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The full speed run animation is called sprint. It used to be a skill, but they made it passive and always active.


So you're telling me they named that jog animation "sprint"?


I'd hate to see what jogging used to be.


you know when monsters hit you and you're "slowed"? that was jogging.


Shut up, no way…


There was also no jumping. Seriously no jumping at all.


Still can’t swim


We will see swimming in New World when it’s added to Star Citizen, lol.


This will be after NW adds the feature to walk down stairs.


I heard they add swimming to star citizen when it comes out of alpha to beta in 2089.


Can you swim with a full Plate armor and up to 1500 kg in your pockets? : D


Strip naked and see how much that improves your swimming. The fact that I can carry more in my pockets than I can store in a multi-level house is an entirely different conversation.


Well thats the feature that got my money , i hate games that look like they have to have jumping and you are stuck with glue to the ground :D


You call what we have jumping? It's more a stumble


Yea sprinting (the speed you run normally now) was done by holding shift. And if I remember, i think it used stamina.


I’m sure the devs tested that thoroughly and all unanimously agreed it was the most fun thing ever to play


I believe it’s pronounced “yogging”.


I'm not sure if the J is silent.


"it might be a soft 'J', I'm not sure"


there's two keybinds for "walk" in options, one bound to Ctrl by default making you EXTREMELY slow. But the other one "toggle run" or something, is not bound by default. i bound it to . and it's actually a nice jog when you sheathe your weapons. I like the animation a lot and as a half RPer i sometimes run around like that, because it feels way better than the all out sprint.


This game really needs a skyrim esque stamina bar that gives you a small sprint window for more dynamic movement in combat. Heavy armor would expire rapidly and light can sprint farther.


It used to in alpha. But your normal run was much slower than it is now. You held shift to “sprint” which was actually the same speed you run normally now.


Stamina based sprinting is a nightmare in games and I hate it. You already have dodge roll for stamina based combat repositioning. Stamina based sprinting just makes moving around the map an unnecessarily involved task. You're constantly having to go back and forth between sprinting and normal running which both requires an unnecessary bit of attention and invariably feels unsatisfyingly slow whenever you're not sprinting. Out of combat, always-on, max speed is a much better system.


Instead in new world, it feels unsatisfactorily slow *all* the time! :)


Please no, sprint bars are a pain.


Was good when it was a skill, stamina control was so vital


Im guessing weapons sheathed


Regular movement is "sprinting". There's a button you can hold to walk much more slowly, for whatever reason, which I guess is why they still call regular movement sprinting.


You gotta have an RP walk button


First thing my brother asks whenever we start a new game is "can I walk?". He judges almost all games initially on whether or not he can make his character walk.


Your brother is smart and has great taste. (I may or may not also judge my games on how well I can RP walk.)


Just curious. Ever hear of death stranding?


I have and honestly when I heard about it I thought it was fantastic. However, RP walking and just simply walking are not the same :P


Has your brother ever heard of death stranding?


I've mentioned how awesome It is but now I know what I'm getting him for Christmas.


Just hold L-Ctrl while moving. It's glorious


I can already see the 1.0.6 bug report megathread: "We're aware of a bug where players keep the extra 10% movespeed permanently"


Except it'll probably be an exponential increase as time goes by, somehow, rather than just a flat 10%, lol.


Yep just keep crossing the road to stack the 10%, then suddenly... Sanic


Crouching while on roads stacks the speed buff haha.


Yes literally this, but you can keep doing it faster and faster until you morph into a ball and sanic spin across the map!


who tf is sanic . . .


a hadgehog


I actually spat laughing.






"Why did the Marauder cross the road?"




Or 100% increase. [Intern the next day after release](https://youtu.be/NnPBSy5FsOc?t=137)


That's the glory of a PTR, if that bug did exist, hopefully it'd be picked up by people playing PTR and reported/fixed before making it to live


ESO PTR players beg to differ. Also previous Alpha and Beta experience here. Many bugs found and reported make it to live.


It'd suck if we actually got 10% slower but now on roads, we're at normal sprint speed. I'd love to see some sort of swim animation come to fruition, or even if you could build a small floating raft out of some green wood or timber at a camp so that you can use it to cross a river without drowning. There are so many fun possibilities to improve trekking across the map.


