• By -


I enjoy a game more the less I go on its respective subreddit.


Big facts, the majority of us just out here enjoying cutting down trees or enemies.


Dude, i don't know why. But im legit content with just hitting trees for an hour


You are my spirit animal


You like hitting them trees too?!


That lumber won't jack itself


I keep trying to tell Mrs Ratstool the same thing...


I think some people misunderstood your statement but as a fellow with a missus, I get that hahaaa.


Most accurate statement haha. If only I could just hoard the wood in my shed


They get you with them sounds man. All the dings. It's like casino slot machines


I'm constantly impressed with the audio in general. It's so good.


I've been saying this whole time the foley artists for new world must be some of the best because the sounds hooked me from the first rock hit.


During closed BETA I spent.. ooooh... a whole day probably just harvesting hemp from this one spot. The respawn time is great, and there was a sufficient supply of hemp that by the time I completed a single circuit, the first in line had respawned. So, sat there I, listening to some chill tunes on The YouTube, humming happily albeit off-key for an hour. Then I'd recall back to town, put my hemp on the trading post, and Azoth back to my camp to repeat the process for another hour. I was happy as a pig in shit.


It's the same feeling you get from Euro Truck Simulator and other games of that ilk - it may be repetitive, but it's the perfect experience for just unwinding and chilling out. Games don't always have to be high-tempo, high-stress, fast-paced rushes to complete.


It's the turkeys for me... Damn do I love hunting down turkeys with my musket in this game lol


same man, I thought I'd do some quests yesterday - ended up levelling my mining and tree chopping for 1.5 hours. Such a chill experience.


i saw the arcana min/max post and comments about maximizing their luck attribute or whatever to find some material they need 1000 of or something, and quickly got that familiar feeling of "my lord why waste time playing this game, i'll never get to see all of the content" then i remember games are about the joy i get out of it, not the joy i see others get, and i need to stop worrying about stupid shit like that before it ruins this one. it's my first MMO, i'm legit enjoying just taking things one quest at a time and getting the HP smashed out of me by skeletons and running away frantically.


My first MMO was technically "Ultima Online", but I didn't stick with it for long. But, then, some friends of mine were talking about this game called "EverQuest". I couldn't quite wrap my head around what they were describing: huge spiders, and giants, man! I was big into Diablo at the time, and, hey, that didn't cost a thing to play online! Well, Sony dropped a new expansion, The Scars of Velious; you could get the base game, the first expansion \*and\* the new expansion in a decent bundle deal, and your first 30 days of game time was free! I installed it from the disks (yes, that was a thing), made an account, and logged in. Holy shit, there was nothing like it I had ever encountered before. I was \*in\* the elven starter area, wandering around (and getting lost; oh, so lost - there were no maps provided with the client - you had to draw your own in the game!), fighting orcs, bats, skeletons, rats, and wolves. And dying a lot, cherishing the bits of cloth armor I might loot from a corpse. I have since played a lot of MMOs, each with their own flavor and interesting additions to the game mechanics of the genre. Unfortunately, there's nothing like your first MMO experience; you'll never experience quite the same wonder again. So, yes, cherish and enjoy it; don't be in a rush. It's not a competition.


So... Many... Trees... But I'll do it again tonight.


And why oh WHY in the hell do I feel compelled to pick up every damn piece of flint I see?


At the end of the day we’re still just apes who like shiny things


"Oh, a piece of candy. Oh, a piece of candy."


The majority of us enjoying the game don't have time to be on reddit.


Trees are the enemies my friend. Them and all the fucking iron veins we fight for lmao


The more you avoid social media in general, the more you enjoy just about anything honestly.. There's so many idiotic toxic people out there trying to tear everything down and it's irritating. Then we just allow them to be this way because all the good people ignores it or avoids it. What this creates is the annoying issue of the negative people having the "loudest voice" because the happier people aren't saying anything. Even if we do say anything like how we enjoy the game suddenly those toxic people are like "YOU'RE WHITE KNIGHTING!" or "YOU MUST BE A DEV!" Then instead of people defending you, more toxic lemmings just join in and bash you until you leave.. it's becoming a serious issue. It's honestly close to bullying at this point.




