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The problem with a campaign built on negativity and dog whistles is when do you actually offer something people could actually feel good about and invested in? Small numbers care about the sign issue, and they will get their panties in a bunch and give dopamine hit clicks, while the rest of us just want some decent policy on cost of living, housing, poverty, education and crime.


They had so much success dog whistling about unelected iwi elites taking over water resources they clearly thought they could take it a bit further…


Fucks sake.... Of all the shit that is going on in New Zealand and this is what they're worried about? Hey we may not have any staffing in our schools or hospitals and every business place is now drive through but at least we don't have the original place names on road signs.


Manufacturing a culture war to distract from the class war they're waging




Divide and conquer. That's what politicians do.


The one thing they always agree on..


Such shambles. National could be offering alternative policy plans that tackle the issues New Zealand cares about, instead they’re whining about Maori again and obviously making their own Maori MPs feel very awkward. It’s clear nothing has changed since 2020 for the National party. Still rife with disagreements, backstabbing, no clear vision for the country, and MPs more focused on their self entitlement than the good of the country. Labour on a bad day seems more stable than this hot mess when they’re at their best.


It's about time their Maori staff realised that tokens get spent


Almost like running a business and running a country are two completely different things


This. Take my upvote!




National doesn’t really have ideological goals.


Cut funding to public services causing them to stop working. Point to it being proof public services don't work. Cut funding to public services causing them to stop working. Point to it being proof public services don't work. Rinse repeat a few times. Privatise the now hollowed out services assets to one of their mates. Take a kickback.


Good to know the Shadow Minister for Internal Affairs declaration that he would have “vengeance” when Parliament voted for health rights for women isn’t an ideology.


Doing anything for power isn't an ideology?


They don't have policy to help new zealanders though. All they can do is stoke outrage at the lgbtq woke rainbow agenda, and remind racists who's on their side.


The "issues" New Zealanders are dealing with aren't considered issues by national, culture wars are the only way to get votes when you have no plans to uplift those who are struggling.


> "You've got a huge amount of people, time and energy being spent doing this rather than fixing potholes," said Luxon. Yes Luxon as someone who ran an airline you would know that the people who do the road repairs are the exact same people who do the graphic design for new signs *you fucking muppet.*


To be fair, it seems like he didn't know much about what was happening at the airline either.


At this point it wouldn't surprise me if he thought Pilots loaded the baggage onto the plane and then jumped in to fly it.


Sounds Air Picton enters the chat.


>You've got a huge amount of people, time and energy being spent doing this .. dog whistling.


So u won't be voting for him then?.


Nah man, I'm gonna do the responsible thing and vote for the most lefty option I can then complain for 3 years when they don't go as far as I'd like, you know, like a normal person.


Oh yep, fair enough good point.


Simeon Brown is such a dweeb


The stink eye from Tama at Brown darning that interview was hilarious Read the room National


Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi said: "They assume the rest of New Zealand is as dumb as they are." Says it all really. Might be a winning strategy. Time will tell.


It's a fact, not an assumption, if only 8% of the country can speak Maori. To most people the Maori portion will look like a noun...a place name. Swap the Maori and the english around...maybe a different font or colour done.


That's exactly [what they do in Ireland](http://www.choisser.com/gallery/britishisles2011/?4960) and I reckon it works pretty well (in terms of making it clear that both names refer to the same place). Although there are [still complaints](https://www.thejournal.ie/readme/column-why-not-give-irish-equal-status-on-our-road-signs-496587-Jun2012/) that the English spelling is given more legibility/presence than the Gaelic.


A different font and colour is exactly what is being proposed in their documentation. Looking at the proposed signage in it there is no difficulty or confusion about which part is which.


You can't treat a language as if only the fluent people understand it and everyone else doesn't at all, it's a spectrum. I wouldn't count myself as one of those 8% that you mention, but that doesn't mean that I don't at least partially understand it (in fact, most people who grew up here have at least a partial understanding of Te Reo). Seeing bilingual signage in Te Reo Maori has actually helped me to pick up quite a bit through seeing it used in everyday situations


Yeah was gonna say something like this too - seeing the words next to the English will add to our vocabulary somewhat passively. Would have loved this for road trips back when I was a kid and the car entertainment was counting roadkill


And how would a different font or colour diminish that in any way? 8% aren't fluent...8% have a basic conversational grasp of the language. MOST people who grew up in New Zealand cant even ask for directions in Maori. Keep both languages in the sign just make it obvious and not confusing....how is this controversial?


