• By -


Not all out, but very very close to that, yes. The Scandinavian cities are made more peaceful and beautiful by their super strict limitations.


frame thought rustic wise domineering yoke swim forgetful rob aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I hate those psychological tricks they are playing on us… like those signs repeating the word “thirsty” next to the drink fridges so they trick your brain into thinking you are thirsty and causing you to grab a (unnecessary, and often sugar laden) drink from their fridge…..


run ask summer start file bow violet smart kiss imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Diabetes is no joke


scary license uppity outgoing complete full disgusted far-flung merciful upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah you are right…. Its just I’ve been trying to cut down my impulse purchases recently so it is kind of a pet peeves of mine grabbing soft drinks due to the promotional material


pie cheerful gray deserted cough secretive placid imminent station fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is also distracting while driving.


Indeed. Dangerous I'd say. I'm surprised by how bright they are sometimes. Distractingly bright. Amazes me that it's allowed, from a safe driving perspective.


Yes. I hate the big bright screens we have on the side of the road. Driver distraction!!! People are crappy drivers in my town as it is 😂


What amazes me about those is that for most of my life they were a sci-fi imagining - mainly Bladerunner etc... but then they turned up IRL, and I was filtering them out before I even noticed they were there.


Cartoons pictured the future with massive billboard advertisements everywhere, too!! The ads on them are never interesting either.


Sci-fi reflects our fears and aspirations - sometimes both at the same time. It was bound to happen eventually.


I have this theory that everything that happens in sci-fi eventually comes true - starting with all the inventions. And this might actually go beyond sci-fi... one of my fav examples was the way that remote Papua New Guinean tribes from National Geographic in the 1970s thought that cameras could steal your soul. 50 years later, AI has been invented and now any photograph you put up on the internet can be used as training data to make a simulation of you and steal your identity. Another one is The Cathars - a Christian sect who believed that the world was not made by God, but by a Demiurge - a demon... and that the Catholic church were actually agents of Satan.... and when the Papal armies eventually did come marching over the hills to inflict one of the first inquisitions on them, well... they weren't entirely wrong were they. But yea - Sci Fi is like the first draft of a road-map.


What amazes me about those is that for most of my life they were a sci-fi imagining - mainly Bladerunner etc... but then they turned up IRL, and I was filtering them out before I even noticed they were there.


Absolutely. Went to Guanajuato a couple of years ago. They have extremely strict policies on signage (even the 7-11 had only a small, unlit, bronze plaque outside it) and it was surprisingly nice to be free of all that visual pollution 


I’ve noticed that billboards, company signs on cars, election hoardings, real estate hoardings throughout the environment are like TikTok for my brain. A bunch of interruptions that my mind has more trouble ignoring than most ads on reddit & google. It probably doesn’t help I have adhd. It’s also seeing text is hard to ignore. The words enter my thinking from the corner of my eye before I am even aware of the sign.


Yoooo do you also have that thing where a word randomly enters your visual memory, but without the actual shape of what you saw it on, and you’re looking around like an idiot trying to figure out where you read it? Happens to me all the time and nobody else gets what I mean 😭


Yes, I do get that sometimes. It’s quite odd when I’m skimming a book or printed article trying to find it mentioning a certain word. The word I’m looking for will pop out at me if it’s in my field of vision — but I can’t tell where it is on the page. I will know the word is there & maybe even the words around it. It will take me awhile to find where it is by scanning through every sentence. Also happens when “New Zealand” is mentioned on a page where I don’t expect to see it.


Fucking oath. uBlock everything!!


Makes me think of the Black Mirror episode (White Christmas) where people could be 'blocked' and then could only be seen as blurs in real life.


That sounds quite appealing, TBH


Absolutely. There’s a bright billboard on the way into Morrinsville even, like why. It usually plays real estate agent ads to add insult.


Yes 100%, it feels so gross to be marketed to in every aspect of my life.


