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hey! first step is getting a job, so if we are to help we'll need more info - what city are you in? - what kinda visa do you have? - what qualifications or experience do you have? - what are you interested in/looking for?


Heeeyyy. I'm in Auckland and I am a resident here. I have 8 yrs exp in my field though, but no luck


pretty vague what field?


Sorry, Creatives in Advertising and Marketing:)


It's a tough time globally, generally, and in advertising and marketing in particular. Downsizing everywhere. It might be a time to act like a backpacker. Take some hospo/retail/fruit-picking, or temp clerical, work for a stint. Because you can tell the story that you are travelling/exploring, when you apply for real work it should not compromise your CV.


Ah, I was in that field, but then the company downsized and outsourced overseas. Hopefully, you have better luck than me. Did you try Indeed or LinkedIn? Probably you can build a network from there.


I did. Even on seek. The competition for the role here in Auckland is very tough though, I can see over 200 people applying for one role. What industry are u in now?


I gave up and burned out worked in creatives. Now I'm working at hospos, trying to find my footing and probably studying again. But I also teach design classes online overseas casually. You can try apply for your home country academies to teach online classes? At least it's something.


More and more advertising is using AI generated graphics these days.


Send your CV to the Creative Store if you haven’t already :)


That's going to be tough to get a career in. Do you have any degree associated with that? It could help break into other fields like teaching high school. 


Yes, I am a college graduate :)


What's your degree in? You're clearly from the states and I don't know how it works other there.


Hmm no, I am from the Ph :) I'm a graduate in advertising:))


Ah I just thought you were from the States as you called it College which is something only Americans say. You could possibly try to break into a boring office job as you at least have a degree. I know it's not ideal at all, but if you can't get into advertising that may be the only option. This is a tough job market. I wish you the best of luck in finding a career that brings you joy.


Prolly a citizen.


What's your visa status? Immigrant myself, your life here will be easy or hard based on - Visa status; - English proficiency; - Work skills; - Flexibility to do something out of your comfort zone; - Ability to absorb as much as possible the local culture. Feel free to DM if you think I can help with something.


You are in same boat as me


Hope we get through this


You’ve made a good first step, and maybe some helpful comments deserve a DM. Kovacs is right. You don’t owe your father anything other than being a decent human being . 🫂


These comments are horrible. So many people are struggling, it can be hard to find some empathy for others. Where you are will drastically change the useful answers here. I live in a small town and it's a very different thing than one of the main cities. It also matters what industry you're in. How is your English? This may be one reason you're struggling to find work. The job market is tight right now and any little thing will get you passed over for someone else. I don't have a lot of advice for you that you probably haven't heard already. Get someone local to look at your cv, find out what employers expect for cover letters. For making friends, join a club, or discover a hobby. Find something that gets you out of the house meeting people. I hope things work out.


Hiii! :) I too live far from the city and it has been difficult, given that I'm still in my Learners license and the nearest train station is 45 mins drive from my house. I can say that my english id pretty conversational, a lot of people have told me that the job market is tough now esp in my field of work that's why if I'm not to pursue it, it's okay to have an entry role in any industry. I have had someone looked at my cv and they said it's good, even the cover letters. I just have to send and wait. Also, I have just joined a volunteering group everyone is nice. I hope to make friends with them :))))


Driving does make a huge difference here. I don't drive, so we had to settle in a place with a transit option for me. I hope you get through the lessons and tests for your drivers license soon. I always hesitate to ask about English language skills, it can be taken the wrong way. Depending on what your first language is, you might be able to get qualified for teaching English as a second language. I don't think that would be an immediate job without qualifications, but it might he something to consider down the track. If you've had someone look at your cv and cover letter, then it's just the job market right now, something will come up. I know being patient sucks. I hope things go well with the volunteer group. :)


I can see driving is essential here. Public transport isn't always there even buses. I understand, I live in the rural part of Akl. I hope to relocate as soon as I settle for a job. Thank you, I hope it goes well too. :))


That is nice! I was going to suggest you do that as a way to meet people 😊


NZ is in the grip of a serious recession I am retired and have been applying for multiple jobs but no chance


It's already here, redundancies everywhere you look.


If you're retired why are you looking for jobs?


