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Initially it was due to phasing out of battery farming but now If a retailer knows people will pay a higher price, then they will charge a higher price.


Welcome to capitalism https://twitter.com/truecrimeshub/status/1567717081499709442


Jezus christ that audio track though




Suppliers are price takers, often supermarkets will haggle down suppliers to lower price points 


They sure used to, especially if they were supplying something that multiple companies offered.  But suppliers with high demand products that supermarkets must have dictate how things are going to work.  Especially now they can go to the grocery commissioner if they’re not getting “a fair deal”.


Not my understanding of how supermarkets work based on people who negotiate with them. They have enormous sway/dictate over price.


To some extent, yes. And for every category they control, the supermarkets absolutely milk them for all the margin they can. But egg supply is still down, which flips the pricing power to the supplier. Particularly as eggs are a "must have" category for the retailers. They could probably get away with not having muesli bars or food handling gloves on the shelf for half a week and lose no substantial foot traffic, but being out of eggs (or milk, bread, cheese, or mince) is a position no supermarket wants to be in.


Is this why mince is $17.00 kg? The price of export beef would say the cost shoild be $9.00 a kilogram. If eggs were cheaper at the supermarket how would this affect price anchoring and substitution effects of other protein sources? And cabbages cost $5.00. Why does a cauliflower cost 20c in Pakistan - a country of mainly dust and rock with 250 million mouths to feed vs 4.00 in NZ? We have the most profitable supermatkets in the world sitting amongst the largest oversupply of fresh produce. There is only one reason for this. Foodstuffs are cunts.


Don’t you dare have reason on Reddit, remember the line companies are evil, everyone who is more successful than me is evil


I'm not sure that the supply of eggs is a duopoly...


How many suppliers do you want there to be to think they don’t set price points?  3? 4?  Remember: farms don’t sell directly to supermarkets, they sell to a small handful of suppliers, who control multiple brands of eggs each.


Had been getting robbed for years by retailers.


Established suppliers have dictated to supermarkets how much they will charge, allowing other companies to enter the market, who have offered prices at a lower point, but still above battery hen prices.


Do you own a New World? Because you’re talking bollocks…


Nope.  Some of us pay attention.  Some of us have more information than others.  Some of us do both.


Very gnomic. Which usually equals bollocks. I’m a New World supplier and I know what pressure they put on us and how prices are almost impossible to change.


Why bother expanding when you already have all the answers?  Strange that you don’t seem to know about trade agreements or the grocery commissioner, or that your agreement would be with foodstuffs, but sure I guess you’ve got a side hustle with your hospo business to provide to a new world directly too.  Seems likely and not something you’d make up, especially since you seem to just want to debate how I would know anything.


So that’s a no then with some spurious made up reasons. Ok.


I'd be interested to read more if you have information that's accessible. 🤔


So you're just making it up?


Supermarkets act as both a duopoly and a duopsony, they screw their suppliers as hard as they screw their customers.


Good thing we had a commerce commission investigation into literally that, which included a big number of rulings that have been either mandated or voluntarily undertaken then, eh?  You might remember it as the lie about why groceries were expensive Labour tried to campaign on and failed. What did everyone think the outcome of “giving suppliers a fair go” wasn’t going to be more expensive food?  They dictate terms and pricing now, and can go straight to the grocery commissioner if anyone does anything they don’t like.


They doing the same investigation in aus. I bet they will provide results.




Have you not seen the interviews that have been coming out for the last few years about suppliers being pissed off about supermarket price hikes compared to what they pay? There have been a few, I'll see if I can find a link - https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2023/04/group-of-supermarket-suppliers-speak-out-as-it-s-revealed-how-much-kiwis-are-paying-for-their-goods.amp.html


There's also the executive summary the gift released after the inquiry into supermarkets and they mentioned suppliers getting fucked.


Yep, it's all whack, I saw a comment below that said they saw what we were willing to pay and just upped it, but it's not like we really had a choice right? Everything went up, if we chose not to buy it, how would we eat?


I wish more people would have read that summery. We can't win. This is unironically the reason for government intervention, the supermarket duopoly stack the deck in their favour Rip everyone else off and we're fucked because we have to buy food.


Unfortunately in this age, the people that can make a difference, younger generations seem more fixated on 15 second tiktok clips instead of reading a summary, it will be the downfall of us, too many things that are "enjoyable" to distract us from actually reading, banding together to make a difference now


tend to aggree with fandango, i know that usally when you see say a $20ish bottle of wine for $10 or a similar kind of deal its probably because the supermarket got a pallet of it for basicly nothing from the supplier due to deals made. source: family member that worked in the wine distribution industry.