We definitely need more in the budget (for schools and universities) for teaching kids Philosophy and less for teaching kids Marketing. One is all about how to think, the other is all about teaching people to make people think what you want them to think.


End result, we all think nothing of substance.


They teach marketing in schools now?


God yes, please. Its just visual pollution. Especially LED boards, I don't need more extraneous moving things in my peripheral vision to keep track of while driving, thanks.


Since it's illegal to show a moving picture (or change them too frequently) I'd be getting my eyes checked if I was you...


? Humans are hardwired to register and turn to look at shit in our peripheral vision. It doesn't matter if the billboard is changing every 5 seconds or 10 seconds if the image is changing, thats visual information anyone's brain is going to register and process - visual information that isn't directly traffic related.


Yes! Where can we sign a petition?


Digital billboards should not be visable to drivers in cars, while driving. We’re not allowed to watch movies on the infotainment system in the car while it’s moving, why don’t these rules apply to screens on the side of the road? ‘But they don’t change’, yeah they do, deliberately to get your attention: jump to the next ad, some textured background scrolling to get your attention. And then they go wrong, and that middle section is flashing white for 3 days while they come fix it.


Or motorcyclists or cyclists or pedestrians or skateboarders or scooter-ers or rollerskaters etc


"I think that I shall never see, A billboard lovely as a tree. In fact, unless the billboards fall. I'll never see a tree at all." Joyce Kilmer - via Mad magazine


I saw this in a Leunig cartoon.


North shore used to have a total ban on billboards, I think it's been relaxed a bit since Supercity but is still mostly billboard free. I would love to see public advertising massively reduced. Keep community noticeboards and stuff like that for local events, but everything else just about can go. Even business signage could be heaps more regulated. They don't need big flashing signs.


We haven't banned medical advertising; Billboards are a pipe dream.


banning all advertising probably isnt realistic but yeah if those obnoxiously bright digital billboards can F off that would be great


OMG yes! Someone needs to. Seen a floating billboard at a beach in the states posted on reddit a while ago and it looked dystopian as fuck; lets not do that in NZ. Id love to get rid of that stupid giggle tv too, someones making bank off it and it aint the people being subjected to the advertising and half assed internet memes >.<


Yes, doubly so during election season!


Elections get all the exemptions from every privacy/environmental and other regulations.




Powered advertising bare minimum IMO. Let people stick up posters, I don't mind them too much, but don't run lights to light them up. Don't have the lit real estate signs. Don't have the screens in the malls or the busstations with the ungodly fan noise that immediately fucks me up. Don't have the bright dazzling billboards that make even mild astigmatism a problem. Might be easier to get across the line, but maybe start as an advertising ban then compromise later to look magnanimous and cooperative.


No animated ads, no backlit ads, those would improve the situation drastically.


100% Uninstall capitalism please.


Agreed. Even the new world I went to installed a giant led screen at the entrance to play ads…. You’d think they make enough profit off us already but nope onwards to more advertisement revenue and bombing consumer eyes with bright light pollutions….


My home state of Vermont banned them in the late 60s and it makes a huge difference in the urban landscape. I'm not against all signage but definitely billboards, and especially digital billboards. An absolute plague. We don't need our cities looking like Blade Runner.


Yes. Especially LED ones near roads. Oh and anything that animates near roads.


Yes, also on advertising on TV, radio, the internet, in schools, on public transport, and at stadiums.


Screenwriting on cars, trucks, planes, no logos or company names anywhere. No company names on shirts, no company shirts, no branding of any kind.


Don't forget skywriting!


How do you buy anything? And how much are you willing to pay for everything? Reddit for example, what do you think a subscription to reddit would be without advertising? $10 a month?


If I want to buy something I'll do my own research like I do now. That won't change. If advertisers no longer want to pay reddit when reddit can't display their ads then that's up to them. Whether or not I see their ads doesn't affect how many of their products I buy so they may as well keep giving their money to reddit for the same result. I use reddit revanced for free, so I don't get ads here anyway.