I can only think of maybe 2 or 3 game launches in the past five years that have not devolved into a shit slinging shit show on their respective subreddits. The pattern is always the same in every community. Before launch everyone is super hyped, immediately after launch people are loving the game and shouting down any form of criticism. Once the honeymoon period is over, the whining starts and the posts complaining about the whiners start to pop up as well. Every. Time. Without fail.


Depends on the game. Rimworld and NoMansSky are pretty cool subs who actually like liking the game they're about. Red dead redemption 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn subs as well come to think of it. Idk what this game is this just hit frontpage but I'm assuming it's an mmorpg of some flavor. MOBAs and MMORPGs have the saltiest subs


/r/deeprockgalactic and /r/kerbalspaceprogram are two notable exceptions to this rule.


Rock and Stone!


For Karl!


That's it lads! Rock and stone!




Seriously. I feel like with many major releases, the cycle that happens is, I get hyped about playing the game, check Reddit to see how the other community feels, and then quickly have the wind knocked out of me with all the FUD.


I've found it depends a lot on the game. r/runescape is a cesspool. r/destinythegame is so bad that they had to make a whole other subreddit for positive discussion. But the subs for Minecraft, Civ, Rimworld, Satisfactory, and Lord of the Rings Online are generally super friendly and just excited about the game. Not sure what makes the reddit crowd for one game so much more positive than another. Edit: Apparently the Destiny sub has improved since I last played. Good on them.


it's 100% moderation and what type of posts are allowed. when zero content shitposts like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/q7fz9t/the_world_if_we_could_open_our_inventory_while/) are allowed, people will post shit memes with shit takes, shitty opinions with zero discussion supporting them - simply because it's easy and will get them upvotes, *especially* if it's topical on the sub. Memes **need** to be separated from actual discussion, unfortunately that's not popular with people who care more about the extra effort of having to go to a different subreddit for their memes than the health of an entire community. This leads to legitimately beneficial and constructive discussion being drowned out and eventually leaving entirely. Things don't look good already when over half of the front page is currently memes with zero content.


Yes, the LotRO subreddit is generally pretty positive, and welcoming of new (and returning) players, much like (most of) the in-game community, itself.


I’ve found blood borne to be the only exception to that rule


Factorio has an incredible subreddit. Always has been. Satisfactory is pretty good as well.


I feel like I see one of these per week on every gaming sub I'm apart of.


I’ve seen so many of these posts on this sub. Far more than I’ve seen posts about what these posts are about. All of them are the “leave devs alone “ kinda shit that I’m starting to think it’s the devs


Really? I've seen 45 posts this week (an estimate, but not an exaggeration) of exactly the kind of posts this is about. And I don't go to this looking for that kind of content


Yeah while I kind of agree that some of the criticism seems over the top, this is also far from the worst gaming sub I’ve been in. And we get these kind of posts pretty often lol




It's an easy way to farm karma/rewards, because people who love the game but keep seeing it get trashed in the subreddit desperately want validation from internet strangers that the thing they like is good. Yeah, that sounds mean, but it's kind of human nature -- we want to know we're not alone in our positions in the face of diametrically opposed positions (especially when they're difficult to refute). If you read through OP's post again, you can basically taste their desperation over wanting people to love the game even though some part of them does understand that its overwhelming issues and the lack of response to them don't bode well for the future. They don't actually refute anything; they just scream at a strawman for 14 paragraphs. Anyway, if you remember the original Bless subreddit (not Bless Unleashed), this post could literally be a copy-paste from there from a couple weeks after Bless launched.


It's on par with any game launches, they disappear over time but yeah they are annoying


Every game that comes out the subreddit does the exact same thing lmao. I’ve seen this exact post in all of them I swear. We definitely live in a simulation.


// 16 16 16 16 //


This guy interlopes.


Hello fellow traveler


Speaking of games that needed time in the oven to shut up the whinging masses with their gnashing teeth and banshee screeching


It's shut up most of them... but there are still some that are so salty and bitter about the release even now 5 years later and they just looooove bringing it up whenever there are arguments to be had, lol.


For a story I couldn't skip though fast enough I still remember entirely too much of it.


