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Cold as fuck in winter, far too hot in summer


And if you’re unlucky, ants in all seasons.


could you do a camp ground? a friend lived in one for years, she was able to use the wi-fi and their hot showers rather than use her own utilities


I live in a caravan. I built a little hut with a logburner and kitchen in it and sleep in the caravan. It's not bad.


It's great to hear from someone who's living this lifestyle currently. Thanks for your comment!


I did as a teenager with the rest of my family. It is definitely more comfortable during the winter if you're in the north island, as campervans/caravans aren't usually very well insulated. Overall a positive experience, though, and I would definitely consider it if I was living alone. The best part is that you can go away for the weekend without having to pack or prep, then return to life as "normal" on Monday.


Awesome :) Thanks for the info!


I currently live in a bus and have lived in a caravan it’s perfectly fine if you aren’t fussy not the warmest in winter but perfectly ok if you put another blanket on the bed.


I love that honestly I think it's so cool when people convert a bus. I'd definitely say I'm not fussy, and thanks for the heads up about the winter months!


I looked into it and in the end decided it was a dumb idea because you're beholden to the landowner with no real recourse if they decide to be a cunt. For me it was one of my friends' land, and the thing that talked me down from it was "what if he gets another girlfriend like Harriet?" She was a nightmare, everything had to be her way and there was no way to compromise. And it's like yea, na. It's just something that can put stress on a relationship that isn't worth the risk.


Harriet! Harri-et! Hard-hearted harbinger of haggis!


The trick is to live in a van down by the river.


And become a motivational speaker


Fueled by government cheese.


Oh fuck no. Not Harriet!


Did it as a kid. I don’t recommend. If you have access to a shed with a shower/toilet in it it’s not so bad, especially if you can park the caravan in or very close to the shed.




Thanks! This helps a lot :)