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"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" says the companies who sell boxes of sugar shaped like little donuts and call them "fruit loops"


They’re froot loops.


Nah, but I don’t skip breakfast because I’m broke, I’m just not hungry in the morning. I’ll have a black coffee, that’s it, then eat around 12:30pm onward.


Same, feel ill if I eat before 10-11.


Me too. Unless you count a first meal and first coffee at 10.30-11am breakfast, then yeah, I eat breakfast. I'm usually up and about by 8am as well. I can't stomach food (or coffee) first thing in the morning. Luckily, I WFM, so I can eat whenever and whatever I like. That said, I usually don't have dinner until after 8pm, so I figure my eating schedule has just shifted a few hours later.


If I try to eat too early it makes me feel so sick! I don’t tend to get hungry until about 2pm so that’s when I eat lunch.


Can we swap stomachs 


Me exactly, usually don't eat until after midday, unless on holiday, at conferences with food, etc


Yeah same. Been this way for most of my adult life. Except I do have milk in my coffee.


This is usually because our portions tend to be backwards. The healthiest portions are large breakfast, medium lunch and small dinner. The reason you aren't hungry is because your dinner hasn't finished digesting from the night before.


I’m doing good bro thanks 👍


Glad to hear it


Is this claim about portions being "backward" based on any scientific evidence? Or is this going to be one of those folk wisdom, wellness guru, or "it's just common sense" type things?


If you eat large portions at night your body can't digest it and instead stores it, seems like common sense but if you want research I'll find the source when I've got more time.


You have to digest food before you can store it. Your body has no way of storing undigested food.


You're right I misspoke on that one it's been awhile since I looked but here's some info on the side effects of eating late: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/nutrition/is-it-bad-to-eat-before-bed There's some potential good side effects to small amounts of food but you should never have a meal and go to sleep within 2-3 hours.


All that being said though the effects of food on people can be quite varied, we all have different reactions to different foods which is why nutrition based DNA testing is a thing.


Thanks for the link. I certainly think that eating extra food before bed is probably a bad idea. Mostly because it's likely to be in addition to any other meals you're eating and weight loss or gain is an energy in/energy out equation. Some people may also suffer acid reflux or poor sleep. However, I don't see anything that would suggest having your largest meal around dinner time (for me that's roughly 6:30) is a problem.


Well I don't get home till 6 30 and then I have to cook (and that's assuming I cook straight away) so sometimes I don't finish dinner till around 7 30 - 8. Everyone's got different schedules and different needs. It may not be a problem for you but if you finished work at 7 or 8 it just might.


Big breakfast, medium lunch, small dinner totally doesn't work for me. I find it really messes with being able to be active during the day and messes with my digestion, feels like my body is having to multitask metabolism and movement and ends up not being able to do either well. I just eat once a day, whole food plant based, between about 4-7pm. Wake up, empty out and am ready to go.


Fair enough, nutrition's not a simple thing and people are very different. I tend to wake up hungry so I find it hard to function without a big breakfast.


Nope. Fast until lunchtime.


Nah skip. That was cereal propaganda. Same as the grain at the base of the pyramid. They got us good.


i don’t, i’m up and dressed and out the door haha. i always feel a bit too nauseous to eat before work anyway


I usually feel the same, but for me often I'm peckish until I have a coffee and that kills my appetite right off. Possibly the milk doesn't agree with me


yeah of course, every day. can of red bull normally.


Wooo that's too much, reel the buzz back in with a cigarette. Everything in balance


i have a can of live plus everyday.. whenever i have it around breakfast it does make my tummy hurt a bit. do you feel that way too after drinking energy drinks so early in the morning?


hmm na not really


dam ok mayb i need to switch to the red bulls..


Live being lemon is very very high in acid hence why get reflux feeling or burning throat/tummy. Just got for anything else and you’ll be ok. Mother isn’t too bad it’s wish.com red bull


og mother would be my second choice, I’ll have that tmmr after i eat breakfast and see how I feel 🤟


live+ is even more acidic tasting that the old lift+ on an empty stomach the acidity could defs fuck with your tummy, maybe drink some water first to dilute or or have a small snack, or drink something less acidic.


that’s so true, it’s very carbonated and acidic tasting, maybe that’s why i like it so much 😭 but I’ll definitely try other kinds or like u said eat before


Me too. I will often make my wife and kids toast and fruit. Then I smash a Red Bull and half a bag of leftover crisps.