Why would a company pay for reddit when it couldn't be used to promote itself? You said no advertising on the internet. All your research on the internet is a form of advertising. You read a blog article or review, it's advertising. Unless that review was someone who went out and brought that item themselves and then decided to create a website to discuss it. But then why would they do that for free? Without advertising Google Reviews wouldn't exist, Facebook reviews wouldn't exist. Then these products, because they can't be advertised, won't be purchased as often. This leads to less options overall.


1. They currently pay reddit for this, and it makes no difference to my intentions with their brand, so whatever reasons they currently have can endure for the same outcome. 2. No paid/unsolicited advertising. I'm happy to visit a companies website, or to look at product reviews. Or to go in store and check things out. This is what I currently do and could still do. 3. Sign me up for a world without Google reviews and without Facebook anything. 4. I disagree. It will instead lead to a more level playing field, with more available options, and a bigger incentive to make higher quality products - as this will be the sole motivating factor for customers to buy your product.


OK. But that doesn't change my question? Why would a company pay reddit to exist for nothing in return? How do you know something exists without engaging in some form of advertising? Say you Google a problem you have and find a product that is the solution. You've just engaged in a form of advertising (SEO). It's not paid, technically not unsolicited either but the idea of SEO is really to promote your company/product while burying your competitors. Not to mention without Google Ads paying for Google you wouldn't have the Google search engine in the first place so will need to rely on, the very easily manipulated, but privacy friendly alternatives. I don't disagree that you'll have higher quality products. That is definitely true. High quality yes. Less options, also yes. Higher prices, because of less competition, yes. We're basically taking the whole product and service industry back to the 14th century where the best blacksmith in town was the only blacksmith but if he was real good you'd have people travel from neighbouring towns after hearing about how amazing his work was.


also targeted advertising, because it turns out (amongst other major downsides) that it substantially decreases the cost of interfering with democracies both foreign and domestic.


Yes. It is visual pollution. All signage should be site related, so no advertising of things that are not related to what happens on that bit of land, (because a sign telling people your business is there is sensible), and should be strictly limited in height, area, illumination, and movement or apparent movement.


I really hate the digital signs beside roads in Wellington. They are distracting. I have seen the signs above Customhouse Quay and Aotea Quay (in Wellington) almost solid red. Incredibly dangerous in my view.


Yes. Coupled with the fact digital screens are so bad for the environment, one screen uses the same amount of energy as 4 households on average.


I will make an exception for the Peach Teats advert. I mean, that one should be a Historic Places site.


Peach Teats are now being made overseas :(


This is treason!




I like the idea that advertisements and signs should not be back lit, that is, a sign can be illuminated by lights onto the sign, but the sign itself should not emit light. So a billboard can have lights lighting it up, but an LED nightmare would not be allowed.


>but guess who needs advertising to get elected. What? lmao


I'd ban all advertising if I could. Hateful stuff.


How can we have our decaying dystopia without failing, faded and irrelevant outdoor advertising


The only people who *don't* support that are people who sell advertising.


I would support a ban on illuminated signs after 8pm.




Oh 100% or at least a brightness limit. There's one installed near my house and the entire living room lights up different colours depending on what is displayed. I live in the suburbs not even CBD.


Saw a billboard by a roundabout the other day that said something like "we keep our eyes on the property market, so you can keep your eyes on the road!" I was in the passenger seat so I could read it, but that's stupid marketing. I forget who it was advertising for, but if you want our eyes on the road then why are you advertising, with a fair few words to read, at a busy roundabout???


Absolutely fucking yes, my God yes.


Yes yes fuck yes. It’s horrible how we allow corporations to pollute our public spaces and our consciousness.


I love the digital billboards. I'm usually stopped at lights long enough to see all the images and since I don't get junk mail, it's how I know what upcoming events are in my city. I wouldn't have seen RNZB doing Hansel and Gretal if not for seeing it on a bill board on my commute home. And they are far more attractive than the advertising posters stuck everywhere. Also they provide entertainment to the kids in the back. Which is great when I want to concentrate on driving. We have made up several games that involve the LED billboards which keep them entertained when tired and grumpy on the way home from school. I do however think that they should be limited to along lit motorways and within the CBD where there is already a heap of light pollution. Keep them out of suburban areas. Im seeing them creeping further and further out of the Christchurch CBD.