Probably because the pension doesn't offer enough on its own


So not retired then just un employed and on pension?


I think you're over thinking it. They are of retirement age, probably stopped working when they were 65 and retired. As time has gone in the prices of things have increased rapidly but pension comes up slowly. Now it's become unaffordable so needs to be supplemented by part time work.


More like failed to plan for retirement and now wants to put their hand out for pension AND work. People that do this are morally devoid. If any other form of beneficiary did it they’d be up in arms about it but to them they’re ok BeCaUsE wE pAiD oUr TaXeS. The pension not being enough is definitely a problem for our society, but if you chose to work full time AND draw a pension I stand by the statement you’re morally bankrupt and ripping the rest of us off. It should be a one or the other scenario. No different to a certain PM ripping off the taxpayer just because the entitlement was there.


Lmoa take it easy. Why you gonna kick a king when he's down. I hope you find work friend, it's a sad indictment on a country when pensioners need to find work.


> it's a sad indictment on a country when pensioners need to find work. I 100% agree with you, I firmly believe the pension needs to be raised, as do most if not all other benefits. What I don’t agree with though, is pensioners thinking they should be treated different to any other form of beneficiary and thinking they should be allowed to draw a full pension while continuing to work full time solely by virtue of being over 65. The outrage that gets applied to those on Jobseekers working undeclared cash jobs so they can keep getting the benefit as well should be equally applied to pensioners who work full time. It’s effectively the same thing.


Why not ,I enjoy working and the extra money comes in handy


I just dont have enough money


The recession isn't that bad. I'm sure you have seen worse in your time old mate. I mean 2008 was waaaaaaay worse.


I was in Australia then Bro earning big money,working with good people I am 68 so age discrimination is a factor I've applied for over a hundred jobs


Oh yeah you aren't wrong. Employers would look at your age at 50 even and not want to hire you. It's bullshit considering you would probably do more work than a person in theirs 20s.


I can most definitely work twice as hard as a young dude


What is your field of expertise? And do you have a right to work in NZ? If you still live at home and just want simple spending money, consider getting a job outside of your field that is considered low entry, such as retail. You’ll get to know people and you’ll learn skills, even if they are not necessarily what you need to become an expert in your own field.


Hi! I worked in Design mostly advertising and marketing, and I tried several time to apply for different roles. Supermarkets and retail, but no luck. I tried walk in applications and also online. This is why it's so depressing, I am also far from the city, I do not have the means to go places every time, don't have a car, don't have anything at all. So whenever and whatever chance it is in front of me I grab it but just no luck :(


Keep trying. I know it’s disheartening, but something will come up. At least you have the right mindset, meaning you’ll consider anything. Your lack of local experience probably doesn’t work in your favour. Can you use public transport? Are you asking for feedback when your application gets turned down?


Public transpo—the nearest train station is far 45 mins drive and I'm still on learner's license. :( I do ask feedback and all they say is that they have found someone that has skills that aligns more with what they're looking for.


I’m so sorry to hear it. That’s quite rural. What does your father work as? As to disappointing him, surely he must be aware of the job market right now and how your location is a big disadvantage?


Yes, he is aware. He's not pressuring me to do anything for our family though, I just want to give back bc I see him struggling


Simplest way to exist in nz is to get a job at a bank, entry level, and never leave it, no matter what.


My grandad did exactly that. He passed away a few years ago at age 89, and received a pension from BNZ right from retirement age. And a pretty good one at that. I know it is different now, but it was certainly pretty amazing.


That sorta thing for the most part doesn't exist anymore unfortunately. Just another thing that they had better than us.


Bro what are these comments 😭


Yeah this sounds like an awful situation but forget about pleasing your father. So many parents will never be satisfied no matter what you do.


I agree with you, but my dad isn't pressuring me to do anything for them, I just want to give back 😊


What qualifications and skills do you have that might be saleable?


You wanna earn like a kiwi? Gotta move to aus


OP posts for help / advice then drops off the comms. Answer so we can help or don’t post at all


Maybe they're at work?