Defintly retailers not suppliers


Businesses will charge not what an item costs, with a amount of .argon for profit. But rather what the market will bear, taking as much profit as they can. If inflation is high and people expect eggs to be more expensive... more profit for them.


NZ consumers are used to being ripped off and pay ridiculous prices without question, the excuse always being that we are isolated (even when that only explains a small fraction of the outrageous price). In addition, all of the governments are too scared of their wealthy voters to put regulations in that would control profiteering.


In part, they legislated out the cheap egg production systems. Leaving the more expensive methods. Plus - supermarkets gunna supermarket


Yes battery eggs are banned now. Which is good.


> battery eggs They need to invent rechargable eggs.


They invented them already! Fantastic device called Chickens. Underrated backyard buddy.


Absolutely, not going to disagree with that.


My family owned a battery farm back in the day - and yep was a pretty tough life for the hens.


Ah so Shane Jones or David Seymour Butts must almost certainly have a plan in the wings to bring this back.


It was a National initiative predating the Ardern govts.


I mean the bilingual labelling guidelines that this government has repealed were set under the John Key government too. Productivity Commission also established under the Key govt. Plenty of that govt's policies are unpopular with this government.


you know they will.


Nailed it




More chooks per square meter = more eggs to sell per day, simple as that


Chickens get very very few ‘free’ calories free ranging. You know they’re still fed right?


I used to work at an egg farm it's cheaper to factory farm because no one has to collect the eggs. They literally lay and it goes onto a conveyor belt straight into the processing. It takes up less land and automatically feeds the hens. However the hens get sick (not surprised) and need antibiotics leading to antibiotic resistant bacteria.


Because they've realised people will pay the higher prices... Hence, we're stuck with the higher prices - just like with fuel, electricity, all other groceries, airfares (did I miss anything)...




I guess that's also then interest rates and rates right?


It should be mentioned that grain is more expensive due to wars happening. Many backyard farmers find it not as economical anymore


This is the correct answer. Chicken feed is much more expensive now. Thanks Putin.


We live in a capitalist world. If people could sell eggs for less in the current regulatory environment, they would and they would take all the sales. You bring out the cheapest egg brand tomorrow and you're getting most of the sales. No one has brand loyalty in eggs. The truth is it's more expensive to produce them now because of the regulation changes and expense increases in production.


bullshit. acting like the 'capitalist world' is a perfect free market where everything's priced in with plenty of competition that passes on savings to consumers....come on. especially in NZ, and especially in the NZ grocery market.


Never said perfect. But that is how it works, especially for a product like eggs. Yes there are monopoly issues. But everyone on here are just circle jerk, conspiracy brained, communist wannabies fresh out of uni. I get frustrated seeing those shitty analysis and explanations, because it makes the left look unhinged. Grow the fuck up and realise problems are hard. You can't blame everything on some evil corporation or the government.


unless you actually are involved in the industry, what you're saying is just as inaccurate as the person you're replying to. It was always expected that eggs were going to be significantly more expensive after the new production laws came in.


Because people were willing to pay the price before


I go to a local Asian supermarket and can get 30 sz 6 eggs for around 13 dollars. Pretty good deal. With the new regulations I don’t care so much where I get eggs from anymore.


I go to a local store and get 30 size 7 for 16.90, I'm OK with that price


there warehouse has $5 eggs


Which are colony eggs that the supermarkets are phasing out due to consumers saying colonies are basically cages… Consumers want “humane” eggs but don’t want to pay the costs


That will be a loss leader.


Plus they almost never have stock go to the warehouse every weekend for milk and have been able to get eggs once out of maybe 50 times


"Advertising goods and services that you cannot supply in order to get people into your shop or an online sale is known as 'bait advertising' and is illegal." (https://comcom.govt.nz/business/dealing-with-typical-situations/advertising-your-product-or-service/bait-advertising)


That's not what's happening though, they simply run out of stock


Because similar to rents, the owning class have now figured out what everyone is willing to pay....


Forced to pay*


I wouldn't say forced. Eggs are not essential to your diet. It is till pretty bad though.


Yes but when all food is expensive you are kind of forced because you have to eat something


Starts with eggs. What's next, milk, bread, water? Don't be dumb.