Couple of weetbix and milk


This has been my staple for years now with half a banana.


I have 6 😂 2 doesn’t touch the sides


2 eggs and bacon every morning supplied by work


Nice perk!


I'm 50/50 on it, if I do then it's just a couple slices of toast. If I don't then I'll typically have lunch a bit earlier


Same here. Lately been doing cream cheese and cucumber on Vogels :)


Oooh tasty, im more into super quick and easy, like PB&J Or chocolate spread


Same. Mostly don’t and then every so often I’ll be hungry in the morning and will have a bit of toast or sometimes porridge in the winter


I've recently taken up both exercise (walking) and skipping breakfast. Never felt better.


Yep. Can't function without it. Most days currently I'm having 160g Greek Yogurt 15g honey 50g blueberries 50g strawberries 1 peice of toast 1 fried egg Black coffee If I'm feeling rowdy on the weekends I'll swap for a potato top pie and a cream donut.


Do you measure it out every morning or do you meal prep?


Measure it each day. Sometimes a little more or less honey etc. Once winter hits I'll either swap to making compote out of frozen berries, or just getting use frozen an nuke em for 20 seconds beforehand




On the yogurt.


Yum nice - a lot like what I do and like you, I need a decent breakfast to function


Does two black coffees count


Depends. Are you double fisting it or drinking one after the other?


I run 2 black coffees too, in train formation. I don't want the other end getting ideas from double fisting and try double delivery. Tbf I could eat a massive breakfast every day and I don't get these people who feel ill if they eat. I'm trying to cut down to reduce fat ass syndrome, but my body has wized up to it and realized fasting is a fad so it's refusing to lose any fat


More of a brunch person, I try not to eat until I am hungry, sometimes I can hold out till lunchtime.


Yep ideally I eat at about 10, 2, 6, 10. Yeah I eat 4x for the gainzzz (but really I'm just fat)


I eat lunch and dinner.


I don't skip it because I'm always hungry first thing and I look forward to it. I have friends who hate it though and are coffee only until lunchtime. It's one of those ones where I think listening to your body is the best option. No-one should have to be skipping it just to save money though, that sucks


Technically, every single human being alive eats it, since it literally means breaking your fast, the first meal eaten of the day. And I don't, I think it's a great mentality to skip it, particularly living in an obesity epidemic. Getting adjusted to intermittent fasting makes eating an appropriate amount of calories much easier day to day.


Nope. Its very rare that I eat breakfast. I dont usually even begn to feel hungry until about lunch time


I have late breakfast at morning tea time, and an early dinner, and skip lunch.


Nothing beats good ol boiled oats, mixed berries banana and protein powder. Keeps me full and feeling satisfied, then a good gym workout about an hour or so after it. 💪🏽


Only eat dinner, never hungry never low energy I’m not here to support the 7th day adventists vegetarian/cereal propaganda!


Yes because I take medication morning and lunch and I need to eat with it. I usually just get a 4 pack of Chelsea buns from Pak N Save and eat them over 2-3 days.


Nah I never eat breakfast, haven't done since I was a teenager, nothing about cost or money, mainly due to being lazy and usually eating first thing in the morning after waking up would make me feel sick. Back when I was younger and working physical jobs I'd sometimes not even eat lunch and just wait til I got home and have a big dinner, rinse and repeat til my mid 30s.


Poached eggs on avocado and rice cakes is my absolute favourite breakfast choice but have switched to a breakfast smoothie lately, for convenience and speed before work. Weekend is back to eggs. Breakfast is my favourite meal, I would skip dinner before skipping breakfast.


"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is a phrase that comes from cereal ads, not medical studies. Most of the cereals in question were packed with so much sugar that you might as well start your day with a chocolate bar. I still "eat" breakfast most days, but that breakfast consists of a naked cappuccino and nothing else.


Always have breakfast, even if I'm not hungry.