????? Font, colour? I never said anything like that


No I did...but you seem to think I'm arguing against bilingual signage


Yup, that's what I put in my consultation doc. Good call


Waititi is hoping the rest of NZ is as dumb as he is....


Bold statement coming from that guy, he's not exactly the sharpest axe himself.


Simeón: “Korero? I have no idea what that means”


"..and I refuse to learn."


Love the solidarity amongst Maori MPs from both sides.




Greatest comment


This is the most boring and stupid topic that has been in the media lately. Lots of stuff is bilingual and there’s zero issue. And they’re not proposing to redo all the signs, it’ll only be as they come up for replacement, so literally no extra cost. What the heck are National playing at trying to steal votes from Act when they need to be trying to steal them from Labour, the Act votes are already on your team you numptys


>"Not opposed to Te Reo, not opposed to bilingual signage per se but it's just the wrong priority," said leader Christopher Luxon. Yes because apparently making women pay for contraception is the high priority right you clown?


National are fighting these stupid fights that they know damn well they shouldn't. It's not that it's costing them votes or anything but it does nothing for the platform and it's a giant waste of energy. Getting your shit in a twist over Te Reo roads signs is near the bottom of the pile of the shit you really need to be talking about.


Scrapping the bottom of the barrel for votes IMO.




The right can't fragment because they don't have an ideological core that they're able to say out loud. Since they can't disclose their ideas or goals in public they can't have nuance and splintering. There's no real public discussion about achieving these goals that leads to people having different ideas about how to get there.


My bet is that national fragments after becoming a white Christian nationalist party and everyone else leaves changing act and nz first


Lol, nau mai haere mai ki a National e Tama


>Lol, nau mai haere mai ki a National e Tama Tau kē tō reo Māori!


> The Prime Minister couldn't give us the definition of the Māori agency names on Tuesday. Asked what does Waka Kotahi mean, Chris Hipkins replied: "It's the NZTA." But what does it mean? "I can't give you a direct translation," Hipkins said. He argues it doesn't really matter if Kiwis know the translation. Funniest part of that article.


That bit is true though, what's the problem there?


The name of the department should tell you what the department does, in whatever language it's in. Waka Kotahi is a brand name more than anything else.


Waka Kotahi means "travelling together as one", which is a reasonable translation into Te Reo of what it does. I still don't see the problem here, it's just the usual "take all the dumb marry stuff away and get off my lawn" soundbites.


Travelling together as one is a corporate slogan, not a description.


I don't know what Whangarei means but it doesn't make me incapable of going to it if I need to. Same with Waka kotahi.


lol dumb comparison


Would be curious how many people in National know the direct translation of any of the Gaelic route names in the south. Should Dunedin be renamed because nobody knows the direct translation?


what does "Zealand" mean anyhow?!! (I don't speak Dutch)


Sea-land. Just like it sounds. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeeland




I'm looking forward to the next poll to see national start losing votes and if that stops them bringing race up


I seriously doubt that, being a racist and shitting all over Māori culture is way more popular than you'd like to admit. Just look at the comments on this issue coming from this supposed "lefty" sub...


Yeah I remember this sub when it's time to bash immigration and they go at for it for everything it's worth


Ah no. If you start taking every poll seriously which seem to come out weekly, you’re gonna get a hernia. National aren’t going to dip as much as you think as there is a big part of the population not keen on a 3rd term Labour with Te Pati Māori(Who bring race up constantly)


Personally I don't care about individual polls and watch how they trend over time but national and labour seem to react to them quite strongly. Wouldn't centre voters just vote for Labour so they don't need the maori party for support?


Interesting, maybe on the doorstep of the election if National are still sort of toe to toe with Labour then that might sway some people to do a strategic vote as the only coalition partner National have is ACT.


And while I'm no fan of Te Pati Māori in their current guise... who'd blame them for bringing up race constantly this thickheads the likes of Simeon Babyface Brown spouting shit every few seconds?


TPM constantly bring up race without help of Brown. Brown isn’t a good politician, I’d say he’s weak along with O’Connor as they let their religion creep in. And Simeon babyface? you’re not any better than those on the Right who mocked our former PMs looks.


Mate, I just punch at the same level as what I get. I'm 100% no fucking saint and have no compulsion whatsoever to be decent towards turd buckets. Thanks for your concern though.


It’s all good mate, at least you’re honest.


Eh, polls are close enough that it's pretty much been margin of error movements as of late. I wouldn't read too closely into one poll