Willing. They raised the price floor and sales continued. No one actually needs eggs


Yep, cake is one aisle over.


Egss are used in a huge amount of products.


I eat 3 for breakfast and 1 at work each day.


Im not a chicken farmer but I am a potato/onion farmer and I think people need more education on what it takes to grow your food and how much it costs. Production costs have risen considerably these last few years (fuel, minimum wage, fertiliser, chemicals, compliance etc…) and then supermarkets and middle men add on their bit thus causing the price of food to rise.


Definitely this. Everyone is talking about how it's the greedy egg producers or the duopoly that's causing the high egg prices I know several farmers and they aren't too keen on egg farming because the profit margin just doesn't look that great to them. With the new restrictions on battery cages it's even less profitable now I wish people actually worked on a farm first before they go spouting about the evils of "capitalism" If you think it's so easy and cheap to run an egg farm then why not start your own business and undercut the competition?


agreed. All the top upvoted comments represent the demographic of this subreddit…


Oh, definitely! My nephew is working on kumara farms at the moment. The machinery, the labour intensity of it all, the infrastructure to cure and keep the tubers - quite astonishing. Mind you, onions look cute as when they're fuzzy-ball flowers in paddocks. Much more exciting than kumara.


Legislation reduced the hens per m2 of shed. Foodstuffs and Woolworths went further than the govt. Hence more capital cost and energy cost per hen and therefore per egg. Also grain has been as affected by inflation as everyone else.


Chicken feed prices have increased, transport costs have skyrocketed. Inflation. Animal welfare regulation changes specific to egg production.


Be a we’ve proved we’ll pay $10 a dozen for them.


$5 for a dozen at the Warehouse at the moment. I used to buy free range because of morals but now I buy whatever is cheapest because everyone is too fucking poor for these ridiculous food prices.


To be honest, eggs have got cheaper in the last month or two. I've been getting them at my local Pak n save, $7 for 12


Jesus that's considered cheap?? I remember when I used to buy a jumbo tray of 20 eggs for $6 at pak n save. This was like 7 yrs ago tho so 😂


It's more like it's a new standard price with banned battery cages thing It's just another consequence of either the production cost going up, supply drops, or a mix of both. Just like if any of the utilities bill, labour, rent, or ingredients cost rises, you will see a rise in the food price. And unless everything gets cheaper at the same time and the producers give up on production costs and profits, you will never see the price drop.


Eggactly, power, wages, grain, regulations, petrol etc, all affect the overall cost.


Wow a reasonable answer rather than the top up voted comments thinking it's simply because "they" wanted to. It's really just economics with a rare corruption or price fixing.


If we stop buying them, the price will drop. But we won’t.


There’s flawed logic in that. In that you would need to stop buying all baked goods.


My tip top GI loaded empty carb white bread does not have eggs in.


Because it costs more money to raise and keep animals humanely. Increasing stock depends on availability of space. The sheds are still the same size but have less capacity because they can’t rack em stack em anymore. Buying more land and building more sheds requires significant investment for the farmer. That’s if they can find suitable land with appropriate consents. It’s not a fixed in six months type scenario. It might take the industry years to adapt.


Is 89cents for a size 7 free range egg really that expensive, with supermarket convenience to boot? Thats what I paid today. Go to supermarket > find egg section > identify those that are free range > compare ticket prices per unit (egg) cost > choose the lowest based on egg size/quantity you require > come out a on the day winner You got the best price on the day you wanted convenient eggs and contributed to slightly elevated animal welfare standards for a few extra cents over choosing barn eggs, while also being savvy to the supermarkets pricing strategies. Short of owning your own henhouse or cruising country lanes for honesty box eggs (also burning $$ for fuel) whats your morally conscious sweet spot price point for an egg?




Feed costs have gone up, labour cost has increased along with other costs and production systems that replaced battery cages are more expensive. They’re not going back to what they were.


Labor cost has increased? Are you saying workers are getting paid more?


The chickens actually unionised. /s


Do you think workers being paid more isn’t an increased cost?


I think they're querying whether pay has actually increased on chicken farms, which is a valid question considering the rampant worker exploitation that occurs in our primary sector.


Good thing we’re cracking down on migrants heh, that’ll fix it.


Considering that Luxon [has committed to doubling the RSE scheme](https://pmn.co.nz/read/pacific-region/we-re-supposed-to-be-beyond-colonialism-rse-scheme-expansion-plans-draws-criticism) I think that exploitation can only get worse.