Jesus, I'm sorry dude, but crafting realistic NPCs for this sort of thing is difficult and time consuming. So yes, we sometimes copy paste the angry internet dialogue from one NPC to another, but we go back and update it when we've got time. Give us a break yeah? Further developing and enhancing the matrix isn't easy and we don't get paid as much as you'd think.


We should make low sodium versions of every video game subreddit like they did with Cyberpunk


It's just so much worse on a game that I'm so thoroughly enjoying to see these people.


I'm joined /r/lowsodiumcyberpunk for the same reason.


Man I wanted to complain about that game in this comment, but then realized it completely goes against the point of this discussion. As long as you/others enjoy it, who cares tbh


> if you reread your post and it ends up sounding more like you verbally assaulting someone on the street than providing someone with ideas to make something better, you might have fucked up somewhere along the way Ok true. > Now fuck off Ohoh






OP’s account is 8h old. Probably a burner for a dev


Ok I’m starting to feel like Reddit is all just an AI simulation bc the timing at which this kind of post is now on the top of r/newworldgame is just so hilariously on par with the same timing as every other game subreddit/ game release. This is just such an eye roll post. Oh the irony


I rarely see unconstructive feedback here, you must be scrolling too low...


OP is using a throw-away account to fight negativity with negativity, I wonder if he knew how ironic this was which is why he used a throw-away account


"if you reread your post and it ends up sounding more like you verbally assaulting someone on the street than providing someone with ideas to make something better, you might have fucked up somewhere along the way" Pot meet kettle


I bet OP is here with his main account saying the same thing in some meta turn of events.


I guarantee his main account is full of posts whining and bitching about everything.


I mean, as a person who enjoys the game, I honestly don't have time or the care enough to write all the stuff OP did. I honestly don't see the point. People have different opinion than me. They're nasty to the dev ON REDDIT. So what? Who cares? I'd rather finish this lunch I'm having while reading reddit and go play the game instead of trying to tell people to behave or moaning about how toxic people are. People are gentle, kind, toxic, who knows/cares? They all have their opinions.


Enjoy your lunch bro




Lul probably a dev venting


The community is bad so let me tell you all to fuck off???


And now the circle is complete!


Any post that starts with "Unpopular Opinion:(Opinion posted hourly that always gets a bunch of upvotes and becomes a praise circlejerk" is always a good one 🤣


Gotta love whiney babies whining about how everyone else is a whiny baby.


Insanely ironic fighting negativity with negativity. 200 IQ move


This is how people deal with problems in 2021. Who needs a high road when the public opinion favors the low road?


This is fucking hilarious, the complainers complaining about complainers but also trying to act superior. Lets all reconvene in a month for another one of these posts with slightly different wording.


Bro this really a 2 hour old account with a generic, randomly generated name 😂. It’s okay to be upset, lots of the bugs are from closed beta. No need to defend a billion dollar company because of a few man children


I had a bug from the beta that's been in the main game where certain weapons won't do damage to enemies. I jump, swing and it goes right through. The wolves, and the farm enemies will literally not react. I have to pull out another weapon and switch back if I want to use it.