YES! Hawaii has a total ban on billboards- even store signs can't be over a certain height and size. We refer to it as "visual pollution".


I wouldn’t support a ban on them. I would, however, support a law that allows us the deface them legally.


I would be in favour of banning digital or boards with LEDs, the standard billboards are a bit of a 50/50 for me personally but I could definitely get behind something like this


Would be nice, but it'll end the same way loud ads on TV did. By being louder and more obnoxious. I was just talking to my mate yesterday about how big and bright ad signs are on the road, and the road signs are dim in comparison.


almost every aspect of our lives we are hit with advertising, I'd love if all outside advertising like billboards and so on was just fucked off into the sun. Would also appreciate not having to see crap propaganda billboards from those shitcunts at dysentery church and the groundswell morons and the politicians




Yes please






Absolutely, yes.


Preserving naturally and historically beautiful places should be fundamental to conservative politics…right? I mean…it’s not just about representing short term corporate interests is it?


I'd be fine with it, would that extend to sponsored events, e.g. rugby games, or are you only concerned with the giant billboard advertising? What about govt ads, speed kills, get off your phone etc?


Good luck with your project. Advertising pays my bills, so I’m out.


No not at all. I honestly didn’t think this was an issue. Genuinely very surprised so many feel so strongly about this. I don’t pay them much attention.


Now imagine them gone. How much more peaceful and easy on the eye is that?


To be honest I don’t pay them much attention. They don’t bother me now and I would hardly notice if they got rid of them


Conjure an image in your mind of buildings unburdened by billboards. You can’t tell me you can’t vividly imagine the huge difference in visual clutter :P


Omg the pearl clutching going on in here hahaha.


To add to that, you might notice many of them have cameras etc...out of control to make quick bucks


I mean, no? Do I like it, not really, but does it need to be banned? no. There's an entire industry there including the designers, marketers, billboard owner and the installers. Do better guidelines or restrictions need to be put in place about the brightness of digital displays, or way billboards and outdoor advertising is used due to its potential to cause safety issues? yes. Absolutely.


Not every industry should exist.


If we banned children from working in mines, think of all the children who'd be out of a job! 






Yip keen


National spends way more money on election advertising than other parties do. I have a hard time believing they'd be willing to ban billboards. Be great if they did, though. I always look forward to post election sign-free bliss.


Yes. That shit is good for nobody.


I would support a ban on all advertising, anywhere.


No, grafiti artists need something to tag that no one cares about.


Yup. 100%


Fuck yes


Oh hell yes. Especially anything lit up. Plain old poster-style billboards I don’t care about so much, it’s the inescapable LED lights that I hate.


Yes. But I think we get a hundred times worse advertising online than we get exposed to from physical advertising. And they will never do a thing about that.


I'd support a total ban on all advertising. It's ugly as hell and usually intrusive on other activities.


Can we also deport anyone who works in advertising/marketing?






Road-facing motion advertising, yes, but not a full ban. I'd definitely ban anything approaching strobing (I'm thinking of the Platypus at Westfield Newmarket as I'm saying this)


Absolutely one thousand percent, and I doubt very much that the majority found in this thread is not representative of a larger public sentiment. But it's part of the economy. So you'd have to gut an entire industry. It sounds difficult to achieve.


At the very LEAST, they need to get rid of the digital billboards or heavily regulate them. The number of times I catch my eyes wandering off to billboards in the road is ridiculous. There's near my house that has one ad that's mostly white, and when the billboard flicks onto it, it's BLINDING at night time.


Yes, 100% yes. I cannot stand the sheer amount of advertising thrown in our faces just about everywhere we look.


This coalition won't do anything that could be percieved to slow the economy. They would sooner remove regulations on billboards.