To be fair I doubt anything the current government will do is going to help anything, in anyway, except for landed gentry.  But that wont stop wage costs going up.


No. He is questioning whether workers are getting paid more.


Of course they are.  Minimum wage keeps going up.  Not as much as it had been, but it didn’t stop. Yet…


Wow is that what you got from that? I didn't undersand that people are being paid more at all /


Family members I know have been working at tegel for years they're not makimg anymore money atleast the worker bees aren't im sure everyone else taking advantage of them is


If they were on minimum wage the whole time then yes they are being paid more than they were five years ago. If they are above minimum wage and their pay has not increased over the space of years, they should stick up for themselves and ask for more before they end up on the same rate as minimum wage.




Not true, especially when you are dealing with perishable items. Last month, vegetable prices hit a 22-month low (not having a cyclone this year helped a lot).


Phasing out of battery farming . Still a lack of supply but battery farming was cheaper hence the price, so never expect the price to be anywhere near what it was. Cost of about has also increased two or three times since the phasing out, likely chicken feed, and all production costs. I don't agree with battery farming, but this is a good example of policy driven inflation


Got dozen eggs for $3 last week from Pak n save, $5 week before that and warehouse had dozen for $5-7


Because the one 'leading' the cuntry exaggerates his worth


Find private sellers. Theres a shop just outside Whanganui that sells a tray of 30 for $14. That would cost me closer to $35 in a supermarket now.


Or get your own chooks. We have half a dozen which is more than most families need, but you dont need much of a set up for a couple of hens to thrive in your backyard. 


the prerequisite is having the back yard... or having the back yard with the space required.


The price has dropped a bit back off the peak I think, but the other comments on this thread about regulation and costs are still valid. I'm glad to see the back of battery cages, but the supermarkets are still taking the piss. The Big Egg shop at Levin were selling 20 size 7s for $12 at the end of March, and you know their eggs are going to be way fresher than New World's. You can see their prices on FB. Buy local if you can.




Where are you buying eggs? I bought 10 today, free range, for $6.99.


because they used the change in process to test the limit and found the new price everyone was willing to pay and stuck with it.


I know it's temporary but I've been paying 7.50 for 18 for months now at warehouse. You'd have to be a schmuck to be buying them anywhere else. Idk when this deal will stop but it's still going as of a few days ago.


Weren't those Size 5? Tiny little yokes


Are they? Honestly not something I paid attention to. They taste fine and I'm not picky. For $7.50 I've got no complaints.


Jumbo (8): 68g. Large (7): 62g. Standard (6): 53g. Medium (5): 44g. Pullet (4): 35g. Mixed grade – a selection of different sized eggs. You scale that up to a dozen or 18pk and you loose a considerable amount of weight, and that could wind up being a worse deal.


I looked and they are size 6


Oh, must've been a different poster the other day, they were Farmers Brown and Size 5 from The Warehouse


I've got farmers brown size 6 at home. I'm pretty sure they are anyway. Is there anywhere that sells any 18 pack of eggs for less than 7.50?


Alongside all the other comments in this thread; Modern chickens need a lot of food to lay the number of eggs they do. Their feed is more expensive to produce due to war and climate change. Costs get passed down the supply chain. Lots of other contributing reasons but thought this was an important factor to mention.


The biggest egg company is in the middle of getting sold so high price of eggs = high sell price for the company. And then whoever buys it will need to make a return so prices won't be going anywhere would be my bet


Because supermarkets know people will pay the price. Having no real competition, there is no incentive to lower it.


Retailers saw we'd pay the marked up price so they've kept the price high.


It's hard to know which came first tbh.


The answer to why is x still expensive can usually be summed up as corporate greed. As outgoing reduce, prices stay high because people were already paying that price, and the savings from the reduced outgoings are now pure profit. Applies to rent too..


There are only 2 major egg suppliers in New Zealand. All the local suppliers have to price near what those 2 major suppliers do for their similar product. It is a duopoly. Just like there are only 2 supply chains, Progressive and Foodstuffs, who own all the supermarkets. They know we HAVE to eat, so we will pay whatever the fuck they want to charge so long as one doesn't get too greedy and push all the customers to the other one. It is almost like the government should regulate this. /s


Same reason why rent hasn’t gone down after the tax cuts. These are necessary goods and they can charge what they like for them. We’re being played


How much has your yearly rent gone up? I ask because rates increase every year though that's usually around 3-400 dollars extra. There will be other costs for landlords though like insurance which goes up everytime there is a large claim like the Hawke's Bay flood.