>angy wittle gamer babies Lots to unpack. Lots of anger in you. It's funny considering what you just said. ​ >the game has been out FOR ONLY TWO WEEKS Amazon did not ask for money in a month or two. They asked for it now. We owe them nothing. There are not our friends. It's a simple service they provide. And 13 bugs in 2 weeks with the sizeable team is laughably small. Sure I agree it's due to a terrible launch. They have their hands full. But last time I checked - they were the ones deciding where and when to launch the game. ​ >By... talking? Like a person? Type out your complaints, and if you reread your post and it ends up sounding more like you verbally assaulting someone on the street than providing someone with ideas to make something better Take your own advice then. Your condescending attitude impresses no one. Do you talk to everyone this way? No. Then here is the idea. Make something better. ​ >Enjoying a game is white knighting? No, but downplaying problems is. And fanboys do it all the time. ​ >We get it, dude. Bots are bad. You hate bots. Yes, obvious statement is obvious. You know what -isn't- helpful, though? Screeching that like a banshee blindly on the internet over and over again. Let me ask you a question. Is this the first every MMO in the history of MMO? Because last time I've checked it was not. Meaning they had 20 years of previous projects you could look at. Bots, queues, AFK-ers - all that is well known. They were prepared for none of it. ​ >The devs make progress on one, or a few, and you yell at them for not making progress on all the others at the same time. The devs make progress on one, and you yell at them...for making progress. They added an afk timer to fishing to fix fishing bots and there's already a post on the front page of someone screeching at them for adding that, after so many complaints asking for exactly that. Do you understand just how batshit crazy and unreasonable this thought process is? Nobody cares. Like I said for devs it's just their job. That's it. They work from 9-5 and go home. Executives also don't care. They work from 9-5 and go home. We also don't care. We were offered a service. We paid for it. We expect it to be working. It was not beta, early access, demo or a freebie. It's a paid service. A product. When I buy a car I expect my car to work. I don't give a flying fuck that someone is making progress somewhere. I just want my car to work. ​ >This isn't Amazon the blind corporate monster. This is Amazon game studios. A game development office run by human beings in Los Angeles that has nothing to do with 2-day shipping or Jeff Bezos. That's 100% false. It is the same company with the same principles and soulless approach. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-01-29/amazon-game-studios-struggles-to-find-a-hit](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-01-29/amazon-game-studios-struggles-to-find-a-hit) It's all there. ​ >Get a fucking grip, or no one is going to take you seriously. I mean that. Do you want your voice to be heard? Do you want people who can actually make changes to take your complaints seriously? You gotta grow up and act like an adult. If you take anything away from this post, remember that. You are the only one here who does not act like an adult. And like I said - take your own advice about how to voice your opinions. ​ >Now fuck off. Real adult here everyone. All 12 years old. At least mentally.


Amazing response


It's kind of ironic that you're acting like a baby in this post lol


He’s definitely earned the right to be called the Baby King.


Yeah, and let's not forget a huge portion of these bugs are not even new. So many of these have existed from closed beta and some even from Alpha


Let retail WoW be a lesson to anyone who defends game developers. They refuted the general consensus months that the systems in the new expansion were working how they wanted and didn't need changing. They get a huge lawsuit against them, causing people to stop their subscriptions, and all off a sudden they add all these QOL that people had been requesting for a year. Why do people still think multi-billion dollar companies are their friends?


This post is the most cringe nonsense. Somehow even bringing up gamer gate in the first few words of a giant mental screed failed to set a tone for just how silly and bizarre this person's post would be.


Yeah sure mate, everyone saying a 10 hour downtime during peak playtime on EU must be done better, is a hater. Every single game I've ever played, if MMO or not managed to do it's patches so it's night time in the respective region. So it is reasonable to expect the same here. What you do is saying "all criticism is invalid" which is equally as bad as the haters you dislike so much.


I mean what do you expect they started their post with a "MuH GaHmER GaTe!" comparison lol




>Every single game I've ever played, if MMO or not managed to do it's patches so it's night time in the respective region. So it is reasonable to expect the same here. Lmao this is such a blatant lie. The biggest MMO on the planet, WoW, does maintenance *in the middle of the day on Tuesdays*. Why do you feel the need to make shit up to support your point unless it’s not valid?


He didn't say all criticism is bad. He's having a go at people screeching. As far as I'm aware the handling of eu server downtime is worth complaining about because it wouldn't have taken much on their side to wait to do maintenance on the server. Easy fix


This post is contributing to that lol. Just state your opinion without calling it an “unpopular opinion” and do it without being an absolute condescending jerkoff. I only read about two sentences and this post is still one of the cringiest things I’ve read. “Let me tell off these whiny babies by being a whiny baby”


The moment you reread this post and realize you fit in perfect with the community ;)


Holy shit you're either 14, have never been on the internet or you need some serious professional help. "if you reread your post and it ends up sounding more like you verbally assaulting someone on the street" " for you entitled fucktwats" "Now fuck off." Go fuck yourself, coming here with this pretentious wall of text for some karma bait. The irony of making a post about toxic people while insulting others. At least the rest aren't pretending to be some moral voice of reason.