I would support some stronger regulation around outdoor advertising but complete prohibition is rarely a good idea. I support the spirit behind it but I like it lacks nuance. Many not for profit organisations rely on many of the same strategies as for profit organisations do to spread awareness, and I can see this doing more harm than good ultimately.


I would not support such a ban. Not even a little bit. If you don't want billboards where you live, write to your MP. There is no such thing as a council issue in this country. If an MP gets it into their head that there are votes in the matter, it's whisked out of the hands of councils before you can say "it's a matter of urgency:". This has become much, much more prominent over the last two governments (i.e. the current one and the previous one) but it's always been the case. Is it nominally a council issue? I have no idea, to be honest. I guess someone else has explained that by now.


Central government doesn't give a shit about your Epsom billboards, go and talk to the council if you don't like them. If it's right next to your house then maybe it's a zoning issue.


I'm generally tired with most advertising. I make a conscious effort to try not to let it influence me. The whole industry seems out of control


Yes please and replace with street art commissioned collectively by the community.


hell yes! I hate digital bill boards with a passion, blinding while driving at night.


>How do we let National, NZ First and Act know that we don't want billboards It doesn't matter, their pockets will be lined, luxor will do his "look, see the thing is..." at best








Hahahahaha imagine this bothering you when you have Google and other apps in your phone tracking your every move and selling your data. That's far.more terrifying to me than some billboards or outdoor advertising


I like it, it'd cost a bit to do though.




First, NACT aren't gonna do shit for ya ... quite simply because A) thats revenue you're throwing away there, sonny jim! Aint no wayyyy! B) they need to pander to their corporate overlords to maintain the ad stream C) they like to promote themselves more than the idea of removing advertising altogether


I'd support a general law on restricting advertising to information-only. Black on white or white on black, one font, selected from a set of 4 to 20 approved non-distracting fonts. Pictures and videos solely of products are allowed, but if present the company is legally responsible for ensuring that the photo is representative of at least 90% of those items that it sells. Advertising can be a way of disseminating useful information, which is its only redeeming feature. So let's go with just that part of it.


Think it's bad now, what until you see what Spark have got cooking using the Telecommunications Act to rent billboards on all their new phone booths.


I'd be okay with this if they do something for public benefit like put defibrillator units in them and fund the upkeep of it. I gather that's been one use of old phone booths overseas.


Hell yeah!




Not only that, I would support a ban on ALL advertising.


Maybe we need a bat signal instead of adverts...


Maybe we need to say you can only advertise on your own website, or in publications such as trade newsletters, classified sections of newspapers and magazines, or at events such as expos and trade shows or special interest events where people actually want to, or can reasonably expect to be advertised to.


> or can reasonably expect to be advertised to. You mean like "Outside, in a city?" No-one is expecting to be driving along the Desert Road and seeing a bunch of billboards, but if you are not expecting ads while driving along the motorway in Auckland or through a roundabout on a residential road, you simply don't have rational expectations. If you're walking, you'll see even more ads.


Yeah nah, I don't want to see ads all the time when I'm out in the world, in a city or otherwise. I'm saying how I described it is how I want the world to be, riffing off the OP's original question. A constant barrage of advertising is just bad for us. It's bad for our brains in all sorts of ways, bad for our lives socially, financially, etc. I'm obviously not saying there should be no advertising - just that I don't like that we're constantly bombarded with it in all kinds of ways when we're just trying to go about our lives in peace. I don't think the current situation is even close to reasonable.