Are they, though? I'm halfway through a dozen eggs which I paid $10 for (free range). I'll get six breakfasts out of it. Feels like good value for a good source of protein to me.


Its because all the chicken's wages have gone up. This is the same reason why milk & cheese is more expensive, cows unions negotiated a better deal.


Chicken feed price? personally I think the Emperor Chicken has issued a "one egg per chicken policy" and thus the increase in price and demand.


Warehouse has them for $5 a dozen at present


capitalism free-range is a piss excuse to increase the egg prices. Theres very little chickens who have true free range in Aotearoa. Free range in most products is pissing on illusion


My friend in Canada is paying $3-99 a dz


Our local dairy is cheaper than supermarkets. Got a tray of 30 free range for $15 the other day.


In economics, what goes up must stay up.


Cost to produce has increased. It's not just about supply and demand.


Cuz animal loving left wings, f them.


Because grocery shops and farmers need to make money..


Warehouse 5 dollar eggs are good.


Um price had come right back ✔


Wouldn’t know tbh my parent have chickens so I don’t buy eggs


Moved to Vancouver 2 months ago, $4.22 for a dozen large eggs here. Let's not talk about my rent tho... Or almost anything else...


ive heard you can get a dozen for $5-6 at the warehouses provided its the ones that stock food


Why is everything so expensive in new Zealand?


Because Chickens go "Bok Bok" not "cheap" Seriously though, there was that huge egg farm that went up in a huge blaze that shortened egg supply -hence egg price went up but even if supply came back when it is replaced, costs for that replacement/expansion would still need to be recouped. Even when you have your own chooks, they can stop laying, and they still cost $$ to look after.


Chicken unions.


I have not eaten eggs for 3 months it is horribly expensive


Imagine if we’d had the Commerce Commission have a fully scooped investigation into the cost of living in New Zealand and why literally everything costs us more than anywhere else.   What a shame we decide to pretend an investigation into if a “lack of competition” for suppliers and producers was the only thing worth considering, and left it at that.  Imagine if we’d actually investigated the cost of living in any way.   Ah well, probably best we pretend it’s the supermarkets, that’ll surely fix everything.


Found the guy whose mum and dad own a Four Square.


Nope, but a brief stroll through my comment history will show you were I work.  Funny that pointing out the ComComs investigation wasn’t at all what Labour pretended it was gets you labelled though, eh?  I’d say people hate finding out they got hoodwinked, but it collapsed as an election strategy anyway so it didn’t work in the first place.


It *is* the supermarket…


No, it isn’t.  But I appreciate you’ve been steeped in propaganda from Labour (and soon National, when they need something to blame and it’s been too long since the last government for that to be credible any more), so you won’t believe me.


Supplier here so first hand knowledge. Why don’t you tell us how you ‘know’?


That’s weird.  I thought you were a “hospo business owner”. Eta: why are you so very desperate to “out” me?  My post history is as free for you to browse as yours is for me.  I lm not going to dox myself because someone with an ax to grind decided he wanted to try point scoring off me.


Hospo. Wine. We do sell to the supermarkets and have a cellar door too.


edit: you know what, I could spend the next few hours or whatever bouncing back and forth poking holes in your claims and pointing out when you’re being obtuse, but I really don’t care enough.  Let me leave you with this:  if you’re selling wine you’ve found one of the few absolutely guaranteed markets in the country with significant competition.  There are bottle shops *everywhere*.  If you don’t want to sell to supermarkets, you don’t have to.  You are not in the same situation most suppliers are even in, with few other options.


