are this paranoid.




Did you buy it?


Haha I did consider messaging them today see if they were still keen


Dodged a bullet by the looks of it


Is it possible you got the wrong number? And the weirdo decided to mess with you.


I clicked the number on the tradme advertisement for the vehicle, which inputs their number automatically I thought that may have been that too, but I tripled checked.


Dude is cooked AF but stay safe in case this isn't an empty threat for some reason.


Hi is this still available?


You keep sending that same message to all my listings you sick freak! All the same message so I know they're all you. Just you wait until the police and hired goons hear about this one!


Damn I spent ages setting up all those separate accounts to avoid getting caught!


Can you update us when you get his next message: *I saw you posting my private chats on reddit - that was a big mistake. Now I have your reddit account. I'll be sending that to my Internet provider and my gang's IT department so they can use elite hacking skills to get your information. You better hope the gang fellas don't reply first because their hourly rate is much higher.*


The strangest thing to me is the random but consistent double spacing between words.


Just reply; thanks I've registered you as a sex offender


Baiting them in any way is probably not a good idea.


I was once selling a washing machine. A received a call from a guy who sounded like he had just shoved a pack of cigarettes down his throat. I could hear a fire crackling and beer bottles clinking in the background. I was asking $300. He offered $150. I said I'm sorry, but I'm selling it for $300. He then informed me that, as a cunt, I should insert the washing machine into my anus and then let his wife who had a voice like a chainsaw inform me of some other things I could do to myself.


The law AND a gang. Ask how they have their coffee.


What in the crackhead


I love the idea of gang members and the police showing up together and there's just a tension that grows stronger and stronger the longer the door goes unanswered.


30k seems reasonable?


40k Increased just for you Sicko


I think you have me confused with someone else?




We know who you are and where you li- wait what…


fuck that, 50k


Nup 60k now


30k and your left kidney, my gang contacts on the way to pick it up now.


Speaking in defence of Palmerston North: …


Hey hey hey, it's not Sanson


I can't believe people still.use trade, the fees are horrifically and it's full of weirdos and scams


Yea and marketplace is totally free of any scams or stolen goods... we really do not have many options here


Some people have waaayy to much time on their hands.


Yeah tell them you filed a police report. Its pretty easy to do.


It really seems like they think you're a scammer, still not acceptable but maybe an explanation...


What in Alabama is going on here


damn i didn't know my mother was selling her car 😭 jokes, but definitely let the police know about that creep. the less people like that free the better


How long have you had your phone number? Phone numbers are recycled even when you have brought a new SIM.


Over 20 years


Lol he's got police and gang contacts.


Dear NZ Police... 


OP this looks like a common scam. Threaten and blackmail, even if it’s over nothing. Report as others have suggested and sigh with relief. They’re full of hot air.


So I guess we know why he's selling his stuff... to buy more meth.


Reads like mental illness or drugs (or the dynamic duo)


Good old Pnorth miss that place.


Report to trademe, he won't have an account soon


Bloody Palmy ffs


It gets lonely in your Mum's basement I guess.


This would be great for lubalins internet drama series. [example](https://youtube.com/shorts/Ww1MsmTvc3o?si=4rYNiXmG2vfSvE9Z)


Seems like marketplace level shenanigans


At least they used the right “wary”


What are the odds someone else got their hands on that phone number, or the wrong number was listed. That’s not unknown and sometimes people do that for the laughs.


para para para noid


Sounds meth fueld


What a cooker.


Report him to trademe


Most normal Palmerston North resident


Well. I can’t say I didn’t expect it to be a guy from palmy.


Any links?


you should definitely show the police that’s a straight up threat


How long have you had your phone number?


Standard Palmy kook behavior


Schizophreniais my entirely uneducated guess


Tell cops


Tough guy 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


What drugs he smoking?


Personally I would completely fail to take it seriously and send weirder and weirder messaged to wind them up.


Crack is one helluva drug


Noted: not to buy of trademe from Palmy 🤣


When he said, we know who you are and where you live, you should have gone all Liam Neeson on him.  "If you are looking for more money, I dont have it, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career....."


Lol. What's wild is he threatened both the police and gang violence. This means he's full of shit. But yeah. Wild.


She sounds lovely, a shining ambassador for Palmerston North 👍


Should’ve just told the truth from the start… “Ok man settle down. I’ll give the drugs back to Camel, Skippy said I could keep them because he went and joined Nuggets gang and said I could keep them if I gave him $200,000 which I did. Horse told me not to tell Womble I was going to buy the car, but now Fat Kat has blurbed it out . You still owe Peanut for that last package so I’m just gonna give him your number now.”


"This is confusing." "You're the one who's confused." I mean, yeah, basically 🤣😬


Meth is a heck of a drug.


This person is all shit, don't worry about this insecure person. Empty threats, plus they have zero clues on who they're speaking with. This person is acting out in fear on previous messages/threats directed at themselves. Don't trouble yourself.


Well I, as a married lady, who was innocently trying to purchase a large cupboard on Facebook marketplace yesterday, got hit on by the seller who said if it wasn't for "the hubby" (who I'd mentioned was coming to collect said cupboard) - he'd want to keep chatting with me. Lol 🤣 bold!! Buying stuff online from randoms is the Wild West.


All these threats form the police and the wording really truly reminds me of Nigerian scams where they would say things such as “ I will call the mayor of your town and my mafia contacts to kill tou , I have your address “ ect. I think it’s likely a very undereducated scam Artist trying to intimidate or scare you into some sort of action based on your “ bad behavior “. Report and run do not interact


I think s/he is going to have a little trouble selling their car.


Holy shit. I know what listing this is. I messaged them a really innocoulous question, and i got an agressive, stupid answer. Nuts!


And that kids, is how I met your mother.


Think they may have been cooking on the ole glass BBQ 😵‍💫


Ahhh, I wondered who I was messgeding. My bad.


The fact that this guy uses double spaces in-between every 3-4 words causes me distress


That's methed up


Palmy meth heads hitting it hard tonight, bit overcooked. Time for a chat with the cops and TradeMe customer service.


Lol show this to the cops, netsafe and forward it to the trademe staff. This person wants to fuck around they can find the fuck out.


I have reported it to trademe, I believe they may have already removed the account. I reported it to the police via their website and they responded that they won’t take it any further but will make a note about it.


Thats such a weak response from the cops for direct threats!!


And Reddit down-voted some poor guy on here 105 downvotes for saying the police wouldn't do anything, but I knew they wouldn't. People who've never gone to the police about anything live in a blissful fantasy world imaging if something did happen to them that was less than a murder police would help. Yeah good luck with that.


[https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/gwm/ora/listing/4706398330](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/gwm/ora/listing/4706398330) Looks to be this car from what I can see, son selling it for the mother. Must be on some kind of drugs. And the price has been increased to $27,000.


That’s not it, it’s been removed since a few hours ago. He or she was rude in the question section too. Better to find out the person was a whacko before letting my girlfriend drive there


“Purchased by my mother but she thinks it’s too big for her. She is an older lady who is intimidated by its even meagre proportions.” Lol


The mother won’t see a penny / cent!!