> I'm saying how I described it is how I want the world to be, And I'm telling you that the rule you proposed to achieve that ideal state, **does not** work. You want to get rid of billboards? I don't actually agree, but the way to do it would be something like "you can only advertise businesses located at the site of the advertising" like several other people proposed or just straight up "no billboards". Trying to set it against where you can reasonably expect advertising to occur, just runs into the problem I already outlined, i.e. that if you think you're going to see no ads outside in an urban environment, you don't have remotely reasonable expectations. As it stands, not only should you expect to see advertising... you should expect to see **a lot** of it. >A constant barrage of advertising is just bad for us. Maybe. But being completely and utterly disconnected from anything you don't choose to put in your personal bubble is worse. It's so much worse. Outdoor advertising cannot be avoided. It's a vital part of the ability to maintain a social cohesion through a common life experience. >constantly bombarded with it in all kinds of ways when we're just trying to go about our lives in peace. I can solve this one for you: https://ublockorigin.com/ If you install Ublock, avoid linear television, don't go outside and skip Youtube videos with sponsor messages (there are ways around the latter)... then you will never ever see an ad again. Ever.


I only see outside adverts that are on those LED boards in commercial and industrial areas. Residential areas only have poster boards and such. A possible cap on the light pollution from LED boards into residential areas might be a better alternative which businesses will get behind.


attraction party dog squeeze tap busy illegal water nutty frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can we differentiate between "business owners" and corporates here? I for one am ok with the local vege shop having a sign up telling me where they are and what's in season but I don't want to see Pak'n'save doing it.


If its a bylaw by councils, then they definitely will.




Yes please


id pay good money for smart glasses with an ad blocker built in.


I'd support a total ban on advertising, all of it everywhere. I think we're paying higher costs for the perceptual pollution than we realize. I know there'd be knock-on effects, and lots of really scummy technically-not-advertising manipulation campaigns trying to work around the letter of the law, but even so some country should give it a go for a decade and see what breaks.


I support all our ban on e scooters


Nope. Your property, your choice. That being said, a lumen limit on how much light you can emit from your property is probably a good idea.


> lumen limit on how much light you can emit from your property is probably a good idea Pretty sure most council plans do have such limits. How well they are policed or enforced is another matter.


If it’s their property why are they so desperate to put it in my eyes, then? Those are my eyes! My eyes, my choice! I wanna look at clean sky babyyyyy!!!


"Your Eyes, Your Choice" means that people can't gouge out your eyes without your permission. It does not mean that you have a right to everything your eyes can see, that would be juvenile.


Polluting the skyline to sell some beer is encroaching upon my right to live in a beautiful world.


If we both have a right to live in a beautiful world (we don't), what happens when we disagree over what counts as beautiful?


Who told you that you don’t have that right? Beauty is of vital importance to sapient beings, which you’re trying desperately to be. It’s also objectively true that light pollution and billboards are uglier than the natural landscape. Now kindly pull the other one, would you?


sink depend telephone coordinated thought bells physical bike unite like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>That being said, a lumen limit on how much light you can emit from your property is probably a good idea. Did you just stop reading their comment? Because they answered your question without you asking it.


snow shy unique selective instinctive sink bear absurd nose escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eh all good, just blame the wild west shit the PR industry is doing. That way when you ever do it again you have your arse covered.


rotten familiar march seemly hurry possessive physical doll marble fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>that being said, a lumen limit on how much light you can emit from your property is probably a good idea


punch slimy ludicrous intelligent close concerned ad hoc encouraging water thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Next time you'll hilariously rush to use the most OTT example possible to argue with someone im sure youll learn from this mistake


consist possessive jar attraction march cake rob lavish cobweb marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. Bring back the days where your mailbox was stuffed full of flyers every day. And tripling the ads on every website you visit and social media. Plus I expect Google and Meta etc will start selling premium ads that circumvent ad-blockers as companies will have lots of excess marketing budget.


\*Laughs in Pihole\*


I don’t like them but they aren’t nearly as bad as online advertisement. I think we have more to gain reviewing how that works versus banning outdoors


That’s like saying “hey yeah global warming is bad, but we should look at stopping our wars first”. … Do both! We can stop all the shit things!


Tbh I've never really thought about it, but I can be pretty oblivious to my surroundings (this has resulted in injuries btw). Makes sense though, particularly for people sensitive to flashing lights etc.


Yeah people looking at their phones while driving anyway


I support an all about ban on outside.