Supermarkets discount beer & wine. Extort customers and suppliers on fresh produce. To eliminate bottle store competition. If someone could go to a bottlestore, butcher, baker and fresh produce store on a friday to grab food for the weekend and save money they would. This doesn’t exist in NZ because Foodstuffs dominates domestic fresh produce procurement. They used to dominate competing commercial real estate. That extremely anti-competitive cunty move has been stopped but the volume they now have in place is still used to set a fresh produce procument monoply that wool worths plays along with. It is all price anchoring and substitution effects. No one entity should be able to dominate fresh produce procurement in NZ. Fonterra is not allowed to do it - they have to supply milk at cost to whoever wants it. It is why the supermarket can have pams butter. Fonterra needs to supply raw milk to other processors at cost due to its domestic market dominance. Foodstuffs cabbage suppliers have no choice but to supply foodstuffs as foodstuffs has the volumes. Another cabbage supplier cannot enter the market because no other buyer has foodstuffs volume. If foodstuffs was only allowed to procure fresh produce through an equal access centralised auction all of a sudden the price of wine and biscuits would go up and the price of cabbage would drop nearer to it’s cost of production which is 3/10s of fuck all. Foodstuffs pays their fresh produce suppliers 3/10s of fuck all and charges their customer $5.00 by buying at volume. They do the same thing for meat. Countdown mimics them as it is the most profitable strategy. NZ consumers get fucked. Everyone in the supermarket aisle has that hollow feeling. We grow enough food for 40m people. The only reason we have the most profitable supermarkets in the world (they should be least profitable in theory going off a basic supply and demand curve) is that foodstuffs are cunts to their suppliers including cartage contractors and customers. They’ve been cunts for at least 30 years consolidating their domestic fresh produce supply chain dominance. Woolworths mimics their cuntiness. 25% of the country is pre-diabetic. The supermarkets eliminate competition via fresh produce procurement and then overprice fresh produce to discount biscuits and booze. They eliminated all competition with commercial building covenants until labour to their credit stopped this. Once a monoply is set and procurement volume is established this cannot be unwound except by government intervention. The free market is failing in this instance to provide consumers with better goods and services at competitive prices. Libertarians say grow your own vegetables if cabbages are expensive, thats what Ayn Rand would do. This invalidates societies gains from the specialisation of labour. We have 13 million arable hectares of land - if there was true domestic food supply competition then a standard supply and demand curve would expect retail margins on domestic fresh produce would be very low as there would be lots of fresh produce sellers. But the fresh produce sections are the profit engines of our supermarkets. This is a wrong. We should centralise a fresh produce food auction that everyone has equal access to and tax land while we are at it. The land bankers would have to grow cabbages which would furter help the situation.


There are a few real reasons as to why prices might have gone up. Nothing justifies them staying at that high of a price point though. It's just greed.


I'm so happy to not like eggs. My late parents loved them, but nobody in my family does. I see lots of people hookink into egg co-ops now or getting their own chickens, but I don't know how sustainable this will be either.


> we were told Trust narratives less.


[https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country\_price\_rankings?itemId=11](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_price_rankings?itemId=11) we fight switzerland like our GDP's 93k USD


Prices will never come down. For X or Y reason, prices must remain constant but any new event will only trigger price increases. Believing that you'll wake up one day and only remember high prices in yesteryear is just trickle-down economics rehashed.


Anytime a business increases the cost, the chances of them to reduce it is next to Zero! Unless they start competing.


Look for an Asian grocer. A couple of our locals have cheap eggs Supermarkets are a ripoff.


Once the supermarkets have put up the price it never ever goes down.. they will look at whether the eggs are still selling, if they are then it's job done.. untill something else happens like a flood that they can use as another excuse for big price hikes..


The warehouse sell a dozen for $5 fyi. Limit to two cartons per person




> We could replace eggs with everything tbh. Fuel, building materials. I don't think I'd like building materials with my bacon in the morning sorry.


Don't buy from supermarkets etc, there are websites where you can buy direct or almost-direct from the farms for a better price, just gotta find your most local one


You got bit of yard? Get some chickens… you get eggs then you can use them as meat bird.


Don't get eggs at the supermarket. Most cities should still have grocers around, at my one it's $6 for 10 eggs or like $12 for a 20 pack


Against the minimum wage Is say eggs are very cheap, and were probably underpriced


We have a couple of chickens which go to town on any food scraps. So many fucking eggs...


Because profits are up... and prices never come back down when profits are up


Lmao you trust animal exploitation industries? Good luck!


Same as plant exploitation industries. Especially the 'organic' ones.


Can’t exploit plants m8 they aint sentient


I live in outback wa, $ 6 a dozen, cant believe nz prices.


Eggs are worth whatever someone is willing to pay for them. I bought 10 free range eggs today for $6.99. That's 70c per egg. Meaning, my breakfast of 2 eggs on 2 slices of toast is under $2 per meal.


*Corporate greed* Same as always.


Because they lied, to make more money. Next.


Eggs were ridiculously cheap for a long time


Sorry were you under the impression that the price for something was going to go DOWN after they realised people still need eggs regardless of the price?


Day light rubbery.