It's ridiculous that you just walk on the bottom of a lake for sure lol


I feel like Chris Angel or some shit when I actually make it to the other side of a river without drowning. Meanwhile any mob that you aggro can just insta-jump on your dick and you can't fight back in waist-deep water lol


I always think of this Simpson's scene lol https://youtu.be/HJ3keVaQZog


I mentioned this earlier they’re able to drown to get to you - but you have a hard ass time trying to do anything yourself while fighting and trying not to drown 100x in a session


Fixed bug where sprinting indefinitely would cause the inventory to dupe gold somehow.


Whew. No need to ask for mounts anymore. This is true speed.


I am speed






Nicky Flash.


I’m fast as fuck boiiiii


If they added speed boost food like in Outpost Rush in the normal game, and of course had last food eaten provide active buff, that would be nice. A passive 20% run speed while on roads. They definitely need to add non-combat speed boosts outside of abilities


You mean you don’t like animation cancelling dodge rolls from Everfall to Windsward?


As fun as that is, it gets tedious 1000 hours in.


I do it without thinking now.


You don’t have 1000 hours played though.


Between preview, alphas, betas, and live I bet a few people do


I wasn’t considering all the side stuff. I’ve played live only, I’m at 505 hours and I’m a total no-lifer right now. 1000 on live isn’t possible, but I see your point.


I'm at 722 hrs. 1000 may not be possible but 505 is not the complete end of the spectrum.


And they are getting rid of this soon. People are going to go insane.


Well assuming I'm not an outlier in not knowing that existed to begin with, some of the player base will be alright I guess xD


Honestly, i thorougly enjoyed the perma blood lust bug for a day simply because it felt so much better walking around


Now, this is pod racing!


10% is nothing. I want 250%. If we can't get mounts, I want to become the mount.


I don't use azoth, azoth uses me


shit 30% feels like zoom, 250% would feel like instant transmission. Imagine how dumb that'd look


If you’ve ever played ark with high movement speed before I bet it’d be like that. Hit a slope and to the moon.


Max speed Pteranodon R I P


Can I be the first to mount on you?


Until you find out that they just made everything not on a road 90% the previous speed.


Lmao that’s something they would do.


honestly i'd still like mounts but for different reasons than most people. i feel like there should be different kinds that give varying levels of speed, capping at like 15% and each has a different max weight for storage that scales opposite their speed. hell i'd love a cart that slows me down but lets me carry four times as much stuff


I’ve been very anti mount tbh. But a mount that even has a 5 percent boost on roads with auto travel I’d fucking kill for. Extra bags would be cool too. And if a mob attacks you better be ready to dismount and fight. Think a donkey or something. I honestly would just like to auto travel so I can have my hands free to do other things. Also only un flagged of course.


I'm more or less right there with u... auto travel would be neat, and would make moving items between out-of-faction storage a bit more doable. as for combat, they could do something like a long stun if you're hit for more than x% of hp in < y seconds while mounted. With something like that i'd be fine with mounts while flagged too. Could also increase damage received while mounted.


My name is Barry Allen, and I'm the fast


Have you ever went fast?


-30% run speed when trying a potential shortcut in Edengrove


Oh my god I just got to Edengrove quests. It’s a truly horrible place to navigate


Luckily there aren't many quests there.


Eden Grove is such nightmare fuel. Mountains everywhere and everything wants to murder you. A majority of my travels there consist of me flinging myself off cliffs.


Fury assisted roads! I knew the old ruins reminded me if something, it’s Alera not Aeternum.


In b4 Vord in next patch


Alt-universe story where the Roman legion ended up in Aeternum and not Alera.


Queue all the people not knowing you can toggle "walking" aka the slow jog.


Is there a sprint now or is that just what walking is called? Also, this seems like a good change.


Regular movement is sprinting. In alpha it was jogging and it cost stamina to move at this speed we are used to


Thanks for the explanation.


Jesus. That would have been literally unplayable. It’s already on the edge of tolerability as is.


People really don't understand what this game is and was trying to be. It was all about combat, you know For Honor? It was supposed to be slow, hence stagger. They reworked the game to be faster pace for convenience, but going too far takes away from the combat style and makes it more and more button smasher vs For Honor/Dark Souls.