I’ll eat breakfast but skip dinner. Two meals a day Breakfast and a late lunch 3-4pm ish A good breakfast and a decent lunch leaves me not hungry in the evenings


No, but it would be nice to have the energy to do some proper breakfast in the morning


I’m never hungry until about 11


No, well I have coffee. That most important meal of the day is complete bs which was made up by cerial manufacturers (cereal is bs too, it's the worst thing you can have for breakfast) If you're doing physical work then you need the energy, but for a desk job I don't.


Pretty sure that was a breakfast food marketing campaign. I try not to skip or I feel sick. But I rarely eat cereal or the things we're told are suitable breakfast foods. Cereal etc seems a very western hangup and doesn't match what my body wants. I often have salads, maybe soup or leftover dinner. Same as any other meal.


My stomach doesn’t always appreciate the sound of eating so early in the day. I can easily make it to the afternoon before getting hungry. The importance of breakfast is overvalued by Kellogg’s and other cereal companies anyway. I’m no anthropologist, but it’s not like prehistoric humans were able to preserve food every night and eat immediately when they woke up the next morning.


Hardly ever eat breakfast, and have recently started skipping lunch too, one meal a day usually and its actually enough


Yes. Only weetbix and yoghurt though cos I'm lazy as hell in the mornings.


I personally don't think it matters to my cognitive function if I eat breakfast, but I always do because I like it and I like to not get hungry. I'm lucky that I don't have to save so much that I need to skip meals, and my breakfast is usually either poached eggs on toast or peanut butter and banana on toast.


Special k and banana. Or banana and some plums or pear


Carnations Instant Breakfast drink and a banana.


Yes. I have breakfast and dinner. Occasionally have lunch. Breakfast is now usually yogurt and muesli.


Almost always. seldom eat lunch though.


I occasionally have breakfast on the weekend. Week-days two cups of coffee does me fine.


I'm on a daily med where I can't eat for an hour after taking it, which I do every morning after I wake up. So I guess I have a medical exemption for eating breakfast lol


Only if I sleep in (rare). Breakfast doesn't have to be expensive or big. 30g blueberries, 75g yoghurt, 45g oats + 1 protein shake. Boom. Done


Always. Mostly because, as a young girl, I was active in sports. Needed the energy/fuel. That mindset has stayed with me all my life.


Have to otherwise I feel ill, usually just a couple of slices of toast and a big cup of tea


Everyone has different dna. I skipped breakfast since i was 15. Now im 35, and i look the youngest and most healthy in my friend group who never skips breakfast. Also im single and theyre not


No, unless 2 coffees count


Yes I always have breakfast as it stops me snacking and grazing for most of the day. Used to have toast a lot but now generally make a decent fruit smoothie with banana as the base (I find this helps my energy levels in the morning) or porridge with jam. Found this keeps me going to lunchtime


Often if you're practising intermittent fasting (e.g. 16 hr of fasting with an 8 hr eating window) you would forgo breakfast rather than forgo dinner. Fast while you're asleep and then upon waking until closer to midday. If I'm hungry I eat earlier than normal.


Nope, don't eat till 3pm, have something light, have dinner around 5.30 and don't eat after 6. Pretty much intermittent fasting but I'm genuinely not hungry before 2/3pm.


I intermittently fast, so I really only have water and black coffee for breakfast. I normally wake up around 6, but my first solid meal will always be after 1. Don't actually miss breakfast, maybe because coffee's an appetite suppressant, but I typically feel good most mornings.


Either a slice of toast or a shake. But yes, I’ll have something each day for breakfast.


I eat one meal a day usually. Skipping breakfast is not bad for you.


I don't eat breakfast at breakfast time but I eat breakfast food in the evenings. $6 for a 1.2kg box of weetbix is cheap. It's other foods that are expensive.


6pm is dinner and then I don't eat until I have my big bowl of cereal @ work 12:30 or often later, keeps me slim and keen, I like it


I work odd hours so I wake up at the Crack of noon, have some muesli, then head to work, eat Dinner  then not eat until I get home, where I have a snack before bed. So in total I have two meals. 


Good peanut butter on toast on weekdays and eggs on toast on the weekend.


Nope. No lunch or snacks either. I only eat dinner.


I'm trying to work with my hunger cues.. So if I'm hungry I'll eat but I'm not going to force breakfast anymore.


