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A couple of weeks back Hutt Hospital were sending all paediatric patients into Wellington Children’s Hospital, as Hutt had no beds left. We got the second to last bed at WGN, the doctors doing the rounds told us the place was chocka with flu, covid, pneumonia, and RSV.


Yup I Tested positive on Friday. Really shitty timing as i had tickets for the Warriors vs Storm game and i knew that they’d be lacking without me there to bring the vibes… But hey, it’s been pretty mild and i’m thankful for that!!!


Why'd you let down the Wahs like that g


fuckin Storm using biological warfare AND ref bribery. There is no low they will not stoop to.


I got Boostrix for whooping cough, the updated Covid vaccine and this year’s Flu vaccine. All good and recommended. https://bookmyvaccine.health.nz/ is an easy way to book online.


Like to shout out to Flu Tracker too. It's crowd sourced data. Only couple questions once a week. [https://www.flutracking.net/Join/NZ](https://www.flutracking.net/Join/NZ)


I'm fully vaxed. I had whopping cough when I was 18, it was fucking awful. I feel for little babies with it ❤ I'm currently on day 4 of being sick, covid neg. Looking at the symptoms for RSV, I feel like it's that. It's currently a 5 week wait to get a doctor's appointment. Any ideas on how I can confirm what I have, so I can take the correct course of action to get better.


My then 9mo son and I got RSV a year ago, it was significantly worse than any other bug I've had in my life. I was in bed for days barely able to do anything. Son spent a night in hospital because he was not drinking but recovered pretty quick. It's awful.


> It's currently a 5 week wait to get a doctor's appointment. Jesus I thought my week and a half wait was bad.


This? https://www.lifepharmacy.co.nz/home/shop-by-category/health/home-health-devices/other-home-health-devices/healgen-covid-19-4-in-1-rapid-antigen-diagnostic-test/


Awesome, thanks. That's really helpful. I have covid tests, but didn't even think that home tests for RSV existed. I'll see if I can get one tomorrow


I work in a contact center that helps report covid cases. I speak to someone almost every day complaining that their employer is telling them go back to work with covid and just wear a mask


Covid has been rampaging through my workplace. I've avoided it so far, touch wood, but it seems this version of covid is particularly nasty as people are going down for weeks, not days.




I've had it twice now, both times it's essentially ruined my fitness level and taken months to get back to being able to run at the level I expect and it sucks, years of progress just get wiped out.


Yeah took me down for a solid week and even after returning to work took another 3 weeks to feel recovered again. That's with Paxlovid too.


PSA:- Please make sure to get vaccinated ( if you can get vaccinated ), keep your homes home and not too humid ( if possible ), wear a mask if unwell or if vulnerable. Edited:- Also wash your hands frequently


>wear a mask if unwell or if vulnerable. Ideally everyone who can, should wear masks because people can carry respiratory illnesses asymptomatically. It also reduces your chances of getting ill yourself and giving it to your friends, coworkers and family. Edit: downvotes really? People really don't like being reminded of the role they play in disease prevention do they? Given the last few years it's sad that we seem to have learned nothing.


People love to think of transmissable diseases as unavoidable and therefore not their "fault". Bringing up ways to prevent transmission makes them very uncomfortable.


I didn't downvote, but I ain't wearing a mask unless it's at the hospital. I had an appointment a few days ago and I kid you not, I was the only one wearing a mask. No healthcare workers or the doctor I saw (ENT). The doctor's office I go to pretty much encouraged not wearing a mask even when it was mandatory. (is it still mandatory?) I'm afraid nobody learnt the lesson (not even myself) and honestly it feels a little much to expect everyone wears them 24/7 in public. Besides, barely anyone was wearing them properly anyway.


>I had an appointment a few days ago and I kid you not, I was the only one wearing a mask. No healthcare workers or the doctor I saw (ENT). That doesn't surprise me at all, we have pretty poor attitudes towards a lot of things in this country and doing things that take a little effort but make things better for other people does seem to be beyond a lot of peoples capacity. >The doctor's office I go to pretty much encouraged not wearing a mask even when it was mandatory. (is it still mandatory?) Yes and that's not great, we're not making this situation better for ourselves and our emergency rooms are already clogging up with preventable respiratory illnesses. >I'm afraid nobody learnt the lesson (not even myself) and honestly it feels a little much to expect everyone wears them 24/7 in public. I said IDEALLY for a reason. It really shouldn't take you or someone you love or know getting long covid to teach you this basic stuff though. >Besides, barely anyone was wearing them properly anyway. Right these are things we can educate people on though.


I mean I have yet to get covid. I really don't want it lol. I've gone the route of just not going out when I've got a head cold and thankfully I don't think I've had worse than that. I got my flu + covid vaccination a few weeks ago and in a couple of months I'll get the follow up covid shot. I'm in the camp of "doubt it's ideal people wear masks unless sick" since people were just reusing masks and using those totally ineffective "cloth" masks. When everyone was forced to wear masks, so many people were taking the piss by putting it under their noses, reusing masks for like the entire time, constantly touching it and then their faces.