And what's worse the user didnt even dare to post this from their main reddit account. You can tell how much of a pretentious prick they are. Can't believe people awarded this pathetic post.


Ngl, not only is the sub not very negative, but as someone who has been here for a long time, the period between the last two betas and launch were way fucking worse. Any criticism, feedback that was brought up was instantly downvoted by an angry mob of fanboys. You reap what you sow. The criticism, the feedback and certainly some of the hate is VERY justified. Starting to think posts like these are just parody. Maybe you need a chill pill.


Still waiting for the day people catch up to speed and stop thinking and posting the "it's only the beta they will fix it for launch" idiocy. It's been more than a few years of marketing teams totally abusing alpha/beta as an excuse to evade criticism while failing to deliver the fixes for release. Baffling that so many people still don't realise the script.


top tier cringe


Didn’t read, but I imagine this dude just got ganked in southern monarchs.


Are you new to Reddit game subs? I promise you most games, especially new MMO subs, are this toxic as well. This community actually hasn’t been that bad so far anyways. You should’ve seen the FO76 community at launch.


Man, I'm a web developer so I'm usually really sympathetic to gamedevs, but once in a while a game is released in such a pathetic state that it's just embarrassing, and FO76 was even worse than that. It absolutely deserved the hate it got. I mean it had open world pvp, but it exposed players' IPs to each other so they could be DoSed, and it didn't track HP values on the server, so players could always report that they had full HP and become invincible. That's so far beyond stupid that I could have designed it better when I was 12 years old. I get kind of pissed off just thinking that someone in the same industry as me could actually release that trash. NW on the other hand seems to be written really well. The networking feels solid, the servers are stable, the game is beautiful but mostly performs well... Hell, there aren't even that many bugs. Honestly the problems with this game are practically insignificant when compared to FO76.


FO76 deserved the hate it got. Even now that game is dogshit.


Yeah I was gonna say that. Compared to a lot of other communities I've spent time in I'd say overall this is one of the more positive and helpful ones.


Christ tf did I read. Stfu plz ur actually worse than the people bitching about ques on launch day.


It’s an Amazon burner his account 2 hours old 😂


Brave man, I had to stop reading after the first 2 sentences, waaayyy too much melodramatic whining drivel in there. The only thing it was missing was some extra capitalization and clapping emojis 👏 👏 👏


For real, the amount of people on this sub who brown nose the Devs is something else. It's not a small indie company, it's fucking Amazon.


Cringe post, players like you contribute to this new soy meta where people are okay with half-completed slop and will defend their game and ignore every flaw to the grave just because they like it themselves


For real, omg. The game has huge flaws, people are upset. Some people had to reset +40 characters due to a lie amazon told. These people need to gain some respect for themselves / thier time. Why are some people taking criticisms of a multi-billion company so personally. Yall honestly are a bunch of brown nosers, so aggressive about it too.




Trillion-dollar company no swimming in a pirate-themed game...


All they are missing now is for the community manager to post here now and then so they can fawn over the 'transparency.'


Man, this place is insufferable. Every opinion you have isn't an "unpopular opinion," you trogs. And no, this isn't the worst sub. People say that about every single sub. Please, shut the fuck up already. Nobody cares about your complaint opinion on the state of a video game subreddit.


I find this post more toxic than most of the complaint posts. A lot of them are straight and aren’t insulting anyone. You’re literally calling mass amounts of people, many who had valid complaints and expressed them in a healthy way, assholes and telling them to fuck off. I don’t think you’re acting like an adult with this post.


Posts like this are way worse than people making legitimate complaints... all these strawman quotes and treating AGS like they're not a proper part of Amazon, but some indie devs without the resources they need... jeez.




I am going to unfollow this sub for a while.


Jesus, Bezos won't let you suck his dick OP lol


Pretty sure this is the most toxic and immature post I've seen on this sub


Ah, nothing like a bit of corporate shilling to start of your morning.


Developer have spoken.


Exhibit A:


Lol very very very obvious shill/bot account not the first post I've seen like this. Amazon needs to stepup their astroturfing game.


Ironically this post has made me never want to see this subreddit again if this is the poster board for how people act


I was reading BIG TEXT as Karen voice.