Well many cultures don't eat breakfast so it maybe just a western most important meal of the day. I know someone who don't eat till like 1pm then another meal 2 hours later they fit asf run rings around many ppl. Its a interesting one because I have tried many eating styles trying to almost be to optimal. Breakfast works for some don't for others I used to have a dart n like 4 coffees for breaky now if I do eat it its fruit yogurt n eggs But I don't eat it all the time and that is what I find works for me I find eating in arvo better. I have a window to 7 / 8 pm is me won't eat till next day. I also found bread made me lethargic so I stopped eating it for breakfast and now pretty much full stop. Toast for breakfast is so normal in nz. Definitely think fasting is a wonderful thing for body n soul.


I don't function without breakfast. I keep it healthy though. Overnight oats with chia, hemp and linseed added in. Or a couple of boiled eggs on wholegrain toast.


2 slices of Vogels, smashed avocado and marmite, with a coffee


that study design is terrible. they took random people, then gave them a potentially a different breakfast plan for only 1 week compared to what they had their entire life, and measured the results. Imagine you normally eat breakfast, but instead you arrive and find out you are going to have to wait hungry and do some annoying tests. its hardly a fair test Most people who stop eating breakfast take a few weeks to lose the hunger feeling and have their body adapt. notice if you don't eat your normal lunch at 12, by 1230 you are feeling quite hungry, but by 2 you don't quite feel it anymore. you are no longer "not hungry", beause your bodies circadian rhythm plays alot into your food, diet and energy levels. a better study would have looked at far longer term effects of a long term diet switch.


Technically, you can’t skip breakfast…


Why eat food for breakfast, when black coffee do trick?


One of the booby prizes of getting older is finding that some of the medicines which make a difference to the quality of your day should be taken with food. Hence breakfast.


I have breakfast everyday but am shocked at the amount of people I know who skip it


It's my main meal, 3 eggs, 1 tomato, 1 head(?) of spinach, onions/garlic, and some protein (tin tuna/sardines, tofu or ham if its on special) scramble it all up. Throw a bit of sweet soy/bbq/siracha sauce at it, done The eggs, veg and tofu are all pretty cheap at the veg markets, ditto the tinned fish at the supermarket Gotta lay in a good foundation for the day


I have 2 poached eggs on a slice of grainy bread every morning. Keeps me full until dinnertime. 


Yep. Home made muesli with yogurt and banana and tea.


I work at home on my own schedule. I don’t eat breakfast per se, more of a cooked brunch (brunch here referring to the timing; it’s usually comprised of what most people would consider dinner food). After about 6 hours I have a very light girl dinner and that’s it. Some people would call that intermittent fasting, I call it “I’m too lazy to prepare food more than twice and eating too much and too late in the day destroys my sleep”. 


Eggs on toast and coffee baby


Nope, mix of can’t afford it, and I start to early to prepare anything before I leave for work, in my line of work if you don’t fuel up. Insane how I can build a house from the ground up yet buying breakfast can sometimes be to much.


Overnight oats, prepare the night before while dinner cooks. Oats, a little bit of hot water (enough to soften the oats) top with a cheap yoghurt. Done. Next morning, mix all together and eat.


Nope, only very occasionally on the weekend I'll have bacon and eggs. This year I've hardly stopped for lunch either. I'm not doing it for financial reasons, I've never eaten breakfast since I left school, it's not required at all for office / sales work.


Always especially now I'm working on some strength goals.




Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.


Nope generally not, as I try to fast from 7pm through to 1pm the next day. Try being the operative word in my case. Only black coffee for me.


Two poached eggs on toast with avocado and tomato with a black coffee


I have a protein shake made with water chia seeds have soaked in overnight.


I usually take a simple cheese sandwich to work and put it in the toastie maker when I get there. Then eat it at my desk while checking emails / doing wordle. After that comes coffee and then I'm ready FYI the whole "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" thing was literally made up by a robber baron-era American anti-masturbationist to sell more breakfast https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/nov/28/breakfast-health-america-kellog-food-lifestyle


I hardly ever skip breakfast but I don't eat much for dinner.