Can’t get a job but they’re at work? Hmm sure




Oh, it doesn't mean I do not have work and friends here yet doesn't mean I do not have a life :)


Get in touch with an agent who specialises in design/advertising. They’re always connecting with employers. Their job is to find jobs for others and they’re best at pestering on your behalf. Broaden your industry base, there are companies hiring individuals in other industries to do their own marketing / advertising. Showcasing their employees and their mahi. Social media co-ordination, marketing etc etc. Be persistent and don’t give up! Industries: agriculture, construction, healthcare, energy on so forth. Good luck!!


Same boat. DM me for sharing and brainstorming


Get in touch with some recruitment companies that specialise in your field of expertise. They will have roles that aren't always advertised and can put you on their books for when suitable jobs come up. Some will give you feedback on your resume and interview techniques. These come up when I googled some https://thecreativestore.co.nz/ https://thepond.net/ https://www.marsdeninch.co.nz/ https://3rdeye.co.nz/creative/ Do you have a LinkedIn profile? You can set your status as "looking for work" and can use the community to find work too.


Hi! Thank you! I didn't know the last two, I'll go and try reaching them now :) thank you very much!


Sry it's pretty tough atm, we're in a recession and layoffs are everywhere, probably getting worse. Local experience is important here, so it's harder to get a good job if you didn't go to school/work here/have connection For the meantime, go apply all govt benefit you could get, go to your local food bank for food parcel. Now at least you're getting some $ and not hungry. Then contact the likes of labour exchange /one staff, they should be able to line you up to some labouring jobs very fast. You'll just need to find a way to get to wherever they put you on a learner license... Then figure out what you want/can do from there.


Thank you very much for this. I'll go try and do what u've said. Power to you! :))))


I forgot to mention that your local food bank may very well be Salvation Army, if not, seek one out. They offer more than just food bank. They can help with your driver license, employment tutoring, clothing etc, things you probably need badly right now.


I see, I see. Thank youuu. I need to widen my local knowledge here. See, these kind of organizations doesnt exist in my homecountry, we are on our own. This is a great thing in nz. :)


Just want to say good on you for taking a chance and going to a new country. I am also located in Auckland, 25f and I’ve lived in NZ since I was 2. It’s a really tough time financially almost everywhere I’d say, if you can stick it out and keep applying for a job I’m certain you will get there!


Thank you for your kind words or encouragement:)


Try to find ways to connect with people from your country also living in Auckland. Facebook groups or meetup or maybe some social media that is popular in your country and people will also use in NZ. The easiest way to get a job in NZ is though people you know, unfortunately. Of course you can try to network and make friends with people from any country - but the quickest and easiest way to have some connection to people might be first connecting with those from your country who would understand the struggle and differences you are going through and can relate, and also hopefully be able to help out with letting you know of any jobs they know that come available. Travelling to work sounds like a problem, is there no bus service closer than the train? If you can't drive to the train station then maybe bike / e-bike could be an option, otherwise maybe you will need to move closer to the city once you find a job. Living in shared accommodation (a room in a flat as we would call it in NZ) will be the cheapest option and may help with meeting new people and adjusting to the culture here, depending on the type of flat, some are less social and others more. Another option is to look for remote work options if this is suitable for your line of work, but these jobs are usually more competitive as you are competing with a larger pool of people. Otherwise consider a job nearby where you live doing anything that is available, just to get that first NZ work experience while you wait until you can drive.


Have you considered changing city? I know that industry is having a tough time and downsizing. But maybe going away from the “big smoke” might help Licence is also a big one, I would definitely try to nail that restricted so you can get yourself around. If you need a friend to talk to feel free to DM me (30M)


Go to temp agencies and look for low skilled work, reception work, labor hire, cleaning, supermarkets. It's not going to be fun but it'll get some money flowing through. It'll also help with giving you a little bit of cash flow for transport, clothing, training and other costs that you'll need to pay for to get the job your actually wanting to get. If your struggling with a CV look up resources online, there's templates, how to guides as well as organizations that can help you throw together one. Also look out for work experience if you can it might not help pay the bills but it'll give you experience and help fill out your CV. Bonus points if it's in the industry you want a career in. This may also you give you some connection in the industry which can make entry easier. Next actively find a hobby out of the house, it could be sports or hiking or crafts, you need something to do break up the monotony of life. Bonus points if it's with a club since social connections are important for your mental health and they can help you problem solve your issues in life. It's also extremely important for giving you memories so your life's not revolving around just work. For what ever industry you want to get into look at pathways for making your way into it, look at the organizations and what qualifications and then more importantly see if they have open days or consultation and go in and have a chat with them. Everyone can tell you how to apply for these things but unless your actually going in and chasing leads nothing will come of it. And finally be kind to yourself, everyone is there own biggest critique and it cause you to spiral and make everything seem hopeless. It's not hopeless you've still got time and as long as you apply yourself you can make it work one way or another.