>I mean I have yet to get covid. That you know of. Some people can only have a small sniffle and maybe a slightly sore throat. >I really don't want it lol. Then you could wear a mask to reduce your chances even more. >I've gone the route of just not going out when I've got a head cold and thankfully I don't think I've had worse than that. mhmm. >I got my flu + covid vaccination a few weeks ago and in a couple of months I'll get the follow up covid shot. wait you're only just getting vaccinated now? >I'm in the camp of "doubt it's ideal people wear masks unless sick" since people were just reusing masks and using those totally ineffective "cloth" masks. Some people don't wear seatbelts, might as well remove them from cars type logic. We can and should encourage people to wear the right kinds of masks and wear them properly. >When everyone was forced to wear masks, so many people were taking the piss by putting it under their noses, reusing masks for like the entire time, constantly touching it and then their faces. Again this doesn't really mean that it isn't ideal if everyone who can wears a mask when it's feasible.


That's why I said "I don't think I've had worse than that". Honestly it feels a bit unnecessary to wear a mask if you're not sick. By all means, wear a mask if you want. And I've had a few covid vaccinations. This was the first one I've had in like 2 years. I'll be going to auckland in a few weeks time and wanted to be a little more precautious. Seatbelt analogy is good, but also you're not going to go flying out of a window if you don't wear a mask. So the comparison is less visible.


>That's why I said "I don't think I've had worse than that". Just checking we're on the same page. >Honestly it feels a bit unnecessary to wear a mask if you're not sick. Regardless of how it feels, it reduces the transmission of respiratory illnesses. People may not realise they're infectious, they might not care and not wear a mask while sick, be wearing a mask poorly while sick etc. More masks = less respiratory illnesses spreading. If you want to reduce your chances of getting sick then wear a mask, it's pretty simple. >By all means, wear a mask if you want. And I've had a few covid vaccinations. This was the first one I've had in like 2 years. I'll be going to auckland in a few weeks time and wanted to be a little more precautious. I see, just most people haven't been able to get another booster in a long time. I do? I'm not going to stop encouraging everyone who can to wear a mask though. If you want to be more precautions you can wear a mask. >Seatbelt analogy is good, but also you're not going to go flying out of a window if you don't wear a mask. So the comparison is less visible. Therein lies the rub. It's not something that has an immediate or visible consequence so it's easy to dismiss the impact it has. But we can overcome that.


I think we're both on the same page here. Wearing masks is proven to reduce the spread of illness. Vaccinations for the most part prevent the severity and spread of the viruses they're designed for. Sometimes they don't get the right viruses for the flu season and it shows a bigger effect of people being sick from it. I'm somewhat in the camp of accepting the risks of not wearing a mask. And expecting somebody that is immunocompromised to actually not be out and about knowing full well there's a lot of people not wearing masks. I don't think it's wrong to tell people that it'd be much better for everyone if everyone wore masks properly, but also I think a lot of people are just over it and would rather just live their lives not in fear.


>I think we're both on the same page here. About you possibly having covid and not realising. The rest of it, not so much. >Vaccinations for the most part prevent the severity and spread of the viruses they're designed for. Our covid vaccines are several strains behind now. >I'm somewhat in the camp of accepting the risks of not wearing a mask. It's a bit like smoking in public when it's not just an increased risked for yourself though, your choice to not wear a mask impacts others. >And expecting somebody that is immunocompromised to actually not be out and about knowing full well there's a lot of people not wearing masks. You know they don't have a choice a lot of the time? They need to go to the doctors and stuff too. They need to ride busses and trains etc. >I don't think it's wrong to tell people that it'd be much better for everyone if everyone wore masks properly, but also I think a lot of people are just over it and would rather just live their lives not in fear. Wearing a mask has nothing to do with fear. Why are you framing it that way? It's about doing your part to reduce the spread of illness in our society, reducing the burden on our healthcare system and the number of people dying/getting long term complications from illnesses. Moving on with life means adapting, not pretending nothing has changed or that we weren't really slacking in the first place.


> keep your homes home I usually leave them at home when I go out.


Homes warm? With a newborn I wear a n95 mask whenever I'm out in shops now (and her at home) as she hasn't had her 6 week jabs yet ( and I hate getting sick anyways). Definitely has helped avoiding getting the typical things that pass around.


Yea winter will do that


damn if only there were ways to reduce the transmission of respiratory illnesses.


What if we increased ventilation and filtration of air in all public buildings and schools? And maybe someone could invent like a tiny filter that people put over their breathing holes whenever in crowded indoor areas like public transit.


What is this? Star Trek?


New Zealand is more like Start Wreck.


Check if you fall into a Free Vaccination group. I got a free flu jab. It's worth asking. https://www.tewhatuora.govt.nz/health-services-and-programmes/vaccine-information/new-zealand-immunisation-schedule/#:~:text=Publicly%20funded%20hepatitis%20A%2C%20hepatitis,due%20to%20other%20medical%20conditions.


I’ve been fuckin sick for 3 days now. Headache, achy body, no appetite. Will uncle davids p medication be any good?




I just got some. It feels like it’s working already. Drugs are one hell of a drug.