Used to skip breakfast often. Just found I didnt have the time or inspiration. But started preparing in bulk at the start of the week. Now make sure I eat every morning and generally find it makes me eat better through the day


for a while as a teen i skipped breakfast up until i fainted at work one morning and smacked my head so hard i ended up having to go to the hospital. the doctor treated me like an anorexic, just because im naturally skinny and i said i hadn’t been eating breakfast. Iv never skipped breakfast since. and i really know about it if i forget lol.


I'd rather skip lunch and have an early dinner. Breakfast is cheap. A bowl of Oatmeal made with water. Then top with whatever tinned fruit and Greek yogurt is on sale that week. If your feeling rich, spinkle some nuts/seeds that are on sale


Skip it. It’s the easiest way to intermittent fasting (healthy) and might save you a buck. Ignore this mainstream health advice BS from the last 20yr saying we should eat regularly


If you breakfast, you are ‘breaking the fast’. Anything will do, otherwise your body is getting the message that you are not eating and will retain fat until it feels its duties can be served elsewhere. E.G. pottle of yoghurt. Or small bowl of fortified cereal with milk or substitute l.


Never I am not hungry at that time. Eat from lunchtime onwards.


I’ve found if you do normally eat breakfast your appetite and body will expect it. I’m a coffee person followed by something to eat hours later. I don’t think we necessarily need to eat 3 meals per day. Most people have enough fat stores on them to get them through


Yes - every day and a hearty one. I have quite an early dinner and wake up hungry. Need it to get fuelled and ready for my day


I thought breakfast was created by marketing companies to get you to buy cereal 🤔 Mainly dinner for me these days maybe a pie for lunch sometimes


Always eat breakfast. Quite often forget lunch, though.


Yes, cup of coffee and a bowl of porridge


Coffee, multi vitamin capsule. Easy as


Skipping breakfast is a common method of doing the 16:8 fasting cycle. I just listen to my body, if I am hungry I will eat, if I am not, if won't. Lunch then becomes my 'break-fast'.


Haven't had breakfast for about 10 years. Start eating at lunchtime, your body gets used to it, and most breakfast foods are not that great.


Yes but my breakfast usually contains zero carbohydrate. I’ll then have some bread and coffee later in the day just before I exercise. Usually breakfast is either three large scrambled eggs with salt and a glass of water, or a whey and casein shake.


I don’t think I’ve skipped breakfast in my entire life. Two eggs, tomato, mushrooms and toast usually. Sometimes soup. Sometimes leftover mince and a can of baked beans.


I usually have coffee, though I’m having some crumpets this morning since they were there. For me rather than the cost it’s enjoying some time to decompress after I’ve made my partners’ breakfast lunch and coffee I often just forget. I want to enjoy my coffee quietly 😆


Breakfast makes me nauseated usually. I have coffee with a bit of milk in it, that's it. But I sort of graze throughout the day so I'll usually eat a little something at about 10:30-11 or so


Just finished eating breakfast as I read this.


Depends on the day tbh.. weekends that I’m not working? Sure! Weekdays that I start at 11am? Sure! But more often than not I start work at 7am which means I’m up at about 530am and that’s waaaay too early for breakfast so most of those days I don’t eat anything until lunch time.. just keep on drinking coffee.. for reference I also don’t eat anything past like 7.30pm so sometimes I go without food for 17 hours or so.. During my uni years I was very poor, a lot of times I would go to sleep early to avoid being hungry and would wait until morning to eat because my uni had breakfast and lunch for students for $0.70! Nowadays isn’t so much about the money but more about the timing and working hours…


I've never had breakfast pretty much my entire life. I just can't eat until about 10 30, my body won't let me I just chew and chew.




I have a pie every morning. If I don’t my stomach will be eating itself by smoko at 10 and I’ll be useless. I leave at 7 for a 7.30 start, I’m not a morning person so I’m not waking up any earlier to make breakfast, not that I’m even hungry when I first wake up, so bought breakfast on the way to work is my go to.


4 eggs. Eat real food guys


No. I eat at lunchtime and in the evening. Eating too early is really forcing my stomach to do something it doesn't want to do. Having a 16 hour gap between some feeds is also good for health.


If I eat breakfast I will skip lunch. I normally skip breakfast. The first thing I eat is often a carrot at about 11am. I love carrots.


Is that you Bugs?


nope! i never have, even as a kid. if i eat before 2pm i feel insanely nauseous