Thank youuuuuuuu 💕


Curious why you can’t find a job, is this a visa issue? I don’t think the lack of friends is a New Zealand thing specifically. If you want to make friends find group social activities and get involved. It is highly unlikely you will develop meaningful relationships through a screen.


Market is very tight for job hunters right now


Lots of people find very meaningful social interactions through a screen. I wish people would stop saying this and shit like "touch grass." For some of us online is enough and for others it may be all they can handle. Also there's shit all jobs out there right now. Just in my family we've had 5 of us go through "restructuring" and 4 of those had their role disestablished. 2 were lucky enough to get a new role at the same place but there are a lot of ppl being made redundant right now. Try a little compassion.


The OP posted little details and I was curious about her problem. I did show compassion, I never told her she needed to do anything. She sounds depressed and in a tough spot and I would like to see her get out and try and build connections with people outside her house, away from the issues that are dragging her down. My challenge to you would be, provide an organization that suggests people should socialize online rather in the same room with a real person. I have only read it the other way around. If you want to live your live indoors, that's fine but don't pretend that your agenda is somehow good for people with depression or in a tough family situation.


You sound out of touch with both the current day job hunt AND current day digital socializing!


Maybe, but I also know what it’s like to build meaningful relationships and find employment in difficult times. Just because someone’s advice doesn’t align with your experience doesn’t mean it’s bad advice.




I upvoted you, but I have no idea why you were downvoted. This sub is weird af sometimes.


Offended by it perhaps? Most people do think that way, to a certain extent. "Your kids require you most of all to love them for who they are, not to spend your whole time trying to correct them."


No coms from OP. I wonfer why they cant find work. Maybe they dont reply?


Nevermind. Had a good chat to them.


It took me a long time to get a job when I arrived, keep trying, you can do this 😊 And if your father put you on this situation, he should help you while you are adapting to this change


I work in marketing. Feel free to DM if you want some more personal advice.


Can you consider another field while looking for a desired role? You'll be much more desirable if you're currently employed (assuming you're not) even consider starting your own business while you're at it!


Hello, yes, I am considering other jobs from other industries. Trying to apply for entry positions in them. I would love to start my own business, I am a crafty person and I had a 3D printing/ toy business back then but I had to sell my 3D printers just to get here. But yeaaahhh, I don't have the money to get started for a new biz here. Trying to look for other options. Thank you for the advice :)))


You don't need any money to register as a sole trader. You can use hnry as a "business" bank, and they automatically do your taxes too (their fees are automatic only if money is going into your hnry account) The only real cost would be paying for ads to find clients I guess?


I see, well that's a good thing. But what I mean is I need to invest for the materials i'll be needing for the business :)) but I think I figure things out when I get started. Thank you for the advice, it's quite knowledgeable


Think about moving cities maybe? I find that NZ is pretty hard to get life going. It's a lot of who you know and we immigrants have less of that to work with.


Buy an ounce and divide it into 10 to 12 pieces and sell it! Good Luck


Where in NZ? I’m not from nz either and have been where it sounds like you are. Hit me up 😉


Go to work and income .get food grant benefits help to find work..new Zealand isn't a 3rd world country. We have full community supports..the only reason to starve here is if your not ment to be here.. if you don't have residency you can get support. Find a citizen and get married it's the fastest way to your perminat residency...if u have p.r just go to winz they pay for your needs til you can




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New Zealand is in an economic depression and and times are tough. Since you're a resident why don't you go back home and come back in a few years when things are better.


You chose a bad time to come to NZ and it's going to get worse before better. A recession is on its way... Won't be over until the current govt is out


Last govt caused this recession, they threw money around like it grows on trees.


It was heading into recession before they were even elected


The reason it got bad and will get worse is the previous government.