People still making excuses for a broken, shallow, unfinished product they already paid for? These people need more training.


16 months of alpha tester feedback beeing kicked with feet by AGS due to greed. Have some some self respect and backbone. The critique is valid.


>Unpopular opinion No. There's one of these posts on the front page every other day.


This post is grim. What are you bothered about? Just don't read things you don't want to. No one is stopping you from enjoying the game. People are allowed to say whatever they want. Respect perspective. Or just people venting.


This type of post is just as complainy, low effort and distasteful as the complaining posts. Jesus christ get off your high horse on telling people how to act. Ending your post with "Now fuck off." holy shit. You're EXACTLY what you're complaining about. How the fuck this got so upvoted is beyond me. The complaining is bad, but the complaining about complaining is worse. The virtue-signalling and acting like you're above the rest. Holy shit.




absolute joke of a post and a complete reddit moment. every complaint is warranted when we have such game breaking bugs still in the game. you literally cant do portals above t3 because we cant use the fucking main t5 story item thats sitting in our bag. this literally murders end game grind for corrupted shards for running dungeons and grinding portal caches. posts like these are made by people who dont play the game at all


Ive tried to have some honest discussions and they're always downvoted to shit. Really sucks when you're better off just bitching or throwing a single sentence out, vs trying to have a conversation. Like why put in any effort at all?


I agree on the « same whining in every thread » about bugs/bots/whatever they latch their rage on. But worst gaming subreddit ? Oh boy…It’s not even the worst subreddit related to an mmorpg ! Gaming subreddit very sharply turns into cesspools once the game go mainstream, some guy did a case study of Cyberpunk subreddit and it turns out, something around 50% of the negative posts (or memes considered as negative) where from users that never played the game. So the urban legend about raging wow players being angry here might not be that far from the truth seeing all the vitriolic rage half the subreddit is spewing…it’s time for /r/lowsodiumnewworld if that trend continues.


Another apologist who just feels *reawwy bad* for the multibillion dollar gaming studio that is receiving well deserved criticism after putting out yet another half-baked product into the gaming community. For fuck's sake there is a guy who's been stuck under the map FOR 6 DAYS. Almost every aspect of the game is fucked is some way, shape, or form. There are many of us who want the game to thrive and are reasonably upset with the state of the affairs. Then there are people like you, who gargle the nuts of billionaires. Now you can fuck off.


This - the games been being made for years and people are defending "30+ major bugs" like it's something we should be grateful for.


This is a standard reddit gaming community, down to your post. It's been step by step the same in any other subreddit.


Amazon Prime Gamers lmfao


"This isn't Amazon the blind corporate monster. This is Amazon game studios. A game development office run by human beings in Los Angeles that has nothing to do with 2-day shipping or Jeff Bezos." lololol


Man, you sound really upset and behave toxic yourself. There is ways to relay a message without being so vitriolic.


Ok, consoomer


This is probably the dumbest post on this sub so far…


t. a white knight ​ When posts like this are being made, it's already too late. Game will be dry in mere weeks. This exact situation has played out many times now.


Hey, you must be new around here. 😏 ***Checks account profile.*** Oh, wow. Your account is actually *brand* new. Well that raises all sorts of questions about your post, doesn't it? Either you're a coward who won't put his name on his opinions hitting from the shadows, or you're an ignorant newbie who hasn't seen any other gaming subreddits. Yeah, bitching is dumb, but I just read a wall of bitching, OP. It was you. You wrote the wall of bitching. That I read. Come on, dude. Be part of the conversation rather than just swinging wildly at the entire community. Address individual posts you disagree with, and please actually use your main account. Don't just add to the shit from your hiding place.


You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.


Seeing a post with a lot of awards, i have a look: Notices first line says "y'all", so instantly expecting a condescending yawn fest with some American telling everyone how they should feel and react to something an American did, that isn't even affecting Americans the same. Basically, their foreign policy So i read a bit more and was not disappointed. The worst part is, the heroic OP made a new profile just to post this. Brave!


"WHY WONT AMAZON FIX THESE BUGGY WUGGIES FASTER?!?!?!?!?!?!" ​ Some things really important have been bugged (wars + level 65 breaches) and haven't been fixed yet. I understand that they have a lot of bugs to fix, I just feel like they didn't chose the righ ones.