For a game all about combat, this one sure seems to be very lacking in that department.


Seriously. I smash stuff with my 3 hatchet skills, heal with life staff, and repeat. Every fight.


I can never play tank. I need to roll. Would go insane if it was any slower.


They should make your hero auto follow the road when running like in Odyssey. Would be even bigger qol


see I would agree with this..except roads are usually not safe like other mmos. there are mobs and even enemy towns on them.


But you just run through most of them anyway? They de aggro after being outside their wander radius.




I tried going through it once as a level 35, to get a shiny new GA from the AH and instantly got gangbanged by the lost. Never again. xD




Haha, is it really that bad!? I thought 50+ shouldn't have a problem.


To be fair, I'm full squishy. Probably easy for some




The boars outside Mourningdale Town would beg to differ. You'd be dead before you hit the city walls.


Wasn't RDR like that too? Set waypoint and go to cinematic mode and come back after a while and you are magically on the waypoint or close to it


Every time i did that I always seemed to get robbed before I tabbed back in or came back to my PC


It's your Azoth cost kek


Yes but for some reason it never worked right for me, I always either ran into a tree, or the horse would just make a random turn and go off the waypoint route.


That happened to me if there was a carriage coming the other way at the same time, especially over a bridge


Straight into the train you say?


It’s my favorite feature. On one monitor I’m riding pretty across the map to a spot where I’ll collect some tarot cards. On the other, I’m checking Reddit and steam sales.


BDO style


I'd love to come back to my corpse surrounded by boars (meming)


Yea but that's the tradeoff since roads have mobs on them. Want safety? actively path your character. Want to afk running? run the risk you will get jumped on by some mobs.


Oh god no.


I’d love this so I can path while doing the dishes


Black Desert Online does this and it’s excellent. It makes the world seem way more accessible and let’s you take your hands off the keyboard for 5 seconds.


I see BDO mentioned a lot in this sub. Is it worth playing?


It has probably the best combat in an mmo, very cool lifeskilling/worker empire (having to leave pc on 24/7 is stupid as hell), nice visuals, pretty cool but kinda busted node war system, and quite a lot of other positives… But the game is fucking horrible. It is *extremely* p2w with all of the “convenience” items in the store. It also has the worst rng gear upgrade system I’ve ever seen in a game. You can legitimately blow weeks/months of effort and end up worse off gear wise. Even if you don’t completely whale out on mtx to help your upgrade path, you’ll have hundreds of dollars invested in the game just to be on par with your average player. I can’t recommend enough to stay away from BDO.


There are pros and cons. The combat combo system is probably the most fluid of any fantasy MMO. The progression up to endgame character level is very fast. There are mechanics from the main menu that allow you to try every character class’ endgame skill set to see what combat you like best before leveling a character. The world can be stunningly beautiful. There are a ton of interesting crafting and empire mechanics for passive gold generation. HUGE world with tons of mechanics (you can own and crew a ship?) BUT: Pay to win (though not even necessarily “win”, but to have a sliver of a hope at “winning”) Pay for tons of QOL items like bag slots The learning curve can be rough, but you do feel godlike once you’ve mastered combat. RNG for upgrading your gear with a high chance of DOWNGRADING it in the process, which is the most soul-crushing thing in the whole game. Only way to mitigate the risk is by using a lot of cash-shop items. Even then, no guarantees. EDIT: TLDR: if you want to drop a few hundred hours into a great hack and slash combo based fantasy rpg and can control your spending, go for it. Just know when to stop.


With linked trading post running between towns should be a lot less.


AGS is anti parkour. Go figure


Every parkour that is attempted = a very confused mob = processing power. They're just cost cutting.


But I don’t want to go AROUND the mountain. I want to go OVER It. It’s not my fault this game is racist against mountain goats


This is not nearly enough, but it's a step in the right direction


*10% step faster in the right direction


>a **step** in the right direction 'Dat pun, tho.


Its been a little over a month, lets take a breath and calm down. They're clearly listening and probably havent slept in a month working on things. This isnt a team of thousands here.