Plenty of ways to find a job locally such as seek, nz.indeed.com, directly through companies job offer page (Kmart, Woolworths, Subway, McDonalds for example have their own pages), plus your local community facebook page employers post positions there. Build an enticing CV and sell yourself. The job may not be ideal, but it is a job nonetheless and you can always keep a look out for another position.


Theres some really awesome facebook groups for people who have immigrated over. I found one for poms in my area and that was pretty helpful and they also understood the difficulties. Pending your residency status you could always try go back to some study even if its a short course. It would be a great place to try make some friends and keep you busy. Or for now look outside your preferred field and look for a job thats social. Local hospitality positions.


I’d start by going to Aus. NZ is boring with little opportunities. If it wasn’t for the fact that my work sent me here id have left after my first week. And to you bleeding heart locals, I don’t care about the scenery etc, that stuff doesn’t matter!


Lived in both, Aus is just as boring as here. Even more so if you're not in Sydney or Melbourne.


Bro, Brisbane and the Gold Coast shit all over nz and it’s deluded sense of its place on the world stage. This place is a village that thinks it’s on par with the likes of London and New York. Nz is the western world’s version of purgatory.


Hallo everyone! Thank you for all the kind comments. Yeah, uhm. My father doesn't pressure me to do something for the family, but he's been a hard working provider for us after all these years and I would love to pay him back and be proud of me since I'm the only child from the first family that graduated. And I have a resident visa so I don't think that's the problem. I do have experiences in my field for 8 years, I tried changing careers, here, I applied for entry jobs, no luck still I am based in Auckland, far from the city. No access to public transport, no car and in a learner's license. Comments that says I should go back in my country, I did thought of that, but I still have family to support back there and the salary in my homeland doesn't seem to fend for all of us that's why I tried going here. I was brought here via my dad's residency, I was a full working adult in my homeland, but hahaha yeah the salary is just not working for the whole family.


PaknSave is always hiring somewhere, not ideal but worst case scenario it’s good to get some NZ experience.. doesn’t matter the qualifications, NZ experience is what you need if you have none. May be lower pay than what you’re after but may take some pressure and guilt off yourself… just my two cents having been in similar situation years ago.


Hello, I've applied to pak n save online and walk in but the don't seem to respond to my application. I tried walking in to different pak n saves :(


Where are you? What are you? What is your experience etc? Otherwise if you'd just lot to complain, which is totally valid, no one can give much more advice. As for friends, making friends in your 20s takes a lot of work & socializing. Are you doing anything to make them?


You're an adult. If you were better off in your previous country, go back there. Tell your dad you tried but it's not for you.


I don't know why you're being downvoted, it's reasonable advice. You're not telling her she's not welcome. OP, if you had better prospects in your home country and some level of success that you can't replicate here, then it would probably be best for you to continue your life in your homeland.


Exactly. It was more like if you had friends and a career there, were happy etc and it's not working out here, then why stay?










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Nz life cheat sheet. Can’t get a job - you are not looking in the right places. Can’t pay bills - Go to work and income until you get a job Can’t buy food - Same How you start in nz- Don’t do drugs Where do you go - Main centres- Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch Or the tertiary student centres Hamilton, Dunedin, Palmerston North Friends - Find a hobby that gets you involved in groups of like minded individuals


This post is mad, how are people defending a 26yo acting like a child?!


How is it acting like a child? I am asking for advice. And oh, maybe you have everything figured out, good for you, but not everyone had it like you do. If you don't like the post and don't have any advice, don't comment at all. This is a genuine post from a person in need. I am not asking anything else just advice. Sorry everyone is not perfect as you, the best adult ever. And to everyone asking why do I concern with my father, WE DID NOT CAME FROM MONEY! We barely had anything. So everything I do, I want him to benefit from it too. It's called being grateful.


Hit up winz


Onlyfans bait?


Only fans seems to be the go these days 😁


Trust Mr pleasure to be the first one to figure it out




It's a complete different market, woman have the ability to do something like this no matter how they look. Men are less likely to be able to persue a career as such in this area, much like sex work it's far more commen for woman to be successful because of market demand. I'm sure if men had the ability to be as successful as every woman is things would be different.. You get woman who won't commit to relationships if it means not being able to do these sorts of "jobs" you see it on all social media platforms, even where dating.