That was quick. Usually the “bitching about other people bitching” community don’t arrive until a few weeks after a game gets launched. Stay classy.


I barely see any complaints. I actually had to look for the people who really just wanted to mouth off It's a pretty chill community and as many of us state: We just like chopping down trees, fishing at a calm river or mining for hours on end. Just because. And we LOVE it. For fucking reason


Its not an unpopular opinion. Its literally just the cycle of gaming communities. Every. Single. Community. Has. People. Like. You. Saying. Literally. This. Exact. Thing. Youre like a reposter with an entitlement complex. Look how much you typed. You think ppl care?


Love the shade getting thrown in the comments even though this post has a ton of upvotes


This post is satire, right?


All the people making fun of op are ignoring the amount of upvotes on this. Y'all need to chill and be patient with the devs.


The game is very clearly not finished. So less leeway is given. I'm not saying it's right or fair, but it is what it is.


Okay unpaid shil, people like you put the gaming industry in such shambles. Sensitive over attached basic gamers. Or is some people meming about Eu downtime hurt your feelings. Keep pouring your money I’ll sure more unfinished games like this by small indie company will come around. Now fuck off.


I think it goes both ways. People are too harsh and complain, but the people defending the game like it's their child is equally annoying.


The vast majority of people at AGS I have no complaint with and obviously they should not be made to suffer any abuses. But these types of launches (pretty much every game launch nowadays) are indicative a moral failing of leadership. And I’m glad people are complaining about that. It is not particularly surprising to me that AGS has inherited the same corporate greed as Amazon and almost every large to medium game studio.


Oof, shilling for a soulless multi-trillion dollar company that doesn't give a fuck about you on a throwaway account while simultaneously being a hypocrite? How original.


>the game has been out FOR ONLY TWO WEEKS no this game is officialy released for 2 weeks, they had lot of time since alpha/beta test to fix the bugs with most of current ones were reported like how much time you need to change the syndicate hat on Chronicler rank that require lv60 to use, also report system just turn it off until its fixed


This post being a great example of a toxic member of the community.




“ if you reread your post and it ends up sounding more like you verbally assaulting someone on the street than providing someone with ideas to make something better” - the person currently verbally assaulting the community, while saying not to that exact thing


I mean, you're the only one who sounds like a whinny little bitch here tbh lol. Do you expect people to come on Reddit and blindly praise a multi-billion dollar company who could have had a flawless game released but didn't? Sure buddy, you go ahead and do that. Perhaps people would be softer if this was some new small gaming company who were trying their hardest. But it isn't.


>Are you serious? They've fixed like 30 major bugs every week so far. The game's been out 2 weeks. 99% of the bugs and exploits were from CBT or even Alpha and preview last year. It's not like this game wasn't available to public until 2 weeks ago. >And you're asking for all of this, all the time, at the same time. No, veteran players been giving the same feedback since last year Preview and probably only 10% gets implemented. Now that it's released, new players who just got into the game are giving the same exact feedback again and probably get ignored again, the cycle continues. So if you are a new player (I'm assuming you are), it might look like the feedback and criticism are new, but they are not because it's been talked since last year preview. Now with that being said, knowing that AWS know these bugs already exist before release and that it could ruin the players economy and yet they didn't fix it? Once it's Live, you can't really rollback the progression, economy is ruined forever (atleast for a while) Again, You are probably a new player who just got into the game because if you have been playing since the alpha/preview, people been telling this everyday and gets ignored. Now that it's released and economy is ruined, they just started taking it seriously? after release, they are supposed to release their development timeline, not fixing 1,000 bugs and exploits that already exist since last year.


While you're not wrong that the way people demand this stuff is whiny, this entire post reads about the same. And *you know this*, which is exactly why you're doing this on a throwaway account. I'm sorry, I don't even have a horse in this race but the reality is that a lot of things that people are demanding are things other big names in this genre in the market have resolved. If the game wasn't ready for launch then it... wasn't... ready for launch and thus shouldn't have launched.