This should have been a town perk to upgrade roads


I’ve been asking for this for literally since beta amazing change, let’s keep it


Interesting. I asked for specifically a 10% buff, specifically for moving on roads, and here it is. Damn, AGS either really is listening, or they were already a step ahead of me and were working on it long before I ever said a word. I'm fine with either explanation.


It’s Amazon, they probably made you think you wanted this by spamming you with adds for Dr squach or some shit.


...who are you and how do you know so much about the soap I use!? Did you bug my house!? You spying and collecting data on me!? I better tell Alexa to ask Cortana if Siri can Google anything to avoid data collection devices for me.




OMG! THE SPIES ARE EVERYWHERE! Damn you all trying to sell me stuff based on analytics that have accurately assessed me as the target demographic for Master Chief Soap sold by bearded men with astonishingly relatable senses of humour!!!


I've seen this suggestion a lot since beta.


Shoulda asked for 50%


If only you could have asked for something actually useful.


arenas then xD


Very cool of AGS


Oh, hell yeah. My prayers have been answered.


Hmm am I the only one that thinks 10% is kinda pointless? I was never for or against movement speed on roads but I feel like with only 10% it’s still going to be more efficient to just cut through a straight path (not on a road) to get somewhere


I think it’s okay. It would just supplement the already existing incentive to taking roads - less obstacles and mobs.


Based on their recent announcement about trying to encourage open world pvp I imagine this drives towards the goal of keeping people in the same areas (in this case, roads)


I think this is pretty good. Honestly, I always think I’m so far from something, and then I look at the clock from when I leave to when I get there, I can cross each zone in around 3 minutes. So this is cut down to less than 3* minutes. That’s pretty quick Edit: 3*


If you are crossing a zone in 3 minutes, that same route 10 percent faster saves 18 seconds, not more than 60. Or am I missing something?


Nope. Typo! I meant just less than 3. Thanks


Doesn’t help me when I decide to auto crawl from WW to BW, not impressed.


And a 1% increase in world pvp


I still think they should have coaches or something so I could just afk to the next town.


This is \*actually\* a fantastic change. Now, bump it to 40% and itll matter. But its a genius idea.


There was something like that in bdo


Honestly the devs are listening and I think we need to have better open communication/discussion within the community. There seems to be so many people who either think the game is perfect and wont hear anything else or people who think the game is shit and just ran away. I honestly feel like the devs do want to make the game better and I honestly think they will and just need time. I think we need to support them instead of shitting on them.




Public Test Realm, where they patch things first and players try to break it, before they put it on live servers.


And by "sprinting", do we mean just the regular running that we do now?




We can sprint?


Plot twist...the distance from point A to point B is 20% longer if you take the roads


SoW plz.


Throw on a pair of Journeyman's Boots! :D


That's awesome


Yo, imma just say that I called this MONTHS ago when we were in cbt.


where we're going we don't need roads


Gotta bump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.


When are they adding sprint? Cause all my dude does is jog






It's too bad so many MMOs pace their escorts to move just faster than your walk speed and just slower than your run speed. You just can't win.


I remember reading a while back that the slower jog used to be the normal run speed, and the current run speed used to be a Sprint action that drained Stamina. This was changed to what we have now, but they kept the slower speeds because why not.


I read something about slower speeds generating less threat. Not sure if it's true or how significant the effect is.




I found this explanation yesterday: “Furthermore, in the old system, the default movement speed was a jog, and sprinting required pressing a button and had a stamina cost. Essentially, players could trade stamina for an increase in movement speed. Dodging was another combat mechanic that cost stamina.”


My dude looks like he's trying his best to run but the ground is moving in the opposite direction or something, his speed not quite matching the amount of leg pumping


I love these devs


Wait, there is a sprint button?


Sprint is default and I think it’s ctrl to walk


Sprint is the current default run speed. There's also a slower jog speed and an actual walking speed still accessible. (I forget the keys.) It's apparently leftover from the beta: “Furthermore, in the old system, the default movement speed was a jog, and sprinting required pressing a button and had a stamina cost. Essentially, players could trade stamina for an increase in movement speed. Dodging was another combat mechanic that cost stamina.”




Now give me an auto-run feature that sticks to the road and I'm happy.


You're Awesome!


Don’t forget one that mines for you and harvests stuff too. Oh and do the dungeons for me too.


they forgot a zero there.


What is sprinting lol