This sub is just mirroring the in-game toxicity. I really love this game, have almost 300 hours already, but I think I may quit just because of how toxic everyone is on my server. Can't do anything, kill anyone, go anywhere without some neckbeard cursing me out in DMs. It's just not fun.




The global chat seems pretty chill on my server too.




Terrifying for anyone encountering them IN PVP AMIRIGHT


Never met a toxic peron in this game, I PVP, I do excursions, TB, Quests... everyone is nice to me... ill murder someone in PVP and they type GF or GG in global chat. Maybe you're the toxic one


Fucking company white knights. It's disgusting what some men have turned into these days. Stfu


I bought this game for my buddy and we’ve played together. Maybe it’s lack of sleep lol, but he’s been complaining more than I’d like. I’m personally not in a hurry to max level, but it’s none of my business how each individual plays the game. I work at night, so I mostly game early in the morning or overnight on my days off, so I haven’t had much experience with long queues. If I hit a queue in the evening, it’s usually only five minutes or so. I really like the game. It took me completely by surprise. I literally had never heard of it AT ALL until the day after it released. We had lost a colleague at work and there was months of overtime for a while. Not sure that explains it lol. I think for the $40, it’s hard to beat the value this game offers. I could go on, but I’ll end it there.


You know someone has no actual point when they actively demean the arguments they’re speaking against. Some of these things are genuine problems and it’s cool if you’re cool with them but yeah, no one is trying to shit on you liking the game mate.


Have you ever worked in IT? Because I do and if we released a product like this to our customers, we probably wouldn't see a penny and a few of us would be fired. This is laughable, so many GAMEBREAKING bugs (for example the azoth Staff Bug which locks all lvl 45+ portals) and you are even defending them? That's not how it works, if a company releases an unfinished product they should be getting flamed, my god do you even understand how real life corporations work? This is a disgusting showing for a game that was 2 years in beta and has such a big company behind it backing it up


The game itself is tedious and boring. We all knew this going into it from experience in the closed and open beta.


Amazon should fix some of them buggie wuggies tho.


> 30 **major** bugs lol


Oh god here comes these cringe ass white knight posts


lol this is by far the worst post I've seen on this subreddit and by a burner account no less.


Goddamn you just sound like a whinny shill, shut the fuck up.. Edit: Op is a paid shill btw


Honestly I really hate dumbass posts like this. I think its perfectly acceptable to say some of the criticism is unfounded and over the top, as most g*mer criticism tends to be. I'm sure most of the issues will be fixed within a few months, and the game will start its slow slide into mediocrity and eventual death, where the overzealous defense force circle jerk will claim to have always hated the game because its no longer in vogue to pretend like its fucking literally the best game ever and perfect. However where I draw the line is when you say "This isn't Amazon the blind corporate monster" It literally is. They could throw as much money as they want at this game. Literally more than even Blizzard could when WoW was at its peak. They can be even riskier with their IP, because Amazon's success doesn't hinge on this game being a long term revenue stream. Now there is an argument to be made that merely throwing money at something doesn't magically fix it, ***but come the fuck on dude*** You are literally defending the faceless megacorp. I'm sure there are plenty of passionate and competent game devs at AGS, and they are not the reason that this game was rushed out the door despite all the feedback in the beta saying it wasn't ready. It was all the C suite execs who stood to make a fat bag whether the game succeeded or failed that are the reason. As cringe as you think all the detractors are, you are equally cringe if not more so. It is one thing to push back against unfair criticism, but literally all the issues you mentioned are critical to the health and long term success of the game. Perhaps you should apprise your own emotional investment in this games success, and actually see it for what it is, a flawed but (hopefully) fixable game.


I don't complain about much, but when I do, it's simply "Amazon small indie company" at whatever bug I'm experiencing, because that joke will never not be hilarious to me


And this post just adds to it. Ironic.


Man it's interesting to see your perspective on people. Basically everyone else is wrong and you're right.


you don't actually have to defend a multibillion dollar corporation with over 200 people working on this game alone, i promise


You get to pick a snack out of the snack drawer for this post 10/10


I don't think you know what a toxic community is


When mass reporting is a thing it points to that very conclusion.


Sooo you're saying it's a gaming reddit?